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Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo]

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Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:17 pm


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Temple10

The jungles of Stella stretched as far as the eye could see, overflowing with stunning natural beauty unmatched across the land. From the soaring canopy to the teeming life below, the forests exuded a vibrant energy. Beyond the wilderness, the grand country was dotted with magnificent sights - both natural marvels sculpted by time and weather, and architectural wonders crafted by human hands. The people Tōga encountered held warmth in their hearts and openness in their hands, welcoming strangers with genuine kindness. Tōga had enjoyed his time exploring this foreign land, save for one puzzling phenomenon - after his very first day here, a seemingly endless night had fallen over Stella, casting everything in shadow. Despite the perpetual darkness, Tōga's trip had been wondrous so far, full of discovery and delight. But the blanketing gloom left him uneasy, making him wonder what mysteries the darkness held.

As a Rune Knight, Tōga was determined to uncover every inch of the fascinating country of Stella. He had already explored the bustling capital city of Santalicia, the rugged mountain village of Giran, and the winding river Xochatl. Now his wanderlust and curiosity led him deep into the jungle of Tzachalli. Under the towering canopy, dappled sunlight filtered through emerald leaves. Strange bird calls and animal shrieks echoed among the ancient trees, many untouched since the dawn of time. It was a vibrant, lively place, though dangers surely lurked within its shadowy depths. Tōga did not fear them - his love of adventure and desire to understand this beautiful land drove him onward. Each step took him further into Tzachalli's embrace, the jungle's mysteries enveloping him. Come what may, he would unravel them, learning all the secrets this place had to share. The jungle called to that part of his spirit that yearned to explore.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:18 pm


Beneath the ink-black night sky, Tōga forged ahead into the wild depths of Tzachualli Jungle. Ancient trees stretched skyward, their canopies intertwining to form a leafy ceiling. Fireflies flickered like stars come to earth, dancing through the darkness. With each step, the Dragon Slayer's pink hair bobbed as he marveled at the untamed beauty surrounding him. His feet carried him over gnarled roots and fallen branches, the ground springy with moss and fern.

"This place is amazing!" he exclaimed, eyes wide with wonder. The very air thrummed with life - birds calling mournfully, monkeys whooping, insects trilling an alien chorus. Rivers burbled nearby, water tumbling over stone. The snap of a twig under his boot sounded like a gunshot in the enclosed jungle. Tōga drank it all in, from the musty scent of soil to the vivid palette of flowers tucked away in the undergrowth. With unbridled curiosity, he ventured deeper into Tzachualli's embrace, eager to uncover all of nature's secrets hidden within the ancient wilderness. The jungle itself seemed alive, pulsing, beckoning him to explore its wild heart under the moon's guiding glow.

Tōga pressed onward, enraptured by the jungle's beauty. He had only been walking for an hour, yet it felt like mere minutes had passed. The moonlight streamed through the canopy in silver ribbons, illuminating his path. All around him, the sounds of the jungle formed an exotic symphony - the shrill cries of birds, the chitter of insects, the whisper of leaves.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:19 pm


"Wh-" Tōga began, another exclamation of wonder on his lips. But the word fractured as unease trickled down his spine. The noises of the jungle were changing. Furtive rustlings circled him, too stealthy to be any natural creature. He couldn't see what stalked him, but he could feel its presence, sinister and predatory. The darkness that had seemed so mystical now disguised a hidden threat. Tōga stood motionless, senses straining. Filtered moonlight glinted off something slick and wet - there and gone again. Muscles tensed, ready to react. His hand drifted toward his sword. Though the jungle's beauty still called to him, peril lurked in its depths. The hunted had become the hunter. Come into his domain, the jungle seemed to whisper. But who would emerge the apex predator remained to be seen.

"Who's there?" Tōga called out, eyes sharpening as he peered into the gloom. The darkness was no obstacle to his heightened senses. Turning slowly, he strained to catch every sound, every disturbed leaf, seeking clues to his stalker's location. The faintest trace of an unfamiliar scent teased him, there and gone again. But the jungle continued to veil the presence skillfully.

Frustrated, Tōga turned in a slow circle, muscles coiled to react. A predator was toying with him. But where? The foliage revealed nothing, the night a cloak of concealment.

Without warning, the air behind Tōga shifted. He whirled, hand flying from his side. But it was too late - the stalker stood mere steps away, having appeared as if formed from the jungle shadows themselves. Tōga froze, eyes widening. The moonlight glinted off a head of wild hair, prey-keen eyes, and a smile that was all teeth. This creature was no natural beast, but something far more cunning.

