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Judge, Jury and Executioner [Long]

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#1Fei Yu 

Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:01 pm

Fei Yu
Name: Judge, Jury and Executioner

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Fei Yu

In the aftermath of the tragedy that saw the island of Talaz Lagaar wiped from the surface of the planet the organization known as the Clock Tower has received increasingly unsettling reports of people losing themselves in bouts of madness. Having discovered that this state of psychosis is provoked in people who became affected by the Void, the order came to call this condition 'Voidal Corruption'.

Wishing to discover the true nature of the effect that the Void has on the world and its inhabitants the leader of the Clock Tower Yu has started to work alongside the authorities of Caelum in the hope of finding a solution to a current disaster:

A rural village has been placed into a lockdown after several cases of Voidal Corruption were confirmed, and while currently the victims are being prepared for confinement within the specialized wards of the Clock Tower, Yu's mysterious benefactor believes there is something of dire importance in the village that ties the recent influx of corruption with the disastrous consequences the island of Talaz Lagaar had to deal with.

Legendary Custom

- Despite the efforts of Earthland's denizen in attempt to move on from the recent tragedy that saw Talaz Lagaar wiped from the map, the Void is clearly not done yet with them. As steadily more and more people succumb to what is being identified as a psychosis caused by the influence of the Void Yu and her colleagues are to investigate a rural town in Caelum that has been placed on lockdown.

- During her investigation, Yu will discover that each victim has something in common: namely they visited Talaz Lagaar and made a sacrifice to the void. Unfortunately, she is able to gain little information from the victims themselves who are in a state of delirium.

- A mysterious cloaked figure emerged on the outskirts of the town, and when the guards attempt to restrain them the enigmatic individual releases a spell that blankets the village in a permanent state of night-time. What makes it even worse is that these near the victims of the Voidal Corruption are succumbing to madness and start to violently lash out at their warders.

- Fortunately thanks to Yu coordinating the warders and the knights stationed at the village the outbreak is able to be kept under control without any casualties. This however infuriates the cloaked figure who reveals their intention is to create a second rift to the void in Caelum by drawing upon the very essence of these who were afflicted. However, with her plans foiled the madwoman turns her ire toward Yu.

- Despite several knights coming to her aid they are no match for the void-empowered magic of the woman, and with Yu being driven into a corner her benefactor finally decides to step in by mentoring Yu in how to awaken her dormant power.

- Transforming into what onlookers would describe as a corrupted angel, the fairy is initially mistaken for a Seraphim, but as the cloaked figure senses the duality of her presence she mocks Yu as a hypocrite for opposing the void despite having been granted its powers. Yu however remains unfazed by the taunts and instead calls herself a 'Sineater', and that as a Warden of Earthland and its denizen it is her duty to stop these who would seek to make the void collapse onto Earthland.

- Angered at the stalemate due to how Yu is capable of nullifying each and every spell cast by the woman, the cloaked stranger attempts to attack Yu physically, a choice she would soon regret as Albion emerged to deliver the finishing blow. With the enemy bested and taken into captivity Yu finally is given the opportunity to try to use her magic on the victims of the void, her magic able to erase the traces of corruption the void left upon them.

Lore Impact:
- Due to the events of the storyline Yu and her colleagues of the Clock Tower will learn more about the nature of the void and discover that there are factions at play attempting to use the void for their own nefarious purposes.

- Yu will become recognized as a Saint within Caelum for her deeds in this SL.

Name: The void-tainted village

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

Despite the efforts of Earthland's denizen in attempt to move on from the recent tragedy that saw Talaz Lagaar wiped from the map, the Void is clearly not done yet with them. As steadily more and more people succumb to what is being identified as a psychosis caused by the influence of the Void Yu and her colleagues are to investigate a rural town in Caelum that has been placed on lockdown.

Non Player Characters's: Several villagers and Caelish knights working with the Clock Tower organization.

- Together with her colleagues travel to the rural village to investigate the reports of Voidal Corruption.

Name: What they saw amidst the darkness

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

During her investigation, Yu will discover that each victim has something in common: namely they visited Talaz Lagaar and made a sacrifice to the void. Unfortunately, she is able to gain little information from the victims themselves who are in a state of delirium.

Non Player Characters's: Voidal-tainted villagers

- During her investigation, Yu will discover that each of the corrupted villagers shares a particular trait. Also despite them being in a case of delirium, they seem more frightened rather than violent.

Name: Unleashed Madness

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

A mysterious cloaked figure emerged on the outskirts of the town, and when the guards attempt to restrain them the enigmatic individual releases a spell that blankets the village in a permanent state of night-time. What makes it even worse is that these near the victims of the Voidal Corruption are succumbing to madness and start to violently lash out at their warders.

Non Player Characters's: Cloaked figure, Caelish Knights, Clock Tower researchers, Caelish citizen

- After the arrival of the cloaked figure at the village the entire area becomes shrouded in a permanent state of night time.
- As the knights attempt to restore peace to the village, Yu has to coordinate with them to ensure none of the victims who have gone mad are killed in the chaos.

