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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal)

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:21 am


Alune shot forth on the Daemons demand, eager to help the one whose helped her. The raven only had a limited range of knowledge the the hideout herself, being caged for most of the time she was here. Still, she had a better idea than the frost Daemon did. She has been here for most of her life, so she had a grasp of where the kidnapped humans could be.

Alune flew past the lit lanterns, hugging the light so she would not collide with a wall. Making the turns in the tunnels that she gathered from her memories. Ravens of course we quite clever, the little white raven was no exception.

She weaved through the tunnels left, left, then right. Until finally the missing people appeared. They were tied up and huddled in the corner, thrown together with no regard. The people confide were too afraid to move as it would cost them their lives.

Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:02 pm


The raven flew into the room and landed by the people. Pulling at the restraints to add to her role in the moment. Alune wasn't very focused on the room itself.

The entry of the area was quite dark. All the light was beside the people. When Lumikki entered the room herself, she was given a quick strike to the side. Pierced by a dagger she was not prepared for. The pain almost made her drop, she wasn't ready for it and she couldn't take the sudden pain. The Daemon almost crumbled to the floor and in her hesitation, another stab was made in her back.

She quickly swiped her hand back, the area of shadow all hardened and jutted spikes. All the men around her were impaled. There was no one else to harm her. Alune alarmed, flew to the girl. Croaking stressfully with fear and anger. "I didn't see them!" The bird would plead insistently. "I swear I couldn't see them at all! I'm so sorry, I should have seen them! I brought ye here but I couldn't see 'em!


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:09 pm


Alune was freaking out profusely. She could not be calm at the moment. Lumikki needed to make a moment to get her breath back, the pain was pulsating. When she felt she could finally steel herself off, she held her side at her wound, her black frost creeping so that it could hold her blood in and ease some of her pain.

Alune despite Lumikki's effort of trying to regain her composure, would continue to freak out. Flapping frantically and pleading."Pleeeeassse..." Lumikki managed to weakly utter. She was trying to soothe the bird but the pain would not let her. "It's ok dear. I'm fine, I'm alive. I will be ok, better when we get out of here. I'll just have ta rely on ye more. Ya think ye could help me?"

The frantic bird tried to calm down for the Daemon before her.


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:37 pm


Alune flew back to the kidnapped people. When Lumikki iced herself enough, she walked over herself too. She took deep breaths as she moved forward.

She let herself fall onto the floor next to a woman, undoing her blindfolds before her bindings. Until the woman could properly see, she was extremely panicked. The woman and all the others only had the voices of their captors to work with. Before Lumikki entered, their lives were threatened if any of them said a single thing or tried to act out. They heard the groans of the men dying, but they didn't know if the Daemon made it out. They did not know if more bandits would come. So they stayed still quiet.

So when Lumi freed the sight of the first one she burst into tears of relief. Ever grateful to the raven Daemon. "Shuuush calm down me love. When I let ye go, release the others for me. I need a moment of rest before we move on and get out, aye?"


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 5:43 pm


The woman nodded profusely, eager to help her fellow sisters free and make it back to the village. She noted the Daemon's wounds and understood that they would all have to work together. They couldn't fully burden the Daemon as she is now.

Once free the woman got to work, with the other person she freed, and the other would free more themselves. in a short time, most of the kidnapped women and children were freed. Alune the whole time was nuzzled into Lumikki as the Daemon rested by the wall and watched over them. She would keep muttering her apologies but Lumi would caress her in hopes she would find comfort anyway.

Just before the last two were freed, Lumi sent Alune out to properly scout a path for them to leave. The one she came from would be too hard for them to make let alone her right now. But she figured the hide out had many entries, including ones that made bringing them inside easier.


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:08 pm


Alune was gone for a few minutes. One of the older women kept insisting to look over and tend to the Daemon's wounds. She was hesitant at first, not knowing when Alune would return. She had wanted to be ready to head out the moment the raven would return.

"You should take care of yourself girl," The woman was probably five or so years older than her. "We've heard about you, and we know what you do. Your efforts are appreciated, but you can be brash I see. Taken by your passions. Do I hit the mark?"

The Daemon who opted to be quiet during that time finally opened her mouth to answer. "Aye, I could be sometimes. It's just when I see the need for something to be done I want it so..."

"Oh I could see that girl, but we can't be the only ones to want you to stay alive I'm sure."


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:15 pm


"Oh don't pout girl! You know me right."