"Well, well," the figure rasped, voice like fractured stone. "What have we here?"

Tōga tensed, ready to fight or flee. The game was on. Hunter and hunted would grapple until only one emerged alive from the treacherous beauty of the jungle night.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:41 pm


Tōga paused mid-step, his senses alert as an unfamiliar voice echoed through the moonlit jungle. He turned slowly, peering into the shadows that swirled and blurred the line between reality and illusion. Before him, the darkness itself seemed to twist and warp, a void opening like a doorway between worlds. The inky blackness writhed, shadows dancing and intertwining until they coalesced into a solid form. A figure stepped forth, emerging from the portal's obsidian depths as if born from the night itself. Tōga watched warily as this creature of shadow and mystery materialized under the pale jungle moon. The doorway creaked shut behind it, leaving no trace of the passage between Earth and this strange new arrival.

"You mortals are such fascinating creatures," the specter's voice boomed, deceptively calm and deep for its phantom form. "Striding into the night, unafraid of the shadows."

The words seemed to echo and amplify, reverberating off the streets, the water, even the very sky around Tōga. He stood resolute as the shapeless shadow spoke, facing the unknown with steadfast nerves.

"You come seeking adventure in Stella..." the voice mused. "I like that."

The specter's formless shadows gradually took shape as it spoke, hints of its concealed identity bleeding through the inky darkness. The writhing blackness thinned slowly, like wisps of silk unraveling to unveil what lay beneath. Bit by bit the phantom's shroud peeled away, until finally its full figure stood revealed under the moon's pale glow. Tōga watched with cautious eyes as the creature's true form emerged from the receding shadows. He tensed, ready to confront whatever spectral being now stood bare before him in the dim jungle night. The darkness had given up its secrets, and the phantom's veil of obscurity was no more.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:42 pm


Tension razed across Tōga's features as the shadows receded, revealing the figure of a man. His skin was as pale and luminescent as the moon overhead, his bare body flawless and unblemished but for tribal garbs. Vivid shades of blue, black and gold adorned him in sparse, decorative outlines, scarcely concealing the stranger's form. Piercing eyes, bright as sapphires, shone from his face, gleaming with an intensity to rival the sun. His gaze bore through Tōga, seeming to search his very soul. A headdress of feathers and charms crowned the mysterious man's head, rustling in the gentle wind that wove through the jungle. He was at once primal and refined, radiating an otherworldly aura. Tōga looked on, wary and alert as this spectral figure regarded him with those brilliant, knowing eyes.

"I smell the anxiety in you, little dragon," the spectral man addressed Tōga, his piercing gaze returning to meet the other's eyes. He stood casually in the center of the jungle clearing, posture relaxed nearly to the point of boredom. His hands rested idly on his hips as his bright sapphire eyes roved over the surrounding forest, as if searching for something more interesting than the wary figure before him.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:43 pm


Despite his nonchalant air, an intense energy radiated from the mysterious stranger. Tōga could sense power coiled within this ghostly form, heightened by an immortal ennui and dangerous apathy. Though his tone was conversational, even condescendingly familiar, Tōga felt certain this being could strike with lethal speed should he provoke its ancient boredom. He stood his ground, tension evident in his stance as the spectral figure mocked his evident anxiety with a predatory smile.

"It's so boring here," the specter mused, his words aimed at Tōga yet uttered to the jungle at large. "I wonder...can you entertain me?"

His luminous blue gaze fixed on Tōga, but seemed to peer through him, as if seeing something beyond this plane. A dangerous ennui emanated from the phantom, the boredom of an immortal with eons behind and ahead. He exhaled with exaggerated weariness, the action more for show than need.

Tōga stood frozen, sensing the power coiled within this spectral being who found the mortal realm lacking. Those piercing eyes now looked to him for amusement, cat-like in their casual cruelty. Fear gripped Tōga, but he dared not let it show. This creature was ancient, dangerous and impervious to the trials of time that wore down mortal souls. Whatever entertainment he sought, Tōga sensed survival would require wit and courage beyond his ken.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 6:44 pm


"Who are you?" Tōga demanded, though his bold words were belied by the nervous gulp that followed.

He could feel the specter's power envelop him, invisible tendrils that seemed to bind his soul. The feather-crowned phantom didn't move, yet his mere presence made Tōga's core tremble. Those glowing azure eyes pierced through to his spirit, reading his surface bravado and the fear below.

