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Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi)

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Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:48 pm

Miriko on the other hand seemed perfectly content with painting away in fact she seemed to painting rather quickly for this one like she was on a mission and she would going to no matter what achieve, nothing could stop her from completing it. Then look at it with a bit of a smile on her face of what was to come. She had a wonderful idea and it was a good reflection of what all is in front of her at the time and she was happy with it. It seemed if anything maybe the brighter spirits of the room was what was helping them continue on.

Offering the cookie to Alistair he had to ponder what it all would do for him? was it make up different between human and cat beings or all made the same or he might be thinking too in depth about it, he quietly ate the cookie it seemed if anything Alistair did not seem to show signs of feeling the effects of it yet, but Alistair was just over all playing with kids.

Then Miriko walked over and handed over a painting to Kaito. It seemed the speed painting had yield good results. It was a finely detailed painting of Kaito with Revvy on his shoulder like how one walked with a child on his shoulder. But were drawn with halos over their head. Almost like that Miriko's view of both of them was that she viewed them as harmless and friendly just she needed a way far beyond normal smiles to express it. Then Miriko seemed to wait, to see what Kaito thought of it. She was actually staring in hope like a curious child. Almost like she was seeking approval in some manner. Strange but almost like it was just how she was.

#27Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:25 am

Judith Karlinius
One thinks the problem is you could not just simply tell Judith what to do she was entirely an entity of their own doing of many strange things."Oh? you think I am going to be a danger from it?" Judith had to post it for a reason because well it was just how she was she had to ask to know these things and figure out. It was not out of Judith's own nature to be oddly careless at times. But with these seemingly starting to be shown powers it might be a bit more chaotic to have things happen. She didn't even seem to pose the question as a challenge or like a lean of authority. Just an actual question."I am only bugging you to possible do this only because you know them better."Judith than smiled coyly because well she knew what she was doing it was one of the many games she did kind of play in some manner. These where not normal games she played the background game.

Which would not shock anyone because she just does it that way. But it seemed she would just doing it what she normally would."At least if you do this for me and you could manage it...maybe sneak in info about what they like?"Judith also gave him just one single wink. This was also just another part of her plan it was all coming together nicely.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:56 pm


Kaito whispered to the guild mother that he was more meaning that if she uses it to much other people will know she can do it and might make a plan on how to take her down and use her magic against her if some one was dumb enough to attempt to take on the mother of the fairies like that. "I will do my best Guild Mother no worries, I will get that info for you as soon as I can." He patted Judith's head and he watched the Big cat play with the children and seemly was having fun with them Kaito was glad that this was Miriko's companion and care taker as he was super friendly and he seemed to know how to handle his strength and power so not to hurt while playing with them and Kaito hears Miriko coming up behind him.

Kaito turned and looked up just in time for a very excited Mimi handing him the painting she had drawn, he is very careful not to harm it in any way as he looked at it and he smiled at her. He then then gently patted her head to give her praise as she had done very well and she clearly was excited and waiting for his feed back on the painting that the woman had just handed to him with care. "Great work as always Miriko I love it, that also reminds me I still have to to give you the gifts I had made you." He opened a portal to a place that was inside the house in his personal domain and he puts the painting on the wall next to the one of Revy she had made a bit ago and they looked like a set which in turn made them look better side by side. He reached into another portal and pulls out a Jewelry box that was hand made it was of a darker wood and had different kinds of colored gem like stones on it.

He holds it out to her and when she opens it there is a black metal ring with three gems on it that look like they are alive with water mana at what looks like sunset lighting. There is also a necklace in there as well that is of a more dark purple color and look like when it is worn it will say out of her way as well with how often she paints and moves around a heavier necklace would only get in her way so it is a more light and smaller necklace with a charm that looks like a more small and cuter Alistair on it. He hoped that she would like them but he wouldn't be surprised if she started to freak out at the fact he just gifted her jewelry he had made for her.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:01 pm

It did almost seemed like Miriko had just stopped paying attention for a moment. Most likely because she was going to paint something else because it was on her mind for the moment. She was so stuck in cycle that she almost seemingly unintentionally ignored Kaito and what he was doing at the time. Then she looked and picked up what was spoken to her."Oh I ahh.....Thank you."Miriko said almost unsure how to take and mentally handle but after a good count of three Miriko did take that ringer as she considered it a gift and no idea what other things that anyone else could take that into account of what it could be. But she walked over took the ring and walked over to to Alistair and with the small front pocket opened it up and placed it there. There would be an explanation of why she did this after she walked back to place. When she got to where Kaito was standing."I will try it on later so I don't break my focus."After all she was focusing on that work of hers.

