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Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫

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Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sat May 28, 2022 11:18 am


Name: Family Reunion

Rank: A

Type: Good

Alisa Vollan: The Demon Slayer Master of Blue Pegasus, caught out at sea with her beloved wife. As a talented Slayer of demons, it falls to her to nip this evil in the bud.
Sofia Serena: The Heavenly water mage of Blue Pegasus, caught out her sea with her beloved wife. As the princess of a seafaring nation of explorers, she'll need her experience to help survive this storm.  

Summary: Running into a rather surprising figure in the form of Sofia's Uncle Nick, they learn that the demons are part of a full on invasion attempt on the South seas.
Ever adventurous, Uncle Nick had stuck around when he heard of the turmoil, however, he knows next to nothing about demons and demon hunting, so he's been biding his time and learning more before making a move, trying to shelter and shield the locals.
The big trade hub has an unusually high concentration of daemon marauders , prompting Alisa and Sofia to put their power to good use to challenge the demons who strut around like they own the place, untouchable for most humans.
However, they're not too keen to talk, and even those that do seem to know awfully little, though they mention a Demon Lord and a lengthy ritual that's been going on for a while, to summon something massive. A demon god?

Nikos and his Crew: A hardy, experienced sailor from Valerica, and Sofia's Uncle. Reputed to be one of the few people to have sailed across the world and lived to tell the tale.

We're daemons, motherf***er: Pirates of various origins (mostly humans) who embraced the demonic influence in the land and became Daemon marauders. They rule as the strongest among the pirates.

  • 7 SP
  • 400 Fame
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 10,000 Experience

  • Explore the island, meet some of the people there.
  • Meet Captain Nikos, Sofia's uncle Nick.
  • When Nick mentions few people know much about the demonic taint, turn to the many daemons around.
  • Beat up a few Daemons and interrogate them.
  • They'll mention a Demon Prince and some ritual they're trying to enact.

WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Something's not right on this island...

Alisa had a bad feeling even before they got close enough to see it as mere outlines through the storm, with the dim, dark glow of lighting peering through the mist. The whole time she stood at the prow of the ship, brow furrowed, her dark hair whipping about behind her with every furious gale. She sensed it long before she and Sofia finally sat foot on the island, and now that they were finally here, her wariness had only grown as she pulled her coat a bit further over her leathery armor, keeping her sword behind her back as they strolled across the streets:

"...I... Can't even imagine just how long they've been here already...", Alisa mused along to her lover, a serious, no nonsense look on her face as that palpable shiver shot down her spine, "Can you feel it...?"

She hadn't felt demonic mana of this density since her time in the abyss, and the memories of her time there left her visibly on edge, looking left and right... Alisa hardly remained that long in the abyss, but the eye opening time spent there felt like an eternity where even the most deserted of locations could be sprawling with demons lying in ambush, ready to ambush unsuspecting passerbys. Her left eye a permanent shade of white, not for a second disabling her all seeing abilities, keeping an eye on her surroundings:

"Feels as though Daemons outnumber all other races by a far margin..."

With that ominuous aura a perpetual presence around the island, like a miasma she couldn't help but breathe in, Alisa couldn't help but keep close to her beloved, their shoulders all but brushing together as she watched her like a hawk. Feels like she'd need little more than the scantest motivation to draw her sword and cut loose, if they had the same kind of chance encounters they did on the last island. Surrounded by demons and those tainted by their obscuras, the huntress wouldn't tolerate any hopeful interlopers before showing them the cold steel of her blade.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sun May 29, 2022 11:03 am


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“It’s like… ” Certainly seeming to sense the feeling of hostility which seemed to suffuse this land, while Miss Serena’s senses were not so attuned to detection of all things demonic as the heavenly huntress at her side even she could feel that overbearing atmosphere given how heavily that malign miasma seemed to cling to the air, and leave the lass feeling like she was she had to keep looking behind her for fear of something nasty lurking in her shadow.
“An imp on my back, trying to crush my skull?” Showing this as she seemed to twist around out of what could only be described as an enforced sense of paranoia once more got the better of her, sufficed to say it was far from the fox’s favourite island getaway, and left her shaking her head and wriggling her shoulders about as she tried to throw off that lingering tension which the environment seemed to force upon her.