A smile pulled at the stranger's lips, pleased by the dragon slayer's evident anxiety. He was ancient, primordial power cloaked in a humanoid form. Tōga's courage faltered before this immortal being who could end his mortal lifespan with a whim. Yet he stood tall, refusing to cower as the specter delighted in his discomfort. He met those chilling blue eyes steadily, though inwardly he quaked at the cosmic forces barely leashed behind the stranger's exotic facade.

"Little dragon, you may call me Tezcatlipoca," the phantom replied, his smile growing. With a snap of his fingers another inky portal swirled open beside him.

"You're going to play a game for me," he continued, his piercing azure gaze fixed intently on Tōga. Behind the casual smile, anticipation brewed like a gathering storm.

The name Tezcatlipoca stirred a vague familiarity in Tōga's mind, some primal memory or folk legend just beyond his grasp. But before he could pin it down, the specter gestured lazily towards the yawning black portal.

"Shall we begin?" Tezcatlipoca purred, power coiling through his voice. Tōga hesitated, every muscle tensed for conflict or flight. But those hypnotic eyes held him transfixed, promising danger and death should he refuse. With his blood roaring in his ears, Tōga stepped toward the darkness, unsure what cosmic game this eternal being had in store.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:00 pm


Tōga's gaze remains fixed on Tezcatlipoca, who conjures illusions with a mere flick of his wrist. With a snap of his fingers, the trickster god opens a shadowy portal, much like the one that first delivered Tōga to this realm. From the inky blackness emerges a silhouette, transparent at first as if made of the night itself. But as the figure steps forth into the moonlit sky, its form solidifies, taking depth and dimension.

The shadows cling to the newcomer for a moment before falling away, unveiling...

"Amuse me with my pet, and a reward shall be yours," Tezcatlipoca declares, extending a taunting invitation to the dragon slayer. With a mere snap, the shadowy portal evaporates. In its wake, the darkness itself takes form, morphing into a hulking humanoid bull.

Color and detail bleed into the creature as it comes to life - a massive, brutish beast. It snarls viciously, muscles rippling, straining against some unseen force that keeps it motionless...for now. Tezcatlipoca's power alone keeps the monster at bay. The young slayer sizes up his opponent - a distraction conjured by the trickster god solely for his entertainment. But the prospect of reward spark's the dragon slayer's interest. Gripping his weapon tightly, he steps forward to accept the challenge.

It seems I don’t have a choice…” Tōga admits, his eyes sharpening again as he looks upon the minotaur who aims to tear him apart. He’d wait a moment, embracing the night, and the silence that accompanied it before a fire burned brightly in his soul. Where fear was sat, excitement soon took over as Tōga’s struggled face loosened, relaxing as a wide smile materialized from thin air. “I don’t know who ya are, or what you are, but you’re strong,” Tōga exclaims, revealing the underestimation of the century as Tezcatlipoca looks on, momentarily confused by the dragon slayer’s resurfaced confidence before he smirked himself.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:01 pm


"I don't run from a challenge," Tōga declares, magic circles of crimson sliding down his arms. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"

Fire erupts from nothingness, coating his limbs in blazing brilliance. The warmth fuels his courage, banishing any traces of fear or doubt. Tōga stands firm, flickering flames wreathing his body. He is ready for this battle, ready to take on this minotaur no matter the cost. Win or lose, he will fight with his all. The fire in his soul matches the fire cloaking his arms. Tōga has never backed down from a fight before, and he won't start now. This minotaur, this hulking beast, wants a challenge? Oh, Tōga will give him one. Their battle will be legend.

"So the little dragon wants to grow wings..." Tezcatlipoca muses with a smile. He turns to his shadowy creation, giving a simple nod. "You're free to do as you wish."

With those words, the minotaur's mental shackles fall away. Tezcatlipoca has granted it liberty under the night sky. The beast wastes no time. It erupts forward, shooting from the ground with alarming speed. The earth shatters beneath its feet - grass, soil and stone fracturing in an instant. Despite its massive size, the minotaur crosses the distance in a blink, each thundering step landing as lightly as a feather. There is a chaotic grace to its charge. Raw power flows through muscle and sinew, guided by a singular purpose - to tear the dragon slayer apart. Tōga stands firm, flames wreathing his body. He does not flinch as the horned nightmare barrels towards him. This is the battle he desired. And now that it comes for him across the shattered earth, he is ready.

Tōga smirks, undeterred by the minotaur's thundering charge. With a single explosive step, he propels himself forward, flames rocketing him to meet the beast head-on. A streak of fiery orange blazes in his wake, scorching the earth. Tōga burns brightly as he rushes towards imminent battle. The fire cloaking his body guides him onward like a flaming arrow seeking its target.

