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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private]

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Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Wed Aug 28, 2019 12:49 pm



“I would say not, but then…” Wrinkling her nose softly and then using the tip of it to caress the features of Alisa, Miss Serena purred softly and licked her lips subtly before sharing them with her lover as her arms clung to that strong and yet soft frame, basking in the bliss that was this woman’s attention. Suckling on that sweet kiss for every moment that she could and then finding that her breath was stolen away by it as well, when finally she was afforded a moment to breath the blue beauty gave a small gasp for air, her breath shaking as she did so.

“I you always have been worth the wait my love~” Not letting the fact that she was left a little lacking for oxygen get in the way of a nice little line though, even as she clung to her companion and felt a shiver pass through her because of the smooch that they had shared Sofia made sure to pass on a fine little sentiment with her intimate and almost whispering words. Certainly going through a little bit of ‘hell’ herself whilst she had waited on the woman to return from her own but that quickly turning to heaven once her beloved black beauty was back in her arms, the sapphire siren hummed as she hung from the White Empress and gazed into her eyes longingly, before letting her attention stray just a little bit and spying the state of the sky.

“W-Wow, looks like we’ve been dallying a little too long…” The bright blueness that she for some reason still expected to see above her now having turned to something closer to the colour of cobalt or navy, while a quick glance to the site assured Sophie from the red tone on the horizon that the sun had not quite finished setting just yet, they probably did not have long until they would be surrounded by blackness with only limited means to see what was going on around them.

“Better make a start on that fire before things turn pitch black, eh?” This not an especially frightening prospect of course for the foreign fox, especially when she considered the capable companion that she was with, all the same the young mage decided that it was probably time for them to set to work while they still had a few ounces of light left since they would probably end up regretting not having at least a little something to snuggle next to later on…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:27 pm


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Amazing how we always find ourselves on the same page hmmm~?", chuckling playfully as she held Sofia close, all but purring at her warmth, Alisa gladly accepted that gracious offer, leaning in for a slow, gentle smooch, giving them a little lick before properly leaning in for a long, loving kiss. Even as Sofia glanced away Alisa happily settled for smooching her cheek, only for her gaze to follow whatever had captured her lover's attention.

Though equally surprised as she took in the now all but starlit sky, Alisa only spent but a moment admiring it as her brow rose, all too easily giggling at the visibly startled look on her lover's face, hand drawing over her mouth as she winked cheekily at Sofia:

"In our defense, it is much too easy to simply lose track of time~", she added, rubbing behind her neck in a look that may have looked almost apologetic, if not for the way she couldn't help but bite her lip as she gazing at her lover's form. They'd managed to not only end up on a seemingly deserted island, but stay there long enough to make any return trip home into an exercise of futility. And yet, with this girl at her side and not another living soul in sight, Alisa had nowhere else she'd rather be, and nodded at her lover's suggestion, "Indeed, however warm the sunny days might be, I've not a single doubt we'll have a chilly night ahead of those."

Sofia made a fair point... Those enrapturing shades of sunset violet growing ever darker by the second, Alisa knew they didn't have so long until it got much too dark to do anything but hope for a bright, moonlit night. She could handle the cold well enough, barely feeling even a shiver at the chilliest breeze, and yet, she had no desire to put Sofia through it. Taking a gentle but firm hold of the mermaid's hand, Alisa nodded deeper into the inland, under the wide, breezy covers of palm trees.

"I'm sure we can find outself a nice little clearing to camp out in~", she added stepping past the flimsy shrubs beside her lover, to seek both tools and a nice little camp site.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:30 pm



“Heeheeheee, yes…” The task of gathering driftwood an easy one for a water mage, though it was with a little reluctance that Miss Serena released Alisa’s hand, she knew that she would do a lot more good for the pair of them with both her paws in action.
“We’re very good at distracting one another, aren’t we?” Cocking her head and chuckling softly as she confirmed the point of her coquettish companion, once she had, Sofia trotted ahead of her lover to scoop up a piece of a branch that littered the sand and was not disappointed in the slightest to find it wet. Quite the contrary, in fact.

“Ohohoho~ There you go again…” Perhaps the element of water lacking a little for flashiness at times and the raw offensive power of something like fire or lightning but more than making up for it in other ways, the magic that the mermaid commanded was perhaps one of the most versatile there was, and perfect for utilities like this. It taking a surprisingly small amount of effort or mana for the minx to drain the wetness away from the branch that she had found, all that Sophie needed to do was run her flat hand up and down the object to draw a crystalline ‘pearl’ of water from it, which she kept levitating in her palm as she moved back to her black beauty all too quickly,

“Making me imagine having to spend the night huddling up with you for warmth?” A smile on the face of the sapphire siren as she skipped back to her beloved and offered the strawberry-sized orb of water she had created like a tasty little treat at the tips of her fingers, though Alisa might have been reluctant to drink something that her lover had peeled off a lump of wood from the ground, for the most part it would be perfectly safe. The magic of the mermaid pulling only the water particles away from their first piece of timber and certainly no salt or worse along with it, without doubt it might well have been the purest and freshest taste of liquid that one was likely to find.

“Are you trying to get us going again, hm?” Not really minding if the dark diva refused it of course, Miss Serena was happy to simply have the chance to show her powers off for her girl again, especially after the day they had. Usually the magic of Miss Vollan something they relied upon to see them through the worst days but it nice to know her own abilities could prove quite useful on days such as this, though the elements they chose couldn’t have been further apart from each other, at the same time they also seemed to complement one another as perfectly as the pair did in every other regard…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:08 am


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"It's a talent, clearly~", nodded the sculptress in agreement, her lips curling as she too went to do her part in collecting some wood. While Sofia focused on driftwood, the sculptress picked what she could find from the land, though she yet found herself looking towards her lovely Sofia more often than not.