“I’m surprised what’s left of the people are well, still here?” For this reason keen on getting the matter dealt with sooner rather than later and sparing as few minutes or even seconds in this land as she could, the fact that the forces of malevolence weren’t the only things here seemed to strike Sofia as strange given the sense of ambient antagonism that abounded around the place, and she couldn’t help but question that.
“Not the sort of place you’d want to stick around, if you had a choice?” Guessing that no one in their right mind would be hanging around the place if they had the option not to be, the princess of the pegusi couldn’t help but pity the people who were forced to call this realm their home, and felt a rush to rescue them from such a fate which compelled her onward toward the closest settlement. Or at least the nearest thing one could say resembled it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Mon May 30, 2022 11:34 am


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

"That is... Quite an apt description...", Alisa nodded, eyes widening with a hint of wariness as she thought back to her time in the bowels of the abyss.

Though they were physically far from the demon realm, dimensions apart even... Out here, Alisa felt the closest that she'd ever been to it since that fateful day all those years ago, back during the demonic invasions. Even the far away shadows soaring overhead left her wondering whether they were actually birds, or more demons not unlike those they'd faced off against during their travels:

"Well, I suppose many of them have gone native...", she noted, her gaze washing over some of the many seafarers and bucaneers idling around the streets, sheltered from the rain under the awnings and overhangs of the various taverns adorning the place, merrily drinking their idleness away, unperturbed by the rainfall bearing down on them.

They might behave just like ordinary pirates, but their appearances left little to imagination... Horns, tails, unusual skin colours. The vast majority of people they encountered exhibited some manner of demonic corruption, having embraced the demonic mana and obtained Obscuras of their own through mysterious means:

"This at least explains the pirates we saw back in Hargeon.", she concluded as the two casually walked around the port town under the incessant rain, the waters cascading down her coat which offered but a scarce measure of protection, feeling all but soaked underneath from the very first moment she sat foot outside.

Having been under this storm for days now, Alisa had grown used to the unyielding downpours, almost as much as the water weilding beauty at her side. Glancing off at her beloved bride, she couldn't help but admire that bewitching beauty even under an environment as hostile as this one, finding no greater solace than simply having Sofia at her side.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sun Jun 05, 2022 11:56 am


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, hm?” The brow of the brunette knotting a little as her beloved bride mentioned the idea that the people here had likely ‘gone native’, though it seemed ludicrous to the mind of a woman who had come here blessed with the gift of light magic and a strong force of will she could at least understand that there were a great many not as stubborn as her, and perhaps more prone to the influences which had seemed to corrupt the land. Shaking her had and sighing as she let that green gaze drift around the scene which surrounded her, Miss Serena could only imagine what kind of life went on in this ravaged realm before it had been blighted by the taint that clung to the air, and for some reason found herself thinking of her homeland due to their setting.

“Poor fools…” After all the great nation of Valerica an isolated island like this one in many ways or what she assumed this one had been like before it had been cursed by its more recent inhabitants, Sofia found her heart panging with discomfort at the idea of something similar afflicting the land that she loved so very much, and also a dash of guilt at not being there these past years should the worst come for it even now. It wasn’t too far across the seas from here, now was it? There but for the grace of good, eh?

“I suppose we’ll just have to look around and see what surprises this island has for us, hm?” Perhaps feeling a little more determination to do what she could to drive the evil from the land because of that, though Miss Serena had no reason to doubt the assumption Alisa had given she hoped that their attention here would prove the amazon wrong, at least in some small way? Hopefully there was some sanity that remained, and if there was, she was prepared to find it and fight for it, wasn’t she?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:15 am


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

"Indeed... Hopefully their lives will improve once we deal with what's causing this storm..."

Alisa smiled and rested her hands on Sofia's shoulder, imagining how her beautiful bride might think as an islander herself, considering how vulnerable such lands could be to the depredations of pirates, surrounded on all sides by water from which enemies might sail forth:

"Mmmm, maybe we could find ourselves a tavern with someone willing to talk... I half expect we might have to use violence before we loosen their tongues but...", Alisa shrugged, turning left, then right as she looked around and took in her surroundings as they walked across the creaking wooden planks running along the docks...

She'd gotten used to it by now, after seeing how even the most agreeable of pirates seldom started out that way, and she didn't imagine demon pirates would prove otherwise in any way. So she'd take whatever opportunities came her way, and for once, one such chance presented itself soon enough:

"How about this one...?", she noted, pointing at one of the nearby taverns as she passed them by.

Rowdy, certainly... But by now, and after weeks sailing with the pirates on their ship, drinking and making merry... She hardly expected anything less. But unlike the cutthroat vibe she got from most of the passing daemons, drunk on their newfound power... The ruckus inside sounded jovial, good natured even.

"If we're hoping to find pirates with whom we can have an actual conversation... Might be our best bet.", even now she still couldn't help but shake her head as she looked back over her shoulder, some of the passing pirates giving the two women the stink eye, or eyeing them like a predator would its prey.

