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Soothing Tide [Michael]

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Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:13 pm


WORDS: 200 | White Christmas

“Come onnnn, we're nearly there~” The beauty with the beryl eyes seeming to beam as she strode over outcrops in the grass with a basket in one hand and a nice checkered blanket within the other, after striding forward on sandals which were largely flat and scaling up to the top of a hill which was a mix of greenery and stone she turned around to grin at the figure behind her, before beckoning toward him to press on along with her.
“Jeez, you're making me feel like I should have worn something a bit more enticing, slowpoke~?” Smiling all the while as she did so but offering a bit of a pout as she looked down at the white dress she was wearing and wondered in an aloud and perhaps probing manner if he might have been more enthused if she had dressed a little more scandalously, with the island all their own or almost that way she guessed that there could have been every chance she could have done so, though frankly her intention here wasn't exactly one of titillation. If anything, she wanted him all to herself in order to soothe and stimulate in other ways, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:42 pm

Michael Winters
Its been a while since Michael spent time with Sofia, but he's been to places and has had his own adventures and rivalries even. But the events of Stella changed him for the worse. He has had bouts of depression because the revived dead opened some wounds. Some very old wounds that he learned havent healed. Seeing his parents come to life was a trip, he was happy to see them. All was emotional fine and dandy, but when he wanted to learn the truth, who killed them and why... thats when he got zero answers. Why was he denied the closure. He just had unresolved emotions. He went thru the denial and anger stage of grief. And only back in Stella did the bargaining phase hit him hard. Now was the depression phase that he was feeling. The one before acceptance. He didnt accept their death just yet. He was just sad.

And he was very self destructive in his sadness. But because he's also been secretly like crying a lot, he just decided to take his old man. The one with a wiide slasher smile. People usually put on masks of happiness in a metaphorical way. But he did it literally, because he was a visual mess. His hair was a mess, he had black spots under his eyes, he was not good. Hence the hood and the mask. Trust him, he looks better this way.
At least people can once again enjoy his bad boy look, even if he wasnt really all that well.

Sofia was doing him a favour, trying to pull him to a cheery adventure of who knows what. But it was Luluhawa. Oh no wait, it wasnt an adventure, it was a picnic right?
"God I should really put my head in the game" he said as he shook his head for his lack of observation. He nodded to Sofia as she spoke in a cute way and followed her. He hastened his pace a bit and stuck close to her, not really saying much. He removed his mask, but still kept his hood up to obscure his face a bit to try and put a shadowy cover over his eyes.
"Thanks for the invite Sofi" he spoke


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Fri Dec 08, 2023 3:51 pm


WORDS: 270 | White Christmas

“Heeheehee, it seemed like you needed it~?” The girl with the green gaze giggling as her roguish side piece thanked her for the chance to come and visit this land which was sweet considering the fact that she had kept much of the experience a surprise, she could hardly deny the fact that she had not failed to notice how he had seemed so sullen in the more recent days and having suspected that it might have had something to do with the days growing colder and shorter as the month of celebration loomed over them she had elected to take him sunny and warm, and flush with a surprise that she thought was perfect for him.

“Now… Time to use some of that now famous strong and silent typing for a lil while, and have a peek at this…?” This latter fact which she began to stoop and placed their wares for a later picnic onto the ground as they moved onward still and began to find the image of the ocean growing larger and larger into their view, Miss Serena lifted her finger to her lips gently and winked as she urged the man to embrace his quieter side as they approached the top of a cliff and a spot that her abundance of aquatic adventures had revealed to him, and should he prove willing he might just be able to hear something soft and soothing being carried on the wind from the mere matter of meters below where they would soon be standing. After all, he was a musician, so it was about time he met a real siren or two, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:57 pm

Michael Winters
Sofia was surprisingly observant and perhaps he underestimated her, he was at a bit of loss for words because he didnt know what to expect. He imagined she has a surprise for him, but question was what. He tried to predict it. Probably some nature water view or who knows what. His mind was a blank. He just felt like creating music, it was healthier than thinking of conspiracy theories who done it. He imagined that he'd have to one day journey to Caelum for answers or home. He missed his home too much.

