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Close Encounters [Open]

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Close Encounters [Open] Empty Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:29 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @tenshi | ARMOR

Alisa had done a good job of establishing herself her in Myras, and Blue Pegasus in turn. And how did she accomplish that? With some good old fashioned Guild work of course, taking quests, helping people with whichever requests they felt a need to put up posters over... The city had been all but closed off for years after all, even if the people knew all about Magic Guilds, didn't seem as though they'd have too much interaction with them to begin with. Thus, whatever guilds hoped to make the most of this new city would have had a long way ahead of them to turn themselves into known faces around the neighborhood.

Alas, that's not to say, every day in Myras would boil down to all work and no play. Certainly not for this tall northern woman, who after completing her daily dose of quests, decided to have a look around the market, still looking very much like a mage for hire on the job. One might even be hard pressed to tell she was actually off duty for now, if not for the sleek black visor worn above her eyes instead of over them, worn around her forehead like a circlet instead. The showy black blade on her back, on the other hand, would have proved all but impossible to conceal absent any form of helpful magic, so Alisa didn't even bother: She wore her demon slayer sword with pride like a badge of honor, strapped to her back just as it had been as she cleared her last assignment. Well, before she finally found her way back to her hotel, at least, and got around to swapping out of her sweaty armor, as well as the rest of her gear.

At this time of the afternoon, the merchant's avenue was significantly less crowded than it would have been early in the morning, more than enough for a loner like Alisa to find solace in merely strolling through the streets at a leisurly pace, taking in the sights and sounds, the few shoppers going about their daily business, letting her simply take her sweet time as she lingered on the occasional stall and window, admiring this or that interesting piece that caught her eye before moving on to the next one.

"Hmmm, now this looks interesting...", mused the woman, looking over the window and all the wares neatly displayed. One particular pair of earrings drew her attention, though not nearly enough to actually step inside and find out more, more than enough to merely stand around and linger, leaning in ever so slightly, hand on her hip.
She might have been at Myras for a few days already, and even gotten to know some of the streets relatively well... But she was still new enough to the neighborhood that, ever so often, she came upon priceless little treasures as such. Quite a few of the items she wore on her person had been procured at stores and stalls very much like this one, only to find themselves part of the powerful woman's arsenal, some more used than others. And a new city such as this one would have plenty such opportunities, and many more she had yet to even think of...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#2Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:49 am

Faris Iraious
Moving to different places proved to work well for the guild, Then again Faris had no doubt it would. As well he was more distracted with a few other things he generally did in life. Trying to help people feel better about themselves, As well as trying to fit into the public that might have him hitting on a few girls every once and a while. Faris' adjustment to the lands of Fiore coming from a sea wrecked boat from Seven seemed to be going well, Even if in reality he barely seemed to achieve anything he had been trying too.

Faris would continue his normal casual pace of walking around Myras, He started to find it even more delightful. Or Faris was far more easily pleased which would not be overly shocking to anyone who slowly knew what Faris was like, He was a happy and simple man who did not try to rush much in life, it seemed to be him humble.

A bit better then the lower district where he started, Maybe Faris was just on his way up with plans to visiting each section slowly, The Middle District was not so bad for the moment, seemingly different with what was around that is for sure.

Eventually it seemed Faris would catch his guild master browsing casual wares and he could not but help and mention when he found her."What exactly catches your eye must always interesting."Faris mentioned casually with his still rather noticeable accent of his but still his normal."No doubt, it must be something of beauty or class if your eye is to catch upon it."Faris was still kind of seeing what everything was like, But he still seemed the same, his outfit had not change from the last time seen, just clean and well kept.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:56 am


WORDS: 280 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

So absorbed was she in her admiration that Alisa utterly failed to notice the approach of one of her own, all but letting out a soft gasp as she heard a familiar voice calling out to her, with the kind of warm, encouraging words she'd grown to admire ever since they met, back when he first joined the guild:

"Myyy, what a flatterer you turned out to be, hmm, Faris~?", chuckled the sculptress, gracefully, those wine red hues turning to gaze upon the far more breathtaking sight of her guildmate, making her smile widen in turn as she winked playfully at him, "Well, they do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

In the end the sculptress couldn't help but shrug, almost humbly, not quite as presumptuous as to assume everything she deemed beautiful would be seen as such by everybody else, except for, well, herself. But that's just her pride and vanity coming into play really. In the end though, she completely lost sight of the treasures that had bewitched her so and instead turned to face her guildmate:

"How about you...?", she inquired, cocking her head slightly, resting her hand cooly on her hip as she smiled and rose an curious eyebrow, looking him over head to toe before her gaze rested on his sea blue eyes, "See anything you like around these parts~?"

