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Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations]

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Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:54 pm


ꕥ WORDS: 380 | TAG:  @Alisa  | Rhea & Charonꕥ  

White hair resting on her shoulder as her blackened-brown eyes gazed towards the destination her sister told her to find her. Today they were going to have a little playdate as she then looked at Rhea and Charon. Both of them decided to wear their Empyrean attire of black and white since they were going to change into costumes anyways. Today she wore a black Sevenese dress as they shelled over her large bosoms and waist was tied  by a woven thin rope of gold. Her feet had woven sandals that laced around her ankles. The tall beauty was being watched by many and some wondered why she wasn't in Blue Pegasus, a guild symbolizing strength and beauty.

"This is our first time meeting them, right Mama?", Rhea asked with a happy smile. Her darkened eyes gazing up at her mother. Her pink hair shining, it reminded her of when she kept changing appearances in her past life. Was it truly an effect of the experiment? Compared to her brother, she was short and small. "Yes, my dear,~" she soothingly spoke and looked at Charon. He had white hair, like hers when it changed and his eyes were blue like his father's. He was taller and more formed as an eleven year old boy, nonetheless she loved them to death. "Be nice to them, understand? Just like with you two, I will be using my magic to make them about your age so you guys can have fun,~" she giggled sweetly, but inside she felt guilt.

The two, just like the other three were explained to about the process she did and out of her five kids, four of them were fine with it as the fifth kid grew up naturally. Soon enough she entered the room and blew a magic spell upon Alisa's kids to make them grow as it'll find them. She gave a motherly smile and flipped her white hair, "Alisa, my dear sister, it has been awhile," she started as she had held her children's hand this whole time. "This is Charon Ali," she gazed at her son, "And this is Rhea Judi," she giggled as she looked at her daughter. Her eyes looked at Alisa and at her children as it was just them now.

Status means Nothing to me

"Time, Enemy or Friend"

credit to nat of adoxography.


Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:57 pm


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @Karisa | CASUAL | Marina& Jessica  

Well, this would be interesting~... Kari had been nagging her about this for years, when would she and Sofia finally get around to having their own kids. And now it happened... These past few years had taken the Pegasus power couple's life by storm, leaving them with two beautiful girls in their arms. Sleeping peacefully in their stroller as Alisa gently rocked it back and forth, running her hands do their cheeks. She and Sofia both had their preparations to attend to, but instead of getting a babysitter, they'd simply decided to take turns tending to the girls while the other went about their lives:

"Oh, what's this...?", Alisa had already agreed to meet her sister for the first time in two years, and she'd even agreed to allow the use of her magic so their children could play together without their age gap setting them apart... But even then, she still found it baffling to watch that wave of magic enshrouding the two girls, all but pulling them from her stroller as the twins aged roughly 10 years, leaving them resting on either side of their mother, head resting on each of her shoulder. Shocked and in awe at the powerful magic, Alisa could only stroke the hair of her still snoozing daughters, giggling at the sight of the beautiful young girls they'd grow into in a few years... And that's exactly where Kari found her when she finally appeared before her sister, "My, my Kari... I sure hope this isn't permanent. I don't think Sofia and I are mentally prepared to raise two teenagers at once~"

Alisa winked knowingly at her sister, perhaps the greatest show of trust that she allowed her to casually use magic on her children as such. She didn't know how much of these events her girls would actually remember considering their age, especially once they reverted back to their natural age... But she hoped at least that they'd carry these newfound bonds with their cousins for the rest of their lives.

"Fufu, indeed, it looks like these past few years have been kind to you hmm...? You look more stunning than ever~", shooting her a knowing wink, Alisa flashed her a bright, welcoming smile, not standing up on account of the two girls yet snoozing on her shoulder... Though that didn't stop her turning her gaze to the two youngsters at her side, "And who are you two cuties supposed to be hmmm~...?"

