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Can my character be a celestial wizard?

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#1Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:57 pm

Charlotte Sharp
I mean how could I do that? Do I put my spirits under spells? Or are they companions? I'm really confused!


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:23 pm

Celestial Spirit Magic is not available on this forum at the time being and has no current plans of being so in the near future.

In extension, neither is summoning magic (barring one limited magic a member had earned within an event), so as such the only option near something is companions, which can be found in the companion shop.

If you're interested in Companions a lot, I'd reccomend beastmaster class as it will let you both start off with one and earn more slots for companions as you rank up.

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  BORZAPv
#3Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:49 pm

Charlotte Sharp
Thanks :) so I decided instead to be an Archive Mage (like Hibiki) but I'm confused on what element that would fall under and what class that would be. Would you mind explaining that to me and/or pointing me toward a document that would explain. Thanks again


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:52 pm

Archive too cannot be used, sorry to inform you.

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  BORZAPv
#5Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:54 pm

Charlotte Sharp
Well that sucks hmm which is wierd cause I read the list of banned/limited magics. Ok then what would be the most intelligence-based magic you could think of becuase I have nothing


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:59 pm

While we have a list of banned magics, we often add things to them on a case-to-case basis as it simply would take a very long time to have a complete list of everything that is not allowed. I will add Archive in the coming days though.

As for a magic for a character defined as "smart", why not Plant or possibly Darkness based magics? I've always associated those with "strategic" or "tricky" kind of characters.

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  BORZAPv
#7Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:02 pm

Charlotte Sharp
Ok final question: is solid script magic allowed? But darkness/ plant sounds interesting


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:03 pm

Solid Script itself is not allowed as it would allow the user to create multiple elements like in canon, but in the case that it is simply a "writing" magic which focuses on a single element, it can and has been accepted.

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  BORZAPv
#9Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:06 pm

Charlotte Sharp
What do you mean by a "writing magic?" What would that mean? Btw I'm really sorry I'm just trying to find the magic that is the right fit for my character.


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:09 pm

Solid Script's entire concept is writing letters to create effects, which is allowed in itself, but Solid Script itself is not allowed due to it using multiple elements.

For example, you could make a magic that is Solid Script in concept, but is focused on only one element (Example: Wind)

Because magics can only have one element Solid Script cannot be used but other variations can. As an example I will use a magic from the member Raphael

Raph's Magic:

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  BORZAPv
#11Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:10 pm

Charlotte Sharp
Oh ok cool! Thanks for all this information!

#12Charlotte Sharp 

Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Wed Apr 19, 2017 10:16 pm

Charlotte Sharp
Ok so would the same apply for Tarot Card Magic if it completely focuses on light-based spells (not using lightning or water) but has a variety of different effects


Can my character be a celestial wizard?  Empty Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:28 am


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