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Ikazuchi Kumo's Character Sheet

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Ikazuchi Kumo's Character Sheet Empty Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:02 pm



Ikazuchi Kumo

Basic Info


Sleeping Calamity

  • Tattoo Location| Inner side of Ikazuchi’s left forearm
  • Color| Black


24 - 9/23/x770


Half Joyan-Half Fiorian





Relationship Status:




6’2” | 188 cm.


220 lb. | 100 kg.


Dark Brown




Through years of training to establish his foundation as a warrior Ikazuchi was able to develop his body to its limits. Being more than six feet tall he can be considered slightly above average in height. Taking into consideration his height and above average muscle mass, he appears relatively large compared to the average person.

Ikazuchi's hair is naturally on the messier side, so he tends to keep it relatively short and out of his way. He also naturally preferred to go clean shaven as he grew older. It had become a part of his daily routine to ensure this, as long as he had to freedom to do so.

His eyes are a relatively darker shade of blue compared to the more common light blue eye color. It doesn't particularly stand out among a crowd, but is still a noteworthy feature for those who care to notice.

Despite his half Joyan heritage, he takes mostly after his mother leading him to have more "Western" features. As for his overall build, he could only assume that he was blessed with a sturdy physique due to his father. Ikazuchi believes himself to be an average looking guy overall despite having no particular major flaw. His reasoning for this is due to the fact that he also doesn’t have any particularly special feature as well.

Generally speaking, Ikazuchi wouldn’t be described as a very expressive individual. When wandering around on his own he tends to be calm and focused leading to a slightly expressionless appearance. Still, when around companions and making conversation he tends to express himself more. This makes him seem more approachable, unlike when he’s alone.  

Having grown up in Fiore, Ikazuchi's style didn't have any specific regional influence. Eventually he settled on relatively fitted clothing that still had enough flexibility to move in when not wearing his armor. Black pants became a go to as they showed the least dirt and stains. His choice in shirt was something that is generally comfortable without any particular preference. His typical footwear choice happened to be darker styled and lightweight boots for the sake of comfort and mobility.


Ikazuchi has two piercings on his left ear. There wasn't any significance behind his getting them at the time, one of which being an enchanted earring which boosts his capabilities. He wore a ring on his right and left middle finger respectively. The one on the left was a unique ring dedicated to storing his various spare weapons while the one on the right was an enchanted one that he would switch as necessary.

Combat Gear

Ikazuchi Kumo's Character Sheet Grid_310



Ikazuchi developed under the care of a strict father and caring mother. Their care let him become a hard working individual who could continue to pursue the difficult path of a warrior. Having trained physically since he was a child gradually developed his mental fortitude and self-discipline. This was outwardly expressed with his calm and quiet demeanor. As a result of this, from a young age he was thinking for himself and developing his own outlook on life.

Something that shouldn't be misunderstood is that although Ikazuchi has a calm thought process, he still expresses himself. He doesn't lose himself in his emotions, but he is still very expressive at times. In particular, his anger can be very explosive in a controlled way. In his case, his temper is almost entirely related to the people he cares about and his personal morals. If you go against those then you should be prepared for the vengeful violence that will follow. This highlights the point that he tends to care about others greatly, and is very protective.

If you are just observing him, then he comes across as relatively laid back and unbothered. He isn't quite the heroic type, so he tends to mind his own business if there isn't anything to gain and it doesn't go against his morals to ignore. If you were to converse with him then you would likely realize that despite coming across as polite, he can be somewhat petty at times. He also tends to be a bit of a smartass with his sense of humor, but that is mainly directed towards the people he dislikes.

One of the three major faults of his personality would be his confidence. At times it can be a charming characteristic, but it can come across as arrogance as well. His absolute faith in himself frequently causes him to view opponents he believes to be weaker with disdain. This disdain can only grow stronger when infuriated by someone.

The second major fault would be how proud he is, an extension of his confidence. He isn’t someone who can easily swallow his pride and be wronged by others. Whether it is for himself or his companions, he can be extremely defensive and vengeful due to even simple insults at times.

His final major fault would be how cruel he can be, in particular when enraged. Some may find his uncaring outlook towards strangers cruel due to their morals, but that could only be described as a difference in beliefs. The kind of cruelty he displays is something that is more akin to torturing enemies mentally or physically when possible.


