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Savior in Need [Long][Lore]

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Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:33 pm


Name: Savior in Need, for me or you?

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Quillareine

Story: Quillareine has received a letter and a list of people. It wrote about how there were people who could be quite useful to her, but were enslaved currently. The other people were busy with their own trouble She need start adventuring off and help the people, but trouble finds you sooner than you believed. HE finally finds you...
Objective: Travel to Joya and locate the list of people given to you while also surviving the nobles who are after you.

Name: Becoming Family

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla


Quilla needs to look for a crew once again to travel to Joya. Do what you must to find a boat, a captain and a crew. What's this? Is that who I think it is?

Others: Roger and the Crew

Enemies: N/A

  • Roam around to find a crew as you'll hear about an old man and a crew who have been adventuring out to Joya a few times recently.
  • Follow the rumors and find out it's the captain and crew you've been going on your Joyan Adventures with and see if they wish to go again!

Name: Catching Up

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla


After getting everything done, it is time to go on the sea adventure to Joya. The weather will make the trip rather difficult.

Others: Roger and the Crew

Enemies: The Sea

  • Gather enough supplies and leave the City.
  • Travel through the sea and get there no matter what.

Name: Caught? But how? Wait, who are you!?

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla


As soon as she lands, there are guards at the docks that come out of buildings. Nowhere to run, she instantly gets knocked out and is dragged to the unknown. During so, she gets pulled into the realm of dreams by someone.

Others: Unknown Shinigami

Enemies: N/A

  • Fight yourself out of trouble
  • Even though you did all you could, you suddenly blackout and get pulled into the dream realm.

Name: Pain is the Truth from Reality

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla


Waking up, you find yourself in a dungeon without your gear. Once the door opens you realize you've been caught by the noble your adopted father sold you off to. No matter the cost, you must survive.

Others: Fujiwara Kara, Prisoners

Enemies: Executioner

  • Fight yourself out of trouble
  • Study the surroundings and waste time.
  • You'll be introduced to a few people who were also captured as you'll get to know them.
  • Before you get to know their names, a person in an executioner outfit comes and gets you. Your magic won't work.
  • They'll interrogate you to see who you are and why you're in Joya.
  • Before they get too far someone will come in and kill the executioner.
  • You'll then find out that it's the daughter of the man who bought you.

Name: Body and Soul

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla


You're free, you're not free, you're free, just to be caught again and now there really is no way out. Quilla feels hopeless as her gear and abilities were taken away. Now she's being dragged to do their bidding, what will they make her do? Her mind now escapes into her own reality as these nobles do what they wish.

Others: Bai


Fujiwara Kara: Spoiled Daughter of the Fujiwara House as she usually carries around two to three servants with her. Today, you're one of them. Fujiwara is one of the most powerful houses in Joya as the head of the House works with the Shogun.

Noble Friendsx4: Kara's friends that she drags around. They approve of slaves and do whatever they please since they have ties to the Fujiwara clan.

  • Follow instructions to keep safe.
  • As she endures the pain, her mind will drift into her own realm.
  • Without knowing how many days go by, suddenly she'll escape it, but find herself back into her cell.
  • The people there will introduce themselves as they then spend a long period of time together.
  • After what feels like months, the cells will open to see a mysterious figure in a cloak freeing everyone.
  • It was Bai who came and got them and her out.

Name: Save the People, Murder the Adversaries

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: You're finally out, but then you run into some trouble on the way. Finally kill the first family member for the Corrupted Fujiwara Family and allies.

Others: Akio, Kaze, Ayame, Isui, Cong, Yongrui and Bai


Fujiwara Kara: Spoiled Daughter of the Fujiwara House as she usually carries around two to three servants with her. Today, you're one of them. Fujiwara is one of the most powerful houses in Joya as the head of the House works with the Shogun.

Noble Friendsx4: Kara's friends that she drags around. They approve of slaves and do whatever they please since they have ties to the Fujiwara clan.

  • Kill Fujiwara Kara and their noble friends.
  • Make sure everyone gets out safe and ensure their safety.

Name: Back to Fiore

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Quilla

Summary: You swear to yourself that you'll get everyone away from Joya safely. They all agreed to come on ship, if not ask to come with. Quilla isn't done with Joya, she'll come back for the rest of the Fujiwara clan and the Royals... someday.

Others: Akio, Kaze, Ayame, Isui, Cong, Yongrui, Bai, Captain and crew.

Enemies: N/A

  • Sail for Fiore
  • Once there, tell the large group of people you brought places to go for now for the next plan to come...


Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:50 pm

This storyline is approved to begin.


Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:28 am


Quest Hand-ins:


Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:05 pm


Quest Hand-ins:

  • Becoming Family [A]

    7 Str
    400 Infamy
    500,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    17,000 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Catching Up [A]

    7 Str
    400 Infamy
    500,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    17,000 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Caught? But how? Wait, who are you!? [A]

    7 Str
    400 Infamy
    500,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    17,000 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Pain is the Truth from Reality [S]

    10 Str
    500 Infamy
    1,000,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    25,500 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Body and Soul [S]

    10 Str
    500 Infamy
    1,000,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    25,500 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Save the People [A]

    7 Str
    400 Infamy
    500,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    17,000 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace

  • Back To Fiore [S]

    10 Str
    500 Infamy
    1,000,000 Jewels [20% Rep, 20% Belt, 20% Ring, 20% Armor, 10% Necklace, 10% Guild Perk]
    25,500 Experience [20% Belt, 20% Race, 10% Necklace, 20% Emporer Aura]

    50% WC Reduction: 20% Belt, 20% Guild Perk, 10% Necklace


58 STR
3,100 Infamy
144,500 EXP
5,000,000 J


Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:06 pm


+ Legendary Custom


Savior in Need [Long][Lore] Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:32 pm

Quillareine has completed this Storyline and has been rewarded.

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