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Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN]

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Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Fri Aug 05, 2022 6:06 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

This had been quite the eventful day... Between the exhibition matches taking place at the center of the volcano, and that mysterious creature's attack, they had plenty to busy themselves with, and only now did Alisa had a chance to let her hair down... Nothing beats a dip in the ocean right as the sun's slowly setting, those bright baby blues giving way the vibrant orange hues as the sun approached the horizon. The villagers who'd agreed to help her were already busy preparing the Luau, while giving the combatants a chance to enjoy those last few minutes of sunlight in the ocean... Alisa swam gracefully, her legs kicking back and forth as she explored beneath the waves a few meters below the surface, idly brushing the soft sands on the ocean floor with the tip of her toes:

"At this rate, I might just retire here with Sofia one day...~", she mused aloud as she slowly emerged with a soft splash, running her hands up over her face, slicking her long, wet hair back as she swam her way back to shore until her feet touched the soft wet sands below, the water trickling down her tall, statuesque shape, dripping down her eye catching curves in long, steady trickles as she reached both hands up to her ample bust, cupping her breasts to adjust the wet fabric of her red bikini over her fullness, following along the strap of her red bikini up to her neck and then doing the same to her bikini bottoms as she walked up to where she'd left her towel and picked it back up, shaking off the sand and drying off most of the water around her torso, leaving it draped around her shoulders, "Now, let's see who else has arrived."

More people had joined since she'd gone for her swim a few moments earlier... Who knows, maybe she'd get a chance to kick back with some of her guildmates or their allies, maybe over a Mai Tai while they watched the sunset. Her plush lips widened into a curious, faintly excited smile, wondering who she'd run into first.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sat Aug 06, 2022 5:31 pm

It was magical as some one who might not really fit or generally was not really comfortable with these things with in her mind, one of the few people to actually show up with in this matter was Miriko, The major sign over all that Miriko was around was Alistair being around since well the steps of a Cattian was different then most, Then again Alistair seemed to be laughing a bit about something. Whatever it was most likely was something to be learned about later. Given it was Miriko it was most likely something harmless to the situation at hand.

But alas it was Miriko, already a bit red from the heat of the area, Cover in a swim outfit that covered Miriko more comfortable to Miriko's personality then for the summer weather. It was like she had shorts on that went to just before her knees, but still sleeveless at least. it was also not shockingly black in colour. Most likely to Alisa dismay Miriko was not really showing off to the way Alisa knew she could. Because she was a rather sheltered woman still, nonetheless she was still at least well behaved and never caused problems.

But at least with the summer time ideas Miriko seemed to use it as a chance to consider to draw a few things. But seemed at least she was just in the starting plotting stages of these ideas, She was just merely walking. If Alisa wanted to consider it, she could just easily scare Miriko because she seemed to be entirely focused on other things. Alistair at least seemed to just not have a lot on him around Miriko at least one bag that seemed to be carrying small amount of things. most likely drawing supplies, water and a few other things Miriko might need.

But nonetheless, Miriko was in Mahalo Beach even if she hated these areas, it might just be her trying to push her limits right now, weather or not this was entirely the right idea was a bit more questionable in the end at least for Miriko. Alistair just seemed to take everything at face value and did not have many worries, just watch over the meek painter. Keep her face and enjoy his life and time around the area, pretty simple for him in the end. That was just his normal life anyway just a different area.



Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sat Aug 06, 2022 8:00 pm


WORDS: 800 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

In the end, Alisa's wishes came true as she waved at the beauty a few meters away, someone she hadn't seen since that fateful afternoon back in Stella, where the woman painted her a portrait that now hung proudly in the walls of her Guild Hall. Her smile brightened almost immediately, beaming as she rose her hand and waved at the girl, turning and heading right for her as she called out to her:

"Oh, Mimi~...!!", greeting the girl with that bright, captivating smile, she couldn't help but let her gaze wash over the woman, casually tracing her curves as she admired the choice of garment she slipped on. Still far too conservative to wear at the beach, but considering just how reserved the woman was, this was a major improvement over even her wildest expectations. Honestly, she half expected to see her at the beach wearing he trademark dress, melting under the sweltering heat. In the end, since Mimi seemed so absorbed in her work not to notice her, Alisa chuckled with a sly, mischievous smile on her face and instead approached her from behind, casually resting her hand on the girl's shoulder, her natural scent of lavander tinged with hints of salt, close enough to the painter for the girl to pick up on it, "Glad to see you here. How have you been~?"

