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Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List]

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Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:41 am


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

Now, Alisa wasn't using this form for her own amusement, though she had to admit, it could be quite fun to mess with people who wouldn't recognize her as such. But today, she had a different goal in her mind. Letting out a slow, breathy sigh, Alisa rested the shovel against the wall, watching her breath forming a foggy puff of mist in front of her as she idly rubbed her hands together, and brushed a loose black lock behind her ear:

"Still~... I wonder if she'll actually be here?", she mused, smiling at the next few patrons walking inside the pub. In place of of the picture of feminine grace many knew as the Blue Pegasus' Guild Master, in her place stood a tall, elegant man no lesser in beauty, clad in an unassuming pair of blue jeans and a black leather jacket for a measure of warmth. She recognized Mishiko from their time in the cabin, but who's to say she wouldn't have come incognito much as Alisa herself did?  

For now though, she settled for helping out King Claus, after all... If she was going to wait around, might as well keep her hands busy, especially the amount of work piling up before Christmas. Shoveling snow wasn't much, but it's honest work, and it kept the way to the pub clear for new guests to easily make their way inside.

Even in this snowy weather, Alisa wore surprisingly fresh clothes, and simply bothered to slip on a heavy leather jacket over her long sleeved shirt, and a pair of gloves to hold the shovel and ward off the worst of the wintery chill. She had to admit, this cold was far more bearable than the dead of winter in Hargeon. Those humid, frigid gales coming from the sea could chill you right down to the bone. Sure, she withstood it better than most courtesy of her Icebergian blood

Using Tal Rasha's inversion

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:22 pm


WORDS: 479 | TAG: @Alisa | Servant: Gula & Servant: Avaritia

He looked in the mirror, turning his head to a degree to see one side of his face. "Not bad, looks just like my Dark universal version," he smirked while his black eyes looked at himself. "We're ready to take off," a woman spoke from behind him. He turned to look at her with her brown hair tied up and eyes of chocolates that gazed at him like he was some savior. "Good, is Avaritia ready?" he questioned in his dark, velvet tone that was smooth as silk. "Yes, my lordship, I had to make sure all things were in order," he grinned mysteriously as if he had something sinister planned. If Mishiko couldn't trust him, he wouldn't be here. He put on his oversized white coat opposite Mishiko, who wore a black one. "My lordship, what shall we call you while in your other form?" he wondered in his younger-sounding tone. He spoke the truth as he had to think of a name while being male. It had to be similar to their female representation, as their family wouldn't like it if they strayed away from it.

"Kenshi, that is what I will go by for the moment," he let his strong fingers go through his long blonde hair that had some white in it. Once his attire was done, all three left the room as he had a thing to deal with at the cafe. Ava was on his left, Gula was on his right, and now he trotted down the street as a six-foot-seven male, built like a truck fittingly. His eyes bored, and he only looked straight as everyone around him had no business with him. Kenshi looked finally down the street to see someone shoveling and wondered if perhaps the people who usually do it were off work or lazing around. His servants may be of use to make the job go quicker. Once, he was about a few meters from the man, "Ah, I see you're shoveling alone. A pity," he paused and brought his hand against his chin. A fluff ball now appears from behind him and is floating by the man who looks awfully like Alisa.

Maybe he'll tease them a bit, "Perhaps my helpers can give you a hand," he offered while his eyes crossed the person's rubies. He gave a teasing smirk which caused Gula to blush and Ava to look away to hide their own, a tad jealous. "I suppose we can help if our lordship wishes - and we get money from helping," Ava spoke and then looked at the man, pushing his glasses up while offering a suspicious sexy smirk. On the other hand, Gula had a cheerful smile and offered her hand to the black-haired man, "Hai! I'm Gula; it's a pleasure to meet you," her chocolate eyes brightened like melting chocolates against the hot sun.

Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:42 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

Alisa didn't really know what to expect. She recognized Mishiko after meeting her in the Cabin, but beyond that she didn't really know much, and especially she didn't know what manner of abilities she posessed when she decided to conceal her presence. Had they met by mere happenstance, neither would have probably bothered with disguises. But here in the lands of winter, with so many Fiorians and fellow guildmages wandering about, taking care of King Claus's list of quests, somebody would eventually pick up on that. And news travels fast...

