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Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED]

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Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:05 am


“I want hydrangeas, and I want them everywhere.”

A pearl of sweat rolled down Rania’s temple, gliding along her jawline and dropping in between the valley of her beasts, where it disappeared. The Paladin wasn’t much of a day drinker, but the occasion seemed to have called for it. Nervously nipping on her mimosa, the raven haired woman paced around the room as the helpers carried in the flowers she’d ordered – beautiful, lucious and (most importantly) indigo hydrangeas that beautifully ornamented the new premises of the Blue Pegasus guild hall. It was Rania’s first time in Port Hargeon, and her very first time at the guild. Master Alisa had called each and every single one of her members in to celebrate and indulge in several festivities with and at the guild hall.

The redecorations were going smoothly and Rania felt a sense of relief knowing that she’d be able to be part of something new, something she could be present for and witness with her own eyes. Unfortunately the meek Paladin hadn’t had a chance to meet any of the other guild members just yet, and her shy demeanor was getting in the way of socializing. Of course there were a few people she’d already befriended, such as Kenzo and Jan Ren, but those were just two out of many – and Rania was dying to meet more. For now the woman had pulled back into one of the secondary rooms next to the large guild hall however, and focused entirely on her work.

Dressed in her usual, exotic and summary attire, Rania walked around the room and began decorating the different corners with the flowers she’d ordered; this was meant to be some sort of resort area, away from the busy main hall with plenty of couches and lounge chairs to relax on. It wasn’t quite done yet, but slowly coming together and she was already satisfied with the vibe she was getting from the entire place. The door was left slightly ajar, and every now and then Rania caught herself glancing outside and looking at the other members. I’ll come around eventually, she thought, encouraging herself as she placed another flower pot onto the small glass table in the middle of the room.



Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:46 am


WORDS: 450 | Flower Girl

Another wonderful summers day, hm~? A mischievous little grin on the face of a girl with a gaze as green as any gorgeous gem, Sofia Serena hummed softly to herself as she slipped from the hidden slice of palatial paradise and into the open air before making the mystical mansion which she shared with her luscious lover disappear into nothing with the simple twist of a key, and then strolled toward the guild with a spring in her step.
A girl could get used to this~ Surprised honestly by how much she had missed the port city with her time away in the mountains and farmland, even though Hargeon would probably never replace her native Valerica as the homeland in her heart, that smell of the sea air and the festive spirit that surrounded her were enough to make her feel comfortable and relaxed, and even a little bit excited when she completed her short stroll to the guild building.

Oh, what’s going on here~? The emerald eyes of the enchantress widening when she slipped inside the doorway and found brilliant blooms as far as the eye could see, the heart of the bright beauty leapt into the air as she took in the lush visage of splendidly chosen petals surrounding her, and yet there was one among the number that stood out even to her.
It’s all looking… Very nice~ A dark vision peeling the attention of the aquatic angel away from even the splendour of summer stalks and toward something that was even more shapely and enticing, Sofia couldn’t help but subtly bite into her lip as she took in curves that honestly made her just a little bit envious, and also forced her to remind herself that she was now a married woman as well. Which, for what felt like the first time, she felt just the teeniest hint of regret over.

“Goodness me, a room full of such beautiful flowers, and you’re the loveliest thing in it~?” No longer the footloose and fancy free femme from foreign lands who could indulge her thirst on a whim and that seeming to curb her intentions somewhat, despite this the delicate damsel couldn’t help but smirk and raise her voice to catch the attention of the divinity she saw, partly out of habit but also because such a ravishing raven deserved recognition even from her.
“Heeheehee, I take it you’re one of the new recruits, Miss…?” Giggling a little because of the giddiness she felt at being able to indulge a side to her she often restrained but on this occasion opted to tickle just a little, Miss Serena smiled as she strode across the walkway and got nice and near to this captivating you woman and practically purred as she offered her hand to her, keen to make her acquaintance even if she couldn’t have humoured certain urges she felt like she used to be able…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:34 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia @Rania | CASUAL  

