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1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private]

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1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:31 pm


WORDS: 500 | Lazy Saturdays

She’s still not back, is she? A slow and none too inconsiderable sigh escaping the lips of Sofia Serena as she flopped herself onto a bed that had to be called the king of king size, while the silk sheets that surrounded her were soft and soothing the four tall posts at either corner practically stank of luxury, for one reason or another the girl couldn’t help but feel rather disappointed right now. Dressed in a comfortable and casual fashion which seemed perhaps a bit out of character when one compared to the more extravagant manner she usually composed her image when she was around her guild mates, with a night off the girl had opted to give herself some much needed me time and relax without feeling like she was putting on airs, but now that she was all by herself all the company she had was her thoughts and honestly they hadn’t been all that comforting to her of late.

Did she have to work late again…? Able to pull out that necessary pep and charm when she needed to simply because she had an almost reflexive desire to be the light of the room, while she had thought she was happy as she had gone about her business now that she was lone Miss Serena found herself confronted by those naughty little nasties that lurked in her mind, out of view usually but not right now.
Jeeeez, why am I…? A little bit upset if she was honest that despite the fact that she and Alisa had a whole new city to explore and the relative privacy provided by the fact that the majority of her guild was off doing their own thing in other places that she still felt lonely, while she knew she was being selfish by expecting her ebony enchantress to always make time for her given the heavy weight of responsibility she was under as a master and a member of the wizard saints now as well, it just seemed like she had earned this, surely?

I just… I miss her so fucking much? Playing he dutiful wife for so long now and steadily seeming to notice more and more that she just wanted to grab her girl and run away with her to somewhere that didn’t know the name of Blue Pegasus or even what mages and monsters were just so that she knew that the woman would only have time for her, a growing piece of her felt awful for wanting to be so greedy with a person who was adored and needed by so many, but despite that it didn’t go away.
I see her all the time, but… I just wanna feel like we did back then again? That’s… The side of her I miss…? Unable to stop thinking about those times when their romance was fresh and new and exciting, while she loved the White Empress with all her heart and knew that was never going to change, if someone had offered her the chance to turn back the clock a year or two she would have jumped on it. She wanted her wife, and right now, felt like without her there was at least half of her soul and all of her happiness missing from her at all times…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:32 pm



It had been far too long... Too long since they had some time to themselves, to express the love that brought them together overnight, without the slightest hint of concern for what came before. Even now Alisa still that way, that same pull, that same pounding in her chest as she all but rushed across the hallways to meet her. Taking over the guild had changed all that, for the lithomancer felt responsible not only for her wife but everybody else bearing the mark of Blue Pegasus. And the longer Sofia stayed away from her, the longer she ached for her return, and now that she had her here, she wasn't about to let her go anytime soon:

"I wonder what she'll make of this~...", mused the sculptress, that usually cool, confident faint smile on her cheeks replaced by something else entirely. Her cheeks tinged with a hint of red that felt decidedly unlike the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus, a glimmed of excitement in her eyes as she strode briskly over to their room, clearly intent on not making somebody wait longer than she already had.

Alisa missed her... They'd spend far too little time together between then and now, and even then what time they had often had other people around. Those precious moments with nobody else but the two of them seemed few and far between, too few for a married couple. So today, Alisa would remedy that. For starters, she'd ditched her usual armor for a stylish purple cocktail dress, sitting snugly around her her curvaceous, statuesque frame, the black hem fluttering left and right around her toned thighs as her hips swayed subtly left and right with every step. Every so often she found herself idly toying with the strap on her shoulder, idly adjusting it, admiring her reflection in just about every reflective surface she found along the way:

"I hope she's still awake...", she mused, gripping tightly to the rosey, vibrant red bouquet in her hands... Boy did she look different right now, wearing the same smitten shade on her cheeks as she did when they first met... In the end, Alisa tried to not pay as much attention to that, clearing her throat as she walked up to the door and knocked, speaking up in that smooth and sensual, throaty tone her wife would known all too well, "Sofiaaaaaa~....?"

Calling out to her as she knocked, Alisa all but felt that drumbeat in her chest thumping faster, louder... Clearly, she'd been away from her wife much too long. Not something she'd like to repeat anytime soon, but for the time being, the butterflies in her stomach at the though at seeing her again was more than enough to leave a delighted faint smile on her face, taking a long, deep breath as her full, generous chest heaved up and down under the confines of her dress.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:33 pm


WORDS: 450 | Lazy Saturdays

What the…? Almost shrieking when she heard the sound of knocking on her door, Miss Serena jolted at the interruption to her thoughts and found herself confused by the sound of both the rapping on wood and the voice which accompanied it, and consequently slid her way off the bed with her heart still feeling that bit heavy to investigate the matter.
“Alisa…?” Mostly bemused because of the fact that she knew that her wondrous wife would be able to enter their room without these theatrics given the fact she would eternally have a key both to the door and the heart of the girl behind it as well, the fair femme wore a frown as she stumbled across the room in her comfortable lazy day jammies and sighed softly as she did so, but if she thought that twisting the handle was going to solver he problems she was mistaken. Well, half mistaken.

“What’re you…?” Slowly opening the door in a half stupor because of the melancholy that she had been feeling and rather bewildered when she turned her emerald eyes toward what was beyond it, though she meant to ask a question to get the bottom of why the wonderful woman she loved so much was goofing around like his, as she saw what was waiting for her Sofia could only stand there in surprise, and let’s face it delight as well. That green gaze falling upon the voluptuous vixen looking like a vision in violet or something in the spectrum of purple, had the awed angel been holding something in her hand it definitely would have tumbled to the floor as she took in the terrific sight of the temptress before her, and yet despite her obvious enjoyment of the woman’s image found something strange happening to her.