Both of their allies would easily question why is it that the two met out here in secret...

She didn't really know what to expect out of this meeting, but the fact that Mishiko had bothered to ask for it felt at least like a positive sign. If she were hellbent on going to war alongside Eternal Nightmare, there would be no reason to do so. As Alisa took a break just leaning against the walls of the café, she was eventually greeted by somewhat familiar voice, yet one she'd never actually heard before. It belonged to a stunning, towering male actually a little taller even that herself in this form, his hair a gorgeous golden mane that all but shimmered with the snowy sunlight all around them:

"Oh, not at all~ It's good exercise if nothing else.", she replied, flashing the mysterious man a smile, nodding at the multiple shovels hanging around the wall by the entrance, fittingly positioned for willing shovelers like themselves, "You're welcome to join me if you'd like."

If she wanted, she could have easily summoned her own servants to do all the heavy lifting. But Alisa never shied away from a little training, for this amount of snow wasn't even enough to make her break a sweat. Still, she appreciated the helping hand:

"Likewise, a pleasure to meet you Gula. Call me Vincent~", greeting the curvaceous beauty in glasses with that elegant smile, Alisa accepted her hand and winked, silently noting how each member of the man's entourage was just as striking as himself. In the end, she slid her hand back down to her hip, brow arched as she turned her attention to the other two whose names she didn't know, "And what of yourselves?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sun Dec 04, 2022 5:43 pm


WORDS: 479 | TAG: @Alisa | Servant: Gula & Servant: Avaritia

"Training is good exercise and teaches discipline," he said. "If you see this as such, then so be it," he lifts his hand and waves it off. Both servants went over to grab shovels, and then he let his arm die down to walk over to hold his shovel. The shovel was smaller than his size as he started the trial of shoveling snow for the weak. His mother would laugh, and so would their siblings, but what do they know? They're just sitting on their highchairs like children, watching others work hard. They believe strategy counts as hard work, but it's both. After their plans, who makes those plans? Surely not them.

His blackened eyes moved over to the men after taking a few moments to shovel most of everything that needed to be done. He slams the shovel into the ground and leans on it to look at the man. "Wanted to get the work done before introductions," he closed his eyes and breathed fresh, cold air. His eyes opened to let the air out, and he chuckled, "Name's Kenshi, and that is Avaritia," he nodded to the man with glasses who was looking as attractive as ever shoveling the snow, but that's how they all looked. His eyes then traced Ohta, "That floating ball is my companion," he lastly spoke of the introductions. His eyes wandered around and then lastly at them. "Answer this if you will; you strike me as a known Mage known as Alisa. Could that, by chance, be you?" he asked as his eyes looked deep into their soul of red like the bath he'd lavish himself in with the enemy's blood.

Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Mon Dec 05, 2022 9:44 am


WORDS: 1050 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

Alisa smiled as she saw the man joining her and picking up a shovel, pleased that even though he accompanied himself by his servants, he too wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Though she'd never seen him before, her thoughts inevitably wandered to the woman she'd come here to meet. Who's to say she wouldn't have picked the exact same disguised as she herself did. With a soft smile, she picked the shovel back up, her break finally over as with a huff, she scooped yet enough heavy pile of snow and cleared off the entrance:

"Much appreciated~", though shoveling this meager amount of snow hardly qualified as hard labour, she apprecited the company nonetheless, shooting the man a thankful smile, blowing a loose black lock away from her eyes, "Delighted to make your acquaintance. I take it you've all come to help King Claus with his list?"

Though she shot the two some cursory glances every now and then, for the most part Alisa remained focused on the shovel in hands, enjoying the chance to meet this fascinating entourage, the likes of which she had yet to have the pleasure of meeting since she arrived. And though the thought crossed her mind, the man's real identity never truly registered until that question reached her ears. Alisa drove the shovel into the snow, pausing once more, elbow resting on the upright handle:

"Why, indeed I am.", she replied cooly, smile brightening, hand sliding down to her hip as her gaze washed over the blonde once more. He on the other hand, bore little resemblance to the form of the woman she'd met back in the Cabin. And neither did she have the kind of fame that she could recognize her from that vague resemblance. But here she was, asking a lone sand shoveler whether he could possibly the master of Blue Pegasus. Alisa's eyes narrowed into a knowing, inquisitive gaze, "If you're wondering if a lone man in these Wintery lands could possibly be the Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus... That tells me you expected to find her here. Is that you, Mishiko?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 8:11 am


