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Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.)

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Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:47 pm

It was interesting to be here, But if Elise ended up somewhere in a new area right away it was a church, It was the most common spots to find her and she would not hide the fact it was pretty common for her to be around these parts.

But she had a reason to be in the west, even if a bit delayed she was suppose to meet some one that would be interested in aiding her. But first she wanted to know who she was working more then just an image and small talk. Then again Elise had gotten a bit stronger with a stroke of luck and seeming came a bit more prepared.

Mind you Elise being one normally raised to have manners and look well maintained, was actually covered in varying splattered marks of blood on her clothing and even some small drops of blood on her face as well.  As well sporting a small sword then what she was use to carrying. But that was a tale for some one else to ask who she might care about explaining it too. But it was just as the sun was about to rise up. So Elise's time to wanting to be out and awake was most likely limited. Only being awake because she had things to achieve.

#2Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:26 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kaz had finished his current set of investigations around the area. He had gained most of the knowledge that he needed to. Things were far easier now that he could be a little more discreet in his actions. He could see that the woman he spoke to before was traveling toward Oak and would arrive shortly. As he finished his tasks he made his way toward the woman.

Blood covered bits of her clothing and her face. She seemed different than before. More practiced than their last encounter. He landed in front of her. Oak was used to dark beings and mages. Kaz could more freely live as a vampire here in the open than in other places. But only to an extent.

"Elise. I see you made it. Looks like the journey was a little dangerous."
He looked at the blood on her.

"I assume you'll have some questions. Walk with me and I'll answer whatever I can," Kaz said as he turned to walk deeper into the darker parts of the town alongside Elise.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:58 pm

Was it a little dangerous, yes only because in this manner Elise was the danger of the things that she found that evening. It was over all minor things that she dealt with during her travel over, But Elise could not help but let out her normal some what blunt sass."If there was anything dangerous. It just happen to me when I walked into some of the caves on the way over."Elise said, she did not seemed interested in seemingly a bit more presentable, her mother would weep if Elise ever spoke to her again in this state, But that was something for maybe another time, Or hopefully not.

She would let out a sigh, she did not think about question to ask as she was over all just focused into slaughtering whatever's blood she ended up having on her at the time. You know normal for a thing for a nun who kills to have right?"How many targets you have, How much information do you have on them." Elise was entirely build up your information then continue on from there. So she had to start with asking that they where here to do things, unless some one was going to dive into a persons life again

#4Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 1:14 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
He nodded his head at her statement of only finding trouble in the caves. Although he was concerned she was camping all over the countryside. It was the life of a mage and an adventurer. Especially tough for those who are companionless. But she seemed more than capable.

"That's good to hear. You seem stronger than the first time we met?" he had expected some form of questions given she wanted to meet in person and embark on this crazy journey but there was nothing. At least as of yet. That would make things easier.

"Five targets. I know everything we need. Where they are and what we need from them. Simple shake down this time. They are part of the cult of Michael. Mid-tier agents trying to bring the archangel back to our realm and hunting for the angel Gabriel. The last one on our side." He looked back over to her as they walked deeper through the streets and into darker and darker areas. They were not a cult publically known to the people.

"We need to find out where their church headquarters is. Destroy it and salvage whatever info we can about Illumin." He handed her a piece of paper that had information about the five people.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:14 pm

Even if one brought up these matter to Elise she would most likely never even think about it as problems, She worked and existed in the evening and slept during the day in safe areas, hence why she often was in churches and became a nun to sleep in where ever the church led her, Even if with in the future this may change."Am I? just seem to just continue to work."Elise said about it like she had no thought much else about it. Hard stuck to the point.

Elise over all, did not seem to have much personal question, these things where not about personal questions about anyone's life. She did not care about it until she needed too. It was easier on Elise knowing that everything for the most part has been gathered, Surely for this event it would anger some gods while delighting others. A normal self serving cycle between all of them."On our side?..."Elise questioned it because well she doubted it entirely but maybe one should not blame her for thinking this way."Why would an angel want anyone to do such things? do they know what I intend and agreed to work along with in doing?"Elise might have needed time to settle down and listen to reason but she was on a mission to removes everyone's attachments to gods, demons and other worldly beings. Her reaction would be normal.

But even if she questioned why one wanted it because she always would, It was still a mission. She would go back to normal smoking habit and continue on with it."Do you have any hints towards where it is?"Elise had to ask because if he did not it would not take much effort to start diving into it.

#6Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:59 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
Kazimir walked at a steady pace as the woman dismissed her new level of power obtained. Or perhaps not fully invested in it. Either way there were other matters to attend to.