  • Fighting| After spending most of his life training his fighting skills, Ikazuchi developed a strong desire to fight for competition. The thrill of the danger, and excitement of competition made combat one of his favorite ways to pass time. Whether this will be a blessing or a curse is to be seen in the future.
  • Adventure| Being someone who grew up in a relatively sheltered manner, Ikazuchi loves the idea of travelling and encountering new things. This became part of the driving force behind him leaving his hometown after losing his parents.
  • Blacksmithing| After his parents passed away in his early teenage years he took up helping around a forge to provide for himself until he believed that he was adequately trained to take on quests. It was during this time that he learned basic blacksmithing skills and developed a fondness for the craft. Despite never pursuing the skill seriously, Ikazuchi managed to learn how to properly forge weapons from common metals.
  • Thunderstorms| There isn't a particular reason for his fondness towards thunderstorms. From a young age he enjoyed them, and if asked to give a reason he could only think that it was due to the meaning behind his name which was literally translated as "Thunder".


  • Spiders| Ironically, despite his family name meaning both “Cloud” and “Spider” Ikazuchi has a strong dislike for spiders. It isn't quite arachnophobia, but he rarely tolerates them in his presence.
  • "Bad" People| Ikazuchi has his own moral compass that he uses to judge good and bad. Those that he determines to be "bad" are people that he dislikes and is much more likely to act against.


  • Freedom| Freedom is Ikazuchi's only motivation, but it encompasses several topics. He believes that freedom is unrivaled strength. The level of strength that would allow him to go anywhere he wishes, and not be restricted by any individual or power. The pursuit of his own personal freedom is his main goal, and he believes that it is one grand enough to keep giving him something to strive towards for many years to come.


  • Loss| Loss in this case doesn't refer to defeat. Having lost his parents relatively early in life, he came to fear the idea of loss. The feeling became synonymous with loneliness, and thus he developed a fear of loss while spending a long time alone. This is one of the origins of his protectiveness, and one of the major reasons he may step into situations that he wasn't involved in to begin with.
  • Ghosts| Being unable to use magic, Ikazuchi gradually developed a fear towards ghosts and similar creatures that couldn't be harmed by his physical attacks. This is something subject to change as he develops himself and potentially gains the ability to handle creatures immune to physical attacks.


Ikazuchi's story starts with his parents. His father was a Joyan "Samurai", while his mother was a normal woman who lived in Fiore. His father never found a lord to serve before eventually drifting to Fiore and settling down in Magnolia. He possessed all of the skills of a standard Samurai, but never truly took such a position. His skills eventually were put to use as he made a living through quests despite being Guildless. Ikazuchi's mother was a very plain woman who simply worked at the local bar his father frequented. The two eventually hit it off, albeit awkwardly, and in the end they worked their way towards marriage.

Their living situation couldn't ever be described as luxurious, but it was always enough for them. It was a cozy and comfortable lifestyle that went on for nearly two years before Ikazuchi was born into the world. There were mixed feels after his birth due to his aptitude for magic. His mother was perfectly happy with her child living a normal life away from the threat of magic, and hoped for a life different from the one her husband lived for her child. His father on the other hand hoped for a strong son who could protect himself, someone who could inherit his skills.

After the disappointment gradually disappeared as he grew older, Ikazuchi's father quickly stepped up to train him physically and allow him to become a warrior who could stand alongside any mage. Ikazuchi's life fell into a consistent cycle once he was old enough where he was guided by his parents. His mother gently educated and guided him while his father strictly trained him into a warrior.

It was only at his twelfth birthday that his father began to teach him to wield a sword despite his Mother's protests. Even after more than ten years, she was still against her son being trained but could do little to stop her husband. What she hadn't expected was that Ikazuchi would become so enthralled with the training. Seeing him training even in his free time while alone made her begrudgingly accept her husband's wishes as they had become her son's as well.

At the age of fifteen his father had an accident on a quest that cost him his life. This hit both Ikazuchi and his mother hard, but they kept on by relying on each other. The young man who had honed his skills for most of his life as a warrior and was looking forward to soon attempting quests of his own had to put aside his ambitions for his mother's sake. She had developed a fear towards the idea after losing her husband. With the most obvious answer for him to support his mother disappearing, he had to seek out a different kind of work that was suitable for him.

As he kept training and conditioning himself, Ikazuchi managed to find work at a small blacksmithing shop. It felt like the best kind of work for someone like him who worked himself physically for as long as he could remember. The pay was less than his father by far, but with both him and his mother working they were able to get by relying on savings from when his father was still here.

A few more years passed and Ikazuchi was eighteen and stifled. He had developed an interest in blacksmithing, but couldn't ever truly pursue the craft as he was unable to use magic. During this time he had worked his way up to making normal items from iron and steel, but he continued to be haunted by a longing for combat. Still, for his mother's sake he continued to live safely.

