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What's this? [Alisa]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:53 pm

Daiko Flayme
It was quite surprising how many tall buildings that Crocus had. The one where Hyōen was located had a very fancy, almost gothic-like top with lots of signs of elder architecture. It wasn’t damaged during the last attack, which was unreal itself. However, he bothered not that it wasn’t reduced to a pile of ash, because he was finding his seat there whilst writing lots of interesting things down in his notebook. Coda was flying around the top, looking like one of those guardian hawks from elder holds, and enjoying the cold yet heavy winds that led the way for her brilliant wings.

He could still feel it. There was something stupidly different when he tried to focus his magic power. Out of pure curiosity, he had discussed the feeling with a few other wizards out there, but his mind just wouldn’t get sate. His stomach was more than sate after a rabbit leg from the nearest slaughterhouse, but he was overfeeding his head with both worries and anticipation. It would be dangerous to be stuck in the same thought all the time, especially whilst needing to interact with the other world. Who knew if he would end up stumbling into a stranger all so awkwardly?

One of his pages accidently left the notebook as it was a rather old notebook that he was using. The page contained a drawing of Coda, and ever so slowly, it would make its way down to the middle of one of the streets in Crocus. Surprisingly, the Fire Wizard didn’t notice it yet…


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:11 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

After a rather productive day, Alisa stepped outside her hotel clad in a leathery bodysuit - zipped up above her bust - and a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. Despite the late sunshine beaming overheard, the moist air felt comparatively cold after the downpour from the last couple of days; not enough to bother Alisa, but plenty to make a less appealing day for outside strolling... And even Alisa herself obviously had a different idea in mind, judging from her choice of outfit. She heard how new mana bikes were finally available for purchase (and by extension, rental), reminding Alisa how it had been a mighty long time since she'd last ridden one.

"Though I wonder how I might carry you around, Lumen...", noted the sculptress with one hand on her cheek, looking down to her lamp shaped partner, hovering on the ground next to her. At her question, the Lampent merely hovered higher, twirling with delighted cheer... Not the slightest bit bothered by the implications. Until even Alisa just chuckled and shrugged, shaking her head, "Guess we'll see when we get there..."

Alisa hadn't ridden a mana bike in years now... Hardly the most elegant of sports, thus she favored it before joining Blue Pegasus. Ironically, she now had the magic power to ride one for hours without flinching, whereas before she hardly even handled a single, one town ride without falling over. Mind you, she wouldn't really buy a really expensive mana bike, even though she could. Rather, she'd just rent one and ride it around for old times' sake. But then, something else caught her attention. As she walked down the mostly empty cobblestone streets, she caught side of a sheet of paper, fluttering around with the slightest breeze... Wierd... The wind wasn't strong enough to lift sheets of paper this high... If she could see this here, now, then someone had probably dropped it from higher up.

"Hmmm... I've seen this bird somewhere...", she commented, examining the figure drawn on the sheet of paper. Furrowing her brow, the sculptress tilted her head skywards, pulling off her sunglasses and slipping them back behind her ears, then sliding them up to brush those loose locks of hair away from her face.

And surely enough she spotting a matching bird flying in circles around a tall building. Indeed, she'd seen this bird before... And odds were, his partner wasn't far away...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:02 pm

Daiko Flayme
Huh… something was odd. Coda hadn’t returned. Her majestic wings had disappeared from the air around Hyōen, and it worried him quite much. Where had the troublesome raptor gone now? It was uncommon for her to leave his side… then again, it had happened before. Did Coda, by any chance, meet someone befriended? Perhaps a recognizable face? It would prove that, truly, many wizards had gone to Crocus in these times, and among them would be people whom the Fire Wizard knew of. He quickly closed his notebook, only to notice two other pages that were about to fall off. He really ought to buy a new notebook soon…

Coda was having a good time flying around when she spotted a familiar appearance. From her angle, it didn’t take long until she made it to a lower terrain and perched upon an old postbox, simply gazing upon the beauty in front of her. Hyōen was but an amateur when it came to recognizing such art, and the bird had a feeling that Alisa thought the same way. She couldn’t but flap her wings excitingly when Alisa approached, clearly signing to the crystal wizard that it had been a while since they saw each other last time.


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:30 pm


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Curious, Alisa kept her eyes on the bird the moment she saw it, still wondering where it was the same raptor she'd met at one point, in Baska. Once she descended and perched on a nearby post box - flapping excitedly as if it recognized her - the sculptress merely smiled, confirming how it was indeed the same bird. Or was it...? Last time, whenever she saw this bird, her partner wasn't too far away, but this time, Alisa couldn't see him anywhere:

"Ara... Coda?", inquired Alisa, pretty sure she recognized the bird as Hyoen's companion, and wondering what had this guy had gotten up to since they last met. Arisa hadn't mentioned anything special so maybe he was still doing his own thing? She didn't see him during the defense of Crocus either. Thankful, she had a rather straight forward fashion of getting an answer to this question: Asking the guy directly, "Where's your partner?"