"Yes. He is said to have served to protect mankind. Unfortunately, the same power that lets me see into the past also prevents me from sharing those details with others. But I hope that through this investigation the world can see the truth that I have been able to." he answered but knew it was a bit of an odd explanation of a strange power. "Either way. He is an angel that knows others need to be stopped. And I have faced my fair share, and it is finally time to deliver a stronger blow." he left a pause in case she wanted to elaborate on that.

"No. I just know the locations of the people that know about it. I could track them from afar and wait for them to return there, but it would be faster to just interrogate them and take them out if needed." Kaz still stepped forward until the reached a small outdoor balcony that hung over another walkway below them. They could overlook several buildings, including one with an open roof that dropped into a guarded.

"Our first target is in there. But we have plenty of time," Kaz said as he peered downward with his staff in hand. "He is juts sorting some documents in his office," Kaz said as if he could see through the staff what was happening in the land below them.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Wed Sep 20, 2023 9:41 am

Kazimir would to have to deal with more questions even if this was simple. For Elise was still thinking other plans where going on around at this point, in Elise's mind this was a god using other people to for their personal gain. She had to ponder if this one would even if claims wanting to help human would just turn this around on them in the future after nothing else was stopping them. Elise seemingly did not entirely believe Kazimir but this most likely was going to be expected in some way. "Or he is greedy and wants no others around to stop him from his goal after everyone is cleared out."Elise said in return about what this one wished but she also knew it was a means to an end for her current mission and she was willing to go along with it.

Working with Elise, she might have seen like a simple follow orders type but she was in some manner her own wild card."Fine that will be manageable."Elise said almost like she was sorting out a plan quickly. Given what Kazimir knows of Elise and what she is willing to do the question next was most likely going to be very good to ask."Violent or quiet?"Elise said for a good reason. She could get around quietly as a Nun but it would take a longer amount of time.

#8Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:56 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
A small side grin nearly formed on Kaz's lips as Elise doubted the Seraphim. A natural response and one that he would have had as well. He wished he could give the details of what all was happening but the magic prevented him. "It is hard to explain. But it's not the seraphim's words that I somewhat trust. It is the actions I have seen taken. I have the ability to peer into the past. Seen the conversations between them that were supposed to be private. And seen the actions that were taken by both sides thought to have been secret. I've even seen some of the mysteries behind the crown." He was aware that it would be a hard thing to believe but was ready to give proof if need be if could fiddle around with the magic and find a way.

"Either way though. The goals don't change. This will lead us to the haven of angels and unearth their influence."

The wind mage looked down at the targets home. "Either. They are on higher alert as I've been stirring things up a bit." He said downplaying his recent actions. "I'll be breaking into a vault while you handle the interrogation if that works for you. we just need to know when they will be heading to the next Cult Rendezvous point or where the outpost church is." he replied as the wind picked up around them. He was alright with giving her a lift to the building if need be.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:15 pm

This all still sounded fishy to Elise that something like that was entirely off track for the matters at hand. Elise was being forced to kind of just believe these things."Well some of aren't able to have a chance to use or have such powers."Elise simply said to kind of deal with what she had to mentally. She had to put blind trust into this and hopped it worked out. naturally she was already unhappy about, At least it was expected for her to be unhappy about it.

It as an odd thought to think about how there was one who was some how working the way that some what worked with Elise rather then against, she was use to talking to them and making a deal to either take out an enemy of theirs or sparing them. This was entirely a different case and so had to be treated differently.

But it seemed pretty straight forward now at this point go find the one person they where here for, get the info out of him one way or another. Elise had a feeling it was best to figure out a way to mask her face and keep him alive so it did not alter the rest of the church, Or kill him quietly. Any of these action still where vastly unholy but Elise was not seeking forgiveness for her goal she had her reason and would stick to her goal. So she would start going towards the building like she was told too. She would not stray much from the task she did still at this time look like she fit mostly in with her nun garb.

#10Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:16 am

Kazimir Seiryu
"It's a lot to take in. But none of that really matters. All that matters is this path will get us to where we need to be. Illumin doesn't even care what's going on it either it seems," Kaz spoke as the unlikely duo prepared to depart. The nun set out to interrogate the man. kaz cloaked himself in invisibility and made his way down to the house.  Leaving the questioning to Elise, he dropped into the building and skirted around some guards.

He could see Elise as she made her way forward. The clergyman was eagerly pouring over documents. Some not meant to be seen by eyes outside the church. Texts that related to the cult of the archangel and times for ceremonies. The gateway.