“You…!” Buds of tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she drank in the image of dark divinity that was Alisa Vollan in the largest part because it seemed that just when she needed her the most her magnificent mate had somehow sensed this and come to her dressed to the nines, the image and feelings that her intoxicating idol inspired within her overwhelmed Miss Serena so much that she was left speechless, and she pulled her hands to her mouth for a second or two before pouncing upon that piece of purple perfection that had been presented to her the very moment she was able. Body locked like those who were frozen in fear for what felt like forever but then the warmth that flowed from the foreign fox melting away any ice within her, all that the blushing and half-blubbing brunette could do was throw herself at the woman in her doorway and wrap her arms around her, holding that mulberry wearing marvel in her arms and clinging to her like she never wanted to let go. Because honestly, right now she really did not…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:34 pm



Yup... That's exactly the kind of reaction she wanted to hear. In the end she couldn't help but giggle as Sofia seemed almost baffled by her little act, after all, both women knew Alisa had the key and could show herself in at any moment. If she made sure to have Sofia come up and open the door herself, there must be a pretty good reason for it, as evidenced by the look in her eyes when the two finally came face to face:

"Hello there, my stunning Sofia~...", greeted the sculptress, holding her gaze, her face lighting up at the mere sight of the breathtaking brunette standing before her. Her heart pounded madly in her chest, but to her credit, Alisa played her part perfectly, all but carrying herself as though she'd have just arrived to take her girl out on their very first date. In the end, she merely reached out and offered the beautiful bouquet, "How are you doing on this wonderful evening~?"

Or so she hoped... Alisa had it all planned out really, but any semblance of restraint she might have mustered all too easily flew out the window when Sofia threw herself into her arms, making her eyes shoot wide as the startled sculptress actually tensed under the sheer, shuddering surprise. It seemed almost a miracle that she held on to her bouquet:

"I've... Kept you waiting too long, my love~...", she whispered breathily, her nails digging into her back as she clung tightly to her, wantonly, desperately... Until she could feel her heartbeat as her supple chest pressed tightly to her spouse's, carelessly crumpling the dress she'd put so much effort in perfecting. None of it mattered now that she had Sofia in her arms, so much that she couldn't even feel the bouquet slipping from her fingers...

Look at that... She dropped it after all... But in the end the crystal mage barely spared it a second thought, breathing in deeply of sinuous siren's scent like the most faboulous fragrance she'd ever inhaled, peeling away just enough to gaze into those gorgeous green eyes, stroking her cheek tenderly before slowly but surely pressing her luscious lips to hers, her heart skipping a beat as she couldn't help but gasp into the kiss.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:35 pm


WORDS: 350 | Lazy Saturdays

“So much better now…” Perhaps forgetting the sheer brawn that she had developed whilst training with the beautiful belle she clung to as those arms wrapped around the woman as tightly as she could manage and maybe unknowingly glad that Alisa was so sturdy and resilient, Miss Serena buried her face in the neck and shoulder of her luscious lady love as those beads of wetness began to dash downward and leave a glistening trail of happiness in their wake, and the foreign fox finally found the words to answer her fantastic fellow femme in a quiet but heartfelt fashion. Not even noticing the bouquet that had been brought to her for the moment as she was far too lost in her love for her wonderful woman, instead the aroma of her amazing amazon was more than enough intoxicating fragrance for the blushing brunette to enjoy, and as she followed that scent trail upward all too quickly the aquatic angel was lost in a kiss that she couldn’t even remember initiating, but melted all the same to it.

“F-Far too fucking long…!” Smiling with eyes that looked dizzied by the passion of love as much as they were lust as she looked at the White Empress and dove into yet another little lock of their lips, Sofia didn’t particularly care for the fact that she might have been making a scene in the hallway as she let her hands claw and caress the shape of the sable siren who had joined her, suckling on that delight whilst giving out groans and gasps and loving every second.
“But suddenly… I can’t help but realize what people mean when… when they say someone is ‘worth the wait’~?” All the while unable to really decide whether she wanted to talk to the terrific temptress or kiss her, much of her usual eloquence was lost as the emerald eyed lass spoke up between breathy moans and longing clinches of body and mouth as her fervour for everything got the better of her, all while feeling immediately lost in the woman that she loved so very, very much. But that didn’t matter to her, no, all that mattered right now was that she had her again, at last, and was going to be damn sure that she made the most of that fact…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:35 pm



"Good~...", gasped the sculptress at the sudden squeeze around her, whatever sounds she might have uttered all too easily reduced to loving little purrs as she nuzzled her in turn, brushing into her hair, breathing in its soothing scent, suckling that supple bottom lip, licking, lavishing it with every aching breath... She missed her, far too much for comfort. And now that she held her in her arms, Alisa couldn't possibly peel away, the taste of her kiss warming her body from the inside out until that redness returned to her lips in full force, until Alisa all but found herself clawing at her lover's back long before the loving lock of lips finally ebbed, "Mmmmm~... I think whoever said that never imagined being away from you for so long~"

Unable to giggle at her little quip, even as the kiss parted Alisa yet found herself nuzzling her lover's lips affectionately, as if something in her couldn't possible go so long without them:

"Fufufu~... In that case I suppose i should ask you... Are you ready for our date, Sofia~...?", teased the sculptress, cocking her head, toying with those silken strands of brown hair, rolling one around her finger as she let her eyes wash over her lover's luscious figure in that laid back number, actually biting her lip at the sight...