Despite admiring the creative use of Sofia's magic, Alisa put her physical fitness to good use, chopping off bits of wood for a bonfire, with swift slashes of her crystalline blades. At the same time, she kept an eye on the ground.

"Mmmmm~...", biting her lip at the thought alone, Alisa very much enjoyed a long, lazy night just holding on to the beautiful vixen she'd fallen head over heels for, throwing her a flirty little wink, "When you put it like that, we might not even need a fire don't you think~?"
Watching her lover drinking the water she herself foraged in her own way, Alisa merely gawked with a playful look, hand raising over her mouth, squishing ever so gently into the welcoming valley of her cleavage as the other folded under that full, shapely bosom, making the most out of every little opportunity to tease her wonderful girl:
"My, drinking strange fluids so readily hmmm~...? Who knows where that's been~?", noted the scrulptress, brow raised as she nonetheless accepted the offer without a second thought. For all her mischief, the way she delightedly drank from the bubble of water showed nothing but complete trust for her mermaid. Humming gently at the surprising taste, her brow rose as she noted how the water felt even better than even the freshest mountain spring, "My~... How delicious~"

And yet, Sofia always had a way to have Alisa chuckling without even the slightest hint of effort, even as the sculptress brushed what bit of sweat and grime she had on her forehead, reaching out and stroking the back of her lover's hand, not quite gripping it, mearly teasing her with a butterfly caress as she all but purred, cocking her head until those short, trimmed strands of hair draped down to one side:

"Knowing the two of us... Doesn't feel like we need to try now, do we~?", noted the sculptress, raising an eyebrow, looked deeply into those vibrant blue eyes, taking but a moment to nod towards the pile of lumber she'd collected, and the pair of stones in one hand she coolly fiddled with:

"Uncle Rocky taught me all about it whenever we went camping... Making a fire is all about having the right kind of stones to make a spark~", she said, presenting two crystalline bits of stone she'd found and manipulated with her crystalline magic, creating a matte, shimmering lump of quartz she could easily hold in one hand, "And luckily for you... You are in the company of a modestly skilled Lithomancer~"

Yes, their powers couldn't be more different... But at times like these when the two came together, Alisa and Sofia combined became something far greater than even the sum of their already generous parts. Taking a seat in one of the logs she'd arranged, Alisa leaned over the pile of wood and looked to her beloved for one last piece of assistance:

"Sofia, I don't suppose you'd be so kind as to help dry up the rest of this wood~?", she asked, a playful look of plea as she gazed into her eyes, giggling cheekily as she nodded towards the logs.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:18 am



“Well, I’d hate to think of you getting dehydrated…” Smiling and biting her lip as she saw Alisa accept the little ‘gift’ she offered, Miss Serena wasn’t entirely sure why she found the fact that she did so charming, but still couldn’t help but feel smitten because of it. Maybe it was the show of trust she showed in her or the simple manner in which her graceful goddess performed the deed that tickled her so, but all too quickly the island girl found herself smiling and cupping the cheek of her lover with a giggle as she used the delicate caress of her thumb to stroke her wonderful woman’s bottom lip and tried to restrain the urge to kiss her as well.

“We did shed quite a bit of moisture with what we did earlier, after all~” This quite the endeavour of course, with a pout like that of the White Empress avoiding the urge to lay one’s lips upon it was difficult on any day, especially without the instant sense of intimacy that seemed to occur whenever the two touched one another. The bodies of the beauties with blue and black hair practically conditioned by this point so that even the smallest touch seemed to inspire so very much and lead to even more, it took quite an effort of willpower on behalf of Sofia to ignore that mystical impulse that compelled her to waste another moment or one hundred by indulging her desire for her dark diva, and she was actually kind of glad when the woman’s next note inspired them on a new path.

“Ooooooh, looks like we’re quite the camping combination, huh?” Slowly easing her hand away from the cheek of her charming companion and cocking her head at the next little point that her luscious lover made, given how effortlessly glamorous that Alisa tended to be, sometimes it was easy to forget she had been raised in a rugged environment by and even hardier mentor.
“I’m sure a pair like us could survive for months and months on end with only each other’s company, couldn’t we?” Loving that fact however, the fact that both of them seemed to find the wonder of nature one of the greatest gifts in the world, once she was reminded it was rather easy for them to imagine living in a place like this, or maybe just a little larger for comfort.