It had been much too long since she met the woman back in Stella, and even though she knew Mimi had joined Blue Pegasus, she still didn't know that she was actually her niece. Even if she had heard her niece had joined the guild, not in her wildest dreams would have imagined to see a grown woman, especially after having met Tempris already, and expecting somebody around the same age as the young blonde. So there she was, still carrying that playful, flirtatious tone she always wore:

"Fufu~... Are you truly comfortable like that?", instead, she folded her arms under the fullness of her bust, squeezing her cleavage ever so softly as her brow arched, betraying her curiosity as she wondered whether the young painter was even comfortable wearing so much on, "I can imagine a swimsuit like that might be quite hot in this weather..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:55 am

Yes indeed here she was in some kind of progress having how she was currently, Then again Alistair was always watching and listening. So it was pretty interesting he just watched but as ever Miriko was stuck in her own reality and world thinking her many things so i would happen that she would return, after all she had things she did need to answer it would just be a bit delayed as person normal.

But after a few moments because Alistair stopped and Miriko herself stopped then tuning into the reality around her, it might not have been the best idea for the one who is extremely worried about how she was viewed by her looks."I have...been a okay, I am just adjusting to life into the guild with out worry." The most plain way of Miriko saying she was okay just a bit more added to it.

as for if she was comfortable if she really had to guess."No I am not, I feel too naked."Whatever answer Alisa might be expecting, this was most likely logical to Miriko to say."But some one argued with me over swimming attire...so I just made one up really quick."What else to think from the lady who made her down clothing was making her own swimming attire in black at a beach, Alisa might have to try and get some kind of sense into her, But right now it seemed to be not the case currently.

But Miriko just simply lead it with."I did not find any lighter material I would feel comfortable wearing. So I just went with what i had on hand."Most likely also not the answer Alisa wanted to hear, but it seemed to get to a small laugh from Alistair.



Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:59 pm


WORDS: 800 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

Progress was good... Blue Pegasus was a guild dedicated to self improvement in a constant pursuit of perfection. Ideal for artists like themselves whom could never be satisfied by their current accomplishments and always sat a higher mountain. But the same improvement that one applied to their skillset should turn to themselves, and Mimi's desire to do so earned a satisfied smile from the sculptress as she spoke up to the tall, curvaceous beauty in front of her:

"Mmmm, good to know, Sofia did tell me she showed you the ropes. I was glad to see you finally found your way here.", but nothing made her chuckle quite as much as her next words, "My, my~... Is that what you think about me in this swimsuit~?"

Throwing her a teasing, playful little wink, Alisa cocked those ample hips to the side, one hand coming to rest as the other slipped behind her neck, arching her back ever so slightly as she all but posed for her new guildmate as a model might have for a magazine, a cheeky, mischievous look in her eyes:

"Well, they'd be right... You don't look like you're exactly used to heat so...", in the end, her arm came down, hand cupping her cheek as her eyes washed over the girl once more, a troubled knot in her brow as a look of discomfort crossed her face. Alisa fanned herself... Honestly, she felt hot already just from looking at her wearing something so restrictive, "Mmmm, sounds like we should do something about that. At this rate, you'll turn into a puddle of sweat if you linger in the sunlight for too long. Even at this hour... I'd shudder to think how you'd feel if you were out in the sun at high noon."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:17 pm

With Alisa's question Alistair who was here started to laugh, only because it was something that would most likely just freeze Miriko mentally as always these things would. It did exactly that and Miriko was not super stuck in place. She could still some what speak as she thought about it."She did make things simple I guess it just helped slightly to settle me in."She was trying not to think about it even if she wanted say something specifically, So for now she would avoid commenting on Alisa's looks because it was something she considered strange.

