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New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.)

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New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:35 pm

How Elise caught wind of this was a good question but here she was sitting at the table waiting to see who would show up. She did not realize how some one could look at Elise compare who was over all there at the time. But here she was sitting in a chair waiting to see what would happen.

Elise heard there was drinking contests going on. But alas as she smoke a cigarette waiting it seemed none where interested in challenging her at this time. So far Elise being here she did not mind it. Hosenka had it's own charm the Minstrel woman enjoyed.

Elise in spirit of the various other people in a drinking contest has yet to even take one drink. Sure smoking was not exactly nice but she was seemingly not causing a problem for anything at the moment. Normally some one could have easily annoyed her at this time.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:46 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

The cookout went a lot better than she imagined it would. Sure, she was certain she'd hear about it from Judith from how awfully liberal she got with the rules, but no way in hell she'd leave a guildmate behind, no way she'd have left her sister to fend for herself. She'd cook something for Judith later on her her fellow Guildmaster insisted on it, but for now, she was happy to simply find herself a bar and celebrate hers and Kurisa's performance with a drink... Or two... Or three... The fact that her sister wasn't here was inconsequential, after all, she wasn't really in a position to drink right now, so that meant Alisa would be drinking for two? But as she strode inside the bar, one awfully familiar face immediately caught her eyes:

"Ohoo~... And who might you be, I wonder?", she walked up to the woman at the first sight of a familiar face, her plush pips widening into a welcoming smile as she walked up and greeted her with a soft peck to the cheek, her hand resting on her upper arm. The deep purple shade of her hair aside, the woman bore a striking resemblance to Alisa herself, and a narcissist like Alisa couldn't help but smile at her as she walked over to her table, "If you're looking for somebody to share a drink with... I'd be happy to join you~?"

As she sat down, Alisa couldn't help but let her gaze wash up and down the woman's frame as she crossed her own long, denim clad legs under the table, running a hand down the sides of her curvaceous torso, smoothing out the kinks and creases in her white sweater... Betraying her vanity as though she were looking at a mirror.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:01 am

Some one seemed to finally asked questions simple ones at best but over all it seemed some one was finally interested in talking to Elise. Pondering to herself if she wanted to toy with this woman slightly in some manner mentioning that she was just a mirror image of her waiting to take her place and do horrible things under her name. But Elise was not that cruel. She would speak, with her Minstrel accent some what still lingering in her voice."I suppose I should not be cruel. I am Elise Toussaint, I am from the guild Paradise Dawn, But mostly known for hunting various things in the night."Elise offered to shake Alisa's hand. But she still had her gloves on.

Then she continuing smoking as if it was her normal conversation and casually continued speaking."And here I thought everyone else here we're cowards, But maybe I do seems scary at first thought."Elise said wait she seemed content with talking while this progressed."I was hoping for some one to drink with....what is your drink of choice?"Elise waited to see. Maybe she was a bit more interested in Elise's choices of drinks are in which whatever is cheap or given to her. A habit while she was a nun.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:07 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Cruel, you say~? My, just whatever were you planning to do, hmmm~?", Alisa chimed, narrowing her eyes, wondering exactly what devilish deeds this seductive siren, accepting her hand as she smiled, "Fufu~... Pleasure to meet you, Elise. I'm Alisa Vollan from Blue Pegasus. Call me Alisa~"

Even with her gloves on, the sculptress couldn't help but admire the quality of the material with those silky soft, sensitive hands... Clearly this woman liked dressing well too, which only further drove the point home. The two of them were remarkably similar, perhaps a bit too similar, with only their demeanor and hair colour standing out as the most striking differences:

"My, and a fellow hunter hm? It's almost starting to seem like someone up there has a sense of humour. Do tell me, have you caught anything recently~?", and yet she couldn't help but chuckle at her remark with a teasing little wink, "Or maybe they're simply underestimating you? Who's to say~... Hmmm, since we're in Hosenka, maybe something a bit more... Local? Hardly my usual choice, but I'll stick to the theme of the festival and have some Sake."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 6:08 am

Elise was avoiding her normal antics she was trying to be nice."I don't normally socialize with a lot of people, So I often trying to trick some one into thinking I don't speak fiorian and only speak Minstrel to them."Elise mentioned casually. in some manner this was all a test for Elise. She was normally rude and mean and she really didn't want to talk or connect with anyone, Yet here she was."And you just need to call me Elise, Since I don't think anyone has made nicknames for me yet."In truth yet spoken Elise really did not have enough solid connections with people to really consider nicknames important to her over all.