She rested one hand on her hip as Lumen approached the perched creature, eyeing it curiously. Indeed the pair had met Alisa before, but they'd never laid eyes on her partner... And even if they had, Lumen had since evolved, no longer looking like an animated candle but instead a hovering, cute but eerie looking lamp that might feel at home at a cemetery. As she asked Coda this question and expected a sign of some sort, those wine red eyes inspected her surroundings, as if Hyoen might show up at any moment...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:27 pm

Daiko Flayme
Coda heard her name being spoken up, and she joyfully basked her wings in response. She had spotted the interesting creature next to Alisa afterwards, throwing a glance over it before tilting her head the way that only birds can do - a totally neck-breaking fashion. It was a very strange creature, but perhaps it was just as strange to her as Coda was strange to the creature. Therefore, she would peep a little to catch it off guard for fun. It had a very gloomy glow on its heads… or wait, did it have multiple heads? Why were the throats so slim? It looked like a… well, for the raptor, it looked very much like a black spaghetti scarecrow more than what Hyōen would think that it looked like - which was, to some obvious extent, a sort of chandelier.

What was he even drawing right now? The sky was way too blurred to be drawn on a piece of paper, so the Fire Wizard had to call it a day and close his notebook. It was taking its toll on him too, and he was getting a bit hungry. Focusing on the growls in his stomach, Hyōen missed out on the sight of a stranger on one of the other roofs, a person that was eyeing him down like a scavenger. Although, he remembered the lack of Coda in the air, and he would quickly take a look around instead of noticing this specific entity that disappeared as soon as she appeared.

Upon looking down on the streets, he would see the strong colors of Coda’s plumage as well as a more familiar presence… or rather, her hair looked very recognizable. Curious, he moved his view to the right and to the left - confirming the lack of people and buzz - and leapt off the building, using the balconies and wall bricks to soften his fall like he used to do when climbing trees back home. Once when he found his foothold on the surface, he clarified himself that it really was Alisa - her wine-red eyes, black diamond hair and facial features factored a lot in confirming it. However, it was a funny suit that she was wearing, but nevermind that. “Hey again, Alisa!” he finally greeted happily, before Coda suddenly assaulted his head and pecked it rather violently, even though she meant no harm and Hyōen was used to it, “I figured that I wasn’t the only wizard who answered the call.”


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:43 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

If she hadn't figured it out before, that telltale way the bird flapped her wings pretty much confirmed Alisa got the right bird, though whether that same gut feeling rung true concerning Hyoen's presence yet remained to be seen. She and Lumen spent a fair amount of time merely examining each other, each a novel sight for the other, and the two of them a truly amusing one for Alisa, who found herself crossing her arms. She looked at the two with interest. Meanwhile, the bird's partner descended from his own perch and moved elsewhere - possibly to their position - though the sculptress had yet to notice his presence.

She'd spot him soon enough though, as the flashy, cheerful fire mage had a knack for easily announcing himself easily enough... At least for a cool, comparatively discreet person like Alisa with her focused, attentive gaze. And indeed, she caught sight of him the moment she heard an audible thud, and swiftly turned in that direction, her long dark hair whipping around behind her. Ever alert, she wouldn't so easily miss sudden noise, even if it came from someone she might call a friend. Not a close one, but as someone Arisa trusted, Hyoen somewhat easily earned her trust as well:

"Oh... Good afternoon Hyoen. You always know how to make an entrance, hmm~?", she'd greet him, teasing playfully as she flipped her hair behind her, the other hand casually resting on her hip. Guess she'd call a rain check on that mana bike ride, as she now had someone she hadn't seen in a while; and naturally appreciated the chance to catch up, "Hmm, so you fought in the battle too...? I didn't see you around, but the whole thing got messy quickly enough."

She shrugged, a frustrated hint slipping past her cool with a soft shake of her head. Still, she felt glad to see he made it out alright, glad the low number of casualties at least provided something one might feel relieved over. Chuckling as Coda left his perch for his favorite one, pecking the young man with a what seemed like annoyance, she finally tilted her head, eyes shifting to Lumen as the hovering lamp moved closer to Alisa:

"I trust everything worked out alright for you...? Within reason at least."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:27 pm

Daiko Flayme
It appeared that Alisa had arrived here due to the attack that had taken place prior to this day. It was relieving that she hadn’t gotten hurt herself given that she seemed safe and sound… that also reminded Hyōen of his previous companion during that day, the tall elf, who got ambushed. If he met whoever executed such atrocity again, then he’d surely obliterate them without leaving himself open again.

“Me and entrances, you know,” he joked with a grin, crossing his arms in a slight fashion of pride, “And yeah… I was at the castle along with others. Truth be told, we got ambushed by someone who left just as quickly as they came…” It was always sour to accept defeat, even though the Fire Wizard hadn’t really engaged in combat against this disappearing bastard… but the mere fact that he got to hurt one of his allies successfully was enough to sulk about.

“I think you did better than me… or I hope so,” he assumed as his eyes met Alisa’s. A moment after, Coda would stop pecking and suddenly turn her head around like an eagle, signalling someone’s presence nearby them. Someone unfamiliar, that would signal. Hyōen noticed it directly, but they were quite alone in this part of the street, so he didn’t know why Coda was getting worked up like this. “B-But still, they won’t lay a scratch on anyone next time! I’ll crush them all..!”