She couldn't help but wonder how the young Sevese had been finding not only Fiore, but rather Myras in this particular case, a city he had seen about as much of as Alisa herself, despite the latter having lived all her life in Fiore.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#4Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:09 am

Faris Iraious
It was most likely the question he would expect right away, At least he felt like he should expect unless something else was really anything else to highlight. He knew however that was a habit of his he would even mention it."It is something I was taught by my parents to do, Mostly my mother." Faris would mention."Always told that everyone show make others day better, So I do my best to show that teaching here."Faris almost seemed naive in that way but everything was different across each land.

Faris might not have been looking at items in shops as much, Then again Faris did not seem to value things as upfront as most people."I have not been super interested in, But my eyes have been people more then clothing and things."Faris did not have a lot of stuff, So it might have shown that he valued people more then material objects."People here are a bit different here then the ones in Seven."A simple moment but Faris was learning a lot at least.

This would even go as far for Faris to mention in his ponder and with his arms crossed during his thought."People here, Seem to think different when I give them a compliment to try and brighten their day, They seem to assume something."Faris would learn eventually, these lands still had a lot to teach to him, he just needed to actually learn it.

But he seemed to laugh about it now, his spirit was not shifted at all about it."Maybe I am just still far to different compared to other in these lands.Faris seemed to accept that, The reality was not lost on him but he was not giving up anyway, Maybe that was just the wonderful part of Faris.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:28 pm


WORDS: 280 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Fufu, is that so~...?", Alisa's brow rose instantly as she chuckled, finding it a rather unusual answer to her comment, something she said quite often in response to such praise, and yet couldn't remember the last time she heard such an open, earnest answer to it, "Sounds like I'd enjoy meeting your parents."

She had to admit, Alisa hadn't quite had a chance to get to know Faris like this, one on one, so preoccupied was she with her guild and other matters:

"One could have hardly guessed judging by how well you dress.", noted the sculptress, folding her arms under her chest, cupping her cheek as she looked over the man's wardrobe once more and commented, "I suppose that only means you think of people even more than that hmmm~?"

Just like Faris, Alisa hardly felt shy about giving compliments wherever she found them due, even if they often hid a bit more subtly in her words, sprinkled in her speech like the most natural thing in the world.

"Well, when a man compliments a woman that is indeed often the case... Granted, I don't think that's just in Fiore either~", letting out a graceful little giggle, the guildmaster, brushed her long hair behind her, winking knowingly at Faris, wondering if Seven really was so different that men wouldn't court women as such, or if he'd simply never noticed cause he stood on the opposite side, "Hmmm, in your case, I don't feel as though you have anything to worry about... You're already quite the pleasant person to be around, I can't imagine any Fiorian would think otherwise~"

If anything, Alisa liked that about him... Faris seemed genuinely concerned with making other people feel better about themselves after they'd met him, without seeming truly preoccupied by it. That calm nonchalance seeped into the air around him as a kind of positive vibe few people truly posessed. She didn't think that had anything to do with Seven either. The way Alisa saw it, it felt like something entirely his'.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#6Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:56 pm

Faris Iraious
It was flattering to hear that from his guild master."My part village seems to at least enjoy people from other places and outside villages."Faris seemed to at least be delighted at that wonder. It would be a chance to go home for a tiny bit, Other people would see the lands of Seven."So do they, if they are even home, They tend to be out checking in on people."Faris seemed to be a protect of a mother and father who often are looking after or checking up on other, But it seemed to be needed with the lands of Seven.

"I would mention that we often hide behind large walls, Seven is often times attacked by monsters."It would start showing maybe were Faris' heart was at, this would be leading into Faris next point."It is why i hopped on a ship, got attacked by a Kraken and landed here. I came to see if Fiore would be a safer home for them."Faris was a too honest person maybe for his own good, Then again he showed where his heart was. Faris seemed to be hinting he had risk death to come here to see if it was safer to live to move his parents over here to keep them safe, Question he must have had on his mind, was it worth it?

Faris seemed to laugh, He did not seem like the shy type."I do not need a lot of material objects, That is why they rarely catch my eye."Simple man, simple pleasures best way to consider it. Faris would even follow it up."However, I do find the women here, As pleasant to look at much like the ones at home."Faris not being shy about it seemed to show he was fitting.