But he curiously looked at Sofia who said something about his silent typing. She winked and urged him to follow her. He curiously did, not much of a fan of cliff edges as usually they were followed by steep holes and abyss and such. But to his surprise upon his careful approach he saw an abundance of aquatic stuff had revealed to him, and he was able to hear something soft and soothing being carried on the wind from the mere matter of meters below where they were standing. He was confused or bewildered. He moved his mask away fully and placed it away, still he did keep his hood up so he wouldnt be an obvious mess of a man, but he tried to figure out what he was hearing. He looked at Sofia, hoping she'd cue him in on whats going on


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:11 pm


WORDS: ### | White Christmas

“They can be shy sometimes, but if we're quiet…” The finger of the fox remaining upon her lips for a moment as she moved to speak in no more than a whisper, once she was sure that the young man whom she had taken into both bosom and her heart was in his stealth mode she gently peeled back some of the bushier patched of grass for them both to peek through toward the water below, and the sight which rested within it. Beneath them a small gathering of about half a dozen beauties seemed to rest with some half in the water and some draped upon the smooth rocks at the edge of the land, they combed their hair and seemed to idly roll long and rather lovely finned tails back and forth in place of their legs, and though even this was a sight to behold thanks to their prettiness there was something even more enrapturing about the scene as well.

“I thought you might enjoy their song~?” Some of them giggling and gossiping but a couple of the girls seeming to harmonise together before drawing the rest into a gentle but soothing tune comprised only of the bliss their voices could bring, a sound sweeter than anything one might find even in an opera seemed to steadily swell as they drew more and more of their number into a rising choir together, and seemed every bit as fit to draw men and women too to crash their ships to listen longer. After all, while Miss Serena had never heard a true siren or even known one she could well understand the legends behind beings like this, because frankly, she doubted even the sorest mood would survive long before any set of ears treated to this gift would find distraction and a need to seek the source of this audible ecstasy…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:40 pm

Michael Winters
Moving slowly and carefully, fearing what he may see on the other end of the cliff, to his surprise and relief he didnt see some huge height and a hard ground low below. They werent that much elevated and beneath them wasnt ground but water, more specifically the sea. But also to his surprise he saw...

...nah he was imagining it. Mermaids? His jaw dropped and he rubbed his eyes before looking again, just to see and make sure he wasnt imagining things. He looked at Sofia, wanting to ask her about this, but no words came from his mouth, no sound. Its like a cat got his tongue. Hell, he was still jaw dropped speechless and shocked and in awe that it probably took Sofia to close his mouth shut. He just wanted to make sense of things. How? Why? When? How? Who what when where just to add there for completion sake. Did she know of this? Surely she did


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:20 pm


WORDS: 220 | White Christmas

“Teeheehee, Alisa and I found them a while back~? They move around a fair bit bit this seems to be one of their favourite spots… Looks like we got lucky today!” The emerald eyes of the enchantress seeming to be flush with excitement as she looked toward the scene of those seaside songstresses frolicking below, once more it seemed that the adventurous and aqueous emphasis that she and her beautiful black bride placed upon their adventures seemed to pay dividends with this largely unknown gift, and she couldn't help but brag to the boy beside her in a whispering manner as she explained this treasure of a discovery.

“I though our resident musician might have enjoyed hearing their song at least once~?” Lifting her hand as she did so and moving to place it upon the shoulder of her brooding boy toy as she also divulged the reason behind her reveal, while she didn’t know what had been bothering him she hoped that a day of fun might help him to distance himself from it for at least a little while, and might even help him to express his woes when he was ready as well. After all, she was happy to let a man who by this point was practically her boyfriend halve his problems with her, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:14 pm

Michael Winters
Sofia explained that she and Alisa found this mermaid pack, flock, school whatever a while back. They move around a fair bit bit this seems to be one of their favourite spots. And it seems they were lucky today. Michael looked at Sofia still flabbergasted and blinking at her. Still at a loss for words and trying to figure out why was he brought to see these beauties.

She further spoke or whispered that he might enjoy hearing their song. He was their 'resident musician'. She placed a hand on his shoulder and he merely moved his hand to touch hers that was on him. He was pathetic, he shouldnt be sad. Still now he looked at her and wondered what do they do with the mermaids. If they speak, they might scare them away. So do they just sit here and watch or erm rather listen to their singing


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:11 pm


WORDS: 270 | White Christmas

“Now then, how about…” The silence of her companion and the sadness which lay beneath it something which still seemed to pain the princess of the Pegasi even in this situation, though her face hid it well she sensed that in spite of her words she would need to utilise an even greater shock to the system than the sight and sounds of a school of mermaids to soothe his ills, and so the smiling siren opted to take matters into her own hand rather literally in fact, in this case at least. The girl with the green gaze grinning as she got a rather mischievous idea therein and decided to utilize the presence of her palm upon his shoulder to her advantage with it, today it seemed looks were deceiving for not one, but rather two reasons really.