WORDS: 190 | TAG: @Alisa | Servant: Gula & Servant: Avaritia

He stood in silence, waiting patiently for the answers he requested from this young man. The tall God-like man looked at the rubies in front of him as he picked up his shovel to let it rest against his strong shoulder. "Ah, finally, so you are, and as you have guessed, so that I am," he chuckled darkly. His blackened eyes shined like black opals, reflecting Alisa's whole appearance. "I tire of shoveling as it is as completed as is necessary. Shall we go anywhere else to chat?" Their eyes are cornered to see a pair of ladies gazing at them.

"Speaking of tiresome," he muttered and then looked back at Vincent. "So do I call you by this name or Vincent, was it?", he paused and looked now at his servants. "You both may go inside and have a break to recover," he instructed. They bowed their heads, "Yes, my lord," and hurried inside. His eyes once more went back to Alisa's. "Shall we?", he put back the shovel where he once got them before opening the door for them. You could swear both of them heard giggles.


Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:13 am


WORDS: 1370 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

"Fufu~... So we both had the same idea hmm? I suppose great minds think alike~", she replied, smile widening, all but chuckling triumphantly at the revelation of her successful deduction, shooting him a complicit wink, "Best do so, after all... Might as well preserve some secrecy about these disguises while we still have it. Worry not, I'll call you Kenshi as well."

Alisa nodded at his proposition, finding it much more pleasant to engage in coversation inside without the cold weather fogging up their very breath. Smiling as the man opened the door for her, she stepped inside, and headed for the nearest empty table, pulling up a chair. This time... Alisa addressed the elephant in the room. She didn't regret killing Odin, and would have done it again every single time, after what he told her that day. But the fact remained that she now had more enemies that she could possibly fight all at once:

"Though I have to ask, why have you found it fit to invite me here. I doubt you'd have gone to such lengths if you simply wished to declare war.", she mused, brow arching, meeting her fellow guildmaster's gaze as she humoured her own curiosity

After all, there had been no reason to hide had this been Mishiko's objective. Surely her allies would have applauded such a decision. She still somewhat regarded Utopian Demise as a branch guild of Eternal Nightmare, formed out of an attempt to expand Eastward and recruit more allies. But Odin's death at her own hand seemed to have shifted her dynamics. Erebus had some of his charisma, but his rule was short lived, while the new leader seemed sorely lacking. At this point, there were only two memebers who still had her eyes on, one of whom had come from her own guild of all places. Her greatest failure, to have harboured someone who'd turn his fangs on the country.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:55 am


WORDS: 190 | TAG: @Alisa | Servant: Gula & Servant: Avaritia

"So be it, Vincent," he chuckled and smirked. Nothing more was said before heading to a table. His two servants were behind him, as it caused small attention from randoms. Randoms that had no concerns from him as their lives had no meaning to him at the moment. The only life that was his concern at the moment was the one in front of him. Once they found a table and chairs, the teacup ones to be exact as they cuddled in the corner away from the rest of the cafe. Around it was books and the window. He said on the opposite side of Alisa and after they got everything in order, he had his elbows on the table to rest his strong chin against his hands.

Straight to business it seemed like his eyes looked over at the waitress in a fluffy dress with Christmas designs. She came over and blushed as she looked at both of them. Her eyes set on him. Gula looked over and he could see she was biting her lip, trying to hold her position. Was she jealous? He smirked and chuckled while eyes now looking straight at the waitress's. "I presume you're here for our order?", he gandered on what he wanted. With his right hand he kept it against his cheek to hold his head up. He tapped his cheek with his own pointing finger in thought. "Mmmm," he started, "I'll indulge in your thickest hot chocolate with pieces of white chocolate and cookies inside of it. A few marshmallows," he ordered. After Alisa ordered, they'd continue their talk.

"War?", he chuckled darkly as his eyes were now gazing into theirs. "I have no reason to, I actually ordered such a meeting to declare an understanding, an alliance like no other," his stone face looked at her in seriousness. "I have large plans and I tend to do them. Mind you, none have to do with the King, if that's what your little mind is anxious about," he then turned to grab a book and had it in front of him on the table. It was a book of countries and their holidays. The fact that many of these Countries still had their views was disgusting to him.

Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:31 pm


WORDS: 1770 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

The two women men sat down at the cafe, Alisa's gently rubbing her chilly hands as the cozy, welcoming warm felt like utter heaven compared to the snowy cold outside. Her gaze follow her fellow guildmaster, turning up only when she caught sight of a rather pretty young waitress oggling the two of them rather shamelessly. Flashing her that cool, captivating smile, she waiting for Mishiko to order before placing her own:

"And for me a warm cup of latte and a ham and cheese croissant.", she ordered, shooting her a teasing, alluring little wink that left the woman blushing even redder before shuffling back to the counter to fetch their orders.

With these words, Alisa turned back to Mishiko, brushing her hair behind as her ear, taking in her response as she addressed the elephant in the room. With that dismissive reply, Alisa understood all too well that if this woman ever had any loyalty for Odin and his cause, she no longer cared for it:

"My my, how awfully flattering of you~", Alisa teased with a sarcastic tone, shrugging off the other woman's snark and simply narrowing her eyes as she looked deeply into those hues and reaffirmed her statement, "Indeed, war. This country has seen more than enough of it for several lifetimes."

She refused to let that blight ravage the country once again only so a disgruntled lot could have a say in who was running it. Small and narrow minded. Especially now that she had children of her own, she wouldn't let them grow up in a war torn country. And that was worth killing for. Knowing Mishiko wasn't interested in it brought her a measure of relief, but where the woman had her interest before, she now had her full attention. Alisa crossed her arms over the table, cradling her cheek with one hand as her lips curled wider:

"Then pray tell me, what manner of plans are you seeking an alliance with us for?", she mused, her brow arching with a curious hint drawing on her face. After all, this was a golden opportunity. The chance to cross off one of Eternal Nightmare's key allies from their war effort. Their guild had been crippled by Erebus' disappearance, but like any cornered animal, they could still do a lot of damage...

So long as Mishiko didn't ask her for anything unsavory, Alisa had no reasons to object to this arrangement.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:50 am


WORDS: 441 | TAG: @Alisa | Servant: Gula & Servant: Avaritia

"Good,", he cornered his gaze towards his subordinate who organized their glasses before approaching their master. Alisa could see that he was reaching for something within his coat and not long after a scroll was now resting on the table in front of Mishiko. He bowed his head and retraced his steps to his original position, on watch. Kenshi threw his fingers through his long locks before rolling his eyes to the scroll. One hand landed on the scroll and rolled it out for only Alisa to see. "Glad you asked as it will be easier," he darkly spoke in a velvet tone. It was a map of the world and as the map rolled out, so did 3D pawns that were colored by an element.

Letting the hand that was on his own head now slide to the table, he used it to finger-crawl to the pawn that was purple and black. "My first plan, Joya, sweet little Joya that has more secrets than the sea itself," he started and plucked the Spawn piece. His eyes glowed as the piece glowed as well. His gaze flickered to Alisa, "You see, I plan on conquering Joya, overthrowing the Shogun and taking the spot for myself so I can change it," he started calmly and put down the piece back to its original place.

"Joya is currently being controlled by a corrupted Shogun who wants nothing to do with the people besides entertaining herself," he speaks disgustedly as Ayame was just into that. Maybe it was the lack of love she was given that made her this way. Ayako, their brother, was given everything, but so was she. Ayako didn't turn out like that. "Once I am done with changing Joya, getting rid of all the Royals and Nobles that followed her, I will then give the people who fought against her, for the people and are for the people the spots of nobles instead - as deserved, cowardace is not rewarded afterall..." he smirked and chuckled while flicking the spawn piece downward, representing it as the shogun who will fall.

"After Joya, I will then move onto the other Countries who follow the same code of Slavery and unfair treatment for those who work hard for their Country," he motioned his hand over the scroll and other pawns that rested in certain areas.

"This world needs change, this world needs to be lit in fire so it can be reborn in the ashes of what once was, become anew into something greater. If I must be the fire, so be it..." he darkly spoke while he bore his gaze at Alisa.

Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:03 am


WORDS: 2520 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

Alisa folded her arms over the table, cradling her chin as she listened to what her fellow guild master had to say. Standing on diametrically opposite sides, the two could never have any open alliance, though nothing stopped them from cooperating if their goals aligned. Currently, they both had interest in the non agression pact, and reducing the inevitable amount of enemies they'd end up standing face to face against. In the end, her brow arched as Mishiko's ambitions reached her ears:

"Joya hmmm...? I've heard about that... It's said she claimed the throne and has been using it to benefit the ruling class in deteriment of everyone else. Utterly dreadful", Alisa rubbed her temple, brow twitching, remembering all too clearly how Joya was one of the few countries who not only had slavery as an institution, but didn't even bother downplaying it like Minstrel did, or hide it entirely like Fiore did. Many other nations had serfdom, an effective form of slavery where the peasants were considered part of the land, which was in turn owned by the respective lords. While slavery was often reviled, many tolerated serfdom as an inevitability of their institution. However, the woman didn't stop there and planned to do the same. Alisa shrugged shook her head, "If that's what you're aiming for, I have no reason to oppose you... However..."

Her brow arched as she looked deeply into her fellow master's eyes, merely pausing to smile at the flustered waitress as she returned with their drinks. Alisa stirred her cup of coffee, holding it between both hands as she blew softly on the piping hot surface:

[color=pink]"What will you do after you've changed the system in those countries? Will you leave them to their own devices or take charge? Depending on what you answer, I might be willing to assist you with your goals.", she spoke, sipping her drink, wondering what Mishiko had planned to do in the aftermath of her regime changes. If she was planning to export the revolution to multiple countries, she couldn't feasibly control them all, even if she might be able to rule one of them...

At the same time, leaving them alone could potentially result in equally cruel systems absent any official form of slavery, even if she abolished the official institution. They'd be left with a broken, beheaded country, rife with corruption and free for the powerful to exploit the powerless in however way they pleased:

[b]"Well, I wish for something simpler. Peace... No matter how good your intentions. It's always the people who suffer the most from war. Those with power have a duty to protect those who do not, not use them as pawns or bargaining chips."
, at this point, Alisa hadn't been able to enforce these views beyond the South of Fiore. Under her leadership, Hargeon had yet to see the horrors of war, "And I believe you too can help me achieve this."

Change brought about by force needs to be maintained with an iron fist. Change that comes from peaceful means endures longer than that brought about by war. No matter how great the empire, they all collapse in the end, a telltale proof that revolutions seldom bring about any long term change. There are exceptions, certainly, but war should never be an option until one has exhausted every peaceful means available:

"I'll help you topple the slavers in other countries, but in return... I need you to help me topple Eternal Nightmare in Fiore.", they were, after all, the main threat to the country's stability, driven by the deception of one man Alisa had personally killed, "I don't know who lied to who, but Jin and Erebus came to me saying they wanted to fight corruption in the nobility... Either they lied to my face, or Odin lied to theirs, for he told me something very different. He was ready to destroy the world in the name of the being he worshipped."

As much as she'd like to, Alisa wouldn't be able to focus on other countries while knowing that her absense could be the opening her foes needed to attack her country. The same country where she had grown up, where her daughters now lived. In the end, her family came first, for someone who couldn't even protect their own family could never possibly protect a whole country, let alone several.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:13 pm


He listened to Alisa with patience. Her head tilted as it rested against the palm of his large hand. The abyssal eyes looked at the man in front of them as each detail was important to his mission. Alisa was an obstacle and one that they didn't want to have in their way. If he wanted to conquer Joya and the other Countries, Alisa, or Vincent was the top person to motion away from battle when it comes to being against. There were two others in mind that he had to talk and figure things out with. Yuurei and Kaito, one being a neutral party and the other being a neutral ally and friend. So many things have happened since then and Kaito could have changed from what he once was.

As Alisa continued to talk, he used his one hand to roll up the scroll and had Gula take it away. "Mmm, leaving the Countries to figure things out on their own is rather counterproductive, is it not? They'd be like headless chickens, needing someone to herd them to the right place," he had his free hand finger-walk on the table as his gaze looked directly at Alisa. "I was thinking, not as to rule, but to let those who are most trusted to lead the Countries the right way. A parole per say as they will be watched carefully," he tried to explain carefully, but then the subject of Joya was different.

