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A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private]

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#1Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 10:53 am

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 403 | Steamy

A hot spring bath… I’ve never had one before? A wooden door sliding across to show the fine frame of Zoey Luciano, despite how underdressed she was right now, the teen did not feel particularly bothered by that fact right now.
They’re supposed to feel pretty amazing though… Wearing only a white towel that was wrapped around her none too subtle curves, in ordinary circumstances the girl from Baska might have been a little self-conscious to be walking around a place in such a skimpy and figure hugging ensemble, but right now she found she did not particularly care for how she looked.

Though… It’ll have some stuff competition though? The bliss that had been inflicted upon her body by the experience that she had just been through stripping away those insecurities along with her clothing, in all honestly Miss Luciano couldn’t remember a single moment before this that she had felt so relaxed, or at the very least not that many really.
I wasn’t too sure about the mud bath but that massage was… Amazing~ Memories of being a little girl cradled in the arms of her parents the only things that compared to how she now felt, the expert hands of a Sinese masseuse had melted away every ounce of tension within the body of  golden eyed girl, leaving her feeling so light and soft in her form that if she didn’t know better she would have sworn her body was currently made of something like pudding or mouse.

I still can’t believe I won the contest though… The little experience she had today rather the result of inherent good fortune, while she was visiting such a place for the first time and part of her hoped it would not be the last, Zoey knew that spa days like these were unlikely to be a regular occurrence for her. Sneaking a glance at the usual pricing for the full day of pampering she had received and feeling guilty for the scant number jewels that she had put into the Astera restoration raffle in order to receive it, though the tangerine teen reckoned she could very easily get used to such delightful treatment, her bank balance would certainly not thank her if she did.

However, that was a concern for another time, as right now the youngster had warm water and relaxing steam to focus herself on, among other things of course…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:28 am


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL

Ahhhh~... Nothing quite like a long dip in the hot springs to finish off a stenuous day of training, slowly letting her body wind down and melt away that tension, basking in this hot, steamy sensation, until her smooth alabaster skin felt thoroughly warm and flushed, until her breath looked smoky with every sighing exhale... Yes, the sculptress looked very much like the the picture of relaxation, with her curvaceous, statuesque body neatly wrapped around that drenched towel, tucked tightly enough around her supple bosom to heighten a full, eye catching cleavage, glistening with moisture under the dim, soothing light. She'd pulled up her long, silky smooth hair in a bunch, leaving only the odd lock draping down over her eyes, which she seldom, slowly tucked away, remarkable uninterested in her surroundings

"Mmmm~... Perfect~...", hummed the delighted artist, her toned rear scooting a bit further forward, her sinuous torso sinking a few inches deeper into the steamy bath, sighing in bliss as she cocked her head back slightly, "I could stay like this all night~..."

Of course, she knew better than that, even a tough woman like herself had her limits on how much steaminess she could soak in, even without taking her Icebergian blood into account. Despite her supposed intolerance to heat, nothing felt quite as good as melting into a puddle as such, making Alisa into a regular customer of whatever hot springs she could find, and a vicious, ruthless force feared by peeping toms around the country. Plus it did worked wonders for her sensitive skin, no doubt helping her keep this irresistible, silky softness she took so much pride in.

But in this hazy, heat dazed state, she took a while to register the arrival of the so far only other customer in the women's bath, a young, perky redhead with mesmerizing amber eyes. Intrigued by the beautiful girl she'd never seen before, Alisa found her gaze lingering on her enough to scan her shapely form head to toe, taking note of the guild stamp behind her hand before speaking up at long last:

"Oh, hello there~...", greeted Alisa, seeking the girl's gaze with a cool but approachable smile on her face, brushing one of those loose locks as if to make herself presentable for the girl in front of her... Caring comparatively little for the increasingly looser towel around her chest... After all, they were in the women's bath, hardly anything indecent about one extra inch of skin or another, "Do come in, will you~? The water feels lovely~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:29 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 455 | Steamy

It’s foggy, but warm…? Like a Sauna… Humming softly as she moved a little deeper into the baths, though ordinarily such a muggy environment might have made Miss Luciano feel uncomfortable, on this occasion she actually found it kind of welcoming. A balm which only highlighted the soft skin of the young woman even more appearing on her light coloured flesh, the redhead moved forward in a slow and almost tentative fashion as she moved through the misty atmosphere, taking slow and steady breaths to help herself to acclimatise to her surroundings.

I think if I spent too long in this, I might end up light headed? It’s not too bad though… Perhaps a little more ‘vulnerable’ to an atmosphere like this than most because her Boscosi heritage and birth seemed to help her deal with cooler climbs more easily, but the girl with golden eyes did not feel particularly hindered or uncomfortable with her surroundings, more curious about her experience here. Unfortunately, the focus the femme had on the fog and the bath beyond it meant that she was caught quite off guard with a cool, purring voice crept through it.

“O-Oh!” Squeaking like a little mouse as she found herself being greeted by someone that she hadn’t even realized was in her company, though she had been quite relaxed up to this point, the startling surprise made the pulse of the youngster pound all the quicker but that was nothing compared to what happened when she saw the source of the sound.
She’s… Turning her head toward the person who had greeted her and finding that her eyes grew wide the second that they fell on the frame of a voluptuous vision with jet black locks, even in an environment that was as wet as this one, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but feel her throat growing dryer and dryer the longer that she let that golden gaze linger on the figure with whom she would be sharing her bath, apparently.

…So beautiful. Not even knowing what to say and frozen in place despite the warmth of her surroundings, as the mind of the teen lagged her yellow eyes did not follow suit as she surveyed the siren she had found on this red hot ‘shore’. The golden gaze of the girl drifting over every inch of her bath buddy with no small display of greed or envy, the dark looks of that gorgeous goddess seemed to contrast her own almost perfectly. Jet black hair sprouting from her head that looked as soft as silk and graceful even when tied up behind her head, loose tresses framed eyes that glowed with the colour of the blush that the redhead was now thorough stained with…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:30 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL

Really, nothing to feel vulnerable about when baring oneself in the women's bath, not for young, ravishing girls like themselves. The fact that this mysterious strawberry haired beauty looked to stiff the moment she saw another woman hinted at her inexperience, and that deep, adorable blush on her face looked absolutely delicious. Alisa couldn't help but curl her lip at the sight, holding the girl's gaze with visible curiosity as she resgistered her words, wondering if she'd answer. Quite a few seconds went by without any more than that initial interjection, the sculptress' appearance had apparently left her thoroughly speechless. Brow rising with every silent second, Alisa eventually broke the silence herself:

"My, staring so much at a total stranger.", she chided, eyes widening in playful surprise, hand reaching over her chest daintily as she cocked her head playfully, "Hardly befitting a lovely young lady like yourself, wouldn't you agree~?"

