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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan]

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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 8:48 am

The day unfurled under the crisp morning air, pristine and unblemished. High above, beyond the billowing clouds and the icy reaches of space, the sun presided, its light piercing the cosmos to warm the secluded sands of Kahu Rock. Its rays, a journey traversing a fraction of a light year, bathed the vacant beaches in a comforting glow, crafting shadows that danced subtly with the passing breeze.

Beneath a clear, unobstructed sky, Tōga sat meditating among the sand, shoes discarded to let his toes sink into the warm, ochre grains. His arms crossed, his thoughts ventured into realms beyond the grasp of ordinary minds. Here, in this serene solitude, the external world faded, leaving Tōga enveloped in a cocoon of introspective silence.

In this moment of patience and stillness, he transcended the immediate world, delving deep within himself. He was more than a warrior, less than a deity. A man, a mage, a dragon slayer born of fire—yet these titles felt hollow. To unearth the truth he sought, he needed to strip away every layer of his identity and confront what lay beneath. He pondered, what essence of his soul remained if stripped of titles and roles?

What would he find at the core of his being? That revelation promised to transform him utterly. So he maintained his posture, the world warming around him as mana leaked from his pores, sparking like embers, a small fireworks display emanating from his skin and clothes. As his magic burst forth, adopting its own form, Tōga contemplated the paradox of his journey. To truly understand the essence of his fire, he realized he must flow like water. Surrounded by the ocean, he envisioned molding himself to the encircling waters, adopting their flexibility and adaptability, all while maintaining the fierce heat of the sun above. This natural contradiction, this dance between opposing forces, would be the catalyst for his growth and newfound strength.

As Tōga sat, the elemental symphony played around him—the gentle whoosh of the ocean waves, the soft rustle of the sand disturbed by the wind, and the distant call of seabirds. Each sound a reminder of the world's vastness and the small, yet significant space he occupied within it. The hypocrisy of nature would be the connective tissue to his journey towards growth and strength, he knew. Only by embracing these opposing elements could he find the harmony necessary to evolve. As he sat, his body seemed to resonate with the natural frequencies around him, his fiery essence dancing with the rhythmic flow of the sea, each wave a mirror to his undulating thoughts.

This moment of unity, of being truly present within the complex weave of nature, was what Tōga sought. It was a profound understanding, a clarity that he believed would redefine his path forever. As the sun climbed higher, casting its ever-warmth over him, he felt closer to the answer that hovered just beyond the veil of his consciousness. Here, in the embrace of Kahu Rock's archaic sands, Tōga was poised to uncover the deepest truths of his purpose.

Training: Shō ten hi [513/1600] INT Grants 60% WC.


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 1:43 am


Lumikki would randomly traverse to Kahu Rock at times when she desired some silence. The Demoness hasn't been around Luluhawa island in a while but when she returns, she enjoys getting most of the work done at once before retreating to places least likely to be found.

But what an oddity it was to find Tōga in this moment. Tucked along the shore of a beach, eyes closed in a meditative stance. One could say he was the picture of serene, but all Lumi could see in him was a target. As she approached closer, she could observe the sparks flying off his skin. His little light show was amusing, almost enough to halt her mischief. But she did not want to stand in silence forever. So she'd wander towards the crashing waves to collect some water. Filling up her pale made of ice, she'd walk back over to the slayer and splash him with the cold water.

" Achieving peace, aren't we?" Lumi would utter between her giggles. She appeared in human form, hair tied in two pigtails and in a simple two-piece black bathing suit. Covering her eyes was a thick pair of rounded shades. And along her feet were moving shadows that kept her cool.

" Suppose ya could find it later."

