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The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open)

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The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:02 pm


What was this side of her coming out? This unease, this desire to care? It was so much different than how she saw her adopted children and her dear friend Mia. And shyness. SINCE WHEN WAS JIKAN SHY?!

She gulped, she really really wanted to be helpful to Miriko. And her normal calm and stoic personality was having a hard time of maintaining itself in this effort. A fact that was easily noticed by Mia who hopped off of her chair and walked over to join the trio of Alistair, Miriko, and Jikan. She had never seen Jikan react this way in the years they had known each other; and frankly she was very intrigued by all this. And, she was starting to get a suspension of something. She climbed up to the table and made sure to not be in the way as Miriko continued on in her efforts to make her art perfectly.

Jikan coughed, clearing her voice as she tried to continue her sentence. Miriko was listening to her after all, and she had to speak. Oh Illumin...Miriko was waiting on her. Thank the Gods that she was not looking at her too...

Focus Jikan focus. Breath breath Seeing Jikan get flustered, a rare thing, Mia patted her friend's hand to give a little bit of soothing. Jikan watched for a few seconds, stuttering and failing to speak words as Miriko tried different things, creating various small creatures and shapes. Then she stopped as if she was thinking something over. Without a word, she then got up out of chair and walked over to Alistair and got a small paint brush. Grabbing a hold of it before begining to work on a paper lantern if Jikan could understand the the begining pieces of this new piece.

As Miriko did this Jikan finally managed to mumble out the rest of what she was trying to say in a bit of a half whisper. "I care about you a little, for some....reason". Hearing this, Mia's ear flicked and flicked. Eyes lightening up while she held back an ooooooo.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:35 am

While this part of the conversation was interesting it was more of a slow moment for Miriko she seemed to not really be paying attention to it or look at much."Uh huh that is nice.."But Miriko was focused on work so maybe with how it seemed to be that Miriko was only dismissive in some manner because she was honestly actually trying to work on something.

Maybe one time when Jikan was around her and Miriko was not mentally head first in a pile of work she would consider have a bit more of a in depth conversation."It is fairly easy to have people care about one another."Miriko was not entirely sure what exactly she was talking about. Miriko was just making paper lanterns, her mind was not thinking about what emotions of caring could be sparked to other people. She was trying to work on things you know her standard things she was working on.

But she finished a lantern, Placed it on the table he was working on and then start taking her time with the next one cutting details into  it a bit different then the basic one she made, She cut paint brush shapes where normally the slits for light would be, then placed that one down.

Then she would work on another one with the slits for light would be the shape of cat heads. With how she was working Miriko was in normal work mode now, You know the headstrong work mode she had.


The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:38 pm


Well, Jikan had to just stand there for a few seconds after this. What did she say? Why...what the heck was going on with her at this moment? She could only blink, be stiff, and slightly embarrassed. At Miriko's words of that is nice, it was clear to Jikan that the worker bee was well, in a trance of working once again. She heard her, but did not hear. Or, she did and this was her way of avoiding an uncomfortable situation for her or one that was not her type. Either way, it felt dismissive. And Jikan was not sure if she...well feeling something because of this.

Was it better to have a strong reaction or was it better to have a calm normal reaction to her words? Oh dear oh dear...

Maybe at a later point of time when Jikan and Miriko was closer Jikan could work up the nerve to say this again. Her not distracted, to her face. Focused. "Yes...that is...true, sometimes". Yep, definitely avoiding the topic.

Mia climbed on top of Jikan's shoulder as the red head continued to work. Silently. Finishing her previous design, Jikan continued on. Making a cat, a rabbit, another rose, and lastly a crane. She didn't speak another word about this subject but she did find herself being content. After finishing all of these, she bid Alistair and Miriko a farewell and went on her way alongside her exceed Mia.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


The Art of Folding Paper.(Social/Open) - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:10 am

Miriko did not think about how she answered something because she was working but Jikan seemed to have departed."Oh...I guess I will see you another time then." Miriko had no idea what was going on at this point she kind of realize how quickly Jikan was leaving and part of this moment in time but it was something she did not connect to way.

After all she was focused on work and for the things around her, Then packed up."I think...I missed something...Alistair am I tired again?"She was unsure of how to think of it. After all at times it was normal for Miriko to worry about many things. It seemed our joyan painter had a few things to think about it now, It would bug her a fair amount to unsure how else to continue, But it would be on her thoughts for a while.


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