There was something decidedly alluring about the homey, right out of bed look, as though she was the only woman on earth allowed to see her wonderful wife as such... It almost made her reluctant to speak the words that soon came right out of her mouth:

"...I'm sure the people of Myras would enjoy this look of yours, buuut~... I'm almost tempted to keep it all to myself.", letting out a graceful little giggle, Alisa cooed ever so softly at her beloved, planting a tender little smooch on her cheek, all but nipping at her skin with a purr.

Alisa wasn't really planning on taking her out anywhere... They had everything they needed in this big, spacious, well kept room. Right now, all they needed was each other, but Alisa still had a goal, something she aimed to achieve in her efforts to surprise her seductive siren.

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:36 pm


WORDS: 500 | Lazy Saturdays

“Oooooh, so… I’m not worth your wait, Alisa~?” Pouting playfully as her mischievous mind seemed to infer a spicier interpretation than she guessed her gorgeous gothic goddess intended when refuting the idea of people being worth the wait, Miss Serena batted her lashed playfully at her ravishing raven in regard to such a remark, and yet despite her attempt to toy with her terrific temptress the smile of the brunette readily gave away the reality of the feeling.
“That’s mean, after I was so excited to see you as well…” Doing her best to play the role of disappointment but unable to feel anything other than delight at what her dark dish had done for her tonight, she took a step or two back and wiggled from side to side a little as she attempted to convey a mocking dissatisfaction at what she had been told, but honestly couldn’t manage more than a second or two without fighting off a smile at the sublime serenity she felt right now.

“Oh goodness, look at these~” At the very least the distance she assumed allowing the emerald eyed enchantress to finally spot the bouquet that had been brought to her by her brilliant black beauty, after tucking some of her long locks behind her hear the bubbly beauty scooped the bunch of blossoms into her hand and smiled at them, before finally drinking in their fragrance and image and enjoying both in equal measure.
“You’re pulling out all the stops huh~?” No one in the world capable of denying the fact that the White Empress had wonderful taste and her choice in flora certainly seeming to prove it, Sofia stood there for a second to admire the fantastic florets and smelled them again as if she could hardly believe she had been presented with such a prize, before trotting into their room to find them a proper home. However, she all too quickly was given something else to focus on.

“Heeheehee, a date, in these old rags~?” Giggling and then gasping as her gorgeous goddess seemed to speak of a little event she had planned for the day, while there was a strong degree of temptation to indulge her joke about keeping the two of them together by pulling her perfect purple partner onto the bed with her Miss Serena shook her head and looked down at herself, and knew that she was doing her dark delight a disservice by sporting such simple items in the face of such splendour.
“No no no~! My girl deserves the best, give me… Five minutes, OK honey~?” Shaking her head in protest as she suddenly felt like something of a pauper stood next to not just a princess but the most epic empress there ever was, though it probably looked like the aquatic angel was a little too hyped up as she dashed into the en-suite bathroom that their rather extravagant suite had been provided and took her luggage with her she knew that she needed to kick things into high gear suddenly if she was going to make the most of this date, and new exactly what she needed to do so as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:37 pm



"Myyy~... How can you even say such a thing~?", teased the sculptress, returning that pout in full as she instead leaned in and pressed her lips to her lover's, a slow, loving, yet comparatively chaste smooch, yet lacking none of the intensity she always felt with Sofia. How could she when the mere sensation of her lover's pillowy pout pressed to hers shot a shiver down her spine, "Mmmmm~... Having to wait so long for you, Sofia... That's the kind of aching I wouldn't wish on anybody~"

In the end though, she gave Sofia her lips back and giggled, winking playfully at her, actually gasping, raising a hand over her lips as she noticed she'd actually dropped the bouquet she'd purchased and carefully arranged for her beloved:

"Oh my, how clumsy of me~... And here I had it all planned out, to say how their beauty pales in compasion to yours... Feels slightly less impactful now, hmm~?", even as Sofia crouched down to pick them up, Alisa kept her hand on her back, teasing that smooth skin with her nails, even through her shirt, "Fufufu~... As if I could do any less... For my wonderful wife~"

Not that it stopped her gaze washing over that fine, fabulous form as her hand drifted up and down her lover's back before she finally stood up, and staunchly refused any ideas of going out in her current getup:

"Well, don't keep me waiting too long, now, will you... Seems like we've waited long enough for this moment~", teased the crystal mage, winking knowingly at her, cocking her wide, womanly hip to one side as her hand came to rest on that swell.

That said, five minutes were all she needed here. The moment Sofia excused herself and dashed into the bathroom, Alisa reflexively turned on one heel, stepping right back the way she came and out the doorway, nodding at a finely dressed waiter carrying a rather generous room service cart. Wine, appetizers, a full course meal... And obviously, dessert. Though she already imagined her beloved might have something to say about that~

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:38 pm


WORDS: 500 | Pink Perfection

Now that’s not too bad, is it~? Smoothing her bangs out as she looked at her fine form now that she was approaching the five minute mark since she had ducked into the bathroom, the brunette smiled to herself as she took in the image of herself in flowing colour of fuchsia silk that frock was made of, and honestly Miss Serena had to admit that she liked the look of the woman who was looking back at her.
If I do say so myself~ Dressed in something that even by her own admission was not quite as provocative as the perfect purple piece that her partner wore but the pinkness she sported still seeming like it complimented her perfectly, perhaps it was that slight edge she had over her ebony haired empress in sheer girliness that the gal with the green gaze possessed that helped her to pull off a slightly more modest look without seeming to suffer any disadvantage in allure, but whatever it was it looked damn fine to her.