“Oh my, of course, dear…” Finding herself gifted with a fantasy more and more frequently the longer that she spent with Miss Vollan, Sofia could see a nice little island or something where they could survive off the harvest of the land and sea, and long for no company than one another’s.
“I love to help my wifey around the ‘house’~” It quite the charming image really and certainly the sort of thing that Sofia could see herself indulging if she ever got the ‘urge’ to settle down, with a broad grin on her face the foreign fox set about her task with a hum of contentment, actually feeling like she might just enjoy playing the role of ‘homemaker’ if she did it for the woman next to her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:32 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, how sweet of you to start thinking about that now~", teased the sculptress, puncutating that last word with a cheeky little wink, giggling as Sofia had exactly the same idea. As delicious as the water could be, nothing tasted quite as sweet as the those lips of her lover, and before long Alisa's hand had snuck around her waist, pulling the girl close and purring heavily as she all but nuzzled her hand, "Granted, I always trusted my darling water mage could find outselves a solution to that problem~"

As Sofia so eagerly teased her, Alisa found herself seizing the initiative right from under her as she teased those plush lips with her own, nuzzling oh so softly, giving them a little lick and giggling as she seized them in a heartbeat, suckling on that bottom lip, as she delighted in that heart throbbing antecipation the mere touch shot through their hole bodies, like the very sparks they'd soon need to make themselves a fire, already threatening to explode into a wild, fiery conflagration. Alisa relished that feeling, savouring the effect she and Sofia had on each other like the most delicious of treats, teasing her lip between her teeth as the girl broke the kiss to speak:

"Indeed, with your mastery of the water and my mastery of the earth... So long as we're together, no environment is too inhospitable for us, really~", giggling as she gave her lower back a little caress, sliding just a bit down for a cheeky little feel.

But as she sat down and Sofia soon joined her, she watched her skills at water manipulation up close and personal, in intimate detail, raising her hand over her mouth as she looked up into her eyes:

"And you're oh so wonderful at it after all, my darling~", giggled the sculptress, returning a sultry yet loving look as she gazed into her eyes, finding her pulse quickening even at those cheeky little words, finding she enjoyed that little image perhaps a little more than she'd care to admit. And yet Sofia knew this all too well no doubt, just as Alisa knew the effect she had on her. They'd reached that point a long time, and by now, Alisa could perfectly express her love for her beautiful mermaid, "Mmmm, what would I do without you~?"

Even while doing something as important as making themselves a nice, cozy fire, Alisa held Sofia's gaze throughout, mesmerized by those dazzing aquamarines she had for eyes even as the clacking of stones made itself heard at a steady rhythm. Just as primitives and survivalists Alisa, the sculptress bashed the two stones together with just enough force to generate a spark but not completely obliterate the stones, and little by little, her efforts began to bear fruit:

"Aah, there we go~", chuckling triumphantly as soon as one lucky spark caught fire in that assembled pile of dried logs and leaves. At that point the sculptress instead picked up a larger palm leaf she'd set aside for this purpose, fanning the budding embers into a stoking fireplace, gently at first, careful only not to put it out, smile widening as she winked knowingly at Sofia, "I suppose all we need now is some food~ What would you like to eat, Sofia...? You can have anything and everything, so long as its fish~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:08 pm



“Heeheeheehee, not to mention a fire between us that would see us through the coldest tundra as well~” Not minding the generous little squeeze that her rump received from her raven haired radiance one little bit and actually quite enjoying it in fact, Sofia smiled as she parted the close company of her coquettish companion with a slight show of reluctance and set about her ‘domestic duty’. Making sure to let her gaze drift whenever it could toward the woman nearby as she set about using her simple application of water magic to dry the timber they had amassed and began to form further berry-like beads of blueness with her power, after sampling one for herself the girl started to share the ‘produce’ of her task with the temptress opposite her as she levitated each one through the air toward the woman as she remained with her knees in the sand and a grin on her face.

“Heeheehee, knowing you…” Humming softly and smirking as she continued to roll her palms up and down the collection of slender wood and draw the moisture from it, Miss Serena found herself giggling as she imagined certain kinds of scenarios where in Alisa might ‘suffer’ the most without her company. Certainly these images neither sweet nor savoury enough that it would be well advised to share with any degree of specification, though the sapphire siren couldn’t help but enjoy the pictures in her mind, she knew that they were a meagre comparison to the ones that she had helped create with her luscious lover.

“Probably have to settle for some pale replacement that can’t quite make you reach those sweet high notes when you play together~?” Certainly seeming to sense that the White Empress had found few women with whom she ‘clicked’ so well in both a sense of character and carnality, and the same was certainly true for Sofia herself, it seemed that without one another they would have been far worse off by now in many more ways than one. That sense of connection that she shared with Miss Vollan something that the Valerican vixen found had become practically a necessity at this point, despite how quickly the bond had been forged between them the blue beauty knew her life would be a far feebler thing to enjoy had their paths never crossed in that resort in Orchidia. And really, she could never tell her how glad she was that they had.

“Stoking the fire and fetching your dinner for you…” The younger of our terrific twosome smiling once she was finished with the wood drying and then standing up and dusting herself off with a nod, Miss Serena cast a grinning glance toward Alisa as she moved toward the sea, and then set about her next ‘household chore’.
“Heeheeheehee, I really am becoming your ‘Island Wife’, aren’t I?” This little endeavour one that required a bit more of her attention and mana than the last one but still the effort easy enough for the sake of her ebony haired enchantress, the mermaid began draw her hands toward her as she stood on the edge of the rolling tide and with her magic began to pull more and more of the sea toward her, and steadily began to build a ‘globe’ filled with salt water and the creatures that lived inside of it that would grow to the size of a four poster bed before she was done…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:42 pm


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Neither of them had any real reservations towards oggling one another, and Alisa most certainly enjoyed her share, all but giggling as she appreciated that full, statuesque figure of her stunning mermaid, savouring every little shiver she got out of her as she teased right back:

"That is somewhat expectable, is it not~?", teased the sculptress, winking knowingly at her lover, admiring the skill with which she dried up every last piece of wood until she needed only the tiniest of sparks to set off the most beautiful, coziest of embers for the two of them.