“You go say hello~?” The first that the fact that the slim frame of the fair packed more than a small degree of power thanks to the training she had done to keep pace with her lady wife, there were few among her number even in the ranks of these exquisite equine who could compete with her pushing power now, which was exactly what she employed right now as she gave her comrade a rather firm shove to throw him off the precarious pew and into the water below. The second act of duplicity of course the very idea that these mermaids were in any way shy, if anything the truth lay in the exact opposite direction, which Michael was sure to discover as she aimed to send him on a nosedive right into the water between them…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:44 pm

Michael Winters
He did find the mermaid singing soothing and he followed Sofia's instructions of being quiet so he doesnt disturb them, but listen to them more. He felt a hand on his shoulder, he was still a bit tense from the touch as he tried to relax and sort his feelings. But suddenly to his surprise he felt a push. And then found himself not on the solid ground, but nosediving facefirst into the water

He quickly got up to grasp for air, and realized that the water was not that deep, he could stand in it. Perhaps this was the most shallow the mermaids could go to. Speaking of, to his surprise he saw that the mermaids didnt scatter as he expected, infact they seemed to do the opposite as if interested?
He just nervously chuckled and said "Hi?" like what does one say to mermaids after just dropping in so literally


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:07 pm


WORDS: 390 | White XXXmas

"Whoa, you okay there, sailor~? That was quite the tumble~!"

"Yeah, lucky we were here to help you, hm~?"

"Ooouuu, we'd hate to lose someone as cute as you, right girls~?"

The mischief of the minx atop the cliff seeming to be obvious when the singing figures showed neither shrieking nor shyness at the fall of the fellow from on high and instead offered not only a supportive touch but one that was a little bit frisky as well, the words and actions of the group seemed fit for the guild from which the boy and the girl with the green gaze hailed as they immediately began to fuss over this stranger like he had been the one thing they had spent their day waiting for, and shared smiles and smirks and batting lashes as they did so. Deadly not for their hypnotic singing or their ruthless behaviour, but for the fact that their company could become wholly addictive, really. Their attitudes and inclinations were free and loving even if sometimes fleeting, and many a soul would yearn for them to the point of desperation once parted from them as well.

“Nishishishishi~!” Not that Miss Serena had much worry of that happening with the marvel known as Michael as he had already proven in the company of herself and her wife that he was not so possessive that he couldn’t roll with the peaks and the punches as it were, all she could do was cackle as she watched them below her and then holding the magical key she carried in the air, in a glowing flash the white dress she had sported seemed to transform into something sinfully suited for the water below, and likely rather familiar to the young man if he cared to observe it.
“Cannonballll!!!!” Not that he would have much of a chance of course before she had lunged from her lofty perch and aimed for the water below with maximum relish, the beryl eyed beauty beamed as she pulled her knees in tight to her and aimed to make quite the splash as she landed in the sea, and then would shortly rise back upward in her natural environment with a broad grin and a bobbing brow as she looked toward the lad and hoped he enjoyed her Christmas gift. Though really, it was just getting started…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:28 pm

Michael Winters
He blushed a bit when hearing their voices. He wanted to correct a girl that he wasnt a sailor, but he felt like a cat got his tongue when one complimented his appearance. He was soaked, his clothes were soaked. The water was cool and he def needed to adjust for that temperature change in his body, especially if he was gonna take off some of his clothes because, he'd rather have the clothes up and dry

He took off some of his clothes and tossed them up on the dry land, so he was shirtless. He still had a faint blush as the mermaids were like fawning over him. Truth be told, this was not what he expected today, but he should've expected it, considering its Sofia.

He looked up and saw some flash, he raised his brow as he wondered what was Sofia doing. Soon he'd be answered with a cannonball that splashed in the water. Michael meanwhile just wrapped his arm around the closest mermaid and asked her "So...do you have any plans or are you free today?" if he was gonna spend time with mermaids, he will SPEND 'time' with them. He wondered if they ever met a werewolf


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:36 pm


WORDS: 320 | White XXXmas

"We sure do now, right ladies~?
So, what's a mer-girl gotta do to get the name of a tall drink of water like you, hm~?"

