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In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa]

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In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:03 pm


TOTAL: 500 | Love Knot

That felt… Absolutely amazing! A green eyed girl gasping as she exploded from the depths of the blue pool which was now a signature feature of her ever more gorgeous guild, Sofia Serena smiled as she flicked her long, brown hair from side to side and drew her hands across her face slowly to wipe the dew off it before looking around herself and basking in what she found.
Almost as good as the Valerican seas! I wonder if they enchanted the water or something~? The summer sun beating down upon the water to warm it to just the perfect pitch and also provide that blanket of heat to wrap around oneself when one felt like retreating back to dry land, the bubbly brunette beamed as she took in those rays and marched along to the sloping steps that would act as her escape, and provide everyone and anyone around it the sublime experience that was watching her leave.

Now to see what she’s up to~ Hips swaying from side to side as she rose higher and higher with every step and revealed the splendour that was her swimsuit, or perhaps the lack thereof depending on your point of view, the dazzling diva was drenched from head to toe and decorated only with a now drooping bow in her hair and what looked to be a wrap of the scantest scrap she could find from a dress to cover the rest of her.
Something wicked and wonderful, no doubt~ Pink colour clinging to a fine frame which had been honed by her work at the guild and preserving her modesty and little more than that, though she had initially intended to wear a two piece Sofia couldn’t say no to this sinfully scintillating strap around herself, and reckoned from her reflection that few others would have been able to either.

“Heeheehee, a pool party, hm~?” Chief among them the gorgeous gothic goddess that she sought right now and smiled once she saw, though she herself was certainly making sure everyone that saw her had their faces set to stunned Miss Serena couldn’t help but smirk as she took in the woman she had married, and made no effort to hide her amusement either at her ensemble or the event that was unfolding around her. Not that she could pay it much heed for the moment.
“Can’t help but think you thought this one up with a certain someone in mind, my love~?” Instead lost in her love for a woman who had made her honest or as much so as anyone was capable, the coquette smirked as she strode toward the luscious lass and then leaned forward to plant a lovely little kiss on her lips, offering teasing words and all too fond recollections as she remembered the combination that the resort feel and the two of them had brought about, and hoped with all her heart that history might have repeated itself right here and right now. Well, the best part of it, at least…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 09, 2020 11:16 am


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia | SWIMSUIT

Finally... Their long awaited pool party had finally arrived, in spite of whatever delays they faced in setting up the whole thing. And the way Alisa saw it, well... Better fashionably late than never:

"I see our new pool has turn out to be quite the hit here~", giggled the sculptress, strolling casually around the party, mingling with her guildmates with a smile of utter delight on her face. Clad in her newly purchased swimsuit, the sculptress had finally gotten the chance to properly show it off, after dutifully saving it for such an occasion. Well, save for the odd sneak peek here and there~

But even at the sight of the party they'd thrown, one particular sight still caught her eye, as those wine red hues came to rest on the vibrant visage of her marvellous mermaid as she emerged from their freshly built pool. Merely watching her climb back up onto solid ground had the lithomancer digging her teeth into her bottom lip, a telltale tingle shooting up her spine in a reaction that had never quite faded in all their time together:

"Ufufu~... Indeed my love. Good to see you're already making the most of it~", teased the tall temptress, admiring the way those glistening rivulets cascaded down her sinous shape, sashaying over to her beautiful beloved and meeting her halfway, all but purring at the feel of her smooth, wet skin under her touch as she draped her arms around her waist, pulling that slender, shapely hourglass form into her arms, letting her fingertips tease the edges of her luscious lilac swimsuit, "My my~... What gave it away, hmmm...?"

Holding her wonderfully wet wife close to her, Alisa couldn't help but shiver at her softness her she pulled her so close, almost as much as the tantalizing taste of her lips as she pressed them to her lover's, cooing softly at her taste, tinged with the faintest hints of chlorine.

