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Birds of a Feather

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Birds of a Feather Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:02 pm


Lumikki was in one of her short black dresses and boots. Her hair in messy and half loose buns. Her lips were painted black and her eyes lined. She was walking alone in the night as she typically enjoyed to do. Looking for a bar she would be in the mood to enter for the night.

She passed one she hadn’t been to for a while, whose music was loud and thankfully to her liking. As she entered she tried to make her way to the bar, though it was crowded. Most were on the floor or sitting at the tables. Waiters walked up and down the rows to assist, so it left some of the stools up front empty.

Lumikki climbed into her seat as rose her hand, getting the attention of one of the bartenders quick enough.

”Aaaah it’s been a while. Was thinking you left us for the other bars across town! You still want your usual lass?”

Lumikki would smiled, surprised he even remembered. Aye, that’s the one! The sweeter the better. I like the other place yea, but it does get annoying dealing with the crowd sometimes.”

”I hear it’s cause ya spoil them. Either way I’m glad ya came by.” He slid her the drink and Lumikki began to pour out her frost, cooling of the bar to temperatures she’d and the rest prefers.

”That frost of yours…helps a lot, it just gets too hot in here….” Lumi chuckled before sipping her drink and looking to the bands of the night.

Birds of a Feather Img_8011

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Birds of a Feather Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:34 pm


Never trust blindly or you'll be in for a world of hurt

It was one of those nights where Akane had bad day of work. Her current target, a rogue wizard who'd left one of the light guilds and was trying to sell confidential guild secrets was on the loose and hard to track down. The leads she'd gotten from her employers were all dead ends and the bounty hunter needed to get her mind off things. So, what better way than to have a few drinks to take the edge off? Akane went into the only bar in Orchidia that allowed smoking inside the premises.

As usual, Akane wore her lucky red jacket over a black, sleeveless turtleneck dress that came to about her upper thighs, under the dress was a pair of thick stockings of the same color. Her usual messy black hair was actually tied back into a somewhat loose ponytail. Luckily for the daemon, it wasn't too crowded yet. She took a seat at the bar where the ashtrays were usually kept. Soon a server came over to where Akane sat. "Hey there Akane, haven't seen ya in a while. Where you been hidin' out huh?" The server teased the daemon. Normally, she would tell someone who talked to her like that to sod off but not this time. This guy was the one who usually served her in the bar whenever she stopped in for a drink and to smoke.

Akane gave an ever so slight smile to indicate she was amused by his little joke before she returned to her usual poker face. "Very funny, I'll have my usual but make it a double shot, it's been a rough week." she said to the waiter as she pulled a pack of her cigarettes and a lighter from the inside pocket of her jacket. "Sure thing, comin' right up!" After the server left to fill Akane's order, she pulled a cig out with her lips and lit it up before setting the pack and lighter down on the bar counter.

It didn't take more than three puffs time for him to return with Akane's drink. "here's your order, just the way ya like it!" He said as he set the glass down in front of her. Akane nodded to him in thanks. Before taking a shot of the drink, downing half of it in one-go. The harmony of the vodka and coffee liqueur together was unbeatable. However, the bounty hunter wanted to savor it, at least the first one anyways. So, she stopped to finish her cigarette before finishing her drink and ordering another.

A couple hours after arriving the place was crowded with people getting off from their day jobs, young adults barely over the drinking age looking to party. At least they mostly left the daemon alone. Her only complaint would be that the sheer number of patrons made the room temperaure rise to an uncomfortable level. It got bad enough that the bounty hunter had to remove her jacket. By now, Akane was on her 4th drink and finally feeling the buzz. Maybe the anti-social daemon might actually get social for once if anyone was brave enough to try and approach her.


Birds of a Feather Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:54 pm


Lumikki was on her second drink, gulping for the rest of it. Swaying to the music being played by the band on stage. By the time she waved the bartender down for the third, a splash of red caught the corner of her eye.

The girl sat by the bar as she herself had. An air of disinterest and disconnection about her. The bartender finally coming back with her drink would follow her gaze. ”Careful with that one lil raven, she’s quite feisty if you aren’t careful”

”And here I thought I was one of yer more tricky regulars.” She grabbed her drink to gulp a bit of it down. “Oh you are, but she’s her own kinda trouble.” He walked away to tend to another guest and Lumi would get off her stool and approach her.

“ How ye liking the music lass, not me favorite band but better than some. Ye a regular here too?”

Birds of a Feather Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Birds of a Feather Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:26 pm


Never trust blindly or you'll be in a world of hurt

Akane was halfway done with her 6th drink, as she took a puff from her 3rd cigarette of the night. The type of music the DJ played here wasn't all that much to her liking but, the daemon couldn't be bothered to complain to the owner about it. Way too much trouble, especially since this place was the only one in town that allowed patrons to smoke inside and even kept ashtrays ready at the bar counter and booths.

Before she had even noticed, the temperature of the place had cooled down significantly despite the body count not changing at all. It was then that Akane sensed it and thought to herself, "Ah, so that's what it was." Someone had used magic to cool the place down, it finally felt comfortable enough that Akane could put her jacket back on without getting overheated.

As Akane put out her cigarette and downed the rest of her drink, someone with enough courage, the liquid variety or otherwise finally approached her at her barside seat. Akane turned to face whoever it was to see a girl half her size in much more revealing attire than she was addressing her and was now confused. What was a child doing in a place like a bar filled with cigarette smoke, loud music, and bodies pressed against each other inappropriately? That was Akane's train of thought until the little girl asked if she was a regular too.

If this girl was regular, that meant that appearances were more deceiving than Akane ever realized. That or the daemon was finally drunk and couldn't think rationally, which was very possible given how many drinks she'd already downed in the last hour or so. Either way, she was now in a good enough mood with enough of a buzz going that Akane actually didn't feel like ignoring the person who approached her or telling them to f*ck off.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that I'm a regular here but what about you, you look like you're too young to be here." Although Akane's speech wasn't slurred, she had no reservations and her eyes looked ever so slightly glazed over like a pair of black glass marbles. "Anyways, why don't ya join me here at the bar, I'm feelin' like bein' social tonight!" She said jovially as she patted the empty stool next to her for the girl to take.


Birds of a Feather Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:42 am


"I'm not some child dove, been drinking for yers now." Lumikki took the seat offered and downed the last of her third drink. She signaled to the bartender she would like another, "Stronger, much stronger." She would insist when the two locked eyes.

Lumikki turned around in again to face the crowd and watch. Bobbing to the sounds of the music as she let the pleasant burn for the alcohol sink her further. All the while maintain the constant stream of cold that made being at the bar bearable. The Freddie, the bartender finally returned to give her the new drink. He was somewhat amused from seeing the girls meet, but he was too busy with other orders to stick around for the moment.

"Ye don't look like ye care ta be here." Lumi would say, at least from what she could observe.

Birds of a Feather Img_8011

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