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Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.)

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Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:31 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Fufufu~... Indeed we could, though after what Helena just did, I imagine they'll have a healthy fear of sticking their nose where they do not belong~? Though if they heard you ask that question, they might interpret it very differently.", she chuckled, sipping her sake cup. After all, having an angry woman asking you if you'd like to speak to your deceased relatives... Could come off as a very roundabout way of inviting them to meet their maker, which could be pretty intimidating in its own right.

However, Alisa was far more interested in the two sisters and their family than the peeping toms they'd already put in their place. The two women had their fair share of complaints about their sibling, and though Alisa might have sounded more understanding, she also knew she was not the one who had to grow up with the man or spend time with him on family reunions. Relatives have a way of being the most accepting of all your faults, and yet still not missing a single opportunity to chide you for them. That too in a sense, was a form of love:

"Fufu~... I know some people like that... And usually it's better to leave them to their own devices.", she explained, a lopsided smile on her face as she brushed a loose wet lock behind her ear, and shifted her rear atop the stony seat to better face the two women, "They won't learn from anybody else's mistakes but their own, and usually it's better to let them do so."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:38 pm

Over all the banter between these two seemed to the main stage of entertainment at this time. But Helena would mention to Averie."Dear sister you have remember our task in life is not to use these studies and power for monetary benefit, But the loophole is not outright saying we are using our magic for money."It seemed in some manner maybe their life style was odd this way. Averie even saying in return "Yes yes...we are eternal studies...using magic to solve problems not money."It sounded silly but this entirely seemed like this was something repeated into their head enough time to recite this to memory. Icebergain life was different from Fiorian life after all.

But as for Charles, in some manner Helena would simply say."I did suggest beat him up a few times."Which well considering how Helena was, that feels like it would just cause horrible problems if she did it. In which Averie even seemed to shrug about it."If mother who is considered the "Horseman of War" Can't beat it out of her own child. One has to let him be hopeless."Averie pointed out while they all continued drinking.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:48 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Well, there's no harm in using your magic for money. That's one of the reasons why Guilds exists you know?", after all, mages or non mages, everybody needs food on the table at the end of the day. Alisa saw no harm in making a living out of their magic use, and this was no exception to that, "Of course, why should talent mages like yourselves not be allowed to make a living out of it? So if you're not making money off your magic, what are you making money off of?"

Alas, anybody needs to make money to eat if nothing else... Alisa had a strong opinion on this. That didn't stop mages from doing charity and working for free within the limits of their economic freedom. Alisa did that often enough... But from being willing to work for free to feeling ashamed to work for a fair pay:

"Fufu~... Tough love hmm, Helena~? And here I always took you for the loving older sister sort~", Alisa winked, shooting a knowing look at her Guildmate, amused by how casually she suggested using physical force to beat some sense into her less than reasonable brother, "But, true... If a specialized fighter can't beat it out of him... It seems to me like you have no choice but letting him grow out of it."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:27 pm

It was a fair thing to mention but Averie would mention only because it seemed she had more of what Alisa's thought was in mind."Mother really tried to get us to think that way, But she did not think about how we would try and live out in other nations...suppose she is just use to being pure icebergian and a different entire life style then fiorians."Over all that seemed in some manner the more these two talked in some manner they show how much in some manner they loved each other as family.

No matter how seeming odd their brother was, how in passing their mother way and how almost never mentioned but still there their father was, everyone seemed to love each other. Then Helena let out a laugh about it because she had an idea."Or we can just you know...invite mother, father and Charles to Fiore and see what happens?"Helena said she was serious about it, while she sip away with her booze Averie seemed unsure about her idea.

While nice it was risky mostly from Charles."I am unsure if that is a smart idea...After all Charles is going to go on about something about Conquest of some manner. Mother is going to tell him to control himself. Next thing you know they blow up half a city with father cleaning up the mess himself."Averie stated that almost like it had happen before.