Fair would at least hint at things he could be looking for."Maybe if I find some objects from Seven, Armor or some kind of weapon from Seven as well. I might be interested." Faris at least mention what his eyes might be on."Do forgive me, If I do get distracted by my normal things."Faris could even laugh about it. Faris did not think she would be too bothering to her, Alisa's eyes seemed to be have an eye for many things.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:04 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

Well, she had to admit, Seven really sounded like an interesting place. It should come as no surprise, after all, since her own wife was part Sevese, Alisa would have some positive bias towards them... And from the few she'd met thus far, it seemed as though:

"Well that doesn't sound reassuring...", spoke the sculptress, brow raising as she noticed this was something Sofia had never told her... And understandably so, since, in spite of her heritage, the Valerican Princess had never lived in the country itself, "Makes me think you must have quite the poweful mages back in Seven for such a vibrant civilization to thrive on such a dangerous place."

This particular notion had Alisa's smile widening ever so slightly, but a hint at the woman's less than secret passion for battle and self improvement. Not that the mages in Fiore had left her wanting... But to meet powerful mages from other nations, with their own tactics and unique breeds of magic that she'd never heard of... As a warrior and a sorceress:

"Well, I'm certain the women of Fiore appreciate your admiration... Staring with myself~", giggled the sculptress, throwing him a playful little wink, actually finding it rather surprising that she could hold such a conversation with a man without him him turning into a flustered mess, or assuming she was offering something else, "Well, why don't you join me for a walk then...?"

Stepping aside from the window, Alisa pointed her thumb behind her as she nodded, motioning for Faris to join her if he so chose. More so than whatever equipment he could perhaps find, this would give them a chance to chat a bit longer:

"As i said, Myras is as new to you as it is to me, so... Who knows what we might find~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#8Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:44 pm

Faris Iraious
It was not really assuring but in Faris' case hearing what was not anything new to him."It is not, But I always think others should visit,Mind you that might be me enjoying home."Faris mentioned in some kind of delight about it, His open and bright optimism was not fading at all he seemed to be trying his best to keep it going."There are various powerful mages in Seven. My parents are not mages themselves, I am the in fact only mage of the family."Faris mentioned in return about it.

"I do think they had the ability to use, just never explored it in favor for swords and spears."
Could wonder how different Faris was from his parents, he had not been seen with a sword or spear yet. Or even armor."I am sure if you ever visit you would leave with something."Faris mentioned in delight as well.

What a compliment to hear from Alisa."So they, I do not notice as easily as the woman in Seven have, They truly must hide it."Faris seemed to have a side note about it, He seemed to have no problem mentioning his thought about how he felt in general about it.

And walking they said."Oh yes, Indeed let us walk then."Faris seemed to be even more happy about this idea why? well because he was walking with some one he looked up too a lead figure much like his parents."Well I am also just slowly getting use to these lands too, The wonder is always interesting for me."Faris seemed to laugh, He did not feel out of places in some way if really asked about it, Faris felt right at home here and in the guild he was in now.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:16 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Mmm, I suppose you would be used to it huh?", she noted, nodding in agreement as she figured Faris might feel like such occurrences were indeed just daily life in the region.

Granted, Alisa had heard the myths herself, as many in Fiore, and undoubtedly in other countries too might have heard. Seven was often said to be the home of ungodly powerful mages, but then, it could just as easily turn out to have been rooted in much of the same assumption as Alisa just arrived at.

"Well, magic is a weapon like any other. I'd hardly presume a master of the sword would feel helpless against a master of magic~ A weapon is only as strong as it's user after all."

One could argue that hoping to excel at multiple weapons like Alisa did wouldn't prove nearly as effective in the long run as simply specializing in one of the, but so far, she seemed to be doing well for herself at combining her novice mastery of the sword with her magic:

"Myy, and they say the women of Fiore can be quite passionate... I can't imagine what the women of Seven must be like if that's your impression~", folding her arms under her bust, raising a knowing eyebrow, actually having a pretty good idea from Sofia if nobody else.

She wouldn't have much longer to tease him over it, and to his credit, Faris didn't flustered by her words in any way... Granted, Alisa would have been hard pressed to call her playfulness "teasing" in the first place, if not for the surprisingly receptive responses she recieved:

"Good you feel that way~", chuckled the sculptress, looking at him out the corner of her eyes as she wandered across the streets, silently noting how long it had been since she met someone who took in the beauty around them with such wonder, much like Alisa herself did. Those were the people who fascinated her the most, "After all, there's much to see in Fiore. I'll bet you haven't even started scratching the surface."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#10Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:31 pm

Faris Iraious
Was he use to it, still yes he was he had lived here far more then he had been here."Generally, Yes...sometimes I do miss home, However I would not ever risk the boat trip back."Faris mentioned they would slowly move into the conversation piece of Faris' parents. Faris had grown comfortable with Alisa could admit details about his parents."Aside from being the ones who always encouraged me to help others along in life, They where ones who often trained others in weapons combat."So they did teach other in more then one way, showed where Faris got it from.