A certain figure was nearby, indeed. She decided to stay within the shadows, though, pretending to be some random citizen, although her eyes were fixated on the two wizards down the road. A strange object was on her hands as she held it like some kind of… camera…


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:14 pm


WORDS: 330 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

That's right, he definitely did. That said, Alisa had only really met him that one time, and just then his bird got a little too close for comfort, considering, well, the sculptress had no idea what kind of bird it was. It turned out to be friendly, but people don't survive in this world by assuming everything is trying to make friends with them... As the last war soon proved, even those ordinary people might trust could want nothing more than to enslave you like the last king proved. Sure, he wouldn't be missed, but only time would tell if the new one would actually be any better... Alisa had her doubts.

"Well, you don't look too worse for wear.", Alisa noted, what ever worry she might have felt faded soon, perhaps completely after she raised an eyebrow and asked that last, but truly important question, "Nobody died, I trust?"

She'd all but sigh, relieved the kill count had indeed been kept to a minimum in carrying out the new king's beloved revolution. Granted, it could have been a lot higher but in that case he'd have given up something he obviously valued: The support of the people. As he lacked any support from the establishment, without the people his reign would turn out very brief.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that...", she answered, glancing away, doubtfully rubbing her temple. Seeing Coda's agitation, Alisa and Lumen both took note, the latter more noticeably as she looked around, where Alisa merely narrowed her eyes as that crimson gaze scanned her surroundings. She hadn't spotted anything at first, but then noticed a shadow hiding in an alley, "We couldnt' defeat our enemy, nor could we stop them from killing the king. I'd hardly call that better."

Though she'd noticed the interloper, Alisa quite easily pretended she hadn't by not staring there, simply continuing her casual conversation with Hyoen while awaiting a possibly attack, ready to react defensively...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:46 pm

Daiko Flayme
It felt inevitable. The fall of the king, that was… maybe things would’ve been worse if he was still around, though? Hyōen had little knowledge about the royal family - truth be told - so he couldn’t really say that things could be better with him around or not. That was the dilemma of the deceased; you’d never know if their absence was for the better or for the worse. The world only travels down one road, and dimensions aside, you couldn’t just change things… but you could set things in stone. That was what the Fire Wizard believed, deep inside…

“… At least you’re safe. There’s a future for both of us who survived this,” he replied at last, turning his eyes to the side where the shadow had briefly shown itself earlier. He made sure to appear discreet with it, but what was his or her deal? Why had mentioned just stood there all this time? Could it be, by any chance, a sort of… spy?

The figure… its figure was visible for a brief moment, but then it dashed away soundlessly. Hyōen barely managed to follow its track with the edge of his eye as he found himself a bit lost. Just who was that, anyway? Maybe a curious citizen? A threat or a harmless individual? “… Wait a second,” Hyōen spoke up and turned his eyes towards the Lampent. He didn’t recall Alisa having such a companion alongside her last time. He began inspecting it in a classy way with a hand on his chin and a focused look on his face as he caught all sides of the new creature. “… Hmh, I’m pretty sure that this is… uhh, what was it called again?” he mumbled a little. He knew a fairly good amount about animals, so he found it awkward to not know this type’s species. “… Lement, is it?”

A voice would suddenly chuckle a little from the same corner where Hyōen looked at before. It was a young laughter… and it gave away the girl’s location again.


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:00 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Alisa had no problem with the king being dead, but she did have an issue with his replacement. This was someone she wanted to kill, and that someone had now holed itself up in the Royal palace, instead of lurking in the shadows where Alisa could ultimately get to him. She'd have to kill his right hand man too, possibly all his closest allies should the identity of Lance's killer remain veiled in mystery.

"Indeed... On the battlefield, you only lose if you die.", Alisa agreed, nodding at the hopeful feeling with a returning smile.

And, case in point, only the dead have seen the end of war.

Alas, Alisa didn't know what this mysterious interloper actually wanted, but hiding around in nooks and crannies seldom inspired trust and confidence. For the time being, she had no intention of attacking or anything, but also made sure not to reveal any sensitive information. Though if she got particularly annoyed, at some point she may decide to do something about this. She focused mostly on Hyoen for now, especially as the figure eventually vanished, as a result of Hyoen looking too hard at it.

Bad call... She'd have preferred the potential enemy close by, where she could see them.

"Ara, if you stare at her too much she'll get shy~", Alisa teased, though Lumen hardly looked the slightest bit shy, meeting his gaze with luminous, cheery amber eyes. He eventually attempted to guess her name, to which the Lampent just giggled, nothing in her body language revealing whether he'd guessed correctly... At least until Alisa interfered, "Lumen, actually~"

At this point though, she heard something from the same corner the interloper once stood in... It sounded like... Laughter. Very casually, Alisa kept that space in the corner of her eyes, only scarcely looking directly, but never seeking eye contact or looking longer than cluelessness might suggest...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 25, 2018 7:54 pm

Daiko Flayme
Hyōen had inspected the creature too much for his own good, seemingly embarrassing it given by Alisa’s words. However, it had rather too bright eyes to show any signs of shyness for the Fire Wizard, so he had to assume by her words that it was truly feeling embarrassed by him eyeing it everywhere… or well, until it let out a giggle alike the strange giggle from the shadows too. He had a bad feeling about the reason that it giggled, and Alisa confirmed that thought - he was close, but he didn’t hit the bullseye concerning its name.

