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Coy Cosplay I.

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#26Miss Coyote † 

Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:13 pm

Miss Coyote †

Miss Coy

“Delightful, deeelightful! This is absolute perfection! Play nice, you three~!” The smile which was worn by their host only seeming to grow as she sensed something strange about the newest soul in the room but nothing which seemed to oppose her outright, Miss Coy tossed the Caldera she had in her hand into the air in joy as she realised that they had seemed to by hook or crook or most likely total accident seem to arrange to have three opposing forces in the room, and celebrated that fact not only with the grin she wore but along with it a spiralling climb toward the ceiling in celebration as well.

“But not toooo nice~?” Snatching the stem which held a candelabra on high once she was up there as well and mounting it like it were some sort of swing a moment later, the bliss of the beryl beauty seemed to make the room grow even lighter as she started to make the item sway above them and wave as she did so, her excitement truly getting the better of her as she once more left her plucky participants to the task and waved them on as they did so, keen to see how their new roles in this played out and the emphasis their costumes would add to the moment. If only she knew now that two of these, the two which had the most opposition in their personae, were only too intimately connected too! Oh, how she might laugh…!

Bonus Round: All Participants!!!!
  • Miss Coy is amused by both the eagerness of her participants, and the now predator/prey/protector dynamic between them!
  • As a reward, you may post again and collect 3 Calvera for doing so!
  • Feeling Generous, you only need to roll a D20 to do so!

Score Tallies
Dae Seong - 179
Ursula - 108
Karisa -153


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:32 pm

He noticed the new particpant in their play and that Miss Coy tended to them, he recognized what the candy may be. And he approached the new arrival to stop her from taking those sweets. But he was too late as the lady ate the sweets. The observant vampire raised his hand to conjure something up with his magic. But noticed the little remnant of him still refused. Seemingly disallowing him to have any intent intended to harm the vampire hunter with his own magic "Tch" though the costume would win out the tug of war when it came to control. The conjured up knife that was thrown had its aim tempered with by the original host, thus the thrown knife missed Karisa and landed decently close to Ursula the bunny rabbit herself. The vampire grumbled a bit at his revelation that his prey would get away

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:32 pm

The member 'DaeSeong' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 8


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:58 pm


WORDS: 280 | Bubs Bunny

What the…? Why did everything? The black bunny forced to question her scenario when the effort to exert her animalistic might seemed to result in everything around her seeming to grow, Ursula was wholly unprepared for the fact that her transition to the form of a 'beast' would make her just as small as any kind of cottontail, though perhaps after what followed would be glad for that fact.
“Whoa!” Such diminished mass certainly making it that bit more difficult for her would be hunter to hit her with the weapon he threw and as such the now fluffy femme receiving only a fright and not a fatality from his attack, her eyes seemed to widen as she noticed something with the sheen of sharpness fly past her eyeline and yelped as a result, before casting herself into motion thanks to an instinct that wasn't her own.

A-Another?! The effort which she had gone to in order to try and call upon the strength of her wildness instead only giving the wimpy creature within her a better driving seat for what was to follow, the ball of snuggly whiteness seemed to hop and bounce and otherwise scramble to escape the attention of the damnable bloodsucker in the room, and then freeze in place when she discovered the fact that there had been yet another entrant to this little game that she did not know! Suddenly feeling like she was trapped betwixt a wolf and a bear, all she could do was glance between the two and wonder which direction she could run in, and hope that she chose wisely as she jerked to the side and sought the refuge of a dining room table so that she might regroup…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:58 pm

The member 'Ursula' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 9


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:55 pm


Karisa gazed as she suddenly felt odd as if she had the feeling of being more confident. Or was it just hungry to hunt her boyfriend down with a whip to bondage him in cuffs? Whatever this feeling was, she then saw knives being thrown by DaeSeong, just barely missing her. Karisa wasn't just some normal hunter in this game, no, she was very still possessive, but the pain would go more towards him than anything. The more this game was going to go on, the more she felt like she was going to lose control. "Mmm?~ It seems the knife missed me by a sliver," Karisa spoke softly in Icebergian. Her pupils become dilated a little as her hand reaches for her whip which was made out of magical fabrics. Her other hand had handcuffs as she was one to restrain and punish the undead and other dark races. And here was DaeSeong, chasing a poor little rabbit, "I suppose it's time to punish you,~" Karisa now spoke in Joyan as she lashed out her whip towards DaeSeong, barely missing him, perhaps on purpose for now.


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:55 pm

The member 'Karisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 10

#33Miss Coyote † 

Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:12 pm

Miss Coyote †

Miss Coy

“Yes, this is perfect! Absolute perfection!” Finally feeling like her pieces were in place and performing perfectly as their newest entrant stepped forward and seemed to feel enough sympathy for the bunny girl to defend her, Miss Coy waved her hand and summoned a bowl from the snack bar and stuffed some items from it into her mouth, while her eyes never wavered from the rapt level of attention that they gave to the drama unfolding below them.
“I can't wait to see how it turns out~!” Smiling all the while as she found the conflict which now saturated the room only seeming to make her candies taste all the sweeter for it, she couldn't help but kick her feet as she perched upon the edge of the chandelier she had flown up to and fooled about upon, watching the action below her like some kind of theatrical performance and even going so far as to conjure a pair of opera glasses to really hone in on the juicy details, revelling all the same and ready to offer her round of applause for this grand finale~!