Demonic mana had brought out the worst of these people's greed and desire at the expensive of others. Though some Daemons can reject these urges and master their demonic power, it takes a measure of fortitude and self control one can hardly expect from Pirates.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:09 pm


WORDS: 400 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Teeheehee, my, I think you’re selling that Alisa Vollan charm short, my love~?” The temptress found tilting her head to one side as her sable succulence seemed to think she needed to resort to more pugnacious persuasion in order to get some help from the locals, miss serena couldn’t help but shine with a smile and shake her head at such a concept, before sighing and correcting her coquette about the capability to coax others.
“It is known that men would give up the world just for the space between which the White Empress winks~?” Happy to distract herself from the hostility which seemed to abound around them both with a little show of playfulness toward her partner, when all was said and done the bubbly brunette knew that she was not stretching the truth all that far as she laid things on a little thick with her luscious lady love, and certainly felt that she would find herself compelled to move mountains and drain the oceans if it meant that the woman she had married might favour her with a smile, that was for sure.

“Seems as good a place as any, hm~?” The brow of the beryl eyed beauty furrowing a little as they approached a building which seemed to echo with some form of raucousness which almost sounded like laughter, the bride of the black beauty readied herself for the sight of some fresh horror or something given the noise which seemed to suffuse the site, and then took point on the operation as she entered with her heel first and the rest of her soon after.
“Now…!” Bursting into the room with a kick and hoping that the surprise of which would keep the malignance of what was occurring within stunned enough that neither she nor the wonder who was her wife would not immediately find themselves set upon by the forces of darkness, though the emerald eyed lass sought to seize the initiative with a shock in truth it was her who was left in a state of astonishment as she lurched into the room looking for a fight, and found anything but. In fact what had been occurring within seeming to be the very definition of mirth, while this confused her it was nothing compared the familiar face that she found in the center of the crowd, and the flood of feeling that such a figure would inspire for her as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:21 pm


WORDS: 1400 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

"Well, surely I could but there's only so many crass remarks I can tolerate, and boy... These pirates sure do love them huh~?", Alisa all but chuckled, flipping her hair behind her shoulder, hand sliding down to the flare of her hip. her lops widening as she bit her bottom lip, idly slipping one arm around her lover's waist, pulling her closer, just enough for their warmth to melt away whatever wet chill the pouring rains brought down on them, "...If only I had your way with words, hmm, my love~...?"

As tempting as it was to indulge in that sweltering, sizzling kiss she so clearly craved as her eyes settled on her lover's luscious lips, in the end she settled for planting a soft, tender smooch before she peeled away, nodding affirmatively when Sofia confirmed her assumptions on the tavern. With this in mind, they swung the doors open and stepped inside:

"Oh... This doesn't look nearly as bad as I imagined.", Alisa noted, hands falling down to her hips as she took in her surroundings, before reaching up to brush her hair, almost absent mindedly as she took a few steps in, that soft clacking of heels all but defeaned under the rowdy, racuous chatter filling the air... The lithomancer had never been too fond of crowded, messy settings like this one... But after several days of meeting pirates with nothing but bloodlust in their minds, she found the pleasant, jovial setting almost refreshing by contrast, bringing a soft smile to her face as she strode inside, heading towards the bar... And that's when she noticed her beloved bride wasn't following her, "Sofia...?"

There she was, still frozen right before the entrance, dripping wet as those trickles cascaded down her curvaceous frame in the kind of bewitching visage nobody present could ever manage to peel their eyes away from. And neither could Alisa, but this time, she had yet another reason to. Her brow arched, puzzled by how Sofia all but stood there, transfixed:

"Sofia what's wrong...", in the end, Alisa turned around, doubling back to her lover's side, hand coming to rest on her shoulder, following her gaze all the way back to a particular group of pirates. At they looked like pirates to her untrained eye, though she imagined even she or Sofia herself might have looked that way, "Something caught your eye?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:05 pm


WORDS: 350 | Shiver Me Timbers!  

It… Couldn’t be! Those emerald eyes growing wider than any could have thought possible as a face from the crowd left even this sublime siren more stunned than any who would have known her could have ever believed, the hairs on the back of Sofia’s neck stood on end and her jaw seemed to wave and wobble like that of a goldfish as she looked toward a figure who she hadn’t seen in years, but had not for a moment forgotten. Every line the same or almost the same, while the feet of crows had deepened and salt only outweighed the pepper more with the time that had passed, it would have been impossible for the brunette to fail to recognise the features beneath these, and so she found herself lost in a mix of confusion and something perhaps a little more tender.