“Lumen… nice name. It suits its appearance too, luminous flux and all,” he complimented joyously. It wouldn’t take long until the figure in the shadows finally moved out. It was so sudden and casual that, at first, Hyōen didn’t think that it was the same person that he grasped a sight of earlier… but it sure felt like it as she approached them, holding what looked like a camera in her hands. “U-Uhm… h-h-hello,” she tried to greet the two wizards, a voice so insecure and childish that Hyōen was taken by surprise. So much for making such a gloomy atmosphere with the hiding and everything, it was a little child.

“A-Are you two, perhaps… maybe, m-most likely, uhh… wizards?”


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:27 pm


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Indeed, Lumen seldom looked shy at all, Alisa had only seen her bashful or even truly worked up once in a blue moon, like that one time when training against Kaiba's bull. Thus, that little giggle on her part truly said it all, and Hyoen picked up on it:

"I know~", answered the sculptress, chuckling, petting her cute partner's lustruous violet hair, as she lowered her head slightly in appreciation with a faint redness on her cheeks. She may be unable to say thank you, but her expressiveness did it for her.

Looking carefully as she was, Alisa spotted the figure moving out from the shadows, immediately allaying her concerns. After all the figure walked, not dashed or many any hostile movements, and voluntarily stepped outside:

"Hello there~", Alisa returned the greeting, a bright, cool smile to put her at ease, though not missing the camera on her hands and instead resting one hand on her hip. Her next question, however, earned her curiosity, as Alisa raised an eyebrow and nodded, "We are indeed... Do you need any help? Finding your parents perhaps?", she raised a hand to her chin, curiously wondering why might this girl be here alone...

She hoped nothing bad had happened to her parents, but so long as she kept thinking about the various possibilites, Alisa eventually folded her other arm under her breasts, hooking that hand behind her elbow as her eyes trailed further down for a moment... Before meeting the frightened girl's once more.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:30 pm

Daiko Flayme
The small girl would spark her worried eyes a little as she looked up at Alisa, the tall and voluptuous lady spreading awe across the child’s face. She didn’t look like a classic, medieval wizard at first sight, but she did confirm that both she and the dark boy were, in fact, practitioners of magic. From her frog perspective, the dark-hyacinth-haired madam looked confident and reliable. She didn’t know why she was wearing a onesie/pyjamas, but her face expressed maturity and steadfastness. The young man was more… primal. He looked like as if he constantly focused his gaze like some kind of eagle with apparent pupils, staring right down at the younger girl. It was as if she could hear the sound of leaves waver against each other and voices of meat getting ripped off by the beaks of vultures.

“U-Uhm… about my parents,” the girl stuttered in fear of what she knew up until now, “They… they’re trapped inside. Back at home… I can’t open the door, because there is someone scary in there…” She began shaking in her legs, clearly terrified in the eyes of the Fire Wizard. “O-Oh…” he let out surprisingly, “Then show us the way-“

He would cut himself off right there as his deep eyes noticed tears falling down from the girl’s face. In an instant, he would catch himself off guard.

“A-Ah, don’t worry, don’t worry…” he would try to comfort her, even grabbing her shoulders lightly and getting down to her height by kneeling. It sounded worse than he could expect…


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:59 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Indeed Alisa hardly looked like the fantasy depiction of a which on any situation, but here, clad in red, leathery biker's bodysuit, she looked the furthest from the part she possible could. Thus, she stood ready to demonstrate her magic should the girl doubt them, but then, if she doubted them, why did she go and ask the question in the first place? Surely she must have recognized one or both of them from Sorcerer's magazine or anything of the sort.

Lumen betrayed her curiosity towards the girl far more intently, no doubt as Hyoen did too. Alisa on the other hand, kept a cooler air of distance, though obviously just as curious.

"Trapped inside?", Alisa rose an eyebrow, immediately feeling this might actually be the symptom of a bigger problem. Regarless, she couldn't help cross her arms and ask, "And they can't knock the door down? Oh..."

Thankfully the girl explained the real essence of the problem quickly enough, at which point they all got moving. Hyoen moved first, but Alisa rested her hand on the girl's shoulder, a calm, reassuring smile on her face:

"Rest assured, we'll get them both out soon enough~", despite oozing a collected confidence, Alisa felt a seething rage build up deep within. She related to this little girl far too much, as her mother too had been killed inside her own home by a scary person when Alisa was no larger than this girl, "Everything will be alright."

Instead, she gave her the reassurance nobody had given here then, and next she'd do everything in her power to prevent the rest of the young girl's youth to turn into anything like her own... She'd try not to make that criminal into a bloody mess in front of her too, but that part was harder to promise.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 31, 2018 4:20 pm

Daiko Flayme
It sounded like the beginning of some kind of Ouija horror story… but things like this were to be experienced thoroughly in order to ensure the best possible result. That was why Hyōen had to find out about the location as he asked: “So what address?” The girl would look up with a single drop of tear hanging on the edge of her lower eyelid, sniffing a little as she replied: “D-Domus Alley… i-it’s under Domus Flau…” She would lift up her hand and point towards the large construction that could be seen from afar, “I-I have a flag outside there… if… if that helps… please…” With a quick nod, Hyōen would turn his gaze towards the bird, making sure that it understood where she meant. Its wings would lift it up and take it across the air, leading the way to their specified location. “Let’s hurry, then,” he spoke as he would grab the girl’s small hand firmly, “Don’t let go, okay?”