As her eyes fixed on her niece and nephew, so did Alisa's own daughters start stirring from her slumber, filled with the energy of childhood they had yet to grow into before the spell hit them:

"Mmmmn... Mama... W-Who are they?", the oldest woke up first, wide green hues looking between her cousins, her aunt and her mother, a little startled by suddenly finding herself surrounded by people she didn't know.

A question Kari soon answered when she introduced her son and daughter, earning a surprised arch of her brow when she heard how the boy had been given her name...

"Fufu~.. Hello there. A pleasure to meet you both~", with those honeyed words, the lithomancer still held her arms around her girls, looking between each of them with a smile, "Girls, say hello to your cousins."

"Oh, hello...!", the more reserved older sister perked up slightly, smiling at the two, "I'm Marina."

The younger one, on the other hand, sprung to her feet almost immediately, a wide, giddy grin on her face as she offered her hand to each of her cousins:

"And I'm Jessica~!", she greeted, a glint of adventurous mischief in her eyes as she looked around at the festivities being prepared, all the costumes laid out, ripe for exploration, "Say, you wanna wanna take a look around?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:14 am


ꕥ WORDS: 380 | TAG:  @Alisa  | Rhea & Charonꕥ  

The woman smiled after years of not seeing each other as it was after the wedding they didn't have much contact. "Kind?~ I suppose so, it totally isn't the magic," she giggled sweetly as she gazed at her dear sister. Her eyes watched her children play and Alisa's as well, "It's not, just till you want them back to normal," she gave an assured smile and went back to grownup business, but not before she smiled at the two children, "It's lovely to meet you two, I hope you four will play well together~", she was a little worried about her two children since they weren't really normal kids.

One was already into her experiments and crafting and the other wanted to do practicing in battling. They were only about twelve or so. "Sure! I'd love to!", Rhea, the pink haired girl spoke excitingly as she followed then. "Hmph," Charon just follows as he protects his sister always. Her attention went back to Alisa who was now alone with her. Sighing softly, she went to find a comfortable seat and sit. "I'm... exhausted..." she rubs her own temples and gazes up at Alisa. "Not sure how much energy I have left in me between Marriage, kids, the guild, everything. Not including her," She points in the shadows who Alisa cannot see.

She gave a small smile, "But I wouldn't trade Kazimir and my children for anything... Even this immortality that I now have," she gave a frown soon after as she thinks about it. Her final goal was done, she was immortal now and she had a loving family. What was left? A house? An island of her own? She just wanted to be with her family. No more war, no more anything else. Just her and the love of her life with her family.

Status means Nothing to me

"Time, Enemy or Friend"

credit to nat of adoxography.

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Sigme10

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:41 pm


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @Karisa | CASUAL | Marina& Jessica  

"What are you talking about, you're the type who ages like wine if anything~...", Alisa chimed back, flipping her hair as her hand fell down to her hip. She shot a quizzical look between her girls who seemed completely taken by their newly met cousins, hand over her mouth as she chuckled, "Well, they can defenitely stay like that while they're playing with their children~"

In a world filled with magic, she knew her kids would be exposed to it sooner rather than later. Maybe they happened upon a magical artifact while its owner wasn't looking, or saw some people playing with it on the streets. With their homes in a Light guild, odds were they'd seen mages practicing with it more often than not:

"Ufufu~... Well you always found the energy you needed to keep going. Sounds to me like you're more exhausted mentally than physically... Perhaps you could find a hobby to amuse yourself with.", running her hands down her hips, Alisa smoothed out the kinks and creases of her skirt, joining her as she sat down beside her, draping her arm along the back of the chair as she smiled at her sister, "Neither would I~... Feels like everything I've achieved, all I've done... Everything leads to them~...?"

