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Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip)

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Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:43 am


A Dark Night…

The same as the previous one. Although on this cold winter night, Jikan was not alone like was before when she came upon that event. As Jikan walked forward, feeling the wind race toward her clothes, she could not help but feel the urge to smirk ever so slightly; she held it back though. For, a certain someone was with her still, tagging along within the darkness. A fact she knew all too well from the start the moment she left that town; but decided to play as if she did not.

Honestly Jikan found it a bit adorable. The soft crunches of feet against the still alive greenery as the Vampire. Ah that was not right. As Amira, tried to follow behind Jikan unnoticed. Ducking behind trees, boulders, or into bushes when Jikan made the softest turn of her head. On and off this game went for several days of travel where Jikan tended to her injured arm. Basic first aid before it was fully healed.


Last edited by Jikan on Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) Empty Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:31 am


Some bandages, some restrictions, a bit of exercises to stretch things out, and careful eye for development. Food was an easy thing as always, once Jikan ran out of rations she just tended off of the land. Hunted magical or non-magical creatures, usually some type of boar, pig, wolf, or bear. Skinned, broken down into tools and meat, then barriered in respect. Sometimes pieces of its body used to lure other animals in. But a good option was always some fish by the water or a stray chicken. After that picking fruits and vegetables from the land was a breeze; such was the life until one got to civilization again.

Of course, Jikan would always somehow ‘forget’ about some meat, fruits, vegetables, or a gallon of water here and there after every break. Yeah know, easy to miss. This was until Jikan sat down against a tree one night. Eyes closed in appearance of a slumber.

156 | 326

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 4:19 pm


A sweet illusion in which she had the gentle tunes of softly breathing. In this time, Amira had finally gotten the courage it seemed to approach. Slowly walking up as if in a crawl, timid and soft. Starring it seemed as the red headed woman that had unknowingly helped her, but even more so as Jikan’s still injured arm. On and on Amira came closer to Jikan, trying her best to avoid the sticks on the floor or any rocks that could cause a sound if kicked. Steadily…carefully…perfectly until.

“ACHOO!”, Amira suddenly sounded with her eyes closed. Hunched over before quickly standing up stiff as a board with a gulp. It took all of Jikan’s might to not let out a howl of amusement at the cute sound. She had perked her right eye open at the sound in curiosity to see the most quick and stiff sights before quickly shutting the eye back. 

154 | 480

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Storyline: Soft Spot - Howler (Pre-2 year timeskip) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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