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The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.)

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The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 8:49 pm

He sighed a bit and he wondered. "How much do you know on Elise I would say she is a close second but I am pretty sure a love letter from me would just get shredded and lit on fire." Emil was joking as he knows that would be too much effort from Elise more she would just toss it in the garbage the second she saw it and not even open it to read it so he could have wrote anything in it and it wouldn't have mattered as it would have never been seen by Elise.

"I feel it is close to time for me to head out but before I do thank you once again for the food and your time." Emil made sure to keep himself up straight so that he was not slouching and making himself look bad to the woman as right now he was her guest and he needed to make sure that the woman was not being disrespected by himself.

#27Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:45 am

Judith Karlinius
This part might be an interesting thing that Emil might be able to see and expect. when asked about Elise Judith seemed confused for a moment. For that name she did not know her by name she only knew her by her look."Emil, I do not know anyone by the name of Elise."Now the connection might make sense. She only knew of who Elise was not by her name. Elise must have avoided giving her name to Judith if that part was connected. Only just this nun existed and that was it."Do you actually know one of the people i suggested?"Judith had to ask to be sure.

But side from that there was not much else."If you need to go then you need to go."In which she was fine if he needed to go.  Judith knew it might be a good idea so the kiddo's can sleep.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:46 am

"The nun is my guildmate her name is Elise. Sorry I thought you knew that one but were keeping her name hidden and were just using her nickname." Emil rubbed the back of his head with a nervous laugh as he thought she knew but she seemed to not have known so that means that there would be probably be a repercussion for Emil with Elise later and he was going to have a lot of explaining and hard work to do to not have her kill him in his sleep though he doubts that she would really kill him, but she will for sure give him a lecture about telling people her name as she works on uncover missions and busts her ass fighting creatures that would harm others so her name leaking could hurt anyone that was attached to her in some form.

"If I am not in your way I think I can stay a bit longer as really it is a rare thing to have your ear, so how does my brother treat you and does he do his guild work?" Emil was kind of enjoying this as the guild mother Kaito spoke of seems as nice as he said she is and that she is a hard worker that would break her back to help all that will ask her nicely and in some way deserve her help.

#29Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 6:13 am

Judith Karlinius
It did seem Judith did enjoy this piece of information. Only because it was something she did not know. But Judith would not make it a horribly huge manner just over all would remark."Well for Elise, I only met her in passing when I was working back in Magnolia she was travelling alone."Why Judith was out at night was entirely easily guessed in some manner or left over all in confusion depending on a persons caring for it. But Judith was overall pretty harmless so an evening walk might have just been logical.

Continuing on simply stating."Trying to talk to her was a bit....interesting to do."Judith was most likely putting it nicely and in some manner she was most likely being nice about it because she always was."None the less, as little as Elise spoke, I offered her some food and drink. All she took was a bottle of red wine. It ended with Elise thanking me but telling me the wine makers in Minstrel are much better."To Judith this was an odd new person. To Emil who might already know her by chance it might seem slightly likely Elise in a manner he knew of her.

He asked about Kaito, over all she did not mind answering, so far no one else was really around such answers."Your brother is always as he is, sheltered yet helpful, There when I need of him but often out doing things with friend he had made while going about the world."Judith gave him that answer and it was the one she felt most fitting at the time. She had not complaints over all, normal of Judith.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:33 am

He looked at the woman that called his brother sheltered. He thought Kaito was out there risking his life were the things about Kaito being one of the strongest mages in the world a lie? Emil now needed to find out. "Are you sure he is sheltered I thought he was out fighting threats that sounds very unsheltered..." Emil wondered if the papers lied about him and really it was Yuurei that was taking on the threats and only giving Kaito credit out of pitty for how weak he was.

Emil now wondered if maybe he was stronger than Kaito and that he had been worried about facing him. Emil looked at the woman and he smiled. "Are you saying Kaito isn't as strong as the rumors say he is?" Emil hoped that the woman would just out r5ight say that Kaito is weak and that he had only heard over blown rumors that couldn't be true, Emil kind of feels bad that he is saying this stuff but he didn't want to just be a loser.

Indiana finishes the food he had grabbed as he was just chilling and not really doing or saying anything for most of this visit.

#31Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:29 am

Judith Karlinius
In some manner maybe Judith was just letting her thoughts linger about over all. "Huh? right he has been doing was other things while I have not been really looking yes." Judith needed to be better at this things. But anyone who knew Judith it was not uncommon for her to be this way."And he has been doing a wonderful job. I just some times lose track at what he does."Judith said as she would get back to focusing on the conversation at hand.

