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Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan

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Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:34 pm


Finally, after all her efforts she had returned to Earthland, a journey that didn't necessarily went without much obstacles either. The young Demon Queen had returned to the guild hall in Blue Pegasus, and while it took some explanations from her side, most of the guild seemed to believe she was indeed Esperia. However, fortunately for her they had not been able to see through her disguise as a demon. The one she was meant to meet today? She however was one where such trickery was useless. A light knock was made onto the door leading into the guild master's office as she announced her presence: "Ali? It's me~ Esperia." She knew her voice likely sounded more mature than before, even if there was that hint of playfulness in her tone that was reminiscent of the days she had been the vessel for the Demon Lord of Lust.

Once Alisa answered she would step inside and smile briefly at her. "I'm sorry if this form appears like I'm trying to play a trick with you~ Unfortunately I'm still a bit uncomfortable with showing the others of the guild my true form. If you want, I can show you my real appearance, trust you more than enough for that~ But I bet you have a lot of questions for me."

She went quiet for a moment, waiting for Alisa to respond. There were so many things for them to discuss about the recent chain of events. But where to start?


Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:49 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | Winter Homey

Alisa hadn't seen her young pupil in quite a long time... She had a tendency to disappear for months or even years on end, and come back completely unrecognizable in some way shape or form. The sculptress knew she had become a demon somehow, but didn't know why nor did she even duge her for it. But when she heard that knocke on the door and that sweet tone in a voice she didn't reocgnize, she immediately knew who she was:

"Oh, Esperia...?", her brow arched as she stood up from her chair, uncrossing those shapely, denim clad legs as she adjusted her long sleeved t-shirt around her taut midriff and that wide, eye catching neckline, hand running down her hair as she walked up and opened the door.

By now, it no longer surprised her. Esperia changed appearances faster than Alisa changed clothes, it's just how she lived her life. She'd grown to recognize her not from her appearance but her mannerisms, which remained the same regardless of what form she took. In front of her stood a now rather stunning blonde:

"Hmmmm... If it's anything like your spider form, best to wait until we're outside~", she added, rubbing her cheek with a lopsided grin, one arm folded under her full bust. Instead, she simply pulled the girl into her arms, squeezing her close, "What manner of mess did you get yourself pulled into this time?"

Though her study wasn't small by any stretch of the word, it was still meant for, well, vaguely humanoid people. If Esperia was about to quadruple in size with massive hindquarters, she'd end up feeling a little cramped.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Mon Mar 27, 2023 4:45 am


Esperia smiled sheepishly at Alisa's words, shaking her head lightly as she dispelled the illusion of her disguise. The Mindflayer was surprised by the hug, perhaps the reason why she had led down her guard and soon felt tears starting to roll down her cheeks. She opened her mouth, attempting to speak but no sound came, instead forcing her to project her voice mentally into Alisa's thoughts. "After I heard about the chaos happening at Talaz Lagaar I decided to investigate for myself. I firmly believed the knowledge Gaia bestowed onto me would have helped me discover a decisive clue in my research, not just on my personal search to discover if I could use my Obscura for a good purpose, but also to find a potential cure to the plague that troubled the island."

She lowered her head into Alisa's shoulder, sobbing silently as she continued. "Instead a man called Kishin disrupted my research and led me to getting arrested by the local authorities there. They were deaf to my reasons, and they brutally sacrificed me to the Fractured Sky, for reasons unknown to me..."

Esperia went silent, leaning her head back a little to look at Alisa as she established her mental link again, the psionic gift of the Mindflayer projecting her feelings of anger and sorrow to Alisa as she resumed speaking through her telepathy. "I was trapped in a different realm, a realm of infinite darkness, the darkness that ate away at my very body and soul. Despite my struggles, I would have succumbed if not for the presence of another... There was a being in that realm that tried to communicate with me, and through our interactions, I retained my sanity, and while my mind is still my own... My body is as you can see, corrupted to its core."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "A Mindflayer... a subspecies of what they call Voidlings, the moment I show my true form to someone they instantly grab for the nearest weapon to chase me off. Even the very people I tried to help in the past only see a monster in me."