All the way up until the day that his mother suddenly passed away, he kept pushing his desires aside. Despite his best efforts to take care of her and prevent her from worrying during this time, she continued to take care of herself poorly and throw herself into work. She had simply overworked herself to the point that Ikazuchi lost his only remaining parent at the age of eighteen. Like any other young man, Ikazuchi struggled with the deaths of his parents and gradually overcame it during the next few months.

What he struggled with after grieving was extreme guilt. He hated how free he felt after his mother passed, and eventually found himself unable to remain in his home. A mix of guilt and decisiveness let him quickly resolve any issues with selling the property and obtaining gear to use for quests as he left Magnolia entirely.


Tools of the Trade



Magehunter’s Hangman


Magehunter’s Guard


Haste Ring


Samwise's Necklace


Jaan Earrings


Cloud Ring


Way of the Warrior


581 [Base: 501| Equipment Bonus: 80]

  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [WM Bonus: 24(30%)]| 685
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [WM Bonus: 27(30%)]| 698
  • Reserve 1 Damage [WM Bonus: 24(30%)]| 685
  • Reserve 2 Damage [WM Bonus: 24(30%)]| 685
  • Reserve 3 Damage [WM Bonus: 24(30%)]| 685


257 [Base: 217| Equipment Bonus: 40]


251 [Base: 131| Equipment Bonus: 120]








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  • N/A

Last edited by Ikazuchi on Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:45 pm; edited 2 times in total


Ikazuchi Kumo's Character Sheet Empty Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:31 pm


accumsan, leo quis fringilla gravida, nunc elit vestibulum sapien, ac scelerisque nisl urna sed orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ac diam non eros pellentesque iaculis. Pellentesque pretium odio in faucibus laoreet. Integer dignissim, neque eget vulputate suscipit, tortor nisl pulvinar odio, ac fringilla felis velit eget mauris. Nunc ligula ante, aliquam non vehicula et, lobortis sit amet felis. Nam ac magna eget nisl iaculis aliquet ac vel dolor. Cras auctor nisi eros, non tristique turpis ornare ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi faucibus enim quis dui sollicitudin, mattis tincidunt tellus gravida. Sed scelerisque mattis tellus, ut vulputate risus commodo quis.

Combat Stats

*All Gear is Equipped


  • Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 120 = 761]| 2x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank
  • Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 135 = 776]| 2x S-rank, 1x A-Rank
  • Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

  • Weapon Mastery: Swords - God of War | Weapon Durability +4 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +50% [Rounded Up]

  • God of War's Insight (Melee): Melee Gods of War unlock a passive ability that allows them to generate a 3D mapping of their surroundings in their head. It covers a 25-meter radius around them allowing them to see everything going within that range and bypasses any anti-sensory effects. This effect persists even if the user is blinded whether physically or otherwise.

  • Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
  • Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
  • Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

  • Health| 4x S-Rank
  • Endurance| 2x S-Rank

  • Head| 2x S-Rank
  • Chest| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
  • L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
  • R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

  • Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
  • Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
  • Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
  • Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 205 [Base: 187 | Adaptability (10%): 18]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

Equipment Stats and Durability

Left Hand:  Spellcutter: Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 9x S-Rank

Right Hand: Breaker: Damage: +135 [90 + 45(50%) = 135] - Durability: 9x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: White Walker’s Sword: Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 8x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: Clarent: Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 8x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: Arondight: Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 104] - Durability: 8x S-Rank



Relic: Cloud Ring Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: Samwise’s Necklace: Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: Leonardo’s Ring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: Jaan Earring: Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: Sword Spirit

<table width="400" style="background: #252420; border: ridge 10px #DAA520; border-radius: 8px; padding: 0.5em;"><tr><td>
<center><img src="https://i.servimg.com/u/f74/20/27/63/11/og_cov10.jpg" style="width:400px; border: 4px double #ffcc00; border-radius: 2px;"/></center><table width="500" style="background: #181619; border: solid 3px #DAA520; border-radius: 8px; padding: 0.5em;"><tr><td>
 accumsan, leo quis fringilla gravida, nunc elit vestibulum sapien, ac scelerisque nisl urna sed orci. Suspendisse potenti. Ut ac diam non eros pellentesque iaculis. Pellentesque pretium odio in faucibus laoreet. Integer dignissim, neque eget vulputate suscipit, tortor nisl pulvinar odio, ac fringilla felis velit eget mauris. Nunc ligula ante, aliquam non vehicula et, lobortis sit amet felis. Nam ac magna eget nisl iaculis aliquet ac vel dolor. Cras auctor nisi eros, non tristique turpis ornare ac. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi faucibus enim quis dui sollicitudin, mattis tincidunt tellus gravida. Sed scelerisque mattis tellus, ut vulputate risus commodo quis.


