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Michael Winters

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#1Michael Winters 

Michael Winters Empty Tue May 23, 2023 9:14 am

Michael Winters


Name: Michael Winters

Age: July 23rd x770

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Adventurer

Race: Werewolf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Upper Left Arm/Dark Red

Face: Frank Morrison - Dead by Daylight


Height: 180cm/5'10

Weight: 65kg/143Ibs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Overall: Michael is 180cm tall, has brown hair and eyes. And at first glance when you look at him, the guy looks like trouble. From the scars over his eye and nose, the antagonistic look he gives you and his antisocial attitude. As well as his outfit, usually wearing a hoodie(hood up) and his black leather jacket above that as well as some military print pants. The dude just looks like a rebel without a cause. He also has a skull tattoo on his neck. Sometimes when he's up to 'stuff', he tends to have a dirty white mask with a rather sinister slasher like smile. He also has a knife on his person for self defence, because you never know.

Extra: Has a flaming skull tattoo on his neck, a scar over his left eye, one on his nose and a smaller one on the right side of his mouth.


Personality: Michael is what you would call a stereotypical lone wolf. An introvert who keeps to himself and is distrustful of people. With a lot of people he is anti-social and to some he can be rather short tempered.

But if you were to managed to get past his psychological defences you'd probably have one of the most loyal and protective friends. Michael is a very different man to every person. If you're a stranger you'd see a violent anti social mess. If you are someone he knows and someone he'd trust he'd be a completely different guy. Someone who's much more friendly, amicable and chill, who knows how to have fun. He knows how to crack jokes, whether they be crude or not. And he may even be a bit of a flirt if you're a lady. He likes to tease on occassion.

He has a bit of an insecure side. Mostly based on his intelligence, he knows he's not the brightest tool in the shed and he doesnt like it. He is sometimes scared that he is inferior to his peers because he lacks some smarts, only being truly capable in street smarts. When it comes to magic, he considers himself an 'anti talent'. Believing he can do none, he may know something. But he prefers to stick to his guns and just be all melee. So he believes he wouldnt be a good fit for an guild, just prefering to do his own thing and stay out of other peoples business.

Despite those thoughts even though he is not book smart, he is deceptively observing and cunning in certain areas. Mostly when looking out for his friends and making sure they're safe and not manipulated into a trap or trouble. He does also have some leader like qualities, he could light up a room despite his bleak childhood; and he could inspire people into action. Problem is that he just doesnt bother to.

He also has a trait of chewing off his nails to hide his wolfish traits of longer nails, which tend to give an idea to the viewer that he's a nervous introvert, but in reality its self preservation of blending in.

Although despite ALL of this, he is still a werewolf and even though he does a pretty good job so far surpressing his nature, he does very well enjoy bloodshed and violence and death. But he knows that its counterintuitive to be like that so he doesnt. Also bla bla morals

  • Females: What can he say? The man likes his ladies. Not to say he's a ladies man. He considers himself one, even if the truth is very opposite. But hey, he does like to admire the female body. Beautiful temples of eye candy.
  • Music: He loves music, he likes to jam to his tunes. Song and music helps him express himself in a much less destructive and deadly way. Whether it be anger, sadness or even love. Music is there to channel all those complex feelings.... or maybe its just there for funsies

  • Smartasses: The know it alls. The people who place themselves on a pedestal because they read more books. The people who put down those who are less book smart. Those kind of people piss off Michael just enough to commit violence.
  • Peer Pressure: Michael is the kind of guy who values his freedom and hates being pressured into something. He avoids groups or people who expect something from him
  • Werewolves: Funny thing. For being a werewolf himself, he tends to actually hate his kind. But thats only mostly because technically most werewolves are evil and just enjoy in the hunt and murdering. Which is something he personally also enjoys, but actually represses for his self preservation and inner peace.

  • Self Preservation: All he wants to do is live in peace and avoid any trouble, hence why he isolates himself from people and is anti social. But sometimes trouble finds him. Everything he does is so he can live a peaceful life.
  • Strength: The only reason he wants strength and power is to protect himself and his loved ones

  • Dark Guilds:  Big powerful magic scary. Especially coming from powerful guilds and double especially from dark guilds who tend to be evil and murderous. He believes that magic>melee.
  • Himself: Or more specifically losing himself to an animalistic nature. He may like scaring kids, violence and a good fight, but he doesnt want to become a legitimate monster that would be put down.


Strength: 7

Speed: 7

Constitution: 7

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 2


Magic Name:  /

Magic Element: /

Magic Enhancement:/

Magic Description:/


History: Michael was born in Caelum, where he lived the first 7 years of his life. Due to reasons unknown to him, his family moved to Fiore. There he had a harder time to adjust with being the new kid on the block and being a natural introvert who had trouble socializing with people.

One day while he was out and mingling with kids his age or at least trying to. He would find out upon coming home that his parents were no more. Because he was young any other adult wouldnt wanna disclose who or why they did what they did. But he would eventually figure it out because... well... because werewolves. Now who dunnit was a question. Could've been a werewolf hunter, could've been some criminal or some evil mage from a dark guild on a mission. Maybe thats why they moved to Fiore. Whoever or whatever it was, now he was alone with no parents and no friends in a foreign land.

He knew to survive he needed to blend in, so he observed others and adapted. His nails are suspiciously longer than a humans? No worries, he'd chew those nails off. Having sharper teeth than the average joe? No worries, dont smile. Keep that temper in check and you pass off as a human.
Passing off as one was easy, but being a good boy for adoption wasnt easy. Because he was a rebelious trouble child, prone to misbehave, having tantrums, lashing out and getting into fights, he'd tend to get disowned and land his ass back in an orphanage and thus circulated a bunch of foster families.

His teenage years werent any better and were mostly worse considering teenager was the age you really rebel. At age of 19, he had nothing to show for it. Instead he just stopped attending school after getting physical with a teacher and shoving them.
Thats when he decided that the only way to survive was to be alone. Shun anyone who wasnt necessary to him and keep those that were close to him. He'd mostly wander around and do small jobs to get money for food or shelter. He'd never stay and settle down in one place, instead just traveling where life or work takes him. His home would be any inn in the area. And to channel his much more aggressive and violent urges, he took up music because he found it just as satisfying and liberating as violence. Now he lives his life in Fiore in relative peace in his self imposed isolation writing songs, making music and doing some work to help the folk in the are and earn money. Life is decent, not good. But decent.

Discord: Maya

Reference: Rosey, Jess, Naga, Esperia, Yumi, Tree


Michael Winters Empty Wed May 24, 2023 9:20 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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