Not quite as flashy as hers but… Certainly not a bad job done by the young woman who had chosen elegance over eroticism, the lacy blossoms on her bust and slim band of shimmering ribbon which acted as her belt seemed to highlight her figure perfectly without going over the top, and all of this had had been added to by the addition of sterling silver jewellery and high-heeled sandals which reminded her of her home. She’s the type of girl who would appreciate a little class, right~? Almost fit for a day at the beach given the breezy nature of her footwear but the combination seeming to carry a spirit of honesty and humility, she had been saving this little look of hers for something special and it seemed that such a day had finally come to her, and who better than Sofia’s wonderful wife to debut this delightful delicacy with?

“What do you think my love~?” Pleased with her image and wasting little time other than a cheeky chance to blow a winking kiss to herself before heading back to the bathroom door, in a moment the mischievous mermaid had swung the item open and draped herself upon the frame, hands lifted to the timber summit as she practically hung from it and greeted the woman beyond the threshold. However, she did not remain still for long.
“How’s this for ‘worth the wait’~?” Stepping with one foot over the other and twisting herself around as she let Alisa get a good look at the graceful glamour she had gone for and grinning as she did so, even though Miss Serena had wanted to launch herself at her luscious lady she fought against the temptation as she rested her shoulders and rump against the edge of the entryway as she arched her back, all the while wanting to thrill the woman just as much as she had been only a matter of moments before, and perhaps even wished to surpass her as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:38 pm



There was a lot one could do in five minutes, and to her credit, Alisa made sure nothing was missing. As the waiter came in with their dinner, she dutifully assisted the man with quickly setting the table, thankful a suite this big had more than enough to accomodate as big a meal as they wanted. In the end though, Alisa much preferred the intimacy of a small, candlelit table, which the waiter quickly helped her with, very efficiently at that:

"Just in the nick of time hmm... Thank you~", she replied, throwing the charmed male a playful little wink, running her hand over her forehead as she checked the time.

When she feinally heard the door opening, Alisa turned almost instinctively, her long, silky dark hair whipping behind her, a hint of heat flushing to her cheeks as her teeth dug into her plush bottom lip:

"O-Oh... Oh my~...", Alisa was utterly speechless as she finally came face to face with her beloved, but in the end, she supposed that was exactly the reaction her wonderful wife was hoping to see, the sculptress' jaw dropping visibly as her eyes widened, hand raising over her mouth, chuckling cheekily as she tossed her a playful little line in return, "Mmmm~... I feel I finally understand why they say that~..."

All but licking her lips at the sight, Alisa's lips widened into a delighted, utterly smitten smile, her gaze washing over that sinuous form, almost enthralled by that vivacious visage as she sasheyed over to her seductive siren, purring as she slipped her arms around her waist and leaned into those plush pink lips, for a long, deep and loving kiss, suckling softly on that perfect pout, letting her hands wash over that fantastic form before finally, slowly and breathily peeling away:

"Defenitely worth the wait~...", cooed the sculptress, lavishing those luscious lips with a teasing little lick, admiring the silky softness of her pink dress, though not nearly as much as the seductive shape they so beautifully adorned.

And just like that, she pretty much forgot all about the lovely dinner she'd been setting up for her beloved. Good think she made sure to leave everything set up... Almost like she imagined something like this might happen~

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:39 pm


WORDS: 500 | Pink Perfection

“Now… That’s a bit more like it~?” The corners of her mouth curling until the smirk that the siren wore was almost coiled as tight as that of a cat, Miss Serena whipped her hips a little to send a little wave of motion down the shimmering silk of her dress to really show herself off for her wonderful wife, and honestly would have traded everything in the world for the response it brought her.
“Pajama’s are fine but… When I get that lovely look you give me as a reward when I wear something sexy like this, it’s no contest to which I prefer~?” The look of desire in the eye of her dark delight worth everything there was to own and more, the green eyed goddess could feel her pulse picking up as she bathed in that lustful leer her loving lady gave to her, and felt a shiver running up her spine even before she found the hands of her beautiful bride upon her. Though, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t get bigger when she did touch her.

“Mmmmmnnnn… A-Aliiisssaaaaaaa” Practically vibrating as she felt both the delicate touch of the dishy diva’s digits upon her fine frame and her luscious lips locking into her own, Sofia purred as she returned that heavenly kiss and lifted her arms up to wrap them around the neck of the woman she loved so very, very much, squeezing her against her and shuddering as she felt those firm but gentle hands running down her body.
Fuck me, I’ve missed this so much… Feeling like the only thing in her life…? The softness of her gown seeming like the only thing that seemed to prevent that rolling motion from plucking the clothes from her body and in a number of ways that kind of disappointing for the emerald eyed enchantress, as she felt those flirtatious fingers flowing down her form she wove her own into the hair of her wonderful wife to graze her scalp softly, and relished every single second that she could cling to the amazon that she adored so very much.

“Y-Yeah but… E-Even then…” Relaxed by that touch and the fantastic fragrance of the fox that she practically hung off by this point, even as Alisa seemed to confirm her earlier little joke with quite some gusto Miss Serena couldn’t help but purse her lips into a pout as she felt her eyes stinging a little, and realized that jokes aside it really had been quite the wait indeed for a moment like this.
“Don’t… Leave it so long next time, OK~?” Of course not wishing to ruin their feeling of connection or intimacy either with a matter of complaint but at the same time wanting the woman she wanted by her side at all times to know that it had been quite the straining stretch for them, the mischievous mermaid dropped her guard entirely as she hinted at the hurt she had been feeling without the second half of her soul in her life like this, and hoped that such a confession and the dash of tears in her eyes would convince her beloved black beauty to never leave her alone again. Not ever in fact, since even a single second seemed too much to bear right now.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:39 pm



"In that case~... I'll just make sure to give you lots and lots of looks like this...", she replied with a honeyed, subtly sensual tone as her eyes narrowed, drinking deeply of that jade green vibrance of her lover's eyes when she pulled away from the kiss at last, sliding her hand up that curvaceous frame as she stroked her cheek, nuzzling her lips, planting a soft, last little loving peck before peeling herself away.