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 7:23 am

In the boundless expanse of his mind, Tōga envisioned the sun—not just as the ultimate celestial powerhouse, millions of miles distant, but as a majestic, almost divine orb of intense fire and gas. It hung in the cosmos, an aloof deity overseeing its creation, its warmth touching every corner of existence. With an ethereal hand outstretched, he pierced through the clouds of Earthland, soared past the moon, and navigated the cosmic clutter of asteroids and distant planets, yearning to touch this incandescent giant. The more he immersed himself in this vivid daydream, the brighter and more vigorous the flames erupting from his body grew. This mental and physical synchronization spun a dance of energy, aligning his inner visions with the tangible world, giving life to his energy in real time. He felt an exhilarating proximity to the celestial body, yet it remained tantalizingly out of reach.

The farther his mind's arm stretched, the more elusive the sun seemed, looping through the vastness of space in a desperate bid to grasp the giant star. No matter how far he reached, his goal slipped through his fingers like grains of cosmic dust. Yet, paradoxically, with each mental reach, the warmth intensified, fueling his resolve. The burgeoning heat in his mind's eye was a clear sign—he was on the correct path. "Almost there!" he encouraged himself, pushing his mental boundaries ever further in relentless pursuit of the celestial flame.

Suddenly, reality intruded sharply. "Arrghhh!" Tōga was jolted from his trance as water splashed against his fiery shroud. The liquid met flame, creating a violent explosion of steam and mist that swiftly enveloped the surroundings in a dense fog. Through the thick steam, Tōga’s smile emerged as he recognized the presence of his comrade before he even saw her. "Ahhh! Lumi-chan!" His voice carried a warm, playful note as the mist began to clear.

There she stood, more humanoid than usual, adorned in an inviting two-piece bathing suit complemented by large sunglasses that perfectly matched her style. Rising to his feet, Tōga shook off the remnants of water, his body’s heat evaporating any lingering moisture with astonishing speed.

"Didn’t know you were on the island! But you're just in time, I’m mastering a cool new spell!" he exclaimed, his infectious enthusiasm undimmed as he turned towards the ocean. Once more, fire danced through his pores, manifesting into the physical world with renewed vigor. "Wanna see? I’ve never actually done it before, but I think my preparation will make this a one-time spectacle!" His grin was wide, a hallmark of his adventurous spirit.

Kahu Island, a jewel within the vast realm of Earthland, had become a frequent backdrop for their encounters since their first meeting on Luluhawa Island. Could this day mark a new chapter in their friendship? A chapter where Lumikki, clad in her summery attire, would witness the unveiling of a spell unique to the Inferno Dragon Slayer—an awe-inspiring display of Tōga’s latest magical conquest, nurtured by the fires of his relentless determination and the mystical energies of their cherished island retreat.

As Tōga gestured towards the horizon, his expression teeming with anticipation. The air around them seemed charged with potential, the ocean's vast expanse mirroring the limitless possibilities of what was about to unfold. Tōga's connection with fire, a primal and untamed element, had always fascinated her, and today it promised to reveal new depths.

"Alright, focus now," Tōga instructed, his voice a blend of excitement and concentration as he prepared to channel his power into the new spell. He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The flames around him began to swirl, coalescing into a vibrant spectacle of fire that danced around his form, illuminating the beach with a golden glow.



And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 3:24 pm


Lumikki rejoiced in her mischief as she was quickly awarded with a dissipating flame and a thick steam. The sound of the water sizzling off his skin was oddly pleasing to her ears, but it would be his gusto that filled her with more animated energy as well. " Always quick to flail about lad, it's always a wonder that ye have any energy left for yer flames. But it is nice seeing ya again, even if it often feels like welcoming the morning with ye." A smirk played on her lips as she spoke in an almost sing-song voice. Her posture leaning in quite mockingly; but through her jest, it was clear that she was pleased to see him. At the very least, his company would entertain her. Though it would indeed be at the cost of her comfort as it was already hot as it is without his flames adding to the heat of the day. She did her best to use the last of the steam to cool the air, but it was a temporary fix made even shorter by his high-spirited antics.

Before Lumikki could interject and add to her greeting, Tōga was up and about. Fixing himself to show her one of his spells. It had been a long time since she witnessed his magic, and not being a fan of flames herself, she was hard-pressed to remember what his were like. She figured it would be spectacular, as that was all he strove for. Even if it didn't go as he planned, something grand or terrible was in his grasp.

