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⎡ Project REP-02 ⎦ Techtile

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⎡ Project REP-02 ⎦ Techtile Empty Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:01 am


Project REP-02

Name | Techtile

Age | August 20th, X770 - 25 Years
Gender | Intersex
Sexuality | Demisexual

Ethnicity, "Father" | Sevenese
Ethnicity, Mother | Caelese
Race | Demi-Human
Rank | D-Rank

Class | Adventurer
Guild | Akudama Syndicate
Tattoo | Back of neck, nestled close between the shoulder blades.
Gradient of blue - teal - green with a black outline.

Faceclaim | Techtile - Original Character


Height | [ 5ft 8in / 172 cm ]
Though their posture is far from perfect as they oft trade appearance for comfort in their strides.
At full stature they rise to a stance of five feet, eight inches.

Weight | [ 175 lbs / 79 kg ]
Though their form begs a heft in places that seem more pronounced than others.
Between all that shift in proportions the reptilian weighs in at a solid one hundred and seventy-five pounds.

Hair | Hair color is a dark brown. Length and style can vary.
However, generally kept at neck length in a shaggy but smooth style.
Overhanging bangs almost cross over vision from time to time, just barely out of reach of doing so completely.

Eyes | Eye color is a vibrant neon blue encircled by yellow. Eyebrows are a solid black.

Physique | A bio-engineered reptilian humanoid created using various selections of human and animal DNA in equal portions. Able to shift between the sexes at will with some pain during transformation. This includes physically. Overall body style is slim. Clear indication of muscular tone is present from all angles. Muscular mass and formation dependent on gender being presented. Features very much anthropomorphic. Such as a protruded muzzle from the face, slit shaped iris, clawed fingers, and paws in place of regular feet. Two toned skin. Lime green and sand brown being the primaries. Green being the majority. Creme brown being the underbelly. From chin to tail tip. As well as the underside of hands and inside of ear canals. Each ear comes to a point. Patches of circular makings are spread across the body. Noted mostly for the face, shoulders, hands, thighs, feet, and tail. All are uniformly dark brown. With the exception of those that spread out across the length of the tail. Which transitions from dark brown to teal. Several lines that circle the very end of the tail use this same teal color as well.

The tail itself reaches down to the floor as far as length is concern. Proportional to size of body in order to maintain proper balance. Several lines of pointed bones under flesh are located on it structurally. At the tip and up along the spine. All following the same color pattern as the rest of the body. Some under markings as well. These bone structures can also be found on each elbow. Only smaller in size and less numerous. Teeth are notably sharp. All pointed instead of rounded. Instead of the usual flesh tone, tongue is a neon shade of blue and forked. When changing genders. Weight shifts appropriately about the body. When male, it is more directed to the upper body and forearms. When female, the hips and chest. Shifting does require energy and therefore it is unlikely that they tend to shift more than once in a small amount of time. This transformation heralds no other beneficial effects other than slight appearance changes. The majority of flesh, with the exception of a squishy underbelly, is nothing but scales.

Extra Features | Not usually accustomed to wearing clothes. When forced to do so. The following is considered general attire. A black bra with decent straps that can be seen from underneath. A back tank top with wide hung sides and front. Easily exposing both bra and cleavage. Close fitting but not skin tight. Just enough to clearly express bodily features. A pair of black panties is considered the only comfortable set of pants. However, when necessary a pair of black pants are worn over them. No shoes are worn ever. Black piercings and black wristbands are the accessories of choice. When male bra, shirt, and underwear are taken off.


Young, wild, and free. Not a care in the damn universe.

Tech gives almost next to nothing about most others. No matter what they say. What they do. What they think. Unless it's to their benefit and even then they tend to keep things transactional. At the end of the day, it's all about self. Own accomplishments and goals. If just one person remembers their name for any reason. Then it's been a successful venture. Arrogant beyond all comparison. Rather loud and rowdy. A constant in your face attitude. Wanting to show off with a passion. Not afraid to voice an opinion and tell it like it is. Even more so, in regards to taking what they want or feels deserved of. Attracted to the torment and suffering of others. An obvious sadist. Open about most things when prompted. Adamant in the idea that they have nothing to hide.

