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[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship

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[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:20 pm


The news had come as quite a shock, even to her: Odin Morningstar had perished. Even more surprising was the rumor that it was Alisa who had done so. While she was glad that they had reached a mutual understanding that Odin was a dangerous presence that needed to be dealt with, the fact remained that Odin was a charismatic foe, and one with many followers and allies. Just killing him would surely lead to a harsh and violent retaliation of those that saw him as their friend, idol or heavens forbid it: their god.

As such the moment the news had reached her ears Esperia had been contemplating on what to do. Hargeon had become her home, especially now she and Priscilla were raising their family there. Seated on a rock overlooking the sea surrounding Luluhawa island Esperia thought a bit more on the matter. The moment that Eternal Nightmare had invaded Baska and made it their territory they had, by all means earned her ire and disgust. But she had to admit there were some interesting individuals among Odin's followers as well.

Heaving a sigh she opened the water bottle she carried with her and took a soft sip as a soft feminine voice called out in her thoughts: "Are you worried about the upcoming conflict?"

Esperia nodded her head lightly, heaving another sigh. "As much as I wanted to see that man gone to ensure that Morrigan wouldn't be unleashed, now that he is finally gone I almost regret it. Almost~ A tiny bit~ Since he kept his minions in check. With Odin gone it's like a beehive got poked."

The voice belonged to the Slime Queen who had shared her powers with her, and as such Esperia soon saw the slime girl manifest as an ethereal image in her mind. "I understand your concern, surely his death will have provoked some people, and these blinded by anger and hatred are often prone to reckless actions."

Esperia nodded her head somberly. "And that is where I find myself troubled: Hargeon has become my home, and I won't let Alisa fight for it by her lonesome. Sure, she has a powerful guild to support her but... Knowing her she won't like the idea of exposing them to danger. No, she's likely to do something foolish like trying to challenge them by herself."

The idea did bring her to the reason for this meeting, which was why she wanted to talk to Alisa. She needed to make certain she had guessed Alisa's intentions correctly, after all it would be important for her to understand what her mentor would be doing now that the ire of the largest organization of dark mages had been turned toward her.

"Silly Espy~ You already know all too well that her answer won't change a thing, right? After all, abandoning a friend in trouble has never been something you were know for~ Nope, meddling in affairs is much more suiting for you~


[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:59 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

Now, Alisa hadn't really planned for things to turned out this way. She met Jin and Erebus a few days before that happened, with a genuine desire to prevent violence and further escalation into a possible civil war. But the fact remained that right after that meeting, Odin came to find her out of his own voilition, looking for a fight. She didn't seek him out, he came to her. And he did so right after something he must have heard from his companions. Coincidences like this don't just happen. They fought, and Alisa didn't hesitate to kill him once he confirmed his intentions to summon Morrigan. Then, what was the point of overthrowing the King? And why did Alisa's refusal to allow it earn the kind of killing intent they never had before? In her mind, the answer was clear, they wanted the chaos and disorder of a revolution to cover their tracks in their plot to summon the Dark Goddess. All that talk about improving the country amounted to nothing more than lies and platitudes. Even now the mere thought made her brow twitch... But instead, Alisa took a long, deep breath of that saline scent wafting over with that soothing sea breeze, her long hair fluttering about behind her:

"I suppose... I'll have plenty of time to think about it after the party~...", she mused, reminding herself what she was here to do. To enjoy a much needed vacation. And that's what she planned to do as she idly wandered about the sunset party, mingling with a Mai Tain in hand, her smile brightening once she finally came upon her former pupil. She rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head at the sight of her having changed her appearance again. Sure she heard about it but... Some things you just have to see to believe them, "Again, Esperia? You really hate it when people recognize you hmm?"

She approached the girl with a subtle sway to those full, womanly hips, running her hands down her long, silken black hair, adjusting it, making herself presentable in that striking red bikini sitting snug yet fashionably around her sinuous shape. Even after all this time, Alisa always strove to look her best and in a way, she supposed that's why so many people associated her with Blue Pegasus. And why her enemies would never distinguish between the guild and herself... For now, she still assumed they hadn't caught wind of their Master's death, or else they'd have surely lashed out in fury by now. Even as she casually spoke to Esperia, the tall lithomancer couldn't quite turn her brain off, constantly making plans and preparations for the inevitable war to come.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:35 pm


A momentary pause followed after Alisa's playful remark about her different appearance, leading to the girl to chime playfully. "This time I didn't have too much choice in the matter~ Else I would have eagerly turned into a buxom maiden~ Not that I can't do that still, this body of mine has plenty of tricks at its disposal~"

A soft chuckle followed as she turned her gaze toward her mentor, a smile lingering on her lips for a moment as she lowered the bottle of water back onto the arm of her throne. "Then again~ It seems that my appearance isn't the only thing different this time~"

Her tone might had been playful, but her gaze was clearly soft and her smile carried a hint of sympathy in it. "How are you holding up?" It might had sounded like a simple question, but it was a question that carried a lot of meaning with it. "To think that dealing with one threat would simply invite the other." Heaving a sigh she turned her gaze from Alisa toward the sea. "Expect a retaliation... Odin's fellowship and followers are nothing if not zealous, and I'd hate to see them attempt to turn Hargeon into a battlefield."