And Alistair seemed to not pay it much mind because it was just how he was use to his life being. But Alistair kind of chuckled about it if anything Alistair would make sure Miriko remembered that ring. She might have had a bit better control than she thought but also was making sure the crowd around them did not have the worst ideas that could spawn from that ring being given to her you could hear some whispers from the world around them during this moment because there was still a group of people around them and Miriko had kind of unintentionally gathered them to this area since it was a slightly open area.

#30Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:00 pm

Judith Karlinius
Because of how she was Judith could not help but laugh at all of the happening here because it was if anything an change of pace with in the scene of time. If anything she found it magical to witness such things. Two people not too good with social skill exchanging gifts. It was nice to see if anything almost worthy of applauding for but not wanting to spoil the moment seemed better to let happen for the understand of how people learn and interacting with one another.

Even willing to forgo her own wonder about the picture after all it was things she needed to learn of later, Miriko always seemed to show that she values her work being taken privately for the most part. Then seemingly content with being told he would get that done she just mentioned."How adorable exchanging things, both you deserve such gift every once and a while you know?"Judith said with a bit of a chuckle most likely so the attention was going to start being drawn away from the entire matter. Just how was yet to be revealed.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 4:00 pm


Kaito took that as a good response as she hadn’t seemed to have freaked out to much at least and played it off well with how she did that as he had made a mistake and did it in such a public crowded place so he probably got lucky in that moment that she hadn’t lost her cool. "yeah that sounds good it should fit perfectly. But if it does not let me know and I will fix it." he smiled and he stepped back and he hears the guild mother enjoying herself at this sight.

"So how is the mother of the fairies feeling with her free show?" he smirked as he figured the guild mother was happy with him being at least a little less brooding and showing some form of friendship to someone. He rubs the back of his head as he looked around at the crowd and he wonders why some of them are staring at him and he blinks at them and he wonders if he has something in his teeth or if there is something on his clothes. He looks down at his clothes and then he looks to Judith. "Why are those people staring at me ? Do I look weird?" He was pretty clueless to why they are staring at him and not at the woman that is hard at work on a paining.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:54 pm

Miriko would just move back to painting quickly because she had ideas and things she needed to put onto something so thus was the people stared at her for a moment it would not be something she could really pick up on at this time. she just thought she got a gift and that was it while there was even more furious painting at hand. This idea would be perfect. So much so that Miriko in her delighted mood. Then she simply placed a painting in front of the group of the people watching. It seemed Miriko had left a freebie painting that was just a random picture of a castle she had in mind to paint at the time.

Then she continued on one of the most important things she wanted to do here. If anything she seemed to not be worried about what all was happening around her at this time.

#33Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:07 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith at least a bit more use and never really mind being the centre of the show. she could play these off because being the guild master she was she made herself work into the public life for the reason to get comfortable with."Well I am sure in some manner I am use to being in larger groups of people. I do manage them well."Judith said at least.

As for why he wondered that Judith simple seemed to smile. All and all Kaito would most likely not understand why everyone was looking. But Judith could take a guess."They might think your trying to woo over the Blue Pegasus painter."Judith laughed about it because she was just trying to guess. Because it was just her thinking it was the case. "Or it is a part of the show."Judith added that in to kind of drive away from the idea of love and taking the show.

But Judith them nudge his arm lightly."But thank you for giving her something, Miriko does not think at times she deserves gifts rather then just seeing the smile upon the faces of people."Judith said to make her point to him about it.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 16, 2023 9:32 pm


"I don’t know if I would really be able to woo Miriko, she is talented, kind and smart from what I can see and tell." He smiled and rubbed the back of his head as he wasn’t sure he could woo anyone let alone probably a famous woman like Miriko. He heard what the fairy mother said to him as she thanked him for giving something to Miriko and he couldn’t help but feel the same it was weird for people to give him things as he was always feeling he didn’t deserve it as he thought of himself as a trouble maker and a problem child that didn’t deserve to have people thank or want to be around him. "I guess me and miriko have that in common then a lack of thinking we deserve things like gifts."

