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Cold Chill Trade Deal

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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:16 pm


Lumikki was woundering around the guild to figure out what to do for the day. She found herself walking to the quest board and decided to give it a gander since she could always use the jewels. Sure enough the one she would always see up quite often was there and with a big disgruntled sigh she decided to take it on once more.

Not many many in this guild were the kind to care for negotiations as they were a mercenary guild to begin with. Most within enjoyed taking on work with glorious fights entailed in them or at least some means of action. The neighboring guild of Sleeping Calamity were a dark guild themselves and so they didn’t care for this work at all. More than likely not even pinning the request to their board. That mean this kinda of quest was left to Paradise Dawn when ever someone among then got around to doing it.

Though the squabbling of the villages of Woodsea always felt petty. To members like Brone, he would all see those matters beneath him. Needing a keg of ale to even get him out the door to bother with it. Yuurei one of the few members to “care” was simply to busy to handle every hissy fit of the North.

Tamas and Emil would both have a terrible way with words and would prefer to beat the villages into submission so that they got along rather than entertain old reliable black mail.

So it usually fell on her and Hyphen who had the means to speak and threaten them back into compliance every once and a while. Hyphen preferring the work much more than he did, though even he would let some slip through the cracks for a while. Like right now.


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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:21 pm


Lumikki ripped the quest off from the board and walked over to her room so she could change her dress. She was even playing out the route over to the village as she walked up.

When she entered the room, she slipped off her comfortable outfit and slid on the dress her mother had sent. In the letter that accompanied the package, her mother was responding to some of the last adventures Lumi had wrote back to her about and how when she was cleaning out some of the rooms in the house she found this dress.

It had belonged to her Nan when she was much younger and still went about with her old work. Lumikki didn’t know what to do at first when she first saw it. When she first held it in her hands. She just took a moment to sit down, dress still in hand as she soaked it all in. Her mother knew how much her Nan had meant to her. The were closer than her mother got to be with Nan growing up because of all their differences. Viola her mother would be considered the rebellious. Mean while Lumi wanted nothing more than to absorb everything her Nan had know. Asking to hear all the same stories every day.

So to hold, to own the old traditional dress that her Nan used when she was younger was amazing. Though, the dress was not exactly as Nan had it. Viola, a very competent seamstress had altered it to better suit her daughter. The changes to Nan’s dress didn’t bother her, she welcomed it as her mother had. Lumi appreciated it because if it were to stay the same as it was it would never feel her own. She would probably never bother wearing it.


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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:44 pm


She slide the dress on and looked into the mirror. Taking in the sight of her and her precious regalia. She loves her mother and Nan so much, it always overflowed her heart to represent them any way she could or connect with them.

Lumi spun around and inspected the dress from every angle. To no surprise to her, Viola had resized the dress to fit her daughter perfectly. It fit to her like a second skin. Like an extension. She wondered to herself if this was what her Uncle Brone would feel and why he too wear his armor often. To which she could now finally sympathize.

What she also found interesting to the dress she was gifted was that her mother also mentioned how it could hold onto her objects to free her from holding bags. She thought it brilliant and it would help her stay prepare without the weight an all. It would also help her with the staff she acquired after a weird dream. It was like the continuation of the one she would have before as she would offer things up to the sky. When she woke up next, she found the staff in her arms. Her hands and arms more black before and something akin to scales forming. The addition didn’t bother her as all since it made her think of raven talons and the dark of her magic was already staining her hands.

Besides that she had also picked up a harp she wanted to practice expressing her powers through from a shop. She felt a calling to pursue some music but also emphasize her spellhowling fully. Both her new additions to her arsenal can now sit within the dimension that her dress could conjure. Lumikki danced form her excitement and happiness.


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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:45 pm


Lumikki looked around to make sure all she needed was placed within her dresse’s magic. When she was sure she had all she needed she walked over to her window and opened its panes. She stepped up to its edge and dove out, shifting into a raven with a flourish of feathers around her.

Lumikki flew to the village of Acanthus within the Worth Woodsea. She was curious what this one would hold.

As she came near where this village resides, she could already make out the various colors of the houses and buildings. The outer walls were filled with an excuse of murals and paintings. Many statues also stood erect by the roads and came in various forms of gods, heroes, and beloved figures. Even the people who walked around the streets were artful and wore many colors as the buildings around them. It would seem to be the norm here.

Lumikki was pleasantly surprised. She would note this place in her head if she need to do some more shopping.

She approached the entrance to Acanthus and shifted back to a Daemon. The dress she wore, which her mother nicknamed Plumage, had a slit on the left side that would expose her thigh, the place her guild tattoo rested. So it was easy for those who glanced at her to see.

Sure enough, one much like a guard for the village would approach her. “To what may we owe the Honor? Are you by chance here for the quest?” Lumikki nodded as she handed him her quest slip and he glanced it over. “Very well Miss?”

“Lumikki Omena, dove”

“Ah yes, yes. Very well Miss Omena.” He would give her a curt bow and walk her over to their chieftain. He happened to be in a café at the moment as he was reviewing some of his paper work.