Because she could move on to the conversation about how she managed other things."I can barely handle the cold as well, it isn't anything new to me..."She sounded unhappy about it but it was true she would just as easily get ruined by the cold as she does the heat."I just get by as I need too...I don't wanna alter anything else at this point."It seemed yet again Miriko was just trying to get comfortable even if she was feeling a bit toasty.

"Then I hope not to be out at high noon."Miriko mentioned as it she felt no longer a need to delay it."As for the question about you looks, I would prefer not to look at my aunt too in depth about that manner...it doesn't feel right too do that to you."could it has been phrased better, yes but she let it out anyway because it might just help here rather then Alisa risk doing something that made the situation worst in Miriko's eyes. But it was easy to make this situation worst not matter what because Miriko was just that way in terms of how she was.



Last edited by Mimi on Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:30 pm


WORDS: 350 | Full Bloom

I'd love to have a party like this back home… The setting sun making the water beyond the beach glow like it was a stretch of molten gold, though her evening thus far had been spent exploiting a rather natural advantage in a sand-side water fight with the children and a few who merely behaved like them, now Sofia Serena found herself transfixed by the splendour of a sky turning from blue to amber, and found her mind moving back to times of old as she did so.
Maybe we could even get dad out there? It hard to spend time on one island paradise without thinking about the one on which she had been born and raised and the passage of years helping to make that a sweeter than bitter experience, while there was still the odd loose cobblestone in that road so speak things seemed to have gradually softened after she had returned with her uncle and then again with her daughters, and yet strangely that fact had made her yearn for the land she left no less. One day those who sported the banner of the blue stallion would be able to stand on their own, and then maybe she would be able to retire to where her heart lived, eh?

Well, well, well… For now the fox rooted to wherever her wonderful wife was needed and not minding that fact at all on days like this one, when finally she was able to tear that green gaze away from the horizon she searched for something equally lovely if not more so by simple instinct, and in doing so clapped eyes upon the sight of her new family seeming to linger together and converse about matter which weren't quite clear.
“If it isn't my two favourite ladies~? How are you girls doing?” That not about to stop the seaside siren from intervening however when a delightful duo could be transformed into an even more terrific trio, the bubbly brunette stepped forward and wrapped a hand around each of her wonderful wife and the pretty niece she had only reconnected with, and looked between them as she tried to weigh up what was going on between them. In fact, if she wasn’t wrong, this was the first time all three of them had a chance to hang out together as well, now wasn't it?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:18 pm


WORDS: 800 | TAG: @Mimi @Sofia | BIKINI

Alisa still couldn't help but gaze at her with an uncomfortable, apprehensive look in her eyes, idly scanning her figure head to toe, admiring how it sat around her captivating curves, all while worrying for thr girl's comfort, scratching her temple:

"Well, that won't do at all... Maybe that swimsuit would have been comfortable somewhere in the winter but... Clearly not here. Maybe we'll have to help you find something more comfortable hmm?", she chimed, winking at her, not the slightest bit worried as she replied, "Not to worry, beauty is meant to be admired after all. It's nothing to be ashamed of~"

So caught up in her playful mood that Mimi's comment went completely over her head. Alisa stood there, flipping her hair as she spoke, taking it in stride, until her eyes flared open, a double take as she brought her startled, gaze back to Mimi's:

"Wait... Your aunt...? Don't tell me you're... ", her jaw dropped as she looked over the girl once, twice, thrice, comparing her to Tempris... Well, her face defenitely resembled her parents, how could she have missed this, an exhasperated look in her eyes, walking up and draping her arms around her, pulling her into a tight, familial hug in stark contrast to the flirtatiousness she'd shown thus far, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Now, she knew of her sister's powers all too well. But at the same time, she'd met Tempris, and well... She was still a young teen, and Alisa naturally expected Mimi to have matched her age somewhat. Truly, not for a second did she imagine that artist she met in Stella to be the niece she held as a small child only a few years back, not even the fact that she belonged to Empyrean Divine:

"O-Oh dear... Then I've been...", as the shock washed over her, in its place came another feeling entirely, her cheeks growing redder with every single word from her lips, arms folded under her bust almost defensively as her hand rose over her mouth, a telltale hint of shame as she realized she'd been shamelessly flirting with her own niece.

