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Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open)

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#26Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:34 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed there was no getting away from Judith in one manner about the things they talked about here, Judith had not forgotten about the cooking part and in some manner it was now a matter Judith was going to take into her own hand, Judith knew how to be a leader in the dance but she stopped it out right. Took Alisa by the wrist."Alright your coming with me."As she said that she walked with Alisa and continue towards some one else. As they got closer to the next person Judith would grab their wrist too. It was Miriko.

"You too missy, Neither of you are not leaving with here with out a cooking lesson now."
Judith was being a bit brash and blunt about it but no one seemed to be stopping her at this point. Would Alisa stop her? would Mimi stop her? it was a good question while they where being dragged to Fairy Tail's kitchen.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:00 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

Indeed, Mimi might have been on to something here. Blue Pegasus members often enjoyed testing their skills against one and another, but no other guild made that into a statement of its character the way Fairy Tail did. Though she didn't find that strange at all, instead, the guild simply attracted like minded individuals, just like any other guild:

"Wha...?!", Alisa's eyes flared as the master of Fairy Tail pulled her away from the dancefloor. In the end, she chuckled as her lips curled into a smile. Far be it from her to reject a cooking lesson from such a capable teacher, "Are you sure about this, Judith~? Mimi certainly, but with me... Sounds like you'll be here a long time before I can cook you anything palatable?"

She shot a her an awkward, lopsided smile, certainly assuming the master had something better to do than spend a whole day trying to teach her to make eggs sunny side up.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:32 pm

It seemed Alisa and even Miriko herself where at a loss of words on how to over all think of this matter at hand. this was not something she ever assumed was possible to have happen at the time."are you sure it needs to be us both?"Miriko said not that she wanted to figuratively throw her master as well being her aunt under the bus so to say but Miriko was just trying to away from doing something she very well knew she was going to fail at in which was going to end up having her get embarrassed.

Miriko then look at Alisa to see if she really going to let them both be subjected to it, Because Miriko had really not thought about trying to get free herself even if she had the power too mostly possibly do it. It was an strange mind set to have as a person.

#29Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:20 pm

Judith Karlinius
Neither of them would be truly safe from Judith mission this time. She was in too deep with this matter now and she was not backing off. At least she did not want use the fact she some how managed to dragged."Willing to just leave Mimi to suffer huh? Not one willing to lead by example are you Alisa?"Judith pointed out with a bit of a laugh about it.

Then after being brought to Judith's Kitchen she put them both in a spot that leave them with a fair amount of space to watch Judith to do something."You say it will be too long until that happens. I say why not just try once. Get past this trial I will give you something no one ever knew I had in stock."With that Judith placed down two cutting boards, two knives and two red peppers. Then she waited for them to both to cut it.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:04 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

Alisa didn't really care much what people thought of her inability to cook. After all, everybody, even the strongest have a weakness or two, and people who build themselves up to be perfect and good at everything end up losing track of what they excel. But those firmly held views applied only to herself: While she didn't care too much, Mimi was a different story. She was still a hopeful young woman, full of potential, still discovering the things she was good at:

"Ouch Judith, that's low~... You really don't pull any punches when it comes to cooking hmm?", Alisa frowned, and then smirked, honestly feeling a little surprised that her beloved fellow Guildmaster decided to use Mimi as a weapon against her. Knowing fully well she couldn't refuse when she put it like that. But Alisa wouldn't let her off that easy, resting hand on Judith's shoulder, "Fiiiiine, you win... But on one condition... You're the only one who will taste test our cooking. No making me or Mimi do it for each other... No using your own guildmates as guinea pigs. If you're so eager to teach us..."

After all, Judith was offering to be their teacher now... And doing so despite Alisa's warnings. Thus, Alisa pulled her long black hair into a ponytail and fetched the nearest apron she could find, passing Mimi another one:

"Surely you won't shirk your responibilities as teacher~?", she teased, narrowing her eyes, waiting for the woman to accept her condition before getting to work on cutting the peppers


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 11, 2023 11:47 am

It seemed a bit too far gone now at this point Miriko was in the kitchen and with two people she was over all slightly worried about what would over all happen here. being a horrible cook was over all seemingly something she had never expected to be highlighted for a while.