Indeed, Alisa had never been looking for romance as her cool, alluring charm might suggest, she was always content to let the sweetest treats find their way over to her, almost like an ambush predator possibly might, saving everything they had for just that one moment when just the right target found its way into range. Sofia was difference, chasing land and seas alike for those very same treats, until the two of them had fortunately found their way into each other's arms:

"I could hardly hope to make such a wonderful duet with anybody else, would I~?", she added, leaning in as she soked the freshly lit blade with a gentle yet firm stroke of her palm fan, holding Sofia's gaze the whole way. Indeed, out here, they were mostly in her lover's element: Surrounded by water, only the dazzling mermaid could truly feel at home out here... Alisa, however, felt at home when close to her, giggling cheekily as she admired the sight of her as she found the two some dinner, "Well, you do seem especially at ease in Island envoiroments, do you not~?"

Even finding fish seemed like child's play for her, while Alisa could probably manage, she doubted any of her skills would prove quite as elegant as simply easing the fish they needed out of water as such. She all but gawked at the sight before her, brow raising as the pace of her fanning strokes grew visibly slower, preoccupied as she was by a far more brilliant sight:

"Well, if it makes you feel any better... I've no intention of letting you cook dinner after all that~", Alisa was far from the most skilled of cooks... Quite the opposite, she only knew just enough not to poison anybody she hoped to feed. But after watching all this, she felt much too proud to even admit such a thing, merely flashing her brightest, coolst smile to her lover as she stretched her hand out. She had, however, prepared quite a few sharp sticks they could use as makeshift skewers, which she cooly prepared

And yet, despite all of her cool and playfulness... Alisa could barely peel her eyes away from Sofia... It felt as though every time she oggled her lover, she saw her in a whole new light, always new as she approached her element in different ways... Motioning her lover closer with a playful, come hither gesture, she held her gaze the whole way as she awaited for the girl to bring in the bounty of the sea, ready to do her part in keeping the two of them well fed.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:47 pm


“Oh, most certainly not…” Purring softly even as she pulled more and more of that blue water into the floating globe of liquid in front of her, Miss Serena couldn’t help but admire the beauty of her creation as it glistened thanks to the last rays of the sun, seeming to take on an almost golden glow as the last light of the day illuminated it and the shapes of the fish within it.
“I’m starting to suspect we would both find no more ideal partner than one another, wouldn’t you say?” It certainly a dazzling sight to be seen but the mind of the mermaid finding something even more alluring in her vicinity, the Valerican vixen looked toward the vivacious vision near her even as she performed this task and felt a temptation to drop what she was doing just so she could feel that sweet and soft form of her fellow femme that bit close to her, but didn’t. After all, she was providing for the two of them right now.

“Well yeah, I come from an island, you know?” Giggling as she used this little food fetching ‘mission’ as an opportunity to show off a bit herself, Sofia smirked and then as one hand maintained her steadily spinning and splendidly shimmering sphere of water she used the other to start plucking the fish from her creation, in quite a literal sense.
“If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll tell you the name sometime~” Free hand drawn back and then lunging forward as if she was trying to trap flies with an invisible set of chopsticks, when she snapped her fingers back a small spout seemed to appear in the orb she had made which ‘ejected’ one of the occupants rather forcefully and left them flapping and flopping on the beach in a fashion that looked confused and probably a little bit sad.

“Ohohohoho~?” The mischievous minx more than understanding that she had to be just a little bit merciless when she needed a meal thanks to the island upbringing she had mentioned and that intention only heightened when the woman next to her mentioned the fact that she would be providing their catering, the fishing fox gave a camp chuckle and continued to snap her digits at the fish that caught her eye, repeating the deed over and over until they had a nice selection of variously shaped and sized seafood.
“Another taste of that world renowned Vollan cooking, hm?” Certainly eager to see what her wonderful woman might be able to whip up with the bounty she had plucked from the sea, the memory of the meal that the woman’s uncle had prepared for them when they visited her home in the Orchian Woods was refreshed in the memory of Miss Serena at the mention that Alisa made of taking on the ‘chore’ of culinary creation, piquing her curiosity to the extreme.

“If that’s my reward, I might make stranding myself with you a more permanent thing~” Long suspecting that her beloved black beauty might be more of an expert in the kitchen than she had ever let on given the skill that Sofia had observed in the man who raised her, more than that she couldn’t help but fall in love with the image of her ebony haired enchantress working earnestly to provide her with a delicious meal. This seeming like it could almost be even tastier than meal anyone else could create, the picture in her mind of the White Empress wearing an apron that lived up to her epithet was hard not to swoon over, and something that the sapphire siren knew one day she would just have to see for herself…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:06 am


WORDS: 550 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Yes, there was much to admire about her beauty, in every imaginable. From the motion of those deft hands as she weaved her magic power into a tangible enough form to manipulate the shape of the water, trapping the fish inside and elegantly harvesting only what she needed off the bounty of the ocean, all while sharing those loving, playful, and at times wanton looks with one another:

"That indeed does seem to be the case~", chuckled the sculptress, gently fanning the flames before leaning in to reach for the freshly caught fish, holding that position just long enough for Sofia to glance into that expansive valley of her generous cleavage, "Thought I don't believe either of us will ever want for anything~"

Yet for all the playful vibes and flirtation, that little hint of Sofia's upbringing defenitely caught her attention, for the sculptress soon found her brow raising as she gazed into those vibrant eyes of blue, even as she collected all the fish her lover gathered and placed them near the fire to be grilled at their leisure. Indeed surviving in such a remote location meant making the most of nature's bounty, just as Alisa made sure to remember such a tantalizing treat offered:

"Mmm, now that's one more offer I'll be holding you to~", even as she got to work, Alisa still held Sofia's gaze, even if she probably should pay very close attention to what she was doing.

