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Flexibility and reach. (Alisa)

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#1Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Sun Nov 06, 2022 8:02 pm

Melina Ainsworth
Hargeon. One of Fiore’s many population centres, a well developed and maintained port city, having grown large and fat upon the tariffs such trade brought in as well as the direct profits of such a thing. There were many things to appreciate about residing in Hargeon but for Melina, one of them were the prevalence of gyms and other such facilities devoted to exercise. She had spent most of the day, so far, partaking in such activities. Weight lifting mainly, a rather interesting thing to observe given Melina’s physical form, but now she found herself rather hungry. It was fortunate that the leisure centre had its own eatery.

Yet, it was as Melina was walking out of the gym and towards the restaurant, that she saw a familiar face: The Guild Master of Blue Pegasus. Melina knew her face, of course she did, for the Drider was a member of the guild but she had never quite had the chance or reason to meet her. Hmm…yes. This was a perfect opportunity to correct that. The Drider, dressed in a black tank top and white varsity jacket as she was, walked towards Alisa and would seek to wrap her right arm around their shoulders.

“Hey boss lady~ I trust one with an appearance as memorable as mine among the guild requires no introduction~” Melina sought to pull Alisa close to her torso, having purposefully stretched her legs out juuuuuuuust enough so that the guild master’s head would end up level with the generous chest sported by the Drider.

“I trust you’re here for the same purpose of me, a little spot of exercise and perhaps some food? Maybe you’d like to join me for lunch. A little bit of bonding between a guild member and their guild master?~” Melina’s eight eyes blinked sequentially, left to right, before taking a good long look at Alisa’s garb. Hmm~ Hmmm~ Yes. As attractive and delicious a work of art as ever. It was only to be natural given her role as a member of Blue Pegasus.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:57 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

Now that was a good workout~ Letting out a low, smoky breath, Alisa took a good few minutes to simply walk around Hargeon, with a tired, but satisfied smile,letting her heartrate slowly cool back down, steady trickles of sweat dripping down her curvaceous frame as she fanned herself, the cool late morning air feeling like utter heaven against her wet skin. Just when she thought she'd seen all the varieties of Demi humans in the world, life had a way of surprising her. For the first time she heard about "spider demi human", she imagined a woman with chitin covered arms a few extra eyes. Not for a second did she imagine she'd have the lower body of a spider. Even if she'd seen the woman at a glance, before, only when she reached closer did Alisa could fully appreciate just how big she was... In every possible way:

"Oh, hello there Melina.", letting out a low, melodious chuckle as the woman reached close and draped an arm around her shoulder, feeling that sizzling heat radiating off her body and the smooth, irresistible softness of her skin, Alisa couldn't help but arch her brow at the view the woman presented, drawing her gaze down for the briefest of moments before she looked back up into her eyes, "Good that you're finally giving me a chance to welcome you to the guild~"

Melina was defenitely doing it on purpose hmmm? Still brimming from that endorphine fueled high, the lithomancer casually draped an arm around the woman's strong waistline, shooting a cool, captivating smile as she brushed a loose black lock behind her ear:

"I'm just about done with my workout, so defenitely the latter.", she replied, leaning in, knowing two could play that game. Even now her full, generous bust heaved up and down as she slowly caught her breath, all but threatening to spill out of her tight, eye catching cleavage, rippling ever so softly as she adjusted the strap of her sports bra. A woman as gifted as herself couldn't quite run comfortably without proper support after all.

Just one look alone left little doubt regarding the intensity of her workout, after all, Alisa had completed quite a few laps around Hargeon and finished her martial arts regimen. Clad in a tight set of black yoga pants and blue sports bra, the form fitting number hugged her voluptuous shape in the most flattering way imaginable, clinging to her smooth alabaster skin, still flushed and glistening from her copious overexertion.  