She was at least doing well to not be sassy or mean to any one. But her smoking habit seemed to have yet go away, she was still doing it and right as she had finished one, just as quickly another smoke was going and she was smoking casually during the conversation."Caught? Not too many. I tend to hunt down fairly larger things....gods, angels, demons. Even if i dabble in the typical dark races like Werewolves and Vampire. But I take my time before really making a move."Maybe as a hunter this would make sense to Alisa not just right away slaughtering something even if not even a second thought."I have a interesting habit of finding out if the target is really worth removing first....Like a Werewolf named Michael I left alone."Elise did not know their connection or maybe forgot about it most likely because these pieces where not interesting or important at the time.

Elise could easily say."Sake is an option i have never considered, Mostly tend to favour whatever is cheap or given to me when I was travelling as a nun."She seemed interested in trying it and over all pretty relaxed.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:11 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Nicknames? Far be it from you to adress with such familiarity... Why, we've only just met.", Alisa objected, shaking her head, her eyes widening for a brief moment before she chuckled gracefully, partly wondering just what manner of experience this captivating foreigner must have had with Fiorians.

Alisa didn't seem to mind the smoke, even if she wasn't the type who'd partake. She'd smoked before and was used to hanging around smokers, though it was never something she wished to make a habit out of. Too much of a good thing hardly does your body any favours, though she defenitely drunk a fair bit more than the average person:

"Demons I understand... Though I tend not to see many Gods or Angels around. Heavens, the North is starting to sound like quite the chaotic place.", Alisa cupped her cheek, leaning back into her chair with a faint jostle of her bountiful bust, crossing those long, shapely legs under the table, as she smiled at the mention of her guildmate, "Michael hmm? He's one of ours, you have nothing to fear from him."

After all, Alisa too was a hunter, and she knew the man's heart was in the right place when she first recruited him to the Guild. He was a little rough around the edges, but he cared for his people, which is more than she could say for many people not from the so called dark races:

"Naturally, why waste your time drinking some swill when you can enjoy a proper spirit~?", she mused, almost puzzled by the thought, folding her arms under her chest


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:13 pm

It seems over all Elise maybe was confusing people, Elise took this as a sign she needed to control herself slightly with what she lets out or else people might get confused."No we haven't reached that level yet, but who knows what will happen."Elise liked to tease people sometimes because she was talk and socializing with other for once in her life. But Elise was still an odd one and she was not covering it up."With how things work for me, I am called many not so nice names...sometimes with the profession every once and a while."Most likely might be something different every once and a while after all a monster calling you something insulting was normal to Elise.

Elise and Alisa were both most likely vastly different hunters but nonetheless Elise had kind of learned she had to make herself now seem to rough to be around."It is fine, My kind of hunting I do a lot of vetting and studying before I actually make a strike, One has to be in my eye and actually do the things I worry about them doing before I act."Elise said because it would not be a smart idea to admit to wanting to murder some one who a follow hunter knows with out reason. Elise felt each hunter should some what talk to one another.

It was a good question to pose to Elise, in which she only could answer honestly."I follow the code of sisterhood for the most part pretty tightly, So I did not have a lot of money...So that might be why, But I won't miss this chance."Elise laughed about it as if she found how her life went in some manner entertaining at the time.

Since Alisa seemed to be pouring the drinks and joining her Elise, not one to be too rude even if she did not mind the smoking. Would merely check."I can stop my horrible smoking if you wish, Or...if you don't mind a nice additive for being nice enough to join me...I do carry fancy cigars for such times like these."Elise was offering some of the many things that if nuns where caught with, would get them in trouble maybe there was a reason why she hid them and was an ex-nun. Odd to think if she spoke about it she voluntarily quit the nunhood.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:27 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"As you should, any hunter who doesn't study their quarry is no hunter at all, they're simply a butcher.", Alisa nodded in approval, and couldn't help but make a distinction that was so often missed by certain people. Even in the wild, carnivorous animals stalk and study their prey before deciding whether its good enough to eat, whether its worth the risk and energy...