Problematic at all costs. They have a nasty tendency to pick on on people that are deemed worthy of attention. Though in brief encounters. Anything beyond that is driven by unhealthy obsession. Which given their standards, is a hard state of relation to obtain. Unless given a damn good reason to engage. Naturally competitive. Never backing down from a challenge. Too stubborn and prideful to do otherwise. Due to their affinity for apathy. They are not too easily made angry. However, when such a feat does take place it's like unleashing a beast from it's cage after being whipped and tormented. A violent rage which persists until satiated or forced away by external cause.

Even more rare an occurrence, finding a single moment where they truly genuinely care about anything. Quite capable of fondness just not openly visible nor aware of it. Too often denied such attachment by personal choice. Not necessarily trustworthy of any single person or place. Tends to use people as a means to an end as necessity comes and goes.

Likes |
  • ⎡ I Put My Headphones On ⎦
    Unlike most who treat songs as mere flavors of the week. For one so unattached to the world and it's people. Music of all forms is a solace they prefer to escape to at every chance. The key to which is a well loved pair of studio headphones. Belting beats at any and all opportunity. Because, when the world gets loud, they get louder.

  • ⎡ All Jacked Up ⎦
    A bit of a fiend for their simple pleasures. When it comes to picking a poison of preference: caffeine of any variety is the main go to. Especially when it comes to the rich and delectable world of coffee. Rumor has it even that they prefer a nice crisp cold brew over all else.

Dislikes |
  • ⎡ Little Nippy Isn't It? ⎦
    As nature dictates of their genetic code, Tech is far from a fan of notably cold climates. Opting to outright avoid them if it can be helped and complaining the entire time if it cant.

  • ⎡ Silence is Deafening ⎦
    Aside from their preference for melodious machinations. When not trying to tune out the world and it's manner of annoyances. Their headphones provide a sense of comfort in surroundings that are much too quiet. The likes of which tends to unease them in unappreciated measures.

Motivations |
  • ⎡ Out of Spite ⎦
    No stranger to the hardships of existence and the many forms in which it tempts to torment the soul. Such figments of foulness fuel the very fires that keep this fierce freak going. After all, got a lot of people to prove wrong.

  • ⎡ Simple Pleasures ⎦
    Despite being quite the show off in regards to their outward fowardness and bombastic personality. Tech is not much of a materialistic kind of person unless it directly relates to one of their special interests. In which case, they will fight literal tooth and claw to have the means to continue enjoying what they find fulfilling. As such things are few and far between.

Fears |
  • ⎡ Nothing is Forever ⎦
    Notorious for their rather antagonistic views on self reliance. If one braves past the exterior bravado and internal strife it becomes clear that a broken individual who is afraid of being completely alone for the rest of their days is hidden under the surface of it all.

  • ⎡ Too Much Too Soon ⎦
    Never instilled with a sense belonging or importance from the day they were conceived. The reptilian has no understanding of how to handle any sort of commitment in life. Whether physically, emotional, relationship specific, or otherwise. It all feels almost suffocating to the them when brought up and is often dismissed outright unless they can keep it strictly about business. In some extreme cases it has rendered them disassociated from themselves when pressed for response.


Strength | 12
Speed | 2
Constitution | 7
Endurance | 7
Intelligence | 2


Name | -
Element | -
Enhancement | -
Description | -


Born as a result of a highly experimental project.

However, their creator disappeared after a strange chain of events essentially leaving them behind completely. Abandoned by truest definition and left to develop by self determination. After an uncertainly long period of time Tech was mysteriously released from their holding tank. Woken from a deep state of stasis. Unsure of so many different things. Though it took time to grasp the concepts and motor skills required to function as a normal being. They did eventually learn enough to act and think of their own accord. Which not soon after allowed them to stumble out into the open world outside.