"Ara... Those weren't here last time I passed by.", noted the sculptress, brow raising as she caught sight of something new, those dainty digits running ever so softly over the fresh blue hydrangeas, leaning in for a curious whiff as she plush pink lips curled into a smile of utter delight, "I wonder whose idea this was~"

If anything, moments such as this assured Alisa that she'd made the right call summoning all of the guild ahead of schedule, before the party would actually begin. By letting everybody take part in the decorations as such, they'd end up with a wholly stunning, sumptuous new Guild Hall that all would feel proud to call home. Question was, who did she have to thank for this idea? Sinking on one hip, Alisa's fingertips drifed idly back and forth along the waist of her tight, form fitting jeans, raising a quizzical brow as she looked left and right, until she finally came upon a sight that had her teeth digging into her bottom lip. All throughout the day, Alisa had run into her wonderous wife oh so many times, and yet, they never quite seemed to be enough. This time though, the two lovestruck ladies had happened upon a rather ravishing new recruit, until Alisa couldn't help but sashay over and join in. The fact that such a find seemed more common in Blue Pegasus than anywhere else in the country clearly didn't detract from Rania's beauty in the slightest, if the curious glance of both women was anything to go by. Compared to Rania, her choice of clothes would look decidedly plain by comparison, and yet the guild master wore them as confidently as anything:

"Ufufu~... Took the words right out of my mouth, hmm, my love~?", greeted the sculptress, slipping an arm around Sofia's shoulder and greeting her with a loving smooch, her idle hand raising over her mouth as she giggled gracefully at her ever charming companion, scooting just close enough for her supple softness to squish ever so slightly into Sofia's, brow raising as her gaze washed over Rania, admiring the woman's exotic choice of clothes and the beauty they adorned for a moment, letting her greet Sofia before extending her own greeting in turn, "You must be Rania~... I'm Alisa, and this breathtaking beauty here is my wife, Sofia."

Tuckling a loose black lock behind her ear, the lithomancer flashed her that cool, vibrant smile as she offered her hand afterwards. Far be it from her not to know the faces of each and every member of her guild, though she sadly had yet to meet them all. Thankfully, this party offered her the perfect opportunity to rectify that mistake:

"Quite a pleasure to finally meet you... And I must say, you've done quite wonderfully with these flowers~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:04 pm


Softly, the Paladin pushed her small hands up against the delicate flowers. The hydrangeas were beautiful, but Rania Okano was a perfectionist. A small pegasus figurine was placed on the glass table, alongside a little porcelain dish that contained bright blue and white mint candies. The colours of the room, as well as each and every detail was well thought out and the sensible girl had put a lot of thought into how she wanted these chambers to look, genuinely hoping that the end result would appeal to the other guild members as well. Rania breathed a sigh, slowly twirling one of her silky curls around her finger before pushing it back behind her ear.

It’s cute, she thought, but her inner voice carried a hint of doubt.

A bright, sweet sound interrupted the woman’s thoughts and when Rania raised her gaze she was surprised to find that another person had entered the room. Blue Pegasus was known for its aesthetically pleasing members, but after meeting only Jan Ren and Kenzo Valens personally, Rania wasn’t able to put a picture to the origins of the guild’s reputation – until now. She had light brown, plaited her, pale skin with rosy cheeks and eyes that were reminiscent of her own. Rania’s face flushed deep red at the sudden and unexpected compliment, and she quickly hurried around the table to properly introduce herself. “Your kindness honours me,” she spoke meekly, and with a lowered gaze. “My name is Rania, and it’s my pleasure to meet you.” When Sofia strode across the room and offered her hand to the light mage, Rania took it and planted a soft kiss upon its back.