She raised a hand to her chin, pondering for a moment. "I know you likely don't want to expose the innocent civilians to such a risk. I believe some of them might be susceptible to the suggestion of a duel among champions. In fact in ancient traditions it was often dictated that blood feuds were settled by means of a duel. Either one against one, or two against two, the latter more frequently employed for feuds between factions. A man with a mentality like Erebus might be inclined to agree to such a notion. A siege would paint them unfavorable to the world, cowardly even. But the issue remains that some of his followers are far more chaotic and zealous when it comes to their acts. They will likely not be all that inclined to the idea."

And then there was another matter that bothered her. "And even then, it is not just the Eternal Nightmare... If my suspicions are to be believed, Odin's reach stretches beyond them. During my adventures there was a particular person who claimed the same family name as Odin... And they carry a fair degree of influence within Dessierto. And that person? Likely is one of these reckless enough to bear down an army against you should it be within their means."

A soft hum came from the throne as she turned it to face Alisa and chimed softly. "Which means we need a suitable force ourselves~ I might have an army of slimes, but they wouldn't be suited for this type of battle. But then again~ I have plenty of connections~ Maybe it's time I pay Asmodeus a visit again..."

Although before that she raised a finger toward Alisa's face and proclaimed proudly. "And don't you even think of saying you want to deal with them by yourself. Hargeon is my home, and you're part of these I consider my family~"


[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:21 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

Truly, some things never change... Unlike some people. Indeed, she supposed even Esperia fell under that basket, after all, no matter how much she switched magics and even appearance, her tendency to constantly change herself would never really change:

"Well, if that was something you wanted, now would be a wonderful time to start. You won't find a much better place to show off than here.", Alisa quipped playfully, winking at the girl as she walked up to her as she shrugged her shoulders, wearing a soft smile on her face, "As well as you'd expect really. I'm glad we finally have a chance to kick back and relax for a few days. We'd best make the most of it, after all, there's no telling when the war might actually start. I don't know whether or not they've figured out what happened to Odin, maybe? There's no shortage of people with precognitive abilities like yours."

Her chest rose and fell with a soft, heavy sigh... She was going to send Odin's body to Oak, which she imagined would be understood as a declaration of war. Well, Odin declared war on the world when he openly admitted his plans to summoning morrigan.

"That would be ideal but I agree with you. If anything, I suppose them doing something drastic will mean showing their true colours. Though there wasn't really any doubt after they came all the way to Luluhawa to meet me, talking about grand plans for the country. And then Odin confirms he wanted to summon Morrigan?", even now that meeting still infuriated her, brow twitching as she walked up and took a seat at the nearest bar, inviting Esperia to join her, folding her arms over the bar, cupping her chin as she thought back to the guildmaster meeting. Seika's brother... Oh yes, she remembered them well. She recalled thinking the two could have easily found themselves in the same guild if not for his connection to Odin, "Ah, I assume you mean Khalfani. He introduced himself at our guildmaster meeting, quite flamboyantly at that... And as a member of Crime Sorcière of all things. I guess that explains what goals he had there."

Alisa shook her head... Such a shame. Between Erebus, Jin, Khalfani... Each of them incredible in their own ways, and yet Alisa could feel nothing but disappointment. Destroying the world. Really? People capable of achieving unbelievable feats, and yet they aimed for something as pathetic as destroying the world. The more she thought about it the more her teeth gritted, a hint of anger crossing her face until she pushed the subject aside... All of them really played her for a fiddle huh?

"Mmmm, I suppose the time is finally come to see what our alliance is capable of. I never imagined Blue Pegasus would be the first one to invoke it, but life has a way of surprising you.", Alisa sighed, shifting her shapely rear over the cushy seat, calling over the waiter and quickly ordering herself another cocktail after finishing her own, resting her elbow over the counter, biting her lip at the mention of a blast from the past, "Now there's somebody I haven't seen in a while~ What has she been up to?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:46 pm


Esperia smiled weakly at Alisa's woes about the fact Blue Pegasus would be the first to stir the alliance that was forged between the different light guilds into motion. Yet fortunately a more entertaining topic soon arose: "She has been dwelling within Earthland, mostly trying to avoid getting into troubles with an old rival of hers."