"I can buy you lunch if you'd like, and after that... I'll give you a proper look around the Guild Hall~ I trust you've been getting settled in alright?", her smile brightening into a knowing look, Alisa nodded towards the nearest bakery


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:34 am

Melina Ainsworth
Non. Nein. No. The moment the guild mistress of Blue Pegasus turned her eyes downwards to try and steal a look, she would find one of Melina’s legs answering her. The Drider used her front right leg to lift Alissa’s chin up, seeking nothing less than to force her to look up into her eyes. It said a lot without saying anything, namely that Melina considered her eyes to be on her face and not her chest. “My eyes are up here” and all that you know. Still, now that message had been delivered Melina lowered her leg back to the ground, its pointed end returning to supporting her body’s mass.

Hmmm thank you Alisa. I’ve seen you around a few times but haven’t had the option to make your acquaintance.” The Drider spoke with her voice like a bird’s song, a gentle tone of relaxed whimsy and casual confidence Ah. So that’s what Alisa wanted. A little bit of physical intimacy. Hmmm….no~ You’ll have to wait a bit for that Alisa. It may have been a little harsh on Melina’s part, to offer Alissa some bait and then pull it away, but she always preferred to know just where she stood with people.

Melina grasped the arm that sought to wrap around her waist, holding it at bay, keeping it back with a wink from all four of her right eyes, namely the large lower one were a human’s eye would be and then the three smaller ones set into her forehead. Still, it was undeniable that the Guild Mistress of Blue Pegasus had her own appeals. She was the leader of Blue Pegasus after all; being physically attractive did seem to be one of the requirements at the end of the day.

Oh yes. I’ve settled in very well. Oh? That’s very generous of you. Buying a girl dinner. What a gentlelady you are~” The Drider chuckled to herself, accepting the offered meal. She did then turn her gaze towards that bakery though, before nodding back towards Alisa, a gesture to indicate she wished for the Guild Mistress to take the lead. She was Melina’s senior after all. It was only proper that she led the way after all.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:50 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

The speed of her motions was the telltale reaction of someone whose bust is at most people's eye level, and as she nudged Alisa's chin up, she'd find that confident smile and wine red hues staring right back at her. Disappointing but she could partly relate, for she herself often had to do the same when people didn't settle for that first look and forgot where her eyes were. Far be it from her to let them sprain their necks~

"No time like the present, then.", but in the end, her eyes widened as the tall demi human batted her hand away, making her brow arch in surprise considering, well... She greeted her that way despite the two never having met one another?

Cheeky, but cute~... Alisa let out a melodious, vibrant giggle, as her idle hand rose over her mouth. Comfortable with her body, despite her rather unique appearance, but nowhere near enough to step outside her comfort zone. Truly, she had picked the right guild, for Blue Pegasus has a way of making people... Lower their inhibitions. For now though, she was content with letting Melina set the pace as she pleased:

"Fufufu~... Don't get ahead of yourself sweetie, you're only getting lunch yet~", quipping back with a teasing tone and telltale wink, Alisa peeled away, stylishly brushing her hair behind her shoulder and giving the woman her personal space back as she made way towards the bakery.

Taking the lead, she hooked a finger and motioning for her to follow as she lead the way towards the bakery she mentioned, where she sat at the neares table table and sat down, crossing those long, elegant legs underneath the table as her elbow came to rest there. Even out here, the smell of freshly baked bread tantalizing her sense of smell the whole way through

"So how are you finding Hargeon, Melina?", she mused, arching her brow as she cradled her cheek in one hand, a curious, captivating smile on her face, all of her attention dedicated to her intriguing new guildmate.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:37 pm

Melina Ainsworth
Oh no worries about that. I’m a very patient lady.” Melina would vacate the leisure centre then, following behind Alisa, keeping pace with the Guild Mistress until they found themselves at the bakery. It was a rather quaint little setting. Reclaimed wood panelling for the walls matched with the wood flooring, paired with chairs that…honestly left a lot to be desired. They were those easy to clean plastic chairs, and tables too for that matter, you always found in chain places. It was rather a shame really…but no matter. So long as the food was good.

Melina joined her Guild Mistress, taking a seat opposite her…or not. You see, human chairs were a little…small for Melina. She could at least rest her abdomen upon the chair, mind you but without a couch or a bench, she’d have to spend most of this meal standing. It was a common set of circumstances for the Drider. Ones she was rarely satisfied with but had at least gotten used to. After all, since when would the entire world redesign everything just for the unique physiology of four people? All of whom resided within one city.