He thinks about something he had heard a rumor about and now he wonders if there was a chance either the fairy mother or Miriko might know something about it. He looks at Judith and he smiles a nervous smile. "Have you heard of a fruit that would help unlock a hidden potential even a rumor of where it might be?" He would look to Miriko as well and ask the same thing when her attention would come back to them when she finished her painting, he knows it is a long shot but maybe one of them knows of the demiurthana which he had heard rumors of. He knows that Judith is more in the food and supply and rarer things food wise might be her thing. He knows Miriko is smarter and she seemed to always have a book on her so maybe she might have seen something even the slightest thing.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:32 am

Miriko did in some manner pay attention the conversation between them and quietly looked upon it in her own wonder. Not that she had a lot of questions she wanted that she was brave enough to ask at this time so she would quietly simply continue. Over all seemed over all in the end was pretty much Miriko listening casually while two other people where talking. Was it all that bad? no but Miriko was always doing things in ways that in some manner remotely showed how little she wanted in life, it was just how she was looking at it. If anything Alistair was a gift because he made himself a gift that imposed themselves into her life. Where if it had been her way in some manner Miriko would have just been carrying around the smallest amount of things she could.

Or just getting by on a paint or ink carriage that she would make from her magic she had her ways. But at least Miriko was happy and working as simple she wanted to do. But she was finished her current picture and set it aside. Then placed a new blank canvas and pointed it towards the crowd.

Then looked upon all of them and asked."I have a questions for you all....What would you like to see?"Miriko said looking around the group of people waiting to hear and answer.

#36Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:06 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith would take a moment to listen to Kaito question, Miriko seemed to not answer it. Most likely because she had other things on her mind or she did not know the answer herself. Then it seemed to actually make her think."Most fruit would fit that matter if you think of what the nature and the intention of fruit and how it works for the body."Could almost wanna get mad at Judith for a vague answer because everyone knew it was healthy to eat fruit for the human body."One that works like that must be magical in nature, That would be going in hard to travel forests and most likely has yet to be seen in a while or yet recorded."If anything Judith sounded like she was interested to find this fruit herself and was starting to theorize where she could find it.

"I have a small idea in theory where it could be,  Regions of vast forestyet to be explored in depth: Ballum, Stella and maybe Caelum. But these are just Guild Mother theorist ideas."Judith said with a bit of a smile on her face since Miriko was changing the course of the show now.

But she still had something to say for the moment while Kaito and here where just being not paid attention too."A person rarely knows what could happen to them in life...Miriko is a find example of her own fears and trying to fight them and showing results."She started with that over how Miriko was about getting gifts and now for the other much part."Much like how one should never doubt themselves for who might be fitting or a partner. After all I never thought Anders would have ever consider me a partner...look at me now."Judith laugh about it. Sure Judith was now an elf and Anders was an old man, But maybe she needed to go fix that eventually if he wanted that to be the case himself.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:09 pm


He guessed the guild mother had a point different fruits can do different things to the body and enhance different things if you eat them so his question was far too vague and had too many answers he rubbed his chin trying to think of how he could better word it but the guild mother had moved on from it so he figured he must as well so not to bog down the conversation with him asking about an extremely rare fruit he isn’t even sure exists. Hard to reach forests not yet explored… he wondered if maybe Stella was the place to look for that past some of the guardian totems, it had been a long time since he had gone there but he bets he could now get past them and check the deeper parts of the forests. He would need to repay the guild mother for this majorly later. Caelum may be a close second but he will need to make sure to repay the guild mother and he sets the mental note to look in those places.

"I guess you are right, maybe I will ask her after the show and see how she feels about my chances." Kaito is clearly probably setting himself up for a fall. He was just going to be straight forward and ask.