A soft chuckle followed from the slime girl as she continued. "Ever since she regained her own body she has been laying low, it seems that she still is missing a lot of her former power. While Sebastian and the others are keeping an eye out for them, it is still difficult to tell the Demon Lord of Lust to sit still and behave~"

Giggling softly she mused softly. "We actually been exchanging notes on a theory I been experimenting with. As you know, there used to be a art that was quite popular before the rise of summoning magic. The lost art of Beast Taming~"

She accepted the invitation for a drink, ordering a cup of cold water as she resumed her explanation. "Although I have a certain affinity for that type of art, I realized it might be a bit difficult to keep such powerful and sometimes intimidating creatures with you. They aren't exactly like a cute bird, dog, or cat~ Which is where my experimenting has been going into~"

She raised the cup of water to her lips, enjoying a long sip from it after which she continued. "In less complex terms: It's a capsule that is prescribed with several runes that create a pocket dimension of sorts within the sphere and freezes the concept of time within it. So if you were to capture a creature inside the sphere, it would simply said be contained within said sphere till the moment it is released. For the creature it will likely feel as if time didn't pass from the moment it got sealed away, this prevents matters like hunger or thirst from troubling them while sealed inside."

She giggled softly as she proclaimed with a smile. "I call it the: Monster ball~"

A playful waving motion with her hand followed, as if she tried to erase the joking aspect of the cheeky name but continued soon afterwards. "I plan to seek out some powerful creatures to tame and raise, both as part of this experiment but also to empower our forces for that unavoidable conflict. Although, I know that Asmodeus would be willing to aid us, I fear the eyes of her enemies would be cast upon Hargeon the moment she revealed herself, and the last thing we need is an Ancient Demon and her army to be unleashed upon Hargeon..."

Heaving a soft sigh she soon smiled back at Alisa. "So you'll have to do it with me instead~ But I'm fairly confident in my skills in that regard~"

A little wink followed while she finished drinking the cup of water, wondering what Alisa would be thinking.


[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:08 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mimi | BIKINI

"Ahh, that sounds like her... That woman did have a way of finding rivals.", Alisa shook her head with a soft, longing smile on her face, not since those days had she found a demon with whom she found herself in the same page as often as her. Hopefully she hadn't been gobbled up by one of her many feuds, that would be sad, "That's not too surprising... Power like hers isn't easily gained, I don't imagine she'd do so all too easily even if the chance arose."

Immortal beings often boast tremendous power, but Alisa always imagined that all but the most powerful of monstrosities aren't born that way at all. They accumulate their power over hundreds, thousands of years of continuous living, constantly striving to achieve a higher peak of power. Alisa had been been born strong, a cut above the average mage when she started out... But her current power level had taken many days of constant, grueling training, getting up at the early hours of the morning to spar, and stopping only just before lunch time. She'd done so throughout most of her adult life save for a few days off, and even when she slept in, she always sought other opportunities to train throughout the day:

"Hmmmm? Oh, I remember that... You used to be the type who'd much rather find others to do the fighting for you~", Alisa quipped, nudging her former student playfully with her elbow, noting the girl's displeasure everytime she tried to rope her into any form of training centered on herself. Perhaps this too was another form of laziness, but at the same time... She couldn't chide somebody for wanting to defeat her foes with the least amount of effort. From a strategic point of view, her approach was unquestionably sound, "Hmmm, that sounds a lot like the pocket dimension enchantment I have on my ring."

Her gaze turned to her ring finger as she rolled the discreetly adorned piece of jewelry around her finger, her smile brightening as she remembered the breathtaking woman it was dedicated to:

"Oh? That sounds like a name Asmodeus would choose~", quipped the sculptress, hand over her mouth, letting out a graceful chuckle far contrasting with the lasciviousness of her joke, then again, she couldn't quite resist after the discussion on the Demon Lord of lust, a faint hint of childishness peering through now that she could lower her guard a little, "Hmmmm, do be careful with that though... I don't doubt your ability to befriend these beings, but I'd be surprised if you were the only one hunting after them. And the way you usually do things, you seldom lack the support of a whole guild behind you."