Oh? A rather odd question. I have lived in Hargeon since I was born.” It was a rather oddly phrased question indeed, one that almost made it seem like Alisa was labouring under the impression Melina was new here. It was true she had been a shadow member (her own little term for one who was officially counted among Blue Pegasus’s ranks but rarely did anything) for most of her time as a member but that was something she was changing.

Hmmm…I wonder what they serve…” Melina mused to herself, well aware of the simple and straightforward answer being “baked goods” but that was as vague and unhelpful an answer as it was pedantic and to the point. Ah, guess she would need to check the menu. All the Drider knew for sure that she wanted was something with meat in it. A pie maybe? A pastie? Or perhaps a sausage roll. The options would, hopefully, be as numerous and varied as they should be in a bakery.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:37 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

Alisa chuckled at her words, well, she could imagine that considering she'd been in the guild as long as she had while staying in the shadows the whole time. For a moment, the sculptress hung by the edge of the seat... Indeed, Melina was a big woman, which was why she opted to stay outside rather than torturing her with trying to eat inside the small bakery. Even then, she still waited to see if the woman could make herself comfortable here or whether they'd need to find a different place, and then and only then did she finally took her seat:

"Ohooo? Quite impressive how you managed to elude my notice up until now.", Alisa crooked her brow, leaning into the table ever so subtly. She always prided herself in knowing all about her new members, though she wasn't nearly so efficient at finding out about members who predated her inauguration as Guild Master, which seemed to be the case of Melina, to the point where she even assumed her to be a new member, "Well, I certainly hope to see you around more often from now on."

Alisa shook her head, but for the most part let those questions pass her by unanswered, no point dwelling in the past after all, when the present looks oh so utterly fascinating, and right here in front of her. Her lips curled wider as she found she'd much rather have learned about Melina from the woman herself rather than some dusty old file from Lance or Belladonna's day. Fetching a tiny little menu just casually draped over the table, Alisa merely touched and flipped it around, moving it back towards Melina for she already knew most everything she could find here. And more importantly, she already knew what to order. Thus, Alisa gave Melina a few moments to look at the

"The croissants here are to die for~ Seems like every other bakery in Hargeon makes excellent ones.", she smiled, leaning back into her chair with a faint jostle of her bust, raising her finger with a smile as a waiter passed her by, looking rather stunned by the sight of the two women as, "Hello~ For me I'd like a ham and cheese croissant and some orange juice, and for her...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:15 pm

Melina Ainsworth
Hmmm…..is it? I suppose it must be…” That was what Melina said in her casual and relaxed tone of voice but her mind had a very different story in well, mind. Had she only occasionally visited Blue Pegasus to take on some quests when she needed some extra money? Yes. Had she actively gone out of her way to hide her presence from the Guild Mistress? No. Oh heavens no. It was a total assumption on the Drider’s part but maybe Alisa just was not as attentive as she seemed to be implying? Or maybe circumstances had just conspired to always make the two miss each other. Yes, the second one seemed far more likely.

Well, I do find myself possessed of a sudden need to earn some additional pocket change, with my apprenticeship coming to an end. I’m not really sure what I’ll do once I finish my training but no matter what path I go, I will need money.” At that, Melina’s voice trailed off a little as she pondered the future, her attention wandering back to that age-old question of what she was going to do with her life. No matter the answer, it was an undeniable law of this world that you needed money. Be it to buy your own house, start your own business or just to avoid starving to death, one did need money.

The Drider was pulled from her thoughts not by the noise of Alisa speaking but by the menu slid towards her. The woman’s many eyes could not fail to notice such a thing, what with the wider range of vision they granted compared to a human’s. She cast her eyes down to the menu, scooping it up with the chitin covered fingers she sported, her vision now perusing the menu. Rather odd for a bakery to have a menu on its tables. You tended to just go up to the counter and pick what you wanted from what they had to offer. Guess this place was more like a cafe…

A pastie please. Chicken and vegetables. I’ll take a cream tea for afterwards as well.” Melina then would rested her arms upon the table, using them to prop her head up, a gentle and unassuming smile decorating her features. Surprisingly, and as tempting as it was, Melina’s gaze did not stray down to the generous amount of…development possessed of a certain Guild Mistress. Instead, she focused upon her face and those delightful violet eyes of her’s.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:56 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