Kaz stood in front of a locked room. His hand slipped onto the doorknob and cranked it open. Within was a room of items. A chest sat alone on a marble stand. Its edges rimmed with gold. Voi energy compressed around the lock and shattered it. A small key was left inside. Kaz placed the small trinket in his pocket and then left to find Elise.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:12 pm

That part did not seem to shock Elise in the slightest, but to Elise why did any god care was more her view. Illumin would not be any different from her mind. "Why would he anyway."Elise letting out so casually. But alas she had work to do over all she would just make sure to act how normal."That would benefit the people."That grudge you could sense Elise had for these things of things showed for that moment, like her disliking was no longer being kept under control.

One may wonder what even made this woman happy she was seemingly never over all happy. Since anyone so far who met Elise she was never a happy person. Even now as Elise was casually walking about through the chambers to where ever she was going.

How do you get some one to talk, Elise's answer was never nicely. Even if she could be nice about. However with these things being nice never got some one answer. So what would Elise do when she managed to get to her target. How Elise was quiet on her feet was a good question, how she managed to get her sword in her hand with out some one else seeing was also a good question. But as soon as she had been ready she merely gripped one of her hands around his mouth to dull whatever noise he was about to make, Then held one of the sharp tip of the sword she held to their neck. Elise as always didn't toy around. With minstrel accent would be quick to speak.

"You and I will have to have a quick talk."
Indeed she had to hope that he would be easy to and work with her Elise would be fine spilling blood in a holy place but she knew it was morally wrong and unneeded."You tell me one things, with out lying and clear of what or where and you won't even have a mark on you." Then she quietly pulled the blade some what away from where she held it.

then she simply asked."Where is illuin's church head quarters, The main one."Then Elise giving the person a counter down start slowly lifting her fingers off, it was like counting down from four. after the fingers where off and she lifted her hand waited for the answer.

#12Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:26 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The church official stiffened as he was taken from behind with a blade at his throat. His eyes peered to the glimmer of the blade and his throat rippled as he swallowed. When she spoke, there was a brief moment of ease that was then replaced with more tension. He had thought it was someone different that was after him.

His voice muffled against her hand as he began to speak. "You break in here and try to question me about the church. The headquarters of course is the Cathedral. Everyone knows that," he said answering about the main church and not the secret cult, in an attempt the be...cheeky and meet her with a bit of sass, testing her. Or maybe buying himself some time. The church official shifted some documents over as he spoke, piling one atop the other. If Elise looked at the documents it would reveal Kazimir's name on an un-official document.

'Document: Kazimir wanted for interrogation by the magic council. Suspected in Assault on Cardi Cathedral.'

Meanwhile, Kaz stuffed the key deeper into his pocket and moved about the building. His staff showed him where Elise was as she was mid-interrogation. The void mage stepped invisibly by the guards.He stationed himself outside to watch out for guards that could disrupt her.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:01 pm

He must have thought he was smart, but the key Elise was waiting for was how he spoke about it, With ego and sass much like in some manner she sometimes casually spoke to people. When that was said Elise seemed to figuratively turn on the heat."Good your not stupid, Neither am I."Elise said equally to him in return almost like she expect now she would press him with that harder question and he would have to answer it or pay for it dearly.

So that heat would be the blade starting to move. If he wanted to dodge Elise's question he could have easily played stupid and scared it might have worked on Elise."Then you can tell me where Micheal's resurrection group is hiding? I would answer this one quickly."Elise made her point pretty clear, But she was some what waiting to see how he would try and play it off or how he would avoid answering.

Then she would let him how long he has to make up his mind."You have until I finish my cigarette."Yet a wonderful marvel is how Elise hide all of them but she seemed to make it known she was pulling out one, the sounding of lit up match and she seemed to use it as her means of waiting.

#14Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Fri Oct 20, 2023 5:51 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
"The man swallowed seeing the careful situation he was in..."He'll end up taking you down with him you know...your partner. The one hiding in the shadows. You'll make an enemy of the church. Hunted by us and who knows what other powers there will be," he spoke crassly but there was a strange hint of concern for her in his voice. And for the church that he loved.

"Even if you don't agree with what we do. Your accomplice's goals may shake the whole foundation of the church. You would strip people of their faith...of hope." He spoke with more passion and pain in his voice.

As the man spoke, A guard passing by could hear the faint cry of passion in the cardinal's voice that was unusual. He stopped to veer closer. "Cardinal are you..." Before he could finish his sentence, the invisible Kazimir clasped the man's mouth shut and pulled him into a void.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:36 am

His pleads where pointless after all it seemed in the end to benefit Elise in the long term. "Doesn't matter to me, I think all of your gods and goddess are power hungry being who don't benefit the people...if anything whatever happen benefits my own goal."Elise said so casually about it the matters at hand, Elise could be considered heartless in some manner for how she was acting here, but Elise kind of knew she would never get anything done if she didn't be heartless and cold at times. After all it isn't like anything Elise did would be considered a positive thing.