While he took on his tempered stance, focusing on his breath and magic. Lumikki walked way off to the side, strolling on the beach to create a distance. Whether she was three meters or twenty, she would be able to see him clearly; but standing near him as he charged his flames was absolutely unbearable. She inched towards the water and soaked her feet, walking into the ocean just as far as her hips while she watched and waited for the spell the slayer had in mind to spur out.

As Tōga labored, his efforts would result in a growing aura, casting a golden light on all around him. It was oddly beautiful, a saving grace to fire and flames. Their warm glow was indeed appealing even if the heat created by them wasn't as enticing. At least for her in the state that she was.

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 4:03 pm

Hahahaha, Lumi-chan! Good one!” Toga's laughter rang out, cutting through the swirling flames that wrapped him like an embryonic cocoon. “I do smile a lot!” He knew Lumikii was alluding to the intense heat of his fire magic when she compared him to the sun. Still, he wanted to play along and wasn't entirely lying—he grinned more than the happiest of people.

And he had good reason. Once the ice demon retreated from his immediate vicinity, Toga knew he could unleash his power without restraint. At first, the ocean was still, but slowly, tides began rolling in and out, waves swelling against the shore. The sheer energy radiating from the dragon slayer created ripples across the deep blue. The sand beneath his feet grew searingly hot, forming bubbles that liquefied and solidified into glass as the fire from his skin tore through the terrain.

Haaaaaaaa!” Mana pulsed from him like an echo, flames seeping from his pores as he moved his arms with precise, fluid control. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” His snarl grew in intensity, veins bulging across his forearms, biceps, and thighs as his blood seemed to boil with the growing heat. Soon, he was consumed in a brilliant blaze, brighter than the sun hanging high in the sky, lighting the island ablaze with unparalleled luminosity.

In this fortress of sunfire, Toga, his eyes burning with intensity, cupped his hands together and extended his arms over the ocean. With one final, mighty shriek, he unleashed:

“SHŌ TEN HI!!!!”

From his hands shot a wide, all-encompassing wave of fire that swept across the ocean's surface like a beam of pure sunlight. The fiery blast tore through the water at lightspeed, vaporizing the blue depths in its path. The spell cut the ocean’s surface in half, bubbling and searing the waters before detonating in the distance. Its eruption left a stellar explosion that shook the waves, sending them rolling back toward the shore before they subsided, gently lapping at the land where Toga stood, not far from Lumikii.

The impact settled as silence fell over the landscape.

"Oops… Might've overdone it, huh, Lumi-chan?" Toga chuckled, a bead of sweat trickling down his brow. He sighed and shook his head, half-smiling as he surveyed the scorched shore. The power he'd wielded was immense, its scale undeniable, but he couldn’t help but be amused. The fiery spectacle might have been excessive, but it was his way of showing off, a playful yet undeniable testament to his prowess.

In the end, he met Lumikki’s eyes with a grin that was both apologetic and mischievous. The ocean's waves continued to roll gently against the shore, still glowing faintly from his sun-like spell. In that moment, Toga basked in the warmth of his magic and the amity he shared with Lumikki, their banter a bright spot in the aftermath of such immense power.

wc: 1618/1600 - Shō ten hi ( 焼天火, Fire that burns the heavens) learned!


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 2:47 pm


Lumikki watched on as Tōga built up his spectacle while adding layers of darkness to overlap her shades and cut into the light. Lumikki could not be blinded, but the pain was unnecessary to endure. And as the searing heat pulsing from his skin would echo the sentiments akin to when Lumi must temper the island's volcanos threatening to erupt, the flames would wisp and drop from him in the likeness of smoke from incense; though the smell was nowhere near as inviting. In jest, Lumikki would carve a circle in the air, aided by her ring a portal conjured. From which she'd dig out a few sticks of lavender incense and hold them out. The air, hazard heated in the projection of this flame's spell, would ignite the ends and begin the burn. Lumikki would then proceed to wave them around in a little melodic dance as she waited for the conclusion of this cast.