He would start with his father."I father taught spear and shield fighting, Believing with armor one and losing a weapon, a shield is merely as deathly."Might be easy to picture someone looking a bit older looking Faris who was slightly tanned."He tended to be the first one to head outside the walls to fight off monsters to save people, Before other people were ready."it was a pretty interesting insight to the young man from Seven."My mother trained and chose to teach other people how to use a bow and sword, Often was waiting in the wall to wait to see if back up was needed."Faris did seem delighted with this conversation, Then again people learning and being interested in conversation was always a good thing."Shame my mother was more looking after my father wounds, When she wanted another child."Faris seemed to chuckle about it, Prove that Faris thinking about others really did come from his family.

When the women of Fiore were mention Faris would finally reveal how far it had struck for him."Well, Consider no woman here as taken my interest, Maybe I just do not understand them as well as I do in Seven."Faris laughed about it, He was not numb to his downfalls either.

"Then again maybe it is because, Seven women are more what I am sure too, Or the signs are different even if equally as passionate."Faris seemed to keep that in mind being open minded, Taking in what he can when he can.

"I very well know, I have a lot of things to learn here, It excites me wonderfully each day being here."Faris had the energy of a newborn who had just learned to walk about this entire conversation."Do you want to lead the path of walking or shall I?"Faris had to ask in return.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:56 am


WORDS: 410 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"And between the two, seems to me like you must have had quite the well rounded training hmmm...?", mused the sculptress, finding it rather coincidental how the two seemed to have such perfectly complementing skills... Or perhaps it was no coincidence at all, but that very notion that helped bring the two together? In the end the sculptress could only chuckle, raising a hand over her mouth, "Well, your parents sound like quite interesting people~"

She couldn't help but smile as he mused on the women of Seven, until Alisa looked on curious, nodding in agreement and for a moment actually looking as though she'd have liked to pitch her two cents, being married to a half Sevese woman after all... But in the end, decorum won out as the lithomancer would much rather keep any details of her wife's passionate nature to herself. Faris might pick up on Sofia's flirtatious cues when he met her, but, she'd leave that up to him to figure out, and instead took the hint to focus on their lovely little stroll:

"Hmmmm... Why don't you do it~? Show me the kind of places you'd like to see most.", spoke the sculptress, cupping her cheek and tilting her head into it ever so slightly as she watched him, curiously, intently, pausing only to brush away the loose little tress of black hair as it draped down over her eyes, "I'm sure you must have had quite enough of tour guides by now~"

As someone new to the country, Faris likely had some people showing him around, in Hargeon especially, Alisa would hope he'd have counted members of Blue Pegasus among those people. And yet a clearly adventurous man who'd journey all this way from a distant land likely had little need for it in the end, and would probably enjoy the opportunity to discover everything this new land had to offer of his own accord:

"...Or perhaps you've already discovered some hidden little treasure you'd like to show me~?", not for a second did Alisa assume a literal treasure the likes of whom a common adventurer might imagine, but rather a ravishing sight, a one of a kind landscape one could never see anywhere else... Or even just a delicious place to eat.

Such was the beauty Alisa valued above all else, and had the distinct impression Faris felt the same way. The only question now was where would he lead them...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#12Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:27 am

Faris Iraious
He was a oddly happy child about explaining it all."I did attempt their training, My father did wish for me to fall into his place if when he felt I was ready, But My mother wanted me to find my own path more."Yet again more of the opposite minds taking effect, But it all worked out to Faris being a polite and well behaved man maybe him because free to not be stuck to how one told him to be allowed him to be how he was."Yes I do, I still worry about them each day that pass."Given what he had told about Seven maybe that was given, Faris was hoping they where still alive, knowing what he had explained his parents are most likely more stubborn then most people.

And the wonderful part is."Because even if tired of guides, So much to take in I do not know where to start as much as I assumed."Faris laughed about it much like the light hearted man he seemed to be.

"But I have seen a few places by myself, It has been quiet peaceful, More peaceful and less...dangerous then home."Which was that exactly something he might have wanted to highlight most likely not, But he did anyway Faris was at least honest and upfront in his mind and in person.