But it was insight on some what Helena and Averie's father is capable of doing. That is apparently fixing things. Extremely open ended. Was he an earth mage?or something else. Nonetheless still continuing to show Helena was still a loving sister."I am still what you think of me Guild Master, I just also know limits and when some one is at a point beyond helping."Helena said. Even pointing at Averie for example."Considering the things I do for her as well as other people."Then she winked at the guild master because well she was in some manner cheeky."I am still the big sister, No one will take that away from me."Averie almost choked on her drink seening unsure how process that information and remark. Helena yet again proving she was a wild card in her own manner and fitting for Blue Pegasus in many ways. Or a normal day of the week here.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:23 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Oh, no harm in that~...? Sometimes a little change in scenery is all you need.", Alisa encouraged, her brow arching, feeling a smidge curious about the woman's family, after all both Averie and Helena were rather unique in their own right, and she couldn't help but feel a smidge of curiosity about what manner of woman could have raised two girls like themselves, "Hmmm... You mean literal conquest? I suppose Iceberg is a notoriously unstable country, but still... Hearing you talk so casually about it takes me back to the days of the great change..."

Alisa sighed and shook her head, her skin flushed and steamy from the heat of the springs, running a hand over her forehead as she took another sip of her drink. She held no fondness for those chaotic days, where the Governement retreated to central Fiore and left the surrounding regions to fend for themselves, and the Guilds to try and rule them:

"Fufufu~... Just like our hopeless peeping toms hmm~?", Alisa chuckled, holding a hand over her mouth as she returned the wink. But for her to turn that aggression on her own family, she had to admit... She almost shuddered at how frustrating their brother must be for Helena to show that side of herself around her own family, "I suppose relatives tend to be stricter with each other, after all... Nobody knows your full potential better than somebody who grew up with you."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:04 pm

Then again this part over all was a general ponder."I do not know if mother has been outside iceberg..."Averie mentioned and even then Helena did not seem an answer to this, It did seem to puzzle both sister for merely a moment. It was with in that moment they both too the same pondering posture. Exact same look on their faces just each only just different from how long their hair is and what colour their eyes are.

In that moment one could tell how exactly they where family just because they pulled off that entirely with out thinking or realizing it was a thing."Our Brother's idea of conquest has always been...vaguely stated."Finally one would speak up about it. Most likely there was some base line and that was it."He just goes on about conquest and learning things most dangerous and unknown....he is a bit silly considering."Over all it seemed it was a moment of many ponders.

But over all it seemed Helena would flex having some kind of ego for a moment."No matter how unbelievably beautiful Anyone here is, Me as well. No one should be seeing unless permitted too...Even if some one of may have the beauty of a goddess."Averie still did not have such a way of saying things like this about herself.

But she could chuckle about it."Still wrong, Even if I know getting a view of a Blue Pegasus women is too hard to pass." Then well she over realize she was off track for a moment because they were talking about some one trying to spy on them but over all it seemed in the end they where not worried about it."I doubt in the end that mother would show up here, Most people don't know how to get our parents out of the house because they just don't feel like they need to much anymore."It seemed at least it was left for something in the future.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:37 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"That is... A most casual way to look at conquest. Usually conquerors have some overarching goal in mind... Glory, expanion, survival.", then again Alisa knew Iceberg to be an inherently unstable Kingdom, where Jarls and Warlords engaged in warfare with each other more so than any external enemy... Granted, as she'd never heard of this person before, she could only imagine he mustn't be particularly successful in these endeavors, "Fufufu~... Very much so, Helena. No wonder you chose to join Blue Pegasus, hm~? Then again I guess they'll carry that memory with them for a long time~"

After all, that constant search of beauty and physical perfection was one of their Guild's great tenets. To be beautiful and know it, but also not be so arrogant you cannot bask in the beauty of others:

"Indeed, some sights are reserved for your lovers alone~", Alisa nodded, knowing that however casual she could be with nudity around women she was close to, she wasn't so indecent as to let just everyone lay eyes on her naked form, especially not random people who weren't even willing to show their faces to her, "Mmmm, you never know? People's mindset changes as they get older... What seemed boring to you ten years ago can become interesting now."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:45 am

In some manner the sister both seemed so collected and calm compared the tales of their brother Charles but in some manner. But maybe Charles was just more iecbergian in mind set compared to them both. Over all they did not seem to think much else of it. But one thing you could say about Helena, she could express and carry stronger bravado compared to most other people."Merely a pretty face I might be, But I am fairly smart to piece together what works for me, It just happens it has to do with beauty."She was some what stroking her own ego. But in some manner if one felt Helena had an ego who knows what the future holds with the other family members.