At least to most people."Hope?...People need to learn we can live with out anchoring are existences to beings who never look at us, Most of them never care do they?"Elise seemed to say that like it's a knife blade slowly just being poked into the flesh she was wrong in some ways and knew it, But she was not going to be refuted because he was dragged away.

Elise figured if anything she needed to find a place to hide and make sure if they checked she was in a position to at least maybe to either sneak by who would enter or managed to subdue them, So she would sneak her way to where the door opening would be where she was hiding if they walked thru the door, that was Elise had the means to do something. She would leave her cigarette on the table while she did head that way.

#16Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:19 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
The bishop realized that there was little he could do to try and convince the woman as he was moved with her into a more dangerous position. Sweat beaded his brow. His palms became clammy, as he wondered if he would die this day. Perhaps he had no other choice. With a heavy heart, the bishop croaked out the words, "Fine. It's your death wish." The bishop calmed himself and with a solemn word said, "5 miles out of the city is cave. That cave goes down 1 mile into the earth to reveal a church of Michael. But it is heavily protected." The bishoped sighed as he accepted his defeat and hoped he would still be able to live.

Meanwhile, outside Kaz vanished another guard that was walking by. With that person gone kaz could sense that things were coming to an end in the room and faintly heard the words of the bishop. He moved through the door to see them in a strategic position.

"Did we get what we need?"


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:57 pm

Elise was not content with the information at hand and seemingly delighted with the information that was mentioned her. Elise was an easy to please if you ever thought about it. She did not as much of you and just wanted you to answer honestly. Depending on the situation the result was still some what death, But quicker death depending on what the situation was. She would say to him."Bon garçon, tu vois, c'était simple de me répondre." Elise assumed this man did not speak minstrel so her words made no sense to this man that was the fun of it to her.

In Fiorian:

But alas she would pat this man on the head for answering her honestly."What do you think his fate is?"His fate was being left up to Kazimir. did she just them go like he wanted, Did Elise kill them because Elise knew they would mention something to reveal they knew where the operation was? Kazimir knew these people better then her, She killed them."You already know my answer of what to do."Elise said while waiting and casually smoking her cigarette

As for what she learned. She would answer."He put up a bit of fight for it. But yes."then she waited to see what would happen.

#18Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:42 am

Kazimir Seiryu
The bishop shook his head in confusion at the strange accent and speech that came from the woman. Was he meant to understand this? or was it just a whisper of his ultimate death coming? All that stopped when the bishop saw Kazimir enter. The one that had been the bane of the church for a while now. The man of faith squinted his eyes at the enemy. "If it isn't the man that claims to have spoken to god. The blasphemer."

The wind mage ignored the bishop and listened to Elise. "Their fate is always the same. The cult will never rest. They will never stop their hunt or stay out of our way," he said as he raised a hand to the bishop's face. The faithful man didn't want to go without a fight. Magic ignited beneath the bishop but before he could cast a spell, a line of dark void energy appeared in front of the man's throat and sliced it clean. The force of the gravitational anomaly pulled the dead man and his blood hard into the floor with fragments chipping off the ground.

"If you know where to go, we can head there now," Kaz said as he extended his hand for them to teleoprt away from the buidling.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:21 pm

If anything seeing a person die in anyway, Almost seemed to show no reaction to Elise. But in some manner Elise was a monster where death in horrible ways did not effect her when it was a person she did not care about at all, It would have been different if she was attached to a person."I figured as much, I would have been slightly worried if you started letting him walk away and had done it myself."Elise said because she was kind of just that was. Who knows maybe this man could have a sudden change of heart with how he wanted to live his life, But that risk them also changing again but Elise did have some faith in people to live free by their own choices.

So it was time to just pass on the message and cause the chaos."5 miles outside of the city, we will have to go down 1 mile into the ground, It will be heavily guarded." Then Elise picked up her unfinished cigarette. She would see how much time she had to finish it before crushing it with her hand and burning the remains of it with her hand with the same trick she used to lite them up to start with. Then they would continue on No matter what it seemed Elise was sticking this mission out she was determine too.

#20Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:12 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
"There can be no mercy for the cultist. They will never stop," It was refreshing to travel with someone who had less of a strong moral hang-up about this. The woman took a small moment to smoke as Kaz prepared the spell. Wind began to build up around them as she explained the location. Kaz peered through his staff and could see the people at that location coming in and out.

