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Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal

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Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 3:59 pm


Just yesterday Lumikki ripped a quest from the guild board. It would seem that there was a village in Worth Woodsea requesting aid in their negotiations. Usually, there would be conflict among villages in the area but due to a desire for better trade, a village is trying to concede their hostile tendencies.

She asked her Uncle Brone and teacher Gnicolas what they may have thought on the matter. Both were exceedingly more experienced than she was for the moment. Uncle scoffed at the matter, saying the place has been a mess for years. Gnicolas on the other hand chimmed that it would be a good opportunity to branch from the methods of her Uncle. Overlooking the matters of the people would be a good practice in diplomacy and leadership. Lumikki had just thought it would be a simple task to do since all they wanted was for her to talk in their stead. At least that is what she thought. It would seem it was more complicated than that.



Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:31 pm


The journey was a short one from the guild. It only took her a few hours from her flight for her to make it to the first village of Abutilon. It was a humble village tucked away in the woods. Flourished with buds and blossoms that bloom in the spring. Some of the homes and shops were built within the trees. Working along with nature as opposed to cutting it down for convenience. Lumikki admired Abutilon before showing herself to the residents. Observing the bustling of others, the games amongst the children, and even adults enjoying the company of one another.

Lumikki returned to the outside and glided to the ground. Turning back to a woman in a flourish of feathers before showing her presence to the guards of the entrance. She walked over to greet them properly, showing her quest paper and the Paradise Dawn tattoo on her thigh. The guards received her hardily before bringing her to their chieftain.


Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:43 pm


"Pleasure to meet with you, my lady. We had that quest up for a while and were starting to get worried no guild would see to it getting met. You can be sure we are grateful if not a tad surprised someone of your rank and...stature has answered our call."

Lumikki nodded along to the things he said. Listening to his words but half paying attention. He seemed to have a grandiose energy. One to keep airs and images but not to take them quite seriously. His remark of her stature dragged her focus back in. She wasn't pleased with him, but she would be of the rewards she supposed. Taking a deep breath to calm down and get serious about the matter again.

The chieftain said he went by the name of Henry Dewford and offered a seat at the table, waving his hand to a servant as a gesture of tea, before he proceeded with what he felt needed to be said.


Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:31 pm


"You see we've been in negotiations with the village Parodia for a while now," Henry began when they were finally served their rose tea, seems to be in season at the moment, or at least that is what he claimed. "The problem is, every time we come close to an understanding they up the demands. It is becoming ridiculous. We were hoping the influence of a guild would help encourage them to be more consistent." Henry chuckled to himself, pleased with how he worded things.

Lumikki drank from her tea, and to her surprise she found herself enjoying it. She savored the taste before she reluctantly engaged with Henry once more. "Okay I see what you need of me. Just write me some directions and I'll try and see if could get them on the same page." She finished the last of her tea before getting up.

"Oh yes, yes of course. Whatever you need." He waved his servant again to fix the directions on paper, getting up heartily. A slip of paper was passed to Lumikki and she set off for the other village of note.


Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:17 pm


Lumikki flew to Parodia following the directions that Henry was kind enough to afford her. Deciding before anything else, to watch over the town for a bit before making her moves. Unlike Abutilon, a town woven within trees, Parodia was more barren in comparison. It sat in an open field, the house made mostly of clay-like mud. They were shaped in fascinating ways like an assortment of pottery. Holes in various places of the structures allowed a cooling flow of wind Lumikki guessed, but they also allowed sounds to be made. As she flew over the village, the houses and shops played countless tunes.

Lumikki found herself impressed, she thought the place charming. But she was here for a mission, so she kept her eyes peeled. She looked for anyone of note and tailed many people throughout the day. Finally settling on a man she discovered to be the chieftain.


Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:46 pm


She spent days in Parodia, overlooking the chieftain by the name of Atticus Spindal. He seemed like a sensible man, somber in his work. Better company to watch over than Henry could make. Lumikki rolled her eyes at the thought of it.

Though something was off with Atticus, Lumikki just couldn't put her finger on it yet. As she observed him throughout the days she stayed, he spoke to a lot of people. That was fine, it was the shadier meetings that put her off. Men in a shabby excuse for decent wear met with Atticus, joining him in the back room of his favorite tea shop. Lumikki being a raven simply flew to a nearby hole in the structure. Perching herself in a way to hear their conversation clearly.

It was as she thought, something wasn't right. It would seem Atticus made a deal with the raiders. It had been going on for a while now. In exchange for Parodia safely trading its goods on the roads and certain resources out of the village's reach, the raiders are given refuse within the village walls and a payoff. That was well and find Lumikki thought, but raiders being allowed to remain free in the North was not her liking.


Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Forst Daemon Wrapped In A Trade Deal Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 8:14 pm


Lumikki tailed the raiders back to their hideouts, noting all the places they had mentioned along the way. When got to where they stayed, she decided to observe a bit here as well before heading back.

The men she overheard lacked a lot of substance in what they said, most things out of their mouths were nonsensical and useless to her. She did pick up on mentions of a coming plan though. This is what she was waiting for. With this, she took off and headed back for Parodia. Looking around for Atticus once more. When the evening was setting into the sky and the people of the village began to settle down, he too was becoming comfortable.

Lumikki took a moment to squeeze in one of the holes of his house and turn her form back to a Daemon. Snuffing the lights of Atticus' home before approaching him. "What is going on, whose there?" He called out into the darkness, his home was invaded but he was nearly calm. Suppose he thought his influence was great enough to protect him Lumikki thought as she stepped toward him. Purple eyes piercing the darkness.

"I don't suppose I have much that I need to say to you. I already overheard your connections with the raiders nearby and I even know where they are hiding, as well as the plans they have in store. Of course, all that hardly has to be important. I could get the raiders taken out without having you dragged with 'em."

"Ah yes, so kind of you. And what do you want from me"

"Solidify your trade deal with Abutilon and that'll be the end of it. Simple enough, no?"

"And work with that incompetent fool, Dewford? Exceptional...but I suppose you are leaving me little choice. Siiigh, consider it done. Is that all?"

Lumikki didn't care to speak much further, snuffing the last of the light. Her eyes returned to normal and she walked back to her entry, turning into a bird and flying away.

Later on*
She included chancing a raider's hideout during her quest and wrote out their plans in her report. A member of the guild was assigned their capture and the raiders were soon decimated. As far as Lumikki cared, the job was done and done well.



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