"Mmm, understandable, it's always better to have some spending money on hand.", Alisa nodded, a lopsided smile drawing on her face as she thought back to the looming spectre of war between guilds, one that had lingered over her head ever since she killed Odin. Eternal Nightmare had been plagued with instability ever since, but if they decided to seek payback, they'd need to be prepared, and having money to spend made everything easier. Still, Alisa mentioned none of this, not as to scare Melina beyond what she might have already heard, "It's alright, most likely you'll just realize what it is you need to do when the time comes."

Hardly uncommon around these parts, where plenty of bakeries double as cafés, understandably so since plenty of people enjoyed stopping by for a quick snack amidst their leisurely stroll, possibly inbetween some shopping. Alisa was used to it by now, she could stroll into any sweet smelling food place and grab herself a bite, no matter where in Hargeon she decided to finish her workout:

"Right away miss.", quick and efficiently, the waiter scribbled down their orders and walked back inside, leaving Alisa to turn her gaze back to her companion, catching the woman's looking right back into hers without flinching.

Alisa didn't really mind it when people's eyes wander, after all, admiring her only meant they had good taste, so long as they managed to do so discreetly enough not as to make her forget they were still, well, talking to her. At the same time, she could just as easily notice how somebody was actively avoiding glancing down, which was almost as flattering when she thought about it, enough to make those plush pink lips curl just a bit wider:

"Though if you'd like you could ask Daiko or Esperia to take you on some missions.", though Melina's rank might be a little limiting, the company of a higher rank mage would help her take missions above that and that way climb the ladder significantly faster.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:38 pm

Melina Ainsworth
Daiko and Esperia…hmm… I have heard those names amid the gossiping of the guild but, shamefully, I seem to have not yet made their acquaintance.” Melina mused to herself but the facts she had spoken of should come as no surprise. Until recently, she had not been devoting a great deal of time to hanging about the guild and bonding with her fellow members of Blue Pegasus. That was when it hit her, a sudden bolt of inspiration, a strike of creation from up above. Melina’s eyes took on an amused twinkle, her lips pulling back in a smirk of amusement. Oh she had a WONDERFUL idea!

Say….I’ve just had a delightful idea. You know how I mentioned I’ve got that apprenticeship? Well, just in case I did not say it is one in the realm of tailoring. Making clothes and whatnot. Blue Pegasus is known as the most beautiful guild, and rightly so with people such as myself in it.” The Drider paused to chuckle at that, her pride and self-confidence exposed for all to see, before opting to consider. Her idea was a very good one mind you and it would simply not do for it to be kept to herself.

Let’s put on a fashion show. We can show off to Hargeon, I can present my work and even get a little bit more chummy with my fellow guild members~ Oh. We should make it a charity event too. Foster some good will among the community. I’ll even make the stars of the catwalk some custom garments for the show. What do you say Alisa?” The Drider seemed to puff her chest out with that, filled with pride at what she considered to be a very good idea. Was it something guilds tended to dabble in? No. Not at all. Was a charity fashion show a great way to raise money to fund some real, meaningful projects to improve lives beyond the scope of just doing quests? Yes.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:21 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

"Won't be too hard, both of them stand out quite a bit in their own ways.", she added, honestly finding it a little surprising that she hadn't even met two of the flashier members of the guild, or even seeing them, but at the same time she didn't really know how much of an effort Melina had put into laying low, so she opted to focus on what she saw in front of them, "And they're both quite keen to... Oh?"

In the end, she leaned back into the table, tucking one arm under the fullness of her bust as her hand hooked into the back of the other elbow, the other hand cupping her cheek as she leaned back in, visibly interested... But even then nothing quite prepared her for what came next:

"My myyy~... You're just full of surprises, hmm, Melina~?", Alisa all but cooed, as this was the first time she was hearing about this.