It was perhaps not what the lady of the house had intended to happen, but the slave-born woman had brought along her own set of manners and cultural differences from her homeland, all of which she happily applied throughout her daily life in Fiore. The two were joined by the guild master herself before Sofia had a chance to introduce herself – an opportunity quickly taken by her wife, Alisa Vollan. Naturally Rania recognized the Wizard Saint’s features, and matched it with the hint of familiarity she’d already felt around the brunette moments ago. Alisa was tall and lean, with generous curves and bright, red eyes. For a moment Rania lost herself in her gaze, but chose to swallow the confusing thoughts her creative mind suddenly began to hurl around. Instead, the Paladin planted yet another kiss, this time upon the guild mistresses’ hand before offering both women a radiant smile.

“Yes, and thank you. I was hoping I could meet both of you here at the guild, but for it to be happening so soon,” she said, her voice still a tad bit high pitched from the sudden bewilderment. “Jan Ren offered to recruit me while we met in Marigold, and I couldn’t find a reason to decline.” Rania thought it best to begin by explaining why she was in Hargeon and the guild in first place – just to clear up any potential misunderstandings. “I’m very grateful for this opportunity, and I hope that with my abilities as a healer I can contribute greatly to the guild. Thank you for having me.” At this point, the Paladin closed her emerald eyes for a moment and dropped a curtsy. Rania felt genuine gratitude and happiness over her unexpected, but happy union with the guild and truth be told, ever since she’d joined and went on a few missions with Kenzo the light mage had worked tirelessly on her magic, improving her spells and learning new ones in order to become a worthy addition to Blue Pegasus.

“I was hoping to turn this room into a place of relaxation and idle conversation, with matching colours, quiet music and a minibar for drinks and snacks,” she continued on, explaining what her plans for the redecoration were. Hopefully Sofia and Alisa would approve?



Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:45 pm


TOTAL: 1000 | Flower Girl

So this is where she got to, is it~? Perhaps a little surprised when she heard that familiar husky tone echo through the hall but for the most part pleasantly so, Miss Serena felt her heart pick up in pace even more when she turned her head to see the wonderful woman she had made her wife, and though she had been caught with her fingers in the cookie jar, so to speak, she made no effort to hide that fact really.
“Well they do say great minds think alike, but honestly, in the face of such beauty I feel we’d be hard pressed to disagree even in the slightest~?” Grinning at Alisa and feeling more of a sense of mischief than guilt when she was found flirting with this new face for the guild, the mermaid licked her lips as she eyed her ebony haired empress for a second or two but did not linger too long before she looked back toward the stunning stranger she had met because of the sweet and soft kiss that was placed upon her paw, and continued to turn on the charm without seeming to miss a single step at all.

“Jan certainly deserves great credit for scouting a woman like you, Rania, I’ll have to make a mental note to find a way to reward him really…” The brows of the beauty lifting a little when she mentioned being recruited by another soul with whom Sofia had yet to have the chance to get to know all that well, despite her lack of familiarity she felt her fondness increasing toward her fellow member because of the tempting treat whom he had provided for her amusement, and even with her wife by her side the bubbly brunette made no effort to stifle her salacious spirit because of the sublimity she saw.
“After all, it would have been a great shame to think someone else might have snapped up such a beauty like you~” Some women perhaps having been put off by the idea of  being so brazen in front of their bride, the playful princess couldn’t help but sense a little spirited competition with her marvellous mate, especially after seeing the way that such a slice of serenity had turned scarlet already.

“Oh, that sounds almost as lovely as you look, my lady~” The simple fact being that both she and the marvel whom she had married were both hunters in their own way, it had really been far too long since they had the giddy thrill of chasing each other and that made Miss Serena at least crave the idea of sharing yet another exciting pursuit with her perfect partner, even if it was just one she viewed in a rather playful fashion.
“I’m sure the both of us could well imagine idling away a great many hours in the comfort that you could provide~” Stepping up her game because of that simple spirit of competition and the look in her eye seeming to want to lead her lady love to join her, while it was entirely Alisa’s choice ultimately if she joined her in this little spot of indulgence, the girl with the green gaze guessed that her gothic goddess would be unable to resist the subtle invitation she was giving her. After all, they never could hold out against each other for very long, now could they~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:03 pm


WORDS: 1000 | TAG: @Sofia @Rania | CASUAL  

My~... Now that's an unusual greeting. Unquestionably old fashioned, certainly... But undeniably charming in its own right... Or perhaps just speaking volumes of the healer's own charm from the way she easily had Alisa's faint smile widening ever so slightly like the most natural feat in the world. Even as those luscious lips left the soft, irresistible smoothness of Alisa's alabster skin, the sculptress all but brushed her deft, delicate digit's against Rania's as she peeled her hand away.