He hears Miriko ask the crowd what they would like to see and Kaito smirks a bit and then walks over to the crowd and faces Miriko. "How about a painting of your self sitting at a table on a moon and candle lit night enjoying your favorite meal with an expression of enjoyment ?" his request wasn’t a mean spirited request or something to take her too far out of her comfort zone but to see what she thinks she looks like and to in a way kind of cheat and see her favorite food if he needs to know it in a future situation. Plus he isn’t sure that he has seen many of any paintings or drawings of her self.

After his request he walked back to Judith and he took his place back at her side and he watches to see what happened he half expects Judith to tell him that he may have gone too far and he needed to reel it back and that he would owe Miriko an apology for causing an issue at her show or making her feel embarrassed by him making such a request of her in front of the crowd. He also hoped that Revy was okay as she had been acting a little strangely and wasn’t as quick lately along with her zoning out a bit.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:01 pm

Mimi did not seem like she took the request serious if anything almost like Kaito was saying something to say something, But she did almost panic slightly you could see it on her face for a moment. But would regain her composure quickly because. Because everyone else was just talking to the point where they made no sense at all. too many people where talking all at once for so many things and about so many things because well between what Kaito had said and various other things

Then Miriko kind of just stopped in place for a moment, Then figure out something that would actually do so she would just actually start speed painting something and it was coming quickly it was the image of a bird, a large and massive one if anything. Then she tapped the painting and the image just flew out of the canvas quickly spun around and went back into the picture not too long after flying. It was a show of magic now.

#39Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:16 pm

Judith Karlinius
As for Judith she seemed to take it a bit more as humour only for her own reason. After all it was a bold move indeed and one she did try to talk him into doing so over all it was really a thing to be expected. Judith had no means to guess who he would want to start with try such things with. Over all pretty funny to see."Bravo Kaito."She would remark which might be a good thing to encourage."Now see how many times you have to do that until a woman choose to date you or marry you."

Over all it seemed if anything she would continue on talking about a few other things when he got back."But suppose, with this fruit do you want me to consider looking for it myself? Or is that a task you must do solely alone?"She asked just to be sure.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:54 am


"You say bravo but I nearly just made her panic… You saying that makes it sound like I even have a chance." He has a strange feeling in his chest thinking about it but he is trying to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground and not get too ahead of himself about this as Miriko could just tell him no or say he is a creep. He looked at the guild mother as she asked him if she should go get it for him or not and he knows that he has to do it. "I think I will have to do it as it is my growth to gain it myself and eat it. Though between you and me I know of a cave in Caelum that leads to an off shoot of a tree my master told me of to enhance elves when the are ready to transend… if you ever need that knowledge."

He was sure that the guild mother needs not for his help but he figured that he should share it to her in case she were to find need of it in the future. He watches Mimi and he wonders what he is going to do or if this is where he should stop. But he thinks that Judith was telling him not to worry about it and just keep trying but he knows there has to be a limit to Mirkio’s kindness and he needs to watch how far he pushes his luck with her.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:52 pm

Mimi seemed then think for a moment and then put the painting down and placed another blank canvas point go the crowd. Then would just say."This will be the final piece before I leave to have some time to myself, Kaito and Judith."It seemed if anything Miriko was not out of energy just wanted to end it so the crowd of people.

So she would paint up various shapes from top to bottom like she was thinking over and putting into great detail of all of the things that was to come here, But the results of the show was something to kind of just show the images that flow through ink and paint are always interesting. This was worked like a scroll image of something slightly coming out of the picture, It almost seemed like a dragon was coming out of the picture and flew past everyone, Then just kind of as quickly had the dragon kind of came back in it like a magic force made it return like it was being dragged back in and it was resisting wanting to be free. Then Miriko bowed to the group of people as it was as she said, her time to end the show because she did not want to be around a massive group of people anymore.

#42Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:36 am

Judith Karlinius
It could have been debatable if really it was praise worthy but Judith did have a different way to think of it. So maybe the other view needed to be pointed out in the manner she would speak of it because this was just the Judith way of things being done by her."You both could learn a few things of human interaction or two, both of you could take something else form that."Judith mentioned. Oddly enough she sounded almost entirely serious about this matter entirely. Which might have been a bit of a chance of pace considering her normally quiet and calm way of being.

But alas maybe Judith could just be teaching people the best she can."I had at least one child get married, I could at least help others understand in some manner too."Judith laughed about it because she wanted to break that serious tension for a moment because it was just that, something even at times serious could be still nice. at the same time.