Tōga, almost in sync with her nonsense, then proceeds to kick up his channel. Each series of preparations, topping the last; until eventually the blast was released. Of course, this would lead to the disruption of everything and Lumikki would take steps to keep from being disturbed. The Demoness promptly slid a kick in the water just behind her, ushering her magic to freeze the coming wave. It froze in a curved-like formation, properly blocking any more erratic splashes from coming and crashing in her way.

As Tōga looked over with excitement, Lumikki smoothly dropped herself to sit down. Before falling into the water below her, a chain would form by the rapid frost mashing together. She'd relish in her little ice oasis, carved out on the beach to counter the rising heat of her company's spell. Taking a moment to relax in the chill before answering him properly.

" Aye ye did lad but pleased it wasn't pointed toward me! Demon or not, the infernal heat is an annoyance but ye'd still well in Muspelheim." Lumikki tilted her head upon realization of the glass formed. Studing the beauty of it while the light would speck off and break to an array of colors in sperratic directions. She'd nod with pleasure and gesture toward the slayer. Since yer gonna over do it anyway. I'd like glass made from yer magic, and maybe a nice sculpture as well."

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 7:35 am

After the explosion of his spell subsided, Toga stood at the center, surrounded by the swirling afternoon heat of his conjuration. "Whew! That spell’s gonna be taxing in the early stages," he muttered to himself, beads of sweat forming and evaporating rapidly along his brow as his skin radiated heat from the turbulent display of his secret technique. Wiping away the vanishing sweat with one hand, he glanced over at Lumikki, who was nestled safely within her ice-make fortress, shielded from the lingering effects of his spell.

"Muspelheim? What’s that?" he called out, his confused expression matched by the tone of his voice. Pondering her enigmatic reference, he turned his gaze inward, reflecting on what he had just achieved. "Shō ten hi worked, but there’s got to be a deeper level to tap into," he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. The spell he had just unleashed was a vivid manifestation of his dragon slayer magic, with the solar eruption burning his target into nothingness.

"Maybe I need to change the target..." he whispered, the words barely escaping his lips and likely unnoticed by Lumikki unless she possessed enhanced hearing. Lost in his own thoughts, he considered how to refine and evolve his technique further. The spell was already a powerful external demonstration of his abilities, but he sensed untapped potential that could transform it into something even more formidable. So immersed was he in his musings that he remained oblivious to Lumikki’s requests and to the way the intense heat had superheated the sand beneath their feet, turning it into imperfect glass. His mind wandered over various possibilities and refinements to the spell, envisioning how he could harness its energy more efficiently and strategically. Meanwhile, the afternoon sun glinted off the flawed glass, creating a surreal and glittering landscape around him, a testament to the power he had just unleashed.

Lumi-chan! Question,” Toga turned his attention towards his demon-counterpart, who still sought the enjoyment of the ocean’s waters and how her ice magic intertwined with it. “Have you ever used one of your spells on yourself?” the dragon slayer inquired, his words piercing the space between them as he finally took note of the matter change around him, brown eyes feasting on the bits and pieces of glass that slumbered in a bed around him as he smiled. Did he create this, he wondered, seemingly inspired by what his fires could do.

wc: 421/1600 learning Enōkan (炎王冠, Crown of the Fire Lord)


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 11:53 pm


" Muspelheim? That's one of two primordial realms created by Ginnungagap Lad. Though I suppose ye don't consider that in Joya. Hmmm if I remember correctly, yer gods contributed to the realms differently. A myriad of invisible deities before they settled on making two that would sculpt the lands. But before there were lands to carve there was nothing, Ginnungagap. The dark void that birthed the primordials, and ye'd suit Muspelheim as its the land of scorch and fire." Lumikki often forgot that others didn't care for myth and lore as much as she, or the desire to pursue the stories of all lands. She assumed others knew as she did but it was a foolish habit to maintain.

And foolish still for wasting her words....the dragon slayer was far lost in his plotting that she'd go unheard. Prompting some dwarven cursing under her breath in return as she rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat.