Mind you, Alisa didn't really, exactly... Know how to cook. She never really did, nor did she ever care too much for it once reaching a point where she could at the very least not starve to death. But she'd gladly head out to dinner at every other time... But as she got to work on skewering the fish in smooth, sharp crystalline spikes - with surprising skill considering her so far unspoken limitation - Alisa could only think... How hard could this really be? It's not as though she was preparing Coq au Vin. And so. she calmly placed the skewered fish at a fair distance from the fire: Enough to grill, not enough to char... At least she hoped, judging by the cool and confident way she stoked the fire:

"Ufufu~ You really should have picked up some of Uncle's recipes, hmm~? He'd have been happy to show you a thing or two.", she teased, winking cheekily at her beloved beauty who so eagerly praised a skill Alisa didn't actually have. Her fishing work done, Alisa, tapped the neatly placed log next to her, motioning her lover to her. They had laboured and built themselves a nice little campsite, and now they had earned their rest, "That's actually quite the lovely idea you had there Sofia~ Can you imagine just what we might do with an island like this, just to ourselves...?"

And yet as she looked around at this perfect picture of paradise, gazing up into the dark skies with a dreamy look on her face, Alisa merely sighed, shooting her grilled fish a curious glance before cocking her head at Sofia:

"Well, I suppose you can, considering~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:45 pm



“Ohhhhh, well then, I better be careful about promising to take you there one day, then~” Smiling as she wondered to herself whether a woman as worldly as Alisa was would know the name of her homeland, the vixen from Valerica still felt just a hint of reluctance to reveal it, though this was likely a leftover habit from her cautious countenance. Growing more and more accustomed to the company of her capable companion and her trust in the dark diva never higher, though she wished to share herself with this magenta minx more than anyone, it was hard to spill secrets when one had gotten so used to keeping them.

“I’m not sure I’m the meet the parents sort, really?” The wrong word around the wrong person likely tipping off those who would likely still be searching for the ‘lost’ princess of that island nation, though on some level Sofia already wanted to grab the hand of her gorgeous goddess and run all the way back to the homeland that she so cherished and share the woman with her mother and the uncle they had discussed earlier on, the fantasy was quite a different thing to reality really. No doubt having to face no small amount of fury filled fanfare when she returned back to the land she came from, although the foreign fox felt just a little bit disappointed that she couldn’t share all she loved with the enchantress that had so effortlessly fell into that category as well, ultimately it was for the best that she didn’t. At least not until the mermaid felt like she had no choice in the matter, that was.

“Heheheheh, he might have been wasting his time really…” Happy to move onto another subject but perhaps the lingering sentiment of her former lifestyle seeming to bring out an odd sense of humility in Miss Serena, once she had finished gathering the flopping fish that would serve as their supper and let the oceanic orb that she had created sink back into the sea along with the steadily setting sun, the sapphire siren gave a soft chuckle and rubbed the back of her head as she revealed a little shortcoming that for one reason or another the girl felt a little bit embarrassed about.

“Truth be told, I’ve not got a whole lot of kitchen experience?” All those playful remarks that the blue beauty had made about cooking and providing for Alisa suddenly seeming to humble her, in truth the teenage temptress had scarcely prepared a meal of her own in her life, and could not boast a whole lot of experience or expertise in the culinary arts. This for some reason seeming to make her blush, maybe because they had been joking about marriage and wifely duties the younger of the two suddenly felt a sense of insecurity about her capacity in that regard, and couldn’t help but show a little bit of sheepishness because of it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:30 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, I don't even know the name, but wherever it is, it already sounds like a place I'd like to see for myself~", answered the sculptress, eyes narrowing as that cheeky, playful little smirk widened, "If it could produce such a stunning, fascinating woman such as yourself... I know it must be a truly wonderful place~"

Well, as interesting as the idea might sound, Alisa had already noticed Sofia seemed visibly put off by the subject of family, anybody but her Uncle really. Alisa knew there must be something in her past she was anything but comfortable discussing, let alone showing even her, and she respected that wish.

"Neither am I, but I must admit, you've made me quite curious about Uncle Nick~", she spoke, reaching out and seizing the seafaring seductress' hand with a smile on her face as she giggled cheekily, "I suppose we'll run into him eventually~"

Dismissing any pressing need to meet her family without ignoring her interest, Alisa instead focused on keeping her beloved Sofia comfortable throughout, eagerly taking the cue as she discussed what would have actually happened if she bothered to ask Rocky for help with cooking. Somewhat surprised at the visible show of self doubt on her lover's face, Alisa's brow rose as she held that wonderful aquamerine gaze, naturally letting down her own guard as a result: She'd been more than content to simply project the same aura of confidence as she always had, that self assuredness in her words and actions that generally put people at ease, knowing this woman certainly knew what she was doing. And yet the moment she heard Sofia's confession, her brow rose visibly. To think she had that kind of insecurity... Alisa could never leave her beloved beauty all alone as she yielded one such weakness, instinctively sharing her own, sighing as she returned her gaze to the grill:

"Quite frankly... Neither have I~", chuckled the sculptress, rubbing behind her neck with an apologetic smile on her face, "But I suppose we'll just need to make do with what we have, won't we~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:27 pm



“Oh, it certainly has its charms….” The flattery from her fellow femme making the foreign fox smile, she couldn’t help but bite her lip and lean in close to her companion to nuzzle her softly as she shared a little bit of intimacy with her girl, and exploited her tall and strong frame for her support given how drained she felt after using her sustained spell by wrapping her arms around the woman’s neck and giggling.
“And maybe one day, when I’m ready to go back, I’ll bring you along and let you see them?” Certainly far from exhausted but enjoying the fact that she had found someone she could lean on when she was tired like this, though Sofia did not make too much of a burden of herself, it said a lot that she was willing to do this with another person really.

