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Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank)

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#1Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:43 am

Tamás Horvath
He went to Astera, after he heard from some local Baskan Rune Knights what had happened. The Rune Knights sent a lad to do a quest here. And he wanted to do a quest with him once he heard what it was. Normally his guild did not work with Rune Knights since they werent the legalest of guilds. They were one step off from being dark. They were still an illegal guild becuase they were neutral. But he couldnt let someone just go off to a slaughter no matter where his allegience lies. He was unaware this Rune Knight was Toga.

Back at Stella they met under unofficial circumstances. But now was a different story and he had to conduct himself in his usual and very formal manner. He needed to show the world what his guild was. And he needed to protect Baska, so there wouldnt be like 500 Rune Knights placed there. And no thats not an exaggeration, thats an accurate number of Rune Knights and it was annoying the Guild Master. He wanted his guild to be the guardians of Baska. And more broadly the west. Though he didnt mind Rune Knight activity here in Astera, hence why he went to lend his assistance and not just any guild members.

Now all he needed to do was find the person. Tamas managed to get some information from the local Rune Knights from his area about the lads description. But again, he didnt connect it to Toga, because people werent the best descriptors and the imagery could be very broad.
He thus looked and surveyed the area to see who would fit the vague description he got. He was a tall and fully armoured man, among the normal sized people minding their business. While the west was his business



Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:21 pm


The sun glinted off sharp canine teeth as Tōga's grin split his face. Perched on the rooftop, his fingers dug into the stone masonry in anticipation. It had been weeks since he and Tamás had last met, carousing over drinks and games in the taverns of Stellas. Their riotous time together now seemed a distant dream. But today their quest called them, and Tōga could hardly contain his excitement at seeing his friend again. Below, amidst the bustling crowd, he spied Tamás' familiar form. Tōga's grin widened, if that were possible, relishing their imminent reunion. After so long apart, he was eager to make up for lost time.

Tōga's exuberant cry of "Ayyyyyy, Tam-Kun!" reverberated off the surrounding buildings. Before the echo faded, he sprang from his perch, launching himself off the rooftop. His pink hair streamed behind him as he plunged downwards, gravity and wind embracing him in a fleeting freefall. The ground rushed up to meet him. With a resounding thud and a puff of dust, Tōga landed cat-like on his feet, toes flexing against the impact. He straightened with a flourish, grin still plastered across his face. His dramatic entrance announced, he turned eagerly to greet his friend. Though parted for weeks, it seemed barely a moment since their riotous adventures in Stellas. Tōga was ready to pick up right where they'd left off.

"Long time no see! You look well," Tōga exclaimed, auburn eyes alight as he took in his towering friend. When Tōga had accepted this quest from the Rune Knights days ago, he never imagined he'd be partnered with a guild master, let alone Tamás himself. Yet here they were, brought together by life's funny way of working things out. Tōga's smile lingered as he studied the man before him. It had been too long since their riotous adventures in Stellas, but Tamás looked every bit the stalwart guild master he was. Tōga was eager to see that staid exterior peel away to reveal the laughing friend he knew lay beneath. This quest would surely see their bond renewed.


#3Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:15 am

Tamás Horvath
Tamas looked at to his surprise would see Toga who was apparently a Rune Knight, and he spoke rather casually. He knows back in Stella that he did not disclose his position in his guild. But now the fun and revelry was done and he had to be serious.
"Greetings Toga, I did not know you were a Rune Knight. I have heard you have taken upon this quest, so I have decided to join you as the local guild master. Hopefully the Rune Knights wont mind a neutral guild after this" he spoke much more monotone and formal, with much less emotion and energy in his voice. There was a clear distinction to Toga that this was a man who knew how to seperate celebration and fun with seriousness and business.

When Toga told him that he looked well, Tamas replied "Thank you for the kind words. Now, I must ask, what is your magic ability. The other lad knew wind, but I never learned what is it that you can do" sticking to polite formality and switching back to business, Tamas inquired what can Toga do. As he did not see the Dragon Slayers fire capabilities.

