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(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre)

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(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:04 pm


A caravan of loud obnoxious merchants came bumping and hurdling over a hill. Two men, whipping the reigns of donkeys were in deep argument of which way to turn, when a woman and a baby screaming from inside a carriage caused them to hit the breaks on their wagon. Sitting on top of the cart, with his legs thrown up and a single duffel for a pillow, was a pink-haired mercenary. Far off the grid in his local region, he had taken to picking up small security for wealthy travelers in the months since last he was a public figure.

The fellow in particular, was Erebus, a man who lived by his own rules and a chaos to law abiding citizens everywhere, the noise finally pulled him from his slumber and his yawn, that alone seemed to quell everything else. The gentlemen driving the cart went mute, and the lady in the carriage quickly stuck a bottle into her kid’s mouth. As all things should be, order was resolved out of fear.

Hopping off the cart, Erebus decided he would visit the local town. “Now you lot stay put. I’ll be back. And don’t make me chase, I hate chasing. It’s always better to be chased, you know what I mean?” He said. Hauling his bag off the side as he pivoted away into the forest. What he hadn’t told his slaves… or rather, his clients. Was that he was here to pick up some side work, and was meeting a young jack of the trades to exterminate some monsters. Couldn’t have the travelers getting into harm so a nice pat to the shoulder and waiting command would do them justly.

Erebus waded through the forest heading to a clearing and a gate to the grand forest town of Orchidia. There was a good sewer system to this city, but its location sitting through woodland overgrowth was its own downfall, insects and large vermin were predators for this place. So instead of having the guard take care of it, people liked to call criminals like Erebus in for faster clearance of threats. He couldn’t complain, but these creatures were far weaker than him, he’d decided he would have this done in a hour at most. If it dragged on too long, he may lose the caravan he came in with. Finding another group to serve him.. or I mean… pay him for protection. Would be somewhat hard in the North.

This place had long been liberated and controlled by a Mage, an Angel to some, that Erebus wasn’t too keen on meeting just yet, should things go south (or should I say North?), he was certain that this mage in particular would still see him as an enemy of the King. Which… frankly? Erebus would hold no tongue over admitting. He hated this government, but loved its country. It was the politics that made it so criminal, that’s all.


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(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:36 pm

His main goal was... finding a goal. One he had in mind was joining a guild. Sleeping Calamity didnt turn out as he expected. He considered going to Fairy Tail because honestly he didnt care where he ended up. But he met a fellow minstrelli woman one night and she revealed she was from Paradise Dawn. Considering that was another guild up north as well. He figured he'd check it out.

But first before blindly going in there. He needed more jewels for travels. Now he could go and fall back to his old ways or he can try to just do a job for once. Out of curiousity, he would see what jobs were being offered. He doubted he'd take any. But hey, if theres something easy and pays well. Then why the hell not?

He looked at a notice board to see some quests. Nothing really caught his eye. His interest. Though some seemed harmless enough. He took the paper of the quest
"Pest Control?" he'd read that part out loud and skim the details of the job before getting to the meat of the matter. The reward. Thats what he was looking for.
A decent and satisfactory reward. Just enough for his travels and rations. And not too much where he would become a target of his own kind of people. It was just right.
All he needed to do was go to the location where the pests had to be removed. And so he made his way over there.



(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:58 pm


Erebus stood in front of the gates, and looked from one of the curbsides to the other, he wondered what parts of the road here, were hollow tunnels under his feet or if the entirety was, and that was just when he could pick up the sound of someone approaching from the distance, subtlety was hard with cracking leaves and shrubs from the woods, his eyes looked for any indication of a threat on this person, as hyper-vigilance was something Erebus just couldn’t get rid of, it was like it ingrained deep in his mind like a burnt branding.

and it was.

He wore all his decorations and gear pieces, which he’d strapped on walking here or albeit was already donning, only keeping his helmet in his hand. His sword was fastened to his side, and a long spear at his back. Erebus walked forward to meet the new character, since the gated entrance  was mostly empty minus the two and a few others moving inside (possibly checking identities or searching for criminals seeking asylum in Orchidia), the morning light was also barely showing up over the hills, so Erebus  figured this could be the guy he was assigned the duo mission with. Erebus was told about the details and how there would be another person coming, there was normally two for these unless strictly told otherwise by the task taker.