The faces of the fishy femmes seeming to light up as the lad made himself more comfortable by pulling off his clothes and some even going so far as to ogle what was revealed and bite into their bottom lips, their lead was only too happy to cock her brow as the boy asked whether they had plans and flash him a knee weakening smirk as she revealed that they had likely just changed, and then asked after his name with the barest hint of a licking lip to go with it. Gosh, one would think girls who spent their days in the ocean wouldn't be quite this thirsty, hm?

“His name's Michael~!” It seeming that the woman who had brought them all together was only too eager to intercede at this point and doing so after returning to the surface of the water and peeling those long locks of hers backward, the girl with the green gaze let slip what to call him with a giggling glee as she joined the pack, and as she did so threaded an arm around each of the gathered girls in a fashion which showed that they were plenty comfortable around one another.
“And between us water lovers, he really needs some cheering up~?” If anything looking like she had joined some long lost sisters in fact or perhaps something with a little more sinful intent while doing so, the fishtailed femmes seemed only too happy to return her gesture and affection and all too quickly was Miss Serena speaking as one of them nuzzled at her neck and nibbled at her collarbone too, and in doing so gave a hard and heavy hint as to what they had decided to do with their day. Or perhaps, in this case, whom…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#14Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:41 pm

Michael Winters
When the mermaid asked for his name, he opened his mouth to reply and say his name but Sofia was quicker on the draw and answered it for him. "Yeah,... what she said" he said nonchalantly and handwaved that as he focused on his new fishy friends. He noticed then that Sofia had a lil chat with the mermaids. It was like a girl call meeting or such as Sofia informed the mermaids what they had to do or whom.

Michael was a bit oblivious and just flirted and started making out with the first mermaid that he had interacted with. He had a hunch about what Sofia planned, so he just went ahead and got himself a head start with that strategy. Though he had to ask
"Soo, you know my name. But you didnt tell me your lil name~" they knew his name, least he can learn theirs


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:27 pm


WORDS: 350 | White XXXmas

"Well, well, aren't you an old romantic~?
I'm Amatheia, and these are… Clio, Samathe, Maera, Ione, Clymene and Thaleia~?"

The lead in this gathering of maritime beauty seeming to snicker a little when the boy seemed to ask for the names of the lively lasses who were beginning to mass about him increasingly thanks to Sofia's urging, she shook her head and sighed as she offered up not only her own name but also an introduction to all the smiles and hungry eyes which were gathered about him in turn, before drifting closer to him herself and seeming to take the lead with what followed. Wasting little time therein once she had shared such details in lifting a hand to his cheek and tugging him to her lips, she aimed to share a kiss with him as the other girls lifted their hands and began to caress his skin with coquettish curiosity, and didn't limit his attention to him either.

“Lucky we caught you on a day when the whole gang is here huh~?” A couple or more seeming to peel away when they noticed that this particular ride was full and move toward the minx who had brought him to the mermaid instead, Sofia seemed to merrily share a kiss as she draped her arms around them and shivered as she felt them toying with the straps of her swimsuit, knowing all too well that it's beauty would only be matched by the brevity for which it was seen.
“You're about to get a lesson in ocean anatomics that few others will ever comprehend~?” Not that she seemed to mind that one little bit and a sense of exhilaration and excitement seeming to saturate the tone of the temptress as she leaned a little closer to the lad she had made her lover and revealed the fact that he was about to get a rather definitive answer to a question many a seaman had mused upon, the siren then snickered and shook her head, before diving into the excitement both with gusto and the gifts she held from the magic which made her a queen of the sea as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#16Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:52 pm

Michael Winters
He kissed the closest mermaid and did embrace her as he really went in for that smooch, though he did feel many hands feeling him in places, probably curious as to seeing something resembling a human. Though the saying theres plenty of fish in the sea, these ladies are the literal fish in the sea people been talking about. If only he'd know, he would've snagged these ladies much sooner.