No matter how irresistible it felt to feel her wonderful wife's pulse pounding in her chest when she held her close, Alisa soon remembered the intimate little date she'd so carefully arranged for them, and wasn't about to let their food grow cold anytime soon, brushing that silky brown hair away from her eyes, before leaving her arms around her waist, she savoured her lover's warmth with a loving little giggle:

"Don't worry, Sofia~...", she replied, shaking her head, all too eager to cling to her lover in turn after all that time apart, even after constantly reminding her to lead her back to the table, Alisa found herself nuzzling that perfect pout, gazing dreamily into her eyes as she smooched her cheek in turn, "...I never want to let you go, ever again~..."

Her wonderful wife... The longer she held her in her arms the harder it felt for Alisa to actually draw herself away from, marvelling at the silky smoothness of her skin, the suppleness of her sinuous softness pressed to hers... So much that when Alisa took a reluctant step back, she made sure to leave an arm draped around Sofia's waist, leaving it over her hip in a soft, sensual, yet utterly amorous caress, giggling as she let her take in the candlelit feast laid out before their eyes:

"...For now though... I'm feeling rather posessive my love~", teased the sculptress, giggling as she looked at Sofia out the corner of her eyes, squeezing her close to her, "...And I really don't feel like sharing you with the rest of the city~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Aug 30, 2020 12:15 pm


WORDS: 350 | Pink Perfection

“Good, because I’m not letting you go any time soon~” The heart of Miss Serena throbbing as she felt the warmth of her ebony enchantress seem to ebb away as Alisa peeled herself from her for a second, almost instinctively the bubbly brunette followed after her fantastic fellow femme and snared her again, allowing her luscious lover only the chance to twist away before she snared her arms around the waist of her wonderful woman again in a slightly possessive fashion. This what she sought, what she craved, more than anything else in the world lately, as long as she could share that softness and that heat the foreign fox would have been quite the happy lass and nothing else would matter to her, though that being said she did rather enjoy the efforts that her beloved black beauty had gone to when she saw the room.

“Heeheehee, oh my gosh, Alisa… It’s wonderful!” Those emerald eyes growing wider when the flicker of a candle caught her eye and she was treated to the vision that the vixen had laid out for her, Sofia giggled and then mewled with delight at the dinner date that had been set up by her sneaky sable siren; her green gaze washing over the fantastic looking food and the finery that had been laid out while the aroma’s wafted toward her nose and were nearly enough to tear her interest away from the fine fragrance of the goddess next to her. Nearly.
“Mmmnnn, absolute perfection! This way, I can have a lovely meal with my beautiful bride and keep her all to myself at the same time… I love it~!” Ultimately though everything which was presented a mere representation of the romantic spirit of her ravishing raven and as such the beryl eyed beauty only driven that bit wilder by the wonder that her wife had created, though the lavish spread was already making her hungry the caramel coquette couldn’t help but lunge for the lips of her lover again, and smooch her over and over with excitement as she found herself torn between the meal and the marvel who had prepared it for her, and wanted to indulge both at the same time…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:15 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

And Alisa could only gasp, eyes shooting wide in sheer surprise as her beautiful bride deigned her not even a single moment of separation, and in the that grap trailed into a low, breathy purr as she merely melted in the arms of her beloved, her hand coming to rest on her lover's arm, teasing her smooth skin with her fingertips, enthralled by the softness squishing into her back, until she couldn't help but slide a hand up her lover's arm, under those silky soft tresses of her hair until she merely tilted her head back and nuzzled:

"My silly Sofia~... As if I'd ever leave your side~...", she cooed softly, tenderly despite the seductive huskiness of her voice, feeling her heart warm at her lover's touch. How could she even be apart from her for so long? It seemed almost unreasonable to think of it now looking back on it, but thankfully, she didn't have to. The moment Sofia pulled away, her eyes glimmering at the sight of their stay at home dinner, the sculptress giggled, hand raising gracefully over her mouth before flipping her hair behind her shoulder, "...Nothing less than the absolute best. Everything my wonderful wife deserves~"

She all but bit her lip at the thought of selfishly keeping Sofia all to herself, but in the end, she and her wife found themselves as like minded as ever, with Alisa mewling as she pulled Sofia into her arms once more, leaning into those luscious lips:

"Mmmmm~... No manner of gourmet... Could ever come even remotely close to your taste my love~...", Alisa cooed inbetween slow and sensual, insatiably ardent kisses, as she purred and squeezed her lover close to her, until the very firmness of their soft, supple breasts became an obstacle as she pulled her so tightly Sofia would feel her heart thumping in her chest, her arms wrapping around her body, hand hooking behind her neck as as she suckled those luscious lips between her teeth, again and again, until they lost track of time in each other's embrace. By the time she'd peel away, Alisa's cheeks would look utterly flushed with heat, her eyes hazy, almost breathless as her hand slid up to her cheek and caressed it, "I love you more than anything... Sofia Serena~"