"Indeed, Jan always had impeccable taste and yet... He somehow seems to have outdone himself hm~?", she added, raising a hand up to her cheek as her eyes once more, letting her gaze wash over that fine form with a hint of appreciation, yet never so long as to defy the boundaries of decorum. At the same time, she welcomed Rania's admiration in turn, her vanity showing as she idly fiddled with the low neckline, tracing it over the swell of her shapely chest, adjusting it just a bit higher around her arm.

But in the end, nothing thrilled her quite as much as her marvellous muse's choice of words, all but drawing Alisa's gaze to her, tempting her to sit still and just delight in every word from her lips. Seemed only natural for the wordly writer to have a way with words, to go with the seductive sculptress' skillful touch.

"Not at all~", raising her hand and waving it, the sculptress shook her head, dismissing any such formalities from the get go. For them to have attracted the attention of such a stunning, caring, attentive healer such as herself? Alisa for one was just as grateful for it, but even if she was sure some of Rania's formality might fade as time passed, she could tell it mostly came down to her character, "After all, we're just as delighted to have you, you can rest assured of that. And I'm certain you'll soon see for yourself, if you haven't already~"

As a guild who nurtured beauty, members of Blue Pegasus were often know for ending up just as easily mesmerized by it in turn, just like the lovely couple standing before her. Giggling gracefully at her wife's words, Alisa couldn't help but pull her just a bit closer, her generous cleavage fluffing out ever so subtly as it squished into Sofia from the side, leaving her wife to wonder who exactly was she teasing in the first place:

"Ufufu~... I'm looking forward to it already.", throwing her a teasing little wink, in the ed Alisa couldn't help but shoot a cursory glance at her seductive spouse before shifting her attention back to the gorgeous green eyes in front of her, "Come on~...", she said, reaching out and resting her hand on Rania's arm, an idle, unassuming touch, yet with that knowing smile on her face making all too clear she understood fully well how most people responded to it, "...Why don't you takes us through your plan~?"

For all the playfulness between them, her eyes showed an all too genuine interest to see what Rania had in mind, partly hoping the girl to lead the two across the room as she told them about her ideas...


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:33 pm


It was impossible to miss both Sofia’s and Alisa’s flirtatious natures. Of course the Paladin didn’t show, but Rania was amused by the couple’s odd yet flowery aura, their sensual body language and how each and every movement matched the other’s. If Rania had ever seen a pair meant and made for each other, it was these two. A suitable leadership for a guild such as Blue Pegasus she thought, and knowing that she was in such good hands Rania couldn’t help but smile. “I will have to thank him again for being so spontaneous about inviting me in,” she gave back and her lips turned upwards.

The raven haired woman would lie if she said she wasn’t at least a little flustered by these two love birds, and how open for adventure especially Sofia appeared to be, but the desiertian beauty had dealt with her fair share of pleasure-seeking men and women in the past, and she had no doubt that she could handle these two. Rania pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and turned around to show the two ladies the room; the woman was happy to elaborate on what she had planned further, but she hesitated for a moment when she picked up on Sofia’s lewd comment and felt Alisa’s hand on her arm.