Though the alternative wasn't much better... Though famed as a hunter of devils, Alisa had her own ways of dealing with them and seldom took action against those who didn't pose any direct threat. Though many people, even those who weren't hunters in their own right, still treated demons as something to kill on sight:

"Don't worry sweetie... Between you and me, I doubt most people will need to see the horrors of a battlefield~", she reassured, reaching out and resting her hand on the girl's shoulder, taking a long sip from her drink, "In the end, it seems like Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus might have to do most of the heavy lifting... How's the morale been in Fairy Tail? I doubt Judith would have wanted anybody fighting in the King's name, though I wonder what she'll do if the target is Blue Pegasus."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:17 am


Esperia chuckled softly as she heard Alisa's comment about the demon lord. "Mhmm~ She certainly has a way to find rivals even unintentionally~" It was amusing how easily Asmodeus could make both friends and rivals alike, but then again perhaps it was to be expected from the Demon Lord of Lust. "Indeed, it is for that reason she been training while keeping herself hidden from the outside world."

Indeed, even if Asmodeus had once boasted tremendous power, most of that power had disappeared due to the nature of her rebirth. As such she needed to accumulate her power once more.

"Hehe~ It has both its benefits and detriments. Although I grown used to fighting myself, having additional allies to rely on always can be reassuring, especially those whose loyalty has been earned." Esperia chuckled softly, clearly amused at the memories of the past yet as Alisa playfully nudged her the girl added with a sly remark. "Although someone did make sure I learned the merits of honing one's own body~ Even if I'm using that stamina for different things than you intended to~"

Indeed, the concept of the research was quite similar to the pocket dimension enhancement, albeit a bit different in practice in some ways.

Yet hearing Alisa's playful response over the name Esperia giggled softly in return, explaining further. "I actually was the one who came up with the name. But Asmodeus certainly liked it~"

Still, the concern of others hunting for those mythical creatures did make sense. "I hope people didn't learn about the existence of these creatures yet. But I am being careful in my approach on how to handle the matter."

Still, it was reassuring to hear that Alisa believed in their mutual strength. "I'm not certain either. I plan to bring up the topic with Judith soon. I know she will prefer to keep people out of harm's way, and while I can agree that answering the king's call is a duty not exactly appealing to most, surely she must see the threat that would come if Blue Pegasus is attacked? Not to mention: she doesn't seem like the type to sit idle when friend and family alike get threatened."

Indeed, the Judith she knew would surely try to figure out a way to aid Blue Pegasus. But how was the question that would remain. Eternal Nightmare did boast a lot of dangerous power, and they had a fair amount of numbers as well. As such underestimating them would be a vital mistake for sure...


[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 12:22 pm



WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Esperia | BIKINI

"Fufu~ I wonder why that is~", Alisa quipped, knowing fully well the very title of Demon Lord of something, anything, just tended to draw others to come and challenge you. That sounded awfully obnxious if you just wanted to lay back and relax without having to constantly worry about random challengers coming in to prove themselves. Alas, such is life. And in Asmodeus' case, she'd probably lost that kind of power long ago. Probably why she could be so easily chained down by takeover users, and even now that she'd been freed Alisa didn't see that changing at all, "Mmmm, no matter how powerful you grow, there's always somebody stronger. But even the absolute strongest would feel hard pressed to fight off a vast number of sufficiently powerful foes."

Alisa nodded, almost begrudgingly. All her life she'd trained herself to take down the strongest foes all by herself, unwilling to rely on anybody else or put them at risk. But now that she'd joined the guild and eventually took charge of it, she knew better. Still, that's not to say one couple convincingly recruit allies while letting them do all the heavy lifting. As such, it warmed her heart that even now that she'd grown strong Esperia still clearly remembered those days when they used to train together:

"Good that you haven't forgotten~", she winked, folding her arms under her full bust as she leaned into the counter, accepting the drink with a smile as the water brought it to her, brushing a loose black lock behind her ear as she brought te straw up to her lips for a savoury little slurp, "Ohooo~...? My my, Espy, is that another perverted joke of yours~?"

Letting out a hearty, melodious chuckle, Alisa nonetheless looked at her with interest, silently wondering just what manner of magic had she discovered this time around. Though she new of Judith's apprehensions towards war, she knew that plenty of Fairy Tail's own wouldn't sit idly by and let a dark guild like Eternal Nightmare run wild:

"Mmmm, a vast number of people are indifferent to the King, and because of that, Dark Guilds feel emboldened to overthrow him and install a more favourable government. Quite frankly, the king is partly to blame for this indifference... He's done good for the country, but never cared about letting others reap the credits for his work", she frowned and shook her head, knowing that even then, she'd still protect the King, "Too many people died in the last civil war just so those who helped overthrow the last government could do it again."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

[PSF – Luau - Alisa] The obligations of friendship CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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