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The White Knight [Toga]

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The White Knight [Toga] Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:00 pm


WORDS: 400 | Dark Delight

Man, the waits in places like this almost make it worth getting a boyfriend? I mean, commme onnnn…! The music pumping and the crowd a jumping, in spite of her desire to throw herself into the throng and see where she ended up but at the moment seeming to find herself detained by demand which was being failed by supply, Ursula Wilke couldn't help but roll her eyes as she stood at a rather crowded countertop trying to attract the attention of the figure behind it, and was disappointed to discover that despite the daring in her wardrobe she was failing and hard.
Is it time~? Come on, my cleavage isn't that bad, riiiggght?! As such finding her heart a leaping when said party for whom half the room seemed to clamour for attention seemed to look toward her and thinking that at last her thirst was to be quenched, the black beauty bowed that little bit further forward to make the eye and the interest which came with it draw all the nearer to her, but sadly it seemed that today was not her day.

Oh, of course Miss Fancy Dress gets served first huh~? She isn't even looking… Instead left with a frown which stained her brow and a look of contempt to the girl at her side with bright blonde curls and a dress which was so silky and shiny it practically seemed to glow, perhaps on some level the lupine lass had to envy the feeling of wealth she carried and the obvious attention it garnered, but all the same her chagrin seemed to grow as it seemed that the young woman who had her bested barely seemed interested in the man who was dishing out the drinks.
Well, good enough for me… Don't mind if I do~? Perhaps such lax entitlement the secret to scenes like this but on this occasion the black belle deciding that a woman of such means wouldn't have the worst time of her life waiting for an order which very nearly matched her own, she was only too happy to take full advantage of such an inattentive spirit to leave a few jewels in place of the glass which arrived when still the girl paid zero attention to it, and then dip into the crowd with every intent of refreshing herself as her evening moved into the main event…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 5:27 pm


Under the dark veil of night, duty and pleasure danced together, lovers incapable of parting though seemingly opposed. Within the pulsing walls of the Stellan club, truth and lies mingled freely like old friends over drinks, boundaries blurred by vibrant beats and dim lighting. Secrets ran rampant in conjunction with excitement here, where life's reasons and regrets checked differences at the door to indulge in a temporal tryst of discretion and mystique.

The siren calls of Stella summoned Tōga yet again, an Inferno Dragon Slayer and Rune Knight unable to resist its allure. Though today held no foreboding untold magic set to rouse the dead in phantom choruses, the dire situation still pulsed with its own dark beat. Reports of vanished women, last seen drugged in Stellan walls, drew him back now under orders to investigate, but Tōga would have easily come of his own accord, duty and longing intertwined to guide his steps through the familiar electric streets. What matter the reason when fate sang its seductive melody, beckoning him into the neon underbelly that held as many secrets as these Taboo magic, shadowy and enticing in equal measure.

Navigating the throbbing artery crammed with bodies, Tōga delved deeper into the pulsing heart of the Stella club. Strobing rainbow shards illuminated his path down the tight hallway, a kaleidoscopic gateway to forbidden fruit. At last the passage spilled him out into the debaucherous main chamber, music pounding through sweating flesh and unchained spirits alike. In this den where lust ruled as king, inhibitions vanished as quickly as virtue. Control was but a distant memory, carnal dance and reckless abandon spinning continuously under the erratic lights. Here, desire shone brighter than reason within the mountain of tangled limbs, never resting in their worship of fickle pleasure. Like a siren, the electric Eden called to the soul with sweet poison, a tempting neon garden blooming brilliant sins without shame or remorse.