It wouldn't be too long after that he hit her with a ridiculous question, yet she'd entertain the answer all the same, she just would bother to rise up to face him. " No lad, I haven't and rather I don't. I'd save that for a battle I'd be forced to do it. To which I'd entertain with little hesitation." She preferred to be calculated but wasn't above recklessness either.

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Tue May 14, 2024 6:30 am

With a radiant exclamation, Toga's words rang out, "Hahaha, that makes perfect sense, Lumi-chan!" Yet, despite his best efforts to maintain his upbeat demeanor and wide smile, the dragon slayer's tone carried a hint of a halfhearted quality, a subtle indication of the struggle within.

A new power beckoned, a higher level of mastery to attain. Toga had come a long way from his humble origins as a novice dragon slayer and a private in the Rune Knight. Since departing from Joya, every step he had taken was imbued with the unwavering purpose of increasing his strength, aspiring to reach heights that even his parents or his dragon could scarcely imagine. He had left his home as a work in progress, determined to return one day as the mightiest warrior Joya had ever produced. It was an ambitious goal, considering the numerous mages and warriors he had encountered whose power eclipsed his own, with Lumikki, standing mere footfalls away, serving as a prime example.

Toga had grasped his first technique in a single attempt, but he recognized it as a mere stepping stone on the path to his ultimate destination. With a chuckle, he turned to Lumikki, "Lumi-chan! You might want to maintain a safe distance for a bit – I know the flames aren't exactly your closest companions."

Dropping into an intense stance, legs evenly spread and elbows equidistant from his torso, arms taut and hands folded, the dragon slayer drew in a deep, steadying breath.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature skyrocketed once more as flames began to seep and ooze from Toga's pores. Lumikki watched in awe as a searing whirlwind of intensely hot, black flames encircled Toga, who proceeded to mold and shape them with the dexterity of a sculptor. This sudden eruption of magical flames bore a striking resemblance to his initial demonstration of magic, but the discerning observer could easily grasp the underlying purpose behind this display. Toga's intention was not to target some distant object across the vast expanse of the ocean or to strike the open air. No, he had something entirely different in mind. To truly intensify his mind and diversify his perspective, to unlock a new realm of talent and strength, he needed to push beyond his current limitations.

"HaaaaaaHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Toga's voice grew in intensity as he thrust his arms skyward, palms outstretched. The flames that had enveloped his body swiftly crept upward, consolidating from his entire being to that singular focal point before erupting into the air in a dynamic, wide-covering beam of concentrated, superheated energy.

As the fiery eruption soared towards the heavens, cleaving the clouds asunder in a brilliant display of orange, black, and red, Toga inhaled deeply, finally liberated from the outpouring of mana that had consumed him. Wiping his brow, he gazed intently at the celestial conflagration above, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "This is it... the moment of truth," Toga declared, his resolve unwavering as the space around him grew increasingly luminous. If Lumikki were to cast her gaze upward, transfixed by the mystical fire show, she would witness an astonishing sight: the beam Toga had originally conjured had ceased its ascent and now spiraled downwards, hurtling back towards Earthland with the singular purpose of engulfing the dragon slayer himself.

Steeling himself for the impending impact, Toga turned to Lumikki, his nervous smile giving way to an expression of unwavering confidence. With a grin and a thumbs up, he braced himself as the solar beam descended upon him, consuming his form in a blinding radiance. In the next instant, a cataclysmic explosion rocked Luluhawa Island and the surrounding beach, the sheer force of the detonation reverberating through the very core of the earth. The ocean, once a serene backdrop, cried out in protest as the blast cracked the seafloor beneath, sending shockwaves rippling through the water and propelling it backward in massive, churning waves. Even Lumikki's delicate ice nest, despite its proximity, was unlikely to withstand the onslaught of such raw, unbridled power.

