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The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion

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The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:10 am


The Oath of Life -

A Failed Incursion

Howls and shouts of celebration were plenty as the Sinese diplomats spotted Hirota who had taken on Kon’s form once again, left their quarters with hair unkempt and Hirota’s clothes at the entrance. Word had spread that Kon had been sleeping around and was favouring a mysterious lady of the night who was threatening the workers but none knew her name. While Kon, personally, was never one to indulge in such carnal affairs, especially with strangers, Hirota relished the attention and overplayed her beauty and skill, hoping to draw attention to them as a prostitute rather than a skilled swordswoman. This facade was critical as their attempt to recover Miharu could not be stopped or hindered before it could even begin. Kon was nervous at the amount of risk and damage that could be dealt to his career, meanwhile he could feel that this was far more personal for Hirota. Something that was shared was the concern of what a vessel of a fully realized Qing Long would entail.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:10 am


Fortunately, this display of debauchery had eased the Sinese who had allowed him access to the streets of Sin’s capital without an escort. Leaving the embassy, she was confronted by what would be their last free moment of sunlight for a long time, knowing that they would be followed, escort or not, they made a bee-line to the nearest market full of people, performing the same trick to conceal their identity and transform into Hirota’s true form. “Careful now,” Kon muttered resting on his chair now fully unbound. With a bitter fulled smile, Hirota retorted. “Always.” Spending the better part of the early morning memorizing the map of modern-day central Sin, Hirota was able to use it in combination with her past knowledge to reach the temple, something that had been there even before her time in the country centuries ago. This place was sacred and they could feel it, as two lines of people entered the temple through its front gates.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:10 am


The elves had not been joking when they mentioned security, Royal Guard of the Sinese Emperor had been stationed all around the temple with towers being placed strategically giving the archers who sat upon them full sight beneath them and free sight from miles away. If he could sweat, kon would have done so, but he would just have to trust the spirit who had been possessing him for so long, hopefully, she would know his body enough to use it. The number of bodies was the only concern but also the countless traps that littered around the walls and floors revealed through his millenium eye. At least she knew where not to stand, the issue with that was almost everything had magic circles plastered upon it. They would need to slash their way through to Miharu the moment the fighting took place. Entering the temple proved easy with Hirota adopting her past mannerisms as a priestess who was performing a pilgrimage to Qing Long. Something which she had conveniently forgotten to explain to Kon. There was something more behind this than just a woman wanting to stop another from experiencing a similar fate to them.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:10 am


“You were a priestess for the Qing Long?” Kon prodded Hirota as they passed a Monk, cleanly shaved bar with a ponytail containing the rear portion of his hair. “Yes, now hush,” Hirota muttered under her breath covering her face as she faked a sneeze. While this did alert the Monk, he continued with his business carrying wood for a fire nearby. Showing distaste towards them already, Hirota ignored them instead going towards a more senior monk who spat at their feet when she tried to talk with them. Despite all the centuries that had passed there was still a strong sense of misogyny within the religion. “Perhaps it's because they never had lain with a woman…” Kon commented getting a rise and small giggle out of Hirota. “How uncharacteristic of her..” He thought as she tried time after time to talk with a monk, only being able to glean a word from the youngest and foolish of them who could lead them to the Miharu with the offer of some chocolate that she had conveniently brought with her.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:11 am


After giving the smallest of blocks to the child, Hirota was taken by the wrist towards the temple’s entrance while numerous traps beneath them began to glow violently while their magic circles spun with incredible speed. She had no idea what would happen if the child stopped holding their arm and their chance was to ready their sword causing a plume of purple to linger around them. As they entered the temple, immediately before them at the far end of the room, Miharu had just finished unnotching her bow and was drenched in sweat after being in the sun all morning. While they locked eyes, just so did the monks scattered around the temple upon Hirota shouting at them to leave in Sinese, while she returned in kind claiming Miharu from the villainous monks who sought to use their body to house Qing Long while unsheathing her sword from her bosom. With a confused expression, Miharu paused upon Hirota before being ushered out of the room as more and more monks continued to filter into it. Resembling a platoon of soldiers now bearing arms unbefitting of religion priests, Hirota was not the first to attack but rather a monk on her right with a wide, open blow with a hefty two-handed axe.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:11 am


Blade straight up in front of Hirota, with one clean sweep a powerful gust of energy slashed through the attempted attack and over a third of the monks to the right of her. Blood and carnage filled half of the temple, the monks still alive flattered before Kon unleashed another blow to his opposite side painting the left portion of the room the same crimson. Though he had just decimated the monk's numbers, they remained steadfast as an explosion behind him brought the doors down upon him. Making half a dozen clean cuts upon the falling debris, chunks slid to the side as Hirota rose from their position. This brief distraction was enough however as the traps began to finally active and more monks arrived some of whom were magics. She had just slaughtered the footsoldier, these Monks were far more troublesome as a magical mirror enhanced with a powerful aura danced above her sapping their strength and magical abilities.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:11 am


Sweating at the prospect of being discovered, Kon pleaded for Hirota to leave while Hirota doubled down to find and rescue Miharu. This renewed vigour allowed her to leave the room, but the effect was still enough and the monks were too numerous. Soon the facade of Hirota was beginning to dissipate as Kon’s appearance replaced hers and pieces were cut away from Kon’s metal body. The final nail in the coffin was the swing of an axe identical to the one before brought down upon her tight reducing their movement to a crawl while the Monks piled onto them and rushed to bind the machia. Swearing in Sinese, Hirota didn’t relent and continued to assault any monk who drew near. It was only with the realisation that Miharu had seen this devastation that they surrendered, a blood-soaked savage who had just slain dozens before them was hardly the best individual to recover a teenager who had been indoctrinated into the religion for their whole life.



The Oath of Life - A Failed Incursion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:12 am


Reality resembling the mind, with Hirota who had possessed Kon for so long was now bound, gagged with a hood thrown over their head before being hurled out of the temple and handed over to who he assumed would be the Sinese Miltary. In reality, it was the guard of a Noble family, a man named Onaga Masa revealed in passing, that their strength was formidable as Hirota was handled like a bag of wheat in one hand by the man, not a machine. Funnily Onaga was also a Machia much like Kon, perhaps they were even the same model. If he hadn’t been forced to participate in this doomed hostage rescue he would have liked to talk with them, but he had become an enemy through association thus likely bound to attack them the moment they escaped. But why had they not surrendered them to the Sinese government?, perhaps it was to ensure that they didn’t attempt to rescue and imprison Kon within their jails. The truth was uncertain as Onaga hopped onto a stead with Kon bound tight behind them on the saddle towards a path unfamiliar to him.



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