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The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal)

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The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:20 am


A raven entered the Daemon's window, a note in their beak. Lumikki was at her mirror managing her long lilac hair. Dwarve's were known to take their locks seriously and she was raised no differently.

Trygve was perched just near by, keeping her some company. He marveled at the things on top of her table. So pretty, shiny, and colorful. He did find himself pecking for the strands of her hair the fell away. Collecting them as a means to pass the time, the collector habit being hard to break. Even when he wanted to appear more than some simple raven.

It was Trygve though that would spot the raven to enter first. Turning toward the window as they entered. "We got a guess it seems." He would say before taking the note for himself within his beak. It freed the visitor to talk for themselves again.

"Thanks for that. Seems word is going around in the villages that Lumikki tends to settle the trades and that she has ravens who join her. One by the name of Marigold
paid me in seed to pass the note over to you. Worth the trip, they fed me lots."

Lonu another of her ravens entered by her window as well. "What is the matter looking like today lil miss." Lumikki was listening on to all her birds but she was still settling the last of her hair. When she got the bulk of her task done with that lock she finally looked over to them and grabbed the paper from Trygve who happily handed it over. One could easily see the excitement in the bird.

She unfolded the note and skimmed it over. Getting just about the gist of it before she answered her companions.

"It's looking like a noise complaint to me. Seems that Marigold is getting tired of Peony village blasting their music and fire works. Still I don't know enough about it meself to have a proper say in it. I suppose Ima just have to stop by Marigold and hear 'em out first before I settle a thing."

"Sounds fair enough, I shall accompany you. No one likes being alone after all." Trygve looked at him annoyed as if Lonu was ridiculous. "Alone?! And when have I ever left my Lumi alone?"

Lonu thought over the other birds statement, making his own conclusion. "And perhaps that's the problem. Ever consider more productive hobbies? Maybe something to develop and grow the character?"

Trygve looked away as if he was having none of this anymore. He would rather speak other matters. Lonu chuckled as that fit of his more prideful companion amused him. But her walked over to pull the bird under his own wing and settle the matter then and there. He didn't want to create a complex in Trygve, just tease him.


The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:50 am


Lumi looked onto the little spat of her company and chuckled herself. She grabbed for some meat she had left from her earlier meal and handed it to the raven who deliver her the note. It took the piece hungrily, greedily, and quite happily. "Thaaa...ank q.." He would try to muster with his beak full. He was quite appreciative to and extension of his free meals. Gleeful of the gift from the Lumikki herself.

He flew to the window and perched on the sill. Eager for when the little Daemon was ready to join him herself. She finished what was left with her hair and slipped her Plumage on. Her ravens chirping in the background as she prepared herself. When she found herself done, she walked to the window herself. Shifting to a raven after a cluster of feathers smothered and and gave way. The small flock then made there way for Marigold village. The trip swift and sound.

By the time Lumi made it, the sun was at it's highest point in the sky. The heat bothersome but something she got used to. When she approached the village the raven lead her, she could somewhat make out a noise in the distance. It was all in the same direction she was headed for but it was somewhat off. As if it was near but not quite there.

Lumi would look toward the way of the noise, somewhat making out the sight of a village in that direction. The noise wasn't quite bothersome. Not worth her whole trip over, but it was to early to say. She still hadn't made it to the village asking for her help yet.

The closer she got, the more she could here the other village just a ways of. Yet she was no where near getting closer to it. It was puzzling her but soon enough she would fine herself in Marigold village. Gliding down to the entrance so she could shift back to her woman form.

Someone was already looking out for birds in the distance and so when she descended they were there to greet her. Hardly letting her shift before they began talking.

"We are so glad you could heed the call. The guilds around here have a tendency to just ignore out requests as if they are so beneath them to resolve. We were hoping for much better than that from Paradise Dawn, seeing as your guild master is also the Warden of the North but it quite from you all the same. Well at least someone around here could be quite I suppose. You could call me Luis, I was tasked to bring you to the chief when you got here. We knew to spot you with your ravens. Words are spreading the Worth Woodsea if there a dispute amongst the village that you'll usually be the one to see to it. We relied on that when we sent the note, that and your tendency to befriend ravens. Didn't find them worth anything before now, annoying birds. But now well, pretty handy if they can pass on a message straight to use. Defiantly ups their value. Even lets us skip out on placing a quest request on the board to begin with, really cuts the time and process that does. Yes this is nice. Anyway, we are glad it worked and you came. So lets just show you to our chief. His name is Nicane Longwood by the way in case you don't know already. He's been running this place for fifty years now. I was born within his leadership, yea he's a sound dude."