Indeed, Melina must be quite the reserved woman to have kept such talent under wraps in a guild so keen on looking for it at every opportunity. That cool, captivating smile brightened, a glimmer in her eyes as the part time model all but beamed, a faint glimmer in her eyes. These days, she never did any impromptu fashion shows like this anymore... All of her recent modelling work boiled down to the occasional centerfold for Sorcerer's magazine, for her work kept her much too busy for the odd stylish to approach her with such tantalizing offers. Alisa bit her lip:

"Mmmm, make me an offer I can't refuse, will you~?", she chimed, winking playfully at the drider, brushing that long, flowing black hair behind her shoulder as she added, "Though I have to ask, what manner of outfits do you usually make. I'm quite curious to see just what exactly are you signing me up here for."

Her sculpting, her beloved Sofia's writing... Mimi's painting and Manzo's cooking, and now... Melina's sweing. Indeed Blue Pegasus catered to all kinds of artists. But as Alisa's eyes narrowed, that hint of interest peered through, the kind of insatiable curiousity that wouldn't yield until she had a look at Melina's work for herself.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:31 am

Melina Ainsworth
What can I say, the depths of my intrigues are something I do like to surprise people with. Life is more enjoyable with an element of the unknown to it, wouldn’t you say?” Melina spoke with that sing song voice of her’s, one that would have made her a good singer if she cared enough to practise , all the while maintaining her expression of amused smugness and gleeful amusement. Melina could tell she had managed to attract the curiosity and interest of Blue Pegasus’s Guild Mistresses though. Good. Very very good. That was exactly what the spider wanted to happen.

Hmm? Well, I make anything really. My employer does commission work as well as more generic garments. I’ve made custom dresses and party wear, work shirts, run of the mill trousers, jumpers and all sorts really. But if you’re asking what I prefer making the most…….” Melina’s voice trailed off at that, indecision and a genuine lack of awareness as to what she actually liked making. Hmm….if you asked Melina what she liked wearing, that would have been a far easier question but as to what she liked making…?

Hmmm I admittedly don’t prefer making one kind of clothing over the other. I gleam most of my enjoyment from people wearing them, you know? Clothes are meant to be worn by people after all.” That revealed the truth of Melina’s attitude. The true value of a garment was not in whether it was pretty but in whether it's true beauty was drawn out by the one wearing it and vice versa. Both statements were, as far as the Drider was concerned, true.

Hmm. Come visit my place some time. We’ve got a few of my jumpers in stock still. They’ve been going rather quickly in fact.” That tended to be the case for the winter months. Even in Hargeon, a port town that was lovely during the summer, was unable to escape the biting winds of winter. In fact, given how it faced the sea it tended to have colder winters entirely due to cold winds blowing in from the open oceans.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:03 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

"Mmmm, that makes sense~... Any artist can take pride in a perfect piece regardless of what kind of article it is in the first place.", even she herself seldom knew where her fingers would lead her everytime she set out to carve herself a new sculpture.

In the end it felt almost as though the stone had a will of its own and her sole task was merely bringing it to life. Far from the most typical sculpturs, Alisa relied on her own magic to carve shapes out of crystals, so granted she imagined her view on her own craft may be somewhat unique. Naturally, every artist looks at it from a different perspective, even those who work in the same craft or even under the same teacher.

"Which makes me all to curious to see just what manner of outfits you're seeing me in.", she teased, folding her arms under her chest as her elbows came to rest over the table, leaning in as her lips curled wider, nodding as the drider offered her to visit, "Sounds like a plan~ We can go there after this mean if you're interested."

She never even bothered to conceal that palpable curiosity anymore, she'd met plenty of artists throughout her time in Blue Pegasus, but despite the fact that such a large percentage of the guild was so mindful of fashion, none of them that she knew of had dabbled in it beyond picking the right clothes to wear. Actually meeting a fashion designer in the flesh, well... Now that was quite the refreshing experience:

"Oh, thank you~...", in the end, Alisa's peering gaze turned from Melina to the waiter as he came back, placing the croissant she'd ordered and Melina's own lunch in front of them. Alisa took a long, deep breath, breathing in that scent of fresh, lightly heated bread that already made her mouth water even before she picked it up, and gracefully brushed a loose black lock behind her ear as she took a single dainty bite, hand over her mouth as she savoured her post workout meal, "Mmmm... Delicious as ever."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:36 pm

Melina Ainsworth
I’m glad you understand~ But, sadly, I don’t really have the time to show you around my place of work today. I’ll bring some around to the guild sometimes though. I could use a model to ensure the fit is decent for a client anyway and you look to be about their size.” Melina had to restrain herself at that, having been so incredibly tempted to actually ask the guild mistress what her sizes were but she had to restrain herself. That was the last thought that crossed Melina’s head as she devoted her focus to eating. She was more than a little peckish by this point.