But alas maybe she was better off not suffering alone with in this matter, At least he also had a means to tie her hair back thanks to Alisa. Maybe this could be a good thing after all one of Miriko's many flaws with in this matter in the fact that when she tried to get herself up to be ready. She was not really holding a kitchen knife all that safe due to be how nervous she was at the time. But she tried to at least keep her back up straight and put some faith into Alisa and Judith she would be okay in this matter.

#32Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:47 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith's Leadership skills where different then most people, She was known for many other things other than just power. So she did have to reflect it at times for things she wanted to do and prove a point."I have to make my point some how, Sometimes I need to lead my guild members the very same way."Judith said with a smile on her face like she knew exactly what she did, Like she knew even if it was harsh it was meant to push a person forward and onward towards facing a challenge.

Alisa condition almost seemed to offend Judith but not for the reason to think."You think I would boldly issue this challenge and not be the subject to it fall backs? You must really not know how i work as a leader."Judith said almost as if it was almost gross and unholy for anyone else to deal with the same."I will suffer for the challenge issue or yield the positive results that come from it."They would move on as Judith seemed to be ready to watch.

she would walk over to where Miriko was standing. Take her hands and make sure where position safely for cutting."Mimi dear, You need to keep them like this, if you do not you may cut yourself." Judith was smart enough to make sure to go over a few basic things. She even checked if Alisa would do the same going back to where she was standing to watch them both getting a knife and a pepper herself she slowly started cutting it into pieces. Even use a time slowing effect from her current magic at the time to slow time where she was cutting to make sure they both saw to follow along the same way.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:10 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

Alisa looked into her eyes, hand on her hip, brow arched, wondering what she had to say to that. Experienced chefs had a notoriety for being strict teachers, and she expected no less. At the same time, her experience was all the more reason why she couldn't refuse. Would be awfully silly of her to refuse a determined fellow artist's offer to teach her:

"Fufu~... Very well Mimi... I suppose we should indulge Judith this one time or she won't invite us to her birthday party.", and thus, Alisa relented with a giggle, hand on Mimi's shoulder as she flashed her a soft smile. Of course, she never forced her guildmates to do anything, merely encouraged them with those playful words, "Then... I'll try to at least make it somewhat palatable to you~"

A tall order for sure, but she could at least try to do that much. As she picked the knife and chopping board, getting to work on cutting the vegetables, Alisa at least had enough precision to avoid cutting herself. But she lacked any form of finesse, cutting through the ingredients like a butcher carving a slab of meat, easily evident of someone more accustomed to cutting enemies with a sword than anything in the kitchen.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:05 pm

Alisa might be able to do this cutting part with ease, But Miriko only because she was already nervous was not doing so well a this point if anything her cutting was uneven, But she was a painter so her normal tools where normally much lighter to handle then a knife. She did not look very confident either, only manage to get barely comfortable about these matter because both her aunts would make sure she was not going to hurt self

She pondered how both of her aunts where managing to handle this all with out problems they seemed more into this trial then Miriko was. Is this how people solved their problems in fairy tail? challenge one another and prove who is better? Or was Miriko just not understanding the message of how this would work. But she was managing to keep up with how it worked even if the state of vegetable she would be cutting was questioable.

#35Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:36 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith watched over things that Miriko did, Then patted Miriko on the shoulder."Now focus a bit more and you should be okay, I don't expect perfection."Which was the part she was a bit more casual about. She was not expecting perfection she just wanted them to try as hard as could."Like Alisa is going well for being thrown into the situation."This side was Judith's most likely normally seen side the helpful and wanting people to blossom into better things.

It would also be funny to see Judith pat the shoulder of some one fairly taller then her like it was nothing. In some manner she was just use to everyone being taller then her. Then she would walk over to fridge and pull out a few other veggies to put into the mix. Then placed some of the eggs on the table after all, room temperature eggs where best cook with."Cut them up before we move on."