"Or someone, I’d say…"

For that reason for once it seeming that even this witty witch of water could not find either the right nor any words to convey even the scantest sentiment in this moment of magnificence and mystification, it fell upon the man who had been recognised to pick up the slack in this example to offer out an explanation, and so he did as he nudged the men around him to part and made on the pair of new faces with a smile on his face, as well as no shortage of curiosity.

"’You’ll have to forgive her, it’s been too long since she saw her beloved uncle, right Princess~?"

Mirthly warmth not lacking all that much either and this evident in the green that shone toward the green gaze and then the marvels in magenta next to it, the head of an elder who seemed much more able to take this little moment of reunion in his stride seemed to tilt as he marched across the room and then parted his arms for the benefit of the beauty with brown hair, before looking toward the lovely lass who had arrived with her as he spoke wryly and insightfully as he addressed her with a sense of formality and familiarity. But then what would you expect from the mother’s brother she loved so much, eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:57 am


WORDS: 1700 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Alisa didn't have to ask to realize who her beloved was gawking at. The man's stood out not for his height or imposing figure, but for the presence as he sat around the table, laughing merrily alongside his drinking buddies. Ever since she'd stepped foot on this island, she felt as though she could cut the tension with a knife. But as soon as that man came into view, all of that tension faded into nothing. Who was she...? Even if she didn't realize it at first, the resemblance to the beauty at her side set her mind at ease:

"Oh... And who might you be, hmmm~...?", in the end, the man noticed the two of them and stood up from his seat, approaching the two women as Alisa's eyes washed down his shape.

While defenitely recognizing his attire as something a naval officer might wear, he wore them so nonchalantly she couldn't even recognize what country they hailed from. Alisa chewed her bottom lip, biting back the endless flood of questions as they popped into her head, like what was his relationship with her beloved bride. Thankfully, the man soon answered one of those questions:

"My~... So you're the famed Uncle Nik I've heard so much about...?", her eyes flared as her hand rose into her mouth, completely stunned at the sight of such figure drinking merrily at a random tavern in the middle of absolute nowhere.

After all the stories she'd heard from her beloved wife... Alisa looked upon the man with a sense of familiarity, and yet... No surprise Sofia was related to this man huh? As someone who favoured beauty, the sculptress couldn't help but let her gaze linger a bit longer than she'd otherwise might:

"I must say... Not even Sofia's grand stories quite do you justice~", she greeted, a cool, captivating smile drawing on her lips, "I suppose that makes us family? I'm Alisa, Sofia's wife~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:38 pm


WORDS: 400 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Uncle…!” Finally seeming to find some words but not many of them as her mind seemed to catch up with the moment, Miss Serena couldn’t help but fling her arms around the impressive figure who claimed such monumental association with her, and seemed to confirm that fact as they squeezed one another tightly and with a sense of fondness which even the girl with the green gaze showed few others. Missing only one person more than this man in all the time she had been in Fiore and that being her mother, though the emerald eyed enchantress had longed so much to tell her matriarch of all the strange and wonderful things she had found in a new land her uncle had been edged out by only a hair in that regard, and made more than an ample substitute in that manner in fact.

"W-Wife? My word… You have been busy, haven’t you Monkey?
Welcome to the family then, Alisa!"

The man in question seeming to have his turn to be bowled over next as the more verbose of the vixens informed him of her own connection to the smitten kitten who was now clinging to a frame she had spent the better part of a half decade longing for, even a man who had seen all of the world two or three times over seemed to widen his gaze and stammer when the ravishing raven spoke of marriage, but not in a way that showed any level of disapproval. Instead only showing a sense of approval and growing affection for both the beryl eyed beauty and the black belle he had brought with her, Nik seemed to shift slightly and extend a free hand to embrace the new addition to his family as well, and all the while seemed to beam from ear to ear with pride in his princess.

"Reason enough to open another barrel, right lads?
Here’s to my beautiful niece, and her lovely wife!"

Still seeming to shake his head in disbelief at the news of course but quickly seeing reason to only add to the mirth that he and his men were enjoying as the girls walked in when he finally managed to peel himself away from a lingering and loving embrace, all too quickly was that smile spreading to a point that almost seemed to defy facial physics, and soon after was he waving to the figures he had brought with him to open up a fresh cask of wine for all to enjoy. I mean, who could blame him, really? Now there were two reasons to celebrate, and drive away the hostility that lingered beyond these walls as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:33 am


WORDS: 3000 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

In the end, Uncle Nik looked equally stunned by the stunning sight of Sofia leaping into his arms, the kind of heartwarming display Alisa couldn't help but take in, smile widening off that single sight alone:

"Indeed, and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world for it~", she chimed, a playful giggle leaving her lips as she couldn't help but fawn over her beloved bride, eyes drifting right back to the smitten kitten as she rose an amused hand over her mouth, before accepting the greeting as she idly brushed her wet hair behind her ear, draping one arm around both her beloved and her uncle as she joined in, "Thrilled to be a part of it~... Ufufu, and quite a pleasure to meet you at last."