Suppose they could talk about other things."Yes like how in ten years time is plenty of time to have kids right Averie?"While Helena laughed about it Averie seemed to almost look as if she was internally panicking now.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:13 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Oh, Helena~... How can you possibly say such things about yourself hmm~?", Alisa teased, her voice lowering into that sultry, flirtatious little purr as she shifted to face the elder Yates sister and brushed a hand down her arm, that silky smooth skin brushing against hers as her lips curled into a seductive smile, "You're so much more than just a pretty face~..."

Alisa didn't mind people being proud of their beauty, quite the opposite, it was a trait she very much appreciated, one she encouraged in her members at every opportunity. She too took pride in her beauty, but never felt much need to announce it other than the way she dressed or carried herself. Actions speak louder than words and all that. Still, if Helena needed her ego stroked, she was happy to indulge, before the subject shifted to other matters;

"Fufu~... Ten years~? Though i suppose you still have time, there's no need to pressure yourself with such deadlines.", she replied, playing the good cop to Helena's bad cop with a sympathetic smile. She had children of her own, but before Sofia came, she'd never even considered it to be something she wanted.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:41 pm

In some manner Averie had no idea what entirely what she was saying right away. Almost like Helena speaking this way some what confused or stunned her for a moment."Helena, I just started dating. I am not rushing into marriage or having children you know."Averie seemed to be trying to defend herself at least. Thus Averie showed she was not scared of the thought of standing up to her sister and would try too.

In which Helena laughed because it was a joke and she was teasing her."Yes yes, IT isn't anything to rush into. I am just poking fun at you. Something your book collect should have showed you at one point no?"in which anyone who ever saw Averie knew how many fictional romance books she read, It was not a thing she could hide, but it did not seem to make her remember the teasing parts.

But alas it seemed at least it was not taken too badly. Averie did mention."Well, I do not know about the both of you, But I might do now. the waters been nice but i feel clean enough."Averie mentioned now.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:19 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

For a moment, Alisa simply stood silent as the two sisters all but bickered with one another. There was much she could say, but that meant distracting the two Yates women from their discussion. Indeed, there was no need to rush, or anything of the sort:

"Fufufu~... Is it me or do the two of you have this exact same discussion every single day~?", she teased back as she tilted her head at Helena and Averie, before finally focusing on the latter with a soft smile drawing on her lips, "Just remember that things happen when they have to. No need to pressure yourself at all~"

She could tell Helena was only teasing her, but at the same time... It sometimes felt like Averie took them seriously, which was understandable after you hear the same joke over and over and over again:

"Mmm, I could soak for a bit longer... But please, don't feel pressured to stay~ I'll see you again once I get out?", Alisa nodded, a warm smile drawing on those luscious lips, adorning her cheeks flushed with warmth,


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:29 pm

Averie seemed to understand what Alisa was mentioning."I try to have different conversations about Helena...but this always happens."Helena only merely seemed to laugh about it. Only because in her mind she knew it would by easier on Averie compared to other family members."Better then my then our mother."Helena seemed to laugh again about it.

Averie merely sighed. A break in the cycle of how these two are normally. Averie merely walked over to Helena and hugged her first for once. Which Helena considered a good change even patting Averie's back while they hugged."Just remember I am teasing you but still love you." Averie seemed to know that at least.

Then being the motherly figure she was. She gave Averie a kiss on the cheek."Talk again soon okay?"Helena said.Averie then was seemingly brave enough to walk over and hug Alisa before she went on her way. Then she seemingly made sure to wave good bye.