But speaking at that Judith simple did not know what it meant after all she was not by many means a normally natural elf."Here you might have to give me a lesson on that, For I only because an elf in a manner considered entirely magical and not normal. I do not know elvish, Nor what transcending as an elf does."For once it was interesting for Kaito to hear this, something Judith herself did not know.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 24, 2023 5:20 pm


Kaito looks at the woman as she said that and he wondered if maybe he had pushed her a bit to hard or too much as she had sounded very serious about what she had said, Kaito then looked back to the show that Miriko was putting on for the crowd. "Well I guess I do I guess I just don't spot to think and talk like that, but I think it is more on the matters of trying to not fail at finding someone that makes me feel happy here and hopefully they feel the same." He pointed to his chest as he had said the happy here part but he was not sure if he was really being realistic about this all as he is cursed.

"You indeed did have a child that got married so you must either be a good match maker or a good influence." Kaito didn't dare to speak on how that one child's marriage ended up as it isn't his place to speak on those things and he was not the right guy and this was not the right place to say anything or act like he really did as he doesn't have children and he hasn't seen a child they raised turn and what happen, happen to them. In a way he was jealous of his brother for already having children as they seem happy with him and Emil's children ask why he doesn't have any children yet and he always just passes it off and makes a joke but he had to think maybe he was doing something wrong and was not living up to what he should be.

"Well I as far as I can tell come from broken pact set of grand parents on my father side and on my mother's side a high elf and dark elf. Making my father a human from a broken pact Nephilim and daemon and my mother a Half high elf and half dark elf. I as you can see am Human but I was raised by a high elf and my brother is a half elf. I am not sure if I am human or a chimera." He looked back at Judith as it seemed that Mirko was finishing up her show and he smiles at Judith. "So rather by birth or magic you are an elf. As to what that fruit will do I am not one hundred percent sure all I know is I was told by my master/grandmother was as a human do not eat it as only wood and half elves may consume them to reach their next stage."

Kaito makes room so the Miriko can join them if she would like as he was not going to force or get into her space as she had probably had her fill of him messing up and bumbling about as he was being as smooth as a rugged mountain rock you would find on a very steep and wind swept mountain with very worn and wild nature on it. "So what is the plan from here If I may ask?" Kaito wondered if this was were he asked if Miriko wanted to go and get some tea or something or if this was were he keeps his mouth shut and not say anything and just follow along with the famous guild mother and this famous painter.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:59 pm

It seemed the plan now was to just kind of keep things a bit more quiet. Miriko was interested in seeing what was going to be thought of the various things she made tonight for people but mainly she was interested to see Judith's thoughts on her pictures she had yet to see. So she collect all of the pictures painted at this time and went into this room that was set up by Kaito thus Alistair following not too far behind her.

Then Miriko would take a few minutes to set up stands for the two pictures she had made for Judith, made sure they where covered and waited for Judith to come in. Almost like she consider it something far more worth to show with little people she trusted rather then out right making a show of it, Seemingly getting over her moment of embarrassment as quickly as the moment happen.

But it seemed you could never take the show out of the art completely away from Miriko at times just sometimes it meant something when done another way. Alistair would settle sitting somewhere nicely with out problem at this time, All and all pretty quiet right now.

#45Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 5:38 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was an interesting conversation to have while they where walking through the portal Judith would continue the conversation."The only person in family line to actually be an elf would in fact be me. unless I go back to samhain and see if it changes my husband back to one."Judith laughed about it because she was not serious about it. That man has had enough things to deal with that are less stressful damn dealing with Judiths meddling into doing that. Even if it might do him some good and give him a bit of a longer life to live with Judith and a chance for a few other things in life they might want to do with such time.

Bu if Miriko wanted to put on a show Judith would entertain it, but she had to wonder why she hid them so quickly."Oh? Feeling like hiding them are we? I don't mind if Kaito sees them."Judith said because she expected simple things. Then she pointed to the one of them at random and simply said."That one first however."Judith said just to see what would happen. She assumed these pieces of art where harmless.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:31 pm


Kaito was a bit confused to why the guild mother had said to turn her husband back into an elf had her husband been an elf and had given it up for that he and she may live a common in length life or was that something completely different and he had just misunderstood her as he had thought that the man he had meet smelled of fully human but maybe after the years the man had just grown to smell as a human would as he gave up his other life. Kaito could instead see the hard working man as more of a machine like the people from that other country Kaito doesn't say that though as he doesn't want to give the guild mother any funny ideas or think that he would rather see her love turned into a robot.