And while the young Paladin certainly looked innocent, she wasn’t. Offering a sweet smile, the healer turned around again and locked eyes with the guild’s mistress first, and then the naughty wife herself. “If it’s comfort and pleasure you seek, milady, I’ll be happy to provide both regardless of the suitability of the premises. I pride myself in flexibility in every sense of the word,” she suggested, and slowly her sweet smile turned into an ambiguous one. “Such are the healing spells and practices that I offer, of course.” Rania offered a swift, small curtsy while her fingers graced Alisa’s and she began leading them across the room.

“I was thinking of a soft, more personal ambiente. Luscious white curtains, bright flowers but dim lights and white lounge chairs,” said the woman as she pointed around the room and led them across one corner to the next, further elaborating on little decorational details and extras that she wanted to add. “Maybe a smaller bar, with quiet music and a little water well to give everything a more..mysterious (?) atmosphere?” Putting on a thoughtful expression, Rania wondered where exactly she wanted this to go, but came to a quick decision. “I suppose this would be a place for guild members to meet their fellows and indulge in more.. intimate conversations?” She ran a hand through her long, silken hair and shrugged a little helplessly at Sofia and Alisa.

“I also had it soundproofed...because it’s right next to the noisy main hall of course.”



Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:21 pm


TOTAL: 1550 | Flower Girl

Playing hard to get, huh~? Giggling and grinning as it seemed that her wonderful wife chose not to indulge the same degree of flirtation as Miss Serena did, the emerald enchantress couldn’t help but shiver as she felt that soft set of plump pillows press against her, but as much as she might have enjoyed indulging the black beauty that clung to her she couldn’t help but want to draw her into the game was playing, and as such only flashed a smirk at the woman before returning her attention toward the new face in the room.
“Flexibility~? Now that sounds rather interesting, wouldn’t you agree my love~?” Cocking her head to one side and smiling in a manner which conveyed all the coyness with which she was capable as she plucked one little word of interest which stuck out to her among the talents of the tempting target before her, and laid out plenty of innuendo as she drew the attention toward it in a teasing manner.

“Hmmmm… A well of water, you say~?” Not entirely convinced by the plan of the woman before her to decorate an area of their little ‘chapel’ in colours which seemed a little bit too puritan for the Pegusi, while she didn’t entirely approve of the notion of decorating a room all in white, there was one feature among the details which certainly caught her interest, that was for sure.
“That’s something I could certainly get behind, I think I could certainly put on quite the elegant show, if given half the chance~” Always the type of soul who had a strong fondness for all things liquid thanks to her island origins and the magic she preferred, as if to make her point the mischievous mermaid drew forth a little mana and conjured a nice trail of liquid which followed her finger like the tail of a dragon or a kite, which she then used as a prop to further tease the black beauty before her, and all for the amusement of her beloved bride of course.

“Though I have to admit that even without the magic of my moisture you might make for a marvellous focal point as well, Miss Rania~” Humming as she peeled herself away from her partner and began to make artful little gestures to guide the stream which he had summoned in a slow and seductive dance, Miss Serena licked her lips as she stepped behind Rania used it like a snare to wrap around herself and the fresh face she had found, never letting that cool trail of wetness touch the woman but also making sure that it travelled past her just quickly and tightly enough that she wouldn’t escape it.
“And I can’t help but wonder, given that exotic visage and your talk of flexibility, if you might be something of a dancer as well~?” Trapping the two them together as she purred over the shoulder of the dark gift that the guild had been given and admired the lithe image she saw before her, slowly that weaving hand travelled upward to make her water whip like a coil that whirled and whirled around them like a corkscrew, looking deep into those delightful eyes with her own green gaze and offered a cool smirk she had borrowed from her bride as she looked deep into her soul through the window which was offered to her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:33 pm


WORDS: 1500 | TAG: @Sofia @Rania | CASUAL  

Unlike what first impressions might have suggested, the heavenly healer soon hinted at a delightfully devilish side to her, something that made the Master's perpetual smile widen ever so slightly, brow raising, her interest piqued by her unassuming offer, nodding as she shared a complicit look with her beloved wife:

"Indeed, with such confident, captivating words... One might feel quite tempted to see for themselves... Just how flexible your pleasures and comforts could be.", letting out an alluring little chuckle, Alisa followed Rania around the room with her her arm yet draped around her vivacious wife, and yet... Throught the entirety of her tour her eyes seemed utterly transfixed by the bewitching beauty who'd been faithfully brought into their path, "Luscious white curtains and lounge chairs on top of that...? My... You drive a hard bargain, don't you Rania~?"