Like a flickering phantom, Tōga weaved through the churning sea of bodies, his pink spiked hair catching the lights in flashes of vivid color against the swirling shadows. He strode like a shapeless dark specter, black clothes drinking in the dim atmosphere only to solidify under the capricious strobes scattering across the dancefloor. Keen brown eyes pierced through the erratic darkness, combing restless crowds for any sign of abnormality amidst the chaotic revelry. He prowled the neon-lit underworld, both nowhere and everywhere at once, blending into obscurity one moment and standing out in sharp relief the next as the fickle lights toyed with his form. Methodically scanning ever deeper through the pulsing labyrinth of careless bliss, the Dragon Slayer stalked his unknown quarry.

wc: 443


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:32 am


WORDS: 230 | Dark Delight

Tastes a bit…? Rich girl tastes? The black beauty finding her brow seeming to tighten as she took that first sweet sip of her less than honestly gotten drink, perhaps it was the acuteness of the senses of her lupine half contrasting with the particulars which the stranger had chosen but either way it didn’t seem quite right, though in this circumstance she wasn't going to linger on it too long. Not like any kind of alcohol didn't have that unpleasant undercurrent, right?

“W-Whoa…!” The focus which she placed upon her drink seeming to distract the dark dish enough to find herself bumping into someone she did not expect to find beside her however, a little of that cocktail seemed to spill to the ground as shoulders nudged and Miss Wilke found herself face to face with a figure with boldly bright hair, and that bit of a babyface which made him look that little more charming to her.
“Well hey there, cutie pie… Haven't seen you at one of these before~?” For that reason the fox opting to arch her brow and share a little smirk with him too, she was happy to make the acquaintance of at least one person she might want to take to the dancefloor in the near future to see how he handled, and snickered as she slurped yet more of her borrowed beverage down with the intention of doing just that…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:57 am

A lone pink-haired buoy bobbing in a sea of darkness, Tōga sat anchored amidst the flashing midnight chaos, hair glowing a neon beacon to signal he still breached the churning tides. Normally one carried away by fun, ready to plunge into pounding beats and gyrating bodies swaying hypnotic invitations, but not tonight. An investigator with mysteries to unravel could not abandon mission for mere diversion, no matter the demons of delight dragging razor claws down his stoic resolve, seeking to shred duty and draw him into debauched depths. So the pink pharos stood fast, controlling the call of revelries swirling around him, holding back tempestuous hunger to indulge in strobe-lit flesh and abandon. Like a siren’s sweet song, the writhing dance floor tried to lull him into euphoric negligence with promises of excitement he denominated sinful – at least for now. Straining at the leash, debauched dragon lurked below determined surface, wishing to drown investigations and control in a sea of reckless pleasure. But duty anchored him firm...for the moment.

Yet fate conspired against duty's chains, weaving temptation from the darkness. “Oh?” Tōga’s murmur died swiftly in throbbing air, snatched away by pounding beats and tangled bodies. Soft curves crushed against him, assailing hardened resolve as purple hair spilled over alabaster skin, porcelain perfection meeting his gaze. The smoky scent of carnal promise intoxicated the air around her svelte form, exotic and sweetly cloying like opium wafting through the neon night. Drowning deep in the pools of her eyes, the siren song sounded once more, a wordless invitation to drown himself inside this mysterious temptress. Lashes fluttering demurely, she asked the dangerous proposal without uttering a word, every motion crafted to stir insane wanting where sensibility once stood guard.

"Ooooi, Hello!" Tōga's greeting fought through throbbing beats and roaring revelry to reach the confident beauty who'd dubbed him "cutie pie." Swiftly bowing in Joyan courtesy, he struggled not to impose upon the crushing throngs hemmed around them. Packed tight as sardines adrift a shimmering mirage of bodies, the dragon slayer and dazzling siren swayed in the tiny island carved out just for two amidst the greater ocean.

Oh yeah, it’s my first time here. Seems to be a cool place,” he exclaimed, a charming smile swept across his features as he engaged her further.