He heard Sofia say, something about him getting the learn anatomy of a mermaid many wished they could. He had an idea what she meant and dare he say, he was rather curious to explore this world. He would help one mermaid who was fiddling with his belt so they could get down to some real business. He always wondered where and how they did it. Sofia did do a good job of distracting him from his woes, because this certainly worked wonders


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:32 pm


WORDS: 280 | White XXXmas

“Whew…” Unsure of how much time had seemed to elapse after she had elected to indulge a rather frisky spirit with some only too willing and apparently able women of the sea, by the time that Sofia Serena had recovered her senses it seemed that the strength of the sun was waning as the young woman looked up to the skies with no small degree of sand or salt clinging to her locks, and a sense of indolence which would see her drifting no significant distance from the beach she found herself upon any time soon.
“Those girls… Sure know their way around… We landlubbers huh~?” At the very seeming to feel certain portions of her appetite well sated by what she had just enjoyed and even with prior experience finding such a fact a point of surprise still, she lifted her hands to mop away hair which was still wet from her brow and face and then rolled herself over onto her front a moment later, to look toward the form of the friend she had brought along with her on what had proven a rather wild but worthwhile ride.

“Feeling better, Mister Winters~?” Even going so far as to shuffle a little on her elbows and knees to draw that bit closer to him now that the ladies had left them to indulge other adventures, the princess of the Pegasi pushed her bangs behind her ears and focused those emerald eyes upon her live-in lover with a gentle smile and lingering glow, and asked after how he was with all they had relished this day. I mean, no way anyone could keep their bad mood brewing after that, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#18Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:46 pm

Michael Winters
That really was an experience he never thought he'd have and yet here he was. It felt good. But he also kinda felt guilty it did. His eyes went back to Sofia who spoke to him "Mmm, yeah I do. I technically shouldnt. But I do, this really did the job"
The fact that horniness eased some of his depression did feel shameful and wrong and sinful, but he couldnt fault the results as it did its job

"I suppose you're wondering what got me so down" he spoke up first as to ask Sofia that if that was on her mind. He assumed she wanted to know and that she should know as she was his senior in the guild. Was she at Stella? He couldnt remember, but he believes Blue Pegasus people were there when weird stuff went down. Maybe it doesnt hurt to say it and let it out


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:39 pm


WORDS: 400 | White XXXmas

“There's nothing quite like mermaids and mischief one can get up to with them to soothe the soul, hm~?” The sinful siren smirking as the lupine lad admitted that despite his best efforts to the contrary her little honey trap had seemed to do the job, Sofia snickered softly as she wriggled that bit nearer and began to toy gently with a mane which had been rather well tousled this afternoon, before drawing a digit around his ear and jaw so that she might tilt his face and ever more importantly lips that bit closer to her own.
“I'm glad you're feeling better, dear~” Still riding high in quite the blissful afterglow and happy to share a sweet little smooch or two as they chatted in a fashion which the casual observer might even note was laced with some romantic tones of intimacy, while the girl with the green gaze knew that her dearest Miss Vollan would always be her first and firmest love she had grown enough in terms of her maturity and spirit that she didn’t mind sharing a piece of her heart with another, especially when said party was a manly musician with just enough tragedy about him to make him that bit sexier.

“I can't deny a curiosity~?” Not that she felt she should be treating that brooding nature or the torture which was responsible for it lightly and as such the emerald eyed enchantress seeming eager when he seemed to finally feel ready to speak of what was bothering him, Miss Serena admitted the fact that she was interested in the subject, and perhaps had engineered this situation for the expressed purpose of such an outcome, but was not so set on it that she would push him on it if he still didn't feel ready.
“I know our relationship is a little looser than most but… I care about you, and I don't like you seeing you seem so burdened~?” Treasuring what she had found with Michael more than she had perhaps had the chance to say yet and for that reason feeling more able to get that bit softer and gooier than she might have shown most thus far, she confessed the fact that she hated to know that something had made him unhappy and would do anything she could to amend such a fact, but ultimately when it came to his feelings and experiences the ball was in his court…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#20Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:31 pm

Michael Winters
Indeed their relationship was looser. Michael just wasnt aware how loose it was. He was under the impression it was just them 3, but oh boy was there more. Still it was something he wasnt aware and perhaps he didnt want to know.
But that was a story for another time. He figured Sofia deserved to know what bothered him. He laid down and looked at the sky, not wanting to really look at her as the story still bothered him. Its just the pain was temporary quelled by a certain high