For all her hopes of putting the obviously innocent girl at ease, Alisa knew a smitten look when she saw it and couldn't really help teasing her about it, letting out an elegant chuckle as her hand rose over her mouth, more than enough for that buoyant bosom to jostle slightly. Lest the mysterious cutie speak up or join her, Alisa would simply continue her odd choice of encouragement:

"Well, don't linger outside so long sweetie... I don't bite~", winking playfully at her as that look of mirth melted into a calm, approachable elegance, the Pegasus took a closer look at the girl, gaze lingering on that stamp in the back of her hand before her gaze drifted back up that curvaceous, towel wrapped body into those mesmerizing eyes of amber, flashing the girl her best smile as she introduced herself, "In any case, call me Alisa. Quite delightful to meet you here~"

She was, after all, a Lamia, a member of the same guild as her close friends Arisa and Daiko. Perhaps if the girl saw her own Pegasus mark she might feel a bit more at ease, but Alas, Alisa wasn't about to boldly remove her towel in front of her... Now that... That would surely leave the girl a fumbling mess - not to mention grossly indecent - though the idea still brought a cheeky little smirk to her lips as she imagined the reaction.

"Hmm, what should I call you...?", perhaps hoping the calm, nonchalant conversation would soothe her flusteredness, the sculptress rose a finger to her lips, as if musing on the girl's name.

In the end, Alisa had enough Lamia friends to show Zoey the same kind of openness and familiarity, if the girl chose to accept it.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:30 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 619 | Steamy

“O-Oh!” Not even wholly aware of just how much she was gaping at the goddess in the baths until the other woman pointed it out, while the face of the fair femme was already coloured crimson, the embarrassment that she felt having been spotted engaging in such lascivious behaviour caused her to glow even more than she already was.

“S-Sorry…” The shade that the girl turned so bright and apparent that she might as well have been radioactive by this point, with the strength offered by shame Miss Luciano finally managed to peel her gaze away from the stranger and forced herself to look in the opposite direction as she wished the ground might swallow her whole, offering a meek and squeaky apology as she wondered if she should just slip away right now and stop herself from leering at the luscious lady she had met. In truth though, the ruby faced redhead knew that her desire to flee was more to protect her own feelings than anyone elses.

“O-Oh, um…. I guess you’re right?” Feeling that she had made quite the foolish introduction really and as such a little bit surprised when moments later the woman within the water encouraged her to join her, Zoey glanced toward the fine femme that she had found shyly before averting her gaze again out of simple embarrassment, in the meek mode she had let herself fall into she nodded and followed the recommendation of ‘bath buddy’.
It’s hot! Sighing softly and gripping the towel around her frame tightly, the blushing Baskan lowered a slightly hesitant foot into the water and was surprised by how warm it felt when she did so. Perhaps a part of her wondering if the warmth that she felt was a result of the blazingly heated beauty by her side, after pausing for a second or two longer the timid teen lowered herself fully into the baths and let out a sigh as she did so, that balmy temperature quickly getting the better of her.

It’s like I’m being wrapped in a toasty blanket of water~ Still rather self-conscious of course given her little slip up but the wet warmth that surrounded her helping to strip away at least a little of the tension that the teenager felt, as she sunk into the depths so deeply that only her head poked out the top Miss Luciano let loose a little hum of satisfaction, though naturally she curbed herself by no small amount as she found the presence nearby weighing rather heavily on her mind. Certainly enjoying the experience of the bath from the very first moment but the slip up she made meaning that the curvy youngster had a little trouble fully letting go, had she been on her own then the Boscosi born beauty might have let loose a mewl or moan in this situation, but felt a little bit stifled by the impressive but intimidating woman nearby.

“O-Oh… My name’s Zoey?” Mostly just wanting to shrink away and tempted to push her head under the water to escape the gaze of the enchantress and the embarrassment it caused her, while the woman seemed friendly enough in her greeting that the redhead felt compelled by simple politeness to reply, she still couldn’t find it very easy to drop her guard around this woman.
“Zoey Luciano…” The goddess seeming to have every advantage over her, especially after the mistake that she had made moments before, Zoey felt a little bit helpless and vulnerable around this voluptuous vision and would need the chance to relax if she was ever going to show anyone in the bath her ‘real’ character beneath the shyness that had been inflicted upon her…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:47 pm


WORDS: 520 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL

"Oh hardly, just a joke sweetie~", she replied, waving her hand dismissively with a playful giggle, taking only a moment to fan herself gently before soaking her hands right back inside that warm, welcoming water.

Perhaps she'd overdone it a little? Raising her eyebrow, she couldn't help but feel she'd perhaps teased the girl a bit too much, making her wonder if she'd ever get to see who she was like behind that dreadfully adorable, flustered looking mess. Girl truly was too cute for her own good, and she all but bit her lip as she stifled any other witty lines that might potentially unnerve the cutie:

"Zoey hmmm~? My, what a beautiful name~...", spoke Alisa, delighting in how the name rolled off the tongue in that smooth, husky voice, her plush lips widening as she eyed the sheepish little cutie now dipping her feet into the water only a scarce few feet away. She always did enjoy meeting a new Lamia, almost as much as meeting another beautiful, most likely interesting person. True, Zoey might not have said much so far, but Alisa had learned to trust her instincts, and so kept her eyes peeled, that every quizzical ruby red losing track of everything but the redhead before. In the end, she returned the girl's politeness with her own full name and a playful little wink,"I'm Alisa Vollan. Quite the pleasure to meet you~"

Hardly anything one could call properly flirtatious, for the girl looked a fair few years her junior. A late teenager no doubt, most likely old enough to have had a quite a few attachments of her own, and yet one innocent enough that Alisa would rather not spoil. She was quite beautiful, and Alisa admired such, yet not once did her gaze grow to intent as to fluster the girl any further than her current state. Chuckling softly, she scooted just a bit closer, draping her toned arm over the smooth, warm rocks lining the edge of the spring, all but cooing softly at the pleasant sensation before shooting that curious glance at Zoey, admiring that vivid shade of red like the most beautiful sight in the whole world:

"How are things around Lamia scale, I wonder~?", of course, she herself was no Lamia but she partly relied on that misinterpretation to help break the ice, just enough to help get a conversation going - if only Zoey would be kind enough to take the bait~ Well, even if she didn't, this graceful artist had her ways, and among them she hoped to find one that helped the girl properly relax and enjoy the comfortable setting she decided to spend the afternoon in, "It has been a while since I set foot there~"

Being close friends - all but sisters from another mister - with their one time guildmaster definitely gave Alisa some measure of comfort with their members... Hopefully she'd figure out how exactly had this total stranger discovered her affiliation, or else she might end up completely stifled by the sculptress' appearance...