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:25 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

She was good with a blade, of course, but she also knew there was far more to cooking than simply knowing how to make a clean cut. For now, though, she at least got to have a relatively easy start, cooly shooting a cursory glance at her niece to see how well she was faring here:

"Fufu~... If only cooking boiled own to cutting things, half the warriors in this country would be at ease in the kitchen", she chimed, winking playfully at her companions, soon finishing up with cooking all the vegetables. Alisa had no intention of letting Mimi fall behind, so she slowed down as she neared the end of her batch, giving her niece all the time she needed to finish up before she too presented a chopping board full of myriad minced vegetables to their strict teacher, "Well... What's next on the recipe?"

As Alisa mused, arching her brow, her eyes soon fell on the eggs on the table, making it clear that whatever it was they'd be cooking would involve them in some way shape or form. But only time would tell really...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:30 pm

Miriko seemed to take this moment in stride only because she had for the most part been cutting vegetables with ease for eating at home by herself she only ate vegetables. But she did not really say anything over all about the situation she left herself in she was only a bit rough about it because well being put on the spot could make any person nervous, Mimi was easy in that regard.

She would try to make as confidently as she could. that she passed this stage hoping it would continue on with out much struggle. After all there was only so many things she could prepared for in life. So as long as she did not let out any worry or panic there was not much else to consider. Alistair and a few other people with in Fairy Tail around at the time seemed to be enjoying the show.

#38Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:54 pm

Judith Karlinius
Over all it seemed that they where doing okay. Mimi could be a bit better but she was not really the type to seemingly handle knives all that often. But Alisa did say what was next, thus Judith was already prepared for the next part. To most people with some cooking skills this part would be being put on next would be simple if not ready they would not fair well at all.

She would then get two bowls placed then in front of them, place two whisks. Then picked up some four eggs, walked back over and placed two for each person."Should be simple what is next for you, Break the eggs, have the yolks in the bowl with out shells. mix with whisk."It was a simple task. Then she would walk back to the centre of where they both where working to see what happen now.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:30 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

"How's it going Mimi...?", Alisa mused as she finished chopping up her vegetables, wondering how her niece had been faring throughout her lesson, and smiling when she noticed she had also finished that part herself.

Odds were she'd tried cooking even less times than Alisa herself did, actual cooking that is, not simply scrambling eggs and frying bacon or anything along those lines. In the end she turned her attention back to their caring teacher as she explained the next step:

"Hmmm... This might be a little late in the game to be asking but... What exactly are you having us cook here?", she mused, brow arching as she took the eggs and casually bumped the side of one against the edge of the bowl... Only to completely shatter most of the shell, making a visible mess as the whites spilled off to the side, "Tch... This is always harder than it looks."

Ever the clumsy cook, Alisa did eventually manage to separate an intact yolk, but left a fair bit of white in the bowl, as well as some fragments of shell that she tried to pick out with a fork...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:19 pm

It was a good question of what they where cooking, Even then Mimi really was not over all enjoying herself in this manner because she was not the most stable of most cooks. But she seemed to be nervously trying her best over all if if she was shaking during the cracking the eggs. Where Alisa managed better Mimi had a few pieces of the shells land into the bowl she was letting the eggs call in and one of the yolks did in fact break. She was a masterful artist but still not at all good at this even if she really wanted to be.

But it seemed she would still try and take this in stride and in some manner when she was more clear of mind when doing the things they where doing now she could feel like she learned something from this situation."Ahhh....o-o-okay I think."Miriko said trying to keep herself in line while she considered what they where going to make here so far she did not know because Miriko was not a cook if anything money went towards things so she didn't have to cook while she was out and about.

#41Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:24 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith looked over the both of them as they both seemingly did not have the best of the luck cracking eggs. With how serious she seemed to have made the challenge. Looking over how a things where a bit rough for both of them. It seemed the side how normal Judith as known by anyone in public and who knew Judith when she was around people over all."Well you tried, take a moment to get all of the shells out."She seemed to almost had wanted to demand perfection but was a bit easy on people with minor mistake.