"I suppose I don't need to ask you how's the water now, do I~?", she teased, holding that sinuous softness into hers, gazing deeply into those gorgeous green eyes as she slid one hand up the side of her body, tracing those captivating curves, teasing the side of her supple breast before stroking her cheek lovingly, all but losing herself in that mesmerizing moment as everything else seemingly faded into the background.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:11 am


TOTAL: 900 | Love Knot

“Heeheehee, I’m certainly trying to~” The pulse of the princess racing as she found those deft and delicate fingers running over her dewy skin and then tugging her closer to the woman she loved, Miss Serena couldn’t help but purr happily and giggle as she found her fine form being claimed by the fox, and nuzzled those lush lips before nibbling on them softly a moment later.
“Ohhhhh, perhaps I’ve just learned to read the ebony enigma that is Alisa Vollan, hm~?” Any warmth that the sun might have possessed seeming to pale when compared to the heat that even a moderately innocent moment between these two could provide, the bubbly brunette whispered to her beautiful black haired bride and flicked her locks as she teased her temptress playfully, but surrendered herself to that kiss a moment later without restraint.

“Heeheehee, well, I suppose you’ll never know unless you try it yourself, will you~?” Smirking all the more when the magenta-eyed minx questioned her about the water, though Sofia could have readily confessed the fact that it felt wonderful to her she honestly was feeling a little too cheeky for that, and had something else in mind. Nuzzling her lady love and licking her lips before skipping back to that sapphire surface and twisting around to let those emerald eyes glisten at her ebony enchantress, the mischievous mermaid beckoned to her brilliant belle to join her and pulled her fingers back through her hair, hoping to seem every bit the stunning siren she always felt when she was around this woman.

“Fancy a dip, honey~?” All too keenly recalling what the combination of herself, her beautiful bride and aqueous adventures had on the two of them and wanting to exploit that fact, Miss Serena shook her head and giggled as she waited for a few more moments and then did something quite spectacular really. Lurching backwards without even turning her head and arching in the air as she headed toward that wonderful water at a rapid rate of knots, the Valerican vixen grinned as she pushed her hands above her head the very instance before she hit the surface and broke through it like a harpoon before plunging deeper and deeper into it, and staying there. Capable of holding her breath for a while after all and Alisa knowing that all too well, she lingered and looked up lovingly and longingly, floating in the depths of their new feature as she waited for the woman to join her and see just how much hotter they could make the pool by sharing it together…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:24 pm


WORDS: 490 | TAG: @Sofia | SWIMSUIT  

"Ufufu~... Perhaps you have, who's to say, hmm~?", teased the temptress, tilting her head ever so slightly with a quizzical look in her eyes, sliding that hand higher until she met those wet, silky auburn locks framing her luscious lover's face, finding herself toying with them ever so slightly, holding her wonderful wife close to her the whole way through, as though her warmth alone was all she needed for sustenance, "I suppose if you did... We could surely chalk it off as one of your many talents~..."

Even as that quick, yet utterly breathtaking kiss parted, Alisa found herself nuzzling that pillowy pout with her own, her heart pounding in her chest as she found herself rolling one of those silky brown locks around her fingertip, she couldn't help but nibble her bottom lip as that cheeky choice of words got a palpable shiver from her whole body, something Sofia would inevitably pick up on with how close they stood now, enough to let her feel how her heart skipped a beat at the thought:

"Well, I can certainly think of a couple things i'd like to try, I can tell you that much...", all but purring as she felt that marvellous mitt twining through the strands of her hair in turn, Alisa could only watch as Sofia peeled herself away from her arms, and even the might Wizard Saint felt her strong hold ebb as her lover merely needed to peel away from it, leaving her to watch the dazzling display her marvellous mermaid put on for her, "Or quite a number of things I'd fancy, really~..."

How on earth could she possibly refuse an offer like that? Watching her lover diving headfirst into the pool, her brow rose ever so softly at the sight before her, before her playful faint smile curled ever so wider as Alisa darted right after her beloved, swan diving gracefully into the swimming pool, holding Sofia's gaze the whole way as she dove under the deep, all encompassing blue, catching up to her maravellous mermaid without even a single stroke of her legs, letting her momentum carry her along as she'd find herself drawn instinctively to her lover's arms once more. Holding her gaze under the water, she'd drape her arms around her, teasing her the whole way through as she finally emerged:

"My my, using your siren song on me, are you, Sofia Serena~?", cooed the sculptress when they finally emerged., all but planting a kissy trail up her lover's body, from her navel to her lips, between the heavenly valley of her bosom, making the most of the wide opening provided by her snazzy choice of swimwear as she slowly emerged from the water in turn, smooching along the underside of her chin before planting a long, luscious kiss to her lips, winking at her as she peeled away, "Hardly playing fair now, are you~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:19 pm


