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The Lost Time

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#1Azure Fenic 

The Lost Time Empty Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:14 pm

Azure Fenic

Name: Making Up Lost Time

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Azure Fenic

Story: Azure has been looking for his half-brother for some time now and has spent a majority of his time looking for him all around Fiora in hopes of bringing him back home. The information learned of some strange activities happening around a certain City with a Grand Cathedral but as odd as it was he wanted to check it himself. Will this be the breakthrough that he's been looking for or will it just end up being another dead end for him once again?


  • Investigate the Grand Cathedral
  • Investigate Cult Rumors
  • Gain passage to the Cult base
  • Uncover Greyroads secret
  • Regroup the event that has taken place
  • Deal with Alberto

Name: New Development

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Azure

Summary: Azure is following up on a lead about his brother and has led him to the Grand church but something isn't right about the church. He is going to look into the church and see what he can find out about it and maybe gain some insight into the current situation.

Others: Greyroad - A mage that specializes in memory elixirs and the person that helped Azure regain a part of his memories. He is also the person that gave him the information about his brother.

Enemies: None

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Meet with Greyroad by the church
  • Get information from church officials
  • Escape the Church
  • Report findings to Greyroad

Quest 2

Name: Dive Deep

Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Azure

Summary: After finding out the Church is now the base for some cult Azure decides to get more on the Church and this new cult that has taken root in the church. Now a rumored sighting of his brother in Astera also made its rounds within his web so he has to verify these rumors for himself before he can make his next move.

Others: None

Enemies: None

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Find the connection between the Church and the Cult
  • look into the rumors
  • Gather any remaining information on the Church.
  • Head back to Crocus

Quest 3

Name: Disaster

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Azure

Summary: After waking up from his rather real dream Azure finds a note informing him that Greyroad has been kidnapped and now he must find some way to break into the Cult's base without suspension. With the information that he's gathered thus far, he plans to make sure that no one else is dragged into this family drama.

Others: None

Enemies: Renforced Cultest

Renforced Cultest: Members of the cult that have gone through heavy modifications in order to bulster their fighting power.

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Defeat Cultest
  • Interrogate Cult member
  • Make arrangements

Quest 4

Name: Truth in Memory

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Azure

Summary: After gaining the necessary information needed to free his old mentor Azure heads for the location Greyroad is being kept only to find it better protected than he thought. His normal tactics wouldn't work so now it's time to think outside of the box if he wishes to get his mentor back safely. Unbenoced to Azure certian events have started to unfold.

Others: None

Enemies: Renforced Cultest

Renforced Cultest: Members of the cult that have gone through heavy modifications in order to bulster their fighting power.

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Defeat Cultest
  • Free Geryroad
  • Uncover the truth
  • Rest

Quest 5

Name: Disaster II

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Azure

Summary: After finding out Greyroad's part in the cult's plan Azure takes some time to gather himself. Before he could begin to process the past day's events a letter found its way to his doorstep informing him about a meeting taking place in Crocus in two days.

Others: None

Enemies: None

Renforced Cultest: Members of the cult that have gone through heavy modifications in order to bulster their fighting power.

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Decompress
  • Inspect the strange Letter
  • Make Arrangement

Quest 6

Name: Information is Power

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Azure

Summary: Dealing with all his stray emotions would have to wait as now Azure needed to stop the meeting that was taking place in just one day. From everything that he had gathered thus far, this must have been the meeting of the higher-ups that was mentioned in the letter given to him.

Others: None

Enemies: None

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Servey the Church agian
  • Investigate the recent happening around Crocus
  • Gain access to the lower levels

Quest 7

Name: Information is Power

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Azure

Summary: Dealing with all his stray emotions would have to wait as now Azure needed to stop the meeting that was taking place in just one day. From everything that he had gathered thus far, this must have been the meeting of the higher-ups that was mentioned in the letter given to him.

Others: None

Enemies: Albeto

Albeto: Azure's half brother who went missing sometime ago and is now the leader of the cult that is in the captial

Rewards: Base Reward


  • Stop the summoning
  • Confront Albeto
  • Escape and return to the North

Last edited by Azure Fenic on Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

{Sheet / Magic}
The Lost Time Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Khalfani † 

The Lost Time Empty Mon Aug 29, 2022 7:46 am

Khalfani †
First and foremost, please list your enemy statistics~

#3Azure Fenic 

The Lost Time Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:38 pm

Azure Fenic

Bump fixed I think

{Sheet / Magic}
The Lost Time Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

The Lost Time Empty Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:19 am


Please update your storyline to use the new templates, please and thank you in advance.

#5Azure Fenic 

The Lost Time Empty Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:58 pm

Azure Fenic

Changes been made

{Sheet / Magic}
The Lost Time Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

The Lost Time Empty Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:17 pm


This storyline is approved to begin.

#7Azure Fenic 

The Lost Time Empty Tue Feb 07, 2023 4:28 pm

Azure Fenic

Part 1: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64510-new-development-story#573311
Part 2: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64612-deep-dive-story#573814

10 int SP 
600 Infamy
280,000 Jewels (10% Elem & Human perk, 20% Guild perk Jewels =40%)
19,500 Experience (10% Elem & Human perk, 10% Guild perk Jewels =30%)

{Sheet / Magic}
The Lost Time Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

The Lost Time Empty Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:34 pm

Azure has completed Part 1 and 2.

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