You like it here?

wc: 387 [830]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:26 am


WORDS: 200 | Dark Delight

“Whoooaaa, popping a cherry, huh~?” The smile which was worn by the siren in something close to silk seeming to widen when the young lad admitted that he was new to this kind of scene, that combined with those boyish good looks were enough to convince Ursula that he was certainly worthy of the privilege which was her first dance tonight and so with a mind more toward that than the odd taste lingering on her tongue she tipped her drink backward and sank the whole thing as fast as she could, before ducking away for but a moment to dispose of her glass and return to him.
“Then we better do this right~?” Carrying every intention of making sure that his night had at least one thing worth remembering and as such pushing her hair backward to fluff it out a bit for reaching for both of his hands with her own, the black belle beamed as she tipped her head toward the throng of bodies seeming to bump and grind one another with every bit of implication that she could muster, and then began to step slowly and encouragingly toward it. I mean, might as well live it up while they were young, right~?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:26 pm

Amidst sensory chaos, Tōga's nose twitched too swiftly to register. But subconscious alerts blared, detecting foulness lurking beneath cloying scents. Something sinister tainted each lungful, its insidious tendrils weaving anonymity through pounding beats. The dragon slayer knew that phantom stench awaited the right moment to strike. So he stalked the lurid scenes, aware the decay would reveal itself if he haunted this nest long enough. For now, mystery and foreboding saturated each breath in Stella's false paradise. But the hunt had begun.

Amusement glinted in bold eyes as he returned her playful volley, only to have the vixen vanish. She reappeared in a blink, amethyst silk spilling over bare alabaster. “That was quic—Ahhh!" Her fingers encircled his, pulling with irresistible force into the writhing sea. Aqua orbs flashing bright beckoned through shadows, daring with libidinous promise. Glimpses of smiles and silken skin tempted despite hazardous waters. Anchored by her siren song, the warrior plunged headlong into thrashing waves, ready to drown himself in this sea witch rather than nameless bodies. No mystery what fate had dragged him here, but whether for triumph or surrender still balanced on an edge...

Guided by her bewitching presence, Tōga let himself be drawn into the frenetic epicenter of twisting forms. Pressed close in the churning throng, their peculiarly-hued locks intertwined intimately - pink and purple mingling in daring tandem amidst the reckless revelry. Her exotic scent overwhelmed his senses with each sway in synchrony, his vision narrowing until neon and shadows blurred together. Gliding through a sea of blurred bodies moved by music's ancient rite, he leaned in close, her ear a seashell capturing his soft query

I’m Tōga by the way – and you are?

wc: 282 [1112]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:30 pm


WORDS: 250 | Dark Delight

“Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you, cherry boy~” That moment of panic which her new friend seemed to show as she swept him up in her wake something which drew a smirk and a snicker from the sable siren, Miss Wilke couldn't help but flash him a little wink as she assured him that he was going to enjoy what was to follow and threaded her fingers into his that little bit tighter as she did so, allowing her to squeeze those hands a little bit tighter than before. Honestly feeling a note of surprise as she did so, even though he was certainly well within the realms of the cutie pie his hands felt strong and firm, and she didn't hate that, or the way in which their proximity was only making his scent stronger in her mind.

“Ursula~” Such reception as important to a woman of her ilk as sight or sound or anything else really, there was something comforting about the aroma he gave off which she didn't hate, and reminded her of her brothers but not in some bad and ick way really. Instead only liking him more for that dash of familiarity it offered, she felt all the sweeter rolling her hands up to his shoulders and resting her wrists atop them as she began to lead them in a small sway with the rhythm, and licked her lips as she felt some manner of dryness clinging to her throat as well for that matter…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:16 pm

"I'm more of a pineapple and yuzu kinda guy," Tōga exclaimed, perfect ivories flashing as he lifted unintended innuendos into the buzzing air. His grin betrayed guileless delight at her "cherry boy" jest, taking the quip as purest face value. But behind aqua eyes glinting through shadows, hidden meanings and sly looks spoke to assumptions of the slayer's first blush innocence in this den of deviance. While he fenced with literal fruits, her blade slid between rib and marrow to nick at unbloodied proclivities - or lack thereof. The riposte of laughter on his tongue proved parry to her clever thrusts, deflecting prurient punctures with wide-eyed charm. Yet despite dancing unaware on the razor's edge, instinct drove him towards her steel. For though words slipped past his ears, the promise in her every undulation whispered temptation's siren song in lush prophecies his flesh longed to fulfill. Dark and sweet, that mystical hymn hinted at forbidden trysts destiny herself now seemed eager to ordain...

