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New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.)

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New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:20 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Mmmm, I can understand that... In our line of work you need to find power wherever you can find it. I always despised people who took shortcuts, selling their souls in exchange for power they never understood nor were ever worthy to wield. But, though nothing quite compares to the strength you yourself nurtured.", she explained... She had some apparentices who fell into the trap of short term gains, but thankfully, they were far from the majority... Some people except gains too quickly and turn to said shortcuts when their pace is far from satisfying to them, "Well... It's unhealthy to call yourself a problem, Elise~"

Alisa winked at her, chugging down yet another glass, delighting in that rich taste of the Sake and how the alcoholic burn ran down her throat, warming her up more than any hot beverage on these chilly winter months:

"Hmm, the sad truth is... There's only so much you can do on your own. Even the most powerful of people can become even stronger still if they pair up with a proper partner.", she explained, knowing all too well how much it limited you to restrict yourself to just your own strength and refusing the efforts of others, "Still, you say that but... You seem to be doing alright so far with me~...? Do you simply need people who look like you?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:52 am

There was going to be a fair amount of things that even if Elise seemed, comfortable and bold in some manner. Would show slowly that she in fact had flaws that she was trying to work on. But some one needed to really pick up Elise's flaws, She was horribly at seemingly trying to get comfortable around with other people."It might be. It is just merely...how I raise taking effect on me."Elise casually slipped in.

Even when talking about a partner Elise would most likely give Alisa a good highlight into what she was suppose to be raised to be."My family....raised me in old Minstrel fashion of woman hood."Elise said before going into detail but she in some manner assumed Alisa did not know a lot about older Minstrel life."I wasn't raised to be a hunter...I was raised to be a perfect wife....raise to use everyone in anyway I could."She would try to make it simple rather then going into depth about being yelled at, beaten and whipped to be perfect at everything shown to her."For you had to many everything perfect, Be the perfect view of a wife....So the family could be better and well known." If anything speaking that seemingly so emotionally dead.

But alas she came back to it all quickly."In some manner it makes me feel like i am talking to a mirror...but this reflection isn't me but some one close enough that can explain things better then my own brain."It showed Elise had to maybe have a different mind set too. Or the booze was getting to her but she was not shy. She could easily admit either things with out worry. But she still drank away almost likely she was just having a dual, not with Alisa drinking. But with herself in a mental way and Alisa was also there witnessing it while she kept up her drinks with her.

Looking at her almost empty glass she merely sighed for a moment."I will never seemingly understand that elf's message of..."Open your scars and the sky opens wide. See a new world in your eyes, Believe in yourself and you will survive. Live out the life you design." She then finished that glass and said."Live for today, Or fade away"Almost like the lesson hasn't worked yet she simple said."Maybe I will get it one day....but it feels like I don't."Elise at least was not seemingly mad at herself for these things then she look at her cigar to check how much she had left, Then her empty


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:14 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Mmmm... Even though I'm half Minstrelli, i was raised in Fiorian tradition...", Alisa nodded, shaking her head as she brushed a loose black lock behind her ear... She'd never been particularly attuned to the maternal side of her family, though she still picked up on her mother's grace and elegance, even if she only grew into them in recent years... She was a loved, devoted parent who always had kind, encouraging words for her, "Mmmm, that sounds about right though. She taught me to be elegant, and even then... After she died, I admittedly forgot all about that for a few years. Still, she was never particularly forceful about it? Perhaps because she was living in a foreign country..."