With a soft sigh, Alisa turned her head back to the children playing a few meters away from them, her chest rising and falling as she thought back to the past few years, meeting Sofia and building this life with her:

"At least you have immortality. Both you and my wife will outlive me by quite a few centuries at the very least~", she chimed back, smile widening as she noneletheless betrayed a bit of apprehension... While she relished in knowing her beloved would live a long life, her heart ached at the thought of leaving her alone for most of that time.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 2:57 pm


"I do like my wine,~" she jested with a playful smirk while playing with her hair by the ends. Her eyes watched the kids carefully as she dragged them everywhere she went unless Kazimir wants them. No longer did she let anyone else watch them. Her sister was amused at her statement of being exhausted. "Mmm, feels like both to me, dear sister. I don't go to the gym daily unlike yourself,", she chuckled and looked at her.

"How is your wife, by the way. Sofia, right?" she questioned as her darkened hues gazed into her red ones. She wondered what her and Kazimir have been talking about as all she could see for some reason were them hanging around. Something was disrupting her vision as it was either someone more powerful than Chronos himself or a mistake on the Timing. Sofia has been quite the asset to Alisa's life so she feels like she should know her more than she did personally.

Her sister brought up a hobby, a hobby for what? She had children after doing missions after missions to get where she was. "And be like my precious daughter, Mimi?~ All my artsy gifts went to her as Tempris on the other hand got their father's feisty ones," she giggled and then looked at the two seriously, "I just hope these two... nothing goes wrong like last time and...", she paused and changed her mind about saying what she was going to say. The fifth child... And as for immortality, she is reminded that she is to Sofia as Kazimir is to her. They both will die yet they will stand alone.

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Sigme10

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:45 pm


WORDS: 1300 | TAG: @Karisa | CASUAL | Marina& Jessica  

Alisa chuckled, knowing all too well just how many times the two had met up for drinks, had sleepovers over a bottle of wine. No wonder she aged like it hmm? And luckily for her, she didn't even need to work out like humans did. Not to sasy she couldn't benefit from it:

"You know, it's never too late to start~... Maybe that could be a good hobby?", she chimed back, raising a finger to her plush lips, shooting her a sly, knowing smile, even knowing she probably wouldn't, "She's doing quite well, actually. The girls have done wonders for her, though I know she also missed everyone at Blue Pegasus during these past two years. Fufu~... And she loves the effect maternity had on her figure. As for me, I'd lost the baby weight in a few months of training really..."

Then again, Sofia didn't work out nearly as much as Alisa did... Much like Kari, the girl had been blessed with natural power. At this point, Alisa no longer knew how much she'd been born with and how much she'd acquired over time:

"How about Kazimir~? I haven't seen him since our meeting in Stella.", she mused once again.

Alisa didn't know whether or not Kaz had told her about their encounter with Illumin, but she kept that to herself lest Kari bring it up of her own accord. She imagined he'd have told her, or would tell her in the near future, but she'd rather leave it up to him to decide how to broach the subject. She'd tell her if Kari asked directly, assuming she could tell something was up... But for now, she'd leave it up to her sister to decide who she'd like to hear it from:

"Fufu~ Exactly like Mimi. Parents can learn a thing or two from their children, or so I've heard."

In the end, she took a deep, heavy sigh, that perpetual faint smile fading away ever so slightly as she leaned back into her seat, that long hair draping down over her shoulders, long tresses adorning the swell of her bust as she turned her attention back to her sister:

"It won't.", Alisa reached out, resting her hand on her sister's shoulder, eyes narrowing as her tone grew graver, confident yet reassuring, "I'll be here for them if anything happens to you or Kazimir... Just like I know you'd to for mine if something happened to me and Sofia."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:30 pm


"Mmm, I don't think I could get back into arts, but gardening and reading have been a hobby so far. Yet all I can think about is being with family," she sighs with a frown, her head leaned into her hand as she looked at her kids. She assumed there were chairs, so she sat on the closest one before leaning. Karisa was getting exhausted on full force as if her energy was draining constantly. "Finding an island and retiring sounds amazing," she speaks with a light breathy tone. Her eyes closed just for a moment as she wanted to rest her eyes.