At least to her question while he would turn to start walking Faris just seemed to say."Well, Not exactly that yet, But I do promise to let you know if i do."Faris at least was more then willing to share, Then again he did not really have a reason to be greedy, He might have been to proud to be greedy about anything. Then again Faris also just seemed to be a man who just wanted to fine joy in other people's happiness. Maybe it was many things.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:51 am


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Mmm, parents' shoes aren't always an easy fit huh...", spoke the sculptress, glancing back down, her smile fading ever so softly as it often did when family became the topic for conversation. After all, she'd never quite had that choice, even if she figured she'd have probably not followed either of their footsteps had she been given the proper chance.

In the end, she wound up following her father's footsteps as she went on a quest for a certain gang of Dark Mages... Her Uncle didn't even try to stop her, knowing the futility of trying to dissuade her. But in the end, every time she looked up, she quickly remembered the lesson she'd learned in her years of wandering, smiling as she looked back to Faris:

"I suppose you can always start by whatever's closest to you~? Can never go wrong with that option.", added the sculpress, brow raising, sounding almost like she was merely sharing her own way to go about it, which was true for the most part. That's not to say one should confine oneself to their immediate surroundings, no matter how beautiful they may be.

In the end Alisa could only raise her eyebrow, crooking her brow. She didn't quite have anyother country to compare it too, and even though she knew Fiore could certainly boast it's own dangerous beauty at times, nothing quite compared to having its major cities regularly besieged by various beasts:

"And I'll hold you to that promise, you can rest assure~", she winked with a playful tone, letting out a graceful little giggle as their stroll lead them towards the more affluent areas of the middle district, where the classier shops and restaurants could be found, "How about a mid afternoon meal~? It's not quite dinner time but, people in Fiore will eat four dishes every meal if they can."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#14Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Thu Jul 16, 2020 1:36 pm

Faris Iraious
It was a vary fitting statement, Faris had that in mind, it was good it was settled quickly and with out Faris really needing to do much, however he would remark."They did.....well, Fight it out it was an odd situation, But my mother won in the end."What did that say about Faris' family in hindsight? a narrow minded but proud father? A loving and caring mother who just wanted her son to live free? Or something that Faris himself might not understand."Yet I think they are equal as fighters."At least Faris was still happy and humble as he normally seemed to be.

That could be a fight to see for most other people, Faris might not be ever interested in seeing it again."Yes so many things close by, But almost feels like so little time...Does make things hard to choose."The conversation between them at least did not seem to die, Faris was good for that. Maybe it was all of the collective pieces he was that made him okay and fitting where he ended up.

"Good thing I won't back out if I do end up finding something."
Faris was a sharing type of person anyway so that would be normal to him too. A meal with the guild master, Either Faris was a lot more honored then he first assumed or this was a a rarer moment he did not expect to embrace any time soon.

"Ahhh."Faris almost seemed like his mind froze in response to the request, But it broke quickly."Yes I would love too."But Faris agreed right away, not going away from a nice situation. What better way  to learn so many things, Then the person who lead  people and often had large respect of her pears.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:58 am


WORDS: 310 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

The man's question raised a fair point... As a local, Alisa would have liked to give him some pointers, some recommendations as to where he might start his tour of the city, or, well, continue it. But in all fairness, she had very limited knowledge of what to see in Myras, after all, she was as new to it as Faris was. However, that's not to say she felt completely devoid of ideas:

"Hmmm...", rubbing her chin, Alisa's gaze all too easily drifted up to the Avaar mountains, looking back at Faris and raising a curious eyebrow, "Have you tried the mountains yet...? The view from up there is quite lovely, if you haven't seen it already~"

Leaving it up to him to muse on her suggestion, the lithomancer instead focused on finding the two of them some place to eat. After a mission like that, Alisa felt undeniably peckish, and from the looks of it, he too could go for a meal. She smiled, needing only to nod in her chosen direction as she caught sight of a rather lovely little restaurant... She hadn't the hightest opinion of the local cuisine in Myras, but at te same time, she always gave them the chance to surprise her. Who knows when that might happen right? At the same time, the cuisine of Hargeon was a tough act to follow:

"Well, this place looks good enough.", she added, taking a seat at a table outside, waiting for him to join her, flashing him a soft smile while shooting a curious look indoors, wondering when she'd find some handsomely dressed waiter or waitress to hand them their menus.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#16Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:49 pm

Faris Iraious
The conversation was relaxing for Faris,  It was expanding on things he was shaping into his mind to think about different things he did not consider."Oh mountains, I have not seen them here."Which was an honest moment for Faris to admit, Then again maybe he was not exploring at much as he should as of late."I might be slacking in my learning of these lands, That I can admit."At least he did not fear judgement from his guild master about that.

Feeling Alisa was not exactly the hardest thing to do, After all he was kind of use to it."You would most likely get a better idea of what I could enjoy."Faris might be just easily trusting his guild master being a newer to these lands, But Faris has no reason not too.