People unable to do so are even lower than the beasts they hunt. She didn't expect Yuurei would allow his own memebers to act in that manner, after all most of Paradise Dawn's members had started their career in Light Guilds:

"Fufu~... Don't worry. Your drinks are on me tonight~", Alisa winked reassuringly, knowing that she should maybe feel guilty about getting a nun drunk, but then again, this nun in particular already didn't mind a smoke, and Alisa might not know about it for sure, but she imagined there might be some code or another that said she shouldn't, and she ignored that one anyway.. As did Alisa ignore her one abstinence in regards to smoking when offered a cigar, her brow arching in surprise, "Oh, I don't usually smoke... But I can make an exception for such a generous offer~?"

With these words, Alisa simply waved at the nearest waiter, and ordered them a bottle of their finest sake.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:19 pm

This woman got it. But they both did the job and thus the understanding of the time between many things that happen was always easily noted."And see here, many consider me a horrible savage for such a job not realizing the one to two weeks I take looking into everything."Elise was picky about the details they were more important then the pay or being told a job well done. So many times she recalled so many other hunters not prepared and meeting their ends or Elise hearing some one just went in with out taking that time and ending up dead. In some manner it did weight on the soul."But I suppose there is a reason why I am no longer a Nun and just a hunter....Maybe that painter will be less scared of me."Then Elise merely laughed to herself for a moment and lit up the cigars.

Elise seemed to have just in case made it known she was no longer a nun just not explaining she just out right gave it up with out telling anyone, But that was not important it was all a cover for her to get by things. She seemed to have the means to lite her cigars from altercations to her gloves that when she snapped her fingers it sparked. Then well while she after getting her cup or glass for the sake she sniffed it. If anything this seemed entirely instinctual and not means for any form of insult or sign of distrust she hunted monsters and demons, something smelling off was most likely something she always checked her to start with.

Then she seemingly just drank it all in one go, why? most likely to see if she could do it. Then she seemed to ponder if she liked it or not.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:04 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

Alisa poured the two of them drinks as the waiter returned with a whole bottle. Heavens, and without her even having to ask for it. Guess he already knew what would happen with so many people engaging into a drinking contest? Still, Alisa hardly saw it as a proper contest. At least she wasn't getting any money or any other reward regardless of who won so... Whether others chose to take bets didn't really matter to her. So Alisa uncorked the bottles and poured it on two glasses, handing one to Elise:

"It's a dirty job, but someone needs to do it... Here's to the cleanup crew.", and with this, she smile and rose her glass, waiting for Elise to meet it with her own, and regardless of whether she did or kept her waiting, Alisa soon brought the glass to her lips for a little whiff, and finally gulped it all down at once, finally resting against the back of her chair with a satisfied sigh, "Ahhh, perfect temperature~... That does hit the spot, I'll give them that much~"

Ordinarily Alisa would have preferred to take her time with her drink but... There was more where that came from and they were still supposed to be having a drinking contest out here. Then and only then did she accept the lit cigar and took a good, long drag, the smoke scratching her throat as she inhaled, yet the sensation contrasting to that burning feel from the alcohol into an inebriating cocktail that left her relaxing against the chair:

"Still~... Something you said caught my attention... Painter~...?", she mused. She knew a lot of painters, after all, Blue Pegasus were known as patrons of the arts. Could she perchance know this painter? With that inquisitive look on her face, Alisa grabbed the bottle once more and refilled hers and Elise's glasses.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:48 pm

When mentioning the drinks Elise seemed to casually continue smoking her cigar. It was better then most things. Mostly because she had just gotten use too cheap stuff and whatever was given to her."It just means as I build some jewel for myself in the future, I would in fact drink this again."She would remark it seemed it chosen Elise a different side of things she was not use too."Sake, Isn't too common when I just got use to wine handed to me...beer,ale and whisky do get a bit tasteless after a while." Elise laughed about it.

But it was time to dive into Elise's life at least she had not been the type to hold too many things hidden now days."Yes a painter, Awkward in speaking, Oddly dressed, had a large talking cat she travelled on. I kept the piece of art in my room next to my harpsichord at home."Elise not realizing the connection here, It seemed she did not get the painter's name just merely recalled what she looked like over all not a bad thing to know.