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:41 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 553 | Steamy

Alisa Vollan…? Sounds fancy, and a little foreign? Pausing for a little bit of thought as the glamorous goddess returned the full introduction that she had offered to her, though perhaps it was to be expected that such a graceful and gorgeous woman would have a beautiful name, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but let herself be a little captivated by it. Just a tiny bit.

“N-Nice to meet you.” Still rather nervous but perhaps the continued attention and effort of the woman at least helping to help her feel that bit more at ease with her current situation, while she still stumbled vocally just a little bit, Zoey did at least show a little bit more comfort as she continued her polite greeting. Unsure of the procedure really when introducing oneself, in this situation especially, but deciding that a handshake seemed to never go amiss, with one hand still making sure the tight towel that bound her remained in place the redhead offered her other paw in a sign of friendship and respect. That was the plan at least, how this elegantly named enchantress might take such a gesture was her decision, however.

How did she know I was Lamia…? Stunned once again in such rapid succession by the woman near her though this one an easy bet to figure out with how prominent the brand on the Baskan’s hand was in the bubblegum pink colour that she had chosen for it, even if the amber eyed lass had figured out the reasoning, she would have still been impressed by the observation skills of this fancy sounding femme. Not exactly lacking for sharpness herself when she put her mind to it but the subtle surveillance of this serene seductress on a whole new level, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but feel a little astounded that she had seized upon whatever clue she had found and made such a shrewd deduction. However, the answer she sought was not an easy one.

“Actually… I don’t know?” Perhaps a little bit embarrassed of the fact that she had joined her guild and yet for all intents and purposes was too new to have seen the place that she should call her home, though the colour in Zoey’s cheeks had settled somewhat as she sat in the bath, they shone once more as she confessed her ignorance in regard to the inquiry of Miss Alisa.

“I… Uh, only became a member recently, and haven’t had a chance to go to the headquarters yet?” Feeling a bit like the one person who wore the mark of a mermaid that was currently out of the loop, so to speak, especially when it seemed that the woman next to her seemed so familiar with the place, the blushing Bosco beauty lifted her hand absent-mindedly to toy with her red locks but realized as she did so that they were currently ‘unavailable’ to her. Tying her hair up in a tight little knot before she had entered this steamy place and regretting that a little since it denied her something to tease to distract her from her woes, the auburn angel could only let her hand drift back down a little awkwardly as she glanced toward the woman nearby, hoping she didn’t seem too ditzy for trying and failing such a thing…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2019 2:29 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL

Yes, while her name was definitely Fiorian, that smooth, creamy skintone certainly hinted a northern heritage, perhaps not as far north as Alisa herself, but definitely somewhere along the way. When she offered a hand in greeting proper, her smile brightened in turn as her own flushed hand emerge from under the broiling waters, taking hold of Zoey's and returning the handshake, though she couldn't help but admired that innocent beauty at every turn:

"My~... What soft, silky skin~", marvelled the sculptress, brow raising softly as she held the girl's hand, her thumb shifting slowly back and forth for the briefest moments, "Ufufufu~ Hot springs work wonders on your skin but... You don't seem as though you need that part too much~?"

Despite her intention of helping the girl feel at ease, an earnest, upfront woman like Alisa couldn't really help praise whenever she felt it due, even if she herself could probably boast of the same quality. With smooth, alabaster skin often deemed irresistible, she quite clearly had no need for any help there either, but with her constant preoccupation with beauty, she'd accept it regardless.

"Oho~...?", the girl's response clearly piqued her interest, and as Alisa's brow rose, she once more rested her arm on the stony edge of the springs, shifting her torso to properly face the redheaded cutie, only to chuckle understandingly as the girl explained, hand raising over her plush lips as her tightly bound bosom quivered oh so softly, setting off the faintest of ripples all around her as she nodded, "Hmm, I see~ No shame in being a new member, it's quite alright~"

Well... There was something oddly amusing about the mere notion of having met this girl even before most of her guildmates, feeling like she knew more about her own guild than she herself did. Despite her amusement, or perhaps because of it, Alisa gladly gave her the only kind of tips Zoey could actually use:

"Well, I assure you won't be disappointed~ When you get there, look up Daiko or Kerii, I'm they'll be glad to show you the ropes~", welcoming as ever, Alisa responded without even an ounce of hesitation, resting a hand on Zoey's shoulder reassuringly, knowing that if she herself couldn't help her get settled in, she most certainly knew those who could.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:29 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 467 | Steamy

Is she… Coming onto me?! The classic mistake of an inexperienced party occurring when Miss Luciano took an innocent if flirtatious compliment and made so much more of it than she perhaps should have done, as she found her soft skin being praised by the gorgeous goddess next to her, the redhead felt her cheeks glow as she massively overestimated the value in it and began to feel even less comfortable.
“Eheheheheh… T-Thank you?” Laughing and offering a polite sense of gratitude for what she was told but squirming a little inwardly, maybe it was the casual sensuality that this steamy seductress seemed to ooze or the hint of attraction that the blushing Baskan compelling her to hope it might be reflected in this woman, but she couldn’t help but feel an odd sense of vulnerability and just a hint of excitement as she bit firmly into the wrong end of the stick.

“Y-You sound like you know them quite well, Miss Alisa…” The mistake that she had made combining with the intimidation that she felt toward this bountiful beauty and resulting in Zoey becoming even meeker than she was, though usually she was a ball of bubbliness and excitement that was eager to meet people, the auburn haired angel couldn’t help but feel rather overwhelmed by the situation right now. This result likely not helped by the fact that she was currently surrounded by boiling hot water that seemed to sap away any strength inside her and leave her like a puddle filled with unexpected discomfort, with her energy drained and mind in a muddle it was the best that the golden eyed girl could do to make a little polite conversation.