Faris was not really picky about the place to eat either, Then again a chance for Faris to sit with Alisa was nothing he expect so soon he felt it was gonna be a bit longer of a wait. Faris truly was lucky here, He had better chances at things here, it was such a different life slowly he was getting use too.

When Alisa choose the spot Faris just looked around just mentioning to in general."Interesting place, Unsure what exactly to expect."This would be another new thing for him."Is it good enough? I am unsure what exactly will happen myself."Faris must have not tried to go into restaurants right away here, He must have just been digging into exploring more then getting more into the how people where here, It was a good thing drawing back something else. Which would grip Faris eventually."But it does look nice, nonetheless."Faris would continue being positive about things as he always has.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 8:56 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Fufu~... Maybe you should join me for a little hike while we're in Myras...?", suggested the sculptress, cupping her cheek, actually baffled that such an adventurous young man had seemingly ignored the obvious option.

Perhaps it was just too obvious to even consider, but in the end, if he didn't go there himself, Alisa would hardly ignore the option to have some quality time with one of her newer guildmates. But even moments such as these, strolling through the streets as she so often did by herself, provided Alisa with much cherished insight in the mindset of her companions, many of whom she'd end up fighting beside at some point. Weighed against such a prospect, merely sharing a meal together was as peaceful as she could envision.

"Neither do I... Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see soon enough.", encouraged the sculptress, winking playfully at him and chuckling, flashing the waiter a smile as he came to offer them the menu, "Well, if there's something you should know about Fiore... The food you eat may not always be as excellent as you'd hope... But it's never really bad~"

With this, she turned her eyes to the menu, her finger gliding gracefully over the sheet of paper offered until something caught her attention: Instead of suggesting some manner of haute cuisine she herself may have yet not had a chance to try out, Alisa instead offered a tried and tested option, looking up at him:

"I recommend the Carbonara. It's commonly served as a primo piatto, but it can be a pretty good, hearty meal in its own right.", at this point, the guild master turned occasional tour guide didn't really bother explaining what a primo piatto was.

If there was something Faris ought have learned by now, was the eating habits of Fiorian. With multiple appetizers, main dishes, cheeses, fruit and dessert, being a bit eater often comes with the territory:

"Any preferences regarding the wine~?", she inquired, putting the menu down to look into the eyes of the man sitting across her

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#18Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:29 pm

Faris Iraious
At least Faris was not worried about being overly mocked by Alisa it was just something he had to deal with due to the flaws of him."I would not say no, It might be an good hike."Faris mentioned thinking about the more the positive about it, hiking and more doing things with people he trusted.

But for now the conversation was on food. Food that Faris had no idea what to expect of. So Alisa' advice was always nice to hear."Well, decent food can still be good."Faris mentioned just to keep his streak of positivity about it.

At least Alisa would serve a decent guide for Faris, So it would just be him going off of what she told him but Faris could not help ask."What exactly is it?"So looks like Alisa would have to explain that to him, not that it was horrible to have to explain.

The food Faris might have had might be different then here. He did not sound like he was shying away from eating it however, just making sure he knew what he was going to be eating. Alisa could easily talk Faris into blind trying something if needed.

This might also show Faris was a bit more relaxed about this situation."I would say whatever taste the best."Faris started off with, But would follow it up with some thing else."But I would say white just to say I have tried that."Faris was showing he must have drank red wine at some point in his life. If this was about exploring well Faris was more exploring something that is drink and food, Not rocks, lands, places, cities and people. One of the many things Faris seemed to not lack is curiosity."I am not best at flavor matching however."


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:58 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Ufufu~ Very much so~", chuckled the sculptress, smile widening as though she was glad to find someone who understood.

If everything were perfect in every sense, then naturally the standards for perfection would heighten. By contrast, merely knowing that you'll never be disappointed can be more than reassuring in its own right.

"Oh, about as simple a dish as you can imagine... Pasta, eggs, cheese and bacon, seasoned with pepper and Oregano. Something miners would after a long, hard day at work."

No wonder Alisa appreciated it, after all, nothing quite beats a fulfilling meal after a long day of constant training. The sculptress had a lot of those after all, understandable for someone as powerful as herself. One cannot ever hope to go strong if they don't eat well now, can they?

"Oh, for something like this, I'd most defenitely recommend white. So that would indeed be the correct call here~", and thus, with her guildmate's agreement, Alisa placed her order as soon as the waiter arrived to take it, once again smiling as she handed the man back the menus, cupping her cheek as those wine red orbits turned right back to the red haired male in front of her, "Hmmm... I'll admit, it just takes some getting used to... I suppose it's easier if you have a delicate palate."