Given the other things she could learn at this point it would show Elise had met a fair amount of people."I do think since coming to fiore, I have met interesting people. I wonder how that nercomancer and her sister are doing...One of them leave my ego pretty shot for a while."Elise seemed to hold nothing against people at this moment but she did hint some one just beat her up.

But alas it seemed as quickly as the booze did flow Elise seemed willing to drink."But suppose i am merely rambling, Shall we drink more?"At least she did not mind drinking more.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:17 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"My, you almost make it sound like it's so terribly expensive. What Paradise Dawn pays you should be more than enough for little luxuries like this?", Alisa chimed, not really believing a powerful guild to underpay their members.

Quite the opposite, all Guilds had roughly the same payrates in that they allowed members to keep most of their earnings from requests, with a small cut given to the Guild itself to finance its own expenses. In Blue Pegasus, this was more than enough to finance the guild and allow to live a rather luxurious lifestyle, with still plenty of funds left to invest in the surrounding area:

"Ohoo? Large cat you say? That was probably my niece. Very cute girl if you ask me~", Alisa spoke, letting out a little chuckle as she took another good long drag from her cigar, her brow arching as she mentioned yet another one of her acquaintances, "Why, you seem to know a lot of people. Her sister is one of ours too~? And the necromancer is a friend of ours. Don't worry to much about her magic... She's a good girl."

With this, Alisa took the freshly refilled glass and rose it to meet Elise's, delighting in that satisfying sound:

"Mmmm, did we come here to drink or to chat hmm~? Bottoms up!", she chimed, snickering as she wasted no time downing yet another glass, savouring that rich flavour and the warm, burning sensation running down her throat.

She had to admit... For all her elegance~... Alisa missed going on a bender like this? One of these days she might have to derail Sofia~ Though when she thought about it~... Diana might be a lot easier to derail if she issued the right challenge? She defenitely didn't wish to get her cousin Lin drunk though... That would lead to a whole other kind of party.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:55 am

It seems Elise had to make a few details clear."No I promise you these are all things that are in placed on myself because I haven't really been in the guild that long, All of it are things I am use to when i was nun. Considering I merely gave up being a nun a few months a few...I have some things to work out."None of it was ever the fault of her guild it was all the inner workings of the broken woman that was Elise. Alisa wouldn't know this because in some manner Elise seemed to front that she was perfectly fine fairly well.

It seemed the interesting stuff was going to unfold."Maybe if find you niece again I can actually thank her for the gift she made me.Rather then just fleeing on her mount because she was scared."Elise seemed to have taken that some what personally but not to heart, IF you didn't know Elise and looked at her she was a bit intimidating when you didn't know her she just smoked a lot and drank a lot.

Moving on to other two."Oh are they here? I hope they aren't too upset with me still."Elise said that with a bit of a chuckle.However she seemed not scared, After all in was the progress of how humans worked that Elise learned these things.

In some manner it was both even being posed by Elise herself"It can't be both? So many years travelling to slay monsters and hunt. Most find comfort in other hunters who actually feel like talking about their life experiences."Elise said since the drinks where flowing she would enjoy."I don't have many friends anyway, But who knows if I annoy you that much we can both drink until we both forget this conversation."It was something she had done to some one she met in the many churches she travelled too in the past. But that was not important to mention at the time, Elise had spoken a fair amount about herself.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:44 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Fufu~... That sounds like something she'd do around scary people~", Alisa teased with a wink, leaning into the table, folding her arms underneath the fullness of her bust

Honestly, she knew Mimi would flee from anyone who unnerved her, despite the perception of how scary they may or may not be... But that wouldn't stop her messing with this captivating Hunter a little bit~... After all, it's not every day she meets her doppelganger, and a former nun of all things? One might have thought Illumin was sending Alisa a message, but after having met the Supreme Deity a few years back... She knew that not to be the case. Not that she'd tell a nun that story:

"I wouldn't know, I haven't asked them~...", Alisa replied, shrugging, after all, why would she think of having asked about a woman she hadn't met before? Still, Averie didn't look like the type to hold grudges, and while Helena was protective of her sister, "Still, don't think too much of it. Either of those girls would accept a simple apology."