“I’ll uh, I’ll look them up, if I get the chance…” Not really wanting to seem like she was being rude or robotic but it becoming increasingly difficult to really express herself in a comfortable fashion given how increasingly vulnerable and out of sorts she was feeling, while she was tempted to slip out of the baths and away from the circumstance that was causing her such a grand degree of ill feeling, for one reason or another Miss Luciano decided against it. Not really wanting to offend this friendly femme even if the chemistry between them seemed to be the sort that was rapidly leading to her being ‘swallowed whole’ by such a dominant personality, perhaps if they had met in a different circumstance then maybe a different sense of connection might have developed between them, but right now all that was happening was that the younger party was becoming more and more exposed to the insecurities and inferiorities that her inexperienced mind might inflict upon her and it was really doing the idea of fostering a friendship here no good at all…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:42 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL

Thankfully, Alisa wasn't so clueless as to not pick up on the girl's discomfort with, though far too self centered to make herself more ammeanable to who was, for all intents and purposes, a total stranger, she nonetheless showed the girl the only kindness she really could: Stop talking. Instead, the sculptress merely sighed and relaxed under the sweltering, mind numbing heat, tilting her head back as her piercing gaze drifted away from the sheepish,  redheaded beauty, letting her relax on her own terms:

"Well, some more than others, but... I guess you can put it that way~...", chuckled the sculptress, casually holding the conversation yet without really pressing the girl to continue. In the end, whether Zoey would rather talk or be left alone, Alisa left that entirely up to herself, "Who knows, maybe I'll tell you all about it sometime~"

Certaintly tempting to regale her with a tale or another, Alisa still refrained from leading into any of them of her own voilition, her arms stirring the steamy surface as they rose up from the water, hooking gently behind her head as scooted just a bit further forwards, sinking a few inches under the surface and merely admiring the violet hued, evening sky above them. Chuckling at Zoey's words, she might have gotten some manner of answer, if not for a playful voice calling out from the entrance of the hot springs:

"Aliiiii~... Sofia's here~", spoke a smooth yet surprisingly cheery voice, no doubt belonging to a far more youthful girl than Alisa herself, enough to tilt Alisa's head back and catch a glimpse of her companion clad only in a plain, fuzzy towel, ready to venture into the baths as well.

For all her cool, the moment Alisa heard the mention of her lover's name, the profuse, heat fueled redness in her cheeks merely deepened, her brow rising for the faintest of moments... Clearly, something within Alisa resonated with the name she'd just heard, judging by the way she couldn't help but shoot a dreamy glance into the skies above:

"Sofia you say~...?", mused the sculptress with poorly veiled interest, all but jolted from her sluggish state, raising a finger to her lips and humming as her smile widened, "My, aren't you the bearer of good news, Lumen~?"

Glancing between Lumen and Zoey, Alisa still couldn't help but take note of the innocent yet intent look the amber eyed cutie shot the, well, other amber eyed cutie, with Lumen clearly taking note of the girl sitting beside Alisa than even her own partner, a friendly smile drawing on her face the moment their eyes met.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:14 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 463 | Steamy

Who’s this? Honestly finding herself rather relieved when a new soul burst into the baths in such a lively fashion and distracted the woman with whom she had been sharing such a discomforting sense of intimacy, as Miss Luciano turned her head to see this stranger who had exploded into their steamy surroundings, she saw someone who felt a lot more on her ‘level’. This new person who apparently was a friend of the goddess next to her seeming to have far more of a spring in her step than the confident woman nearby, even though the auburn angel had only seen her for a second or two, she seemed to feel a sense of comparative kinship with the girl

She’s… Cute? More intimidated than she would have liked to admit by the magnificent Miss Vollan, though many folk might have preferred their companions the opposite way around, Zoey only felt a sense of inferiority and dominance from this sultry but strong spirited woman. The bouncy girl who shared her own golden gaze having the liveliness of a puppy about her bearing, for some reason that energetic but unpretentious aura that she gave off felt a far cry from the peerless image of this dark haired woman, and it probably also helped that to the yellow eyes of this youngster they seemed about the same age as well.

I wonder who she is? One finding that their tastes would tend to shift and change over the course of one’s, it was when one was at their most youthful that they felt the biggest gulf that an age difference might have created, and that seemed true in this case. Alisa a beautiful woman for certain but that combined with her maturity making it hard for a humble girl like Miss Luciano to really feel like they equals in any way, especially given their situation, and so it was hard to build a positive relationship from such a lack of equilibrium.

Sofia? Lumen…? Relieved and letting out a long breath to accentuate that fact as the new girl in the baths distracted the dark diva near her, all the same Zoey couldn’t help but listen in on the few words that the two shared, feeling a little out of place given the level of familiarity that seemed to exist so apparently between the duo.
So, her name is Lumen? We’re both ‘Lu’ girls then… A small smile creeping across her face as the redhead proved herself a sharp enough ‘tack’ to figure out from the details offered what this vivacious and violet haired young lady was called, a certain sense of amusement seized her as she realized their names shared at least one little aspect in their name, and probably reflected the sunny disposition that they had in common as well…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:44 am


WORDS: 410 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

"You made a friend already, hmm, Ali~?", spoke the sheepish girl, her lips widening into a knowing, cheeky little smirk, with a vibrant demeanor as lively as Zoey's usual self.

And indeed, Lumen's idea of friendship far differed from Alisa's, or even Zoey's - to her, merely talking to someone, laughing in playing with them, was more than enough to earn such a title. Alisa and Zoey might not have talked talked nearly so long to get anywhere near that far, and for the most part Zoey seemed far too flustered by the tall woman's presence to even humour the thought... But Alisa knew her partner well, and had long grown used to her innocent, youthful way of seeing the world:

"Ufufu, you can put it that way, certainly~", she replied, all but chuckling playfully. Looking between her pink haired partner and the new aquaintance she'd only just made, her smile widened in turn. She looked just enough to catch the intent glances they shot each other - the way Lumen merely giggled at the sight of her - and knew to turn away, glancing back up into the sky as she left the two to their own devices.

Clearly, Zoey's interest was very much mutual, for Lumen returned every look of interest and then more. More so than Alisa having made a new friend, she looked at her as somebody who could very well be her own friend in time, reacting to the same sense of kinship Zoey herself picked up on.

She walked over to the hot springs with her own spring in her step, a visible gleam of the budding excitment behind that adventurous, cheerful smile on her face. Sampling the steaming water with her tiptoes, the impish girl with eyes of amber merely sighted, holding the fuzzy towel around her plush, perky bosom, her arm squishing softly into that pillowy fluff as she slowly descended into the springs, casually completing the trio as she took a seat in the rather roomy gap between Alisa and Zoey:

"Mmmmn~... Feels nice~...", she sighed happily once again as she slowly melted under the steamy warmth until her skin gained a glistening shade of red... Unlike Alisa and Zoey however, she seemed far more at ease in this sweltering heat, raising a hand out from under the water and offering it to the redhead with a sunny smile, "Hello~ I'm Lumen, a friend of Ali's~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:23 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 553 | Steamy

The golden gaze that was exchanged bringing a little more rosiness out in the cheeks of Miss Luciano bit also something else, maybe it was the mischievous grin of the new girl or just the fact that she seemed like such a breath of fresh air considering how stifled she had been feeling, but as she looked toward this stranger the auburn haired teen couldn’t help but smile. Just a little bit.
She’s coming in with us? Almost feeling her heart leap as this lavender haired youngster slipped into the water along with her, Zoey didn’t whether it was because of the interest that she flustered femme felt toward her or simply because she expected that someone familiar with the woman next to her might just act as a barrier, but whatever the reason she felt an ounce of excitement.