She... Didn't really think what the man would think about their marriage, after all, he was quite an important figure in her life, and now found his niece married to a woman he'd never even met. Alisa would have been lying if she said she wasn't overly concerned, for that approving look defenitely earned a manner of appreciation:

"Myyyy, I appreciate the warm reception~", even then, such a hearty, boisterous welcome surprised even her, making her eyes widen as her brow arched. Alisa followed along, to join the man at his table or wherever else he invited them, still idly stunned by the unexpected appearance until she couldn't help but point it out, "Still, I'm impressed... Quite the coincidence to find you all the way out here on this island, in the middle of this storm."

No doubt, he'd come here for the exact same reason Alisa and Sofia did. However, considering the amount of people in the tavern, she refrained from speaking up about what exactly had the two of them come here to do.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:50 pm


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

"Oh it’s plenty warm. Speaking of…
Make room, the ladies need chairs!
You gonna make the princesses stand, you swabs?!"

The feeling of frivolity only seeming to escalate as the man in charge seemed to wave his men into action to provide a reception for the two guests of honour, all too quickly were salty seadogs scrambling to provide the finest rump rests in the place to offer up to the girls, which Sofia was only too giddy to accept.
“Teeheehee. If anyone could make it through a storm like that, it would be uncle Nik~” Wiggling her behind into the seat and giggling as she did so, the sight of this man had seemed to wipe away at least one if not two decades of age from her at least internally, and all too quickly was she proving to be quite the boastful soul when it came to the achievements of her beloved, though this was something the man seemed only to happy to return.

"Not the only one now eh?
Might’ve known if anyone could make it through with me, it’d be Marina’s daughter?
She always was the better Navigator of the two of us?"

Shaking his head as he prepared a couple of fresh mugs for the girls and then poured out something rich and red into them, Nik arched his brow as he offered that same esteem in kind, and added to it with a little nod to the exploits of his sister as well for extra matter. Knowing all too well that the compliment would count for double or more because of that, soon the stories would be flowing as quickly as the wine and all would be merrier for it, which was good really. After all, one needed to cherish the moments of sweetness, what with the trouble looming on the horizon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:09 pm


WORDS: 3300 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Alisa rose a hand over her mouth, letting out a low, amused chuckle as she watched the man quickly dislodge some of the inebriated sea dogs, forcing them to go find themselves some greener pastures as they quickly vacated two chairs, enough for Alisa to join her beloved bride, looking at her out the corner of her eye:

"So I can see~... For the most part the only people we've seen here are those incapable of leaving. Didn't imagine we'd run into anybody brave enough to sail right in.", she chimed, folding her arms under her bust as she shifted her full, shapely behind over the still warm seat, accepting the mug offered as she took a good long chug, "Myyy, now I'm even more disappointed I didn't get the pleasure of meeting her last time."

Another giggle left her lips as she thought back to her time in Valerica with her beloved, raising their newborn daughters, but sadly, the woman's sickly body kept her bedridden for most of their time there. She settled for a rain check with a heavy heart, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she turned her attention to Uncle Nik, indulging in a smidge of curiosity of her own:

"Though since you've also came all this way, I can't help but wonder... Have you found what you were looking for?", subtle, maybe even cryptic, but as she arched her brow and fixed those win red hues on the veteran sailor she knew the man would understand her. Far be it from her to boldly claim she came here to look for demons in a port town filled to the brim with them.

Even though she didn't mind making enemies, she'd rather not have them interrupting their merry talk anytime soon.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:50 pm


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

"Oh I’d say you have, of a sort…
Isn’t anyone more like her than her daughter, after all?"

The senior soul found to be smirking when he considered Alisa’s question about the matriarch of the woman she had married, he smiles and shakes his head, before winking at his niece wistfully. Certainly seeming to see more and more of a resemblance between mother and daughter as the latter aged and was allowed to be herself rather than what the world had expected of her, one might even seen a twinkle in his eye and perhaps even a tear of sentimentality as well, such was his pride in what he saw before him.

"Depends what you’d say we’re looking for?
This one’s a fine find, after all…
Speaking of, what brings you girls to a place like this, eh?"

