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Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral)

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Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:32 pm


Yuurei and Renji had been dealing with a lot of work throughout their return to the North. It was fine to him as he was used to working his butt off. He was in his office finishing up the paperwork that he didn’t do for the last two days. It was fine to him as it was something that he was accustomed to doing. When he was done, he would lean back on his chair as he wondered what kind of work he would be doing today. He figured someone would come with a job to do soon enough. Was he right, yes, he was at his door and ie would be knocked on soon after.

“Come in.” He said to as the door would open soon after.

The messenger, or at least Yuurei dubbed him that would come in with a letter to Yuurei. The Nephilim would take this from the man, and he would look at it as if it was different than usual.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:32 pm


Yuurei would open the letter without a problem and the man would leave the room. He would close the door behind him as the berserker would start reading through it. When he got to the end of it all, he would see that the people in Wood Worthsea needed his help. It would seem like two villages were trying to strike a deal with each other, but it wasn’t working. It seemed like things were going smoothly, but it turned for the worse as one of the chiefs had a last-second change of heart.

This was what he got from the son of the chief. He would crack his neck because he figured he would go take care of this. He would get up from his seat as he figured that they should be on their way. He would open the window and he would look outside as he waited for Renji.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:33 pm


Renji would get up when he heard Yuurei moving around, and it would seem like they were going to take on a quest. This was interesting because they didn’t fly around a lot anymore. Yuurei had his mana bike, and he had the key, so traveling was a bit different than usual. He wasn’t complaining about it though as he would be able to avoid the wind hitting his face all the time. Still, it was nice to travel in the air and he would make his way to his friend after he stretched a bit.

Once he was on his shoulder, Yuurei would leap out of the window and sprout his wings from his back. He would soar through the sky now as he was making his way to the Wood Worthsea. He would use the letter to follow where he needed to go as he didn’t want to get lost. There were a lot of villages within the forest, and he wanted to make sure he ended up in the right place.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:33 pm


He would make his way through the sky and soon enough he would see the forest from where he was. He would look at the letter once again and he would see that he was looking for a certain tree. The Nephilim would do that as he had seen the picture that was given to him. He would move around the area, and he would seer the tree he was looking for. He would dive down into the forest as it would seem like the best way to find places was from the sky after all. He would enter the forest without a problem, and he would land right inside the village. The people there would be on guard when they saw the sudden appearance of a person.

He would disperse his wings as he would look at them with a smile on his face.

The guards would come, and they were ready to attack Yuurei, but he would turn to look at them. They would notice that he was a half-elf because of his ears and would see that he had a letter in his hand.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:34 pm


When they saw who it was from, they would stop pointing their weapons at him. They would look at him and motion him to follow them. The berserker would smile as he was more than happy to do just that. He would follow behind them and he wondered where he was going. The people in the village would take a closer look at the man and soon enough they would know who he was. They were surprised to see that he was here and wondered what his reason for coming here was.

It wouldn’t take long, but they would arrive at a house. They would look at Yuurei for him to go inside, and the Nephilim would do just that. He would enter the place and he would see that there was a young man a bit older than him waiting for him. He would wave at him and wonder what was going to happen.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:34 pm


The man would sip his tea as he would put it down and look at Yuurei.

“I didn’t think the famous Yuurei would be so pretty. The rumors about you don’t seem to match how you represent yourself in person.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei would rub the back of his head when he heard that. He would have a smile on his face as he would look at the man.

“Of course, everyone expects an angry and scary man to approach them, but that isn’t me. Still, we aren’t here for that. What is that you want me to do?” He asked his client waiting for him to say something.

The man would take another sip of his tea as it would seem like he was cutting straight down to business.

“My father is being stubborn. It seems like he thinks that the other village is going to try and betray us. I need you to convince him otherwise. Do you think you can do that?” He asked Yuurei waiting for an answer.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:35 pm


Yuurei would crack his knuckles and he would have that smirk on his face as always.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure I can handle your father. Besides, I always welcome a challenge, no matter how hard it can be.” He said to the man in front of him.

He would get up from where he was sitting as he was happy to hear this from Yuurei. He would move to the door of his home and he would look at Yuurei.

“Follow me then. I will take you to him.” He said to him as he would leave the place.

Yuurei would follow behind as he figured that he was taking him to the middle of the village. He was right about this as he would see the big place. He wondered what type of man this guy was but knew that it couldn’t be too bad. It wouldn’t take long for them to get to the place and his client would look at him with a serious look on his face.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:35 pm


“I cannot go in there with you. If my father sees me with you, he will probably refuse you no matter what. Good luck I will be waiting here to hear what happens.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei would smile at him as if he was fine with that. Renji would get off his friend’s shoulder and they would both enter the place. When they got inside they could see that there were guards across the place. They knew he must have been a guest if he was allowed to enter this establishment in the first place. He would make his way to the chief of this place without a problem, which was good. When he got there, he would see an older man in a chair and eating some fruits.

Yuurei would rub the back of his head as he would approach him.

“Who are you and what do you want?” The man asked him.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:36 pm


Yuurei would hear him, and his tone and it would seem like he didn’t want to be bothered.

“My name is Yuurei Starlight. I’m the guild master from Paradise Dawn. We’re stationed on the top of the mountain in Siegehart Mountain. I’m here today because I heard your village is having problems with negotiating a trade deal with another village. Would you like to explain why you refuse them when everything was going well?” He asked the man waiting for an answer.

The man was surprised that such a famous mage had come directly to him. It would seem like he was trying to mend the relations between the village.

“I cannot trust those I’ve never lived with. These people I don’t know, so how can I make sure that they will honor their deal?” He asked Yuurei waiting to see what he would say.

Yuurei would rub his chin when he heard this because it would seem like he just had doubts.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:36 pm


Yuurei would nod when he heard this, and he understood where he was coming from. Still, he would do his best to make sure that he would put the man’s mind at ease. He would smile at him, and he would start pacing side to side.

“I understand where you coming from. I would be wary to do something with people I don’t know either. Still, there is one thing I learned in the world and it’s this. You need to put faith in things. It is the only way you can move forward. If you don’t succeed in this, then maybe next time it will work. The thing is, I’m sure you have something they want, or they wouldn’t come with a deal in the first place. I think you are just overthinking it, and have nothing to worry about.” He said to him as he would take a pause before adding one final thing.

“If the deal goes bad, then I will make sure to fix it. How does that sound?” He asked him hoping that would be enough.



Trade Deal PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:37 pm


The chief would look at Yuurei as he was thinking about everything that he had said. He understood him, but what made things better was that if things had gone wrong he would deal with it. This was good insurance to make sure that he wouldn’t be betrayed.

“Fine, we will do the deal. If things go wrong, I want you to fix it.” He said to Yuurei.

The Nephilim would smile when he heard this and he would bow slightly before leaving the place. When he got to the front he would look at the chief’s son with a smile on his face.

Yuurei explained what happened, and the son would be happy with the results. He was glad that this would turn out the way he wanted it. He would look at Yuurei and he would hand him his rewards. The Nephilim would take it without a problem and he would leave with Renji as he put the Exceed on his shoulder before they left.

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