“Hello... Pleasure to make an acquaintance.” Erebus said. He then inspected the character down at closer proximity, walking a circle around his person and judging from his clothes and weapons if he’d seen recent battle. Assuming the character allowed that, Erebus would talk on a bit further. “I’ve only done this job once before and it was years ago, I rather not spring down a sewer pit right off the jump, but I’m not sure I know too many other ways down there myself.” He paused briefly. “Maybe we should check the abandoned buildings first and see if there’s a tunnel system from the basements.” Erebus scanned the grassy opening one last time behind the character, but since the only way forward was through the entrance, he made off in that direction. Without further delay unless he had to do something else or answer the mage, Erebus turned his body and started walking into the city.


(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:41 pm

He would arrive to the quest location and there he would see Erebus. He was very VERY aware of who this was. And he was surprised he would do a quest with him of all people. Truthfully, he wondered who the hell was their quest giver. This duo pairing was like pairing an ant and a Seraph to do a quest together. It was like a wild match as this was a wild metaphoric comparisson.

"Greetings. Pleasure to be working with you" he replied in a similar tone of manner. As Erebus would inspect him he would see that he was dealing with a guy in his mid to late 40's who looks like he's seen things, wearing leather armour, with the left shoulder pad being bigger as to take blows against a sword.As well as leather vambraces that protect his forearms. His overall appearance gives the feel of a highwayman. His weapon was sheathed around his waist. But it was hard to tell from the current position whether it was a strange dagger or a sword that was snapped in half. Surely it cant be a broken sword. Who in their right mind would have that?
This guy

Erebus would continue to elaborate further that he did this job once and that was years ago. Alexandre could see that. It would make sense that someone with experience of this same job to come and do it again when it needed to be done.
"Well, as you have done this once before, I trust you know what works and what didnt work the last time you were here. If the sewer is not the way to go, I believe you. Granted I was not eager to go that route myself. So if an abandoned building has a tunnel system, I would say lets go for it" he pretty much agreed with his plan of actions, so when Erebus took the lead, Alexandre followed him.
Hey, he knew when someone had experience that you should not question them and just go for it. Besides no job ever gets done if two people squabble.  Best to work together and get it done asap.

370 (Edit: added WC)

Last edited by Alexandre on Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:05 am


“I appreciate that, stranger.”

On the other side of the gates, two men would halt the duo, however… Without a discreet reveal of his identity, Erebus raised the flyer for the quest, pulling it from a pocket in his cloak, which was enough to make the two men nod to one another in agreement, they let the duo pass through safely— doubt was in the air whether they could have stopped them anyways, but less violence was rewarded to those who didn’t make futile attempts to ruin a dark mage’s fun.

From that point, it wasn’t much of a walk to find their location, maybe a few minutes of silence, but you see those things from time to time on expeditions like this.

Eventually a run-down building, possibly a low income living that went untreated for a few years, comes into frame. Erebus doesn’t really care as to which building they dungeon crawl first, and approaches the nearest door to a large beige building overrun with vines and plant overgrowth, before raising a leg and kicking it in off the hinges. Inside, there is a great room with a chandelier and some turnt over or ripped furniture from the squatters or bandits who’s already beaten the place down and not cleaned it up very well.

The smell of tobacco was an aroma which seemed to stain the room, likely stuck in the walls from over exposure. Erebus has a feeling this might have been a base of ops, his theory was that whoever was here prior was handled by the rats, and the rats became the new problem or were an emerging problem that drove the inhabitants out of here. “Looks like these buildings are only abandoned part time, let’s check around for loot.” Erebus offered (persuaded by own curiosity no doubt), he started pushing and kicking stuff up on the ground, revealing the floor where it was covered or concealed. The place was absolutely filthy, but it was always worth a double check.

Should nothing interest Erebus or Alexandre, Erebus moved around to the kitchen, and then behind a stairwell to find the door to the basement.


(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:29 pm

Truth be told, he did not expect the most wanted man in Fiore to be so cordial. But you know what, he'll take it. With the mans reputation preceeding him. It is best to stay on his good side. Alexandre is an older man who is facing crippling depression and a mid life crisis. He cant deal with battling someone far more powerful than him and training to try to match that power. Then again, he doesnt even care if he does die. He already considers himself a dead man walking. Still a walking contradiction. On one hand wants to die. On another doesnt. And on one hand wanting to do good and redeem himself, but on the other still relishes in breaking the law and causing harm to people. But thats what happens when a man doesnt have a concrete goal in life and a cause. He becomes a living paradox. Living day to day, with no future ahead

He would notice that on the other side of the gates, that there were two men would halt the duo. Erebus though raised the parchment for this quest, which was enough proof to let the men allow the duo to proceed ahead. Soon enough, after a short walk, they would find their location. A run down building that went untreated for a few years

Erebus approached the nearest door and kicked it. Effective and to the point. Ok, he liked this. Was this the method he'd go for? Probably not, but thats why he wasnt the most wanted man. Inside, there was like a great room with a chandelier and some turned over or ripped furniture. Basically all what you'd expect from an abandoned place. Ripped furniture, turned over stuff and copious amount of dust and dirt.
There was a certain disguisting smell in the air, which Alexandre recognized.