Upon reaching the place by foot - surprisingly for himself - Hyōen spotted the flag that showed some kind of cloudy, yellow arc with a white background. The girl’s nod towards him confirmed that this was the house… surprisingly, there were still people around them, civilians who lived their lives as if nothing had happened here.

A brief blaze emitted from the Fire Wizard’s eyes as he took a deeper look, his facial expression growing more shocked when he locked onto two heat signatures beneath the house… it was strange, they didn’t seem to move. He could only assume that it was the girl’s parents, so he said: “I think that they’re stuck in the basement of yours, somehow… well, time to-” He would approach the door as soon as possible after saying that, but his motor nerves simply began to shut down by a horrible feeling that enveloped him the moment he made it less than 5 meters from the front door… nothing was there in his eyes, but something had taken a hold on him and he couldn’t see what.


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:02 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Not for a moment did Alisa considered simply walking away, though an insightful person might realize she was hardly the good samaritan she may seem right now. Alisa had a personal investment in this girl's story, which reminded her far too much of her own past, of those haunting memories she'd never forgive and never forget.

"Dommus Alley... That's quite the visible location...", assessed the sculptress, hand on her chin as she followed the girl to her house, "Whoever's behind this must be really bold... Or really stupid. Possibly both."

Though she heard the comment on the flag and duly noted it, Alisa didn't pay it much attention for now. Looking around and quickly finding Coda, she noticed Hyoen and his partner must have had the same idea as her; like the bird and bird lover duo they were. With eyes in the sky, they'd find this house easily enough, possibly even without the girl's guidance.

Oddly enough, as they arrived they saw quite a lot of people in the area... Alisa wasn't surprised to find people in such a frequented street, but rather to hear. While the bird boy's eyes blazed with fighting spirit, Alisa's seemed as chilly as ever, assessing her mark like a predator to its prey, until finally, she spoke:

"Let me have a look..."


With a single step of her heel, Alisa's skin became coated with a slick, crystalline sheen, turning her highly sensitive to even the smallest of vibrations. Including those she herself produced and then bounced back upon hitting obstacles, giving her a vague idea of people's positions via echolocation.

Lest she see anything outside the door, she'd walk over to Hyoen and scan the entrance. Assuming it looked perfectly safe, she'd speak up and help him push it open:

"It's alright... You're with me.", she'd reassure him, stealithily opening the door and wandering inside, one hand ready to cast a defensive spell if need be...


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:42 pm

Daiko Flayme
Yeah… the madman behind this was probably both stupid and bold. That combination, however, spelled doom for anyone who expressed them. Now, if Hyōen could just realize what exactly had grabbed him in that instance - an empty breeze manifesting what felt like a huge hand immobilizing him for a brief moment - then he could have stopped sweating over the mere confusion. He even heard the clacking sound behind him, but he bothered not to look at what Alisa was up to given his confusion… this was a very bad feeling…

Her words, though… they seemed to truly reach his ears as his sweating calmed down. Maybe Alisa wasn’t taking the atmosphere as a threat? However, was it merely the atmosphere? Hyōen couldn’t but assume so… he found it more reasonable that he just got surprised by it rather than something specifically happening to him. That was why her words calmed him down in the end. “Y-Yeah…” he spoke back to her before they opened the door slowly and soundlessly, entering what looked like a lively room with warm light tones around… but if your eyes were sharp enough - thanks to Hyōen’s spell - he would have realized that the very lightbulbs in the room emitted no heat at all. Not the slightest… as if they had been turned off for ages… but that couldn’t explain the warm light that, seemingly, covered the room?

His questioning mind was filled with more mystery as they had fully entered. The theme began to change by their very eyes. Instead of warm light, the room was now as dark as it should have been with the door being locked… if it was locked at all. That was just as weird as the previous hallucination, but it did scream magic… and Hyōen hadn’t lost track of the two heat signatures downstairs.

He would point towards a staircase that led downstairs, possibly being the one that would lead them to the assumed parents. Hoping that Alisa could see his movements within the gloomy room, he made his way towards the stairs slowly… but as Hyōen approached the stairs, his body would slowly fade away the closer he got from Alisa’s point of view…


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:36 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

For him to feel nervous at the though of entering an unknown, possibly dangerous envoiroment only meant he had something between his ears. Though having enough intelligence to recognize danger was only the beginning; at times like these when running away was no option, one needed a cool, clear head to assess the danger and react accordingly. By employing her sensory spell, Alisa all but neutralized the risk of an ambush. On the odd chance she may have overlooked one, the swift, up close motion essential for a sneak attack would prompt her to turn in that direction and defend herself.

Once Hyoen had calmed down, they opened the door, and silence fell between them...