As for a test of power it seemed Judith would simply mention."Kaito in terms of how he actually is as a mage is most likely off of base levels more powerful than you and I."Judith said that. Judith was a keeper of time and that it's own shenanigans. But Judith did not really keep track of rumours only just did as she normally did as a free spirit so to say."Try at your own risk, But I still think you have some catching up to do."Judith most likely was bluffing in some manner only because she did not know how strong Emil was at this point, She did not keep track of either of them.

But she wanted to just ask him to be sure."You are not serious about fighting your brother are you? seems unneeded."Judith mentioned because she knew Egos did get in the way at times, This might maybe be a way to get him to rethink.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:25 am

He looked and listened to the woman and he rubbed his chin cause now their were conflicting pieces to the elven woman's story Emil was left to wonder if they were really telling him the truth or hiding some kind of secrets from him here. "I will probably fight him and see who is the better brother and see if I can finally take him on one on one you have given me faith that I might be able to handle him." Emil looks like he is getting excited about the idea of fighting his brother to see how he matched up as the woman had sounded as if she was unsure of her answers there and saying she might have missed things. Emil is sure if a guild member is doing big things like that the guild master will know about it as they would be getting praised for their guild being able to stand up and take on treats that would other wise be un able to be taken on.

#33Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:59 am

Judith Karlinius
At least in this matter there was a difference between mothering Judith and Guild Master Judith. At times they seemed to be the same but other times it was not. This was one of the few situations mother Judith showed more then guild master Judith."Forgive my motherly ways, But if you want me to be objective about it. Kaito is far more prepared and experienced in high scale fights that I know of compared to what i have heard of you doing."She said this not to attempt to damage ego or feelings just hoesntly going off of what she heard in passing.

She had a feeling Emil was already a hefty fighter himself, But Judith if anything was more trying to see if it was possible to talk him out of it. She had a feeling it was not possible to talk them out of it. But still she was going to try.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:00 am

Emil looked at the woman and he blinked at her then he had an idea. "How about me an you fight and see who is stronger and then you can tell me if I really seem that far behind him in power." Emil was guessing since she is a guild master she must be strong and would be a good way to prove how strong he was to her was by beating her in a fight to him it makes sense, to others that know the woman better this was probably a horrible move for Emil as he was going to end up getting himself on a list some where to be hunted down like a beast that came a little to close to a village scaring the children.

"So what do you say would you like to take me on and see if I really stack up so low on the pole that you think I might not have a chance against my brother?" He looked at his children asleep and he remembered where he was and that he had been asking this woman for help to help him find a woman to help him and be his partner. Emil now wonders if he had just messed up that plan and will force him to have to return to looking alone.

#35Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:54 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed the clashing of ego and logic would begin Judith simply let out a sigh. She figured helping him in one manner would have gotten some one away from the other. So she would hint at something he might not expect."In front of your children? You weren't raised with safety in mind it seems."Judith mentioned only because she was aware how risky mage fights could be, Children where a bit more important in that matter even if Emil wanted too. But that hint would be left by Judith."I refuse, You lack the tact and understanding for a Timely fight."Judith left the hint there.

It was not that much of a puzzle, so she would leave another mention."fighting so carelessly is entirely something I should expect from you, you where a Fairy Tail member for a reason. But how good does it look on you to just provoke a fight? I was here to help you, Yet it is a challenge of arrogance you lay out?"Judith did seemed rather serious about not fighting him.

But she knew very well if needed, what she could do would not be expected."Proving your stronger then me will do nothing then your brother is stronger by knowing his own powers well, while you don't know what the person you want to fight now can do."Judith however let out a sigh and got out of her chair, seemingly starting to collect everything she had laid out here.


The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:36 am

Emil looks at her and he sighs, he had gotten fired up to try and spar with this guild master to prove that he is not just a loser and that he deserves to be respected as he was strong enough to take on his own brother but it would seem that a calmer mind was either winning here or that the guild master of Fairy Tail is not very strong which is strange shouldn't a guild master of one of the main guilds be stronger so she can defend her guild. "I guess I didn't think about it, but I was not meaning we fight here in the square... I was more meaning to fight in a different place." He hurried and picked up his children and the exceed and he backs up and he bows his head to her. "Thank you for your time and efforts have some safe travels." He heads off from the area now a bit embarrassed from what he had caused and he wonders if there was any saving this.

#37Judith Karlinius 

The Seriousness of Breakfast.(Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:46 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith seemed to have some what defused this entirely matter how she normally did, by talking her way out of it. Was Judith about to beat this man in combat was a good question she could repeat a fight a few times and it would be something he most likely would not expect. A key for Judith's means of keeping things in line was the element of the unknown and revealing all of that would just ruin it. If Emil knew Judith was the Chronos Dragon Slayer. Who knows how this would have gone.

Judith would still do what she said she would, After this matter was done she would send out the letter like they have talked about. She is a stern woman when she needed to be but she was not cruel or petty when these things happen. Emil deserved happiness even with these situations happening around him.


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