Though she may not have been particularly forceful, her faithfulness to the Illuminian Church ultimately passed on to Alisa in a less than typical way... Alisa didn't adhere to the Church's teachings herself, but she was familiar with their rituals and sacraments, using them more as a weapon against the forces of darkness rather than any form of spirituality. In the end, Alisa Vollan was Fiorian through and through, having been born and raised in the country:

"Mmmm~... Interesting way of looking at it, though I suppose... With how similar we look, I can't help but wonder... How i'd have turned out if I had lived your life?", she mused, her plush lips curling as she couldn't help but contemplate, turning her gaze to her glass as she refilled hers and Elise's once more, "That elf might be onto something though...? At least I suppose that's how it was for me. Though, it's not really something you should force. Assuming you even could. But there's so much more to this life than your scars? They might have made you who you are, but nothing good ever comes out of living in the past."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 26, 2024 9:47 am

Elise seemed to sigh, Almost like as simple as all of this sounded it was getting pretty hard to merely piece that entirely together. It was that it was lack of effort on her part. Her mind just was not getting it and most likely was at risk. But before she really went into that. She would just mention."Well...I almost went back to minstrel to kill my parents..."The keyword to take away from all of this almost. She almost committed a crime to seemingly mentally freeing herself. Elise didn't sound like she felt guilty for not going it. Nor like she felt like she cheated herself out of something. But maybe that was yet a sign of something she had yet to realize was a sign of improvement in her part."Some one talked me out of it..."She was not really trying to over all put too much drama or tension into the fray more trying to piece things together.

But alas she would sigh. Maybe she was trying to force something she should not and seemed to come to terms with it."Hopefully one day..My mind will get it."In some manner in Elise's internal pondering thoughts her mind was not exposed that the very dangerous and highly trained almost emotionless killer had shown she was weak in some parts, Even if it was harmless. But she merely slightly faked a smile like she was going to no matter what continue on.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:02 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Hmmm... Almost? What did they do, if you don't mind my asking...", Alisa wondered, brow arched at this statement. She could imagine there being no love lost between Elise and her parents but to go as far as deciding to kill your own family... It's not something one would consider without a pressing reason... Survival perhaps, or believing you needed to rid the world of what your family had become... The latter sounded far more plausible for a hunter like Elise, and she had to wonder what manner of unsavoury family business had the woman ran away from, "Well, that's good... If someone could talk you out of it, it sounds to me like you'd probably have ended up regretting it further down the line."

Alisa sighed and shook her head... She wasn't so conceited as to assume the woman could change such a big part of herself at the mere urgings of a complete stranger, even it this was a weakness she herself recognized. But the crystal woman still hoped she'd at least given her something to think about by the time she chugged yet another glass... Of a bottle that was getting emptier with every passing moment:

"Don't force yourself though. As bad as it is to live in the past, trying to force yourself to be somebody you're not is even worse.", she observed, looking down at the clear fluid swirling in her glass, before bringing her cigar up to her lips for a good, long drag. She'd been through a lot on her journey, starting as a hunter obsessed with revenge, with nothing in her mind but killing those foul monsters and those who summoned them


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:41 am

Elise seemed to not mind sharing, If anything she most likely knew she needed to kind of just talk to people more and merely talking to some one who jokingly called her a twin just seemed to be happen stance."I was talked out of it. Told I was better then just walking into there and doing it."Elise mentioned it in a simply way. But some one talked Elise out of just pointlessly killing her parents it was most likely to her benefit."I suppose in some manner it would be more mature to move on...i just merely holding on to grudges."She seemed to have mentioned the ending of it again most likely to have that left in mind. She would continue on explaining at least."My mother lead the house hold, My father merely just wanted the same thing as she did. Their goal was getting the family name in higher standings in terms of royal status."If ever looked into it was an older way of how minstrel use to work."Thus to achieve the families goal of reaching the high status possible...Mother raised me to be the perfect life. Failure was never option."It could be noted that she had paused when she mentioned it was almost like you could hear a strict minstrel mother saying that to some one in the most aggressive tone possible.

Then she let out a sigh. realizing she forgot about her cigar but she didn't care about it anymore, her glass was empty too and she at this time did not seem to bother her either. She was merely just telling a story."I being the first child and being held to highest possible standards...no fun was allowed to be had, No friends allowed to be made."It was too far to go back now it was diving into a short summary of her life."I learned how to dance, Cook, Clean, Playing Music, How to act. Told how I was suppose to look, Stand and Speak. Various things."So far it seemed already telling that things could have been a strict for her.