And that's exactly when Sofia finally announced herself, that smooth, melodious tone startling her until she couldn't help but shiver, her gasp soon turning into a purr, whatever semblance of shame she felt fading with the excited thrill of laying her eyes on her lover, that bewitching sight that always left her biting her lip, shifting her weight between her legs:

"Mmmm, hello my love~...", sliding an arm around Sofia's waist, leaning in for a slow but tender kiss to her lips, drawing it out just long enough for a little taste, without lingering so long to make Mimi uncomfortable, even if her arm still hung lazily around her beloved, explaining the redness in her cheeks as she frowned, "Not too bad just... Finding out Mimi is actually the niece i've been talking about."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 9:42 pm

It seemed the turn she did not expect had finally happen, now that Mirko was brave enough to admit it since well something that Miriko would explain later. But first Alistair would simply say."I am sure you could still try but Miriko is a bit of a challenge for these things."which well Alistair knew very well how Miriko was about these things. Then again it seemed her mind was not interest in trying to branch out to trying new outfits."It isn't her own beauty she is scared of expressing."Which also was true, she was not doing it in the manner Alisa might consider helpful in much ways.

With the why did you tell me part Miriko was stuck in a mental freeze because of the hug and how it did worked. Mostly because Miriko did get mentally stuck that way because of how she was as a person. There was most likely a fairly interesting conversation to be had from Miriko herself. After the hug and the embarrassment of Alisa came to pass Miriko would just explain."We just never had a chance to talk about it over all since we both ended up busy with other things."Which was a logical thing to say.

Then another person came into this fray, more family into this situation not that Miriko had much to worry since well, She had already met Sofia before and she seemed to understand how Miriko worked."It seems I have forgotten to tell Alisa we are related...."It was a bit nervous sounding but at least it was not shame or embarrassment at all just if anything almost the normal casual way Miriko was normally about anything in general but at least it seemed they where a happy family at this time.




Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:39 pm


WORDS: 400 | Full Bloom

“Oh, and Mr Allistair too. How are you today, good sir~?” A little too transfixed by her temptress to notice even the sizeable figure of Mimi's companion but when she did so this hardly seeming to be much of a surprise given how attentively he seemed to act as a guardian to her, Miss Serena shone with a smile as she eyed the fine feline and then dipped forward into a little bow in a show of formality toward him, which was only natural given how much of a statesman he seemed. Though sadly it seemed the scene would quickly distract her from such dignified discourse.
“Whaaaaaaat~? Ahahaahahahaa!” Unable to find too much time to dwell on introduction however when Alisa revealed the fact that her beloved bride had made quite the error in ignorance when it came to the pretty young woman she was speaking to, while it was understandable that she herself had been a little lacking for familiarity with the lass when they reconnected in the guild she had always guessed the raven would have known who she was immediately, and so was left cackling at the implication at where this particular reunion might have been headed if not for that recognition.

“Just what sort of things did you have planned for your niece, eh~?” Only too happy to poke at the places where she guessed that this suave siren might have taken a pretty little stranger if left to her own devices as well if she were given half a chance, the emerald eyed enchantress snickered at the prospect of her wife getting carried away with the unspoken attitude of lessaiz-faire between them, and merrily nudged the ribs of her apparently muddled mate in response to this.
“She wasn't trying to take advantage of you, was she? Don't worry, Aunt Sofi will protect you from this brute~” Quickly skipping from one to the other however and moving to wrap her arms around the cute thing who her sister-in-law had mothered with her impish spirit only seeming to escalate, it was fair to say that Sofia could now delight in the innuendo of assumption that such a scene could yield, and relished the chance to tease her lover so because of it as well. After all, it was pretty rare for the smooth and confident white empress to make a slip like this, wasn't it? So she just had to make the most of it, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 1:03 am


WORDS: 800 | TAG: @Mimi @Sofia | BIKINI

"I imagined as much...", Alisa nodded, shooting Alistair an awkward smile as she rubbed behind her neck, and yet, she still had a determined look in her eyes. Of couse, she wouldn't press the subject too hard, though in her mind, she genuinely believe the woman would have been better off if she grew more comfortable with it, "Fufu~... I'm sure she'll find her own way to express it either way."