He and the minotaur close the distance in a blink, destined to collide in a clash of wills and strength. The night itself seems to hold its breath, the moon's light glinting off Tōga's fire as he soars to meet his foe. This is the battle he desired. And now that it comes hurtling towards him in a mass of muscle and horn, Tōga does not falter. He burns with fiery purpose, ready to grapple with the shadowy beast under the watchful night sky.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:15 pm

The once pristine Tzachalli Jungle had been ravaged into a war-torn battlefield under the cold gaze of the cloudless night sky. Two mighty armies clashed in mortal combat as the gods looked on, amused at the destruction wrought for their entertainment. Lush greenery and ancient trees that had stood for centuries were now scarred and broken, emerald blades of grass burnt to cinders amidst the chaotic ruins. The ground was littered with shattered timber, the mighty trunks cleaved in two by the unleashed fury of the battling forces. Where there had once been serene wilderness now lay a nightmarish vista of devastation, the pleasant scenery ruined beyond recognition. The combatants had turned the verdant jungle into a hellish canvas of devastation, caring little for the destruction left in the wake of their apocalyptic conflict. All the while, the stars stared impassively down from above, uncaring witnesses to the havoc unfolding below.

Amidst the devastation, two lone figures remained. The shattered body of the minotaur lay prone, its shadowy form charred and battered beyond recognition. Tezcatlipoca gazed dismissively upon his fallen pawn before returning it to the realm of shadows that had spawned it.

"You have done well, little dragon," the god remarked, turning to the other survivor. "Perhaps you were always meant to spread your wings and take flight."

Tezcatlipoca's words echoed across the ravaged jungle as he observed the triumphant dragon. Though weary from battle, the mystical beast stood tall amongst the ruins, its scales glimmering in the starlight. The minotaur had been a mere appetizer before the true powers that awaited. With its opponent vanquished, the dragon now looked to the open sky, free to soar to new heights. Where its defeated foe saw only destruction, the dragon saw possibility - a chance to rise from the ashes and evolve into something greater. It would not be confined to this broken jungle, not when all the realms awaited its awakened glory.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:17 pm


Tōga lay amidst the debris, unconscious but alive, his labored breathing punctuated by heavy snores. His clothes were tattered ruins, his body a tapestry of bruises and gashes, yet still he clung to life. The mighty dragon slayer had fought long and hard, pushing himself past all limits to emerge victorious against the god's pet. Now, drained of all strength, he slipped into a deep slumber, the pain of his wounds receding as soothing dreams transported him far from this place of destruction.

In his mind he wandered through pleasant lands free of ache and injury, his vitality restored. The blood he had spilled watered verdant meadows instead of staining the war-ravaged earth. Tōga's spirit recovered even as his battered body lay inert, gathering strength for the challenges yet to come. His dreams sustained him through the long night, insulating his mind from the reality of torn flesh and broken bones. He had survived the furnace of battle to fight another day, and no force could steal the inner peace his rest now brought. The jungle could regrow in time - but for now, Tōga's dreams tended to his weary soul.

Tezcatlipoca knelt beside the sleeping Tōga, laying a hand upon the dragon slayer's battered chest.

"Perhaps you were meant to soar after all," the god mused. "Or will you find your rest in the inferno's embrace? The choice is yours alone."

With a faint chuckle, Tezcatlipoca began dissipating into shadows, magic swirling around his fading form. Before vanishing entirely, he left a single ember upon Tōga's chest, a fragile glow persisting even as the darkness claimed the god.

"A parting gift," Tezcatlipoca's voice echoed. "Use it wisely, dragon slayer."

The ember's light remained as the hours crawled by, a tiny sun banishing the encroaching gloom. Tōga slept on, oblivious to the flickering beacon over his heart. It was a spark of cosmic fire - a piece of Tezcatlipoca's power. The dragon slayer could nurture it to a mighty blaze or let it suffocate and die.

But only he could decide the flame's fate. It represented potential - for good or ill. As Tōga's dreams meandered onward, the ember's heat permeated his core. Perhaps when he awoke, the dragon slayer would understand its significance. For now, it merely kept the darkness at bay as Tōga's spirit mended within his slumbering mind, gathering strength for the trials yet to come. The jungle could regrow and his wounds could heal in time. Tōga need only fan the ember's fledgling flames.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:49 am

Ahhh!” A startled cry escapes Tōga's lips as his eyes fly open, adjusting from unconscious darkness to the gentle moonlight filtering through the treetops. He bolts upright, senses slowly returning as he takes in his peaceful surroundings - an untouched forest basking in nighttime tranquility. Not a sound stirs the harmonious woodland scene. Tōga blinks bewilderedly, struggling to piece together his last memories. The dragon slayer's wary gaze darts around, seeking some sign of the epic battle that must have preceded this eerie serenity. Finding no traces of bloodshed, only nature's calm rhythms, confusion wars with relief inside him. How did he arrive here unharmed, and why does the forest show no scars? The mysteries of this magical place weighing upon him, Tōga rises cautiously to his feet, determined to uncover what powerful forces have delivered him into this enchanted interlude.

