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Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO]

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Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:58 pm

Rockie padded through the dimly lit streets of Cabaret Crescent, where the air held a scent of vice and desperation. The flickering gas lamps cast long, wavering shadows across the cobblestone alleyways. As they approached Weirdlock Jones's office, Rockie's sensitive ears picked up the distant sounds of laughter and scuffling from the nearby gambling dens. "Keep your eyes on the prize, Rockie," they muttered to themselves, causing a few curious glances from passersby. The outlines of the buildings metamorphosed as they drew nearer to Weirdlock's quarters, displaying a distinct, stealthy curvature. The sign hanging above the office door creaked in the wind, advertising the detective's services in peeling gold letters. Initially, Rockie sniffed the air, checking for any trace of Weirdlock's distinct scent, but the usual musky aroma was oddly absent. They pushed the heavy wooden door open and entered the detective's abode with a cheery jingle of the doorbell. The room was obscured by towering stacks of books, casting elongated shadows across the floor. Shelves overflowed with tomes that seemed ready to tumble and bury unsuspecting visitors at any given moment. A desk lay nestled in the midst of the literary chaos, papers scattered haphazardly across its surface



Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:17 pm

Rockie's eyes flitted across the cluttered room, searching for any sign of the elusive detective. They tiptoed around the room, ears perked up for any sign of life amongst the book mountains. As they drew closer to the desk, Rockie spotted a tuft of pompadour hair peeking out from behind a colossal tome. “Hey, hey! Weirdlock, is that you?” Rockie barked, causing a sudden shuffle behind the book wall. To their surprise, a stream of muffled snoring accompanied by a gust of fluttering pages reached their ears. Weirdlock's lanky frame arose from behind the swaying volumes, disheveled but bearing a small, crooked smile. His eyes, framed by circular spectacles, blinked drowsily at Rockie. “Well, well, well! If it isn't my favorite furry friend. What brings you here today, Rockie?” He stretched his arms wide and let out a long, contented yawn. With an affable grin, Rockie appeared unfazed by the odd occurrence. "I see you're keeping busy as usual, Weirdlock. You almost got lost in there with all these dusty old books." Their tail wagged, thumping lightly against the floor tiles. Weirdlock cracked a steadfast smile, shuffling the sleeves of his kimono. "You know how it is, Rockie. The mysteries of the world wait for no one, and neither does this mess." He gestured towards the mountain of books. "I have a proposal for you, if you're keen on being a helping hand."



Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:10 pm

Rockie's ears perked up, and they trotted over to Weirdlock's side. "A proposal, you say? Count me in! I've been looking for some excitement and adventure around here," they barked eagerly. Weirdlock's smile widened, and he motioned for Rockie to join him amidst the chaotic room. "Let's clean up this place, and then we can talk business. What do you say, Rockie?" Rockie's eyes glinted with a glimmer of determination. "Sounds like a fine plan to me, Weirdlock! Let's get to work!" Their voices interweaved in harmonious laughter as they set about their task, determined to restore order amidst the labyrinth of literature that enveloped Weirdlock's office.



Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:21 pm

Rockie yipped with excitement as they darted around the cluttered office, rustling up clouds of dust and paper scraps. They leaped onto a nearby shelf and nuzzled the spines of the towering books, sending a few tumbling to the floor with resonant thuds. Weirdlock chuckled as he picked up fallen volumes, his cape swishing behind him. "Easy there, Rockie! We're here to tidy up, not make a bigger mess.
" Rockie's tail wagged furiously, their determination undimmed. "I'm getting the lay of the land, Weirdlock! Gotta scope out the situation before diving in!
" They hopped down from the shelf and landed with a soft thud, scattering a cloud of dust in their wake. As they delved into the mayhem, Weirdlock handed Rockie a stack of papers, his eyes flicking across the room. "Let's start sorting the papers first. Anything that looks important, put it on the desk. The rest can join the stacks waiting by the window.
" With a nod, Rockie took the papers and began sifting through the jumble, reading snippets here and there as they worked. "[color=#0066ff]Looks like we've got a few unpaid bills here. And oh, a suspicious letter with intriguingly smudged handwriting," they chattered, placing them on the desk. Weirdlock's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he inspected the letter.



Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:24 pm

"Good eye, Rockie. This might be worth investigating later. For now, let's focus on restoring order." He busied himself with arranging the books into neater piles, his movements purposeful and efficient. Rockie hummed to themselves as they continued sorting, occasionally letting out playful growls at particularly stubborn stacks of papers. "You know, Weirdlock, your office reminds me of a labyrinth! It's like we're on an adventure of our own, navigating the twists and turns of this chaos." Weirdlock chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I suppose you could say that. Solving mysteries is not too different from navigating a labyrinth, after all. Both require patience and a keen eye for detail." Their efforts continued, the room gradually transforming from a scene of disarray to one of organized chaos. The dust motes danced in the sunlight streaming through the windows, casting an ethereal glow over the diligent pair. After what seemed like hours, Weirdlock surveyed the revitalized office with satisfaction as Rockie finished arranging the last stack of papers.



Cleaning Duties [RANK - D SOLO] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:33 pm

"Well done, Rockie! You've been a tremendous help. I couldn't have tidied up this place without you." Rockie beamed with pride, their tail thumping against the floor. "It was an adventure, that's for sure! A bit of chaos and a lot of teamwork go a long way." Weirdlock extended a hand towards Rockie, a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes. "I owe you one, Rockie. Here's a little something for your efforts." He handed them a small Stack of jewels, Rockie's eyes widened in surprise as they accepted them. "What's this, Weirdlock? You didn't have to!" Weirdlock chuckled, his cape billowing as he waved off Rockie's protests. "Consider it a token of appreciation. You've earned it, my friend. Besides, I've learned that a happy helper makes for a lighter heart." Rockie looks down at the stack of money. They let out a joyous yip, their eyes sparkling with delight. "Thank you, Weirdlock! This is amazing." As they reveled in the newfound order of the office, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between the peculiar pair, their laughter blending harmoniously within the walls of the once chaotic space.



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