Helena on the another hand was still there."I almost feel envious of her, With how much travelling and work I do Loneliness has been a bitter foe."Helena laughed about it so casually even if in some manner it was hard to picture Helena being lonely.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 08, 2024 9:59 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Mmmm, I suppose sisters will be sisters hmm~?", she winked, not having any siblings herself personally, but more than used to witnessing this dynamic first hand, starting with her own young daughters. Thus she simply smiled, standing up to hug her friend when she came over to say goodbye, running a hand down that silky white hair, "See you soon Averie. Make sure to stop by the Guild more often hm~? I'm sure Helena would come running back if you did."

Even with the current conversation in mind, she was certain the two would jump at the chance to catch up once more, after all, ever since she met Averie, she'd also gotten used to seeing her with her sister more often than not. And so Alisa sat back down... Joining Helena as the two continued to soak and catch up:

"My, Helena, is that why you wanted to share a bed with me~...?", she replied, her tone husky and teasing, now that she didn't have to worry about embarassing Averie by flirting with her sister, her eyes narrowed as that seductive tone came back in turn, reaching out and brushing a hand along her hair, "Well, if you don't mind a... Polyamorous partner... I don't mind keeping your loneliness away?"

Though she was confident Helena and her were on similar wavelengths... Alisa still wanted to make sure no feelings were hurt.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:31 am

Thus Alisa had a few moments, in some manner rare in some minds a chance to give into the mind of some one over all who was not shy but yet seemed to have a fair amount of mystery. Helena was a seemingly powerful and strong woman and she never knew the prowess she had even if she never really outwardly used it against people unless she needed too. The large in depth field and knowledge Helena had about the most ill of people would most likely leave people baffled.

But much like seemingly a few other people what Alisa would be expanded upon. But Helena had a bit of a charm to her. One would see a pretty icebergian woman."In many years of studying what effect people between illnesses and disease. I learned many things about myself too."Helena mentioned casually. Alisa knew full well Helena was not just a pretty woman who wore clothing a bit more revealing then more others.

But alas Helena did not want to see like she was just merely dumping her woes out free."As much as I am devoted to my task in my life....I threw away my personal desires to achieve suck feats."But alas maybe Helena's answer to Alisa question was better set in the woman movements.  It would seem like her answer was yes. After all Helena not being shy already seemingly was not shy about putting her arms around Alisa waist and giving her a few kisses on the cheek.

It might have still felt a bit motherly in nature. But it seemed the explanation's summary was coming to the end."Through out the entirety of my ventures, I put off finding love and having a family most look at what I do and it seems to almost scare them again."So that was it. Helena Eleanor Yate the icebergian beauty, was having troubles getting a long term partner.

Then maybe how Helena acted made a bit more sense."I have always wanted to be a mother, I always wanted to pour out my motherly desires on some lucky person who was will...But with adventuring and its' trials. I learned I can not bare children."So how she treated Averie made sense now. She could not have her own so she mothered others in her own way.  

She was lonely and knew that she could achieve some long desired wishes. So maybe to Alisa's benefit Helena seemingly just wanted to feel the love another seemed to be able to express to her for once, Rather then just her mothering Averie."If you and your current partner are okay with me interjecting myself in for now, I will not say no."It was her saying yes, just differently.


Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:16 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"You're married to your work... I can understand that? If I hadn't met Sofia, I'd have been in the exact same shoes.", Alisa bit her lip as she felt that worldless touch of approval, feeling a tingle at the base of her spine, draping her arms around her shoulders, returning those delicate kisses as she indulged in the woman before her, "All that to say... You never know when you'll find the one who makes you want to settle down?"

If she had missed that chance when it presented itself before her... Maybe she'd find herself longing for it, much like Helena now did. At the same time this show of vulnerability from a woman so confident made Alisa want to comfort her with her words and her touch alike:

"And if you ever do decide to settle down there are... Other ways you could explore? After all, my wife and I had two daughters, even though we're both women. Magic can do incredible things if you desire."