"When I was a kid, my parents died. Got killed by someone. I dunno who, I wasnt there when it happened. Im sure if I was there I probably would've met the same fate. But Im here and alive... and now after all these years... when the thing at Stella happened I saw them, after all that time I saw them. I was glad to see my family. But as I asked them who done it, they didnt tell me.... they tried to bullshit me how revenge was bad or how it was dangerous.... but bullshit. That was my closure... Not knowing is worse than knowing. Its an open wound, knowing someone wronged me and my family and is walking somewhere out there free without a care. I know revenge wont get me anything. And I dont expect it to make me feel better. But.... its just a chapter of my life I want to close. As it is now, its like an open wound that keeps festering and gnawing at me. Someone hurt me and I dont know who was it that caused me pain and turned me into.... this"

He was a bit vague by what 'this' meant. But it was more like he felt like a monster. He was a fairly a more different and gentle and fair person. Now he is an asshole and he is aware of that. More moody, violent, selfish, angry, impulsive. More animalistic and cruel. Sure Blue Pegasus doesnt see that side of him, because he represses it. But he still has that primal anger in him that he keeps shut. He was essentially 'damaged goods'. A person who was shattered. Someone who has somewhat undergone a process of healing only to have it be reverted back again, all that progress lost. The event at Stella opened an old wound and now it felt like it was bleeding more than ever.
The mermaids did help, but they were a bandaid to a greater problem. He just didnt know what to do. Well, at least he wasnt in a huge despair now that he spoke to Sofia. So thats a plus


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:12 pm


WORDS: 420 | White XXXmas

“Heeheehee, well… As a woman who shares your bed, I can't say I hate seeing a bit more of that animal side~? Though I've always been a bit of a kinky bitch, I suppose…” The girl with the green gaze staying quiet as she let her friend unpack his issues and pausing for a moment as she considered what advice she could offer, in all good conscience there was no way that Sofia could mull them over without making some kind of controversial and coquettish remark, and so she got that out of the way sooner rather than later in this case.
“But you know you're not alone, right~?” An undercurrent of emotion seeming to swell beneath that more playful sentiment and showing both in the words which followed and the gestures which came with them as well, the brazen brunette beamed as she affirmed the fact that he was far from isolated in the situation he found himself in, and with that laced her fingers into his and squeezed his hand as she looked deep into those eyes with earnestness.

“Me and Lisa and the girls too… We might not have a ring or something on your finger… or other places? But you're family to us now too? Like, maybe a 'help stepbro I got stuck' kind of family, but a family all the same~?” What had started as a fun little fling for herself and her beautiful bride to share escalating in her opinion to the point that she considered their connection as intimate and romantic as any she had, though it was hard for one as mischievous as this mermaid to carry a sentiment without some sprinkling of humour she hoped that the man she had come to view as her boyfriend understood the seriousness of her sentiment all the same, and smiled as she continued to squeeze that hand whilst using her other to toy with his hair gently.
“You never have to go through anything by yourself, and we'll keep pestering you and taking you to mermaid orgies until you accept that~?” All the while trying to convince him that he didn't have to struggle with his burdens alone any longer, from what she had learned it seemed he had spent far too much of his life doing so, and so by her opinion it was time to accept a helping hand on that matter. After all, their adventures in the bedroom and beyond had shown she was far stronger than her vixenly visage might have implied, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#22Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:09 pm

Michael Winters
He looked at her and softly smiled, giving her a nod. He tends to forget that he was not alone, so it was nice for Sofia to remind him of that. This trip was proof itself. He squeezed her hand back when he felt hers and looked rather curiously in her eyes when he noticed that she looked rather deeply in his. He did feel a bit guilty he made her this concerned, but he was also touched that she was. Perhaps due to his past, he wasnt all that used to having people care about him. Even though it was a period of his childhood, it was still one that cut deep and remained with him. Time heals wounds. And loneliness was one of the wounds that was healing. Which he was thankful for.

"I'd like to spend time with you more. All of you. Do you think you and Alisa have time?" seeing as something would always happen, he wondered was there a chance where all of them could spend time. He didnt wanna say it, but he did feel 'neglected' a bit? As if the girls and their kiddos were with others and barely with him and he didnt know how to interject into a tight knit circle. So taking this chance, he did want to open up about that. As she'd squeezed his hand, now he would look into her eyes more deeply as he did want to spend time with them more and do more things, not just sexy time things, even though he liked that too. As he wanted to be more than a .... gene donor.