<details><summary style="cursor: pointer; background-color: #252420; padding: 8px; letter-spacing: 1px;"><center>[size=14]<h1 style="color:#ffcc00;">Combat Stats</h1>[/size]
[i]*All Gear is Equipped[/i]


[*]Main-Hand (Left) Damage [641 + 120 = 761]| 2x S-Rank, 1x A-Rank
[*]Off-Hand (Right) Damage [641 + 135 = 776]| 2x S-rank, 1x A-Rank
[*]Non-Weapon Damage| 2x S-Rank

[*] Weapon Mastery: Swords - God of War | Weapon Durability +4 S-Rank, Weapon Damage +50% [Rounded Up]

[*][b]God of War's Insight (Melee):[/b] Melee Gods of War unlock a passive ability that allows them to generate a 3D mapping of their surroundings in their head. It covers a 25-meter radius around them allowing them to see everything going within that range and bypasses any anti-sensory effects. This effect persists even if the user is blinded whether physically or otherwise.

[*]Speed| 35 m/s - Duration: 7 Posts
[*]Lunge| 17.5 m/s - Frequency: 3 Per post
[*]Acceleration| 2 Seconds to Top Speed

[*]Health| 4x S-Rank
[*]Endurance| 2x S-Rank

[*]Head| 2x S-Rank
[*]Chest| 2x S-Rank
[*]L. Arm| 2x S-Rank
[*]R. Arm| 2x S-Rank
[*]L. Leg| 2x S-Rank
[*]R. Leg| 2x S-Rank

[*]Magic Resistance| Minor - 1 Tier Damage Reduction to Direct Magic Attacks
[*]Item Spell Mana Reduction| 40% Mana Reduction
[*]Item Spell Cooldown Reduction| 2 Post CDR
[*]Passive Stat Bonus| 10% bonus to all stats from Human Perk


Strength: 641 [Base: 501| Adaptability (10%): 50 | Armor Bonus: 90]

Speed: 276 [Base: 251 | Adaptability (10%): 25]

Constitution: 264 [Base: 131| Adaptability (10%): 13 | Equipment Bonus: 120]

Endurance: 205 [Base: 187 | Adaptability (10%): 18]

Intelligence: 4

Mana: 7,450

[center][b][u]Equipment Stats and Durability[/u][/b][/center]

Left Hand:  [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t57880-v-spellcutter#499842]Spellcutter:[/url] Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 9x S-Rank

Right Hand: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62862-iv-breaker#553585]Breaker:[/url] Damage: +135 [90 + 45(50%) = 135] - Durability: 9x S-Rank

[WM #1]Reserve Weapon: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t60154-iv-white-walker-s-sword#522061]White Walker’s Sword:[/url] Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 8x S-Rank

[WM #2]Reserve Weapon: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t63787-iv-clarent#564174]Clarent:[/url] Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 120] - Durability: 8x S-Rank

[WM #3]Reserve Weapon: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t64066-iv-arondight#567556]Arondight:[/url] Damage: +120 [80 + 40(50%) = 104] - Durability: 8x S-Rank

Helmet: [list][*][url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68299-iv-sword-king-s-crown#614311] Sword King’s Crown:[/url] Bonus: +50 STR - Durability: 3x S-Rank

[*][url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62354-iv-magehunter-s-hangman#546826]Magehunter’s Hangman:[/url] Bonus: +40 STR - Durability: 3x S-Rank [/list]

Armor: [list][*][url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68300-iv-sword-king-s-bastion#614313]Sword King’s Bastion:[/url] Bonus: +40 STR - Durability: 3x S-Rank

[*][url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62353-iv-magehunter-s-guard#546825]Magehunter’s Guard:[/url] Bonus: +40 STR - Durability: 3x S-Rank[/list]

Relic: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65136-iv-cloud-ring#578801]Cloud Ring[/url] Flow: This effect causes a unique change to the mana within the user that strengthens and supplements their body to increase the wearer's acceleration and their body’s ability to endure that effect. This reduces the time for the wearer to reach top speed from four seconds to two seconds. - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Necklace: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t58851-v-samwise-s-necklace#509629]Samwise’s Necklace:[/url] Bonus: Weapon Durability: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon. - Durability: 3x S-Rank

Ring: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t58740-iv-leonardo-s-ring#508696]Leonardo’s Ring:[/url] Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: 2x S-Rank

Earring: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t50680-v-jaan-earrings#431574]Jaan Earring:[/url] Bonus: +60 Constitution - Durability: Indestructible

Companion: [url=https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68301-iii-sword-spirit#614315]Sword Spirit[/url]

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