The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:19 am


The man would just not shut up. It was already working the Daemon's last nerve. For a village so pressed for peace and quiet she was just not sure how they could suffer having him.

"It is me....or would he just not shut up." Lonu speaking out what was on her mind. She only had enough sense in her to nod her agreement. "Other than Michael, I don't think I've found a human so annoying...."

"Oh shut up!" She snapped at the bird. To tired to hear his thoughts on her best friend. Luis turned around as he couldn't understand the birds himself. So in Lumikki's outburst, all he could think was that it was toward him.

She looked at the man when she realized the miscommunication. Pinching the bridge of her noise in annoyance. "Ye know, I wasn't talking ta ye. That was toward me raven. But Ima need ye to heed that all the same. Not another word...." The air chilled as if to emphasize her point. Dark wisps leaving the girl as even the darkness wanted to chime in on her temperament. She looked more ominous than the unkindness she accompanied. The man didn't want to try his luck further and turned his way back to lead. Grumbling as he did, though he knew better than to let her hear any of it.

Lumikki so frustrated with the man she hardly took notice of the village. And why would she? It was very muted to the ones she's already seen. The buildings were only shades of blues and grey. A few were white and so they stood out, but they were hardly anything of note. Even the clothes the vilalges wore, were muted and boring. A dull and lifeless village, she wondered why the cared so to even be here.

Luis lead her to one of the few white house, knocking the door and waiting some time before knocking it again. It took a while for anyone to answer. So much so that she was even doubting if anyone was even home.

She was starting to lose her patience and leave if it wasn't for Luis pleading with her to give it more time. Eventually she just had enough. "Trygve, fly through the window and tell me if someone's home. If ye could even get 'em ta heed the door, even better. I'm just so close to dropping a blizzard here..."

Luis, nervous from what she just said, started pounding on the door vigoriously once more. This time without stops or breaks. He was intent on delivering the girl.

It was hard to say which of the two had gotten the response. But the door did indeed finally open. An old man not to much different in height than to Lumikki opened the door. Trygve flying back out from just above him and landing back on Lumi's shoulder.

"As a spirit, I am indeed quite old. But looking at this man, it's hard to say whose older." This would make Lumi smile as she could use all the humor she could get right now. The old man by the name of Nicane, at least the was what Luis said. Invited them all inside. Though only Lumi and her birds would enter as Luis wanted to dip away. The Daemon was more than he expected and thought he could handle.


The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:53 am


He directed the girl to the table. Almost forgetting the point she was here. "Listen Bodach I don't got any patience in me left. Ye called me over for noise, but ye can't even hear the MAGAIRLEAN door!" The old man stared at her for a moment before processing what she said and answering back.

"Aaaaah yes, yes. The village nearby is making too much noise. My people keep complaining about the never ending music and really. Its just upsetting. Just no consideration for the people who live near to you anymore. And my people are at wits end. We sent people over time and time again to handle the matter but they all get sent back with no results. Its just so disrespectful if you ask me. And there is just nothing we could do............"

This man would also drone on. Lumikki just had enough. She shifted to a raven that instant, darting for the village in question. The one that sent her on this quest to begin with. The moment she was decently above the raving but colorful village. Its music as colorful as the houses and structures. Many were out in the paths playing their instruments and dancing. If she wasn't so fed up she would more than likely join. A las all she was, was fuming.

She pulled out her Abyss Spine and called down a massive blizzard to cut into the cheer and fun. The people below running for their house to shield themselves from the surprise storm and chill.

Her two ravens would look on her carnage and display of natural disaster. Keeping silent to themselves to not also find themselves caught in her storm, the two would not speak the whole time. Both okay with just taking the sight in and remember just how explosive the Daemon could be at times when pushed. If one was to ask, they would both admit they liked it....



The Raving Dispute (Trade Deal) Img_8011

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