The Drider dived into her pastie, taking carefully sized bites so as to not burn her mouth. One may not think from the external temperature but pasties, or at the very least their filling, tended to be a real scorcher. Perhaps worryingly though, the conversation seemed to have petered out surprisingly quickly. Having said she was not exactly able to show Alisa around her place of business was to blame for that. It had, at least as far as Melina was concerned, put an end to that topic.

Why had she said it though? In truth, socialising was an exhausting thing for Melina. She was good at it, immensely so don’t get me wrong, but it drained her energy more than any other thing in the entire world. Ah, yes there was one thing to ask about….

Are you any good at teaching magic? It is uncommon in my family.” Yes. If Melina was to be a true mage and be more active as one, then she would need to better perform magic would she not? That required a teacher or some other means to better improve her skills.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:22 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

"Mmmm, that's too bad. Still, I'll accept your offer~... Come find me in the Guild Hall when you need a model.", Alisa shook her head, a smidge of disappointment crossing her face, yet understanding, after all not every artist is comfortable showing their workplace. In the end, those last words all but hinted at where her focus had wandered, Alisa's eyes narrowing with a sly, teasing smile drawing on those plush pink lips, "My my, to think you were taking my measurements this whole time~"

Alisa took her time savouring her freshly baked croissant, taking small bites inbetween sips of her orange juice, that freshness like a perfect slice of heaven after a long, exhausting workout where she felt like she'd lost half her body weight in sweat. No matter how strong she became, Alisa never ceased trying to push herself, even if it meant running multiple laps around the city. She didn't think too much on why Melina declined on showing her around the workshop, opting to respect her guildmates privacy and simply relishing this delectable treat right in front of her. Neither did she care much for the awkward silence, after all, far from elegant to speak with your mouth full. As such, she held her hand over her mouth once her next question reached her ears:

"I am, I've taught quite a few people, both in the guild and outside of it. Good to see you interested in improving your magic~", Alisa nodded, brow arching as she met those vibrant eyes, her curiosity growing with every single word shared between the two of them, "Though what manner of magic do you favour?"

She tilted her head slightly, indulging in that curiosity towards someone who was almost a new member in her eyes, considering she'd never had the chance to interact with her up until now.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:58 pm

Melina Ainsworth
“Hmmm…….” Melina’s voice was drawn out, her tone a soft musing, a devious little idea forming in her mind. With a cheeky grin on her face, the drider climbed out of her seat and clambered over the table, swiftly approaching the Guild Mistress before her. She reached towards them and gently held their face but suddenly, the Drider formed a magical chain from darkness before using it to bind Alissa to her chair. It probably wouldn’t do much, not given the abilities of Blue Pegasus’s leader, but it did serve one other purpose.

“Hmm~ I could have just told you but I think you want this more? You have been looking at me an awful lot…still. That is my magic. I am what one might call a user of dark magic, namely the ability to craft objects and projectiles from the very stuff of shadows.” She almost sat her upper body in Alisa’s lap, reaching out with her pedipalps, to cut the shadowy chains binding Alisa free. They vanished into the air, fading away as if but motes of dust upon the breeze.

The Drider retreated away from Alisa, returning to her side of the table, before taking a rather meaty bite from her pastry. She sat there, calmly and with a level of casual relaxation as if nothing at all had happened which it hadn’t. Not a single thing had happened. All the Drider had done was demonstrate her magic and then take a bite from her food. The smile on her face could only really be described as a shit eating grin, a cocky little expression that hid deviousness behind faux innocence.

She took another bite from her food, chewing gently and softly, before wiping her face clean having now finished her meal. It was time for dessert, or at the very least for what was as much a dessert as it was a meal in its own right.


Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Tue Dec 06, 2022 6:11 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @"Melina" | SPORTY

Alisa looked at the woman with interest, following her as she approached and cupped her chin, only for her eyes to flare as conjured a magic circle, quickly producing darkness element chains that strapped her to the chair, forcing her legs tightly together and her arms against her torso. My my~... For somebody who claimed to be a novice, that's not bad at all. Her surprise trailed off into a sultry, melodious chuckle as she took in her words in stride, meeting those gorgeous eyes even as the woman all but sat on her lap, her full chest all but squishing into the larger woman's until both would inevitably feel a subtle tingle of sensation. Alisa arched her back subtle, just enough to remind Melina of just how close she was sitting, her confident smile not fading for even a second as she replied:

"Naturally, a beautiful picture is worth a thousand words. Would be a waste to refuse it~", she chimed, her plush lips widening as she met Melina's gaze and winked. Beauty was meant to be admired, after all, "I see. And you seem awfully skilled at it... Are you quite certain you even need my help? You seem to be doing quite handsomely on your own~"

Indeed, bindings wouldn't have posed a threat to her in the heat of battle, and they defenitely didn't do so here. However, they did earn an arched brow as Alisa glanced down, admiring the strength of the binding, far stronger than she'd expect of a spell of that rank. Not bad~... As expected of a spider demi human seamstress, the woman certainly seemed skilled at sewing people to objects. Alisa squirmed softly in her seat, slight motions, all but testing out the strength of the binding before letting out a low, appreciating hum. Yup, Melina defenitely had potential, far more than her current rank would suggest. Alisa liked that. Always easier to teach somebody with a trove of talent to work with, like sculpting a diamond in the rough:

"Still, very interesting how this was the method you chose to demonstrate. Is that a penchant of yours or just force of habit~?", Alisa quipped with a teasing tone, winking at the drider the drider as she skittered back to her seat, the sculptress too scooting her legs back into place and crossing them under the table once more.

Indeed, she knew Melina was defenitely going to entertain her here~ She could catch that cheekiness a mile away behind that mock display of innocence, and merely chuckled back, taking another bite of her croissant, wrapping up her meal then finishing off with a good, long gulp of her orange juice, until a lone orange droplet trickled down to her chin until Alisa caught it with her napkin.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Melina Ainsworth 

Flexibility and reach. (Alisa) Empty Thu Dec 08, 2022 3:56 pm

Melina Ainsworth
“Mmmm. I’ll let you think about that.” She deflected the question, opting not to answer. It was more fun that way really…but in truth Melina quite frankly didn’t want the real reason known. She was not even sure what that reason was herself in all honesty. Hm….The Drider rested her arm upon the table, propping her head up, pondering why she was seemingly so very adverse to sharing her reasoning….ah. That was why. Yeah. She knew why she had done it in such a…….intrusive manner.

“In fact, because you’re cute I’ll tell you. I had an inkling that you had a weakness for bondage, or similarly sexual approaches. You do strike me as a little weak to physical intimacy, especially if there’s an element of sexual boldness to it.” The Drider answered, speaking with calm neutrality and apathetic detachment, having basically called Alisa a horny little fiend through all the fanciful language she had employed.

“But let’s not get too distracted, shall we? As I said, I am looking for one who can teach me. The basics I have a fundamental grasp of but…I’m looking for something a little more advanced so yes, I am certain I need the help.” The Drider’s voice trailed off as she flagged down her waitress, letting her know she was ready for the cream tea before turning her attention back to Alisa. What the leader of the guild did not know was that Melina once had a teacher in her mother but…she had passed away.

Melina’s cream tea was brought over, consisting of a pot of tea, a cup and saucer, a plate and a scorn as well as a simple tub of whipped cream and jam. The Drider soon got to work, jam on top of cream, as she poured a cup of tea for herself. It did not take her long to finish off the last of her food and with that, Melina would rise from her seat but not before saying one final thing.

“Hmmm well. Thank you for the company Alisa…and if you do find out about a decent teacher, let me know~” With that, Melina was gone. She paid for her food and made her way out, delving into the depths of the city on her way home.

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