"W-What happened?" Tōga mutters, settling back against the soft grass as he massages his throbbing temples. Bewilderment floods his mind as sharply as the moonlight bathing the unscarred forest. He scans the peaceful woods once more, seeking clues to explain his inexplicable arrival here. Finding no traces of the ferocious battle that surely left him unconscious, only the trees standing as silent sentinels around him, Tōga sighs in frustrated confusion.

Shadowy uncertainty takes advantage of his disorientation to torment his memory further. Yet amidst the questions swirling through his thoughts, an immense relief seeps into his battle-worn body - whatever unknown forces govern this strange sanctuary have delivered him from harm. As the dark forest cradles him in its tranquil embrace, Tōga's rioting emotions gradually settle into harmony with his surroundings. The mysteries can keep till daylight; for now, it is enough to drink in the calming night airs, gathering strength for the search ahead. When answers come, he will be ready.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:50 am

Tōga wracks his brain, struggling to reconcile the forest's pristine serenity with his last agonized memories - facing off against the terrible minotaur unleashed by the Jaguar God, their earth-shaking duel leaving the woods a wasteland. He vividly recalls crashing to the blood-soaked ground as the world faded into darkness...yet now finds himself cradled by verdant nature, untouched and unconcerned. No gouges scar the ancient trees standing guard around him. No rubble from their titanic battle litters the undergrowth.

The vibrant life of the forest betrays no knowledge of the epic confrontation that surely left Tōga broken and unconscious. To an outsider, it would seem no violence ever disturbed this place - but Tōga knows better. As confusion wars with relief inside the dragon slayer, the tranquil woods begin working their spell - soothing his questions, quieting his memories. Tōga breathes deeply of the cool night air, lets his mind settle into the steady rhythms surrounding him. The forest holds its secrets; for now, he can only surrender himself to its ancient enchantments, gathering strength until light brings truth along with it.

Bafflement washes over Tōga as he rises, patting himself down in disbelief. While his clothing hangs in tatters, evidence of the earth-rending battle, not a scratch or bruise mars his own skin. The bone-deep exhaustion that felled him is mysteriously absent - in its place, vibrant energy and strength. He stretches cautiously, muscles responding with their usual power. How can this be? By all logic, he should be lying broken and battered after facing down a god's mythical monster. Yet here in this strange oasis, the rules of nature seem warped, bent by a deeper magic. As Tōga takes in the impossible contradiction, a theory takes shape...this place has healed him, has woven an enchanted tranquility to shelter him through the night.


Entertain Tezcatlipoca [Event, Solo] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:50 am

Renewed wonder kindles inside Tōga as he gazes around this sanctuary existing outside space and time. A place of ancient power has delivered him from death's door and restored his shattered body whole. The lingering threat has passed; he senses only soothing protection swirling through the ether. While questions still remain, for now Tōga can simply offer silent thanks to the spirits guarding this hallowed forest. Their purposes yet obscure, but their power clear.

Bewilderment roots Tōga in place as he stares down at his unmarked hands, struggling to comprehend the inexplicable. Only torn clothing bears testament to the earth-rending clash with the Jaguar God's summoned horror...no other traces remain. The towering minotaur, an engine of destruction powerful as a force of nature, now vanished without a whisper. No lingering acrid scent of divine power fouls the air, no crushing footprints scar the soft earth. The stillness enshrouding the dragon slayer needles his battle-honed senses, detects no evidence that the forest ever hosted forces great enough to unmake worlds. Slowly Tōga turns, scanning his surroundings through disbelieving eyes, half-expecting monstrous shapes to emerge from the shadows at any moment.

Yet only tranquil woodland scenes greet him, leaving the warrior more adrift and unmoored than any open battle. What realm has he awoken into, where even immortal deities leave no imprint on reality? Blinking hard, Tōga draws a centering breath as he works to reorient himself. Whether illusion or deeper mystery, here exists a power great enough to erase even gods. As the forest's magic weaves through his mind, calming his questions, Tōga knows for now stillness and patience represent his wisest responses.


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