Last edited by Lumikki on Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:27 pm


The guard would approach first to introduce her, pulling out a set from the table and walking off to the side. The chieftain would hold out his hand toward it in agreement. “Miss Omena, it is quite the pleasure. Allow me to introduce myself as well. I am Alfred Rosento. I manage this marvelous village.”

Lumikki took the seat across from him and Alfred waved for a waiter to arrive. A man approached inquiring her order, to which she wanted some milk tea and cake. He gave a small bow before heading out to fetch what it was she wanted.

Lumikki looked around and this place was indeed quite beautiful. Everyone here, even the staff, we finely dressed. She was more happy than ever that this dress too was lovely and met to the occasion well. She looked as if she belonged here and the scene she found herself in.

“Ye make me feel so welcome, truly. So what is the matter ye wanted settled?” Alfred was sipping tea in the moment she asked and so took his time to answer. He didn’t believe in rushing such an action and one who did would only come across as unrefined.

“It is a simple matter my dear, made complicated by those of Larkspur village. A rowdy bunch they are but sadly they happen to be the ones to produce the best quality of paints and dyes. We used to be fine and civil with them, buying form them often. But due to a “misunderstanding” they have refused our requests for more. It is doing my village a disservice and I refuse the slight to my leadership any further.”

Lumikki would nod along to him as he spoke, the waiter approaching her with the order requested before.


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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:54 pm


She began to partake in her cake and Alfred would continue. "Yes, so you see we need you to bring them to their senses."

"What was the misunderstanding if I might ask? I'd need to know the details proper so that I can make sure to settle this sooner than later."

"Very well and fine point indeed. It was something small. They thought we were buying from another provider and it became a whole ordeal. It was very troublesome but any who the matter needs resolving."

Lumikki was just about done with her cake and now she was sipping her tea. She would get the gist that she needed to do and be on her way soon enough. "Mark me done the directions and the set of demand. I'll get her done just as soon as I finish here." Alfred looked quite pleased with what he just heard and so he would gesture for her needs to be met. When Lumikki finished off the last of her tea she would head out and leave.

She shifted to a raven just as she left the café and headed over for the new village.

Just a little before she would make if towards Larkspur, Lumikki would peep bandits just down below as they would harass people down below. Hardy folk more than likely belonging to the village nearby.

She descended quickly and when she was close enough to the ground she shifted back her form. The bandit were focused on detaining the men before them so that they could take their wares, knowing that they could sell them for a fairly good price. So they hardly noticed the woman as she approached them, clasping at the air as many tendrils would form.


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Cold Chill Trade Deal  Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:27 pm


The tendrils would quickly fine the men and restrict them. Squeezing them an inch from their life. The hostages would take a moment to understand what was going on until they would notice her.

"Thank you," one man would muster, but it was clear that he was wounded. Lumikki would walk over to him and lay her hand upon him. A rush of dark frost would creep over his skin, hunting for the wounds so that they could wash them away. Black flowers blooming in the places he bled and bruise, falling away soon after to reveal healed skin underneath. The man was taken aback though appreciative.

Lumikki would look over them all and make sure they were fine. Guards from the nearby village finally coming over on horse back. The noticed the late delivery and a disturbance and so they rushed over, Lunikki arriving bought them time to make it as well.

"Thank you miss for holding them down for us. We think these men are a part of a group that has been harassing us for a while. We are glad for once they didn't succeed. They've gotten so brazen that they practically come to out front door to take our things. This can't go on."

"I would agree to that. I've come to speak to the chief over a matter, could ye bring me to him."

"Yea of course," one would answer, offering to take her with him on his horse, but shit simply shifted to a raven instead since it made matters easier. Though it shook them all to see her change.

When they arrived, the guard would bring her right over to the chief of the village, he was working among a few others creating some dyes. He was so focused on his task, he didn't notice they were here. Not until the guard grabbed his attention regarding their arrival.

The chief was joyed to see a new face but confused as to why she came. The guard explained just what happened and it to the man but surprised. He himself nearly double her height would look over Lumikki before properly talking.

"Well my dear, I just got to say. You really did us a favor there. I am Butch Anova. It's nice meeting you, ah?"

"I'm Lumikki Omena of Paradise Dawn. It's nice meetin ya as well."

"Nice meeting you indeed, how could I pay you back for the help?"

Lumikki would bring up they desire of the other village, Butch's smile dipping at the mention of them. Yet if that was what the girl wanted in return, then he would comply. He would go on to tell her more about the village and the trouble recently the bandits would cause. Lumikki, sympathetic to the North would make him an offer herself. Provide his village some extra protection under the Paradise Dawn until the matter was resolved. Butch was more than delighted to have me this girl. Taking her into his embrace and spinning her around. In exchange, he offered to fulfil any of her other requests, and as the stuff made here was meant to be so good, she had asked that some would be sent to her mother so that she could make use of it too.

Butch would quickly agree to her request saying that it was hardly a fair trade for what she gave him. So he would send some dresses and good her way from time to time which had her over joyed.



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