Even now those magical eight letters still carried the kind of weight to make her heart skip a beat, to leave her nails digging into her lover's back as she clung to her warmth. When she finally liberated Sofia from her unyielding embrace, she'd make sure to keep her hand close to her, fingers interlaced as she walked over to her lover's seat, finally letting go of her hand as she giggled and pulled her chair:

"Milady~...", she teased, giggling girlishly as she flashed her a playful little smile.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:31 am


WORDS: 400 | Pink Perfection

“I’ve heard of spells that can bind anything together, but even they don’t seem to have a patch on our love, eh~? Even magic struggles to compare to, heeheheee, ‘Sofisa’~” Grinning as the vow of the vixen was only repeated back to her by the woman that she loved, Sofia wrapped her arms around that fantastic frame as tightly as she could and giggled as she did so, nuzzling and nibbling the lips of her lady love all the while as she teased her playfully with both her words and her fingertips.
“A shame we had to wait so long, but let’s make the most of this, for every moment we can~?” Sighing gently as she once again remembered just how much she had missed the magnificent minx she clung to, the mischievous mermaid opted to bask in the bliss that was having her beloved black beauty back in her grasp and in her company for the night as well rather than linger on the absence that they had shared, since she really wasn’t lying when she said the woman was worth her wait. All that hurt and loneliness seemed to melt away like butter in a pan now she had her close again.

“Heeheheee, well that sounds impossible my love, because nothing could outmatch my own love for you~” Giggling softly as beautiful bride seemed to boast of the bliss that was their romance but the emerald enchantress finding herself forced to disagree with her ebony empress in this regard, she grinned cheekily as she played a little game of one-upmanship with the luscious lady she loved so very much, and stole another kiss before scampering toward the pue which had been presented to her.
“Oh gosh, such chivalry, I certainly am privileged aren’t I~?” Certainly making no effort to hide her delight or her fine frame as her fantastic fellow femme offered her the chair and pushing her rump out behind her just far enough that the slack in her skirt vanished as she sat down into the seat to show off the resplendent rump she possessed, the silky material enveloped the curves of her croup to reveal its pert shape as well as the lack of undergarments to cover it as she eased her behind into place and then looked over her shoulder, keen to see just how much joy such simple acts had brought to her wonderful wife behind her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:04 am


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

In the end, Alisa could only giggle, letting out a loud, luscious laughter as her loving lady's choice of words clearly caught her off guard and then more. Sofisa~... Now that sounded like a name she could get behind, however silly it sounded it still made her squeeze ever tighter around her breathtaking lover:

"Now, from the name alone... That sounds like the most powerful magic I've ever heard of~", teased the sculptress, squeezing her slover close and melting in her loving warmth as she giggling and gazed into those bright green eyes, smooching her back, giving those supple lips a little suckle, "Mmmm~... I wouldn't have it any other way my love~"

Letting out a graceful little giggle, in the end, Alisa couldn't help but let her wandering gaze drift down to that pert posterior as her wonderful wife pushed it out before her eyes, until they shot wide at the sight before her. Biting her lip at her choice of underwear or lack thereof, the sight alone enough to leave her spine tingling, all the more so when she caught the seductive siren looking over her shoulder:

"...Well, when you have the previlege of being married to the most dazzling, most breathtaking, wonderful woman~...", for all the playfulness of her tone and the hint of mischief in her eyes, Alisa's words were anything but, as evidenced by the way her cheeks reddened ever so softly as she held her gaze. In the end, her hand slid sensually up Sofia's shoulder, brushing her hair gently as she leaned in for a slow, loving smooch of her lips, holding her lover's gaze, knowing she'd undoubtedly feel tempted to look into the depths of that plush, plunging cleavage as her pale skin glistened under the dim lighting, "...Feels only natural to return it, don't you think~...?"

As tenderness and temptation rolled into one, Alisa truly struggled to finally raise back upright, brushing those dark tresses behind her shoulder as she turned around and brought the cart closer to the table, placing a sizeable, delectable tray of appetizers before her wife's hungry eyes: In classic Fiorian style, she'd went for a platter of cheeses, hams, and other smoked meats of the widest varieties, before taking a seat in front of her:

"Bon appetit, my love~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Oct 25, 2020 1:38 pm


WORDS: 429 | Pink Perfection

“Oh heavens yes, I have yet to find any force of spell craft or anything else which could even compare, let alone best it~?” Grinning as her gorgeous gothic goddess seemed to agree with her opinion on the might of magnetism between them, Miss Serena licked her lips as she looked across the table to the woman she loved and tilted her head, and stroked her chin softly as she mulled over the magic between mirth.
“Ohhhhh, well I shall have to disagree with you there, since I am rather firmly of the decision that it is I who happens to be wed to the most dazzling, most breathtaking, wonderful woman that there ever was~” Shaking her head however when her stunning sable siren offered a compliment since she had significant cause to correct her assessment there, one of the most wonderful things in her observation was that moments of privacy with Alisa were when she could really let her lovey dovey side loose, and right now she wished to unleash it with reckless abandon to ravage her ruby-eyed raven with affection and remind both of them why they had fell so hopelessly in love with one another.

“Gosh, and if I ever needed a fine example you do all this… It looks wonderful, my beautiful bride~” Clearly not the only soul in the room who was currently seized by the impulse to be so resplendently romantic, though she had been a little too captivated by her wonderful wife to take in the food the woman had brought to her before this once she did so Sofia couldn’t help but feel ever more taken aback, and girl with the green gaze grinned from one ear and to the other as she looked at the lush treats that were laid before her and wondered which of them inspired her attention the most.
“Heeheehee, I can hardly decide where to begin~” Without question the most mouth watering treat sitting not upon but across the table from her and right now it a difficult choice for the delighted diva to decide whether she wanted to tuck into a good meal or pounce on her partner for setting up such a pitch perfect date for her, she smiled and looked toward the lush lass beyond the sublime spread and entwined their fingers, as she felt as if she would need some contact with her lover in order to stave off the more risqué elements of her hunger for a little while longer yet. Though, even then, she wasn’t making any kind of promises…!

