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By your side [Sofia]

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By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:04 pm


WORDS: ### | The Woman In Red

“Mmnnn, I'd expect no less~” Purring and gasping out a series of breathy words as she parted from that perfect, pillowy pout only for the scantest of seconds in order to share a few words with the wonder of a woman she hung onto, Sofia shone with a smile as the black beauty teased the topic of her enduring temptation, and was met with only approval and suckling kisses in response to it.
“Teeheeheehee, you might be right, love~” Giggling however when the ebony enchantress noted how the escalation of their activity was seeming to draw raised brows and redness from the faces of those in the bar, though the girl with the green gaze was rather tempted to see just how much controversy she could create with a reckless lack of restraint in this moment she ultimately decided it was probably better to focus on the meat of the matter rather than mischief, and so with a shake of her head and a giggle opted to explore other avenues of their amorous expression.

“Luckily, I have just the thing, no~?” Luckily aided in this enterprise by the magic she had chosen to focus on ever since marrying this marvellous minx and demonstrating that as she eased her grasp on the goddess, Miss Serena shone with a smile as she nuzzled her lover and then lifted a couple of her deft and dainty digits to her forehead, and hinted at the spell she was going to cast in order to warn the woman she loved as to what would come next.
“Finally… All to myself~?” In but a flash from their perspective and perhaps a soft pop from anyone else's the two leaving the bar without even needing to take a single step and instead seeming to find themselves presented with silk sheets and goose feathers beneath them, the buxom beauty could only beam as she lunged for support and privacy that was offered by the luxury suite of the Hargeon hotel with her wife in her arms, and mischeif in mind to boot. And all the while she thanked the fact that she had the forethought to arrange this penthouse for the pair, after all, it had been far too long since they last had a moment to share each other so greedily, hadn't it?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:11 am


WORDS: 330 | TAG: @Sofia | Blue Dress 

Alisa felt equally tempted to keep going, after all, for all her words... She made no motions to stop or even slow down her advance as she all but straddled that succulent lap, pressing her curvaceous frame up to her lover's, kneading that supple mass with her own as her deft digits twined through those silken soft strands:

"Ufufu~... Oh do you know...? My, my, Sofia, I see you're full of-", Alisa played it coy, staying in character even though she knew fully well what her lover was capable of... But as that popping sound filled the air, her breath caught in her throat, eye flaring open as the very environment changed in a heartbeat, cutting off Alisa before she could finish, "-... Surprises~... My dear Sofia~"

She shot a quick glance to the one side, and then the other... She recognized this place. One of the fancier hotels in Hargeon. She never stayed there herself, since she always had her own room at the Guild Hall... But right now... Both women knew fully well they had to hold themselves back if they stayed home, for fear of waking up their girls... Out here though... All bets were off. With silken sheets beneath her and that sinful softness pressing down around her, Alisa instinctively lunged for those luscious lips, rolling atop her, stradding those full, womanly hips as her hands wandered, savouring those enthralling curves as she, squeezing her big, mouthwatering bust from the side as she toyed with the edge of that silky soft dress:

"Mmmm~... Took the words... Right out of my mouth~...", Alisa purred, a breathy, husky growl as she dipped just an inch lower, nibbling kissing along her jaw, leaving her lips free to voice her appreciation as she massaged those marvellous masses with both hands, with the experience only a long time lover could muster, looking up at her the whole time, watching her like a hawk to take in every last look of utter delight on her face... Indeed... Had been way too long since they could indulge in one another.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 04, 2022 6:54 pm


WORDS: ### | The Woman In Red

“Oh, I'm just getting started, love~” The girl with the green gaze grinning as her luscious lady love seemed to marvel at her crafty creativity, Sofia purred as she basked in both the beauty of her bride and the blissful knowledge that she now had her all to herself, with no one or nothing that would have a chance of interrupting them. Even death wasn't going to stop her now, was it?
“I've had so many chances… To plot out this naughty little moment, haven't I~?” Because of that not about to rush what followed even if she did ache for the warmth of the embrace that she could share with her ebony enchantress and instead taking her time to reqcquaint herself with the raven, the words of the water witch were little more than a whisper as she nuzzled her way down to the succulent flesh of her neck, and let her hands roll over that sinuous shape and the silk that covered it, and admired both rather generously even if she did not currently have the opportunity to do so with her eyes.