Right now, Tamas needed to plan how they can take out this Barrang. What were their skills and what is the best strategy to defeat it swiftly and easy, with the least amount of damage taken to them and any surroundings. Tamas had his weapons, and his greed magic for now. So he was a melee attacker and a defender of teammates. But he did not know what were Toga's capabilities and how he can intergrate that into his strategy. Was he a long range mage. Or was he a fellow melee fighter. Did he support or debuff people. He needed to know before they hastily move on to fight their foe



Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:08 pm

Tōga watched as Tamás spoke to him with stiff formality. The contrast struck Tōga, remembering their last lively meeting full of drunken revelry. That night in Stella, they had bonded over flowing drinks and raucous games, spirits soaring as freely as the laughter. Hakai had joined their merry brotherhood of impromptu camaraderie. Now, the easy warmth had cooled to politeness between comrades. The zealous bonhomie was gone, replaced by sober decorum. Still, Tōga respected Tamás' need for propriety in this moment, however it may differ from their previous encounter's informal familiarity. He smiled and nodded along, allowing his friend the solemn dignity he desired.

Tōga hesitated, pondering the question deeply before responding. "Ah, I suppose we never did demonstrate our abilities like Hakai did," he finally said with a laugh, fingers threading through his pink, spiky hair. Tōga took a moment to gather his thoughts, considering how best to articulate the essence of his mysterious powers. He sought the right words to convey their nuances to satisfy the inquiry. Tōga knew observations alone could not encapsulate the full, fantastical nature of his talents. They required firsthand experience to be truly understood. He smiled wryly, realizing descriptions would only offer a vague imprint, a mere approximation of his enigmatic gifts. Still, he endeavored to portray their spirit as best he could.

"I possess dragon slayer magic-" Tōga blurted out impulsively before catching himself. "Fire, that is" he appended in a rush, a chagrined smile creeping across his face. In his enthusiasm, the description had toppled out backwards. Normally when asked about his abilities, he would lead with the elemental aspect before naming the magic type proper. But in the heat of the moment, his zeal had outpaced his thoughts. Though he tried to maintain an air of mysticism around his talents, Tōga could not always contain his excitement to share them. His pride in the rare gift simmered close to the surface, ready to bubble over at any opportunity. While he sought to project an aura of wisdom and restraint, the childlike wonder at his extraordinary powers shone through in bursts of delight.

wc: 352 [697/1600]

#5Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:32 pm

Tamás Horvath
He nodded "Indeed, we did not use our magic. Granted there is not much to show from my end as my magic is not really flashy." he looked at Toga, waiting for him to figure out how to word his magic, until he landed with a simple description
"Ah. Dragon Slayer Magic. My guild mate is a Thunder Dragon Slayer. So a lightning version of you. Hmm, fire. I see. We can work with this." he spoke and gestured the Rune Knight to follow him

As they walked, Tamas would speak "Barrang is a tall creature, taller than even me. It burrows itself into the ground and eats humans. No one knows actually what Barrang looks like because no one has survived to tell the tale. Rumors say it bears claws, teeth, a darker purple coloration, solid luminescent red eyes, and visible scales and spikes. Barrang is said to live near the outskirts of Astera. I have sent one of my people to scout the area and locate the thing. Though they will not assist us in battle. I do not wish harms upon my guild mates. No matter how eager they are to help. Although this can help us still. You are a Fire Dragon Slayer, which means you eat flames to regenerate your magic, am I correct?" he finally looked at Toga as he spoke as he asked the younger man the question.
Tamas already was thinking of ways to counter the beast. He was feeling confident now. Toga could get some firey assistance from the sidelines if he ever needs a fire in his belly. Tamas was good with close range attacks. He was sure he can fell the beast with his blade. And he was sure Toga can dish out some fire magic to work from a safe distance if need be



Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:56 pm

The Thunder Dragon Slayer!?” Tōga's eyes shot open wide at the mention of another Dragon Slayer. Thrilled by this revelation, he couldn't contain the grin spreading across his face. The past few weeks had been filled with wondrous discoveries. For nearly his entire life, Tōga had thought he was the only dragon slayer in existence. Yet now, he had met another and heard tales of several more scattered across Earthland. With each new encounter, Tōga realized how little he truly understood of the vast world around him. But rather than dismay, this ignorance excited him, fueling his desire to keep exploring and uncovering the hidden mysteries still waiting to be found. Tōga thrilled at the thought that his journey was only just beginning.

Tamás guided Tōga to the outskirts of Astera, detailing the precautions taken to ensure their mission went smoothly. Tōga listened intently, nodding along to each new bit of information. But when Tamás inquired if Tōga could consume fire to sustain himself, the Dragon Slayer perked up. "Yeah, I can," he confirmed with a grin. Fire was the lifeblood that flowed through a Fire Dragon Slayer's veins. Tōga thrilled at the thought of letting loose and unleashing his magic. With fiery destruction at his fingertips, no enemy could stand in his way. Tōga's smile never faded as they pressed onward, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead. The time for action was nearing, and Tōga could feel his magic simmering just below the surface, waiting eagerly to be unleashed.