Once Erebus spoke, Alexandre nodded in agreement. So he went to investigate the area for loot. Where Erebus was more physical by pushing and kicking stuff. Like real roughing it up. Alexandre was more careful and methodical to his approach of looking around. Though he wouldnt really be able to find anything just through investigating one room, so he said "I will go explore the rest of the place"



(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:21 am


Erebus paid no mind to Alexandre, he seemed alright as far as recent quest partners went. Erebus was very much about getting the objective done, he wasn’t particularly talented at anything. He was skilled, and so he could respect others who were skilled, and pick them out of a crowd. Erebus had garnered right anway at the armor of the Dragonslaher, he was used to combat, particularly in his battered shoulder pad. Erebus could always respect experienced fellows.

“If you have a better idea, feel free to explore it. I’m going to carry on, moving in this direction.”

In the meantime, Erebus meanwhile filled his side bag full of small rubbish, pocket jewelry anything he might find on his way looking through the great room. Irredeemable acts and the ones that made him hate others, such an anomaly. Indeed, this place was worse for ware, probably abandoned long ago. Not that it particularly mattered, the smell of grass and stank of ass wafted out of most ends of this place, Erebus decided he had enough handling the things in the floor, and was fast to moving his clawed fingernails against cabinet doors, sticky and magnetic of anything worthy of looting. Pushing his hand through viny overgrowth that had invaded through the windows of the two story facility.

It may have been an asylum or a rehabilitation facility— either way, eventually Erebus was able to push through into a kitchen area, and find his way into the basement, there was a grid to flip the breakers, but they were destroyed. It must have been from another Hero, Erebus figured with a full smirk. He took off past the boilers, and removed the hinges of a sewer gate, rolling it open. From there, Erebus descended, prepared to catch the first rat that came crawling out of the darkness.

That rat was worth a whole C-rank Quest.

Meanwhile, on Alexandre’s location… A gnarly rodent has festered its way through a hole in the hall. It smelled the scent of Alexandre and skittered its mangled teeth, gritting them like glass to diamonds— foam at the mouth and neck thrashing side to side. These rodents were on some evil magical rabies, they were really B-rank level, but sometimes you get jipped after all.

As for Alexandre he was about to face this creature as it tailed him into a large room.

Strength: 55
Con: 1xS

Giant Rat runs 5m to the location where he’d confront Alexandre. With its right  claw it slides in quickly aimed at striking the leg, and if the prey did try and jump away, it was primed to pounce upward and bite with its mangled fangs!

446 words

Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:38 am

Alexandre merely nodded and explored, kept an eye on their surroundings. There were some things that caught his eye as loot. Glittering gold, trinkets and baubles ....paid for in blood. HHe went on into the kitchen area. Which was about the same time as Erebus was also heading his direction. Hmm, he thought Erebus would loot or roughen up that room more. Nevertheless, the two would find the right way to go. And they would continue with their true quest, leaving the looting and sidequesting for later.

They ended up finding an asylum or a rehabilitation facility. Who knows, but whatever it was the two would go to the basement area of this thing.
"Divide and conquer" he said as he figured it was best to cover more ground to find those annoying rodents. So exploring the basement in one area, while Erebus would go to another, Alexandre would eventually find a rodent. Or it SEEMED like a rodent. The thing was the size of him
"Oh delightful" he spoke sarcastically enough as he drew his blade and prepared for battle. When he read the quest about pest control. This was not what he had in mind. Also the fact that he himself was actually rusty and not at his prime posed an extra challenge. But this was where he would have to use his wits to outsmart the thing and his magic to gain leverage.

Considering the thing was first to attack with how quick it was. Alexandre merely grabbed the nearest thing to block the attack as a makeshift shield



(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:42 am


Whatever slapped the maw of the beast away, dampened its momentum and forced it back for a brief moment. The creature received a blow of damage to the jaw, but still remained within a meter of the criminal shaking it’s head in disbelief.

It screeched loudly, the sound echoed off the walls. Like wales of a child, they reached the very depths of the sewers below.

Erebus wasn’t too far, perhaps only a hundred yards away, but the vents and holes all around the perimeter carried everything. He picked up on and heard the noise, but the distance between him and Alexandre was fairly large, plus Erebus wasn’t sure which hallway Alex had undertaken. He began turning around and retracing his steps back to the stranger while fastening his helmet to his head for a better hold.