But they wanted to know it would be something most consider simple, but in some manner an inexperienced cook messed up quite often."I am slowly working towards getting you both to make an omelette."It seemed to some what make sense but it was not all of the things needed for it. Judith was just seeing how far they could get.

But she would check up on them"How are you both feeling? do you feel like you wish to back away form this?"This was not something she said not intending to provoke anything horrible seemed if anything honest.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:04 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

She didn't really expect Mimi to start enjoying herself until she at least got a hang of it, which she wouldn't be surprised if it hadn't happened yet. Cooking was oddly hard, much harder than you'd otherwise think, perhaps in no small part owing to the expected feelings of guilt once you realized you'd just spoiled perfectly good ingredients to the point not even the dog would eat it anymore:

"Fufu~... Looks like you're faring better than me at least?", she chimed, appraising the results, but then again, both of them ended up with quite a few shards of eggshell falling into their future omelette.

She felt a bead of sweat running down the side of her face as she dipped those perfectly manicured fingers inside the eggshells, thankful she'd at least remembered to wash her hands before starting as she carefully fished out the largest bits of eggshell at least:

"Oh... Just an omelette? Those always seemed somewhat easy to make.", Alisa's eyes flared at the revelation that Judith had only planned on them making a simple dish, yet the difficulty of it caught her off guard. Alisa shrugged at her last question, and shared a complicit smile with Mimi, "Well, we already made it this far... The worst that can happen is burning a couple of eggs, don't you think Mimi?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:08 pm

It seemed between being asked if she was okay and the thought of burning something Miriko seemed to already go back to being nervous only because she new felt like she was in a spot light and it did not help Miriko personally. As it felt like now all of the attention was on her for a moment."Ahh...I don't assume anything too bad will happen." She finally spoke up after almost not speaking forever.

In truth right now Miriko was now thinking she was now on the path to failure. But she was not order to do anything yet, so she would just stand still and try not to let her panic express on her face at all. It seemed they would believe in her that she could handle this. Over time Miriko would feel like she could it. Just time needed to pass and she would try.

#44Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:42 pm

Judith Karlinius
It seemed they were both some what ready, Thus Judith now had to suffer what would happen. But it was what she signed up for so she had to deal with it."Well when your both ready, Let us set up station to cook."And they where off to see what all was to come. so Judith would walk over to the stove and places frying pans on both top of two burners making sure to get a good lifter for them to fold omelette.

Then she would wait for them to walk over."Come when your ready to start cooking them."Judith had set the stage and now the players needed to come and play so to say.

But Judith was fair. She would also offer." Would you like me to show you how it is done to start with?"it was only fair, Judith could show what was needed to be done.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:34 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

"Mhmm, and you shouldn't, after all... Yours looks quite inviting already~...?", she teased as Mimi started cooking the next part, her nose picking up the smell of the freshly chopped veggies

It's said that good cooking starts with one's nose, and while she didn't know about her own, Mimi's at least seemed to have that part down. Now, actually folding the omelette would be the hardest part but hey, if she failed... At least they'd end up with scrambled eggs right? At least hopefully good ones. So as she started cooking, Alisa dabbed the sweat off her brow, that perpetual nonchalance fading for a moment as she focused, perhaps more than she would have in a fight. Beating up enemies was easy, but cooking food... Then somebody would have to eat it afterward?

"Oh I wouldn't say no to a demonstration... Whetting your appetite shouldn't hurt your cooking skills... Or lack thereof?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:38 pm

When this moment came up Miriko was far more happy then expected to hear that spoken from Judith because what better to hear then the idea of seeing how to actually do it, after all maybe seeing it in person could actually help Miriko.

She stopped what she was doing and seemed to agree with out being able to say anything. Now she was excited to see her aunts both do their things in their own way. She would also use it as a means to try not to show she was worried about something being on fire. For that was a major fear of Miriko and that would something that would most likely happen.