Alas, Alisa completely forgot all about it once the revelation of the girl's heritage reached her ears. All of that playfulness left her face as the embarassing reality slowly dawned on her, just how long had she been shamelessly flirting with her own niece without realizing? G-Gods just thinking about it made her cheeks redden a deeper shade, her gaze lowering, shaking her head in shame:

"Heavens... Now that defenitely caught me off guard, after meeting Tempris, I sort of expected you'd be around the same age as your sister.", Alisa rose her hand up to her forehead, idly folding her arm under her full bust. Still, nothing quite made her shudder than the implication of her words, making her eyes flare as her blush deepened, "Wha...?! W-What kind of woman do you take me for, hmmm?"

Now Alisa wasn't really planning anything... This just sort of happened with her, and she wasn't the type who'd give them much thought. And she especially wouldn't imagine a grown woman to be the niece she'd held in her arms only a few years earlier. In the end, Alisa couldn't help bur roll her eyes, as even then, Sofia's playfulness did have a way to take the edge off, even if it did nothing for the redness in her cheeks.:

"B-Babe, this isn't funny....", Alisa's hint of flusteredness soon turned into a smidge of annoyance, brow twitching, all but chuckling at her mischievous wife, returning that little nudge to her torso as she chimed back, "My my~... Somebody's enjoying this little misunderstanding a little too much, hmm~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:15 am

Alistair stilled seemed happy to smile for Sofia, because it was just the normal thing she was harmless and family. Miriko was with family even if Alistair was just watching and was still giving people some space he was happy and friendly for all of them."I am enjoying the family gathering, It always makes me happy to see these things." He was happy to mention it a loud that he was seeing Miriko around family since he did not see this too often, maybe because it was something new for him.

Maybe Miriko was due to explain some things while she was stuck current stuck between two family members in a hug, She did not seem to be wanting to move right now. Mostly like because she figured she was not getting out the family embrace for a while."I might have, requested something of my mother long ago and did not ever feel like returning to normal yet."Yes Miriko could actually explain it all while trying to keep herself in control at this time.

So would be something she would dislike admitting in the end."Since you know very well who my mother is. At some point in time I asked her forward my age so i could do a few things in life, I just never changed back to the age of my sister."So if Miriko did not ask her mother to alter time as she did, Miriko would be in fact smaller and Tempris' age. It was vague in terms of details but summed it up pretty well.

Miriko forwarded her age for a reason, just did not change back and just lingered upon the lands as she was now, did this make her family think she was still Tempris' age and a child? Or Miriko the shy adult she was before them?

But for now she left it at that since she was still stuck between her two family members she just remained quiet, seemingly at least she was not struggling to get free as most might assume she would try to at this time.




Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:37 pm


WORDS: 450 | Full Bloom  

“It isn't often that I get to see you squirm so much because of a pretty girl, right~?” Certainly showing plenty of relish which all but confirmed that Alisa's comment about the lofty level of enjoyment she had been deriving from the situation and the effect which it had on her ebony haired enchantress, miss serena shook her head and grinned as she admitted as much and also noted how unusual it was to see her bride looking so flustered, which seemed to only add to the satisfaction which the scene provided her with. In fact, in all the recollections she had it seeming rare for the raven to look quite this red in the face, the girl with the green gaze could only giggle as she tried to remember times in which her beloved had been caught this unawares and found herself struggling to find much of anything, but that didn't stop her teasing her over that fact.