"Joya... Joya on the other hand will be mine to rule," he wasn't hiding the fact that he will be ruling Joya themself. They did do a lot of the work, knew it like the back of their hand and who more would be fit to rule than a Demigod who did the work to change it? They will make the slavers cower. The new subject arose as Alisa brought up the other guild, Eternal Nightmare.

He scoffed a chuckle as he smirked, "Ah yes, the butterfly with a broken wing," he muttered coldly and looked towards his drink as it was mysteriously filled. What did he get? His smoothie, right? He gripped onto it as he took a sip of it. Their lover was brought up in the subject, "Mmm, Jin, leave him to me," he motioned his cup in a swirling motion and then put it back down. "Seeing that Odin is no longer of this world, I don't see how his goals have any purpose. Erebus on the other hand I could see the chaos of the innocent people being targeted. Nana, can't say I know much of her since I left the guild before knowing them and Jin?", he paused and sighed unamused.

"If it needs to be and a war is unavoidable then I will not be fighting alongside Eternal Nightmare. If that's what you are wanting," he waved his hand and chuckled, "We don't mind becoming enemies of anyone in our way, including a dark guild so hear me now, Vincent, I agree to be against Eternal Nightmare so long as their views is against ours and yours - of the people, and you will help me with the other countries and stay out of my way," he left it there. Their two servants waited as Kenshi's hand was offered to Vincent's.

Chaos will reign ...

Using Tal Rasha's inversion/Servant Key

Death is Beauty and Peace

"Chaos over Boredom

- ケン死


Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] Empty Sat Jan 07, 2023 9:25 am


WORDS: 2520 | TAG: @Mishiko | ALISA

Alisa nodded, for Mishiko shared her views. Why bother toppling a regime if you're not replacing with something greater? The civil war showed them as much, where the leaders of old dark guild Grimoire Heart focused on rebuilding the country, and managed to successfully build a society far superior to that which came before. Had they not done so, the country wouldn't be even a shadow of what it is now:

"Indeed they would... All you'd get is a handful corrupt, highly influential people seizing the opportunity and claiming the lion's share of the new order. A revolution for its own sake is often worse than what they had before.", she shook her head, sipping her drink, pleased to find the guildmaster had more in common with Arthurias than Odin.

She had a personal grudge against Arthurias for his role in killing master Lance, but she had to admit she much preferred his methods than those of other revolutionaries of late, who seemed content to topple a regime and leave it to rebuild itself from the ground up.

"Ohooo...? You have a personal stake in the state of Joya I presume?", Alisa arched her brow, after all she knew Mishiko must be either Joyan or of Joyan descent from her name, but beyond that she had no clue just how close of a connection she had with that country.

Even a Joya ruled by Dark Mages would be preferrable to one who callously exploited the many for the benefit of the few. Alisa shrugged, she didn't really care too much who ruled Joya so long as they didn't turn it into yet another tyrannical state like so many others spread out across this land:

"He sounded like he had the people's best interests at heart back when we spoke... So I presume Odin lied to him about his real objective. Erebus... Considering how hateful he sounded, he'd have tried to summon Morrigan himself if knew how.", Alisa shared her impressions, unsure whether Mishiko would trust her accounts but at the same... If she did not, Alisa had ways to give her proof she could trust. She couldn't blame her for not wanting to rely on the accounts of someone from the other side. Alisa took another sip, "I don't know what Nana wants, and I'd rather not find out. But if it's just her, we have more than enough answers."

It might have seemed pointless to tell her Mishiko about her former guildmates, but at the same time, she probably didn't know how those same guildmates behaved around people who didn't bear their mark:

"Likewise, Kenshi. Anybody who oppresses the people is our enemy, be they criminals or nobles. In return, leave Fiore to me. I'll outlive the King, and I won't let anybody else destroy everything we've built so far.", she replied, her words a firm reassurance that Fiore wouldn't go back to its old ways. Not slavery, not civil war. She took Mishiko's hand and shook it with a resolute look in her eyes.

Ensuring our children don't see the same horrors we did... She supposed that's what every parent would want.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Cold as ice [Mishiko/Santa's List] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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