“For now though, I’m happy enough exploring the world outside my home~” Not really the sort who much enjoyed relying on others and more the type who prized her independence over all other things, Miss Serena knew that she could let this woman into her heart without being ‘caged’ by her, and loved the fact that she felt free as a bird even when she felt like she couldn’t be wholly happy without her lover by her side. Alisa practically essential to her by this point, like she had become some kind of physical and emotional necessity, this was why she could even tease her with the prospect of going home. It was a scary idea for certain, but with a woman as wonderful as the White Empress, not quite as daunting as it might otherwise appear.

“Ohohohoho~ Now I don’t believe that for a single second~” Exploiting their positioning for more than just physical support as their conversation moved along, however, as Miss Vollan confessed a similar shortcoming to what she had, the Valerican vixen smiled and suckled softly on those lips of her lovers in order to reassure her.

“And besides, even if it’s true, I’m sure between us we can make something wonderfully delicious~” Certainly elated that her ebony haired enchantress would feel she could trust her enough that she might reveal a tiny imperfection in her flawless visage, Sofia couldn’t help but fall in love with her just a little bit more at the mention of a possible shortcoming, and wondered if she herself should find a fine kitchen type to teach her so that she could make up for it in her own way.
“We usually do, after all~” Certainly limited on their own but everything about their union making it feel like they were unbeatable together, in a way she was actually quite enjoying the idea of the two of them cooking and catering for each other, and was sure no matter their skill level they would never taste food better than what the others love could provide…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:44 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Well, do let me know whenever the thought strikes you, hmmm~?", she replied, almost nonchalantly, shaking her head, waving her hand in front of her almost dismissively, discarding any hurry or pressure to fulfil that playful little whim. Snaking her idle hand around her lover's waist, Alisa all but purred as she nuzzled that silky soft hair, breathing in her lover's scent and smooching her forehead playfully.

It got a bit challenging to focus on her food with such a delightful warmth at her side, and yet Alisa couldn't be happier, that ever present tingle in her middle constantly reminding her of that fact as her cheeks looked tinged with a faint hint of redness. It took quite a bit of effort to peel her eyes away to focus on her food, and they soon widened for a brief moment at Sofia's vehement look of doubt, chuckling as she realized how she had little to no chance of ever convincing the girl of her own faults. Despite the playful chuckle at her words, Alisa felt her heart warming at the very sound, like a fresh reminder how even on those days, on those moments her will faltered, she had a charming, fascinating lover on her side ready to support her:

"My, you really don't do you~...?", spoke the sculptress, paying attention to her cooking, brow furrowed as she dared to defy fate and pull off the kind of scrumptious meal she'd never in her life been able to whip up. The fish was almost done, or at least they looked like it. The smell was indeed delicious and she found herself leaning in as she stoked the flames a stad bit more vehemently, "Ufufufu, and you're very right on that~ If the two of us put our head to something, surely we'll excel at it better than anyone ever could~"

And there was only one way to prove it, right~? Realizing she was almost done with her cooking, Alisa picked one of the skewered fishes and handed it to Sofia, a smile on her face barely concealing the hint of unease. Hopeful it wouldn't be so bad, right?

"Here, try it for yourself~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:27 pm



“Ohhhh, I’ll make sure you’re the first one I tell~” The softness of Sofia’s palm washing down the cheek of her companion at the prospect of going home with her, for all the love she had for both her homeland and the woman by her side, the idea couldn’t help but feel rather bittersweet really. Certainly the image of the two of them returning to her home one that filled her with a strong sense of delight, her heart growing warmer at the prospect of showing the girl she had grown to care for so much all the sights and special places of the place she loved, knowing that she couldn’t do that without trouble only seemed to turn those feelings to ice in her chest and make her feel like she was being stabbed by something. Of course this not the fault of her fellow femme but rather the circumstances that the foreign fox found herself in, and the father who created them as well, it made what should have been something lovely feel just a little bit cold and cruel and she didn’t like that.

“Of course not, I have full faith on my lovely ‘wifey’, after all~” Glad to have a nice little distraction in terms of both task and conversation, the playful tone between the pair did not particularly undercut the sentiment that was shared between the two of them, and Miss Serena even found herself a tiny bit surprised at the sincerity with which she spoke. Noting that she could only count a couple of other people in the world that she could say she trusted more than Alisa right now, though she loved to tease her luscious lady so much, she certainly believed wholeheartedly in what she said and knew that despite the cool veneer that her voluptuous vision liked to put up she was definitely the type who would do everything she could to keep the people she cared about happy.

