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Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long]

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Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:33 am


If only you realized how important your life truly was...

Name: Remnants of the Dragon League War

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

In the aftermath of the events leading to the coronation of the new Shogun Mishiko, Ryuko has spent her time traveling around Joya to help in upholding the peace. However, when she ends up saving an enigmatic elder from a crew of bandits, the revelation that the man has been searching for 'Shinryu's Legacy' might prove to be the start of a grand adventure!

Joining the mysterious Nozrum on a trip to Caelum, Ryuko soon learns a cult is attempting to revive a powerful ancient dragon called Vortigern, an ancient dragon who once nearly led to the annihilation of the entirety of Caelum.

Realizing the threat of such an act, the two must work together to attempt to stop the cultists from accomplishing their ambition before it is too late!

  • A - After the coronation of the new Shogun, Ryuko has decided to travel around Joya with Maple in the hope of finding people to help. While peace is slowly returning to the country, there are plenty of people who need help rebuilding their lives. After spending some time in a village helping with their rebuild efforts, a commotion leads to Ryuko and Maple to rescue an elderly man from the grasp of a gang of bandits.

    However, to the duo their surprise it is revealed the elderly man has been searching for Ryuko?

  • A - Introducing himself as Nozrum, the man reveals his knowledge of an ancient conflict no living mortal should be able to retell as if he had been there. However, aside from the mysterious tale Nozrum reveals a group of cultists who intend to revive a mighty ancient dragon who once attempted to commit a genocide and almost succeeded in wiping Caelum from the map. Believing the duo to be capable of stopping the cult he requests for Ryuko and Maple's aid in stopping the cultists from accomplishing their plans.

  • A - As the trio travels to Caelum, Maple has the idea of calling upon the aid of the fairies to track down the cultists they are looking for. Fortunately, it seems Maple is quite favored by them, leading to the fairies to help the group in tracking down the hideout of the cult.

    However, along the way the duo learns of a grim secret from Nozrum: the hideout they arrived at used to be an underground city where once a powerful order of necromancers dwelled. What purpose could the cult have for hiding in this city?

  • A - After a confrontation leads to one of the cultists to confess that Vortigern's remains were sealed in the sanctum within the deepest part of the city the three of them are forced in a race against time to reach the sanctum before the ritual is completed.

  • A-With the trio arriving at the sanctum they are caught in a trap that seemingly immobilizes Ryuko and Nozrum. While Maple is able to fight, she is unfortunately overwhelmed by their numbers. With the cultist's leader taunting the group about his clear victory he reveals the ritual wasn't able to be completed yet since he needed one more ingredient: The essence of a living dragon.

    While the man impales Ryuko with a ritual spear, draining her of her life and the blessing of the Galaxy Dragon Slayer, the moment Nozrum sees this happen he is consumed by anger, breaking the trap by revealing his true form: that of an ancient dragon, the sworn enemy of Vortigern.

    While the dragon's rampage frees Maple from her assaulters, a feminine voice beckons Maple, offering a way for her to save her new friend should she wish to do so. However, to do so Maple will need to trust this ethereal voice claiming to be a benefactor to Ryuko. A small obsidian crystal appears in Maple's hands and a simple set of instructions: to place it on the wounded torso of the dragon girl.

  • The Ethereal voice reveals to Maple that the crystal now contains Ryuko's soul, and that she has to safe-keep it while Ryuko undergoes a ritual similar to Lichdom. However, the voice hints with subtle jealousy at the fact that Ryuko seems to be willing to defy death because she is worried about Maple and doesn't want to leave her alone.

    As Ryuko undergoes her transformation, work with Nozrum to stop the cultists from endangering the dragon girl's transformation.

  • With the ritual complete Ryuko awakens, although something seems different to her. In an act which can be considered utter madness she creates a spell that almost causes the entire city to cave-in, however at the same time the cultists their ritual to revive Vortigern succeeds partly, causing an aspect of the ancient dragon to rise from the grave. While initially Ryuko seems more than content to bask in the wanton slaughter of the cultists, when Vortigern's Aspect his rampage nearly injures Maple the undead dragon girl to snap out of her insanity and attempts to protect Maple.