As the chaos subsided and the natural world slowly returned to its tranquil state, the smoke and debris began to dissipate, revealing the epicenter of the explosion. There, amidst the scorched earth and smoldering embers, lay Toga, his body battered, bruised, and bearing the marks of the flames he had willingly embraced. Motionless, the dragon slayer appeared to have succumbed to the might of his own strike, his consciousness slipping away into the void. Yet, just as hope seemed to fade, a single hand emerged from the devastation, weak and trembling, but unmistakably forming the shape of a thumbs up - a symbol of defiance, a testament to the indomitable spirit that burned within him.

"...S-see, Lumi-channn..." Toga's voice, though faint and strained, carried with it an undercurrent of triumph, a whisper of the unyielding determination that had brought him to this moment, and a promise of the greatness that lay ahead on his path to mastery.

wc: 1251/1600 learning Enōkan (炎王冠, Crown of the Fire Lord)


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 6:50 am


Upon his suggestion to extend the distance, Lumikki begrudgingly did so. Leaving the cool oasis that she created for herself in the water to occupy a spot that was around twenty meters further away. Walking atop the water as she relocated and she’d promptly create another see of water for herself to take comfort in.

” Oy, I’m ready for yer none sense ,” she’d exclaim with her arms waving in the air for emphasis. She could not be sure if he could actually hear her but she figured he’d be keen enough to see her still.

Tōga would work out the machinations of his spell from there. A process only he would know as her magic erupts contrastingly. The build up of her magic and mana pour from her like a flow of water. It was like the frigid fog one sees rolling over the ice. Shifting into the form she wanted before snapping into manifestation. But Tōga was a burning flame. He was the crackle and flare of a twig splitting in a campfire, or the wrath of a solar flare shipping off the sun.

She didn’t very much care for it and she never would. But she could support her friend while she can.

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 3:46 pm

Rising from the scorched sands, Toga coughed violently, the aftermath of his fiery spell expelling from his mouth in smoky wisps and embers. His body bore the marks of his audacious choice to intercept his own devastating attack—burns mottled his skin and dirt clung stubbornly to him. Such was the toll when one used oneself as a shield against a spell of cataclysmic power. Moments earlier, his fire spell had obscured the sky, a terrifying spectacle that culminated in the blaze engulfing him, striking directly at his chest. Only his innate, formidable resistance to fire-based assaults spared him from being reduced to ashes. Yet, immunity did not equate to invulnerability; the pain was no less severe.

I need to go further…” he muttered, dusting off the remnants of sand and melted glass that adorned his charred attire. The ferocity of his attack had metamorphosed the surrounding beachscape into a glass-strewn wasteland. Nearby, Lumikki remained shielded, her own magic forming a protective barrier that not only safeguarded her from the devastation but also insulated her from the intense heat. Given her affinity for ice, the proximity to his fiery training must have been far from comfortable. Yet, Toga was heartened by her presence, grateful she chose to witness his relentless pursuit of mastery.

Again!” His voice boomed across the transformed beach, a determined call to the elements as he summoned his powers anew. Arms raised, he allowed the dark flames to erupt from his body once more, shooting skyward in a spectacular display of power and control. He braced for the impact, preparing to meet the descending attack head-on.

Now!” he commanded, as the fiery barrage plummeted toward him. A smirk played across his lips as he fortified himself with the fiery magic, transforming his stance into a shield, a conduit to absorb the formidable strike. This time, Toga sought not to deflect or merely withstand the assault but to fully embrace it.

As the inferno engulfed him, something remarkable occurred. The flames did not conquer him; instead, they enfolded him, swirling around his form like a suit of armor. This was the result of a precise augmentation he had activated just before the impact—a spell that allowed him to harmonize with the fiery onslaught, integrating the destructive power into his very being.