TOTAL: 1450 | Love Knot

Hot damn…! That green gaze widening as she found the most beautiful sight in existence lurching down before her, if one had thought that Alisa Vollan was a gorgeous and gracious goddess upon encountering on dry land they would be bowled over at the sight of seeing her floating down into this pristine water, and even after witnessing it so many times Miss Serena wasn’t sure even she could cope with it.
No wonder sailors become bewitched by mermaids, is there? Though I doubt any of them are as beautiful as she is… The fine femme seeming to float so slowly down that she could have sworn that time was standing still for the rest of eternity, when she finally found that fantastic form in entanglement with her own dainty delight the foreign fox might have sworn that herself and the water around seemed to kick up in temperature by about a million degrees as her blazing black belle seized her frame, and she steadily floated to the surface without one ounce of care in the world as she shared another delightful deep dive kiss with her dark delight, and hardly even noticed they had come out the water even then.

“Heeheehee, how could I refuse such loveliness, hmmmm~?” So lost in the lusciousness that was her lover that the only thing she could feel was that gentle and red hot touch of the woman’s hands and lips, a shiver shot up Sofia’s spine with such force that she couldn’t help but giggle as she felt herself tightening so terrifically because of that teasing, and looked toward her wonderful wife with eyes that were heavily lidded and packed with want.
“No matter what kind of spells I learn, the greatest will be whatever magic won me you~” Shaking her head as she watched herself being claimed inch by inch by this intoxicating idol, the beryl eyed beauty bit into her lip and wrapped her arms around the neck of her picturesque partner as she waited for that sweet moment when their mouths would meet again, but even with all this build up couldn’t quite prepare herself fully for when finally she sensed the softness for which she felt to always be starved for. No kiss from this woman could ever be too much for her, after all, or perhaps ether of them.

“Mmmmmnnnnnnnnn…. Alissssssaaaaaaa~” Mewling melodically as she felt that perfect pout mingling with her own and letting out a red hot breath which made the name of the woman she loved sound like a hiss a second later, the hands of Miss Serena flowed down the shoulders of her sable siren and to her back, digging her nails into that sweet and silky soft flesh she found there as she pulled her beloved closer and closer to her, practically wanting them to merge as one as she shared that blissful kiss.
“After all, there is nothing better than my hot, wet wife~” Even then still mindful of their situation however and one to always take advantage of it for her mirth and mischief, the mermaid smiled as she whispered further sweet nothings to Alisa and then spun them around suddenly because of the advantage she had in all things aquatic to plunge them back underneath the water, and enjoy the intimacy that she felt with her bride beneath the surface that little bit more…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:15 pm


WORDS: 1400 | TAG: @Sofia | SWIMSUIT  

"The most forbidden form of magic, surely... After all, I wouldn't want anybody but you catching wind of it, Sofia~...", teased the tall temptress, winking playfully at her lover, eyes narrowing passionately as she gazed into her eyes and took her in her arms, her heartrate quickening, pulse rising just from the mere closeness to the woman she loved more than anything in the world, her cheeks reddening at the sight of her.

For all her eye catching confidence, despite the self assured smirk on her lips, everything went out the window the moment they touched her wonderful wife's. The mere taste of her kiss made her heart skip a beat, until Alisa all but forgot to breathe made out with her mesmerizing maiden, holding her close as they floated weightlessly beneath the surface, finally surfacing after those few seconds that felt like forever:

"Haaaa... Sofiaaaa~...", all but gasping as the two entwined lovers finally emerged from under the rippling surface of their brand new swimming pool, Alisa hardly spent more than a split second catching her breath, barely breaking that heart throbbing kiss for even the slightest fraction of time, as if that enthralling taste of her lover's lips was far more precious than even the hair she breathed, "...Stole the words right out of my mouth, my love~... And my breath with it~"

Arms draped idly around her marvellous mermaid's waist, Alisa merely giggled girlishly as she gazed upon those gorgeous green eyes, utterly transfixed by them... Far too lost in her lovestruck daze to ever antecipate what Sofia did next. Out of nowhere, the girl pushed her underwater once more, stunning the smitten sculptress. A trail of bubbles left her lips with a startled, wide eyed gasp, her nails digging into that smooth, silky soft skin, betraying her bewilderment as she found herself plunged back underwater. In the end, Alisa couldn't help but giggle, nibbling that luscious bottom lip, teasing it between her teeth as she gazed into her eyes...