But there was something more to add in."Failure was not option, You get it prefect on the first try lest you get beaten for it."Elise would almost seem unaffected by it anymore. She seemed almost not bothered but in reality she was use to kind of shielding herself mentally in some manner."So springing that on a child...being yelled at, berated, beaten and punished in some manner was common for all of my failures, No praises was were ever given upon perfection,I was raised to be the perfect woman to marry, To improve the families social standing to make the family more royal." Maybe her habits and way of being might make more sense.

Elise might not consider herself an abuse victim. But she seemed to be coping with these things in horrible ways and some what people are trying to help her. But then she let out a sigh."I am not proud of wanting to commit parricide. But I didn't do it and I promised the person who stopped me dinner prepared and cooked from me."Then she wanted to see what Alisa thought of this. Elise was not scared of judgment or worry. But maybe this kind of life showed what entirely what made Elise this figurative mess of problems that she had.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 03, 2024 4:38 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Professions like ours would not exist without the ability to hold grudges...", Alisa let out a heavy and shook her head... A depressing fact to acknowledge, but she related to Elise far too much to hold it in as she stirred her glass. After all, she began her career due to her vendetta against a specific Dark Guild, one she hadn't forgiven or forgotten, but simply realized that protecting her Guild, her family, was more important than chasing ghosts all across Ishgar. Instead, she simply listened to Elise's story, "Ah... You're a noble? I suppose that's where you and I differ. I never had much to inherit. I suppose there's some freedom that comes with not being born to aristocracy."

Unlike others, Alisa didn't envy the nobles. This wasn't a society so closed off that ordinary citizens couldn't simply make their own fortunes, and those who did had all the freedom in the world to decide what to do with their lives. Alisa found herself idly rolling her glass in her palm, not paying too much attention to it as Elise too had stopped drinking, and simply listened to the woman's story:

"That is... No way to treat a child. If this is how Nobles in Minstrel treat their children, no wonder the country's in that sorry state.", Many might argue the opinion Alisa had on a country whose blood ran in her veins, one she'd visited many times, and admired their culture, but reviled the way it was run and the treachery that went on in its courtroom.

Minstrel was a rich, and powerful country. But Emperor Bonaparte was a mortal man, and he would eventually die. And when he did, the Noble houses of the country would tear each other apart like ravenous beasts, all while wearing a smile on their face and knife behind their back. Even now, the game was still played, but a strong, charismatic leader kept them from getting out of hand:

"I can't blame you for wanting to kill them... And, hearing what you just told me, knowing you're a Noble in that country of all places... If this is how the Minstreli highborn treat their childer. That explains a lot... Any child would grow up lusting for power, overthrowing their enemies, kin, and even their own parents if they got in their way... You just happened to reach that point without any particular investment in the power.", with this, Alisa finally reached for the bottle, and spilled out what little remained into both of their glasses, passing Elise her own, "Here, drink... No matter how powerful, nobody can change the past. But our past doesn't have to define us, so... here's to forgetting."

And with this, Alisa rose her glass once more, ready to finish the bottle with one last shot.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:24 am

In some manner Alisa would almost see right but the biggest largest flaw ever of how Elise's family would be mentioned, In some manner still it would show that Elise might be strong but while power exists her other flaws where going to be forever lingering upon her."No, I am not a noble."Elise said while Alisa prepared the next drink. The sadder part of it all yet to really be stated by her."We were never royalty to start with. Commoners, My mother was trying to enter becoming it any way possible."The summary of this matter seems to be that from a commoner family a mother was so fixated on wanting to be become a royal she tried to make a perfect royal wife in theory, She knew everything but came form nothing. A fairy tale in it's self forced upon a child to attempt to make it reality.