Well, it’s nice to meet ya, Ursula-chan,” Tōga exclaimed. As delicate limbs draped over his shoulders, they swayed as one - twin stars orbiting through darkness to rhythms and strobing beacons. Their private heaven swirled to colliding passions as reality's boundaries fell away, distance vanishing unconsciously. Held rapt in her eyes, the slayer drowned in luminous pools, swaying to her body's wordless plea in secret codes his flesh rushed to decode. Sweet gravity pulled them into closer, more dangerous orbits.

You come here often?"

wc: 247 [1359]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:57 pm


WORDS: 221 | Dark Delight

“Chan…?” The brow of the belle in black seeming to furrow and then arch as she found something being added to her name that she neither expected nor fully understood, a girl who had spent her life swaying to and fro over the border between Iceberg and Bosco had found little time to explore the culture of Joya and the aphorisms, and so the best she was going to get at such a term was mere confusion though with it more curiosity than rejection of course.

“This kinda scene, always, but this bar? I'm a cherry too… Maybe I'll even let you pop me tonight~?” For that reason the fox rebuffing neither his odd lines nor his inquiries either, she couldn't help but giggle a little as she admitted being as much of a new face in the place as he was, though showed her confidence in the scenario with what she said. More than that really, if she was honest it felt like that drink might have been having more of an effect on her than she had expected, in fact! I mean sure she wasn't one to spend all that much time dancing about the bush of course, but her inhibitions seemed to be lowered all too quickly, and with them too so too did her equilibrium as well…?


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:39 pm

Amusement crinkled Tōga's eyes, laughter glinting off teeth as his siren stumbled over unfamiliar honorifics. Exotic culture tripping up even this quick-witted temptress. But not for long.

My bad! I always forget everyone isn’t familiar with Joyan traditions… hmmm, how to explain it,” Tōga rifled through dusty archives seeking answers, but recollection eluded amidst quaking walls and cajoling physically close. As music crescendoed, so too her words infiltrated his senses, crowding out thought. Focus narrowed to this sanctuary - her form undulating against his in reckless abandon. Words evaporated, obliterated by reality's base ecstasies now opening eyries of primal instinct. Even honorifics tangled no more as hot breath promised her clandestine corners and hedonic grottos awaited his shy “cherry’s” bold discoveries.

"You want me to pop y—" Tōga's inquiry severed as he noticed Ursula's subtle stumble, resolve buckling as legs turned to gelatin beneath her svelte frame. "Are you okay?" Brow furrowing in concern, the slayer's arm reflexively secured her waist, embracing with protective strength to brace the beauty erect. Unsteady in her patent heels but determined to persevere, his enticing 'cherry' nevertheless melted against corded muscle as she rested innocent curves into his ready support. Softened features and steadying limbs spoke the chivalrous heart behind flirtations, the bedrock of honor upholding gaiety's façade.

wx: 215 [1574]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 3:35 pm


WORDS: 240 | Dark Delight

“Yeaaahhh, I think that drink was just… You know, I'm not usually this much of a lightweight~?” That strange sense of assertiveness or more accurately the absence of her filter something which Miss Wilke was happy to brush off with ease at first, the concern that she was shown by her slice of cherry flavoured cutie pie was something which seemed to embarrass her more than anything given her usually legendary prowess in this kind of arena, and as such she felt her cheeks warm that little bit as she admitted that she had let her drink go to her head so readily. Or perhaps, she should say, warm all the more.