You didn’t mention what kind of magic you use,”

wc: 260 [957/1600]

#7Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:03 am

Tamás Horvath
"I see. Well hopefully we can arrange that you have flames for a boost" Tamas spoke as he escorted Toga to the location. As they walked Toga asked him about his magic "I can make my skin harder, like armour. That is the extent of my magic. So I am a melee battler. You have more variety whether you wish to be long or short ranged fighter" he spoke to Toga before they arrived to meet a person

This person was a daemon and he looked rather demonic or evil. The guy wore a steel or iron chestplate, while his pants and boots were leather. He had iron or steel gauntlets and looked like he was holding a branding iron as a weapon, which showed the guy had an affinity for fire related damage as well. What seemed to make him more demonic was that he had sharp teeth and the mask on the left side of his face seemingly welded to it, as well as several steel spikes looked like they erupted from his body, judging from the dried blood stains around the area. It looked like a guy who dabbled with dark magic and paid the price for it. The aura he exuded was also not really light or friendly. Just malice and darkness. Although Tamas approached this person with no problem and spoke to him
"Where is the creature?"
"Right there. Up ahead. It burrowed itself into the ground right now. You need to think of a way to flush it out" the daemon spoke and pointed by using his branding iron to show the direction where Barrang was exactly, before it noticed Toga "Oh? Is this the new Rune Knight going on a quest. Oh how fun"
"Indeed, and you are not to harm the innocent" Tamas merely spoke nonchalantly, but in his usual serious tone
"Tch... no fun. But fine, have it your way. Anything else you need?" he asked both of them
"Actually yes. Toga here. The Rune Knight has Fire Dragon Slayer magic, can your flames fuel his magic?" Tamas asked the daemon
"I guess they could. I sure dont mind pelting fire at a human. I can spoon feed it to him" uses his magic to heat up the branding iron, which Tamas slaps away and reminds him now is not the time to play games. The daemon scoffs but relents
"I did not come here to chat. We are here to work" the Knight reminded the daemon



Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:50 pm

Ooohh, that’s so cool! I want tough skin!

Tōga's eyes lit up with awe as he watched Tamás demonstrate his remarkable skin magic. "Incredible!" he exclaimed, showing reverence for Tamás' unique talent. In all his years as a Rune Knight, Tōga had never encountered anyone who could transform their flesh into living stone or steel, hardening their body into an impenetrable shield while still wielding the strength to crush rock with their bare hands. The possibilities of such magic sent Tōga's mind racing, igniting his warrior's spirit with excitement at the prospect of testing his own mettle against Tamás' unyielding power someday. But for now, he simply gazed upward with a smile, continuing to heap praise upon Tamás for his singular gift as a mage. Tōga knew true magic when he saw it, and Tamás' was like nothing he had ever witnessed before.

The narrow alleyway reeked of death as Tōga and Tamás made their way between the decrepit buildings. Blood and gore painted the walls in lurid splashes, while filth and residue crusted the ground underfoot. Tōga grimaced against the overpowering stench, pinching his nose closed to spare his heightened senses. "What the hell happened here?" he muttered, surveying the gruesome scene. Before Tamás could reply, an otherworldly presence stirred in the shadows. Tōga tensed, ready to strike, but stayed his hand as his companion began conversing with the demonic entity. Though unsettled by its sinister presence, Tōga knew this was not their quarry today. He held back, listening intently as Tamás parleyed with the creature about their next move. Duty required focus, not distraction. Whatever vile acts had soaked these alleys in blood, Tōga and Tamás hunted far more dangerous prey. The true threat still lurked somewhere ahead amidst the carnage.

Hmmm,” Tōga surveyed the blood-splattered scene pensively, taking in every gruesome detail. His keen eyes soon fell upon a gaping hole torn into the earth, as if the ground had been ripped open violently from above. "Aha," he murmured, thoughts clicking into place as he recalled the daemon's words. Their elusive target had supposedly burrowed beneath the surface. This ravaged pit must surely mark where the creature had plunged into the ground to make its subterranean escape.