More than cute, apparently… Not getting a proper look at Lumen when she had entered because of the steam but noting that the petite girl was more full bodied than she had expected when she drew near, the young girl let her gaze linger for a moment on the shapely but perky physique of the new girl in the bath before reminding herself to glance away before she was caught leering again. She really couldn’t take another ‘hit’ like that, that was for sure.

“O-Oh, hello Lumen~” That lingering degree of bashfulness leaving the rosy cheeked youngster a little but behind the mark when the short haired girl introduced herself, as she returned the greeting in a fashion that seemed a little more upbeat than how she dealt with Alisa, Miss Luciano found herself a little comforted by the fact that she now had an energetic and yet approachable lass separating her from the woman who intimidated her so.
“I’m Zoey~” Knowing on some level that it had never been the intention of the mature beauty with black hair to dominate her as they talked but that simple fact not changing, with someone that seemed a little more in her ‘league’ next to her seeming so friendly the girl with golden eyes felt herself relax a little bit, seeming more herself from the second that this perky cutie had entered the room really.

“It feels good, right?” Sighing softly as she let herself enjoy the baths a little more given the encouraging response that Lumen had shown, the brightness and bounciness of this new girl seemed to rub off on Zoey almost immediately as she found a bit more of her bubbliness seeming to break free, glancing toward the new girl and beaming as she let out a few long breaths as she let the warmth soak away some of her tension.
“I didn’t expect it, this is my first time in something like this…” Perhaps there just something more natural in the chemistry between the two youngsters or the redhead simply finding herself more assured with someone her own age nearby, with a more sincere smile on her face the hot spring novice confessed her inexperience, feeling that bit more chatty now that she had someone who might just ‘have her back’ so to speak in the face of such a peerless woman nearby…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:19 am


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

Just as Alisa had, Lumen spotted the girl's intent gazing at her figure, enough for a giggle to leave those plush, youthful lips, hand raising over her mouth in a feminine fashion. Though she lacked most of Alisa's elegance, she'd grown used to this body by emulating the elegant woman on her other side, and in a way it showed. On the other hand, she was much to innocent to actually point that out as swiftly as Alisa might, even if just like Alisa she clearly appreciated feeling admired as such, judging from the way her hand brushed that short and silken lilac hair behind her:

"Hehehehee~ Nice to meet you, Zoey~", her voice sweet and smooth, even if she lacked Alisa's husky, almost purring timbre, Lumen still managed to hit all the right notes, and yet made little motion to use them and add to the redhead's flustered look.

At the same time, Lumen clearly wasn't shy admiring that shapely beauty, eyes widening as she glanced down from Zoey's eyes - as if taking in every outline of her supple form - in stark contrast with the innocent look in her eyes throughout, like she could appreciate the girl's beauty with a visible glimmer of awe, without even the slightest hint of carnal thoughts crossing her mind at any moment.

"Mmmmn, so gooood~", she all but purred in response, shifting left and right as if expending the last bits of energy, before laying back happily and sighing in bliss. Unlike Alisa though, she didn't simply focus on the skies above and kept to herself. Instead, she looked at Zoey the whole way, eyes and cheeks brimming with innocent yet eager shades of interest.

Clearly the two gigglish girls certainly a far greater chemistry than Alisa had even with Lumen, let alone Zoey. The two partners had known each other for years and it showed in how familiar they were with each other's quirks... But around Zoey, Lumen acted almost like she'd just found herself a kindred spirit. Alisa was perfectly content to let the two chat, letting their conversation fade from focus as she relaxed. She'd give Sofia a few more minutes then go look for her:

"Well, was it worth the wait~?", replied the excitable girl, cocking her head and chuckling happily at the redhead's decision, looking into her eyes cutely, "Whenever I go to a new town, I always try out any hot springs I find there. Always worth it~"

Soon enough, Lumen had all but turned towards Zoey in earnest, shifting her shapely rump on her seat and shifting her torso to face the new girl, brushing a loose violet lock away from those golden eyes. Even the normally quieter Lumen found more and more words escaping those plush lips, with little intent to stop them:

"You should come by more~", recommeneded the girl, nodding in approval, as her playful tone barely concealed her earnest wish, "Who knows, maybe we'll run into each other again~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:18 am

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 535 | Steamy

“Hmmmmm… I wouldn’t exactly call it a ‘wait’?” Tilting her head and lifting her fingers to her jaw at the question she was asked, though Lumen had used a simple and playful turn of phrase, Miss Luciano answered it with more earnestness than what was probably required. Perhaps some of lingering discomfort with the scenario meaning that she lacked a little of her usual pep, all the same a mix of honesty and willingness to engage her new friend drove the auburn angel to be rather more chatty than she had been with the woman before her.

“It isn’t as if I was sitting at home hoping one day I might have a chance to hop into a hot spring?” Humming softly as she clarified the issue whilst still attempting to take a playful approach, the innocent response that the redhead gave spoke of her humble interests and taste for the simpler life really.
“I didn’t even know Fiore had such things?” Not being very learned about the world as a hole and Baska certainly not the kind of place that boasted of baths made of anything other than mud, while Zoey enjoyed a chance to wash herself as much as anyone, she couldn’t help but feel like the whole affair was a little beyond her. Really, with how much places like this cost, she would have been much happier satisfying her sweet tooth to the same amount really.

“But uh, it’s pretty good all the same?” However, the simple admission that this sort of thing was not entirely for her seeming something that felt a little overly negative and lacking in gratitude given the ‘free ride’ that she had been on, Miss Luciano took a moment to confirm the fact that despite her own personal reservations the steam baths were not without their charm points. The water nice and relaxing, the golden gal imagined that had she not ended up in a situation where she had been made to squirm with discomfort so much then this place might have been more her cup of tea, and was steadily getting better now that she had someone who she could talk to and take her mind of those little anxieties that had crept into her.