"I have them," he said and when she was ready he would wisk them out of the city on the wind. Once outside the city, Kaz would begin the walk toward the cavern. They were only about a mile away from the location after riding along the wind.

"We will most likely meet combat here. If you need to turn back now is the time," he offered before she would get in too deep. Down the path they could start to see the flicker of guard's shadows in the cave.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:52 pm

Elise would not have signed up for any of these matter if she did not think she would have to fight or kill a few people but she suppose she did not mention that to him. Elise seemed to be ready for this for the long run. She was not scared of getting her hands dirty."Who needs to worry about sparing them, not like they would spare us."Elise could say that so casually about it that it was never her worry to start if anything she expected too have to do that.

But while they where going to that place she seemed to use the chance to sneak in another smoke because she just knew when they would be prepared. Kazimir has them which was simple when they knew where to go but fighting was a thing expected to happen."Well what do you want me to help you like I am here for, Or do you want me to just watch you do all of the work?"This was posed as sass, but also a serious question. If Kazimir wanted to do this all himself she would let him because Elise was mentally prepared to kill a lot of things.

#22Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:00 am

Kazimir Seiryu
He liked her attitude. Straight to the point. The words of someone scorned too many times by the zealots of faith. The void mage cocked a brow at the woman's sudden sass but he half expected nothing less from their first encounter. That was the way she was.

"Death it is then," he said with a nod and turned to the cavern as the woman finished her smoke. He peered through his staff for a few moments before speaking, "There is no need for subtlety here. The only ones in there are zealots of the cult. They intend on summoning an archangel back into our world that would cause destruction. Let's stop them."

Kazimir began to walk toward the entrance. The guards jumped to attention, recognizing the mage and shocked that he wasn't trying to sneak in this time. Before they could pull up their arms, Kaz crated a void above them that yanked them to the ceiling and bashed them against the walls. The void mage walked beneath them as the hung suspended.

Magical alarms rang and more zealots began to pour into the cavernous path, numbering 100 as they lined the depths.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:53 pm

Elise ignored limits, she did not value them any thing she met either where thing she over all talked about was slighting anything of faith because of her own crazy reason, Kill the gods kill all of them use other gods if she had too it was just how Elise was. Anything to achieve the goal rid the things you could easily kill or deal with first and move on up. Elise in some manner was a monster this way use any tool to work up to the goal. In some manner Elise was equally self serving to her goal while helping Kazimir.

Elise did not mind this way out while they were talking."I guess they equal this whole matter an eye for an eye?"Elise felt she was being clever about it while stating."I would just call them a fool for trying to bring back a being that clearly won't help them."Elise said casually. This would be a common thing you could pick up on Elise she was over all always this way.

But as she watched him removed these remaining people while they moved on Elise seemed not worried about it. She was getting along with him in the manner of how they both worked with one another here

#24Kazimir Seiryu 

Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:09 pm

Kazimir Seiryu
"indeed. They will find out just how foolish they have been," Kaz said with a smile and a nod before entering the cave. This was a simple aspect to work together. They walked through the cavern of lifter enemies as they bashed against the ceilings and the walls from the gravitational shifting.

More men poured out, and two platoons of zealots faced them. Kazimir looked to Elise, "Can you handle the other platoon? I'll meet you at the front gates." he said before dashing forward toward the other platoon, leaving his trust in the god hunter. The zealots all began to summon magical circles and bolts of arcane energy rained down like areas across the holy battlefield. The void mage had flashbacks of the inquisition as he engaged the zealot mages.

Orbs of void energy sent them reeling. The more lethal the enemy's attacks were the more Kaz faced them with the same level of threat. from time to time he would look back to make sure his companion was doing well.

In the distance, a cardinal stood atop the church surrounded by mages. With a single word, the area around the church lit up with a massive magical symbol.


Bloody Aftermath of an Evening's Antics(Kazimir.) Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:39 pm

There was a bit of a annoyed sigh, There was always more of them not that she minded just having a bit of a slaughter. But she would finish off her cigarette. Then she would get her sword and started the slaughter.

It would take a bit of time these zealots would over time scream fairly notably and quickly. Elise was not only a nun. A woman of an unknown sister hood with skills they did not know but she quickly started making quick work of these nameless souls that happen to meet their end because they chose to go after them.

After all during this time she was a nun, but do what god no one asked, no one should care they where pawns in a plan that ever all it was. Elise was merely ending the lives of people fallen to the desire of a god who would never help them. If anything Elise was free them from being blindly devoted to the faith that caused in the end. So with that she had taken a sword started killing all of them.

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