And Elise was that attempt at reality. But left a horribly mentally scarred woman who in which attempted to be free."These...teachings in some manner make me detest my skills...I can dance on queue to the very second of a minstrel song you play to me...I know how to play three instruments and can start on a random page you show me. I can cook some of the most simple Minstrel dishes with one hand..."Elise was just that. trained to be the perfect wife and had the skills yet she seemed to hate all of these things.

In some manner her becoming a nun and fleeing seemed to make sense. She learned all of these things knew she did not want to do them and left the best way she could."I don't desire power....I don't desire to be perfect...I desire everyone and myself to be free."Elise and her reason why she wanted to kill gods and be a hunter made sense.Freedom for everyone.

Elise was here, she felt far more broken of a person then most would ever consider of her, Even if in some manner she was perfectly okay in others ways but she was never sure. But after a while since her glass was filled she finally took a sip of it. Like it was the taste of life.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:57 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"You're... Not a noble?", everything about the way she spoke made perfect sense under the lens of how Nobles act, how they're raised... The fact that she was nothing of the sort utterly baffled Alisa, evidenced by how her eyes just flared off those words alone, "Heavens... They were so desperate for royalty that they did all that? If that's how far they went... They're anything but noble."

Alisa might have felt a bit guilty for insulting someone else's family, so she weighed her words carefully... But even then she couldn't quite keep her brow from twitching. Her hand from gripping tighter to her glass. She found that attitude from nobles detestable... But she understood people have no greater fear than losing everything they have, a risk nobles face at every corner if they choose to side with the wrong ally. For someone to do this not out of fear, but to sacrifice their children for their own ambitions:

"I can understand why you'd want to kill them.", Alisa sighed and shook her head... Killing one's own parents is never the answer but the desire is always there. When you're born and seen as nothing but a tool for their ambitions, "Still... However selfish their reasons for giving you those skills. You're the one who put in the effort to learn them. Skills... Knowledge... They have their own merits, regardless of the source. Especially when that source no longer holds any sway over you... And quite frankly. They're impressive talents for someone to have?"

Perfect wife she may call herself, however, Alisa didn't know any perfect wives that could play three instruments. She took a sip from her glass too, drinking most of it in one gulp as she folded her arms over the table:

"You opted not to kill them... But that doesn't stop you from taking whatever you can from them and moving on."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Apr 06, 2024 4:33 pm

Elise was a amused slightly in some manner. With Alisa's wording about all of this. It seemed to click and in some manner what Elise said about it seemed funny to her."You are far too kind of them."Elise said for a reason. She was not trying to defend them. There was not love for them."Only people I care about from my family are my half brother and sister."There was if anything compassion Elise still had some one in her."They most likely are going to try to rope either of them into their dreams too..."Elise almost sounded guilty in some manner. She left them behind too when she was the main one for such matters, Most likely assuming they are going to project the same treatment onto her sister.

"I tend to call them horrible unworthy blights that deserved to be skinned and life on a pike."Even then Elise was being still some what nice about her words. Then she looked at her still full glass and merely pondered for a moment over a few things.

Alisa had a point but she would mention."Yet...I despise every single lesson I mastered."Elise had to mention that entirely for good reason. It might be a blaring flaw she needed to still work on, But she was not lying she hated every single thing she learned that way."I can't look at an piano, organ, Harpsichord or Accordion with out wanting to break it most of the time."Mistaking the amount of musical instruments she learned she must mix two together or forgot to count one. But it over all didn't matter."All of it just..never mind."She took another sip and seemed to sigh like she was almost seemed to want to think otherwise.