“To be honest, I was a bit intimidated by the whole uh…” Perhaps the gesture that she witnessed as Lumen tucked her hair behind her ear seeming to prompt something within Zoey as well, as she spoke a bit more candidly about her experience so far, the girl couldn’t help but mimic the behaviour of this bubbly and cute thing in her own way by lifting her hand and toying softly with one of her wavy, orange locks.
“Nude bathing with other people type thing?” Certainly new to this whole thing and that not really helping her to grow comfortable any more quickly, while the bright eyed beauty was not particularly prudish, she couldn’t help but feel a little outside her comfort zone in situations such as this. After all, still not wholly comfortable with her own interest in the fine female form, she couldn’t help but feel even more exposed than she already did in a thin towel and little else…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:21 pm


WORDS: 480 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

"Mhmmm, I was pretty surprised to hear it the first time too~ Felt right up my alley but it took a few months before I could actually go.", nodded the pink haired cutie, her eyes glancing up from those beautiful golden hues up into the skies above, leaning back in her seat as her chest heaved up and down with a long, deep breath.

She wasn't about to tell her that she didn't always have this youthful human body. Before she met Alisa she was but a candle creature who the sculptress would never really allow to venture into a pool of hot water. Guess the first thing she wanted to do after gaining this ability?

"Mmm, I guess you're right there~", without ever losing that perpetual, youthful faint smile on her face, Lumen nonetheless rose a hand to her chin, cupping it gently as her arm squished softly into the swell of her cleavage, "I didn't know wonderful places like that existed for a long time too~"

Something surprising to say the least, almost as much as the look on her face when Zoey expressed her insecurities, her eyes widened for the briefest moment. She couldn't help but scratch her temple as she looked at the redhead with a crooked brow, somewhat puzzled but nonetheless understanding of the girl's bashfulness:

"Why, there's only girls here, so not really a problem right~...?", raising a finger to her lip, she looked almost clueless in her innocence, cocking her head as those short, violet locks slipped free from behind her ear, framing her face as she smiled and pointed to the towel neatly tucked around Zoey's pert bust, "Besides, you're not really nude at all."

Clearly the innocent, happy go lucky Lumen struggled to understand this level of modesty. Indeed she seemed to be put off by the leering gazes some boys gave her, but little else in the end. Alisa remembered it all too well, the only time she'd seen her beloved Lumen freak out against a rather perverted summon she once faced off against.

"Well, it most certainly is something you get used to~", added Alisa, a faint splashing accompany her voice as that statuesque figure emerged from beneath the piping hot water, "Guess I shouldn't keep Sofia waiting much longer... It was lovely meeting you Zoey... Do look after Lumen, will you~? She can be quite mischievous~"

Leaning into her best friend, she pet the girl's hair gently, almost like one would a little sister before placing a tender, gentle smooch on her forehead and nodding:

"Heheheh, see you soon Ali~", giggling the every adorable Lumen, all but nuzzling her best friend and smooching her cheek in return. Clearly comfortable with public shows of affection, or perhaps just completely comfortable with Zoey. After all, the two seemed to have quite the chemistry between them.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:02 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 375 | Steamy

My word…! Not missing the innocent little gesture of Lumen’s nor the way that it puffed the chest either, Miss Luciano found herself feeling a little bit guilty as she stared at the surprising curves that this petite girl possessed for a second or two, before forcing gaze down to her own bust to compare. Perhaps this behaviour rather natural given how close in age they seemed to be, the auburn haired girl looked toward her own chest and wondered if it too looked so plump and yet perky at the same time to an outside eye, unconsciously lifting a hand underneath her own orbs as she sought to see the parallel between them.

“Uh, r-right?” Caught out just a little bit with her lewd mentality as the lavender haired young lady nearby pointed out some perceived ‘safety’ in the fact that they were all girls here, Zoey couldn’t help but feel her cheeks glow as she immediately recognised the desires she had toward her own gender, and how they did not make her feel any less vulnerable around female company when compared to something more masculine. Feeling a bit like a cat among the pigeons because of how she had leered at Alisa first and now the girl who shared her own golden eyes, if this finely figured fellow femme thought she was protected in this spot, unfortunately the unintended excitement of the redhead might show her otherwise.

“O-Oh, um… See you?” Perhaps the comfort that she had found for a moment or two melting away as she let herself become trapped in her head once more, overanalysing her strange and seemingly lust driven behaviour, Miss Luciano blinked in surprise as she saw the voluptuous vision with whom she shared the baths stand up and slip away, her cheeks still glowing and gaze largely averted as she refused the temptation to leer at the woman. Instead just left stewing in her own juices, so to speak, she couldn’t help but feel stifled and far meeker than she would have expected herself to be. Totally off guard and feeling very exposed, it was like the water had transformed her into a completely different person or something, and she wasn’t too fond of that at all…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2019 2:03 pm


WORDS: 320 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

Well, if Lumen caught the girl's interested glances, she certainly made no mention of it as Alisa might have, brushing it off like the most natural thing in the world. At the same time, she made no intentional motion to show herself off, nor did she hide anything either. Completely at ease with her body, yet hardly the flirtatious type in any way, one would wonder if she might be capable of soothing Zoey's worries, or if that lilac haired innocence would only aggravate them:

"Mmmm~", nodded Lumen, only cocking her head as she caught the deep shade of pink on the cute redhead's cheeks. No doubt assuming she was merely shy, she sighed and leaned back in the springs, tugging gently on her towel and tucking it into her cleavage, fastening the wet cloth in place as if knowing it could possibly ease the girl's worries somewhat...

And after a long, deeply relaxed breath, she shifted those shimmering ambers right back onto her new friend, giggling as she spoke up once again:

"...Heheh~... So, how long have you been in Fiore~?", asked the curious Lumen, gazing at Zoey with an admiring look in her eyes, all but enthralled by this girl she felt so attuned to, in a way. Now that Alisa had departed, the girl wasted little time before distracting her from the sexually confident, mischievous woman who had to readily flustered her. Perhaps they'd become fast friends, or maybe this would turn out to be a one time meeting, a bond to last only a single day. Either way, the lilac haired girl had the kind of brightness in her eyes, hinting at how she'd cherish the moment either way, learning more about the beautiful, endearing redhead who mesmerized her so, and perhaps, who knows, she might eventually get a glimse of that side of Zoey that hinted at how similar the two really were.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:46 am

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 495 | Steamy

It feels like I keep making things awkward… Sighing softly once the tall temptress had left the bath, though she did not feel anywhere as close to uncomfortable next to this perky young woman, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but retain some of that ill feeling that had plagued her throughout the bath. A little too eager to peruse the physiques of her partners in this single sex bath, the redhead couldn’t help but blush and feel awkward because of the fact that she hadn’t quite become comfortable with her own interest in the fairer sex, which seemed like it was something that was really distracting her from enjoying her scenario. She just couldn’t begin relax with this hot flesh nearby, not by her own volition, at least.