Raising his brows at the inquiry about the reason through which he and his crew found themselves in this strange locale, once more Nik seemed to tilt the conversation more toward his niece, and only then appeared to realize the strangeness in the circumstance of their current reunion since he had apparently overlooked their wider locale in all the fun of rediscovery and introduction.
“Well, that’s kind of a long story…” Miss serena left scratching the back of her head as he turned the question upon them, the lass let loose a little sigh, and glances toward her beautiful bride to see which of them should explain their journey and arrival, and the circumstance which had led to both.

"Well, we’ll have time.
How about the pair of us compare notes, eh?"

The legendary sailor left shaking his head as a result as the women of wedlock sorted such things out between them, he simply slipped into a relaxed pose with a foot hanging over the arm of his own chair and smiled as he waited, necking a hefty dose of the wine before urging them into an exchange of storytelling which could probably take them through the night and then some. Assuming, of course, that the forces of evil would allow it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:28 am


WORDS: 3500 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA


Her curiosity swelled with every word from his lips, and all too easily Alisa found herself looking between Nikos and Sofia, arms folding over the table as she felt all the more disappointed by not having had the pleasure of meeting Sofia's mom sometime during her stay in Valeric:

"Demons really... We've been seeing far too many pirates with demonic taint on the way here, although... We still have made little progress in finding out their source.", as she now found herself surrounded by allies, Alisa felt more at ease with sharing her objectives, taking another sop of her drink. Alisa shrugged, "We found quite a few daemons, but we haven't seen any who actually know where they got their power from."

Alisa's chest rose and fell with a slow, heavy sigh, shaking her head as a hint of her frustration peered through. They've been hunting after these demons for a while now, and even though they'd killed many of them, they still hadn't gotten any closer to the answers they sought. But the golden opportunity finally came after a good few moments of sharing notes, as one of Nikos' men barged through the entrance, hurrying over to the table as he called out to them:

"Admiral...!! We found them!!!"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:04 am


WORDS: 350 | Shiver Me Timbers!  

"What? Well… So much for a chance to catch up, eh?"

The man at the centre of the room clicking his tongue as it seemed the goblet he had filled would have to wait thanks to the news his scout had brought to him, Nik let loose a sigh as he swung his feet back groundward and stood up properly in response, and then marched toward the door to greet his man and get the inside scoop on the word he had brought to them, even if he could’ve guessed exactly what it was.
So, not all fun and games, eh? His niece meanwhile noting that for all the welcome and mirth they had found about the troupe inside the man inside hadn’t been resting on his laurels one bit as he laughed and joked and offered them wine, as a result miss serena couldn’t help but admire and envy how he could go from relaxation to readiness on the turn of a dime when the occasion, and felt proud of her de facto patriarch for that fact. It rather reminded her of someone else she knew, in all honesty.

"So, you girls fancy helping an old man with a pest problem~?"

For that reason the fair femme feeling a sense of delight when the man in charge had been given the details by his agent and then turned toward the women in the room, Sofia smiled as her uncle showed that he was wise enough to assume that there would be no way a girl like her wouldn’t be fighting right along his side in a situation like this, and felt more of a feeling of thrill than anxiety because of that fact.
“Teeheehee, just try and stop us, right babe~?” Giggling as she pulled herself from her seat as a result, the girl with the green gaze grinned at the chance to show the most important man in her life just how much she had grown in the years they had been separated, and was equally excited to show off her ebony haired enchantress as well. After all, with skills like hers, she was bound to knock his socks right off, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:23 pm


WORDS: 3900 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Alisa's brow raised... She assumed they meant daemons but... Really she'd seen no shortage of them ever since she sat foot on this island. Really, she'd seen plenty of Daemons ever since this adventure began, but the urgency with which Uncle Nik's men spoke up made her think they finally got a lead:

"Indeed, I've noticed quite a few vexing little bugs scurrying around the place... I take it you found some more promising than others~?", Alisa pushed back the chair she sat on, finishing what remained of the strong, invigorating brew in her mug, not the slightest bit intimidated by the strong drink right before striding headfirst into battle. After all, all these men must have chugged dozens of times more than she ever could on such short notice, and that really didn't seem to stop them in the slightest did it? In the end, Alisa all but slammed her glass back down on the table and smirked, sharing a knowing look with her wonderful wife, "Indeed, they better keep those mugs full. We'll be back shortly~"

Winking at Sofia, she flipped her damp hair behind her shoulder and strode outside. What was so special about this crew...? Alisa mulled it over in the brief walk outside the tavern. None of these daemons were particularly dangerous on their own. The only reasonable motive one might have to target some instead of others simply boiled down to how much they knew:

"Hey, what's the big idea...? You guys got a deathwish or something...?!", sneered the demoness, she and a couple cohorts surrounded by the admiral's armed men, soon to be joined by not one but two mages of Blue Pegasus.

