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Kai goes to the center. (West to center)

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Kai goes to the center. (West to center) Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 10:00 am


Having gotten their fill of sight seeing in the west he decides he is going to see the center of the country where the Rune Knights made their home to protect and serve the whole of the country to the best that they can, though he has heard rumors of them being understaffed and underfunded so maybe he will be able to meet any of the three Rune Knights he had seen and met before, he does not really want to run into the vampire Rune Knight Khalfani again, as last time he had seen this Knight he had seen the Knight murder people and then threaten his life as well for flicking a sizable booger at the Vampire and their very fragile ego took a hit and their blood lust nearly made them attack, kaito who at the time was a weak nobody, Kaito has now grown but he was not going to risk getting himself killed in a foolish way to try and get justice for those that Vampire had murdered for no reason. Cause by now that vampire may have tricked some idiots into joining him for a cause not knowing of him murdering innocent people for no reason at all but just to sate a blood lust that seemed to control and consume themself.

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