She raised a hand, attempting to gently rest it against Alisa's cheek. "I can't blame them, for to the outside world I might have become just that... They can't see the fact I was once someone who championed the cause of Earthland. But now... this treatment of being an outcast frightens me. I couldn't even enter the guild hall without using my magic to conceal my true appearance from our friends. To the world I became simply a monster from the void... and it hurts, to know the very same people I fought for, that I wanted to protect now scorn me."

A tentacle wigged lightly around her waist as if it was trying to comfort her by patting her stomach in an affectionate way. "I don't know what to do anymore Ali... I'm tired... I have no more fight left to fight in me..."


Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:12 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | Winter Homey

Alisa tilted her head as the girl slowly transformed again, or rather dispelled the illusion of whatever it was. The sculptress scratched her head as she peeled away, after all, some times it can be hard to tell exactly what race Esperia will appear as, but instead she came to face to face with a creature she hadn't exactly seen before. With dusky violet skin and tentacles adorning her curvaceous frame:

"Now now, don't cry~... You're home now, remember?", she chimed, a warm, maternal smile on her face as she grabbed a handkerchief and gently ran it along Esperia's cheek, wiing away the tears, "Oh? I've heard of that, one of our new members even went and met a scientist from those lands who turned her into a Machias."

Selfish though it may seem, Alisa had her hands full tending to her country and guild to worry about other countries. Especially when she had perfectly capable guildmates more than willing to go there themselves and investigate:

"Hmmm. Do you need me to go there myself?", Alisa may allow her members the freedom to move as they pleased... But she didn't take kindly to random opportunists trying to exploit them. Her eyes narrowed as she looked into Esperia's eyes, a bubbling fury building deep within.

If this is how the authorities of that country are acting, she had half a mind to ask her members to withdraw their support. At the same time, the people of Talaz Lagar couldn't be held accountable for the actions of their leaders:

"Why would they do that? Personally I've never heard of voidlings myself.", Alisa dedicated her life to hunting demons and their ilk, so she never cared too much for learning of races who had otherwise never set foot in Earthland before. But the fact that one of her own had been turned into something most people reviled troubled her to no end. Smiling, she cupped Esperia's hand, the other stroking her hair as she added, "Well, people always fear what they don't understand. Though I'm sure you must have faced plenty of prejudice out there, I know the guild would welcome you regardless even if you revealed what you became."

It made her heart ache to think the girl would have rid herself of her demonic heritage, only to turn into something that earned her even more hatred. Though Alisa had faith that she could overcome this, she could at least find solace among her loved ones until then:

"Don't worry sweetie. This will not be permanent.", she reassured, pulling Espy's chin onto her shoulder once more, "Whatever powers turned you into what you are now, it can just as easily be undone. We'll figure out a solution, alright?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:33 am


Esperia remained quiet for a moment, trying to calm her troubled heart. It was fortunate that Alisa had such a reassuring presence, for else she doubted she would have stopped crying or allowed herself to reveal such painful knowledge about her new existence. When she finally spoke again her lips moved, but no sound came, an old habit of her as her voice projected in Alisa's mind.

After I returned from the void I was able to... 'interrogate' one of the people responsible for my sacrifice. While his information was fractured, I believe they were attempting to appease to what they call the 'Fractured Sky', my presumption is that it functions similarly to a portal of sorts that leads into the Void. Although the person I interrogated had a more personal involvement since he hoped my sacrifice would lead to the release of a loved one who was sacrificed in a similar fashion a long time ago...

She lowered her head and sighed softly as she resumed.