Granted, as a Fiorian herself, Alisa would certainly find it easier, even as she tapped her cheek, finally folding her arms by the edge of the table as she nodded. Fiore was... A country known for its myriad flavours and a penchant for relying on the finest ingredients, to the point many of were best eaten and appreciated raw.

"Rest assured, I'm certain given a few months in Fiore... You'll be as good at it as the best of us~", winked the sculptress with a playful, if encouraging smile on her face

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#20Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 1:46 pm

Faris Iraious
So far Faris did consider himself lucky to be with Alisa and her guild, Sometimes Faris had hope she had made sure,known and often express his own gratefulness for it. Then again it might not hit Faris that he could also express it too much too. nonetheless Faris' internal thoughts would eventually fade away."Ahh, sounds like something I may eventually try to make myself then."It is maybe a good question to wonder if Faris knew to cook to start with.

Faris knew everything in it so it might be interesting to see him put that to the test. Could assume if Alisa ever smelt burnt food, it might be Faris doing."But until that day, I will be delighted to get my hands on it now!"Faris clapped his hands delightfully once. Faris at least a rather simple and easily to please person.

The conversation is where at least Faris seemed to shine even if still sparking a few way in life."I am sure between tasks, I will have a fair amount of time to refine it."It sounded like something Faris would be actively working on himself much like any things."Refine taste, leads to many things, So I have been told."He either heard from Alisa or some one else in the guild and he was just repeating it.

Faris could laugh about it, just following it up with."Many things can happen in a few months from what I hear."Signs of Faris' adjustment to these lands were starting show, Or the guild was rubbing off of him that much, there were a few possible answers to that reality, All pointed towards Faris being just the happy member of Alisa's guild who believed in everyone and protected who he could while looking the best he could.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Fri Aug 14, 2020 12:20 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Ohooo... You never told me you cook~", brow raising, Alisa easily betrayed her interest as that faint smile widened ever so slightly. Not that she'd ever admit to how she herself couldn't scramble an egg to save her life, but if anything, that only made it easier to admire those who actually could, "Well, good thing you won't have to wait long then~"

Little did she know that Faris actually couldn't, but he still managed to sound convincingly confident about it. What she did know was, Carbonara seldom takes more than a couple minutes to cook... Well, he'd have plenty of time to get to know and explore this new country and its wealth of flavours and sights:

"...Starting with discovering a whole new city~", added the sculptress, winking knowingly as she caught a casual glance to the side, catching the waiter carrying their wine, leaning back in her chair as she smiled and tucked a loose lock behind her ear, watching the man pouring but a sip of that pure white nectar into her glass, to which the graceful woman merely took it, stirring it once as she took a delighted little whiff of that fragrant bouquet, and finally a sip, humming as she savoured every last drop, "Perfect~"

Nodding to the waiter in turn, the finely dressed man merely nodded back and poured a full glass for the two of them, after which Alisa merely lingered there, idly stirring the glass as she looked at the redheaded male before her, admiring his joie de vivre and wondering what he'd think of the often lauded Fiorian wine:

"See for yourself~", she spoke, wondering if she'd actually be able to surprise her companion with a whole new flavour. Every bottle of wine was different after all, even those bearing the same label...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#22Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:28 am

Faris Iraious
It was the slow part of opening up Faris would easily mention."Not very well mind you, But I can cook some what."Faris knew enough to cook for himself to live, But not really the greatest quality of food."I am sure much like many things trial and error is how to go about it."Faris still looking positively at, For all he knew there was no chance of knowing if he could make it, until he actually tried to cook himself, Such his plain and innocent mind set was and tended to be over all, Not much would change that.

Then again, Faris seemed to still have very little worry, He could get lost some where and still think of it better then most people. Faris would take a moment to sniff the wine to ensure what he was drinking and following along with his Guild Master because it seemed fitting for the situation, He was mirroring most of Alisa actions, Not stirring the wine in it's glass because he was unsure if it really did much, Nonetheless Faris took a sip of the wine. Realizing it was something he was still unsure how to process, Then again he was use to only red wine.