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Oct 25, 2020 3:26 pm


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

"My my, Sofia~... We'd have to agree on a tie or else, we'll be here all night, won't we~?", giggled the sculptress, her cheeks reddening at her words as their warmth filled her from within, running her fingertips teasingly under her lover's chin, smooching that perfect pout ever so softly, almost a nuzzle, keeping her close enough to whisper those breathy words as she gave that bottom lip a little nibble, "Though I suppose... That's not a bad idea at all~"

Ultimately though, Alisa managed to rein in her passion, if for no reason other than to let the two enjoy the scrumptious meal she'd ordered. As she sat down and watched Sofia reach out across the table, the statuesque sculptress met her half way, holding her hand tightly, yet gently, lovingly, not letting go for even an instant:

"Well, I'd recommend the ham, according to our waiters, it's simply to die for... But first...", shooting her lover a knowing smile, she picked out the opened bottle of wine she'd carefully selected, filling her lover's glass, then her own, swirling the red nectar in it's glass, taking a good long whiff as her smile widened at the fragrance. Instead of taking a sip though, Alisa rose her glass, gazing into those vibrant eyes of green, just waiting for Sofia to meet her halfway as she spoke, "To us~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Oct 26, 2020 1:58 pm


WORDS: 350 | Pink Perfection

“Ohhhhhh, here all night with you, you say~?” Licking her lips as Alisa seemed to pluck a lovely little scenario for the two of them and try to use it as a warning for a moment, Miss Serena all too quickly jumped on her suggestion and cooed softly because of it, and was quickly found tilting her head to one side and looking up at the ceiling with a smile on her face as she pictured such bliss playing out in her mind.
“Yes, I doubt either of us could come up with many plans better than that one, hm~?” All too quickly her lady love seeming to realize the relish in her mistake as well and correct herself because of that, the saucy siren squeezed the hand of her heavenly bride as she encouraged the notion and felt tempted to even extend it past a lone night and way beyond that, though for the moment simply enjoyed the amusement of the moment as she looked deep into those magnificent magenta eyes.

“Oh really~? A bold statement when it has stiff competition in the form of the White Empress~” One side of her brow shooting upward when next her beautiful black belle suggested where among this splendiferous spread they should begin and voicing the note she had thought of only seconds ago because of that, though she was certainly intrigued by every piece of culinary excellence that her wonderful wife had gathered for her, in the mind of the mischievous mermaid whatever food they had was mere garnish or at best a playful little amuse bouche when compared to the main event which would occur once they had moved onto more carnal cravings.
“Heeheehee, to us~!” For the moment however happy to celebrate their union and giggling as she found her dark delight filling her glass with something rich and red and almost as fragrant as the fine femme opposite her, Sofia smiled happily as she completed their little toast with a chirpy reply and a chink of glassware to boot, before pulling that nectar toward her lips and taking a generous sip as she sampled the ambrosia that had been prepared for her by her amazing, awe-inspiring amazon…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:20 pm


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

Alisa had to admit, that thought alone easily left her nibbling her bottom lip... Calling it dessert sounded like the understatement of the century, and she for one felt awfully tempted to skip right to the main dish as she shot her lover a smouldering stare. But in the end, Alisa successfully reined it in:

"Fufu~... Well it wouldn't do to let such a wonderful meal grow cold, wouldn't you agree~...?", teased the temptress, winking playfully at her beloved, gliding her thumb back and forth along her lover's hand

As the girl's glass met her own, Alisa merely giggled at the satisfying clink, bringing the glass up to her lips for an experimental sip, savouring the decidedly fruity bouquet, letting the deep red nectar swirl over her tongue before swallowing with an utterly delighted hum, her eyes not leaving her wonderful wife's for even a second:

"Mmmm, utterly heavenly... And the wine isn't so bad either~", giggling as her glass finally came to rest back down over the table, Alisa reluctantly peeled her hand away from her lover's, but she was certain her gorgeous goddess would soon forgive her when she picked up a tiny foccacia, placing a bit of the creamy cheese, "Come on, open up~..."

Raising her hand, Alisa held the tasty treat in front of her lover's luscious lips, giggling at she indulged in her woefully unexplored lovey dovey side, something only Sofia Serena had ever managed to see in earnest.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:19 pm


WORDS: 300 | Pink Perfection

“It would be quite disrespectful, no~?” Smiling and winking at her lady love as she seemed to read her mind and sense that Miss Serena might have had intentions to draw their night away from the dinner table sooner rather than later, the girl with the green gaze grinned and ultimately agreed with Alisa for the reason she raised, or maybe it was another? “And I’m sure a good meal will only make our dessert taste even sweeter~?” Remembering all too clearly how intense things could be between the two of them when they let the smouldering heat they shared build and build toward an eruption that neither of them could deny, she attempted to remain patient for the time being and indulge the meal that her wonderful wife had made her for as long as she could, though at the same time was not about to make any promises on the matter. Sometimes, when it came to the White Empress, it was hard to control herself.