She listened about Sofia who seemed to be doing good as well as the children. Her smile became warmer as she lightly opened her eyes, "Good, and Kazimir? He's... been busy, really busy lately," she goes back to frowning as she misses him constantly. Why was he always busy? Perhaps it was time for her to overly plan somethings with her children and her guild. Keep her mind off of things. She paid full attention to her sister, "Of course I will,~ I will retire with them on an island," she chuckled as she will add anything to her end game goal as her motivations were already completed. She had Eris, a goddess who she will change slowly and her immortality without becoming apart of the undead.

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Sigme10

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:47 am


WORDS: 1600 | TAG: @Karisa | CASUAL | Marina& Jessica  

"Well, gardening can be art if you look at it that way... But indeed... No matter what hobby you choose in the end, it's always best to pick something you can enjoy with your family~", Alisa chimed as she nodded, turning on one side ever so slighly, shoulder against teh wall as she crossed one long, luscious leg over the other and took in her sster's features, "Fufufu~... Indeed, that's been a dream of ours... Hmm, maybe we should find ourselves a nice little archipelago so we can stay close to each other~?"

She shot a playful wink at her sister, adamant about having an island just for herself, her wife and children, but at the same time... She'd also want nothing more than to keep her sister close. Some families opt to buy houses next door to one another, but them... Well, Alisa at least had a faint glimmer in her eyes at the thought of finding herself her on an island one day, surrounded with nobody but her family... Her smile curled wider with a soft, dreamy sigh as she thought back to that dream, even knowing it would be quite a long time before she could make that a reality:

"Mmmm, I can imagine... Life as a Guildmaster has days like that...", her smile faded as she leaned back against the wall, the back of her head coming to rest against the sturdy stone behind her as she looked off towards the ceiling, shooting but a quick, cursory glance to her kids playing in the distance, "Fufufu~... See now that's all the more reason to make sure our islands are close to each other... I don't suppose you've used to Goddess powers of yours to scope out a possible location~?"

With a soft, graceful giggle, Alisa nudged her sister with her elbow, shooting her a sly smirk.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 2:12 pm


"Maybe Rhea will like it since, well... we found out her magic is nature. We still don't know what Charon is capable of, but alas I feel like his might be strong," she suggested as usually the late bloomers come out stronger. She watched as Charon looked at her. Did he hear her somehow? He gave a light smile towards his mother and continued on with playing with his cousins and sister. "They're quite adorable this age," she sighs as she looks at them. She frowned and mumbled, "I don't deserve this life...". Her eyes wandered towards her sister as she listened to her. "Ah, yes! That'd be wonderful. Close together so we wouldn't miss each other so much as we possibly do now," she replied and put her fingers through her long silky hair.

Her abyss-colored eyes looked into her sister's rubies and wondered something now that she could see it, "How was meeting him?" she asked calmly as her voice was no longer soft. It was as if this was her autotune due to seeing what happened. "Was it... truly him?", she now questioned a little hurt as she remembered being so in love with Illumin that she'd do anything in his name. It caused her chaos and she lost yet gained many things. Would she go back to that if she could? Probably not... These preparations were becoming more eventful than she thought it would. As she waited for the answer, Karisa started with the preparing as she snapped her fingers, summoning servants. She had some of both genders as she has yet to really ask what their names are. She has been too busy to, well all besides Diablo and Raeses. He was quite handsome, and she was a cutie. They were siblings of course so they stood out more than the others.  

"How may we service you today, Goddess?" they spoke in scync. She didn't like it, but they called her that to get her favor as they always tried to win it one way or another. "We are to prepare this area and make it outstanding," she gazed at all four as she didn't wish to summon all eight. It wasn't needed. "I need you two to service the children in case they need their usual," she looked at Diablo and Raeses. Diablo had black medium hair that tickled the side of his jawline. He has a red streak of color where his bangs are as it is all natural. His eyes were black where the white should be and golden circles. His form is rather thin other than his chest as one can tell he is decently built. By appearance he looks like a demon, but maybe that is because he may be one.