Alisa reached out to the bottle, once again refilling the glass before taking a good drag of her cigar that seemed to be disappearing at a far slower pace than the bottle. No wonder, Alisa was more of a drinker than a smoker:

"Oh, I was joking~... If it couldn't be both... I can only imagine what would become of me~...? Fufu~... I don't forget easily, but don't worry... I doubt you can annoy me that much~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:17 am

Just as in some manner Elise thought these things would be just over all the happen stance of things she should have known better to do but alas too far gone now."That is fair, I almost didn't told her I didn't want her gift, might have came off a bit rude...I should be less grumpy."Elise said since even if it came to a bit of reflection of the past while drinking and smoking. But if anything this was wonderful insight and Elise was thinking she was not going to have to worry about much in the end.

But alas moving along with other pieces. her mere thought was."Maybe...I would wait until I can figure out that they won't throw me into the ground like a paper bag."She said while alas continuing her smoke of a cigar, this seemed to be general thinking. Elise's seeming strong level of confidence was over all being hinted that she was going to take her time because she was making sure she was not gonna getting beaten up again.

Hunters did work both differently, after all for Elise long hours of quiet was in front many rows of holy buildings, between people confessing things she in some manner knew speaking of was against her "job" at the time and seeing various other nuns and priest who tried to help her hunt meeting horrible fates."I doubt I could bring up anything to annoy you."Elise figured it was something she did not think about too much. One would have to signal in some manner they where trying to annoy a person."I only try to annoy things I hunt anyway...not required here."Elise then looked at drink was given to her and then merely finished it just as quickly. It was still a drinking contest after all.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:24 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"I doubt that. Helena may be fiercely protective of her sister, but she doesn't look like the type to hold on to a grudge.", then again she'd seen the woman quite infuriated, and that power of hers was quite unpleasant to be staring at the business end of, so she could understand Elise's apprehension there. Not a risk she'd rather take if she could help it.

She shook her head still, thinking back to their time in the hot springs and how the white haired beauty had wiped the floor with some perverts trying to peep on her sister. Was beautifully poetic to watch but looking at Elise now, she could completely understand why she'd rather keep her distance:

"Mhmm, I doubt you could too.", Alisa replied, knowing that while some people annoyed her all too easily, the woman sitting in front of her never would. Sure, the fact that she was... Bewitchingly beautiful defenitelt helped, but for all that aggressive posture, she seemed a bold and straightforward sort. And Alisa tended to like people like that, "Fufu~... There's something to be said for annoying your enemy in a fight... Easier to get them when they make mistakes hm~?"

Alisa merely chimed back with a complicit wink, taking her glass once more and downing it in tune with her "opponent"... Between the two of them, they'd already chugged through three glasses and the bottle was steadily getting emptier... Alisa was still far from even tipsy, let alone drunk... But she was enjoying that big of buzz and the delectable drink they had in front of them... All while taking slow drags of her cigar:

"I will say, it's been quite a while since I smoked anything, let alone a cigar this good... Where did you find these?", she replied, turning her attention to the rolled up tobacco between her fingers


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:00 am

Elise wanted to make a witty comment that it was hard to tell that when some one was infecting her with something she could not figure out and her only means to understand was while she was weak on the ground and about to puke. But alas smarter to leave that be and not consider just the endless amount of sass she could throw at a person."I should be grateful some one knows her as you some what do."Elise said to Alisa's benefit while she was casually continuing her cigar smoking."Anyone I ask for information on her seems....uncomfortable and unable to tell me much."Elise mention almost like she had been looking into her guild member and her sister for a while.

Most likely to make sure there was not going to be much trouble for her. Even if she realized she was wrong."It all part of plan to allow a foe to slip up, For me nothing's off the table. Some people call it playing dirty, but when hunting monsters and demons...distractions solve a problem."If they where focusing on how they fought things Elise seemed to be some what bold and fearless and for more willing to go some what questionable in her ways that she could do things.

She wanted to know about the cigars."Offerings. thank you gifts from when people would thank some of the nuns thinking they would forsake some vows"Most like had to think Elise was not the only nun who was hunting monsters at the time, just one people picked up on or was still living. Unless other happen to take the same path as Elise did and give up the holy life to be more free."Most sisters refuse....I merely told them I would dispose of them."Elise letting out a cheeky grin knowing because she hide all of them well.