Unlike Sofia, Alisa seemed quite a bit more excited at the idea, or perhaps, Rania found just the right way to get her point across. But in the end, Sofia would be the one biting the bait first, when the mesmerizing minx found a way to tease her wife away from her embrace. Raising one hand as her fingers twined through those silken strands of her wife's hair, Alisa stood back for a moment and just watched:

"Fufufu~... One of my wife's many talents. I'm sure she'd be thrilled to help you, and at this rate... Even I might feel persuaded. After all, I'm sure whatever manner of musicality you fill this room with will be thrilling to hear~"

As a guildmaster, Alisa exercised certain... Restraints... When it came to bringing her charm to bear on unsuspecting new members. Sofia, on the other hand, had no such constraints, and in the end, if there was one weakness not even the mighty Wizard Saint could resist... It would be the allure of her beloved bride. So as she peeled herself away from her arms to draw that flowing circle around the two, her motions almost instinctively beckoned her closer in turn:

"The more I think about it... The more it sounds like a beautiful, breathtaking addition to our guild hall, wouldn't you think my love~...?", she added as her eyes narrowed, all but giving Rania her seal of approval as her tantalizing touch returned to her smooth skin, her fingernails trickling teasingly up her arm, just enough to shoot a shiver of sensation through her body.

Little by little Alisa gave in to the amusement her wife to graciously lured her with, a seductive smile slowly drawing on the statuesque sculptress' face as she stepped closer from the side opposite her wife, just enough for that subtle scent of lavander to tickle Rania's nostrils, close enough that she'd be able to spot the odd sweaty trickle glistening off her pale, supple skin:

"Wise decision... Some people around here can be quite... Boisterous~", she teased, letting out a graceful little giggle despite the less than modest implication in her husky, melodious timber. Equally intrigued by her wife's inquiry, that seldom stopped Alisa from coaxing the answer out of her, "Good to keep in mind, lest someone wake you up in the middle of the night~"

At the same time, Alisa could only keep her eyes peeled, taking in every last reaction from the fantastic femmes in front of her like the most vibrant view in the world...


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:49 am


Rania uttered an internal sigh of the relief. It seemed that the healer’s ‘inconspicuous’ flirtations and innocent, yet suggestive behavior had been well-received by both women. Of course the Paladin couldn’t have the mistress and her wife thinking that she was a prude after all. Besides, in spite of her pure looks and usually reserved demeanor, Rania Okano was very much a secretive seductress and known to reveal her talents only to those who had already fallen under her spell. Until then, the raven-haired maiden would save herself until an intriguing opportunity, one that was worth her while, presented itself. But even so, Rania wasn’t one to linger and truth be told, the woman’s flexibility extended into all areas of life.

A sweet smile spread into her lips, turning them upwards and forcing a faint, rosy blush into her cheeks when Sofia conjured a string of water seemingly out of thin air, playfully teasing her with it while she continued to speak and even took a proper guess at her (former) occupation. “I most certainly am,” said Rania in response, and dropped a quick curtsy. “I would be happy to perform something for you later tonight, if you are interested.”  Rania was eager to show off her talents, especially with two such honorable guests present. The more time the Paladin spent in Hargeon, the more she felt as though the port city had every right to become her new, permanent home. Near the ocean, and filled with people who had an appreciation for arts and the beauty of life, it was the perfect place for a person like her.