Kaito looked at the covered pictures that the painter woman had hidden and he thought that was a bit odd as the woman hadn't seemed to have been hiding much from them before but now it was different something had either changed or this was going to be one hell of a grand reveal as they were now in a back private room of the guild where no one would disturb them and they could talk freely. Kaito guessed he would wait before he asked the painter if he might look like some one she might go on a date with, but he figures she will reject him so waiting so not to ruin the mood was probably his best plan so just wait then ask before the painter made her leave of them to see if maybe she might see potential in him.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:15 pm

Sure it was different this time around maybe Miriko intended a few other things with it after all Miriko's entire reason of being a bit more sneaky about these things but first thing to happen was Miriko would pull the covers off because she intended these to be enjoyed in the moment with Judith, Kaito just was trusted enough that when he was around she did not mind him seeing these things while around.

The first picture the one Judith wanted to see first seemed to be Judith the days where she was smaller and human holding a slightly long haired child in a dress it looked to be a young Judina, being held up by Judith. Both with smiles on their faces. Miriko had be delighted to have figured out how to draw that, They where reflecting on past times. Maybe it was one that meant something to almost everyone in the room at the time. Judith's daughter, Miriko cousin and Alistair's first owner.

#48Judith Karlinius 

Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:32 pm

Judith Karlinius
Over all it seemed it like Judith took this well and with a bit of a smile on her face with it, Since it was just something she did not expect at this time but as she looked on and pondered."I do wonder how you got the details right, you would where not old enough to now how her hair was styled."Judith mentioned because she seemed curious about that.

She could at least see one part of it."I at least remember you had seen me when i was human...Makes me wonder if I past the going grey stage of life."In which was entire a joke and she hoped people saw it that way since it was a thing she knew that was something pointless to think about."I am sure I have no problem displaying it at home when i find the place for it."Then it would be time to look at painting number two.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Wed Mar 29, 2023 5:47 pm


Kaito was not sure what was going on or who the people were that were in that picture as Kaito had never seen human Judith nor had he seen a young Judina either. So he was pretty much just standing there till Judith spoke about the details and Kaito wondered if that was Judith and a young girl Judina. Kaito had nothing that he could add to this but he did keep his eyes on the guild master in case she was going to break down or anything as Kaito was kind of bad at these kinds of things as he didn't think himself a good person to be comforting others if they were sad or distressed.

Revy walked into the back area as she had not seen Kaito for awhile and she was going to look around and see if he had snuck in and she was right as she saw he was also not alone she guessed that she would sit back and watch and see what comes of it as she knows that Kaito had worked hard on making a gift for Miriko, Revy wondered if he had already given it to her. Revy figures since the woman was still speaking to him that he must not have done that.

Kaito looked at the picture a bit closer and he wondered if that was what they really looked like or if this was an artists touch to how they had looked.


Coming home to the East. (Judith/Mimi) - Page 2 Empty Fri Mar 31, 2023 10:17 am

Miriko almost had to ponder how she could explain it after all for the most part there was various logical loop holes left open and that if she revealed how she knew did put a few things out in the open she generally kept to herself. In which was she not in tending."I...I ahhh based it off of some of the picture you left in the guild hall by the serving window."It was the perfect cover she knew about how Judith did leave family pictures there, It was now officially good cover for Miriko.

Alistair would just walk over to Judith, Kaito and Revvy where standing and watching Alistair seemed to ponder over the picture. His picture of Judina was an adult so he was use to a massive taller person, this was one smaller less armour in some manner a really what could be pictured of a small child of Judina.

Then Miriko then walked over the second painting, put her arm in a notion of presentation of delight and pride mostly because she was just happy how the painting turned out. Then she waited for whatever would think of this picture, She also did not speak context for the picture either, Just it was based off of Judith in some manner.

The second painting:

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