She hid many habits in plain sight."Many years, Even if the other nuns whom saw me during the day complained my outfit was some what not fitting....I hid a lot of things from them well...example."Elise then seemingly pulled a cigarette from her sleeve. But there was no sign it was there to start with, Then with her gloves as she showed before, She snapped her fingers and there was a small enough flame to lite it. Then both where gone.

Elise would admit she was not the best example of a nun she smoked, she baited people with her looks, she swore. but it was all a job to her she didn't take faith seriously it was all a means to get by and get a a job done, The gods and their feelings never matter to Elise.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:02 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Oh good luck with that... She's quite the mystery even for us?", after all Helena doesn't stop around the Guild much, and while she's plenty welcoming and friendly to her Guildmates, she keeps her cards close to her chest more often than not, and the members of Blue Pegasus are happy to respect her privacy as much as they'd wish tehirs were respected as well.

Truly, there's perhaps no clearer way to lose a battle than allow the enemy to get under your skin. Either by surprising them with power they never antecipated you to have, or simply finding some other way to unnerve them, or simply put, infuriate them out of their mind and all semblance of reason. Alisa took another puff of her cigar... Hunters needed tactics like those when facing enemies that were objectively stronger than them and could eat them alive, and even as the hunter grew stronger, they still clung to such skills even if unnecessary:

"No such thing as cheating in a life or death battle. You only really lose if you die.", and yet something about Elise's words piqued her interest. Oh really now? People gave offerings such as those to nuns? Alisa would keep that in mind~... At least for Elise of course, she wasn't going to make a habit out of offering Nuns alcohol and smokables, "Mmmm, that is quite the interesting choice of presents to give a nun? At least I know what to give you next time we meet. Oh... Oooof course you did~"

She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she poured the two of them another glass. Clearly Elise was far from the typical nun, so it made sense that her sisters would have probably frowned upon such gifts, and even more so on the fact that she actually accepted them:

"My~... I could say something cheeky about habits here but... I suppose that would be a bit too obvious hm? Still, I'm glad your faith doesn't keep you from living your life. If there's anything I learned these past few years... Is that you can't let the church tell you how to live.", she flashed a warm smile, raising her glass once more, thinking back to the civil war in Bosco and the atrocities perpetrated by Bosco's own Divine, and the fact that the Church of Illumin was nothing like the priests or even the Seraphim said it was.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:38 pm

Maybe this was a sign that Elise over all was a decent enough hunter to give up on things as she needed too or felt too. Even express it as such."It is fine, I will merely just let it be and if in happen stance i meet her in a good mood, I will talk to her myself like the grown woman I am."Elise said merely just leaving it set like that."I am sure I will also consider the same for that necromancer as well."merely seemingly letting it go for now even if it was not a major problem if anything she was seemingly covering any basis she could.

They were indeed odd gifts but maybe Elise's view might shine how odd of a nun she was."I will never admit to be a proper nun. These where gifts, I did not lie by telling my sisters of faith at the time I would get rid of them...just not how soon."Elise smiled like she knew it was not a lie but anyone smart enough knew slowly consuming things was not getting rid of them in the matter the sisterhood most likely wanted. Elise did not admit she was really a good nun either. So if anything it all added up."I did not argue with them about how destroying these things could be ruin to the favour of people thankful for what we do."It was this view that might show that Elise wanted things not to go to waste.

But when talking about faith it seemed to show just maybe why Elise had the eventual revelation to give up being a nun. Raising her glass and just merely downing it."Hard to have faith to start with, I gave it all up. being a nun was merely a cover."She would start off by mentioning. But in this manner maybe it would show. The lady drinking and smoking away with Alisa was seemingly freeing herself from many things in life but also showed maybe how much of a hunter she truly was."Being a nun was used to help me run from something, I never fully...had faith."Elise sounded a bit blunt about it but she did admit she was a the best nun."I learned all of the matters to help me:Hunt monster, Learn about gods , Angels and any other beings of faith."It was all a means to an end, a tool to learn, a matter to power herself perfectly against her target.

And she would entirely admit it."I learned these things because I wanted to find meaning in life from what I was fleeing from...then I realized something:Faith...gods, angels, demons, daemons, all the various dark and light being that control all of us...don't have out best interested as human...So why not free humans from their influence?"Elise found freedom and now wanted to free others too simple on paper but any hunter worth their value knows not everything is as easy as it seems.