“By my reckoning, last time was in a certain resort in Orchidia, right~?” All too happy to step in alongside the amazon in fact and nuzzle her as she recalled the truest time she had seemed so affected by the presence of another woman, the fingers of the fox skirted over the stomach of her sable siren as she squeezed herself against her, and all too quickly found herself searching for the sweetness of a kiss. After all, with a perfect pout like that one, it was only too hard to refuse it, wasn't it?

“Ohhhhh, so that's what happened huh? I did think you should have been younger, but I kinda assumed you'd been a late bloomer who had a growth spurt?” All too quickly finding herself a mix of surprised and intrigued when she finally heard the reasoning behind their common astonishment when being introduced to their niece however, in all honesty it had struck sofia as odd that the lass had shown up in the guild hall looking like such a handsome woman when last she had seen her she had been more than a slip of a girl, but ultimately guessed that this was merely a matter of genetics and the well timed application of hormones.
“So uh… Do you still have the mind of a little girl?” All of that seeming to raise a point of concern for the princess however and this seeming to prickle her so much that she couldn't help but express it, while it had been one thing to assume that her looks had caught up with her age before, the emerald eyed enchantress couldn't help but worry about the opposite effect and how that would impact the girl. I mean, the world would be a confusing place to someone who looked like a woman but possessed only the innocence of a child, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:35 pm


WORDS: 1300 | TAG: @Mimi @Sofia | BIKINI

Indeed, Mimi was due plenty of explanations, especially once she confessed this change was something she sought out. Kurisa had the power to do this with relative ease, and Alisa knew it.. Though she didn't imagine she'd do it so vehemently without Mimi having asked for it herself:

"I can imagine why~ At your age, it might feel quite amusing to tower over your relatives.", Alisa teased with a playful hint, a smidge of amusement returning to her face... Still, she found herself in a strange place of treating Mimi like an adult, while still treating the girl like her niece.

She knew this magic well enough by now, and knew better than to treat her like a child when her mind was anything but... But that didn't change the fact that she was still the girl she held in her arms not too long ago:

"Mmmm, I do indeed remember a certain someone who always knows how to make my heart skip a beat~...", as the outlandishness of the situation slowly settled in, so did Alisa felt some of that flustered tension ease away, even though she still had that lingering redness on her cheeks. Draping her free arm around her beloved, Alisa's lips curled just a bit wider, nibbling her bottom lip as she pictured that seductive siren strolling by the pool, making her head turn, fan herself, shivering as much as she did now at the mere feel of her touch, all the more so when she got a good, long taste of that plush, perfect pout, biting her lip as her hand came to rest on the small of her back, nails idly brushing back and forth as she held her close, "Makes me wonder what that breathtaking beauty is up to these days~"

Alisa did her damndest not to embarass Mimi, but even then... She couldn't help it when her smouldering gaze fell on her wife's, drinking deeply of those vibrant jade hues, leaving her arm draped around Sofia even as she turned her head right back to Mimi:

"Not really... People reflect the mindset they'd have at that age, even though they don't get any of their future memories.", Alisa explained as she shrugged, still thinking back to that time in the festivals where she allowed their daughters to spend the afternoon like that, "I let her use that ability on Mari and Jess for a few hours with their cousins, and they were their child selves throughout that time."

In a world where people use magic for every single aspect of their lives, the uniqueness of Kurisa's magic still stuck out as something within the realm of the gods. Among all forms of magic, abilities that manipulate time and space like Sofia and Kurisa's always seem the most impressive:

"Still... I've never heard of anybody aging a whole twenty years of her life, Mimi. Impressive how I didn't even notice."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:16 pm

To tower over her family? That was not why Miriko asked to forward he age at all, it had nothing to do with her ego at all. there was a few other reasons for it and she would explain them as well."Well...I never was worried about towering over my family."So she actually made sure she spoke that part first for them both. The actual answer was most likely something a bit more child like but mixed with a bit of maturity in which could show that Miriko maybe did this for things she wanted yet also things she felt she needed to do.