“Place is… Damn it's hot in here huh? Hope I'm not coming down with something…?” That burning feeling which seemed to make her face feel rosy seeming to be a factor which was already clinging to her frame to some degree and perhaps it the reason which she began to feel more aware of the odd feeling in her body, while she might have liked to believe that the hotness she had beneath her collar was something that had been sourced entirely by the lad before her, as she touched her brow and found just how warm and clammy it seemed she couldn't help but assume that there was something else going on here. Though, what it was would continue to elude her a little while longer yet…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 4:10 pm

Yeah, after a few drinks, I get a little woozy, too,” Behind casual tone, Tōga's gaze scrutinized, fished for clues if more than alcohol unmanned this partying habitué. Amethyst eyes unfocused, seeming to swim before him, hinted at deeper venom in supposedly innocuous cocktails. Incrementally releasing her, he subtly tested if wiles alone undercut her balance. But as his arm withdrew, her lolling body betrayed need for stalwart support still. Outwardly remaining her anchor, inwardly the slayer tallied puzzle pieces refusing to align. Holding her hypnotic gaze all the while, those liquid pools hinted that greater secrets lay submerged behind the warning in her eyes.

Beneath the schizophrenic lights, Tōga tracked every detail - from the sheen of moisture jewelling her skin to minor tremors barely perceptible to less discerning eyes. Strobes slashing intermittent illumination only sharpened his extrasensory perception, capturing each minute tell like a photograph's freeze-frame. "Want me to get you some water? We can sit down if ya like," he offered, warm fingers brushing damp violet strands behind her ear with practiced gentleness that belied strength's potential. Ever the altruist anchoring the bedlam, concern for her comfort eclipsed the chaos' contagion. For though firmly entrenched in revelry's epicenter, the noble warrior retained his human heart.

wc: 208 [1782]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:53 pm


WORDS: 220 | Dark Delight

“Heh, I didn't come here to sit down~!” The lad seeming sweet for being so protective of her but this lupine lass nothing if not stubborn, with such scrutiny of her gaze not only would Toga notice the fact that her pupils seemed unusually dilated than most would be even in the dim light around them but that the increasing dizziness which was afflicting her seemed to mean that her eyes were struggling to focus as well, seeming to drift and reassert themselves even as Miss Wilke denied the fact that she might need to do something sensible in light of the change in her condition.
“Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be… I'll be… Ooooof…!” Perhaps the most alarming thing about it however the rapidity of the symptoms she showed or at least how her rejection of them seemed to bring them to an ironic light, the violet vixen peeled away from his support with the aim of shaking off that growing imbalance within her only to find the sudden need to carry herself highlighted the weakness which now plagued her knees, and now she seemed to wobble and stumble as her body felt oh so heavy and the world seemed to spin around her, and floor on which they had been dancing seemed oh so inviting to her as well…!


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:21 am

"Yeah, let's go get ya some water! Probably dehydrated!" Tōga suggested brightly, ever the optimist even as accumulating evidence argued more sinister forces at play. Beneath the clinical eye tracking her steady deterioration, denial wrestled intuition observing the siren's graceful strength sapped bit by bit. Like a marionette with sliced strings, her limbs jerked and lagged to unseen commands as balance barely answered her insistence on maintaining poise. Yet she persisted despite rebellion in the very flesh, that indomitable spirit shining all the brighter against bodily betrayal. But payload unknown rode her bloodstream now on spreading tendrils of black, eyes blown wide by more than beat or chemicals, will losing out to sneaking toxins promising cadaverous compliance soon.

With delicate care, Tōga wrapped a supportive arm around Ursula's wilting frame and steered them towards the beckoning oasis of the bar. Cleaving through writhing tides of oblivious merrymakers, the odd couple carved out a slow path gingerly avoiding further upsets to her precarious balance. The sentry maintained his vigilant watch as they went, scanning for clues or threats in this lascivious sea. What unseen menace swam alongside through darkened waters, circling ever closer to his vulnerable charge? As they breached the crowd at last, Tōga leaned intently over gleaming counters, perception focused wholly on the innocuous attendant. "Two cups of water, please." Deceptively casual words masking shrewd assessment, cataloging details with precision despite outward ease. For fate had brought him to this glittering abyss for greater purpose than merely pleasure or chance encounters. And now suspicion narrowed scrutinizing sights set firmly upon this bar, seeking within its polished confines the genesis of gathering storms on the horizon.

wc: 276 [2058]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:31 pm


WORDS: 230 | Dark Delight

“Couldn't wait… To get your hands on me, huh~?” The diva of darkness seeming to be spared her rather sudden descent by the swift and strong support which she was provided by the new man in her life, with the world spinning around her it was hard for Ursula to really focus on anything which was going on or even what the lad was saying to her, but there was something about him that seemed to inspire trust in her. A sweetness or earnestness which was uncommon in places like this, but in times such as these, really rather welcome.