Ironic, that she ended up telling Helena the exact same words Averie needed to hear earlier. No need to worry about the future, as one can change them whenever they choose to, why, often it has a way of changing itself:

"Not at all~... Quite the opposite, I think... Sofia will love meeting you too~"

Alisa shifted her long, luscious leg across Helena's lap, straddling the fullness of her hips, sinking into the softness of her frame as their curves meshed oh so sublimely together, her silky smooth skin hot to the touch after lingering in the springs for so long, her lavander scent filling the silver haired beauty's nostrils:

"Tonight though... Let's put aside the future and~...", her voice husky and honeyed, her warm breath washed against those luscious lips she could only think about kissing, brushing them with her own, words trailing off into a whisper as she finally greeted them with a slow, sensual smooch that left her tingling, "Lose ourselves in the present~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:48 pm

It seemed it would be expanded upon a bit more."Well I am still of age to be able to have them, It just seems in my many attempt at one point when building long form relationships, It seems I was never able to conceive a child."Helena want on to explain while Alisa seeming settled right in to the attention she was giving Alisa.

Thus most likely through many studies and thinking over many things through out her working time. She came to this idea."I either must have not been able to have children and barren. Or with the many people i helped over the years and with use of my magic at some point that was damaged beyond function."But that is just it, She seemed not depressed about it all that much. So in some manner even if she was dejected about that part of life she seemed to try and not let it get the best of her.

Even if it annoyed some of her other family members. It was her outlet of things she could not express."For the moment it is something to help at least, Be nice to snuggle some one or two."Helena was at least looking at the benefit already. It seemed that she was happy with the results. In some manner might actually keep her around a bit more an get her to slow down slightly because she needed that feeling in her life.

But Helena not one to be overly shy and realizing she needed an outlet of affection as Alisa made her slow move Helena merely did not think about it as much, Even just shifting Alisa on her lap and seemingly well continuing her bouts of affection towards Alisa."Yes, I guess we can."laughing about it.

Helena would eventually suggest getting out of the water now, since who knows what else might happen. But at least Helena seemed a bit more happy at this time.



Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:04 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Averie | TOWEL

"Why, of course~... You're still brimming with youth?", Alisa smiled at those words... For a long time she imagined she didn't want children. But she always had the option to, and eventually, she changed her mind. She could only imagined how she'd feel if she'd never had that option to begin with. Surely she'd feel like something in her was broken. So even as the two eased into their budding intimacy, Alisa played with her hair as she gave her a hopeful reply, "I believe one day, somewhere, you'll find a magic, or something that will make the impossible possible."

Perhaps for that reason she tried her damndest to not let this charming, stunning young woman feel dejected by it. After all, the miracle of Alisa's own children had been made possible by magic. Logically there should be a magic that would achieve the impossible for Helena too? Ultimately, Alisa simply smiled at that earnest wish for affection. All the better for the demisexual sculptress who much preferred lovers she could connect to romantically:

"And that... I can defenitely help you with~...?", another soft, sultry little kiss as the touch of a like minded lover something that can work magic in its own right, as Alisa kept Helena focused solely on herself, hand hooking behind her neck as that kiss slowly grew deeper, into a hot, sizzling makeout as she suckled that plush bottom lip, teasing it between her teeth, her hand wandering over that full figured frame, the two women delighting in one another under that cover of steam, "Fufu~... Yes I supposed we'd best get out of here."

Alisa didn't know how much time had passed since they'd gotten into the springs... Her cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red, more from the heart racing thrill of her lover and the heat of the springs. An ordinary person would have fainted by now... And thus, Alisa simply dismounted, holding Helena's hand as she grabbed both their towels, flinging one over her shoulder and handing the white haired beauty her own, before holding her hand and guiding her away from the springs with a subtle, hypnotizing sway to her hips:

"Follow me... I know just the place~...", she beckoned her, biting her lip



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Where has this happen before??(FPHS – Peeping Show/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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