What emerged from the explosive supernova was not a man defeated by his own spell, but a warrior reborn, cloaked in the very essence of his attack. The flames that had once threatened to consume him now served as his shield, his armor—melded perfectly with his indomitable spirit. Toga stood amidst the devastation, a dragon risen from the ashes of his own conjuring, ready to push the boundaries of his magic even further.

wc: 470 [1721/1600] Learned Enōkan (炎王冠, Crown of the Fire Lord)


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:01 am


” Look at ya dragonkin, looking quite fortified. Blazing armor almost worthy of Dwarven craft. I would ask if that suit were painful if I didn’t do something akin with her own magic. Though a bit theatrical and hard to repeat don’t ye think? But if ye’d like, I could offer ya a spell to test the grit of yer work.” She smirk mischievously as she mulled over a spell. It could not be some of her more exuberant ones with power meant to win a fight but she could toss something his way that she still assumed to be of moderate strength. As the Dragon Slayer didn’t seem the type to be babied either.

Lumikki kissed her fingers and blew a kiss his way. With the exaggeration of her gesture, a magical circle flashed. Ushering a simple black frost arrow that would shoot ahead toward her friend. A simple spell to test the mettle of his cast.

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Thu May 30, 2024 8:14 am

Standing at the epicenter of a blazing maelstrom, Tōga's eyes widened, glowing with the glowing light that enveloped him. "T-this is amazing?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief as he observed his own hands, raised slightly as if to grasp the reality of his transformation. From his shoulders to his arms, from his torso down to his legs, his entire body was enveloped in a vibrant, passionate inferno. The collision of forces had fused into a spectacular reaction, cloaking him in what seemed like a supernova alchemized into armor. The energy radiating from his being was as warm as a summer day, as intense as the sun's core, yet as harmonious as the surrounding ocean. It was a sublime blend of destruction and creation, pulsing with the very essence of life.

Captivated by the transformative majesty of his newfound power, Tōga turned towards Lumikki with an animated expression that broke through his fiery shroud. "I did it, Lumi-chan!" he called out joyfully, his words echoing a mix of humility and exhilaration as he reached a new plateau of power on Kahu Rock.

Tōga's gaze followed Lumikki as she rose to her full stature from within her icy fortress, her words of affirmation fueling his excitement. His joy was palpable, radiating through even the intense fiery energy that surrounded him. When she proposed to test his new abilities, his smile widened, and he nodded eagerly. "Throw it at me!"

Assuming a defensive stance, Tōga watched intently as Lumikki conjured an icy arrow, which materialized and sped toward him. Drawing a deep breath, he unleashed a formidable burst of heated energy. The arrow hadn't even crossed half the distance before it evaporated, vanishing under the overwhelming heat and force of Tōga's power. Not a trace of it remained, not even a droplet of water, as Tōga blinked in astonishment, then his smile stretched even wider.

"D-did you see that!?" Tōga exclaimed, jumping up and down, his legs clapping together as flames licked the air and sparks fell to the sand in chaotic patterns. Though he knew Lumikki was holding back, her powers still dwarfed his own. For Tōga to have neutralized even one of her weaker attacks was a testament to his rapidly growing strength. This moment was more than a display of new capabilities—it was a celebration of his evolution, a fiery declaration of his ascent into greater power.

wc: 410 [3749]


And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Empty Yesterday at 8:25 pm


His overjoyed display and bursting energy compelled her to feel the same. Where she wanted to sit back smug and uninterested, she'd offer a wide and toothy grin instead. It was hard not to with someone like Tōga. His nature and being embodied every ember that his magic portrayed and manifests. And Lumikki was taking enjoyment in watching him grow and thrive to new heights where others would only see results.

"Aye ye did lad, yer like a blazing inferno. Wouldn't be surprised if ye managed to match the intensity of the stars, but may ye save those moments for the big bads. Or like those fights with Goddess that I wasn't invited to." She'd throw the jest to balance out the compliments, but she was content.

"Yer gonna melt more beach, Slayer? Or are ye content with yer carnage?" Lumikki splashed the water to emphasise her point before leaning back once more and relaxing in the waves. For just how dreaded the heat was here, the peace found in the ocean was nothing she could easily find back home. The waters of the Aegir sea were some of the most turbulent and filled with monsters, rivaled only by Seven in the country just beside them.

And there, a Dragon was Born [Training ft. Lumi-chan] Img_0212


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