Alisa cracked her knuckles, realizing these people had the answers they'd been looking for all this time. And she wasn't going anywhere until she got them, even if she had to drag them out of these daemons:

"You should be more worried about yourself... You know something about this storm don't you?"

"The fuck you going on about... Of course I."

"That's a lie. I defenitely overheard something about a Demon Prince"

And the sculptress reacted immediately, that resolute look in her eyes growing menacing as she now looked to these daemons as a foe to vanquish, and immediately responded to their deception with a swift flick of two fingers, producing a large, radiant magic circle beneath their feet from which a glimmering crystalline cluster erupted, catching the daemons off guard.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 8:11 am


WORDS: 400 | Shiver Me Timbers!

"Heh, looks like we’ve got a fight on our hands, boys!
Leave a couple alive, we might need to ask them questions!"

The salty sea dog seeming to simply shake his head as his newly discovered in law let slip the dogs of war in so impressive a fashion, though the attack which was unleashed by the white empress was impressive enough to draw the eye and attention of almost every eye around them who had never had the privilege to see her dazzling diamonds the voice of experience picked up quickly at the introduction to set his men into motion, and then set off himself with a zeal which was almost equal to that of the enthusiasm that the ebony haired enchantress showed for the job.
You’ll be lucky… Alisa doesn’t take prisoners when it comes to demons, does she~? Meanwhile the minx who united the pair hanging back a little at the order that was given by the man as she frankly guessed that no matter how impressive a force they were up against they stood no chance compared to the figures in the lead, Sofia smiled a little and shook her head as she recalled just how little restraint her radiant raven had shown toward those tainted by and born from obscura, and decided to maintain her position a step or two behind their leading pair in order to watch their backs.

“Hra!” It not seeming to take all that much time for the girl with the green gaze to be called upon either as the malefic menace seemed to try to flank the group, all too quickly did the vision of the vixen follow one of the more opportunistic souls seem to fancy their chances better against the old man with the blade over the woman with her spells, and so with a whooshing hum and a thrust of the glowing blade created by that sound miss serena stepped forward with force and fleetness in her feet to defend the man.
“You’re getting slower, uncle~!” Intercepting the attack rather swiftly and even more decisively and then whirling her weapon in a bit of a flourish, even with the challenge that faced them the beryl eyed beauty couldn’t help but feel herself encouraged by the fact that it felt like she was at last strong enough to fight on the level of a man who she had always held in the highest regard, and in spite of her cheek this made her happy to protect him as well. After all, what good was strength if you didn’t have people you loved to defend with it~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Fri Jul 29, 2022 9:38 am


WORDS: 4200 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Finally...! After this whole time of persistent, fruitless search, they finally came face to face with people who had the answers they sought. Whether or not they wished to yield them was inconsequential, for Alisa had every intention to wring them out of them using every means at her disposal, a hint of her frustration turning into palpable aggression as she let loose a furious storm of magic and melee, overwhelming the hapless Daemons one after the other:

"HaaaAAH!!", with a loud, staggering battlecry, she peeled out her gleaming black blade from its pocket dimension as one demon attempted to blindside her, an advance which she easily spotted courtesy of her powerful white eye. Yet as the demons around them fell like flies, Alisa couldn't help but turn her gaze to the bewitching beauty she'd devoted her life to, chewing her bottom lip as she admired how much she'd grown in the past few years, "Ufufu~... Well, that hardly feels fair my love... Few people can grow quite as strong as you did~"

In the end, Alisa found herself stepping closer to her beloved, the two perfectly in sync from countless battles together, supporting one another while skillfully staying out of the way of each other's attacks, taking down the pirates one after another until only the first woman remained, frightened by the sight of her comrades dropping like flies until she reflexively dropped her weapons and rose her hands up, a stunned, shivering look on her face as she bumbled out everything, anything she could in hopes of saving her life:

"Alright alright...!! There's a Demon Prince trying to set up some kind of ritual, okay?! That's all I know, they want to summon some big bad evil god or something ridiculous like that!!"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Fri Jul 29, 2022 1:40 pm


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

Well, that was easy… Even a horde of the best demonic forces the local lands could offer seeming more like waves breaking on stone when put up against the leader of Valerica’s sea arm and the white empress who stood by his side, Sofia was left to pant a little as she tried her utmost to keep up with the pair and felt better for doing so, but even after that she found herself a little bit bemused with the ease with which what remained of their enemies seemed to fess up their plan.
“You demons have gods?” Seeming to stride forward however at the details that the remnants of the malign masses revealed to them in their rush to have their life spared, the brow of the brunette furrowed as the wretch confessed the fact that the trouble of late was down to the fact that these droves and their masters had been trying to make contact with a higher power, which frankly seemed to astound a soul who had always been somewhat skeptical when it came to divines and their interventions.