Even admitting it as such."I know, It is a seemingly impossible task, one that does beyond human life times...So i only focus on the threats I can handle...whole being free to balance other desires nun-hood barred me from."Elise almost felt like she was talking on endlessly for moment so she would smoke more of cigar and merely wait to hear what Alisa said. Elise wanted to guess that Alisa might she was branching too far into things she can't handle.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:50 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"And especially... You never told them how you'd get rid of them.", Alisa winked knowingly, knocking her cheeky drinking buddy very well intended to consume them herself, which arguably was a way to dispose of such unwanted presents, which judging by her next remark, was exactly how she herself looked at it too. She had to admit... Great minds really do think alike, "Mmm... I can relate to that... After all, you see enough in your life as a hunter, soon enough you won't have any faith left."

And with these gloomy words, Alisa couldn't help but smile as she swirled the liquid in her glass, and finally downed it in a single gulp. She'd seen too much, and at times, the most dreadful evils she saw came not from the very creatures she hunted, but from wolves in sheep's clothing... She crossed her legs... Life really has a way of putting everything into perspective:

"That sounds about right... Most of what I know about Gods, Demons and Angels came not from my studies at the church... But from me studying how to hunt them. Demons primarily but the demonic invasions changed that a bit.", indeed, during the invasions... The Seraphs and their ilk committed as many atrocities or more than the demons did... They were just... Subtler about it. Self righteous. She almost preferred the demons, who knew fully well the depths of their depravity and owned up to it, "Well said~... But so long as those powers exist, there will always be people who'd happily sell their souls to them in exchange for the cheap, easily obtainable power they offer... The way I see it... Those people, the priests, the cultists... They're perhaps even more dangerous than the very Demons they summon. They's sacrifice thousands for an extra drop of power to themselves."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:12 am

There was something about two hunter being on the job for as long as they have that kind of shows they did well but that in some manner at times be come greatly jaded beings."In some manner, I believe they do not know how to enjoy the offering of other people...far too stuck in their morals to realize how thankful people were."To hear this most likely showed Elise's problems with it. But the more and more one could look into it Elise found problems in most things and she knew it."Too many other nun tried at one point my line of work...it drains the soul to witness them either be taken over, turn into a zombie or dying horribly...even more draining to burying them alone for their final rites."Maybe Elise's dying faith was because gods allowed these things to happen after all they where super being who had other place faith in them to guide them.

And maybe Elise showed just how far she was willing to goal."Hence why I will pray to any god that will help me. I don't hide my intentions, They help me because I might turn a blind eye them for a moment or they think I will consider them less of a problem if they give me power...All greedy as people who worship them."Elise if anything was not helping these power contests between gods she was baiting it all to continue then using it against them. Become something akin to something she hunted. It was a good plan if done right."I consider it a fair exchange, Give me power to use against some one...I might spare you if i become a threat, Or if you piss me off I won't think twice to use some one's power."To think Elise considered them monsters but in some manner she might also be considered a monster herself. But Elise might also be very aware of that and just didn't mention it.

But she simple mutter to herself."But enough for the tragic misgiving of work...Let me ask you something then. How do you see the good of the people around you?"It was an odd question but Elise seemed to ask it seriously. A hunter seeking to learn of joy and happiness? maybe she was truly unhappy. Sure she seemed decent at the time but maybe there was other things Alisa did not know about.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:03 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Mmmmm, foolish to think any man of faith is cut out to hunt evil...", Alisa shook her head, and fortunately most of them knew this all too well. They didn't think to emulate the few hunters that came from their church, after all, there's a great distance between simply praying away evil and actively picking up arms to vanquish it yourself, "But... Not to dismiss their roles either... Sometimes a single blessing is all it takes to keep one away from path of corruption."

Indeed, not everything came down to hunting evil... Sometimes preventing it made an even greater evil. To hunt down and contain those who would poison and corrupt those around around them:

"You shouldn't be looking to Gods in the first place... At the strength you have now, soon you'll be powerful enough that no God can do more for you the power you already have.", Alisa added, taking a sip from her glass, swirling it before she took another good long drag...