So with that it would be down to the following."I alter my age forward to allow me to sneak around to watch over Tempris with out her knowing it was me in the end....I just got carried away with being an adult to go get art supplies and learning so many things freely i got carried away."She became an adult to spy on family from a far, Then buy things she wanted after she earned it and learn things. IF anything maybe Miriko made herself older to reflect some of the adult always she was already acting.

But Miriko did have self awareness, so an answer to Sofia's wonder coul be an interesting reflection."I do realize, Upon aging myself forward I did not socialize myself as well as other people to the means that adults are with one another."Maybe that part in some manner man Sofia right but that is just something Miriko could say. But maybe it was just two sides to a coin in a figurative way of it working. But it was just how Miriko thought of it in the end, her family with her right now might have other thoughts still about it.


total: 1994/2000


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:41 pm


WORDS: 500 | Full Bloom

“That Cherry, eh~? Me toooo… We should visit her?” The siren found smirking as they continued their little path through the garden of reminiscence, miss serena couldn't help but nod toward the young woman who had made up the third portion of their little triumvirate on the day she had met the woman she would one day wed, and at Alisa's note couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity because of that.
I wonder if she ever found a boyfriend…? Embarrassed to admit that she had been so busy with births and babies and her efforts to get back into the swing of things guild-wise afterward that she had hardly found the time to visit a girl who she had once held as her best friend in all of Fiore, the fair femme couldn't help but drift from the moment to wonder about the lass with crimson hair they had left with Orchidia, and knew that she should do something to amend such error sooner rather than later.

“You did what?!” For the moment however it seeming that her mind would endure a kick and flip in order to force it into another priority when her partner mentioned using magic on her darling daughters, for a second the voice of the vixen seemed to echo over the beach at the admission of the amazon next to her, and suddenly she found herself feeling like she had missed out on quite the stellar experience in deed.
“Jeeeez… Were they still cute as hell? Y-You shouldn't do such things without me, babe!” Those emerald eyes growing because of that as she looked to the marvel she had married with desperation, though perhaps it was one thing to be using strange magics on her beautiful bambinos it was quite another to think that she had missed out on a chance to see the girls their little ladies would become in a few years, and for that reason Sofia was left to pout and fold her arms because of the joy she felt that she had been deprived of by her dark delight.

“Hahahaha, at least you have an excuse?” Not seeming to hold that fact against their niece however and also showing a note of understanding and support at the shortcoming of the change she had endured as well, the ever easy-going enchantress gave a gentle laugh as she chose to highlight how poor socialization was far from a rare thing in the world, and that Mimi had the luxury of being able to explain it and grow from it if nothing else.
“There's plenty of adults around here who act like three year olds and don't have the spellcasting to justify it~?” Shaking her head and sighing as she further elaborated on the fact that marks of maturity seemed to be an optional development as far as she was concerned, from what she had seen, Miss Serena could tell that the lass was plenty mature and could probably round out the rougher edges of her inexperience with relative ease, especially when one considered who her aunts were. After all, who better than the 'goddesses of charm' to teach her how to deal with social experience, eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:52 pm


WORDS: 1700 | TAG: @Mimi @Sofia | BIKINI

Alisa chuckled at how seriously the girl took her response, hand raising over her mouth, but even then, nothing could quite prepare her for the real reason, making her hand reach down to her chest, smile widening, heart warmed by her girl's words. She all but giggled, her tone affectionate as she added:

"Yes, I can see why you'd feel that way... Tempris does need somebody looking out for her all too often.", Alisa still remember that one time when she found the girl challenging a dragon all on her own. Even with her help, the two of them came very close to losing their lives, and while Alisa always went into battle acknowledging that possibility, it had been many years since she had brushed so closely with death. Without the drive to protect Tempris, she could very well have fallen, "Mmmmm, nobody asks you how old you are when you're this age."