So she would just make sure she did not let one that she feared burning everything after she just got over her fear of it, internally Miriko is just a nervous person over a lot of stuff.

#47Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:29 pm

Judith Karlinius
It seemed it would be Judith's turn to show off, Not that she was over all trying to show off horribly. but if they wanted to see Judith cook. Then who she was to refuse she would just add a few more things for the sake of personal tastes. So slapping her hands she merely went."Very well pay attention then."Judith did sound excited.

She would add a few things herself, she was casually cutting up some onions, red peppers, ham and bacon. Then leaving them in a frying pan to cook up a bit she grade some cheese. Then she would mix her eggs and start cooking them."I did add a few things different, merely stick to what I had given you so far."Judith was playing it still some what far and event.

Then Judith being the type to sneak these things in with her magic. Would slow time around while during the process of folding, It would seem like a normal rate of speed for her, But to everyone else it was slow enough that the watcher had plenty of time to see what was happening. Putting the contents of what she cooked before hand, adding the cheese in folding.

When done she would then casually place what she made on a plate cut it in two, placed a half on a plate and gave her results to Alisa and Miriko. Waiting to see what would happen."When your ready go try yourself."Judith would give them time to prepare.


Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:05 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Judith Karlinus" @Mimi | Blue Dress

Alisa too put aside the knife and kept only the chopping board at hand plus the bowl with the scrambled eggs and paid attention to their teacher, hand resting on Mimi's shoulder for a moment, stepping back to make sure her niece had room to watch, reassuring her, while making sure she was far enough away from stray sprinkles of hot food or oil. Not that she had anything to worry about, after all it seemed like Judith had it under control... Even Alisa could only gawk in admiration:

"Oh my~... I feel a lot better knowing you're the one to teach us~", she teased, winking playfully at Judith, admiring how she casually picked out extra ingredients aside from those in the recipe. After all, its not every beginner than can throw random things into a pot and end up with something edible... Alisa learned that the hard way at least, and knew better than to stray from the receipes, "Mmmm, I doubt it would turn out this good if I did it exactly same way."

At the same time, she couldn't help but admire the mastery of her magic she showed as she slowed down time. She knew Judith had inherited their sister's magic, but Kuri had never been the type to show off like this. Alisa snickered, but for the most part kept her focus, especially when handed a dish. Grabbing a fork, the cut a bit of the offered omelette. Firm, yet soft enough she could cleanly cut through with a fork, and when she brought it up to her lips, it felt as though her tastebuds had just lit up:

"Oh... Oh my~... You're... Quite good at this aren't you?"

It was all she could do to hold a hand gracefully over her mouth, yet no amount of elegance could keep her from praising the master chef even with her mouth full.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:47 pm

Miriko seemed like she was trying to focus hard on this but was things but over all as things happen over all it would be come apparent that in fact Miriko could focus and watch these things but she would not do to well. Miriko seemingly had seen and watched these things perfectly. She felt as if it was good enough to work off of, she felt inspired enough to try this.

Miriko seemed to be ready to continue on this venture not realizing it was cooking and she was never prepared to cook, there was a reason why she never cooked. Even trying Judith cooking seemed to make her more determine to do it. Trying seemed to be everything that she wanted to taste, but she hasn't had meat in a while so that might explain things that she did not talk about it at all while here.

#50Judith Karlinius 

Just Because Your A Painter, Doesn't Mean Your A Dancer.(Social/Judith/Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:48 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith had taken note that Miriko had yet to actually try this part in terms of actually cooking, but seemed to have taken to watching well. Judith however maybe expected this. Judith did know her family member was more the creative type and not the homey time that can do these things. Well Miriko at least knew a few things Judith did see what she could do before."A lot of practice and years of cooking would help in this manner, After all I was the guild cook and drink server before guild master."Judith mentioned because it was true she had a lot of things that led up to her being good at this for a reason.

Then she waited, because she was hoping these two where not considering this being safe from what she set up to do."Well who's first then?"Judith would look between the both, since Miriko was not trying to cook right away.

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