Yet, ever since I returned I kept facing such extreme intolerance. After I left the island behind I stumbled upon a similar 'outcast'. A machine with the soul of a man, but he was being pursued... Fairy Tail's most famous coat-rider was there, working alongside Reign's pitbull to investigate the matter. I'd say they had come to claim whatever rewards Talaz Lagaar offered them. To make matters worse, these so-called heroes acted more like greedy mercenaries rather than the self-proclaimed protectors of the people they claim to be. For all my past sacrifices they only saw me as a monster from the void, looking upon me with disgust and warriness.

She gently raised a hand, attempting to hold Alisa's own as she inquired worriedly.

It makes me worried for Blue Pegasus' safety. If they learn you're harboring a being from the Void you can expect people to cause a backlash. Even now I can barely walk outside without having to use Psionic Magic to trick people with illusions or wear a cloak to prevent panic from escalating.

She smiled weakly as she continued.

Kind of funny isn't it? For all my work in aiding the people of Fiore and Earthland, I get scorned and turned into an outcast. You'd expect the king to at least try to reach out to a fallen hero, rather than giving a dog a fancy kennel to play in. Then again, I never cared about fame or wealth, all I wanted was to make the world a better place, and make it more peaceful to live in for these I held dear...


Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:27 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | Winter Homey

Alisa had heard of this as something that people from Talaz Lagaar looked upon with reverence. Alas, she didn't know enough to understand what the fractured sky actually meant, let alone realize it was something they sacrificed people to. Her brow twitched with annoyance, remembering all too well just how greedy people could be, so hungry for knowledge, treasure and other riches that they'd keep something that dangerous around:

"Hmmm... They just sound like glorified bounty hunters. Does anybody even know what that being was?", Alisa mused, still remembering how one of those two men had actually been in her guild. If these news were true, that would mean his recruitment would have been her worst casting error since Jin, who defected from Blue Pegasus to join Eternal Nightmare of all things. Alisa let out a low hum as she stroked the girl's hair, "Well you have nothing to worry about. Most people don't even know what manner of beings live in the void, and Hargeon isn't as prejudiced as some of the people you've met thus far. You'll feel at home here."

Alisa smiled as hse gave the girl her personal space back, holding her hand gently as she brushed her idle hand down her own long black hair:

"Have you tried not using it? Since you've set foot here? It sounds like you're still reeling from the shock of those less than fortunate encounters.", Alisa kissed the girl's forehead, "You are safe here."

She'd seen this happen before... Back when Esperia turned herself into a Vampire and left to join a Dark Guild, assuming everybody loathed her for it in turn. In the end, she went full circle and came back to Blue Pegasus, but now she recognized that look in her eyes.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:44 pm


Esperia shook her head firmly in response. She allowed her telepathic gift to stir again, the words forming in the mental link between herself and Alisa. "Even with my unique gift of being able to tap into the knowledge of the world itself, I found the past of this being to be fractured... It seems he was made in Talaz Lagaar, although one would compare them to the recent increase in Machia, this entity was more the opposite: A machine that gained a consciousness. In a way I felt it was still developing, learning and growing as an entity. It was for that reason I grew interested in this 'artificial intelligence', this being that called itself 'ONE' and tried to protect it from them."

She nodded her head gently at Alisa's words. It was true, Hargeon was quite open-minded in its mentality toward other species, no doubt the result of the influence Blue Pegasus had upon it. Although Alisa did make a fair point in the statement that few even knew about what type of entities dwelled within the void.

She shook her head once more, smiling gently at Alisa as she felt her cheeks flush up lightly at the affectionate gesture. "I haven't tried to not use it yet. I was somewhat worried people might mistake me for a demon due to my unnatural look, not to mention demons are commonly known to be... not exactly the most hospitable of visitors."

She sighed softly, her smile wavering as she looked back at Alisa's eyes. "I been considering staying here for a while before resuming my journey. There has been a rumor about an ancient relic in Caelum I have been looking to investigate, primarily to ensure it stays out of the hands of these who would misuse its powers... but also a bit to satisfy my own curiosity about the legends of that land."


Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Thu Jun 08, 2023 9:09 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | Winter Homey

Alisa's brow furrowed... Sounds like the people of Talaz Lagaar keep a lot of things there that should never see the light of day. As much as she sympathized with the plight of the Robots, she couldn't help but feel if some of those secrets never left the island. Now look what happenned to her precious student:

"I have no idea what motivated them as I wasn't there to meet this ONE for myself... But I'm sure there were better ways to handle it than... Whatever they're doing to that poor being", on the other hand, this was just wrong. These people had created a new life, and either wanted to destroy or control it. This was no better than slavery.

People weren't black and white after all, members of neutral guilds. She didn't doubt those two were probably extremely greedy, but at the same time, there were plenty of factions offering similar pay. Misguided? Maybe. In the end, only time would tell, as the consequences for each of their actions unfolded. She nodded. Asking her to restrain her own nature was probably impossible huh? But nature or nurture, there was another side of Esperia the girl couldn't quite shake:

"Fufu~... You still haven't lost your taste for amateur archeology hmm~?", Alisa jested, winking playfully at Esperia as she tilted her head slightly, half wondering if this wasn't exactly the same reason why she got sucked into the void, "You picked the right place, after all... Caelum is known for its mystics. Not even Seven or Desierto come close."

She worried for her, yet at the same time, she knew that this is what Esperia lived for. So she simply smiled, ready to support the girl with her adventures.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 4:50 pm


Esperia nodded her head slightly in response to Alisa's playful remark. Esperia was one who lived for adventure, especially when said adventures escalated into the discovery of ancient secrets tied to legends or mythology. Even before she held the power to cross into other dimensions in the past, knowledge was one thing Esperia always adored, and unlike what people might expect it was one of the reasons she disliked the unique gifts she possessed. There was a certain disappointing sensation that came with possessing all the knowledge in the world without the effort of uncovering it. Certainly, it had its benefits but at the same time it was just as much a blessing as it was a curse.

Indeed~ Although Seven is a land known for living alongside its mythologies, and Desierto being a country with a rich history, it simply doesn't feel the same as Caelum does. There is a certain feeling of 'fantasy' in their legends that stirs the naive dreamer inside me~ It's why I been thinking of going there, according to some rumors there been sightings of fairies near a small rural village, and it sounds like a golden opportunity for an adventure~ Away from all the political drama and greedy mercenaries pretending to be heroes... It's almost like a vacation!

There was also the fact that as a country filled with countless legends they were more open-minded to the presence of beings that didn't look human. Curiosity rather than hostility was always a welcome change to her.

I'd invite you along~ but between pleasing your wife and keeping Hargeon safe I bet you have your hands full~


Master of Lewdlings: Alisa Vollan Empty Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:19 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | Winter Homey

Indeed, however much she changed, that specific part of her was always the same no matter how many times Alisa saw her. Truly, the only part of her student that remained constant throughout the years, or, well... Aside from her lewdness of course. You'd think she might have lost her taste for adventure after posessing all the knowledge in the world, but alas, all the knowledge hardly meant understanding everything that was, is, and ever will be. If it stood out of reach of every mortal, even she would have to discover it the good old fashioned way:

"Caelum is the land of mystics. Many facts of magic you take for granted now were either invented or first discovered there. Why, they even have the most renowned school for mages in Ishgar~", Alisa's eyes lit up slightly as she spoke of that country, after all, there was no mage alive who didn't respect the Magic of Caelum. They may not appreciate or identify themselves with it, but every mage acknowledged their renown, "Ohooo~...? Fairies hmmm? Word has it they haven't been seen in so long, most people doubt their existence~"

Alisa chuckled, hand raising over her mouth as she thought of the friendly neighborhood Fairies they had in Magnolia, whose very name hinted at the adventurous spirit behind discovering whether fairies truly existed. At the same time... Caelum had legendary artifacts said to have been made by the Fairies:

"Fufu~... Well don't count me out just yet, I'm sure I could join you for a day or two. Wouldn't be too hard to make my way there and back again if really wanted to~", Alisa teased, winkng as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

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