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Myras City - Silver City

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Myras City - Silver City Empty Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:41 am

Quest: Silver City

Summary: The silver district of Myras, where all the rich of the city reside, is kept pristine, reflecting the status of the people living there. However, the lower district is known for its poor conditions and higher crime rate. Sometimes, rich aristocrats from the silver district like to walk around the lower district, and see how the peasants live, or to buy rare, custom made items from the artisan's present. This rarely sits well with the denizens of the poor district, and they will often be hostile, sometimes even violent, to the richer folk. You’ve found yourself in Myras during one such occasion and you may assist whichever side you wish.

Rank: D-S
Words: 500-2,500
Basic Reward: Base Quest Rewards
Good Bonus:The User receives an additional 50% of the base Jewel Reward by ensuring the safety of the aristocrat under any and all circumstances. You may defeat a particularly skilled or powerful foe or even simply capture the criminals in order to earn this additional reward.
Bad Bonus: The User receives an additional 50% of the base Jewel Reward by assisting the peasants that act against the aristocrat.
Requirements: The character accepting the quest must be in Southern Fiore

Quest Conditions:

  • Each member of every team must meet the minimum requirements of the difficulty that has been selected i.e. a D-Rank can only complete D-Rank versions of the quests unless they are with a partner or group allowing them to complete a C-Rank quest.

  • Should the user meet the requirements of a certain difficulty, they may automatically participate in lower difficulties.

  • Users may complete up to 2 neutral quests once per week. Refreshing on Monday of the following week.

  • These may be completed alongside regular quests.

Sign-up Template:
Completion Template:


Myras City - Silver City Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:00 pm

Participant(s): Kishin
Rank(s): S
Mission: Silver City - A
Number: 2


Myras City - Silver City Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:07 pm

Sign-up: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64737-myras-city-silver-city#577909
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65030-silver-city#577920
  • 14000 XP (20% Emperor, 10% Guild Level, 10% Human)
  • 412500 J (15% Reputation, 10% Guild Level, 20% Armor, 20% Human)
  • 7 Strength
  • 400 Fame

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:46 am

Go D. Drakkon
@Kishin completed the quest and has been rewarded.

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:15 am

Go D. Drakkon
Participant(s): Go D. Drakkon
Rank(s): X
Mission: Silver City - A Rank
Number: 1

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:34 am

Go D. Drakkon

Sign-up: Link
Mission Link: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66145-silver-city-1#590733
  • +20,000 Experience (15% Armor, 20% Ring, 10% Relic, 20% Companion, 5% Weapon, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Level 2)
  • +512,500 Jewels (15% Helmet, 15% Armor, 5% Weapon, 5% Relic, 5% Ring, 10% Necklace, 50% bad bonus)
  • +7 Intelligence
  • +400 infamy


Myras City - Silver City Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:26 am


Drakkon completed the quest and has been rewarded.

#8Fei Yu 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:14 pm

Fei Yu
Participant(s): Yu Ming
Rank(s): S-rank
Mission: Silver City S-rank
Number: 2

#9Fei Yu 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:44 pm

Fei Yu
Sign-up: Right above here~
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67208-silver-city-nq-solo-s#603075
  • +15,000 EXP
  • +850,000 (+20% from Explorer's belt, +50% NQ reward)
  • +10 Intelligence
  • +500 famy


Myras City - Silver City Empty Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:39 pm

@Yu Ming has completed this quest

#11Fei Yu 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Fri Jan 19, 2024 11:41 pm

Fei Yu
Participant(s): Yu Ming
Rank(s): S-rank
Mission: Silver City A-rank
Number: 2

#12Fei Yu 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:17 am

Fei Yu
Sign-up: Right above here~
Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67251-silver-city-nq-solo-a-rank#603559
  • +12,500 EXP (+15% from Fafnirskin +10% from companion
  • +487.500 (+20% from Explorer's belt, +15% from Fafnirskin +10% from companion +50% NQ reward)
  • +7 Intelligence
  • +500 fame


Myras City - Silver City Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:04 am

@Yu Ming has completed this quest


Myras City - Silver City Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:46 am

Participant(s): Roana
Rank(s): D
Mission: Silver City (D)
Number: 1

#15Tsukishima Higurashi 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:14 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Participant(s): Tsukishima Higurashi
Rank(s): B
Mission: Silver City B-Rank
Number: 1/2

#16Tsukishima Higurashi 

Myras City - Silver City Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:57 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Sign-up: Quest Sign-Up
Mission Link: Quest Completion
  • Modifiers: [Armor: 20% Jewel Bonus], [Armor: 20% Word Count Reduction], [Necklace: 20% Jewel Bonus], Necklace: 10% Experience Bonus]

    Total: Jewel Bonus: 40%, Word count Reduction: 20%, Experience Bonus: 10%

  • Jewels: 140,000J
  • Experience: 8,250
  • Reputation: 300
  • Infamy: 300
  • Stat Point Distribution: +5 to Intelligence


Myras City - Silver City Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:46 am

@Tsukishima Higurashi has completed this quest.
Note: You forgot the 50% NQ Modifier for jewels total came out to 190,000 J

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