With nothing but the soft, scarcely audible creaking of door hinges and floor boards, they approached as stealthily as humanly possible. Though she felt that adrenaline filled tingle leaving her on edge, keen control of her breathing and mindset kept her calm and focused, ready to react at lightning speed to the slightest threat... But none came to greet them. Save for a gloomy emptiness, nothing in the house hinted at anything wierd, let alone clues as how to find the culprit.

Alisa did, however, feel humanoid below her as the vibrations propagated, and Hyoen must have felt it too, for they soon started making for the only downards staircase they could find. Alas, it wouldn't be so easy... With him up front, she watched wide eyed as his very appearance started fading:

"Stop...", she whispered, just enough for Hyoen to hear her. If he turned, he'd find her looking at him rather intently, quizzically even, with a distinct look of worry. Moving her fingers towards herself, she'd silently signal Hyo to step back, upon which she'd keep her eyes peeled, ready to see whether or not his tangibility returned.

This screamed magic, and with the two presences downstairs, Alisa understood this to be the work of an enemy magic.


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:06 pm

Daiko Flayme
The staircase wasn’t even that deep. It was certain that they would bump into the two organisms below them if they just walked down, but because of the heat-vision, Hyōen hadn’t noticed the transparency that his body was undergoing as he approached the stairs. Even if he looked at his own arm, it would be difficult with this spell on, but Alisa caught his attention as he turned his head around to respond. “…?” He turned his face around a few times to try and fathom what she stopped him for, but the crystal wizard was clear with her message. Understanding, he moved back from where he was heading at, and alas, the fading body reversed its transformation.

He had half a mind to turn off the heat-vision and get a good look at Alisa’s facial expressions - if he was able to see them properly in shelter of this gloominess - but his ears demanded that he focused on the sound of shaking furniture. Not only that, but as the Fire Wizard lowered his spell’s effect in order to fathom the objects that he could scarcely see, a voice caught his ears. It was a breath… or rather, the sound of someone breathing heavily and constantly. It felt as if the source of that breathing came directly from behind the two of them, but no signs of presence was shown other than that. Was someone trying to scare them away? It was a bit too late - they could have tried last Halloween - but that also gave birth to more question marks than anything.

Light began lighting up the staircase for some reason. Footsteps made their way towards the two wizards, and through his eyes, Hyōen noticed that it was the presence of the two heat signatures from before. Was it the parents who were making their way up to them? It would prove the task easier if they came to embrace their rescue on their own, but something was odd when they finally reached the main floor. Not a second would pass before the father and the mother each dashed towards one of the wizards - the father aiming for the crystal wizard, and the mother aiming for the falconer. If not for his heat-vision, Hyōen would’ve had trouble parrying an impact efficiently, but this had turned much worse now. They hadn’t said it out loud, but it was a strong feeling within himself that convinced him that these two were, certainly, the parents that the young girl missed… the hell?


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:04 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

As she pulled Hyoen back, she met the boy's confused look with the faintest hint of a smile, examining his figure as he turned tangible once more. She raised a hushing finger to her lips. She now had two fairly useful bits of information at her disposal: One, whatever caused this phasing effect was confined to a single area, most likely the basement underneath this house, however much space it may span. And second, simply experiencing this effect posed no immediate harm, as Alisa saw Hyoen's effects reversed after he merely walked out of the way.

So they could risk venturing into the basement, though they had to keep an eye out for enemy spells. As she walked down, Alisa kept one hand roughly in front of her body while the other fist stood at the side, ready to activate a defensive spell should the need arise... In any other situation, Alisa would avoid venturing somewhere she knew enemies had set up traps, but right now, they had no choice.

They'd reach the bottom quickly enough at this rate, Alisa might find it hard to see however, she could simply feel the whole area instead, enough to grasp everything she needed to know and then more... Well, not everything... Hearing that breathing sound right behind her sent a shiver down her spine, mostly because she had no way of noticing anybody behind them.

Illusion magic...?

Just like Hyoen though, Alisa saw through the illusion with ease. Regardless of whether or not her eyes glimpsed past each mirage, she now relied mostly on a different sense no foe could have seen coming. Nonetheless, she narrowed her eyes, keeping her cool and turning back. Not that she was expecting to find anything in there, but if the enemy knew they were there and actively cast such illusion, he might also have an idea of how she reacted to it. But even then the sudden attack came as a surprise... Not that ALisa didn't consider the odds of this happening, but it coming from a couple astonished her. She expected the girl's parents to be bound and held hostage... But clearly there was a lot more to whatever happened here than she could tell.

Alisa parried the attacking man's punch, turning and deflecting it away from her. But instead of striking back, she pushed hard on the man's ribcage with the sudden, explosive force of an S-rank mage. Using her open palms, she distributed the impact rather than concentrating it, pushing on the man's center of mass while relying on her steady footing to counteract his greater weight:

"You must be her parents...", Alisa spoke up, after pushing back the man and ensuring he'd stay back at least enough time to hear her words, "It's alright... We're on your side."

She doubted the parents would immediately believe her, but she could make some sense of their mental state by whatever words they chose... Meanwhile, she kept her senses sharp for the third presence she expected to inevitably encounter...