“As I said babe…” Instead indulging herself in a feast for the senses and doing so with more relish than a hamburger in north eastern portions of the americas, she nibbled on her lower lip and smiled as the siren mentioned how she had stolen the words right out of her mouth, and as she straddled the hips of the minx she had married Miss Serena was sure she wanted to make off with more than that. But she was happy to do so by exchange, which was shown as she lowered her hands to her own hips, and began to peel what she found there upwards.
“I'm only just getting started~” Tugging on the scarlet 'sheath' which she had been showing off all the while but felt no need for now they were alone, only Alisa would know the glory of the gifts which lay beneath such a scant covering, but that was only right. After all, what a woman did in the bedroom with her wife was her business and hers alone, wasn't it~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 08, 2022 10:51 pm


WORDS: 330 | TAG: @Sofia | Blue Dress 

Alisa purred inbetween kisses as the two rolled around the sheets in each other's arms, not peeling away for even an instant as she clung to that fine frame, diving into those luscious lips more and more as time went on, cooing sensually by the time her beloved had dipped into her neck:

"Fufu~... You've had far too long if you ask me~...", she purred, hands wandering up and down that voluptuous shape, tipping her head back with a breathy purr, cheeks reddening, heart racing, nails digging into her succulent shape as those soft, seductive kisses stole her breath away all too easily, slowly rolling down the silken blue fabric of her dress, pulling it down her shoulders, and baring the fullness barely hidden underneath. But nothing quite compared her for the feast before the eyes that soon followed.

Her lips parting as Sofia peeled herself away and rose back upright, Alisa chewed her bottom lip as she took in every last inch of those lush, glorious curves laid bare, those palpitations in her chest growing faster, thumping harder with every passing second... Instead of raising her torso upright to meet her, Alisa laid there for a moment, hands resting on those shapely thighs as her lover straddled her, lips parting at the sight before her, before her sweltering need got the better of her:

"Mmmmm, that's good~...", rising back upright, Alisa drew a trail of kisses up along her lover's generous curves, savouring every single mouthwatering inch as she slid her arms right back around her body, looking up wantonly into her eyes the whole way through as her nails all but clawed at her smooth, strong back, fingers twining through those voluminous strands as she held her lover close, smooching her way up along her neck, tracing the underside of her chin, before diving right back into those plush, perfect lips, "Because I'm not letting go of you... Anytime soon~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

By your side [Sofia] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 11, 2022 1:53 pm


WORDS: ### | The Woman In Red

“Teeheeheeheee, then…” The vision of the vixen widening as her ravishing raven revealed such joys beneath her silk, Miss Serena couldn't help but linger for a moment and nibble her lower lip as she took in the voluptuous vision that she was offered by such generosity, though as much as she wanted to spend time beholding such brazen beauty she knew that she could not linger for long, and so thrust herself deep into an only welcoming embrace.
“I better convince you it was time well spent, hm~?” Exploring that smooth skin and the perfection over which it was cast, the princess of the pegusi felt her pulse pounding as she drank in the scent of the woman she loved and more, and purred as she began to tease at those treasures tenderly and yet hungrily, and relished the experience especially now that they had only been enhanced by the benefit of motherhood.

“Oh, I don't plan to go anywhere any time soon~?” All too happy her own feast for the senses as well as she cleaved that crimson colour from her frame and let it fall in a direction she had no mind to care of, Sofia could only shiver as she felt the dainty and deft digits of the dark dish settle on her hips and all too quickly she found their hands mixing, and her own encouraging the ebony enchantress to explore. True to her word as well and having no intention of breaking this moment for anything less than the end of the world, only the joy and the gifts of two lovers experienced both in the art of passion and each other could follow on from this, but that was another story. One only fit for those who could share this marital bed…


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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