Her experiences with Illumin... And In Bosco... Gods have their own ambitions, sometimes more human and mundane than anybody could ever imagine... And those who claim to speak for the Gods... Those people can't be trusted:

"Fufu~... That's not nearly as difficult as it might seem? Simply, talk to them.", Alisa replied, refilling their glass, "Put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes a little bit of empathy makes all the difference."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:04 pm

In Elise's case it was not woman as well. It seemed the whole matter was one Elise knew not everyone was cut out for it."It is a shame when I met various trainees, the ones who died where ones i often told where not cut out for the job."Elise was reflecting in some manner, Almost like enough time had passed where she could tell. At least in some manner Elise was a good enough trained hunter that the shock of so many people dying before her was no longer there. Her emotions where seemingly over all dulled compared to so many other people. "Some just need to rethink their choices if some one suggests something to them...at least from what i learn."Elise maybe just sounded a bit too jaded, most likely the reality of being a person who had no idea what she was doing was a part of her life before maybe this was just how she could tell how people could make the cut or not.

Mentioning that, seemed to show Elise had that in mind already."That is the plan...but i still need to ask to bait a few of them into speaking to me to lure them into meeting me eventually." The plan after that was most likely easily guessed for one reason, she needed to get her hands on them some how. Over all in the end it seemed the more important piece of conversation for Elise at hand.

People interaction this was a key detail for a reason. Since it sounded silly at first but there was a reason why Elise asked the question she did."That is a lot harder then one assumes, At least in my case." Elise mentioned that with out going as in depth as she could. But she nonetheless finished her current drink like it was nothing. For the moment Elise was a formidable drinking foe unintentionally here.


New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:18 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Elise | CASUAL

"Few people will ever listen to a complete stranger telling them they're not cut out for it. You wouldn't have either.", Alisa shook her head, anybody with the resolve to become a hunter won't shy away from it with words alone... She took another drag from her cigar, the warm smoke filling her lungs as she relaxed against the back of the chair, eyes washing over the wrapped leaf of tobacco in her hands as it grew progressively shorter, "Then again... They got into this line of work fully aware that they were putting their lives at risk. And if they did not, well... Some people pay the ultimate price for their foolishness."

There was no need to pity one who decided to walk this path after all... They may not have been adequate hunters, but they still made the life threatening decision to hunt down evil no matter the cost to themselves, and there was still something admirable to that:

"Fufu~... Amusing how casually you mention meeting with gods~... You defenitely don't sound like any other nun i've met~", Alisa smirked, brow arching at that interesting choice of words, as someone who respected Gods for their power, but held little reverence for them in the end. Curiously, she spoke more casually of Gods than she did about her fellow mortals, which Alisa couldn't help but note as she refilled their glasses, already feeling a little hazy from their binge drinking, but still far from well and truly drunk, "If its any consolation, it doesn't come naturally to everyone? At least it didn't for me... But, I had to learn when I became a Guildmaster. So, if an aloof loner like me could learn... I'm sure you can too."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

New Challenger Revealed.(FPHS – Drinking Contest/Alisa.) Empty Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:31 am

It was a silly thing to mention that Elise was sound like a typical nun. But maybe to make light of how Elise was. She was merely raised to fit into places to exist, everything else might just be a shell to persist."I was a nun to merely get a cover for what I was trying to get away from in my life at the time."So hints revealed Elise never fully had faith in any being, it was a means to an end as she clearly pointed out before."I never had faith in these deities or entity's will. Only wanted freedom."Even then one could pick up from Elise that even if she most likely had all of this freedom now. She almost seemed unsure how to go about any and all of it.

So it would just be her being honest about it. As well showing signs she might be drinking too quickly. For she did not rush the next drink quickly, she did not even finish it in one go. She merely seemed to enjoy it."Maybe I am the problem then. I was not exactly raise to a typical friendly social minstrel woman...So my attempts to be free has only left me..more confused."So with out seemingly telling her life story Elise had summed up her life sheltered Minstrel child, Uses becoming a nun to be free from her previous life only to be confused by freedom, It is odd to think about in the basic form."More confused then anything, I could consider in life."Elise mention merely looking up at the ceiling for the moment, Almost like she had a few things explored in her life since being free. Slowly still trying to adjust to being free for ever.

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