“And clearly, it’s far from misplaced, isn’t it?” Glad to count herself among that number, of course, as she looked over the simple but overall well-made skewer the sapphire siren couldn’t help but smile at the effort her empress had put into the item, and found even this humble offering to look as gorgeous as any sculpture the woman had made. It strange really, but something she wished to imitate, Sofia hummed as she took up a skewer of her own and began to set about making one for her lover to enjoy, and smiled all the while as she did so…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:06 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

Cupping that gentle, loving hand and nuzzling it softly, Alisa simply relaxed in that reassuring warmth of her ravishing lover, only able to imagine just the kind of inner confict she'd been struggling with, between her visible desire to open up and the clear wariness towards the mere thought of a homecoming. So she did what she did best, put her lover's mind at ease with a loving smoochie, chuckling at her words:

"When you put it like that, I really can't do anything but my best~", yes Alisa still had her doubts... But she certainly didn't look like it as she pulled her own fish away from the grill.

And yet this playful banter with her beloved set her own mind at ease just as easily and before long the sculptress smiled as cooly as ever, holding that amethyst gaze filled with faith, with all the confidence the sculptress could need even when her own faltered. Before digging in, she made sure to let her lover finish up leaving the next pair to cook. She spent but a single moment looked at the freshly grilled fish... It certainly looked and smelled delicious but... How about the taste? Suddenly, she bit into it, cringing ever so slightly as the flavour was... Well about as lackluster as she'd expect... But then:

"Hmmm, you might be onto something~", spoke the sculptress, an almost playful, cheeky little mockery of the usually unbridled confidence she was so known for, watching her lover leave the next set of fish and noting, "Well... At least some places are actually edible."

Better than nothing, really, and certainly better than the usual... When you cook as awfully as Alisa, being able to eat some of the meal instead of leaving it for the dogs is certainly an improvement. Not that the sculptress would so easily give up in the face of her own mediocrity, but to seek improvement one had to be quite aware of her limits, if only to surpass them.


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:02 am



“Heeheeheee, Alisa’s first cooking, so exciting~” Grinning as she finished threading a piece of their ‘ocean harvest’ onto the skewer and placed it in the ground next to the nice hot fire that her wonderful woman had made, Sofia had to confess that she was quite thrilled by the moment, and even if she wasn’t about to sample some fancy restaurant cooking she would love it all the same. Licking her lips as she lifted the flame grilled fish that her fellow femme had prepped for her, the blue eyes of the young beauty flicked between her face of the fox next to her and the meal she had been provided with, almost feeling as if there were a drumroll or something as she lifted her food to her mouth and bit into it with gusto.

“Mmmmnnnn~” Not really knowing exactly what kind of fish she was shoving into her mouth but enjoying it all the same, perhaps the culinary ‘endeavour’ of White Empress was helped by the fact that an island girl like Miss Serena loved seafood, and this offering stood as no exception to that rule. Certainly perhaps the addition of spices and herbs or maybe a little smoking might have made it taste even better but the skewer that Alisa had made edible and delicious in its own way, the juicy flesh of the fish was warm and yet tender, and even the experience of breaking through the seared skin seemed like a joy as the crispy flesh broke beneath her bite like batter on cod.

“I might have to get you cooking for me a little more often, after this~?” Sufficed to say the seafood sampling enough to make Sofia mewl like a kitten, perhaps her enjoyment of the meal was partly down to how hungry her day had made her, but despite how ravenous she felt the teen knew the biggest factor in its deliciousness was the raven haired woman who had made it. Miss Vollan certainly earning the leaning kiss she was given as soon as the sapphire siren had swallowed her mouthful, though their meal was simple there was a sweetness to it and the privacy they had been given by the island that made it feel special and magical, and would probably stand up as one of her favourite dinners of all time for years to come…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:52 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"Ufufufu~ The first of many~", she replied, chuckling as her brow rose and she watched her lover dig into her meal of grilled fish as if it were the most delicious dish in the whole wide world. There was something reassuring about watching someone she loved so praise her cooking like that, and yet...

All the fake confidence in her cooking crumbled away when she saw how Sofia actually liked it, her eyes shooting wide, lips parting as she took in that look of visible delight on her lover's face. Yes, Alisa looked utterly baffled by this rather surprising, if reassuring turn of events. She had no idea she could actually cook something even remotely appetizing, nor had she dedicated much effort to correcting it... But now here she was, curling her lips as she took in each and every one of those delightful little mewls

"Well, I'll admit, I'm surprised you enjoyed it... That means I'll be keeping this recipe, no doubt~", giggling playfully after taking another bite of her food and taking a moment to properly savour it, quickly thinking to just what she might have done right this time that she never did once before. No doubt the answer laid so close she could reach out and touch it, which was exactly what she did as she squeezed Sofia closer to her, holding on tightly around her waist and leaning into the kiss as it came, "Mmmmm~... You're certainly right my love, it does taste quite delicious~"

Chuckling playfully as she enjoyed this rather unique, thoroughly enrapturing dinner out with her beloved Sofia, Alisa couldn't help but give that plush bottom lip a little suckle, gazing into the eyes of her sapphire siren, the mesmerizing muse who made her heart race every other moment, who had very much made their pleasant dinner a possibility:

"You truly are an inspiring influence, Sofia Serena~", confessed the sculptress, her cheeks reddening as their short but sweet kiss parted at last, gazing longingly into her eyes the whole way, "I doubt I'd have cooked something palatable had I not been thinking of you the whole time~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:18 am



“Oh Alisaaaa….” The sweet words of her lover seeming to elicit that sweet little hiss from our lady lead once more, after setting down what was left of her skewer in the sand, Miss Serena couldn’t help but lunge for her lover as she found her passions for the woman renewed by the affection that was shared with her. Hands diving for the cheeks of her wonderful woman as she pressed every ounce of weight that she could against that fine form to topple her onto her back, the sapphire siren purred as she pushed her lips to those of the black haired beauty and suckled on her perfect pout, as she felt her body being overtaken by a fire that by this stage in the day was all too familiar.