Faris would finally remark with."Well, It is pretty good. Considering I only knew red wine."Faris would remark, Faris did sound he was at least happy with the wine most likely needing time to get use to white wine, Since they are vast and different wines."Something I think I can get use too."Faris would mentioned also, showing signs of more positive things to come hopefully, Mind you Faris was also a simple man to please and keep happy. So that would work in most peoples favour, Now they were just waiting for food, For this delighted time to continue as it seemed too.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:37 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

In all fairness, Alisa could probably cook juuuuust enough to make it edible. Barely... And certainly not palatable, probably not very nutritious either. But she shouldn't starve to death hopefully. In the end, she thankfully never felt a need to put that theory to the test, and ideally she'd never have to. With some luck, she'd always have somebody around to cook for her:

"Hmmm, I suppose it really is a matter of trial and error... Though I suppose some are more talented than others~", she added, rubbing her cheek, perhaps hinting at her limitations as an almost awkward look flashed on her face.

She did have a sensitive enough palate to understand when her food tasted good or not, and seemed like that capacity was a crucial part of culinary skill. Maybe she just had to put it to the test more often? Seeing him mimic all but every gesture on her part, Alisa noticed how he was probably not accustomed to it. Granted, some people vouched by a certain need to stir the wine in its glass, but that mostly came into play for older wines, to loosen the fragrance trapped in the liquid from so many years in a bottle:

"Fufu~... I'm glad to hear you say that. Maybe some other time I'll invite you along for a wine tasting session? Maybe sometime soon, after all, we'll have a new harvest in a few months.", added the sculptress, explaining something she probably assumed a Sevese might know, after all, Seven had almost as famous a culture for wine production as Fiore did. Maybe he'd just never gotten around to exploring it before travelling abroad, "That's actually the ideal time to buy wine, if you're interested..."

Yet before they knew it, the waiter returned once more, carrying with him the equally fragrant dishes...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#24Faris Iraious 

Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:52 pm

Faris Iraious
Faris seemed to chuckle slightly and say."Almost makes me wish I had paid attention to when my mother tried to to get me too cook, Rather then get distracted by other things on my mind at the time."Almost like Faris was starting to realize he was his mother and father might have wanted to try and show him a path in life to be able to live on his own, Just might not have expected him to go off and live on a different land.

Faris might have started to worry his personal values and parts of conversation seemed to cycle far too much towards his mother and father."I will make due to understand how not to burn things I find interesting to cook."Was it poor Faris if he burnt a bunch of food? well the guild would find out eventually.

When it came to wine tasting."That does sound like a fun adventure."Then again it could also just be Faris possibly getting drunk and not remember anything about the tastes and flavors of the wines he was out to try, Faris found the risk worth it.

Faris was also still thinking about how he fit in, when in reality so far Alisa had shown him to just be himself, Adjusting that slowly into what lesson was he would stick to being himself eventually."Yes, I would go shopping for wine see how many bottles I would be interested in picking up."Knowing Faris he might buy enough wine then he could handle since he may dive deep into the wine rabbit hole. Would it all be a lesson for Faris to learn his limits, A lesson on the finer things in life he would want to learn, What a life for him to life.


Close Encounters [Open] Empty Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:57 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @faris | ARMOR

"Hmmm, yes, I'd certainly say that's a perfect place to start... Well.. Unless you're making crème brûlée, of course~", teased the sculptress, giggling gracefully, certain he'd understand her little quip. After all, some culinary knowledge transcends even the borders between countries, and among those, Minstreli cuisine just happened to be widely renowned throughout all of earthland...

Even in a country as proud of it's food as Fiore was. Though granted, Alisa herself was half Mistreli on her mother's side, so it seemed only natural for her to understand not only the culture of that land, but it's language just as easily.

"Well, if you think so, I'll most certainly hold you to that one in the near future, you can rest assured on that~", winked the sculptress, even as she caught sight of the waiter drawing close. Thus, she merely picked the napkin from her table and draped it gently over her luscious lap, putting down her glass of wine and reaching for her fork. Traditionally, and unlike most meals, pasta in Fiore was eaten not with a knife but the fork alone. Understandable since one would seldom feel a need to cut the pasta. If they did... Well that was a bad sign to begin with...

As the waiter placed their dishes before them, Alisa leaned back in her seat, lids fluttering shut, chest heaving visibly, as she inhaled deeply, taking a good, long whiff of that scent, so enticing it almost made her stomach rumble, cheese and olive oil, alongside the unmistakable aroma of fresh oregano.

"Fufu~... Best not let such a wonderful meal grow cold, wouldn't you agree~?", she spoke at last, picking her fork and rolling a bundle of the cheesy spaghtetti against her spoon, leaning in and bringing it up to her plush, pink lips as she puffed softly on the tantalizing forkful, blowing on the steaming bundle a bunch of times while her idle hand for her long hair as she brushed it carefully behind her ear, before guiding the pasta into her mouth, lips widening as she let out a long, delighted hum, "Mmmmm~... Delicious~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Close Encounters [Open] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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