There they were little more than a freak of society. Met by confusion and scowling faces of disgust at every turn. Rare it was to find someone who would give them more than a passing sneer. It all emphasized on the idea that being different in the manner that they appeared was unacceptable. A curse, a crime, a tragedy. They were for lack of a better definition a monster and a menace to them all. Except for one. Blind and to some extent equally a monster in his own condition. A single man by the name of Eno. The two crossed paths on coincidence. Engaging each other in a variety of ways. Some indecent, some amusing, and others that only the two could respect given the natures of their semi-twisted personalities. On a shred of fate the reptilian outcast had met someone who they could relate to and though they wouldn't admit it outright. The change was refreshing to even their hard driven standards.

Fate would deal their paths on similar crossroads after that. A constant cycle of meet and follow. For every place visited there was another chance encounter just waiting. It should be said that they were by no means attached to one another and yet couldn't seem to be somewhere without running into each other. Such a habit became so routine that it was unlikely some days to see one without the other. Over the course of their adventurous and exploits the two would grow increasingly strong together and in other ways fonder. A mode of affection that Tech would remain oblivious towards for quite some time.

Like all relationships there were ups and there were downs. Though their personalities were similar in most methods. There were the odd occasion where they didn't always see eye to eye on every opinion. Thus leading to several periods of time where the two would slink away to their respective corners of the globe. In silence and hypothetically licking their wounds until one was bored or stubborn enough to bother the other into emotional submission. It was this kind of Kiss and Make Up that eventually led to future complications of emotions between them. Complications which led to a choice. A choice that Tech never anticipated to ever make.

Forced to see the error of their intentional ignorance Tech was placed on the spot. Eno calling them out for what they knew Tech felt inside. Through all the months of time spent together. All the back and forth smart assery and crazy brilliance. Even considering all the hell they had tested each other with on grim whims of idiocy. In light of everything up to that point Tech could not deny one thing. The two of them had developed feelings and in turn had become more than what they claimed openly. Though agreement was not instantaneous and Tech did their best to shut him out completely. All it took was a moment of weakness on one of their infamous team travels to show them that maybe it was worth it. Never again would they have to take the world on alone. No more loneliness, no more self preservation for the sake of keeping people away. All that was needed was for Tech to admit.

In time they did.

With each others thoughts in the open and little secrets left to tell. Their relationship began to skyrocket to new reaches after all was said and done. The two keeping up with their own directives while doing well to maintain each other. Even as they pursued their own goals they were never truly without each other. Such given devotion would be a hard factor of decision later. As a new threat appeared and continents began to crumble. Hell unleashing in various forms no matter where you went. Tech was presented with opportunity to escape it all. An opportunity that would see them and their partner from the danger but at a cost.

One problem with that, What About Eno?

In an act of conflicted desperation. Tech approached Eno with the choice. However, still attached to his homeland and his chosen directive. He claimed impossibility. To which the reptilian replied in stereotypical fashion to their attitude. Damn the rules, no one nor thing could touch him if he was far and gone from reach. Sure enough Tech's words held a semblance of hope. As when they both took to the open roads together Eno was set free from the chains of his burdens. The only downfall was being separated not too long after they departed. The two we're ambushed on their way out. The organization which had indentured Eno to their cause had come to reclaim their property. It was never clear where Eno had been lost to after that. As Tech, beaten and heartbroken, was left to their own survival. Though that never stopped them from secretly hoping they would find Eno again one day.

Now alone and wandering. Tech marches forward with a newfound determination fueled by venom and animosity. Searching every corner of the known world in pursuit of the single person that made them feel even remotely something. All while sinking back into the obscurities of being a humanoid hybrid in a universe where she could care very little about most things. An unenthusiam to have to repeat the cycle of loneliness again but this time without the support of Eno. Little are they aware of the changes awaiting on the horizon or of the hand fate will deal this time around.

» Discord | KosmicKaijuu
» Reference | Erebus


⎡ Project REP-02 ⎦ Techtile Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:05 am


this character is approved for roleplaying~

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