In the meantime, the beast was stunned for the briefest second, Alexandre could make a few different plays, but the threat was still looming. If Alex did nothing the beast would chase him and bite him across the leg.

-1 D-rank health to Giant Rat.

The scene would proceed as such. The criminal being put on the fence by a worthy foe, his next movements could spell safety for himself or land him in a local hospital. But in order to claim that reward, the beast must be stopped.

226 words

Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Wed Jul 19, 2023 2:53 pm

He assessed the situation with the rat. He observed his surroundings and grabbed an item. It was a bowl. It had some sludge in it or who knows what. He threw it at the rats eyes to weaken its vision just a bit. And then gain some distance. Another item he'd throw just to agitate the rat and make it charge him

As soon as he had the rats attention to charge at him. Thats when he'd proceed with his scheme. He'd use his frost dragon slayer abilities to freeze the floor and make it slippery. Making the giant rat lose control and just gain speed, which Alexandre could avoid since he already cast his magic, but also make the rat ram into a wall and crash and probably get knocked out or better yet die.

Alexandre was being careful, but he needed to see did he get rid of this pest or was it merely unconcious


(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:11 am


The loud crash and destruction of a table could be heard as the rat slid against its flat top, and smashed into a wall mural behind its location. It didn’t appear to move again, although it could be seen breathing, indicating it might have life still in its body. It was just about that time that stone blocks began to crack on the opposite ends of the wall. Before the hammering of fists sent one block flying forward at a time, and finally, a sudden destruction of the wall revealed Erebus had finally found the room the noise was coming from. After a short running with the Spear in his hands, Erebus had nearly covered the entire distance. The issue was the maze in the darkness, thankfully Erebus could just take the walls off if need be, and after climbing back up the stairs, things were much easier to figure out.

Erebus saw the icy blue on the floor, he crouched and placed his index and middle against it, feeling the cold temperature. His iris’s travel back to his confidant, and he stands. “Ice.” The maths began to start, as Erebus assessed more about the way Alex fought. “Pretty sweet trick man. You didn’t even need my help.” Erebus said, flashing a grin under his face covered helm. He then walk over to the table, and uncorked the head from the rats body, in the swiftest and most grotesque fashion, rivers of blood began to drench the room floor, Erebus tosses the head towards Alexandre. “Ready to go turn this in? By the way, you didn’t say your name. We may run into each other again, so tell me. Who are you?”

281 words

Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Tue Jul 25, 2023 1:02 pm

He didnt think someone like Erebus would actually compliment him. With the level of his reputation, he didnt think he'd bat at eye towards an unknown like him. But this was a pleasant surprise. And you know what, he'll take it. Speaking of, Alexandre actually had the same plan as Erebus did. But the infamous man pretty much beat him to it and carved the rat a new one

"Thank you" Alexandre replied to his compliment as he watched him carve the rat like a turkey.
The man then proceeded to ask the dragon slayer was he ready to turn this in, and Alexandre nodded. Speaking of, Erebus asked him his name. "My name is Alexandre, some people call me Alex for short." he told the man. Revealing he has a rather minstreli name.

After the name would be exchanged, Alexandre took note of what Erebus said prior. That they might meet again for a quest. Unexpected, but he's taking it. Better to be on an infamous persons good side. The man was incredibly wanted and powerful. And honestly, he liked to make friends in high places.


(Pest Control NQ /w Alexandre) Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:34 pm


Learning the young mage’s name was the last bit between the two, normally people would exchange their identities as an intro. In the underworld, it normally required the respect to be earned to get that information. So when the quest was finished, Erebus would be on the lookout for when he’d next encounter this character.

“Alex it is, you can call me Erebus.”

There wasn’t much to go off of, but in an endless bid and race to become legendary, Erebus had learned faces tend to re-emerge, and as such, he was sure that Alex would be on the radar someday much like himself. Perhaps an ally on the distant horizon, or a foe. But today, Erebus would consider them nothing more than successful mercenaries.

“No thanks needed, I’m just trying to get by. It was your own strength that brought down the target,”

”all I did was collect half your check.” he thought to himself, a feint feeling of guilt washed over the Human, but also respect for his confidant.

After all, that experience would only translate into more skill for the warrior later. Regardless, taking credit for Alex’s kill wouldn’t be Erebus’ style. Instead, he would be making his coin off the stolen treasures they’d pillaged the upper levels for earlier.

Finally, Erebus would be ready to take his leave, right after the trophy head was delivered to Orchidia’s local Tavern. Then, he caught up with the traveling band he’d crowed into the region with, and hitched his ride out, where only the wind and the complaints of the middle class could take him.

“Farewell Alexandre.”

-Exit and End-

268 words

2475 total

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