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#21Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:45 pm

Daiko Flayme
The illusion revealed quite a troublesome situation with the very parents of the little girl attacking the two mages. Why did they attack them? It was most likely because of the spell that was thrown over this house, but would they have to undo it in some way? Maybe they could null the spell thrown on the parents? It didn’t seem possible for the moment as the mother suddenly aimed a fist towards Hyōen’s jaw, but his neck and body moved back simultaneously, resulting in a swift evasion that would leave her open for a counterattack. He had to subdue her with his own body by locking her arms with his and make her face the ground as he didn’t mean to cause harm to her. He was convinced that she could snap out of whatever she was bewitched with.

This area that they entered, though… it served for more than just making them go transparent. No, he could feel it now… the mana that ran through his eyes to adapt to the focused enemy - in this case, the mother who was locked down by his arms - began to leak out from his eyes. Somehow, the mana was making its way further across the hallway into a locked room. The same thing was going on with Alisa’s crystallic chestplate-like cloth slash blouse as its mana foundation began to get leaked; however, the level of mana leaving her was different. That was the last thing that Hyōen saw before his spell was completely absorbed… but it wasn’t the case for Alisa’s spell.

The two parents had entered a state of calm when that happened. Their furious, hostile faces turned dull in the dark room when the only source of light was the leaking mana. That gave Hyōen a thought… the mana made it into a specific room, and if they had to put an end to this, then their target was most likely in there. Although… maybe it was the trap. They had already gone down here, and they had found the parents… but in their states, this wouldn’t solve anything. The little girl wanted her parents back, not these seemingly soulless individuals. As much a trap as it appeared to be… well…

“I don’t think that they’ll listen to us… unless if we fix the error behind that door,” he spoke to Alisa. It was rather obvious, but silence was unneeded now. He could feel it… their mana was but a few fractions of all the mana that was gathered in there. It smelled trouble… huge trouble. “My spell just disappeared… all its mana… into that door. So using magic feels burdening-“ Another light emerged from the door, but this light made its way towards the parents. A little bit of mana to power them up as a part of the plan, and yet Hyōen was oblivious to what was behind that door and the plan. However, he hesitated not in moving up from the lady when she suddenly began emitting the same type of mana as him - along with the father, things were bound to turn for the worse…


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Fri Apr 27, 2018 6:22 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

Indeed, Alisa wouldn't have entered this place after seeing that spell, not if she really had a choice in the matter. After all, she never considered leaving whatever mage had cast this spell to their own devious devices, and potentially leave that little girl an orphan... But at this rate, they themselves might end up as the ones hospitalizing the parents so they might put a stop to this attack. Alisa would avoid that if possible, by subduing them as swiftly as she possibly could.

They both struggled with the fight in their own way, not due to their opponent's power, but their own reluctance to hurt them. The sculptress actually had to hold back for once, for using her full power here would defeat the very purpose of trying to save these two. As she pushed the father down, she held her ground as he stood back up, grabbing a steel pipe as he charged at her once again. Such a weapon might hurt if swung with purpose, but the obviously manipulated parents had neither that nor the the right state of mind to even fight beyond a berserking offense. Wide swings with plentiful openings and wasted energy. As he swung the pipe at her head from her left side, Alisa ducked in, her left hand greeting his fist and deflecting the swing upwards; at the same time as her left leg lifted off teh ground for a quick stomping kick beside his shin, with a right backfist to the ribs striking in near unison for a flawless counter.

Still holding back, Alisa's blows lacked the force they normally might, but more than enough to stagger, knocking the wind right out a civilian fighter such as him.


As the steel pipe hit the floor, whetever force commanding the two seemingly subsided, as did their raging offense. Seeing this, Alisa turned her head towards where her companion's mana seemingly flew out of, even she found herself gritting her teeth:

"Then, don't use magic.", spoke the sculptress. Her spell didn't leave her body, however, and she had no issues using it when there wasn't really any mana in the air to be sucked away; she did feel a significant strain in containing that spell however, the kind she'd not once experienced before in all her time using it, "Whatever's pulling the strings here...", she narrowed her eyes and crouched, grabbing hold of the pipe and staring at that door like she'd locked on to her target, "...We'll find the answer behind that door..."

She paid little mind to all the mana being sucked out of everyone, she could feel it in her own body, the mere conscious effort to resist this taking a heavy toll... Thus, she stepped forward with urgency, and as she approached the door, she pulled the pipe back. And with a deafening shout, she struck the door with all her might, likely smashing it to smithereens...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#23Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:16 pm

Daiko Flayme
Darn, couldn’t they calm down a little bit? Being controlled and all that appeared exhausting - in his mind, that was. To not have any power of your own actions and to subdue to another force that wields you like a puppet… surely, they wouldn’t have wished that. Now that he thought about it, to do something to obscure without catching the attention of the neighbors, guards, or all of Crocus, stank of something far greater than the Fire Wizard could assume at first. It wasn’t the ordinary thief or berserker this time… upon entering the house, he thought not of the outcome other than that of a victory. Was there even time to worry in the midst of all of this?

He heard the sharp sound of metal hitting the floor. The father’s iron club had fallen under Alisa’s counter, and the man was likely taken care of. A blade of compassion stabbed Hyōen’s heart as he let go of the woman, realizing that the same, unexplainable pause that the father took enveloped her as well. Their rage and hostility were quenched.