"So beautiful~...", devoid of her voice underwater, Alisa nonetheless mouthed the words clearly enough for her luscious lover to clearly see them, utterly mesmerizing by the underwater visage above her, marvelling at how her long auburn hair drifted idly, suspended weightlessly in the water, all but shimmering under the sun's rays as they pierced through the surface

In the end, Sofia wasn't the only one who felt emboldened by this momentary sense of privacy. As she marvelled at that vivacious vision above her, Alisa's idle hand trailed up her spine, tracing its curve before hooking behind her neck, holding her close as she lost herself in that luscious lock of lips, while her other hand trailed the other way around, coming down to rest on that perky posterior, toying playfullywith the edge of her swimsuit.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 16, 2020 1:52 pm


TOTAL: 2200 | Love Knot

How was I ever lucky enough to find a woman like this, hm~? Sinking deeper and deeper now that she once again had her beneath the surface of the pool and loved the privilege of privacy she felt from that fact, the aquatic angel twisted her form around slowly and created a gently winding effect as she and Alisa drifted down inch by inch until they were completely submerged with a foot or three of lush liquid above them, and her beautiful bride was above her as well. Staring up toward the sable siren as once again she was given the treat that was seeing her fantastic fellow femme floating overhead and looking like something sent to her from the heavens, whilst there were a great many things about water that Miss Serena loved, all seemed to pale by comparison to the chance to share this almost weightless and sublimely silent bliss with the woman she loved.

I can’t even imagine myself frolicking without her anymore… Nibbling on her own lip as she finally peeled herself away from those lovely lips and feeling like the black belle was the thing stealing her breath and not the deep, though she had been a little frisky with her new friends from the guild of late in truth there was no one she wished to toy with more than the terrific temptress she sank with, and having her all to herself like this was a moment which felt rare and rewarding at the same time.
And there’s no need to return to the surface when I have everything I need down here, is there~? Not an ounce of intent within Sofia longing to leave the luscious lagoon she had created so long as she had her wonderful woman down here with her, the girl with the green gaze grinned as she felt that teasing touch tweak at the swimsuit she was sporting and shook her head, before rolling with it to help her blissful bride with the task she was toying with; popping it just enough to allow quite the perky little peak free as she grinned and giggled, and decided to be really daring.

Even the air won’t be an issue for a water mage, now will it~? Wondering just how long she could get away with this risquĂ© risk but certainly not willing to change her mind because of the chance of discovery, instead Miss Serena only smirked as she contemplated on how she could prolong their perfect privacy in the pool, and quickly came upon a tried and tested answer in order to help her scintillation survive indefinitely. Leaning back just enough to lift her fingers to her lips and kiss them softly, with the scantest outlay of mana the mischievous mermaid created an orb of air around her head which could keep her sucking down oxygen for some time to come, and permit her to share it with Alisa as well if she got creative.

“Mmmmm, looks like you’ll have to stay close if you wanna survive down here~” Lunging into yet another kiss and using film of air that her spell was providing her with as a source they could both share so long as the lips of her fellow femme stayed within a few inches of her own, though Sofia reckoned she could readily put a little more ‘gas’ into her act and provide them both with plenty of breathing room she liked the idea of ensuring her ebony enchantress would be unable to stray far, and smiled as she exploited that tiny little pocket of air to speak to her lover.
“Such a chore huh, I have you completely at my mercy now~” Knowing all too well that her gorgeous gothic goddess could escape and return to the surface even then but guessing that the spell she could weave on her wife would prove stronger than any desire for independently supplied air right now, all that the emerald eyed enchantress could do was snicker softly as she swept her hands over the floating form of her fellow femme, squeezing at it and tugging at the costume her companion was sporting, and readily expecting that both of them would be soon be completely relieved of such cumbersome garments given time and lacking interruptions. Hell, right now she didn’t even mind the idea of putting on a show, so long as her audience could remember to listen quietly and not feel some sudden need to be involved themselves…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:43 am