"Aye but I don't wanna hear it. I sure am feeling it right now as is." The woman handled her wounds with careful precision. It was clear she was experienced in this work. Not a movement was wasted in getting the blood to stop, and it didn't hurt more than it had to. A las, there wasn't much to work with. Lumikki pulled ribbons from the darkness so that the woman could patch her with them, but there was nothing here to see to it that it was cleaned.

The stabs themselves were shallow, but Lumikki was getting sick. This was beyond her pain tolerance being low, it very well could be that she was poisoned. But the work still had to be done and the group needed to leave safely before the daemon could be tended.


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:44 pm


Before the raven could return. Voices could be heard from both of the openings. The bandits seem to be coming all at once.

"Careful girl, we know you are strong. But show me you're also clever." The woman wasn't wrong. Lumikki was indeed considering just charging a massive shot at first. Get them all at once. She figured it would be best if she wanted to ensure they'd die so no one else here got hurt but she thought it over more now that the woman made her think again.

Lumikki took a minute to take a quick breath and get up. Two of the women there helped her up. "Thanks lass..." She said before taking a deep breath once more, but this time blowing out cold air into the tunnels. A lavender magical circle formed before her as the frigid mist escaped her.


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:09 pm


The bandits slowed in little time. Nearly stopping into a crawl. She held her cold just long enough to make them freeze, not stopping until she was sure they were dead.

"Now look at you. Using your wits, nice to know I wasn't wrong about you." She chuckled at her comment and the daemon's expression. " I found it! I found it! Lumikki I found it!" Alune could be heard from the tunnel that she had left by. Lumikki sighed in relief as that was at least half the battle.

She took a moment for herself, flexing her arms so that her black frost could coat her. Part to hold her wounds in, part to assure that she doesn't get more.

Alune flew back in, perching on the Daemon's shoulder. " I found it Lumikki, I know how to get you all out. The bird would utter excitedly.


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:47 pm


"My sweet, sweet raven. Thank you." Alune ruffled her feathers in excitement. Pleased to be of use. "Yes, yes! Follow me miss." The bird begins flapping her way toward the tunnel.

"Ah you really could understand them, can't you? A handy trick indeed. Pretty clever too." The woman patted Lumikki's back before walking ahead. "Ye sure ya want to go first. I'm the one that has the spells."

The girl gave a hardy laugh, "You aren't the only one with tricks girl! And you could only take so many more hits in the state that you are. So let me do this much." Lumikki sighed but ultimately agreed. So Alune would lead the way and the woman would take the front.

"I never asked ya yer name. Would ye grant me that?" The woman laughed, "Yeah that would be fair, I was wondering when you'd ask. My name's Bertha."


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:07 pm


"It's nice meeting then. Ye really are helping a lass out."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just doing my part. Like I said before, we've heard of you. We haven't even been here a day, yet you came in bringing a tundra. Hard not to rally behind a girl who goes off diving into caves for you."

Lumikki didn't have anything to say, and she was weakening from the poison. She took it for what it was with a smile.

"We aren't that much further away Lumi. It's almost there." She nodded.

"Is the raven trying to say we are almost there, girl?" Bertha didn't bother looking back, she was resolute walking forward. "Aye..." Lumikki would answer. She only had so much strength left. "Very, trust that I can help you with the rest."


Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:28 pm


At this point, the poison was really sinking in. She could feel a sense of sluggishness, her breathing was also getting harder. Moving forward was becoming more unbearable but she wanted to keep going forward by sheer will.

In the distance, the light was becoming more clear. They really were near the end. "Raven dear, if you could understand me, fall back to you master. We are not in the clear just yet."

"Alune dear, perch on my shoulder. Heed Bertha." Alune came to the call, perching like Lumikki asked. They weren't that much further now.

"I'm glad you could humor me Lumikki. Now let me cover the rest of this so that we can get you the care you need." The woman steps forward first, touching the outside ground. Not too long after she stepped out, the onslot came her way. It almost looked like they passed through her. Striking where she was. Bertha kept going, finding her way toward the bandits to start striking them down back.

Lumikki herself would now be out the door herself. Taking the bandits from the other side. She sent her ice in shards jutting from the floor before passing out soon after.

When Lumikki woke up again. She was in a bed, Bertha by her side reading a book before looking over. "Good on you girl, seems you finally returned to use. Now no rush, rest some more. You're ok now."



Long Cold Night 2 (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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