“O-Oh, ummmm…” A little surprised by the small talk that Lumen made with her given the quietness and how she felt she was making herself seem off putting, as she was asked a question by the girl who shared her own golden eye colour, Zoey titled her head back and hummed for a few seconds as she calculated the time she had been in this vibrant country that she so enjoyed.
“Over ten years now?” Not sure of what might have tipped this seemingly sharp soul off that she was a foreigner given the fact that any accent she might have possessed had largely melted away into a humble and slightly rural manner of Fiorian, or really even if she had guessed such a thing, the amber haired maiden sighed again as she reflected on the number of years that had passed since she had gotten to Baska and the land she so loved.

“I moved from Bosco when I was five and I’m seventeen now so… Twelve to be exact?” Certainly the memories that she had from her original home far from sweet and the sourest note in her catalogue without doubt the loss of her father, though it made her heart throb just a tiny bit to recall her time in Fiore and the tragedy that it had begun with, at the very least the interest that was shown by this violet vixen was both appreciated and somewhat the distraction that she needed.

“And you? Have you uh, been in Fiore your whole life or…?” Certainly diverted from her excessive self-reflection by the attention that Lumen gave her and as curious about this girl as she seemed to be in her, Miss Luciano leaned a little closer to the girl and found herself feeling just a mite more chatty now she had been given a reason to be. Definitely eager to find out just how this perky youngster had seemed to establish such an easy friendship with the intimidating woman who had just left them and more than that, while she didn’t want to pry into things that this fledgling friend might feel uncomfortable in, at the very least she was fine returning the queries she was given, right?

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.



A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2019 3:13 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

"Ooooh, I've never been to Bosco~...!!", replied Lumen, a glimmer in her eyes as she propped her head up on her arms, gazing at Zoey the whole way.

Perhaps around Alisa one might struggle to grasp whether or not they'd seized her interest... With Lumen however, there was no mistaking it, with the way she rested her chin atop her arms, eyes peeled and hanging on every word. Like everything Zoey told her was a pleasant surprised, for a girl who looked seemingly clueless to the world at large beyond the few years experience.

"...What's it like in there~?", she asked, confessing to her inexperience, speaking as though she expected everyday people to have gone there on some time or another. She for one, most certainly hadn't.

And yet in spite of this seemingly perennial interest, Zoey would find it rather easy to change the subject, hooking the almost ditzy Lumen's attention easily on whatever other choice of subject she happened upon. Perhaps she might need to, for the lilac haired girl looked perhaps a bit tactless, unable to easily spot how Zoey might have had a less than fortunate departure to have ended up so far from her homeland. In the end, she took the bait right away, stretching her hands behind her until her full, shapely bosom quivered oh so softly, sending eye catching ripples throughout the surface of the water:

"Mmm, I have...", nodded the girl, giggling as she looked up into ever darkening skies above, as if musing on the road she'd taken to meet Alisa. And yet the way she furrowed her brow, scratching her temple hinted at something else entirely, uncertainty, which she soon confessed to in her usual fashion, flashing that cute, impish smile at Zoey as she spoke, "At least, I think so~...?"

After all, she didn't remember too much of the time before she met Alisa, it was all a bit fuzzy. How old was she even? Hard to tell, hell, even Alisa struggled at times. Not that Lumen ever told her? In a way, Lumen herself probably didn't know exactly. Her past was in many ways a mystery, though she hardly seemed bothered by it, clearly focused on living in the present.

"You know...", she began, curling her bottom lip as she stifled herself, perhaps the only moment of hesitation she'd felt ever since meeting Zoey, those luminous golden orbits shifting back to the girl's as she tucked a silky lilac lock behind her ear... There was a faintest hint of redness on her cheeks, at least some of which definitely didn't come from springs, but from a poorly understood desire to possibly share one of her deepest secrets to someone she'd scarecely met.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#21Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:20 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 467 | Steamy

“Bosco is…” A knot forming in the brow of the bronze haired beauty as she thought of the land that she hailed from, it was hard for Zoey to think of the country to the east with much optimism really, given what it had taken away from her.
“Well, it’s been a long time since I was there, but…” Not particularly wanting to spoil the mood of the violet haired vixen next to her by mentioning the fact that the biggest thing that she remembered about Bosco was that the people there killed her father, the fair femme hummed for a second as she gathered her thoughts to try and say something despite this fact, but even then couldn’t think of many positives about her homeland.

“Everything felt harder there? Tougher? Like you struggled to survive through the week?” Everything that she could recall about the place she grew up feeling tainted, even as she tried to peel away the ill feeling, all that Miss Luciano could think of was the struggle she remembered daily life being in the time she was there, and how different she had felt after arriving in the ‘flower country’.

“Fiore is a much nicer country, if you ask me~” The nation that she now called her home like a breath of fresh air that the golden eyed girl had sorely needed, it overshadowed the rough and tough land that the redhead had come from completely, and made everything that Bosco held seem like a pale comparison really.
“Friendly people and those who want to help you… It’s wonderful~” No longer needing to scrape to survive or worry about turbulent changes in the political landscape, though she had led a simple life in the country since leaving the land in which she was born, Zoey had been happy with it. Happy to have a little peace and the chance to flourish without feeling she would be oppressed.

“Hey, are you OK?” Staying quiet for quite a few seconds once she had shared her opinion on the two counties that she had visited, after allowing the tension that spread through her insides when she thought of her youngest years to melt away, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but look to the woman she shared the bath with and feel a little worried for how she was doing.

“You seem to be getting a little out of it? Is the water a bit much?” Some of the coherency that the girl carried seeming to have evaporated as well, along with the perkiness that had caught her eye about the girl, the teen reached forward and placed her hand on the shoulder of her fellow femme in an effort to steady and reassure her a little, and maybe even help her out of the baths if she was starting to feel a little overwhelmed…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:59 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

Clearly, Zoey had few fond memories of Bosco judging from her answer, as Lumen soon realizing as she explained what a tough, unforgiving place it was. It's no wonder then, that she might have wound up in Fiore later on, no doubt her family had too much of it and decided to bring their wonderful girl to greener pastures:

"That... Sounds a bit unpleasant...", she replied, a brief flash of an uneasy look flashing on her face, yet not nearly as visible as it might have been for anybody else. While capable of sympathizing with another's hardships, Lumen clearly struggled to dwell in them too long, eagerly nodding when she changed the subject right back to Fiore, "Heheheh~ Yeah, it is a pretty nice country huh~? I haven't seen anywhere else but... I still have so much to see around here~ Why change when you're having so much fun~?"