WORDS: 2000 | TAG: @Sofia | SWIMSUIT  

She had to admit, there was something impossibly tempting about her wife's tantalizing choice of swimwear, like the ribbon on a brand new treat, just aching to be unwrapped. All too often Alisa found herself idly running her fingers under the edges of her swimsuit, Sofia seemed to agree, until the sculptress couldn't help but shiver at how daring her seductive siren had turned out to be, returning the grin all too greedily as she teased that tender peak revealed before her exploring thumb delighting in her reactions as much as the taste from of luscious lips. Alisa had no clue just what her impish beloved had in store for her, but when she finally saw it, her eyes shot wide and then narrowed as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, feeling her pulse rising all too gladly:

"Ufufu~... You have the most delectable ideas, hmmm~?", she saw what Sofia had in mind, and granted, hardly needed much by way of encouragement to oblige. Not about to burst her bubble, Alisa wasted no time breaching it as she renewed her kiss, her chest heaving as she took a long, deep breath of that fresh air.

In any normal case, she'd have made the most of the air still in her lungs to savour the underwater lock of lips, her tongue sneaking out, licking her lover's, as if coaxing it out to mingle as she gazed into her eyes and giggled. But right now, she could indulge in their underwater getaway as long as she wanted, all the more so as the pair finally sunk to the bottom of he pool. The thought thrilled her to no end until she could do nothing but tease her tantalizing form with her own, squeezing her supple softness into Sofia's, applying pressure, then releasing it, shifting her torso left and right, letting her lover admire the shapeliness of those full, firm mounds as they moulded to her shape as her hands snaked around Sofia, tracing those tempting curves as if holding the most mesmerizing masterpiece in her arms:

"Oh dear, how troubling. It truly seems I can't peel myself away from you now, can I~...? Oh whatever shall I doooo~", cooed the sculptress, gasping into the kiss the whole way through, as her cheeks reddened visibly. Yet nothing quite compared to the ability to actually hear that seductive siren's call as it beckoned her closer, teasing her plush bottom lip between her teeth as she purred, "Mmmmn~... Sofiaaaaaa~..."

Ever since the day they met, her luscious lover had been as precious to her as the very air she breathed... But right now, it all took a far more literal sense~ Sliding her toned, shapely thigh up and along Sofia's hip, hooking her leg around her, Alisa pulled her beloved as desperately close as she could, her wandering hands peeling off any offending fabric in the way, slowly, yet with increasing feverishness as she marvelled at the thought of taking her right then and there... No way they'd go that far right...? Even two daring divas, lovestruck as they were, wouldn't go this far in broad daylight now, would they~? Even if they wouldn't, the mere thought that they could left her heart racing, threatening to pound out of her chest from the intoxicating thrill:

"I guess even more importantly~... Whatever shall you do...", letting Sofia's hands wander without resistance as her own held her lover close, the seductive sculptress peeled away from her lips, drawing a kissy trail along her cheek, purring breathily as she sensually nibbled her earlobe, "...Now that you've got me~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

In Deep [PSF-Phase 2 - Alisa] Empty Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:31 pm


TOTAL: 2550 | Love Knot

“W-Whew…” The sun already well on it’s way on a path toward the horizon when Sofia finally found cause to return to the surface, though the little spell she had created had kept her and her amorous aquatic ally well supplied with air whilst they had fooled around beneath the deep she still found herself gasping for air when she finally erupted from the warm blue waters, and rather red in the face as well for that matter. Cheeks burning with the kind of warmth that came not from a sense of shame or embarrassment but rather a need to vent some of the volcanic heat within her that ravishing raven seemed to all too readily inspire, all that she could do for a moment or two was flop her limbs lazily to hold her head above water as she waited for her wonderful wife to join her, though once she did she felt a sudden rush of energy that permitted a rather eager pounce.

“Maybe these little parties should become a regular event~?” Smiling at the very first sight of that jet black hair and lunging for the shape beneath it with reckless abandon, even with her chest still heaving the brunette couldn’t beam but beam and kiss the face of her fellow femme all over as she greeted her, and hinted that this was the kind of afternoon which she for one found really rather morish.
“At least… For the two of us, hm~?” Pool parties always fun but the combination of herself, Alisa and a nice warm patch of water something that took everything to a whole new level, as she suspected it would, all that she could do in the aftermath was shiver and smiles and smooch her beloved bride as she whispered sweet little promises to the woman, and suspected rather strongly that this guild amenity was likely to be commandeered by the two of them like this with far more frequency than was really fair. But hell, what was the point of being the top two women in the guild without a perk or two, hm~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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