“And summoning…?” Certainly not missing the sense of threat inherent to the situation and feeling her shoulders stiffen a little when their captive noted the possibility of their grim deity being called to the world, while she knew that this would be no easy task what with all she knew of the failed attempts of ‘locals’ to draw characters like Illumin toward them, this did little to settle the woes that Miss Serena felt at the prospect all the same.
“Are they planning some more of those incursions?” Certainly seeming to have had enough of demonic forces trying to connect dimensions after everything they had been through in Astera, the bearing of the beryl eyed beauty grew more serious as she questioned the fallout of such foolishness, and then looked to the lusciousness she loved with concern because of that. After all, the last time earthland and hell had mixed she had nearly lost the most important thing in her world, hadn’t she…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Sun Aug 07, 2022 11:54 am


WORDS: 4600 | TAG: @Sofia | ALISA

Between the three of us, a mere party of intoxicated pirates couldn't really put much of a fight, Obscuras or not... An experienced navy admiral, a demon huntress, and a powerful light mage more had more than enough firepower to take them out quickly. Alisa still held the blade in front of the startled woman's throat, brow furrowed, watching her like a hawk, ready to execute her at the first sight of any suspicious moves:

"W-well yeah of course they do. Just like some people have Gods too.", she nodded vehemently, though her words came off a little detached.

Alisa had a nudging suspicion these pirates didn't really worship this dark god themselves, but were either content to watch it cause mayhem, or simply owed their loyalty to the beings who gave them power. She turned her gaze back to her beloved, a troubled look crossing her face as she remembered the anguish they'd gone through:

"The last time, none of the demons actually summoned anything this massive...", Alisa replied, a grim look on her face as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"I mean, if they actually manage to summon that thing, it's gonna be a helluva lot worse than what happened during the invasions."

Truly, last time the forces of the Abyss settled for just flooding the land with demons of all shapes and sizes... But now... Right now, they'd already achieved at least that much... Even now she felt her heart clench at the thought of what happened in the last battle. And the fact that this one could turn out to be hundreds of times worse told Alisa everything she needed to no. She couldn't waste time with small fry anymore:

"Come on... We need to figure out our next move. I'm not sure how far we can believe her when it comes to their endgame, but a demonic prince would have enough power to brew up a storm like this."

And even if they did wish to summon a world ending calamity onto this world like so many Dark Mages dreamed of, there was no way of knowing whether they actually had the means to succeed. After all, many had tried and failed, dedicating their lives to that singular objective, regardless of whether or not those lives came to an abrupt end when hunters like Alisa caught wind of their goals... But the fact that they had a Demon Prince already in Earthland, working towards a goal like that... That was more than enough reason to move quickly.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Family Reunion [Sofia/Storyline] ♫ Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:41 am


WORDS: 300 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“It's hot when she gets all commanding and huntressy, huh?” Happy to take a backseat when Alisa steps forward during the interrogation and not least because of how she seemed to retain that allure even in a scene like this one, miss serena couldn't help but shiver at the presence of her partner as she pressured their 'prey' for information, and quietly bragged to her uncle about that irrepressible magnetism as she gave her ebony haired enchantress the opportunity to show off.
“My woman~” That green gaze remaining transfixed as the woman ook charge and her bottom lip in definite need of pressure which her top teeth offered up eagerly, the fair femme found herself feeling just a little bit fidgety as she took her beautiful bride and all the glory she carried in, and felt her cheeks warm a little as she wonders just how she might capitalize on what was stirring within her when they had the chance later on.

“Yup, yup!” Perking up because of it and making sure she was the first to answer the call to arms which her awing amazon offered up, Sofia raised her hand and grinned in a childish fashion as she affirmed the intention of her wonderful wife to take up the cause which had apparently been laid out in front of them, before jumping in next to her beloved black belle with a smile on her face and a renewed sense of hope in her heart to boot.
“What do you say, uncle~? Fancy helping us gals beat back the forces of darkness a bit more~?” Turning back to the admiral she had been gossiping with soon after as well, though she can already guess that the man was going to act anyway she makes sure to impress upon all the idea of them working together toward their goal, and feels a sense of hope standing against the dread inspired before. After all, if she was going to build a team ready to fight the prince of evil, the people beside her would be her first call, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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