He chuckled at her last remark "Heheh, well consider it accepted" she did have quite the humour to uplift a wolf. He had to admit that


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:56 pm


WORDS: 440 | TOTAL: 3770  | White XXXmas  

“Ooouuuuu, we'd all love that~? I hope it isn't a scary thing to hear, but by this stage, you're the closest thing the girls have to a daddy really~?” The beryl eyed beauty beaming as their no longer woeful wolf revealed a desire to be accepted more into their pack as it were, Sofia shone with a smile as she not only admitted the fact that she would be delighted by such a notion, but also that even if sometimes it was hard to see he was well on his way to being that already. I mean, he had left quite an impression on them all, right?
“Not just the girls, either~” Not that she couldn't resist the chance to tease at a little wordplay as she did so and as such snickering as she highlighted the more impish use of certain patriarchal terminology as well, after bobbing her brows the brunette hummed and laid a cute little kiss upon her man's cheek, before shuffling even closer him and snaking an arm around him as she rested her head upon his shoulder gently.

“Teeheehee, good. You know, it's funny~? When I got married to Lisa, I never thought I'd ever want a boyfriend again…” Forgetting as she spoke that they were both currently draped across a beach with nary a stitch to protect their modesty and instead feeling as if they were snuggled upon a bed or couch or something together, the emerald eyed enchantress let loose a heavy but happy breath as she reflected upon the bond they had built between them, and found her cheeks glowing a little bit as she eased even her tendency toward comedy in favour of speaking even more honestly of her feelings.
“But now… It's hard to think of my life without you~? As strange as it it is for me to say, but I think… I'm falling in love with you~?” Speaking no word of a lie as she confessed the fact that she had been rather surprised by just how deeply she had come to care for the man she now snuggled up to and feeling a little bit vulnerable for that fact, though a part of Miss Serena was left to wonder what her bride might think of her telling a man she was in love with him at the same time she could think of no better chance to do so, and so with a pinkness in her cheeks which was rare she turned that green gaze toward him and grinned softly and sweetly, and hoped that he might just be starting to feel something of the same as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#24Michael Winters 

Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:42 am

Michael Winters
"They do? Well thats nice." he didnt think they would see him that way. He didnt think they were that close, but he was glad to be proven wrong. He did look at her curiously when she said not just to girls, but he got what he meant and smiled rather sly-ly, yeah he liked that a lot. She laid a kiss on his cheek and he replied with a kiss of his own, more so on the lips tho. She then shuffled even closer him and snaking an arm around him as she rested her head upon his shoulder gently. He wrapped his own arm around her to pull her close, to enjoy this quiet moment for now.

"Heh, I dont even know what I expected, but I certainly didnt expect this" he was sorta kinda in a poly relationship before. With his ex and friend with benefits. But it was still agreed upon, just 1 girlfriend. It was more fucking about and being rebellious to break conventional relationships. This meanwhile is the real deal, something he didnt think he'd do for real.

When she said that she was falling in love with him, he felt a bit surprised. She was? "You are?" he merely repeated the questioning sentiment. Truth be told, he fell in love way back when they did it for the first time. Contrary to what Sofia may believe, he wasnt really a womanizer who had tons of ladies in bed before he met her. He had 1 relationship and after that void. It was only after Sofia that he got some action and got the ball rolling, even tho that he wanted to stop by that point


Soothing Tide [Michael] Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 3:06 pm


WORDS: 300 | TOTAL: 4070 | White XXXmas

“Mmnn~” The emerald eyed enchantress needing little encouragement to enjoy a fuller kiss with the boy and letting loose a little mewl as she felt his lips upon her own, the princess of the pegasi purred into that pout as she began to suckle upon it in return for the attention she was given, and even after all they had done today felt a shiver running down her spine because of it as well.
“Of course~? I'm a sucker for a bad boy gone good~?” Giggling soon afterward as he questioned her little admission and licking her lips as she squeezed him that bit tighter because of it, Sofia tipped her head to the side as she admitted that she had found her initial intrigue in him piqued because of what was likely a cliché in this day and age, though was more than sure that her growing affection came from how he defied the image of one's typical tearaway temptation and instead set his own, more lovable brand that she had grown to cherish.

“Now… How about we try one for the road, hm~?” Sufficed to say the combination of that salty wickedness and the sweetness within seeming more than enough to earn not only a place in her heart but even rev that engine inside her as well, despite all of the rather sizeable endeavours she couldn't help but fancy yet another round with just the two of them to really cap off their day, and so the girl with the green gaze grinned and then rolled on top of her lover lustfully, and in doing so allowed her hips and position to do as much of the talking as anything as she waited to see if their conversation had left him feeling as frisky as she was right now…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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