  • All characters who have entered have entered have until the end of November 30th to post and roll a Dice 100 to decide their fate!
  • Those who end with a tally less than 250 will have the curse removed and return to their normal selves!
  • Those who do not will unfortunately carpé that noctem, and take off into the night to allow their new persona to frolic for one night only~! Though don't worry, you won't remember a thing~?

Score Tallies
Dae Seong - 187
Ursula - 117
Karisa -163


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:45 am

The bunny girl was a nuisance, but the new hunter was not helping the matter as well as the repressed human side that made him miss his mark making him look like an amatuer. He saw Karisa whip out a... whip, which surprised Dae-seong, the true one with how confident and kinda menacing she was when speaking joyan "what the fuck?" he quietly spoke to himself.

Still the vampire side did not fret, well not much at least. It still had an aversion to close quarters combat just like his human self. So he wanted to keep the delicious vampire hunter at bay. He once again made his knives and then spoke to the woman
"You best stay back. Or else you will get hurt" he threatened, but as much as he did want to make true on that warning, the human host was still too strong and determined to let anything to happen to his beloved

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:45 am

The member 'DaeSeong' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 58


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:59 am


WORDS: 240 | Bubs Bunny

Thank goodness…! The heart of Miss Wilke or perhaps more accurately whatever had seemed to seize her spirit leaping for joy so high that it might well have banged it's head on the roof when a new and rather aggressive soul seemed to appear to defend her, a heavy breathe of relief seemed to escape her lungs as she shivered beneath the table, and tentatively seemed to take a few steps close to see what was happening.

Damnit… This form is a total wimp! Meanwhile the spirit of the girl which typically controlled her body seeming to huff with chagrin internally as she felt that enduring tremor within her form and rejected it whole heartedly, the beauty turned shook her head with discontent at her new circumstance and cursed not only the body that seemed to deny her any chance at a fight, but with it the urges to which it was prone as well.
I hope I'm not stuck this way much longer… Certainly coming to lament the fact that she hadn't arrived in this place in a far more devilish guise and regretting her decision to break type somewhat, all she could do was edge nearer and nearer to the action as some part of her hoped that she would elude the interest of the bloodsucker, even if that feistier portion would have been more than happy to join Miss Whiplash in giving him some rather severe discipline…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:59 am

The member 'Ursula' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 66


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:48 pm


Karisa chuckled playfully, cutely as her brown chocolate eyes looked at DaeSeong, one who was a vampire right now. For some reason, something within her felt more alive as her lover threatened her to hurt her. Her smile was no longer innocent as it widened, her eyes formed hearts as she licked her own canines and teeth. She could imagine herself now destroying him in more ways than one as she slowly walked towards him, a sway of her wide hips, her large breasts jiggling in the motion of her stance. She stopped enough to be still two meters away. "Come here sweet Vampire.~ Let me make an example out of you for being such a bad boy.~ Chasing a poor Bunny and..." she paused. Her shining eyes were dimming into a dull and yandere motion.

" For daring to sink your teeth into another living thing," Karisa's voice was more haunting sounding in her breathy soft tone yet it was more womanly than innocent-like normal, her lips frowning in disgust as her hands gripped the whip tighter as she felt the curse devour her control more and more. Karisa then twirled her whip and striked against the vampire's feet, while not gazing away from the vampire.


Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:48 pm

The member 'Karisa' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 76

#40Miss Coyote † 

Coy Cosplay I.  - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:40 am

Miss Coyote †

Miss Coy

“Well, well, well… it looked rather risky in places but it seems you all survived~!” The magic of the mistress of mischief seeming to grow ever stronger as she watched to see which of the bunch would buckle under the weight of the pressure it offered, even then the hostess could sense that there was still that beating pulse of defiance within each of them, and as such she bobbed those shoulders and let loose a breath as she opted to admit defeat.

“Good work guys, enjoy your night okay~?” Feeling rather impressed by both the entertainment and the effort she had seen this evening and deeming this plucky trio of latecomers as worthy of her time and her interest, with a snap of her fingers the effect of her spell would recede and return them to the form and the mind with which they entered, with very little memory of what had happened here tonight. Supressing the lasting effect of the influence she had given them, the goddess seemed to smile as she gave them a giddy little wave and then shot upward and disappeared through the roof as those candy skulls rained down from her, not to be seen again at least until perhaps, maybe next year~?

Actions Taken
  • Congratulates the group on their survival.
  • Removes the effect of the curse, and their memories of their other personalities, before leaving in a shower of Caldera!

Final Score Tallies
Dae Seong - 246
Ursula - 183
Karisa - 239

Rewards Earned
Dae Seong - 15 Calavera
Ursula - 15 Calavera
Karisa - 15 Calavera

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