    With Vortigern's Aspect seemingly growing tired of playing around the dragon's aspect takes flight and escapes from the sanctum, intending to finish what the cultists started and fully revive himself... leaving the three to wonder just what the future will hold...

Last edited by Ryuko on Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:41 am; edited 15 times in total


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 3:02 am


Name: Prologue: The Traveler

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: After the coronation of the new Shogun, Ryuko has decided to travel around Joya with Maple in the hope of finding people to help. While peace is slowly returning to the country, there are plenty of people who need help rebuilding their lives. After spending some time in a village helping with their rebuild efforts, a commotion leads to Ryuko and Maple to rescue an elderly man from the grasp of a gang of bandits.

However, to the duo their surprise it is revealed the elderly man has been searching for Ryuko?

  • ???: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.

Enemies: -

Objectives: Alongside Maple, help the villagers rebuild their settlement and rescue the elderly man from the group of bandits.

Name: Chapter 1: The Dragon League War

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: Introducing himself as Nozrum, the man reveals his knowledge of an ancient conflict no living mortal should be able to retell as if he had been there. However, aside from the mysterious tale Nozrum reveals a group of cultists who intend to revive a mighty ancient dragon who once attempted to commit a genocide and almost succeeded in wiping Caelum from the map. Believing the duo to be capable of stopping the cult he requests for Ryuko and Maple's aid in stopping the cultists from accomplishing their plans.

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.

Enemies: -

Objectives: After learning about the Dragon League War, decide with Maple whether to help Nozrum or not.

Name: Chapter 2: Back to the country of fairies!

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: As the trio travels to Caelum, Maple has the idea of calling upon the aid of the fairies to track down the cultists they are looking for. Fortunately, it seems Maple is quite favored by them, leading to the fairies to help the group in tracking down the hideout of the cult.

However, along the way the duo learns of a grim secret from Nozrum: the hideout they arrived at used to be an underground city where once a powerful order of necromancers dwelled. What purpose could the cult have for hiding in this city?

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.


Cultists of Oblivion: A group of cultists who desire to bring back the evil dragon Vortigern. They have long been lurking in the shadows of Caelum waiting for their moment of vengeance.

Objectives: Together with Maple and Nozrum vanquish the guards and enter the underground city.

Rewards: N/A

Name: Chapter 3: The sanctuary of the fallen

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: After a confrontation leads to one of the cultists to confess that Vortigern's remains were sealed in the sanctum within the deepest part of the city the three of them are forced in a race against time to reach the sanctum before the ritual is completed.

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.


Cultists of Oblivion: A group of cultists who desire to bring back the evil dragon Vortigern. They have long been lurking in the shadows of Caelum waiting for their moment of vengeance.

Objectives: Attempt to reach the sanctum of Vortigern before the ritual is completed.
Rewards: N/A

Name: Chapter 4: A requiem for the fallen

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: With the trio arriving at the sanctum they are caught in a trap that seemingly immobilizes Ryuko and Nozrum. While Maple is able to fight, she is unfortunately overwhelmed by their numbers. With the cultist's leader taunting the group about his clear victory he reveals the ritual wasn't able to be completed yet since he needed one more ingredient: The essence of a living dragon.

While the man impales Ryuko with a ritual spear, draining her of her life and the blessing of the Galaxy Dragon Slayer, the moment Nozrum sees this happen he is consumed by anger, breaking the trap by revealing his true form: that of an ancient dragon, the sworn enemy of Vortigern.

While the dragon's rampage frees Maple from her assaulters, a feminine voice beckons Maple, offering a way for her to save her new friend should she wish to do so. However, to do so Maple will need to trust this ethereal voice claiming to be a benefactor to Ryuko. A small obsidian crystal appears in Maple's hands and a simple set of instructions: to place it on the wounded torso of the dragon girl.

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.
  • ???: An ethereal feminine voice, claims to be a benefactor to Ryuko.


Cultists of Oblivion: A group of cultists who desire to bring back the evil dragon Vortigern. They have long been lurking in the shadows of Caelum waiting for their moment of vengeance.