Tōga's eyes glinted as an idea struck him. "I know how to flush our prey out of hiding," he declared, striding towards the yawning pit. Taking a deep breath, he leaned over the hole's ragged mouth. His cheeks billowed outwards, and with a roar, Tōga unleashed a torrent of flames into the tunnel below. The blistering inferno surged and swirled, raging through the burrow's twists and turns. Wherever the creature cowered, it would find no refuge from the intense heat. Tōga kept the fires burning white-hot, scouring every inch of the tunnel system. The licking flames hungrily sought out the hidden beast, eager to char its flesh and boil its blood. He would give it no choice - either face incineration where it lay, or emerge and confront the hunters that harried it.

wc: 503 [1460/1600]

#9Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:50 am

Tamás Horvath
Through his helm he gave a long stare at the boy. And just thinks how Toga complimented him before he actually did or show anything. He was too frugal to waste his mana. Not to mention magic was a last resort for him as he prefered his standard armour.
He had a defencive magic and prefered to keep it for defence. He would use it when the time comes, but now he needed to help a Rune Knight deal with Barrang.

That is why he met up with Durkos, his guildmate, the armourer, torturer and jailer. Not a pleasant role for sure. But he talked to the daemon and asked him about Barrang and the location as well as cooperation to help Toga with some extra flame if needed. The daemon begrudgingly agreed to help. So with some idea of action in mind, the fellowship would go and face Barrang. Granted the extra would hang back as it was mostly Tamas and Toga who would make their way to their foe

Tamas took a deep breath. The blood and gore. It felt like home, in a sick and twisted way as it unlocked one of his earliest memories of doom, gloom and fascination. He was exposed to the horror at a too young age which imprinted itself in a bad way in which he became a blood knight. But recently, Lumikki changed him. He glanced at Toga who by contrast pinched his nose. Perhaps he should calm his own enthusiasm and feign horror himself.

As Toga asked or muttered what happened, Tamas answered "Barrang happened" he said as he readied his weapon, just in case of a surprise attack.

Toga got an idea and he looked at the Rune Knight who took a deep breath and exhaled flames into the tunnel. It was clever to flush out their prey. Tamas got ready as he heard the rumblings of Barrang as it was making its way to exit its burrow. Following the underground vibrations, he followed it to get Barrang at the exit



Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:54 am

As the fire persisted in devouring the vast tunnels below, forged by Barrang, Tōga felt the heat seep into the soil, warming his feet from underneath. A smile stretched across his face. Soon came the rumbles, as the earth beneath him and Tamáas violently shook. It appeared the Rune Knight's dragon slayer magic was taking effect, the consuming fires driving the burrowing creature out from its tunnels. Its impending emergence was inevitable; the flames made further digging an unbearable deterrent.

Tōga steadied himself, anticipating what would come next. With a thunderous crash, rocks sprayed into the air as the earth ruptured before them. A colossal creature erupted from the fresh scar in the ground. Towering and broad in stature, the behemoth's fiery red eyes glared down at them, blood staining its thick, muscular arms ending in talon-like claws. The infamous Barrang had emerged, its body still smoking from Tōga's blistering flames unleashed within the tunnels earlier. Tōga clenched his fists, ready to face the monstrous foe his flames had flushed out from below. This battle was just beginning.

Not a moment to spare, another burning magic seal materialized before Tōga. He drew a deep breath and unleashed a blistering torrent of flames from his maw, engulfing the monstrous Barrang in his Fire Dragon's Roar once again.

Tamás could deliver the final blow, for all Tōga intended to do was distract it and keep it at bay.


#11Tamás Horvath 

Barrang (and Toga/ A Rank) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:45 am

Tamás Horvath
With coordinated and flawless teamwork, the Guild Master and the Rune Knight would be able to work together to give a swift end to the thread. The iron giant of a knight using his claymore to slice the creature in half. He would deliver the killer blow to finish of the monster and even an extra slice just to make sure its dead.

Once the work has been done, he would approach Toga himself to see how the young Rune Knight is holding up. He would place his hand on the younger knights shoulder and tell him "Good job" with that he would make his leave to conclude the quest and of course inviting Toga to come along since he was the one that signed up for it. Since they did this, they might as well finish it right together.

The daemon that kept an eye on them was still there, but he didnt join the two, instead he went back to Baska to rejoin the rest of the guild. Something that Tamas himself would do later. After all, he was a busy guy, dealing with a vampire threat and his recent battle to defend Baska left his hands full with work to do. He needed to see why there was a resurgence of vampires in the west. And while he knows Toga would like to join and help, this was something he considered a guild issue. A chance to show that Baska didnt need 500 Rune Knights permanitely settled there. He might have been stubborn, but it was that way or the high way.
Granted he trusted they had the thing under control, he just needed to find someone to translate the scroll. But again, something for later. Now the two would collect their rewards from the Barrang quest and they would be able to peacefully go to their seperate ways. Tamas to Baska and Toga? Well where ever he needed to go


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