“How is it that… No matter how long we’ve been together, or how many times we’ve done this…” Perhaps the fact that they had lowered their walls to one another allowing Sofia to be a bit more honest with her desires, and certainly more aggressive with them as she kissed those lips and forced her velvety tongue between them the Valerican vixen could only mewl and whisper in astonishment at how easily she had been brought to this point.
“You always know just what to do, or say, to make me want more?” Pressing her soft form against firm but feminine frame of her fellow femme with delight and desire, the gaze of the girl grew hazier by the moment as she found herself dizzied by lust, and wholly forgetting her desire for food in the process.

“I love you, Alisa Vollan.” Right now certainly needing another form of nourishment for both her mind and her body and the only source for it the woman upon whom she had pounded, as she reared up a little way from their kiss in order to open the tie that held her bikini top in place, all that Miss Serena could do was gaze into the luscious eyes of her lover and confess her feelings whole-heartedly. Certainly overwhelmed by the moment and her feelings for this gorgeous goddess, right now the minx was being driven to the point of madness and wasn’t going to stop, for she loved every single intimate moment she shared with the White Empress and was unlikely to be dissuaded from her path right now by anything…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:52 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

She all but gasped at how suddenly her lover had pounced and knocked her back, pushing Alisa back down onto the soft, white sand as she kept a firm grip around Sofia's waist, pulling her back down and atop her as she smooched her back on pure reflex, suckling that plush bottom lip between her teeth as she purred into her lips. It was oh so easy for the two of them to quickly forget anything and everything they were up to, when the passionate hurricane that was their feelings for each other struck hard, they became a force impossible to resist:

"I wonder that sometimes... Maybe, just maybe...", even as Sofia peeled away to speak, even as Alisa's chest heaved breathlessly, she found herself clinging to her lover's sinuous form, arching her back softly, raising her shapely leg and draping it needily around her waist, in an earnest craving for every last inch of contact with her lover she could get. Her hands caressed up and down her form, nails dragging firm and wantonly along her sinfully smooth skin, one by one tugging on the knots that held her garments in place, "We're utterly perfect together... Made for each other~"

As if to drive that point home, Alisa greedily suckled on her tongue as she slipped it past her lips, her own reaching in to meet, mingle and dance around her lover's shivering ever so softly with antecipation as her heart raced at the very thought of the sinful delights they'd soon share. Yes, no matter how many times they did it, the fire in Alisa's chest hadn't weakened even a little bit, as evidenced by the passion she gripped Sofia to her:

"I love you more, Sofia Serena~...", spoke the sculptress, her heart skipping a beat at the sound of those words, punctuating them with a deep, desperate kiss as her idle hand inched further and further down, closer and closer to the threshold of desire the two of them couldn't wait to cross, "...You're the only one for me~"



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:27 am



“Mmmmnnnnnn…” Any strength that the sun might have possessed long having melted away by the time that the foreign fox could contain the fever that she had been afflicted with, all that the girl could do by the time that she had achieved this result was mewl gently as she enjoyed the soft and silky surface upon which her head had fallen and basked in the blissful weakness and empty mindedness that usually followed her amorous adventure. Certainly rather exhausted by this point but her sense of meekness more down to a feeling of heavenly relaxation that had flooded her once she had spent her urges, Sofia squeezed the figure beneath her with arms that had no more strength than a new-born kitten, and loved the quiet moment of intimacy that she felt.

This… Is perfection.The mind of Miss Serena inflicted with just as much inability as her body was, after turning her gaze just enough to see the stars twinkling above her and then just about managing to twist her head enough to see the beautiful face of her beloved, all that the girl could do was bask in this wonderful moment and quietly hope that it would never end. Finally quietened and likely to slip into a peaceful sleep if given half a chance, all that the sapphire siren could do was look toward Alisa and smile happily, finding herself lost for words but also was never happier than she felt in this moment. It was heaven.


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 SofiaSerana


Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 Empty Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:09 pm


WORDS: 220 | TAG: @sofia | BIKINI

"My Sofia~...", cooed the sculptress, all but purring with a dizzy smile on her face as that blissful afterglow took hold, cuddling her beautiful beloved to her bosom, stroking her long, silken hair as she leaned in and planted soft, tender smooches on her forehead.

For the most part though, Alisa seemed utterly taken by the starlit skies above by the warmth of the mischievous mermaid in her arms to ever disrupt her quiet with words... She'd defenitely hear the empress' heart pounding in her chest, with no sign of subsiding so long as she felt this close to her lover.

"The sky does look wonderful today... Almost as beautiful as you, my love~..." , sighing blissfully as she traced the constellations in the sky, she found herself all but tracing similar shapes on her lover's skin, a delicate touch as her fingertips glided left and right across that delectable smoothness, until Alisa let out a long, lazy yawn... They had quite the day huh...? Alisa for one hoped they'd have more and more of these adventures, which, thankfully, seemed to be exactly the idea in Sofia's mind. Who knows where they might happen to find themselves next~

After all, Sofia had proposed to her, proposed the sculptress join her on an adventure of their own~ Oh how wonderful would it turn out to be~?



Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sea of Serenity [Alisa/Private] - Page 5 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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