He took a close look at Alisa’s spell. Unlike his mana-discount of a spell, hers wasn’t fully absorbed. It didn’t take much thinking to assume the best theory; this ‘force’ couldn’t absorb all mana in one go. He’d better remember that, if it would prove necessary. And it sure felt like becoming necessary very soon, because Alisa was approaching the highlighted door. He quickly followed troop, not wanting to let her enter the unknown room on her own - her assuring, comforting words reappearing in his head like phantoms.

“!” She hardly kicked the door to pieces, revealing the small room with a chair and a glove on top of a decayed body. The glove was the most eye-catching… a few seconds of observation, and one could conclude that the mana was pouring into the glove. However, as long as it did so, the mana absorbed was very minimal - almost harmless. Would he be able to get rid of that thing, somehow?

“What is that… n-nevermind, let’s get rid of it-“ he would suggest, but the glove reacted immensely. A voice similar to the one that they heard upstairs echoed:

“I am far closer to my goal than ever! You will not put an end to me!”

By sacrificing some of the mana that the glove had built up for a very long time, a burst of fire blitzed towards them. “No..!!!” The intensity and heat of the fires screamed out magic power that originated from Hyōen himself, and upon getting an impact, the Fire Wizard dared not to back down from his own magic. Heck, he had to stop the flames somehow, so he advanced forward in a suicide-like attempt to grab the glove. May he rip it apart and end all this - but unfortunately, it didn’t occur so. The glove attempted to move towards him as well, and as it leapt upon his arm like a parasite, everything turned into anther world or some kind of void. Hyōen was there, he was still conscious, the suddenly non-hostile glove was also there… what was happening?

“… This is less violent,” he commented, taking another look at the glove that was ripped a little by his tugging, “… Ali? Alisa? You there?”


What's this? [Alisa] Empty Tue May 01, 2018 11:30 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @hyoen | CLOTHES

As they walked inside the room and found an abandoned glove atop a corpse, Alisa spoke immediately: "Careful, don't get too...", she admonished her partner, yet it came as too little, too late. Before she knew it, a fireball had been fired at him just as she finished her sentence, "... close."

But hurting a fire mage with fire, was this really a good idea? Indeed, the magic power summoned screamed of something cast from Hyoen himself... But Alisa had faced that power before, she'd memorized its feeling just as she wound for any opponnent worth noting. She couldn't do anything but cover her face as she fully grasped how this glove worked, and what might happen eventually. As the smoke subsided and she saw the parasitic glove now clinging directly to his body, Alisa frowned. Absent any hostility towards Hyoen, the fact yet remained that she now viewed an article of clothing on his body

"This may sting a litte.", she spoke cool and collectedly, like an annoyed predator taking aim at vulnerable, hapless prey. Though she didn't know what manner of tricks it might pull on its vessel, she had no intention of letting Hyoen go home with a sentient, parasitic item. Thus, as she approached him, her crystallized body would whiten as she activated a new spell, upon which she'd casually rest her hand over the glove.

This may be an object capable of sucking out mana... But even assuming it could whitstand the crystallizing power of Alisa's strongest spell? As the crystallizing energy flowed through it, she'd carefully control her energy to make Hyoen's glove into a pretty lump of crystal without grievously hurting his body. If the item resisted by sucking out the mana, it would find this particular mana innately difficult to control, and ultimately be crystallized anyway.

Whatever other setbacks they had could be solved easily enough, "Well then, shall we get going~?", she'd ask, smiling again as they settled this matter and put it behind them...


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

What's this? [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#25Daiko Flayme 

What's this? [Alisa] Empty Tue May 08, 2018 5:40 pm

Daiko Flayme
This place was stupid. He just wanted to solve the issue with this home, but it had to take him to another dimension. Great. And it appeared that he was alone, too, which just added a lot of gravity on the word ‘great’ earlier. The glove was still glued onto his arm, too. What the hell?! “Just get of- wait,” he was about to throw a tantrum, but something felt odd. His mana was intact during the contact… it was as if it didn’t bother absorbing more magic from him. Perhaps he really ripped it off good to cause its effects to close down like that.

Dots of light began appearing in the space. Turning his face towards them, Hyōen felt a similar energy signature that resembled the glove’s brightness earlier. In the middle of the foggy vacuum, random lights were pinpointed like that, and they appeared to be far, far away, like observing the stars in the sky. Nothing changed until his vision began breaking apart by the sound of crispy objects falling to the ground - rather, it was the sound of something glass-like breaking and hitting the concrete floor. Alisa’s magic! She must’ve been somewhere if it was her, but… whilst the sound cracked about, the vision of the bright dots began increasing their intensities, revealing phantom images of a few recognizable places…

And with that stored in his memory, he looked over at Alisa as they were inside the small room in the basement; the glove was destroyed by her magic, and he could even hear the pained moans of a pair outside of the door. Upon turning his gaze towards them, the parents revealed themselves - this time, they didn’t try to draw blood or anything. Apparently, the problem was solved, and comparing to the annoying thought that Hyōen had earlier, he was beyond relieved.

“Yeah, the little girl will be totally happy now, won’t she?”


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