“Oooof, you're nice and… Nice and sturdy…” Meanwhile the world of the young woman seeming to grow smaller and smaller as the rapid onset of her symptoms seemed to dull her senses and with that the awareness she had of their surroundings, with this so too did her inhibitions seem to lower and even a proud lupine lass like this one didn't mind hanging off the frame of her new friend either, and seemed to go so far as to wrap not one but both of her arms around his neck and shoulders for balance as they marched on, him worried and she only able to comment on the convenience of the moment. Though that dizziness was getting worse with the moment, and with it brought a sense of drowsiness as well…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:19 pm

"Hahaha, something like that," Tōga replied easily, tone balancing playful flirtation with compassionate concern. Lighthearted distraction to brace her spirit even as keen sights swept for answers to her faltering strength. Attentive as any sentinel, he monitored their drinks' unimpeded delivery while maintaining focus on his lovely ward. Not a single shift in her veiling pallor nor imperceptible sway escaping hawk-eyed notice despite conversational distraction. Whatever sorcery held Ursula in its thrall no longer crept but galloped through defenseless form, claiming more territory with every arrested breath. So Tōga rallied her with gentle tones and stalwart presence, an emotional bastion against the spreading toxin while racing urgency sped analysis and response.

"Here, drink this," Tōga gently urged, passing a frosted glass as slender limbs closed around him. Willowy chains linking to pull her sinking form fast to his sturdy trunk. With utmost care Tōga braced their embrace, cradling her quaking body against unrelenting muscle as he administered the restorative drink. Guiding cup to paling lips with all a nurse's attention, his own hovered just above the vulnerable shell of her ear. “Don't drink too fast,” soothing susurrations carried, loud music and louder fears drowned out by selfless compassion. Sheltered within corded arms, the whispered timbre resonated through contact itself, gentle admonition and encouragement seeping into very blood and bone.

"Where did you get your drink from earlier? Must have been somethin' nasty in it," Tōga ventured, voice neutral as a counselor's. Careful not to let probing eclipse compassion, he delicately pursued facts without pressuring her waning faculties. Patient tone and reliable strength supported Ursula while keen mind built theories, narrowing down concoctions capable of this cruelty. Lashing out against unknown assailants, fury kindled in defense of this blameless victim. But sympathy smothered anger's spark; securing innocence came first now. So gentle inquisition interspersed with the drink carried daintily to bloodless lips. The knight vowed no investigation would distract from his duty: safeguarding compromised purity within his sheltering custody.

wc:328 [2386]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:15 am


WORDS: 240 | Dark Delight

“Mmnfff…” Perhaps in a better spirit the beauty likely to make a crack about enjoying such dedicated service but with her every act and even her every thought seeming to weigh her down like they were lead weights on her beneath the ocean, all that she could do was attempt to sip and slurp at the option with a noticeable feebleness, and did so with such a degree of clumsiness which meant that more seemed to dribble and drip from her chin than went into her mouth.