But it was just all things people never saw. But here she was Elise a powerful new hunter to these lands, exposing how flawed she really was."Death is classed too much of a simple mercy for them.."Elise sounded depressed for a moment here, Even if she shouldn't. Like that strong, confident front had died.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Apr 08, 2024 3:07 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

Alisa was trying to be polite, but having never met the woman's family herself, she still reserved Elise's exclusive right to insult them as much as she wished, and not have to hear it from a complete stranger:

"Fufu~... And here I was trying to be polite.", Alisa tilted her head, but knew fully well after she'd just heard, that she had every reason to despise them... And after she heard about the girl's brother and sister... She understood at last, why after having run away and cut ties with her family, that she'd consider coming back to kill them. She had siblings she wished to protect. Even Alisa couldn't help but express her disgust at this, her nose twitching, "Still, that is... Vile... I have no other words to describe it. I suppose I can better understand now, why you'd consider going back."

At least it gave her a better understanding of the woman's motivations... And it was a clear reminder of how similar the two of them were, even if their origins differed so drastically. Alisa, on the other hand, had a loving family. Her quest for revenge had been directed entirely at complete strangers:

"Mmm, I suppose you'll always feel that way for as long as you associate those skills with them.", Alisa shrugged, not feeling this subject was one worthy of discussion after Elise had been so utterly scarred by her parents, to the point of utter disgust at them and everything they taught her, "Well if its any consolation... Minstrel can be an awfully cruel place to those who fly too close to the Sun. Especially those who gamble everything in their quest to climb the ladder, with none of the aptitude do so. You may have chosen not to go after them yourself... But their mindless ambition will bring about their undoing sooner rather than later."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:04 am

Letting out a sigh, in some manner Alisa must be right."You do have a point."Elise mentioned bluntly, Over all in some manner it seemed that these mentioned where things she knew and heard before yet have not really achieved putting it aside from where it started.

But she would at least admit this."But I suppose I will have to move past the loathing I feel for these skills...some one trying to get me out of my shell, does deserve the thank you dinner i promise to cook them."Elise said so casually for moment it was almost like having to use the skill annoyed her in some manner because she.

But she alas finished that current drink."So I guess even if i hate the thought of it, I will use all these skills again."Elise laughed some what like it humoured her slightly. Then placed the empty glass down.

Then simply said."Consider yourself the victor in this duel."Elise said seemingly admitting defeat. Then she placed a new cigar on a close by table."That's for you. Maybe we will meet again."Elise admitted defeat so quickly. But it seemed odd at first but maybe it made sense Elise started off far more confident and now seemed almost mentally tired. She admitted losing because she knew she was not gonna managed drinking much more. Then she pulled out a cigarette lit it and waved good bye.

It was not a cheap cigar, it was an if ever looked into a costly one. How on Elise got her hands on it was most likely easily guessed. But who knows if Elise could have drank more she seemed to walk like she was for the most part sober still.



New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:24 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Mmm, as I said before... There's no need to force it, neither do I think that would benefit you.", Alisa shook her head, and simply flashed her a soft smile, gazing into those eyes that reminded her so much of her own, "Just... Know that it might happen at some point, before you even realize it."

Seeing her pick up the glass, Alisa too finished what remained of her drink. She'd all but forgotten they were supposed to be holding a contest yet. They'd only drunk enough to leave them tipsy, though it didn't stop them both from pouring their heart to one another far more so than any drinks. So it surprised her when the woman stood up from her seat, making her brow arched at that admission of defeat. Alisa uncrossed her legs and shook her head, pushing the chair back and standing up from her seat:

"Mmmm... I don't really feel like a winner but... Far be it from me to reject such a fine gift. I'll be sure to return the favour if you're ever in Hargeon?"

Still, she could tell Elise wasn't much for sappy goodbyes. She hung there, one hand on the table as standing up made her acknowledge just how much she'd drunk... She felt fine, however, she defenitely needed to walk it off too. Waving her fellow hunter off, she cocked her hip to the side and rested her hand there, stashing the cigar into her pocket dimension, something to enjoy at a later date... And with that, she placed some jewels on the table to pay for the drink, and walked off... Maybe now would be a good time to soak in the springs?



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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