Clearly far more fun than Lumen could have discussing her past before Alisa, and yet, the fact that she even considered hinting at her budding bond with the girl with red hair. It took Zoey's words for Lumen to realize how long she'd been silent, jolting softly before nodding:

"Y-yeah~...", she spoke, shaking off the hesitation piece by piece as she turned back to her, shaking her head cutely as Zoey asked about the water, "The water is lovely, just..."

Merely one look into those beautiful golden eyes had her curling her lip, as if whatever attempts to preserve whatever secrets she had fell through in the face of this charming redhead with whom she felt such a powerful connection to. Looking into Zoey's golden gaze as such, she found herself looking deeply into that shimmering hue until she finally peeled away with a vivid redness in her cheeks:

"I...", rubbing behind her neck with an almost apologetic look on her face, the normally cool and cheerful Lumen couldn't help but show a more vulnerable side in the face of a secret she'd never shared with anyone but Alisa, and yet she couldn't really silence herself either, finally admitting as her eyes sought Zoey's once more, "Don't actually remember much before my time with Alisa...?"

Even as she finally admitted it, this was clearly not a topic Lumen seemed too keen on discussing, if nothing else then simply because the very crux of the problem laid in not having much at all to discuss.

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#23Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:10 am

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 404 | Steamy

“Heheheheheh, exactly, I haven’t left the country since I got here but I don’t see a reason to yet anyway?” Giggling gently as she affirmed the lovely little point that Lumen made, having found that she had no compulsion to travel to other lands, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but share the sweet sentiment that the girl she shared her bath with made.

“I’ve hardly been anywhere in Fiore really, so I might as well make the most of it, right?” The country in which she had spent most of her life growing up seeming to offer endless opportunity to the seventeen year old, given how she had hardly left country town known as Baska for anything up to this point, the great nation of flowers seemed to be full of potential and promise. So many stories of the land filling her mind with the excitement of adventure, while maybe one day she might broaden her horizons, Zoey saw no reason to rush to some other strange land when there was such chance for discovery waiting on her domestic doorstep.

“O-Oh, um… Hmmmm…” A little bowled over at the admission of the woman next to her next, though she was finally starting to relax around the perky girl nearby and feel a little bit more herself, Miss Luciano couldn’t help but  find a little of her earlier awkwardness returning to her as she contemplated what she assumed was a missing case of memory.
Is it amnesia or something? That must be awful… This not at all down to anything that vibrant violet haired vixen had done really but rather the inexperience of the girl with the golden gaze, she felt a mix of sympathy and guilt at the situation that her new friend seemed to find herself in, the latter coming strangely from the fact that she didn’t really know what to say to comfort her.

“H-How long ago did you meet her?” A little embarrassed by the fact that she did not have any words that might offer some support to Lumen in the challenge that she faced, the teen could only inch a little closer to her new friend and squeeze the upper part of her arm in a gentle show of sympathy as she asked for a little more detail on the problem, hoping that at least the chance to talk about her problem might have helped her feel just a little bit better…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2019 3:56 am


WORDS: 380 | TAG: @zoey | TOWEL | LUMEN

Raising a hand over her mouth, Lumen merely giggled as Zoey recounted what she'd done since reaching Fiore, or rather, how little the need she felt to even humour the thought of heading elsewhere:

"And I hope you don't find one soon~", she nodded, quite assertively, reaffirming her desire to meet up with her later, giggling almost in tune with the girl as she flashed that friendly smile filled with bright openness, brushing her long hair as she offered, "Well, If there's any sight you'd like to see, you can ask me anytime~ I'll happily show you around the place."

As she offered to possibly be the girl's tour guide if need be, she quickly noticed when Zoey suddenly seemed a lot brighter than she initially appeared. Lumen giggled at the sight, delighting in the endearing visage as much as she regaled in her tale, the contrast between Bosco and Fiore from a girl who's very much experienced that contrast despite her young age. Almost embarassingly, Lumen found herself unable to keep the same brightness she admired in Zoey, her own cheeks red as she dwelled in her own blank past, an inability to share past stories with the redhead just as she'd given her:

"Hmm, a bit over three years ago, I'd say...?", noted Lumen, making a point not to dwell on the subject too much. Though while hardly a pleasant experience, this lack of clear memories also made it eerily indifferent, so much that the bright lilac haired girl refrained from exploring the matter, turning towards Zoey as her smile slowly returned, clearly eager to see Zoey's back soon enough, "We've made lots of pleasant memories together since, and I can only imagine what others we have left to make~"

Now gradually returning to her bright, sunny disposition, she cupped Zoey's hand gently and giggled, all but stroking it as she reassured the redhead that she was alright, there was no need to worry or anything.

"Heheheh~ We did split up about a year ago, going off on our own adventures... But that kind of thing... Really only makes you value your time together more, hmm~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"Another day in paradise~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#25Zoey Luciano 

A Sultry Meeting [Alisa/Private] Empty Thu Jul 25, 2019 1:06 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: 429 | Steamy

“Heeheeheehee, have you seen a lot of the country then?” Giggling gently at the offer that she was given by this vibrant girl with violet hair, though Miss Luciano knew that Lumen was a practical stranger to her, she couldn’t help but find the idea of travelling with the girl rather exciting.
“Having a guide doesn’t sound so bad, you know?” The mind of the teen quickly flashing with images of them as a duo discovering new sights, visiting shops and eating some wonderful sweets, she couldn’t help but find her interest raised by the idea of going on an adventure with a cute girl her age. She could just imagine how much they would spend time giggling and laughing together. It was nice.

Should I ask her why she can’t remember what happened before? Frowning a little as the girl in front of her seemed to lose her perkiness when the topic at hand moved back to her memory, Zoey’s curiosity reared its head as she listened to the girl nearby, and she was filled with a momentary wonder as to how this young woman had ended up the way she was.
I don’t want to make her feel worse though… This interest quickly curtailed as she saw how much the matter of her missing memory seemed to make her perky partner that much meeker, the redhead did not want to cause her any more ill will and shook away the idea of probing her on the issue too deeply, instead electing to try and cheer her up a bit.

“Well, that’s great! Even if you can’t remember what happened before, at least you have something nice to remember?” Truly feeling sorry for the girl if she only had a small portion of her memories to rely upon, whilst Miss Luciano might have been happy to lose certain portions of her own recollection she did not envy the condition that her new friend seemed to be afflicted by, and did what she could to try and cheer the cute girl with whom she was sharing her bath up a bit.

“Heheheheh, you guys seem pretty close? Are you uh, a couple?” Even then finding a little piece of her curiosity difficult to shift, perhaps because she had been so very intimidated by the woman that Lumen seemed to mention so casually and with such an obvious sense of affection the golden eyed girl couldn’t help but wonder just how close the two of them were? After all, they did seem pretty comfortable being practically naked around each other…

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.

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