Name: Twisted Ambitions

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

Fortunately thanks to Yu coordinating the warders and the knights stationed at the village the outbreak is able to be kept under control without any casualties. This however infuriates the cloaked figure who reveals their intention is to create a second rift to the void in Caelum by drawing upon the very essence of these who were afflicted. However, with her plans foiled the madwoman turns her ire toward Yu.

Non Player Characters's: Caelish Knights, Cloaked Prophet

- Revealing her intentions makes it clear this madwoman needs to be stopped! Work with the Caelish knights to apprehend the woman.

Name: Saint Yu, the Corrupted Arbitter

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

- Despite several knights coming to her aid they are no match for the void-empowered magic of the woman, and with Yu being driven into a corner her benefactor finally decides to step in by mentoring Yu in how to awaken her dormant power.

Non Player Characters's: Caelish Knights, Cloaked Prophet

- Despite the heroic efforts of the Caelish Knights Yu is driven into a corner at the overwhelming power of the corrupted Prophet. On the brink of defeat, embrace the guidance of your mysterious benefactor.

Name: Judgement upon thee

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

- Transforming into what onlookers would describe as a corrupted angel, the fairy is initially mistaken for a Seraphim, but as the cloaked figure senses the duality of her presence she mocks Yu as a hypocrite for opposing the void despite having been granted its powers. Yu however remains unfazed by the taunts and instead calls herself a 'Sineater', and that as a Warden of Earthland and its denizen it is her duty to stop these who would seek to make the void collapse onto Earthland.

Non Player Characters's: Caelish Knights, Cloaked Prophet

- Having accessed her untapped powers Yu easily is able to force her enemy into a stalemate by nullifying their void magic. However, something has to be done to stop this woman: Summon your guardian!

Name: The Saint's Guardian

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Fei Yu

Angered at the stalemate due to how Yu is capable of nullifying each and every spell cast by the woman, the cloaked stranger attempts to attack Yu physically, a choice she would soon regret as Albion emerged to deliver the finishing blow. With the enemy bested and taken into captivity Yu finally is given the opportunity to try to use her magic on the victims of the void, her magic able to erase the traces of corruption the void left upon them.

Non Player Characters's: Caelish Knights, Cloaked Prophet

- After Albion defeats the Prophet, try to use your magic to heal the victims of the Voidal Corruption.


Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:30 am

This Storyline is approved to start.

#3Fei Yu 

Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:27 am

Fei Yu

Chapter 1 has been completed for Yu here: (50% WC reduction)

EXP: 20,000 (20% from SL, +60% from Tuxedo, +20% from Tarot, +15% from necklace
Jewels: 500,000 (20% from SL, 50% from Tuxedo, 15% from ring, 15% from necklace, 20% from Albion, 20% from Relic)
SP: +10 INT
+400 Fame

Other quests and participants their rewards will be listed later.


Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Tue Apr 09, 2024 4:05 am

Fei Yu has completed The Void Tainted Village.

#5Fei Yu 

Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 7:38 am

Fei Yu
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67660-chapter-1-the-void-tainted-village +

Chapter 2~4 (A-rank quests has been completed for Yu here: (50% WC reduction)

EXP: 20,000 (20% from SL, +50% from Tuxedo, +20% from Tarot, +15% from necklace
Jewels: 500,000 (20% from SL, 50% from Tuxedo, 15% from necklace, 20% from Albion)
SP: +11 INT
+400 Fame

Total Rewards:
60,000 EXP
+33 INT
+1200 Fame
Other quests and participants their rewards will be listed later.


Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 1:20 pm

Fei Yu has completed the above quests.

#7Fei Yu 

Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Fri May 17, 2024 3:31 pm

Fei Yu
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67660-chapter-1-the-void-tainted-village +
https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67701-judge-jury-and-executioner-27#611449 (500 words from void tainted village)

1st S-rank quest is done

EXP: 30,000 (20% from SL, +50% from Tuxedo, +20% from Tarot, +15% from necklace
Jewels: 1,000,000 (20% from SL, 50% from Tuxedo, 15% from necklace, 20% from Albion)
SP: +15 INT
+500 Fame


enough for 2 S-rank quests:

EXP: 30,000 (20% from SL, +50% from Tuxedo, +20% from Tarot, +15% from necklace
Jewels: 1,000,000 (20% from SL, 50% from Tuxedo, 15% from necklace, 20% from Albion)
SP: +15 INT
+500 Fame


Total Rewards:
EXP: 90,000 (20% from SL, +50% from Tuxedo, +20% from Tarot, +15% from necklace
Jewels: 3,000,000 (20% from SL, 50% from Tuxedo, 15% from necklace, 20% from Albion)
SP: +45 INT
+1500 Fame
+Legendary Coupon.

Judith rewards 2 S-ranks:
EXP: 30,000
Jewels: 1,000,000
SP: +30 INT
+1000 Fame

Don't move this to completed please, I'm still waiting for some people to get their rewards~


Judge, Jury and  Executioner [Long] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 7:10 am

Fei Yu and Judith have been rewarded for the above quests. Salem has not hit the WC yet and will be rewarded when he has.

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