While Sofia was more critical of Rania’s ideas and thoughts regarding the design of these chambers, Alisa was happy to indulge in whatever the desiertian woman had to offer. As they walked around the room and Rania pointed them towards the different areas and sections, it seemed that at the very least the well of water was able to strike the mermaid’s favour; not knowing about her natural affinity to the element prior to this meeting, Rania made sure to remember this detail about the first lady of Blue Pegasus. “Ah, I suppose there is still much work to be done here,” the emerald-eyed remarked and quietly whispered a sigh. “I was hoping to meet more members of the guild very soon, after all I only met Kenzo and Jan Ren so far.” It’s true that Rania was in desperate need of some… female friends, mostly due to the fact that both men, albeit lovely and dear to her heart, were very dense and unfitting conversational partners when it came to certain matters.

Anyhow, it was unlike Rania’s manners to occupy the two ladies for such long amounts of time with no proper reason and such she hurried across the room and swiftly poured both of them a drink. “I’m glad to have made your acquaintance at last,” she said and offered Alisa and Sofia her sweetest smile alongside the glasses of mimosas she’d just prepared. Their presence was utterly appreciated and pure bliss, but still – sometimes you have to quit while you’re ahead, even if it hurts. And with that in mind, Rania took a sip from her drink and offered them a sweet glance. “I would hate to take up more of your time, as I’m sure you still have other members to tend to. But hopefully you will take into consideration accepting my offer regarding a dance?” As Rania asked her questions, she looked entirely innocent when doing so. It’s not like the Paladin had any ulterior motives, with the exception of wanting to appeal to both women in order to finally feel as though she’d found a place for herself in this country.



Flowers & Mimosas [PSF - Phase 1 | CLOSED] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:24 pm


TOTAL: 2100 | Flower Girl

Feels like my little plan is paying dividends~? The persistence of the princesses playfulness seeming to do its part in coaxing out the response of her ravishing raven, though her intent and actions were focused solely on Rania the mind of Miss Serena had trouble peeling away from Alisa totally, and as such it was the increasing degree of involvement of the woman she loved which seemed to provoke the most satisfaction from the beaming brunette.
“Ohohoho, that sounds like quite the offer, and we’d certainly be fools not to take you up on it now wouldn’t we~?” That being said the dark gift that she had been given certainly seeming to provide her with plenty of stimulation as well, the promise of a dance from this dark haired and divine delight was more than enough to send a shiver through the spine of salacious siren, and honestly she kind of hoped she might have been able to tempt her to indulge the urge right this very moment. But it seemed it wasn’t to be.

“Ohhhh, leaving so soon~? We’ve hardly had the chance to get to know each other properly~” The waltz between the three women seeming to come to an end when the new face in their group decided to dip out on the racy little number they had been engaged in, the emerald enchantress couldn’t help but plead with the fleeing femme to stick around a while longer to see where their little union led them, however, it seemed her mind was made up ultimately and that spread disappointment and guilt within the girl with the green gaze.
Did we scare here off~? Maybe two at once was a bit much for her~? Most assuredly enjoying this little opportunity to indulge her wicked side but at the same time realizing that the attention of not one but two lovely figures from the beautiful blues was sure to be rather an intimidation proposal, even if her juicy junior had been polite all the way through, the hurried exit made Sofia wonder if she had been a little too forceful with her intentions. Maybe she was rustier at the flirt game than she thought?

“Well, looks like it’s just you and me now, doll face~” Ultimately able to console herself however when she remembered the ravishing raven who had joined this jocular joviality and smiling as she did so, Miss Serena grinned as she missed not a single beat in Rania’s departure and slipped in close to the woman she loved to wrap those arms around her instead, and with far less restraint as well.
“I can only hope I can count as company enough for you~” Guiding the mitts of her marvellous master to her hip and hand respectively and then beginning to step in her own slow dance routine with the woman, even though there was no music to keep their pace the princess knew that such a thing was unnecessary between them since the synergy of their being would guide them, and smiled as she let her wonderful wife take the lead in this waltz, her eyes never leaving that of Alisa’s as she shared a moment of closeness and intimacy in the lush venue they had been provided. After all, they might as well have made the most of it, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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