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Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra]

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Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:03 pm

There was something disgusting about how the situation in Hargeon was playing out. Not just the nature of it itself, but rather as well the fact that it was now beginning to drag in people like Vyra. Yes, she had been complicit in some respects given her willingness to rob from the trading companies for the sake of her own survival. But that was hardly something isolated. Plenty of people had been taking advantage of this sort of trade war taking place between both the trading companies and the politicians well before even Vyra had found herself taking for herself. But, those who were involved and caught often were met with a very punishing result, Vyra was more an outlier, someone whom had a known role within this sytem, but also someone who could not be touched given her relationship to Alisa. As such, while others were subjected to harsh punishments that were by some even considered heavy handed, Vyra received what could have been regarded as a much lighter sentence.



Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:03 pm

By itself, nothing special, nothing that was too dangerous, and as an added thing, one that could have as much been something that was attributed to confusion or misinformation. Vyra was expected to arrive at some location in one of the more dead parts of Hargeon; dead more in the sense of a general lack of traffic, seldom few people having reason to be around here outside of genuine work-related matters, thus at night, when she was expected to arrive, it would be a rarity to find anyone at all performing any honest tasks. Or anyone at all. It had lent to a very strange situation where it was genuinely a dead area in the evenings, which let many to wonder why it was that more people were not conducting business from there, or even why so many people had opted to work there. Even among those whom engaged in more sinister and shady dealings, it was an idea that seemed to never dawn upon them, the idea of relocating their places of operation towards there.



Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:03 pm

To Vyra’s benefit, and that of the people whom were hiring her to carry out this job, it had as much become a place for political action groups set up within Hargeon to conduct themselves. Though the politicians often sought to be seen in public, having set up their primary bases of operation, both for their actual work, but also for fundraising sake, within the more main part of Hargeon, it was here that they had their under the radar group assigned areas situated. These were where the shady dealings went through, where interns went through legislature, figuring out what was legal, what wasn’t, what they could get away with, what they couldn’t, and even more, where much of the drafting of the legislature that they were trying to push was being developed on. That was why Vyra was there, to not only confirm whether or not that a particular piece of legislature was being developed, but also if it was, that she go ahead and take it.



Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:04 pm

She had hardly been given much information to go off of in her search for whatever it was that she was supposed to find. A rough draft of some sort of legislature that would have limited the capabilities of the Hargeon Docks to deliver goods and services outside of the defined perimeters that made up Hargeon City. That was what she was supposed to find, something as specific as that, in a place that she had no idea how large it was, if it was protected at all, that no doubt had all sorts of books, documentation, and other things that this one particular thing that she was supposed to find may have been there or not. It was not quite so much frustrating as it was thinking that this was something that she was perhaps the last person who was qualified or otherwise capable of taking care. Yet, she tried to find it, and it did not seem to go quite well, most of what she was looking for ultimately not being distinguishable from the numerous other documents that existed inside there.



Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:04 pm

Papers thrown about, books opened and then ignored, there were no shortage of evidence to someone having been snooping. Vyra didn’t exactly try to be subtle about it, simply going around and seeing what she could, hoping for an answer, some evidence that she was tasked with finding. What she was coming away with though was nothing, nothing but frustration and disappointment. Another book that had nothing within it meant opening another, which meant opening up a collection of papers, which when they provided nothing, meant another. It was an endless cycle of trying to find a piece of hay within a hay stack, one that was leaving the Demi-Human was a growing sense that it would have been impossible to accomplish this task. More time passed and the search continued, on the surface appearing more and more fruitless, near up to the point that she had torn the place apart save for the very floorboards within the building.



Mapping Theft [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:04 pm

The fruitlessness of the search was exactly what was needed, with Vyra seeming to finally find something that was worthwhile, namely that of a small folder, one that seemed to have a ton of papers concerning the recent riots and efforts by the trading companies to deal with the post-riot efforts. With too many papers, it was clear that she had neither the time nor the patience to go through them all on her own, but it would be easy enough to just take them all and then worry about that later. It was clear enough that the nature of what the people wanted was probably somewhere within these documents, so once they were in her possession, she departed as quickly as able, making sure to disappear without having been noticed, as seldom of a chance of that actually happening given how quiet the street was. That aside, it was something that Vyra felt awkward towards nonetheless in having conducted for, yet did all the same.


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