Raeses was short and petite as she was quite younger than her brother. Her eyes were also black, but her circles were white. This girl was a little older appearance wise than the children. Karisa entrusted these two the most as the others have yet to give her a reason to. Truthfully, if she was single, she'd definitely go for that baddie over there. Just kidding.



Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Sigme10

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 2:59 pm


WORDS: 2300 | TAG: @Karisa | CASUAL | Marina& Jessica  

"Fufu~... They're yours and Kazimir's children, no doubt they'll be unbelievably powerful if they ever decide to pursue the same path we did~", Alisa encouraged, winking knowingly as her gaze wandered over to her two daughters, actually struggling to take her eyes off them as she saw how pretty the'd look in a few years, "As for Marina and Jessica, well... They're much too young for me to make any real assumptions of their talent. And for the better really. In the end, regardless of how much they have, I'd rather they choose their paths for themselves.", she nodded, not having made any particular efforts to gauge her niece and nephew's own potential, even if she could have easily done so with her eye.

After all, they were still at an age where their own interests mattered more than innate abilities. At that age, they could learn whatever skill that caught their interest far faster than any adult. And whatever they chose... She knew they'd excel at it. After all, they were hers and Sofia's daughters~ Alisa giggled as she watched the two girl's play, a palpable hint of pride in them. At this point, she wanted nothing more than to spend time with her family, without worries of something going horribly wrong in the country for the millionth time:

"Well, I'll let you know when we finally find something~", Alisa chimed back, folding her arms under the fullness of her bust, cupping her chin as she glanced up, "There might be something interesting on the seas south of Hargeon, maybe one of these days we can take a little trip there and do some prospecting~"

Alisa's smile widened with a soft, longing sigh, her chest rising and falling... She didn't know how Kazimir himself felt about this, but Sofia and herself had long wanted to dedicate more of their time to themselves and their family, and well. Karisa was a part of that. By contrast, that question evidenced how Kazimir had already told her about their meeting, something she felt relieved by, after all. Even by omission she disliked having to lie to her:

"Would you believe it if I said it was so utterly mundane... We still find it hard to believe it was really him?", she added back, a knot forming in her brow as Alisa's arm rose to her head, rubbing her temple as she went over some of the discussion she had with Kazimir at the time, "Some zealots would tell you that infidels must burn... But if that were the case, we would most certainly be dead?"

Alisa believe she had indeed met in Illumin, far more than she ever believed in the teachings of the Church alleged to be His. After that meeting, she felt almost completely certain the chief God had nothing to do with the Church itself. If He knew it existed, He wanted nothing to do with it. Alisa sighed... This meeting renewed her desire to protect the people from the excesses of the Church. She had nothing against individual priests, many of whom had the interests in their community at heart. She held no resentment towards the faith itself - her mother's faith and one whose morals she'd been raised by... But she'd never forgive those who'd use Illumin to justify their greed and cruelty. Losing herself in those thoughts for a moment, Alisa smiled when she saw her sister turn her attention back to the preparations, summoning some of her servants to help out:

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't let your servants do all the work.", she winked at the goddess and her servants, twisting her own key into the air in front of her, until a pair of finely dressed maids appeared, and tall, elegant blonde and a shorter, voluptuous brunette, bowing their heads gracefully, "Good morning, Gianna, Bella."

"Good morning Ms Vollan~... What can we do for you?", the blonde spoke. These two seemed to have a far less competitive streak between them, as her companion merely smiled

"Well, you heard my sister. Go help watch over the children while we help get this parade set up~ Make them some lemonade and something to eat. They'll be hungry after playing around so much."

With these words, Alisa uncrossed those long, shapely legs, standing back up as she ran her hands down her sinuous shape, smoothing out the kinks and creases in her skirt, untucking her shirt and unbuttoning it as she simply tied it up in a more practical knot beneath her bust, then offered her hand to her sister:

"And as for ourselves, I suppose we can go help these boys finishing crafting their cart~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Children Festivities - Alisa [MMG – Preparations] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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