Indeed, even though her mind had changed to match her age, she was probably not used to it considering just how suddenly she'd changed. In the end, Alisa's lips curled wider as she thought back to that endearing pinkette, and she couldn't help but:

"Mhmmm, It's amazing how we went this long without checking in on her.", in the end, nothing quite shocked Sofia as much as the realization that the same magic used to bring Miriko up to their age had also been used on their own children. Perhaps at an earlier point in their relationship, Alisa might have worried what Sofia would think of this... But after the so long together, the implicit trust between the two wasn't easily shaken. Alisa wouldn't have done this if she didn't know it was safe, and Sofia knew it as well. Instead, what appalled her beyond all reason was how she'd missed such an experienced, enough that Alisa couldn't help but shoot her an apologetic look, raising her hand in front of her as she rubbed behind her neck, "Fufufu~... They loved it, I can tell you right now. Next time Karisa brings her children over to play, I'll make sure to bring you along as well."

In the end, Alisa couldn't help but drape her arm around her beloved and lean in, planting a loving, reassuring kiss on her cheek, her chest pressing ever so subtly to her side as that arm lingered even as she turned her attention back to Mimi:

"And there's many more who don't and would absolutely love the excuse... So by all means, you're more than welcome to around us if you'd like~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:09 pm

This cleared a lot of things that left Miriko a bit of a mystery and more of a person over all who had their own things in her life that she did even if she was suppose to be much younger, Miriko seemed to do have done a fair amount in life considering what she had done. But in the end they seem to be okay with it. Some what put that worry in her mind to an end.

But for now Miriko felt a little too toasty, given most people knew Miriko did not handle weather well, this would most likely come up again eventually.So she would be sure to let people know."...Well now that is out of the way, I am going to sit down somewhere out of the sun..."Miriko mentioned trying not to spoil the moment her two aunts seemed to be having. It was nice to seem love as it stood.

But Miriko still did not handle it well as it was in front of her, So she just used it as a chance to walk away."Pardon me..."in some manner it seemed Miriko managed a lot better then she use too about some things, She even managed to deal with a few things before leaving with Alistair.



total: 2210/2000


Sunset Paradise [PSF794 - LUAU/MIMI/OPEN] Empty Wed Sep 07, 2022 9:38 pm


WORDS: 450 | Full Bloom

“You picked the right guild for sure…” Nodding as she realized the full gravity of what they were dealing with then it came to their aged up niece and only feeling a stronger spirit of protection now she knew the truth, though perhaps the recently acquired maternalism had meant that Miss Serena had felt a drive to watch over the lass all the same, now that she knew just what kind of innocence was at stake she only felt more pressed in that desire.
“We're quite protective of our girls, aren't we babe~?” Knowing all too well just what kind of people there were in the world after her own experience as an apparent teenager who was footloose and fancy free, while the fetching fox had the wickedness of spirit that she might have not disliked that fact all too much she did sense a stronger degree of purity when it came to Mimi, and as such was fully prepared to use her mind and more to ensure that such virtue remained for as long as she could allow.

“Teehee, you better~?” Giggling as her wife confirmed the details of their daughters temporary 'ascension' and shaking her head as she did so, though she still felt a little disappointment in the fact that she had missed out on such a treat, ultimately Sofia knew she couldn't stay mad at the woman she loved too long. Guessing that she would have a hard time resisting temptation had their roles been reversed, after all, she wasn’t going to hold the issue against her beautiful bride too much, Only when it was the most fun, of course.

“Teeheehee, okay dear, let us know if you need any help with lotion, okay~?” Blinking a little at the sudden decision of their junior to dip out at that point and left to wonder if maybe they combination of both her and Alisa might have gotten a little overwhelming for her, Miss Serena giggled and shook her head as once more her motherly spirit took charge, or at the very least, some kind of impetus which seemed appropriate for their locale.
“We won't be far away. Gotta keep our eye on our angel, right? You never know who might be on the beach trying to charm her~” Never wasting a chance to tease her lady love however and once more having to poke at the little moment she had intruded upon only minutes before, once more the minx couldn't help but draw attention to the flirtation that the marvel she had married had been showing toward their dearest and darling-est niece, and grinned as she did so. I mean, as generous as she had been today, that was one little misstep that she wasn't going to let her wife get away with too easily, was she~?

2150/2000 Words
Mission Complete – Exit

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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