“Just got it from… Got it from… From…” The decline of the dark dish so rapid that it was taking all her focus to form simple words as one hell of a sedative seemed to clash with her system violently and leave her clinging to the lad for the mere ability to keep herself upright, as he asked her a question Miss Wilke could well see herself snatching up that drink impatiently in a period which seemed so recent and also somehow so long ago as well, but she could not seem to form the words to relay such information. Instead losing her hold on consciousness and him as well as a vice-like grip of the sandman seemed to drag her downward, all of her strength seemed to fall away as the would-be reveller felt the world blacking out from her, with only the dimmest candle of light remaining as she fell deeper and deeper into disassociation…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:37 pm

Tōga strained to decipher slurred murmurs escaping Ursula's leadened tongue, garbled messages drowned by sensory bedlam and crumbling physical control. As responses deteriorated into disquieting moans, his bracing hold tightened in unspoken reassurance - a bulwark against her slipping slide towards oblivion. Shadows gathered behind the siren's fluttering lids while tortured muscle screamed surrender, slackening further against supportive bulk in unwilling concession. Yet still she clung stubbornly to consciousness, rallied by comforting arms and brilliant smile radiating faith through the battles no longer solely hers to fight. Jaw clenched, he girt them both with dogged optimism even as her eyelids surrendered their unwinnable war.

"It's gonna be alright," Tōga soothed, the healing balm of belief to calm gathering storms. With infinite patience he coaxed precious fluid past her resistance, buying time with watery drops. Sentry sights swept the churning landscape, cataloguing familiar faces behind counters, impressions from that initial reconnaissance. Somewhere within these gilded halls, heartless agenda conspired to rob purity for profane purpose. He had captured the sight of the bartenders and barbacks when he first arrived, so he had those as leads. For now, he needed to tend to Ursula. If she’d allow him, he’d try to help her out of this club, carrying her if need be.

wc: 210 [2596]


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:12 am


WORDS: 250 | TOTAL: 2480 Dark Delight

“You better believe… Believe… Your ass…!” The coherence of the would-be clubber seeming to have broken for good as whatever had been inducted into her system seemed to ravage her very senses, whether it was merely the strength of the toxin she had imbibed or the interaction it had with her lupine anatomy she did not know, but whatever the cause was she was probably about five seconds from being left drooling on the floor. Lucky for her then, that she had something or rather someone else to drool on…

Can't even fucking… Such faltering consciousness certainly a blight for her as well but on some level a part of Miss Wilke seeming to be perfectly aware of just how helpless she was right now, it was humbling to know that her welfare was left at the mercy of a boy she barely knew, and yet some spirit of desperation or shortly inspired faith seemed to leave her in a way which meant she clung to everything she had, or at the very least everything that she had left.
Fucking… Hating herself for that or at least the moment and the means which had inflicted such a feeble condition upon her but right now the raven unable to do much to defy it, all she could do was get dragged underneath the current which those drugs created with her inner spirit kicking and screaming as hard as it could, but externally she had little fight left. Wherever this boy wanted to go, she was going there…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The White Knight [Toga] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:45 am

"We'll getcha some air," Tōga promised, securing slackened limbs with gentle care. Her wilted form gathered tenderly, the slayer lifted liquid limbs and lolling head to rest weakly upon his frame. With the gait of a lion, cautious not to jostle precious cargo, Tōga turned his back on the valley of shadows to carry her to clearer skies. Twin hearts pulsed in offbeat fury against one another as they emerged from the sweltering dark - hers flailing against poison's erosion, his thrumming shared defiance. The world crystallized to this singular moment: an unflinching soldier bearing broken beauty braced carefully as he carried her to escape past monstrous silhouettes warning of worse fates narrowly evaded.

"Excuse me - pardon me," Tōga intoned politely despite hastened pace, navigating through waters unwilling to readily part. Repeated incantations granting grudging passage bearing the witching hour's ragdoll prize now fully hostage to potion craft’s dark art. No doubts lingered of sinister forces leaching life and volition; the slayer cradled their handiwork, marveling how innocence still clung to shredded scraps of awareness. Breaching the tumultuous sea at last, a deluge of silence flooded senses as the door opened to muted night. Crisp air kissed Ursula's clammy temples, caressing away the fetid club clinging to limp hair - a writhing memory left buried behind in shadows, But they had escaped the primordial caverns together, Perseus as stalwart champion and bewitched belle both preserved from ravening monsters.


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