“It’s absolutely delicious, almost as good as sharing a kiss with my wonderful wife~?” Smiling already but those lips curving all the more when she felt the flavour of her wine hit her tongue, that mix of subtle indications and varied emphasis seemed to tickle her palette in all the right places, as if she was imbibing some liquid form of velvet which was warm and soft and inviting, and a lot like the lips of the luscious lass opposite her in that regard.
“In fact… I feel like I’ve had it before somewhere~?” There something though, just that one well struck note of familiarity which made the foreign femme frown as she swallowed it and then looked at her glass with a sense of wonder and confusion, the combination felt nostalgic and wonderful and seemed to make her happy for a reason she couldn’t quite understand or recall, and as such made her hum for a few seconds as she tried to grasp what it was about it that felt so homely, because it wasn’t at all like the wines she knew from Valerica…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:46 am


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

Indeed, it was quite remarkable how often the two found themselves on the same page as such. Alisa hardly even felt a need to answer, merely narrowing her eyes, shooting her luscious lover a smouldering, half lidded gaze, making sure Sofia caught the way her teeth sunk into her plush bottom lip:

"Ufufu, very discerning palate my love~", giggled the sculptress, nodding in agreement as she saw the girl have her first taste of the wine, she too bringing the glass up to her lips for a graceful little sip, her smile curling just a bit wider as that faintly nostalgic, decidedly fruity flavour graced her tongue, "We have indeed tried this wine before..."

And yet, Alisa's words trailed off into a slow, pointed pause, brow raising as she left Sofia hanging at the edge of her seat, instead taking another focaccia and guiding it to her mouth, taking her sweet time savouring it, humming in delight, crossing her legs under the table as she finally swallowed and spoke up:

"...Would you care to try and guess where~?", she inquired, raising an eyebrow, wondering if Sofia would pick up on that familiar taste and remember the wine they shared at her Uncle's house, in that small town near Orchidia


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:56 am


WORDS: 250 | Pink Perfection

“Heeheehee, oh really~?” The brow of the brunette tightening as she took another sip of her drink and tried to place exactly where she remembered it from, while she certainly had every bit as refined a palette as any young princess from a foreign land this particular option had her stumped, but there was one thing about it that she knew for sure.
“You know it does taste very familiar, distinct, and nostalgic in fact…” It strange how the right flavour might prickle at the memories and feelings of their consumer, there was something about this wonderful taste that not only delighted the girl with the green gaze but also made her remember her gorgeous gothic goddess as well, which was natural given her company one supposed.

“Was it… Hmmmmm, it’s not the wine we had at the wedding…?” After all the effort of the ebony enchantress seeming to extend beyond a simple night together of fine food and toward making even this goofy little date in their hotel room feel like something special which would be remembered forever, it felt like typical Alisa to add that extra layer of enjoyment to the affair and honestly while it might have been easy for Miss Serena to give up the ghost and simple ask what it was she didn’t want to do that, and not just because of simple stubbornness either. This little game, this shared sentiment felt like something that they’d both enjoy her solving on her own, now didn’t it…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:55 pm


WORDS: 210 | TAG: @Sofia | DARING DRESS  

Alisa watched her wonderful wife tasting the one once more, those wine red hues following her quite intently, but for the most part the sculptress held her peace, watching as she brought the glass up to her lips once more, only to giggle as she took her first guess. Their wedding. In the end, she merely giggled and wiggled her finger:

"Close but no cigar.", replied the sculptress, shaking her head negatively. In the end though, she couldn't help but cup her chin as her brow rose, actually thinking back on their wedding as her smile widened at the thought. In the end she merely let out a satisfied sigh, one arm idly coming to rest on the table, folded under her sizeable bosom until her cleavage fluffled out slightly, "Would have been a brilliant idea though, though I doubt we could have managed enough bottles for the wedding~"

Even though Sofia had failed her first guess, Alisa knew she'd get there before long, especially with all the leads she'd been giving out for free. Her uncle had only given them a couple bottles, and the sculptress didn't have it in her to ask him for more. Odds were, he wouldn't even have many more exactly like that:

"I can tell you, if you'd like~", she teased the girl, winking playfully at her, taking yet another bite of their appetizers, raising an eyebrow, knowing her prideful princess wouldn't easily take the out even when offered by her loving wife.


Strength is also Beauty

"Summer dreams~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

1v1 Me Bro [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:38 am


WORDS: 250 | Pink Perfection

“Hmmmm… It wasn’t? I could have sworn…” A hint of surprise seizing Sofia as her sinuous sable siren seemed to refute the guess that she had made, the girl with the green gaze looked down at her glass and swirled it a little as she drew in the bouquet that came off it, and narrowed her eyes as she did so.
“Noooooo, no, no, no…! I wanna get it!” A little bit stumped by the origin of the drink but at the same time too stubborn to let herself be helped in this matter, the bubbly brunette was found to pouting in defiance as her wonderful White Empress tried to help her out, and instead insisted on solving the problem herself.

“I don’t think it was from that time we had in Astera, right?” There a certain something about the blissful beverage that stimulated her memories but at the same time perhaps her palette not quite as able to recall this particular drink as well as she had others which she might have enjoyed in greater volume, the emerald enchantress took another sip from it and savoured the flavour, and gradually as she did so could see how it differed from the tasty treats she could recall from the many, many adventures she had with her beautiful bride.
“But it’s definitely one from a very special chapter in Sofisa story…?” Perhaps the sheer volume of events that they had shared part of the reaon that the valerican vixen was having trouble recalling the specific occasion on which she sampled this delight, despite this struggle it felt important for Miss Serena to solve the problem herself without help, so that she could live up to all those wonderful tales and ever more so the magnificent minx opposite her…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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