Objectives: While Nozrum is attempting to buy you time, attempt to revive Ryuko with the aid of the mysterious benefactor.
Rewards: N/A

Name: Chapter 5: The Dark Urge

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: The Ethereal voice reveals to Maple that the crystal now contains Ryuko's soul, and that she has to safe-keep it while Ryuko undergoes a ritual similar to Lichdom. However, the voice hints with subtle jealousy at the fact that Ryuko seems to be willing to defy death because she is worried about Maple and doesn't want to leave her alone.

As Ryuko undergoes her transformation, work with Nozrum to stop the cultists from endangering the dragon girl's transformation.

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.
  • ???: An ethereal feminine voice, claims to be a benefactor to Ryuko.


Cultists of Oblivion: A group of cultists who desire to bring back the evil dragon Vortigern. They have long been lurking in the shadows of Caelum waiting for their moment of vengeance.

Objectives: Alongside Nozrum, prevent the cultists from interfering with the ritual that is turning Ryuko into an undeath.
Rewards: N/A

Name: Chapter 6: Oblivion Awaits

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Ryuko, Maple

Summary: With the ritual complete Ryuko awakens, although something seems different to her. In an act which can be considered utter madness she creates a spell that almost causes the entire city to cave-in, however at the same time the cultists their ritual to revive Vortigern succeeds, causing the ancient dragon to rise from the grave. While initially Ryuko seems more than content to bask in wanton slaughter of the cultists, when Vortigern's rampage nearly injures Maple the undead dragon girl to snap out of her insanity and attempt to protect Maple.

With Vortigern seemingly growing tired of playing around the dragon takes flight and escapes from the sanctum, leaving the three to wonder just what the future will hold...

  • Nozrum: An enigmatic old man who seems to be beckoning Ryuko toward some sort of goal. His identity and intentions are a secret even to her otherwordly powers of insight.
  • ???: An ethereal feminine voice, claims to be a benefactor to Ryuko.


Cultists of Oblivion: A group of cultists who desire to bring back the evil dragon Vortigern. They have long been lurking in the shadows of Caelum waiting for their moment of vengeance.

Objectives: Don't die! And after the conflict attempt to figure out just what in the world happened to Ryuko.
Rewards: N/A


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:41 am

Approved to go

Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Lightning_bolt_simple

Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:49 pm


Quest 1: Prologue: The traveler is completed:



250,000j (+20% from SL, +20% from guild perk, +20% from necklace) > 400,000j
10,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 14,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 INT

10,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 INT


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:00 pm

Maple and Ryuko have completed the traveler.


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:00 am


Quest 2: The Dragon League War has been completed:


20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece.

250,000j (+20% from SL, +20% from guild perk, +20% from necklace +20% from ring) > 450,000j
10,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 14,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 INT

10,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 INT


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:22 am

The quest done has been rewarded.


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:38 am


Quest 3 Back to the land of fairies has been completed solo:


20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece.

250,000j (+20% from SL, +20% from guild perk, +20% from necklace +20% from ring) > 450,000j
10,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 14,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 IN


Quest 4 is done also~

20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece.

250,000j (+20% from SL, +20% from guild perk, +20% from necklace +20% from ring) > 450,000j
10,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 14,000 EXP
400 Fame
+10 IN


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:34 am

These two quests have been completed


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:40 pm


https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67284-remnants-of-the-dragon-league-war-chapter-4#604286 Quest 5 is done.

20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece.

500,000j (+20% from SL, +20% from guild perk, +20% from necklace +20% from ring) > 900,000j
15,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 21,000 EXP
500 Fame
+15 Con


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:00 am

Ryuko has completed quest 5 and the rewards have been distributed


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:23 pm


https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67338-remnants-of-the-dragon-league-war-chapter-5#604558 Quest 6 is done

20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece, 20% from guild perk

500,000j (+20% from SL) > 600,000j
15,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 21,000 EXP
500 Fame
+15 INT


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:02 pm

Ryuko has completed quest 6 and the rewards have been distributed


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:31 am



20% WC reduction for Ryuko from her armor piece, 20% from guild perk

500,000j (+20% from SL) > 600,000j
15,000 EXP (+20% from SL, +20% from armor) > 21,000 EXP
500 Fame
+15 INT

+1 legendary custom coupon~


Remnants of the Dragon League War [Long] Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:52 am

Ryuko has completed quest 7 and the rewards have been distributed

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